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Mathematics 8

Lesson Plan on Finding the Solution of the System of Linear Equations

January 28, 2019

A. Learning Competency Solve a System of Linear Equations in two variables by substitution .
B. Learning Outcome Solve a System of Linear Equation in two variables.
C. Learning Objectives 1. familiarize the procedures in finding the solution of the system by substitution.
(KSA) 2. Find the solution of a system of Linear Equations using substitution.
3. Cite real-life situations that relate to system of Linear Equations.
II. CONTENT Linear Equation
A. References Grade 8 Mathematics Learner’s Material
pp. 172 - 174
B. Other Resources Intermediate Algebra by Julieta G. Bernabe
A. Reviewing previous Questions to be asked.
lesson or presenting the - How will you evaluate polynomials?
new lesson - How will you find the solution of Linear Equation?
- Find the solution of the ff. equations below.
a) 2x + 4 = 12
b) -3x + 12 = x + 4
c) - 3 + 3x = 2x – 5
- Who can give me an example of Linear Equation in two variables?
- How will you graph that equation?
B. Establishing a purpose “Tasks to be done individually”
for the lesson - Draw a Cartesian plane.
- Plot the ordered pairs / points A(0,4) , B(-1,2) and C(2,0).
-Draw a straight line through points A and B then find its equation in slope-intercept form.
- Draw a straight line through points B and C then find its equation in slope-intercept form.
- What happened to the lines graphed in a Cartesian Plane?
- At what point did they intersect?
- Substitute -2x + 4 for y in the 1st equation and then solve for x.
- Substitute the value of x for x in the 2nd equation.
- Is the ordered pair formed by values of x and y the ordered pair where two lines intersect?

C. Presenting The teacher will present the algebraic method in finding a solution of the system of Linear
examples/instances of the Equation.
new lesson - Solution by Substitution

Questions to be asked:
- How do we apply the Solution by Substitution to obtain the accurate solution/s of the
System of linear equation?

D. Discussing new Question to be presented.

concepts and practicing 1. Myrna can weed the garden in 2 hrs. Ana can do it in 6 hrs. How long will it take
new skills them to weed the garden if they work together?
2. Can we apply the solution by substitution to solve the problem?
3. Is there any other to solve it?

F. Developing mastery The teacher divides the class in 4 groups. Each group is assigned with task to be presented
(Leads to Formative before the class and is rated accordingly based on the rubrics established by the teacher.
The task for each group is found below.
Group 1
Find the solution of the systems of equations by substitution.
1. y = 4x + 21
y = -3x – 7
Group 2
Find the solution of the systems of equations by substitution.
1. x+ y=1
2x - y = -13
Group 3
Find the solution of the systems of equations by substitution.
1. y = -4x - 11
3x + 2y = -2
Group 4
Find the solution of the systems of equations by substitution.
1. y = 3x/4 + 8
y = x/8 + 11/2

G. Finding practical Values: Self-confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. How can anyone
applications of concepts see how awesome you are if you can’t see it yourself.

Real problem: The conversion formula from Fahrenheit to Celsius is oC = 5/9 ( oF – 32 ).

At what temperature the oF and oC are equal?
H. Making generalizations Questions to be asked:
and abstractions about the -What is the algebraic method we use in finding the solution of the systems of equation?
lesson -How do you apply solution by substitution in finding the solution of the systems of
-When can we say that system of the equations has exactly one solution?
-When can we say that system of the equations has infinite number of solutions?
-When can we say that system of the equations has no solution?
-What situations in life relate to finding the solution of the system of the equations?
I. Evaluating learning Quiz:

Find the solution of the systems of equations by substitution.

1. y = 3x + 5
y = -5x – 3
2. x+y=9
x -y=5
3. 3x + 2y = 13
2x + 5y = 5
Solve using substitution.
1. Myra can weed a garden in 3 hours. Ana can do it 4 hours. How long will they
weed the garden if they work together?

Prepared by:

Dindo D. Retiza
Teacher I

Rubrics for the Output

Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1

Mathematical Explanation shows Explanation shows Explanation shows Explanation shows

Reasoning thorough reasoning and substantial reasoning. gaps in reasoning. illogical reasoning.
insightful justification.
Accuracy All computations are All computations are Most of the Some of the
correct and shown in correct. computations are computations are
detail. correct. correct.
Presentation The presentation is The presentation is The presentation is not The presentation is
delivered in a very delivered in a clear delivered clearly. is delivered in a
convincing manner. manner. disorganized manner.
43 out of 43 students belong to 80% mastery level during
1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
formative assessment

2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who

0 students need remediation
score below 80%

3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up
0 out of _ students have caught up with the lesson
with the lesson

4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation 0 students need a follow up remediation

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