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Find a and , if (a+b, 2b-3)+(4,-5)

Q.20 Find the domain of the function f(x) =√ −


Q.21 Let Z1 =4+7i and Z2 =1-i for what value of ...,Z1+...Z2 in purely

Q.22 write √ -i in parlor form.

Express ( 4-3i)2 3 in the form a+ib

Q.23 Draw the graph of the function for =3.5 write the relation R
defined as R={(x, x+5): x {0,1,2,3,} in roster form.

Q.24 Which is larger (1.1) 10,000 or 1000?

Find the forth term in the expansion of +

Q.25 If A= {X: X £ N and X is a multiple of 3}

B= {X: X £ N and X is a multiple of 5}

Write AOB in the set builder for.

Q.26 IF ACB Prone that B1C A1


Q.27 Prove that Cotx, Cot2x- Cot2x Cot3x-Cot3x Cotx=1


Solve for X:√ Cosx +Sinx=√

Q.28 Using the principle of mathematical induction, prove that

3.22 +3223+3324+--------------+ 3x2x+1 + ( − )

Class XI

Note Each Question of section A,B,C and d has 1,2,4, and 6 marks


Q.1 tan in equal to

a. √ b. c. d. -√
√ √

Q.2 Given set A={x: is a solution of x2-5x+6=0} and set B= {-2-3}

then A-B is

a. A b. B c. {-2} d. {-3}

Q.3 Total number of terms in the expansion is (x3+3x2+3x+1)10 .

a. 11 b. 21 c. 30 d. 31
Q.4 If Cosd Cosb-Sind Sinb-1=0, then Sind+Sinb is

a.2 b.1 c-1 d.0

Q.5 If xc5 = nc7, then xcx-2 is-

a.132 b. 66 c. 120 d. 6

Q.6 Multiplicative immerse of 4-ei is

a. b. c. d.

Q.7 If the 17th and 18th terms in the expansion of (2+a)50 are equal
then value of a is -

a. 2 b. 3 c. 1 d. 15

Q.8 If F: R R given by F(x) =x2+3 then pre-image of 2 under F is

a. 7 b. 5 c.-1 d. Does not exist

Q.9 In a metro station there are three entry gaits and trust outgoing
gates. The number of ways in which a person can enter the
metro and goes out is 5 State true or False.


Class XII

Note: Each question of section A,B,C and D has 1,2,4, and 6 marks

Q.1 Q1-3 State true or False.

The exponential function F:R R defined by F(x) = is on


Q.2 Function F(x)=1x-31 is differentiable at x=0

Q.3 [io o1] is the multipicture identity for matrix A=

Q.4 If for matrix A, | |=5, Find | |, where matrix = A is of order


Q.5 Given a 2×2 matrix A= [aij] where aij=

Q.6 Write find of tangent drawn to the curve y=Sinx at the point

Fill in the blanks Q7-9

Q.7 The value of sec2 (Tan-14) + Casec2(cot-13) is ( )

Q.8 If the matrix A= is symmetric then value of x is ( )

Q.9 IF = where x and B are outs angles, then of

(x+b) is. ( )
Class XI

Note: Each question of section A,B,C and D has 1,2,4, and 6 marks

Q.1 tan is equal to .

a.√ b. − c. d.−√
√ √

Q.2 Given set A= {x: x is a solution of x2-5x+6 =0} are set B={-2,-3],
then A-b is_

a. A b. B c. {-2} d. {-3}

Q.3 Total number of terms in the expansion of (x3+3x2+3x+1)10 is-

a. 11 b. 21 c. 30 d.31

Q.4 If Cos X Cos B- Sin X Sin B-1=0, then Sin D+ Sin B is-

a. 2 b.1 c.-1 d.0

Q.5 If xc5= xc7, then xcx-2 is-

a. 132 b. 66 c. 120 d.6

Q.6 Multiplicative inverse of 4-3i is

a. b. c. d.
Q.7 If the 17th and18th terms in the expansion of (2+a)50 are equal,
then of a is-

a.2 b. 3 c.1 d.15

Q.8 If F: R R, given by F(x) = x2+3, then pre-image of 2 under F is

a. 7 b. 5 c.-1 d. Does not exist

Q 9&12 true /False

Q.9 In a metro, there are there entry gates and two outgoing gates
number ways in which a person car enter the metro and out is
5. State true or False


Q.10 If = , then value of x is

л л л
a. b. c. d. =0

Q.11 If Y=Log x, then is-

a. b. c. d. 1

Q.12 For what value of K the function

F(x)= =
a. 2 b. 1 c. 4 d.

Q.13 Rate of hange of value a sphere of diameter л with respect to л


a. 4л л2 b. л л2 c. л л2 d. л л2

Q.14 I F(x) =X+1 then is

a. 1 b. 2 c. x d. (x+1)2

Q.15 ∫ dx is

a. 0 b. 1 c. -1 d. None of there

Q.16 Domain of Sin-1 3x is

a. [-1, 1] b.[-3,3] c. − d. None of these

Q.17 ∫ − dx is equal to

a. e b. (e-1) c.0 d. (e-1)

Q.18∫ dx is
a. 1+ tan-1 x+c b. 1-2tan-1x+c

c.tan-1 x+c d. x-2 tan-1 x+c

Q.19 ∫ dx is equal to

a. log +c b. x=log (x-1)+C c. 1+log (x-1)2 d. None of these

Q.20 The print on the curve Y=x2-4x+5 where target to the curve is
parallul to the x-airs is-

a. (1,2) b. (-1,-2) c. (2,1) d. (-2,1)

Q.21 Evaluate tan-1 (tan )

Q.22 Show that F(x) Sin x, x (O, л) is not -me function.

Q.23 Find range of the function F(x) =

Q.24 For what value of x, the matrix is singular


if A-1 and B-1 them find (AB)-1 them find (AB)-


2 л
Q.25 If Y= + find + at

If √ + =5 Find + at ,

Evaluate ∫ dx

Using Principal of mathematical induction prone that 12+22+32=------

( )( )

Q.30 Solve Sin 2x-Sin 4x+Sin 6x =0

Q.31 Find the domain and range of the function

F(x) = , XER, X≠ ≠1}

Q.32 Using binomial theorem, prove that 6x-5x always leaves

reminder 1 when divided by 25.


Q.33 A committee of 8 students is to be selected from 8 boys and 6

girls =,in how ways this can be done if each graph is to conies
of at least 3 boys and 3 girls.


In how money ways can the letters of the used PERMUTATIONs be

arranged, if the -
a. Word stats with p and ends if the.

b. Vowels are all together

c. There are always 4 litters between P and 5.

Q.34 Draw appropriate Vern diagram for each of the following

i. AUB ii. (A1∆B1) iii. A1∆B1 iv. (A∆B)1

Q35. Draw rough sketch of the graph of the following functions.

i. F(x) =| | ii. F(x) x2 iii. Signum Funct

Q.36 640 liters of milk is diluted at home by seller by adding some

water to it so that milk concentration A is reduced between 65% and
70%. How muse water has been added.


Solve the following system of inequalities groptiattes 3x+y<60,

x+3y<30, x >o, y>o

Q.34 Cheek the contrite of F at x=-3 and x=3 whereF is defined as


+ <−
F (x)= − − < <
+ >
Q.35 Show that volume of the greatest cylinder which can be

inscribed a come of height H and semi vertical angle x is л H3



Ø л
Prove that F(O)= -Ø is aninerasing functionof Ø [0, ]

Q.36 Using integration, find the area of the region in the first
quadrant enclosed by x-airs, the line y=√ x and the circl
Q.10 If P= {1,2} and Q={a,b} P×Q={1,a) (2,bs5} state true or false.

Q.11 Solution of 3x->-2x+6, X £N is-

a. x>5 b. x>2 c. x<2 d. x>10

Q.12 Solution of the inequality 1x 1<3 in

a. [-3,3] b. (-3,3) c.[-3,3] d. {-3,32}

Fill in the blanks 13-16

Q.13 20, 30, in radian is ( )

Q.14 is equal to ( )

Q.15 range of as R={(s, x+3)}, x £{1,2,3,}( )

Q.16 Conjugate of is ( )

Q 17-20 (Very short answer type)

Q.17 Find conjugate of (√ -i)2

Q.18, F(x) Press in the form a +ib


Using integration find the area between the curves Y=X Y=X2

Q.28 Prove that tan-1 = -x, Where O<x< л


Prove that tan-1 + tan-1 + tan-1 =

Q.29 Using properties of determinants, prove that

+ +
+ + =9 y2 (x+)
+ +

Q.30 Using elementary raw operations find the inverse of the matrix


Express the matrix − as the sum of a symmetric and

a skew symmetric matrix and verify your result.

Q.31 Evaluate ∫ ( )( )

Q.32 Evaluate ∫ ( + )

Q.33 Show that the function in A=R-{ } defined as F(x) is one

and onto hence find F-1


Let a relation R1 on the set R of real numbers be defined as (a,b) £ R1

1+ab>O for all a,b, £ R. Show that R1 is refine and symmetric but
not transitive.

| |= √ ≠∫ ∫ ≠ ∆

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