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Schwyn and Neilands 1987

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Universal Chemical Assay for the Detection and

Determination of Siderophores’

Department of Biochemistry, University of California. Berkeley, California 94720

Received May 12, 1986

A universal method to detect and determine siderophores was developed by using their high
affinity for iron(ll1). The ternary complex chrome azurol S/iron(lII)/hexadecyltrimethylam-
monium bromide, with an extinction coefficient of approximately 100,000 M-’ cm-’ at 630
nm, servesas an indicator. When a strong chelator removes the iron from the dye, its color turns
from blue to orange. Because of the high sensitivity, determination of siderophores in solution
and their characterization by paper electrophoresis chromatography can be performed directly
on supematants of culture fluids. The method is also applicable to agar plates. Grange halos
around the colonies on blue agar are indicative of siderophore excretion. It was demonstrated
with Escherichia coli strains that biosynthetic, transport, and regulatory mutations in the
enterobactin system are clearly distinguishable. The method was successfully used to screen
mutants in the iron uptake system of two Rhizobium meliloti strains, DM5 and 1021. o 1987
Academic Press, Inc.
KEY WORDS:paper electrophoresis; chemical assay; bacterial genetic techniques; sidero-
phores; iron chelaton, iron uptake.

In an aerobic environment iron is virtually cently, mugineic acid, a phytosiderophore

insoluble at biological pH, where it exists in (9), and rhizobactin (lo), a structurally novel
the trivalent state as oxyhydroxide (1). In type of siderophore, have been the focus of
blood serum it is not readily available owing interest. Using amine, carboxylate, and alco-
to its tight bond to transferrin (2). In re- holate groups as binding sites for iron(III),
sponse, many microorganisms use a high af- such chelators lack specific moieties for
finity pathway to take up this essential ele- chemical assay and their complexes are only
ment. The transport system involves a low- weakly colored in the visible region of the
molecular-weight, Fe(III)-specific ligand, spectrum. In these cases only biological
termed siderophore (3). Previously the ma- assays, which are sensitive but tedious, are
jority of these molecules fell into either the possible (I 1). This report describes a highly
hydroxamate or the catechol classes (4). Both sensitive chemical method for the detection
functional groups are chemically detectable of siderophores, which is based on their af-
by calorimetric assays: catechols via Arnow’s finity for iron(II1) and is therefore indepen-
method (5) and hydroxamates via either the dent of the structure.
Csaky test (6), the absorbance of the iron The following chemical equation explains
complexes (7), or the competition for ferric the principle:
ions of a colored iron(II1) complex (8). Re-
FeDye3-’ + L”- * FeL3-” + Dye’-.
A strong ligand L (e.g., a siderophore) is
’ This work was supported in part by Public Health
Service Grants AM 17 146 and AI04 156 from the Na- added to a highly colored iron dye complex.
tional Institutes of Health, and by National Science When the iron ligand complex is formed, the
Foundation Grant PCM78-12 198. release of the free dye is accompanied by a

47 0003-2697187 $3.00
Copyigbt 0 1987 by Academic Ras, Inc.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

l I soti from laboratory stock. All other materials
were of the highest purity available.
“.ay-Or CH3 FeW CH3(CH2),5N+(C~)3 Glassware was cleaned with 6 M HCl.
Double distilled water was used without ex-
coo- coo- ception.
Strains (relevant genotype is given in
Chrome Azurol S HDTMA brackets). Escherichia coli: AN 194 [proC,
FIG. 1. The indicator used, a complex of unknown leu, trp, thi], AN93 [as AN194, entE],
structure comprised of chrome azurol S, iron(III), and RW193 (=ATCC 33475) [as AN194, entA],
HDTMA, has an extinction coefficient of approximately BN0203 [as AN194,fepB], and 294(pColV-
100,000 M-’ cm-’ at 630 nm and pH 5.6. K30) [thi] were from the laboratory collec-
tion. AB401 [his, arg, leu, thr, thi] and
Ab4020 [his, arg, thr, thi, fur] were con-
color change. With EDTA as ligand L the structed by A. Bagg in this laboratory. Rhi-
color change occurs near the endpoint of a zobium meliloti: 102 1 was provided by Dr. S.
complexometric titration ( 12). Hence indi- Long (Stanford University). DM5 is a spon-
cators used for the determination of iron(II1) taneous, streptomycin-resistant mutant, de-
by this well known analytical method should rived from DM4 (15), and was provided by
be suitable for our purpose. Chrome azurol S Dr. P. Gill in this laboratory. 102 F28, the
(Fig. 1) was chosen, because a similar com- parent strain of DM4, and 102 F34 were ob-
pound (chrome azurol B) was used, together tained from Dr. K. T. Shanmugam (Univer-
with HDTMA,2 to determine serum iron and sity of California, Davis). Rhodotorula pi-
was reported to have an extremely high sensi- limanae UCD 67-64 was from the laboratory
tivity (13). collection.
CAS assay solutions. A 6-ml volume of 10
MATERIALS AND METHODS mM HDTMA solution was placed in a lOO-
Reagents. CAS and HDTMA were pur- ml volumetric flask and diluted with water.
chased from Fluka Chemical corporation. A mixture of 1.5 ml iron(II1) solution (1 mrvr
Anhydrous piperazine and 5-sulfosalicylic FeCl, * 6H2O, 10 mM HCl) and 7.5 ml 2 mM
acid were procured from Sigma Chemical aqueous CAS solution was slowly added
Company. Pipes (free acid) was obtained under stirring. A 4.307-g quantity of anhy-
from U.S. Biochemical Corporation. Stock drous piperazine was dissolved in water and
solutions of neutralized succinic acid and 6.25 ml of 12 M hydrochloric acid was care-
casamino acids (Difco Laboratories, acid-hy- fully added, This buffer solution (pH = p&
drolyzed) were deferrated by extraction with = 5.6) was rinsed into the volumetric flask
3% (w/w) 8-hydroxyquinoline in chloroform which was then filled with water to afford
solution. MM9 growth medium was derived 100 ml of CAS assay solution. The CAS
from M9 (14) by reduction of the phosphate shuttle solution was obtained by adding 5-
to 0.03% KH2P04 and was supplemented sulfosalicylic acid to the above solution at a
with an adequate buffer. Deferriferrioxamine concentration of 4 IIIM. The solutions were
B was procured from Ciba-Geigy Corpora- stored in the dark. A reversible crystalliza-
tion. The other siderophores were taken tion took place in the CAS shuttle solution
below 25°C. After months of storage an in-
crease in the absorbance was observed owing
* Abbreviations used: CAS, chrome azurol S; DHBA, to pickup of trace metals in glass flasks pre-
2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid; EDDA, ethylenediamine-
NJ”-bis(2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid); HDTMA, hexa- viously cleaned with 6 M HCl. Hence, storage
decyltrimethylammonium bromide; Pipes, 1,4-pipera- in polyethylene bottles is recommended.
zinediethanesulfonic acid. Determination of siderophores in solution.

A 0.5-ml aliquot of siderophore solution or the supematant was assayed for siderophores
supematant containing less than 7.5 nmol of as described above. E. coli strains were
the iron chelator was mixed with 0.5 ml CAS grown in MM9, Tris buffer, casamino acids
assay solution. A reference was prepared (0.3%), thiamine - HCl (2 ppm), and succi-
using exactly the same components except nate (0.2%) at 37°C; Rhizobium meliloti
the siderophore (e.g., the uninoculated me- were grown in MM9, Tris buffer, casamino
dium used for culture of the bacteria or acids (0.3%), L-glutamic acid (0.05%), (+)-
fungi). After reaching equilibrium the absor- biotin (0.5 ppm), and sucrose (0.2%) at 30°C;
bance was measured at 630 nm. The CAS and Rhodotorula pilimanae were grown in
shuttle solution was used when the iron ex- Wickerham’s medium ( 16) with sucrose (2%)
change was slow. In this case the absorbance at 30°C.
at 630 nm was measured within 6 h because CAS agar plates. To prepare 1 liter of blue
the blue dye precipitated during longer agar, 60.5 mg CAS was dissolved in 50 ml
storage. water and mixed with 10 ml iron(II1) solu-
Paper electrophoresis. The ionophoric tion (1 mM FeCl, * 6H20, 10 mM HCl).
mobilities of siderophores were determined Under stirring this solution was slowly added
with a flat-bed device using a volatile buffer to 72.9 mg HDTMA dissolved in 40 ml
at pH 5.6 (5.7 ml glacial acetic acid, 24.3 ml water. The resultant dark blue liquid was au-
pyridine per liter). Up to 0.1 ml supematant, toclaved. Also autoclaved was a mixture of
adjusted to pH 5.6, or siderophore solution 750 ml H20, 100 ml 10X MM9 salts, 15 g
was spotted on Whatman No. 3 paper. The agar, 30.24 g Pipes, and 12.00 g of a 50%
electrophoresis was run at approximately 30 (w/w) NaOH solution to raise the pH to the
V/cm for l-2 h. The paper was then dried pK, of Pipes (6.8). After cooling to 50°C 30
carefully to remove all traces of pyridine and ml casamino acids (lo%), the carbon source,
acetic acid. It was then sprayed on both sides and other required supplements like vita-
with CAS assay solution. (The CAS shuttle mins and antibiotics were added as sterile
solution could not be used because the blue solutions. The dye solution was finally added
color was not stable.) After some minutes along the glasswall, with enough agitation to
pink spots appeared on a light blue back- achieve mixing without generation of foam.
ground. Phosphate was also detectable and Each plate received 30 ml of blue agar. E.
was used as an internal standard. coli specific ingredients: 10 ml glucose (20%)
Siderophore production in liquid culture. A as a carbon source, 1 ml thiamine. HCl
IO-ml volume of an adequate low iron me- (0.2%), and 3 ml L-tryptophan (l%), if re-
dium, not interfering with the CAS assay (see quired. R. meliloti specific ingredients: 10 ml
below), was inoculated with a bacterial or glucose or sucrose (20%) as a carbon source,
fungal culture and incubated at a proper 5 ml L-glutamic acid (lo%, neutralized), and
temperature. After sufficient growth 0.1 ml 2.5 ml (+)-biotin (0.02%).
of this culture, demonstrably starved for
iron, was transferred into 10 ml of the same RESULTS
medium. As a control a flask with 2 PM
added iron (freshly prepared, filter sterilized Determination of siderophores in solution.
FeS04 * 7H20 stock solution) was also inoc- For the Fe-CAS-HDTMA complex shown
ulated. During incubation the cell density in Fig. 1 an extinction coefficient of approxi-
was monitored at 600 nm to verify iron star- mately 100,000 M-’ cm-’ was found at 630
vation, which was manifested by a slower nm in solutions buffered at pH 5.6. At this
growth rate and a lower final optical density. wavelength the orange-colored, iron-free sys-
When stationary phase was reached samples tem has essentially no absorption. The re-
were taken, the cells were spun down, and sulting sensitivity is remarkably higher than

that of procedures which use charge transfer but since the stability of the complex is low,
bands of iron(II1) complexes with extinction the metal is immediately handed over to the
coefficients of a few thousand. The structure siderophore. Although the visible spectrum
of the blue complex and its stability are un- of the blue iron dye complex is slightly
known, although the constants for the pure changed (data not shown), 5-sulfosalicylic
iron-CAS complexes have been measured acid does not diminish the sensitivity of the
(17). Above pH 7 the blue color changes to method since without shuttle an extinction
yellow, possibly owing to formation of iron coefficient of approximately 100,000 M-’
hydroxide, and is no longer distinguishable cm-’ is observed at 630 nm and pH 5.6.
from the iron-free system. Consequently, in All the tested siderophores exhibit a more
the presence of HDTMA, CAS is competi- or less linear dependence of the absorbance
tive in chelating the metal below neutral pH, at 630 nm versus concentration of the chela-
while ferric hydroxide seems to have a higher tor (Fig. 2). The varied behavior of entero-
stability at pH values above 7. bactin, vibriobactin, aerobactin, and deferri-
Chelators in the growth media interfere ferrioxamine B is probably due to different
and have to be avoided. For ligands with purities of the siderophores since in slight
lower iron affinity, like phosphate, citrate, or excess (20 PM; the assay solution originally
DHBA, this interference is observed only at contains 15 PM Fe) these strong chelators
higher concentrations. Thus, phosphate as a reach the same absorbance. Although the sta-
0.1 M buffer had to be replaced by Tris or bility of the iron complex with rhodotorulic
Pipes in MM9 medium, but a 20 mM con- acid and rhizobactin might be insufficient to
centration added as phosphorus source did allow complete exchange of the iron, the de-
not interfere. Rich media, like LB, interfered termination of chelators in solution is
in an irreproducible manner probably be- usually possible with moderate accuracy.
cause of varying compositions of the compo- In supernatant solutions probably the
nents. most important application is the qualitative
To demonstrate the universality of the check for the presence of siderophores by
assay, purified representatives of the differ- simply watching the color change from blue
ent types of siderophores were tested. The to orange. The strains described in Table 1
exchange rate for the iron from CAS into the gave positive results except for 102 F34,
siderophore was found to differ widely, de- which seems to produce no siderophore
pending on structure (for siderophore struc- under these conditions. The hrst new sidero-
tures see Refs. (4) and (10)). Using the cate- phore discovered by the method is excreted
chols enterobactin and vibriobactin the color by R. meliloti 102 1 (Fig. 3E). The structure is
changed from blue to orange within minutes. under investigation in this laboratory.
The polyamino carboxylic acids rhizobactin The quantitative use of the method al-
and aerobactin, the latter using hydroxa- lowed us to study the dependence of sidero-
mates and an cu-hydroxycarboxylic acid as phore excretion on the concentration of iron
iron ligands, reacted within hours. With the and other nutrients like amino acids. How-
pure hydroxamates rhodotorulic acid and ever preliminary experience with yeast and
deferriferrioxamine B equilibrium was certain Pseudomonas strains suggests cau-
reached only within days. Although knowl- tion. Occasionally microorganisms under
edge of the reaction rate is useful for a pre- stress excrete metabolic chelators, like citric
liminary distinction between different types acid, not directly involved in the uptake of
of siderophores, acceleration of the rate was iron. Chelators with a relatively low iron af-
deemed essential for analytical purposes. To finity have to be present in high concentra-
speed the iron exchange, 5-sulfosalicylic acid tion to give a positive test; furthermore, they
was used as a shuttle. It chelates iron quickly, lack the iron regulation of siderophores.

- RB
__D RA
. . . . . . . . .. “0
. . . . . . . . .0 EB
-m OF

0 10 20
C*( pM)
FIG. 2. Relative absorbance at 630 nm as a function of C*, the siderophore concentration, except for
rhodotorulic acid, where C* is 3 the concentration, because rhodotorulic acid forms 3:2 complexes with
iron(W). The values refer to the concentration before mixing with the assay solution. 0, enterobactin; 0,
vibriobactin; A, rhizobactin; A, aerobactin; q , rhodotorulic acid, n , defeniferrioxamine B. (---) CAS assay
solution used; (-) CAS shuttle solution used.

Often such systems can be successfully ana- miroorganisms generally exceeds this level.
lyzed by various methods, including paper This results in a complete change to orange.
electrophoresis, as described below. Interaction of the dye with the agar seems to
Paper electrophoresis. Because of the high extend the applicability of the method to
sensitivity of the assay we were able to ana- higher pH values, although a turn to green
lyze supematants of bacterial cultures for was observed above pH 7. Considering the
siderophores via paper electrophoresis. Table color as well as bacterial growth, plates buf-
1 shows the results for the tested strains. The fered with Pipes at pH 6.8 gave satisfactory
assignments were made by comparison with results. The concentration of HDTMA was
the purified siderophores. The method was found to be crucial; too low it led to precipi-
successfully used for the analysis of the aero- tation of the blue dye and too high it turned
bactin biosynthetic precursors, distinguish- out to be toxic even for gram-negative bacte-
ing between aerobactin, N’-acetyl-N’-hy- ria. Because of this toxicity we are not yet
droxylysine, and N”-citryl-N’-acetyl-N’-hy- able to extend the method to plate cultures of
droxylysine ( 18). certain other microorganisms. While some
Blue agar plates. The exceptionally high fungi grow poorly on the blue agar, gram-
sensitivity of the assay also enables its use on positive bacteria seem to be especially sensi-
agar plates. The 10 MM Fe(II1) tints the agar tive to the detergent used. However, an im-
with a rich blue color, while the concentra- provement was achieved either by neutraliz-
tion of siderophores excreted by iron-starved ing excessive HDTMA with perchlorate,


Mobility” relative
Strain to HSPGT at pH 5.6 Assignment

Escherichia coli
294 (pColV-K30) 0.74 (main spot) Aerobactin
-0.12 Enterobactin and N’-acetyl-W-hydroxylysine
Rhizobium meliloti
102 F28 0.39 Rhizobactin
DM5 0.39 Rhizobactin
102 F34 - No siderophore detected
1021 0.20 (main spot) Unknown anionic siderophore(s)
Rhodotorula pilimanae
UCD 67-64 -0.13 Rhodotorulic acid

r?Mobilities are not corrected for endosmosis, thus neutral molecules give slightly negative values.

which forms strong ion pairs, or by topping (fur) gene is known to result in constitutive
the plates with agar containing cation ex- derepression of the high affinity uptake sys-
change resin, which adsorbs the free deter- tem (19). In Fig, 3B a strain carrying this
gent. mutation (AB4020) is compared to the wild
To ascertain the behavior of different types type; the different level of enterobactin ex-
of mutants, the blue plates were applied to cretion is clearly demonstrated.
the well known enterobactin system of Es& All four strains shown in Fig. 3C are re-
erichia co/i. Figure 3A shows a wild-type lated to each other. This is important, be-
strain. To get the iron out of the dye, the cause wild-type E. co/i strains with different
bacterium has to express the high affinity background obviously vary in their behavior
uptake system but only to a level that satis- on blue plates (AB40 1 in Fig. 3A and AN 194
fies its requirements for the metal. This re- in Fig. 3C). BN0203 carries a mutation in
sults in relatively small halos around the col- one of the transport genes (&II)). Because
onies. Probably due to polymerization of the this bacterium is unable to take up ferric en-
blue dye, diffision seems to be minimal and terobactin, it deprives itself of iron by its own
the zones are astonishingly well focused. siderophore. Consequently the synthesis and
A mutation in the ferric uptake regulation excretion of enterobactin is fully turned on,

FTC. 3. (A-D) E. coli: (A) enterobactin producing wild type; (B) a constitutively deregulated mutant
(fur) is compared to the wild type; (C) transport mutant (fipB) and two synthesis mutants (enti and entE)
of the enterobactin system are compared to the wild type; (D) complementation of the two synthesis
mutations. (E-F) R. meliloti 102 1: (E) assayed supematant solutions of bacterial cultures grown with and
without added iron; (F) screening of mutants for altered siderophore production: the mutant in the second
row is an auxotroph not connected with the iron uptake system, the mutant in the fifth row is obviously an
overproducer. These mutants were generated by Dr. Paul Gill of this laboratory and will be described in a
subsequent publication.

AB 401 AB 4020

but the growth is very slow, which results in To be of any use to the microorganism, the
large halos around small colonies. The other iron affinity of an excreted siderophore
two mutants are blocked at different points should be high enough to be competitive
in the biosynthetic pathway: RW 193 (entA) with iron hydroxide. At neutral pH the esti-
is deficient in the production of the interme- mated stability of the blue complex in Fig. 1
diate 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid, while seems to be exactly in this range, which
AN93 (entE) cannot use it for synthesis of makes it an ideal indicator. Paper electro-
enterobactin (20). Both strains do not show phoretic analysis (in special cases the detec-
any halo, although they are able to grow and tion method might be extended to paper and
must obtain iron via a low affinity pathway thin-layer chromatography) and the fact that
(3). On blue plates containing 250 pM the iron exchange rate depends on the struo
DHBA, RW 193 reverts to the phenotype of ture of the chelator allow a preliminary char-
AN194 (data not shown). As expected, acterization of the siderophores. Certainly
RW193 is complemented by AN93, which the method complements existing tests for
delivers the necessary DHBA (Fig. 3D). specific chemical functionalities such as hy-
The blue agar was used by Dr. P. R. Gill in droxamate and catechol. When both ligand
this laboratory for genetic investigations of types are absent, as in rhizobactin and in the
the iron uptake in two R. meliloti strains: siderophore of R. meliloti strain 1021, the
DM5 (like DM4) produces rhizobactin (10) new assay is an indispensable tool to track
while 102 1 forms a siderophore of unknown the compounds during isolation.
structure, as mentioned earlier. Well-defined Since the assay is based on the competitive
chromosomal insertion mutants were exchange of iron(III), potential chelators are
screened for altered siderophore production. detectable corresponding to their affinity for
Bacteria in colonies without zones (data not the metal; i.e., strong chelators like sidero-
shown) are obviously defective in the synthe- phores react in a 1: 1 ratio, while weaker ones
sis or excretion of the siderophore since they need to be present in an excess. Hence, it is
do not grow on agar containing iron chela- conceivable that, at least at higher concen-
tors like 2,2’-bipyridine or EDDA. An exam- trations, transition metal binding metabo-
ple of a colony with an unusually large halo lites, especially antitumor antibiotics such as
is shown in Fig. 3F. The nature of these mu- bleomycin, adriamycin, and streptonigrin,
tations is not yet fully understood. Details of could also be detected.
this study will be reported elsewhere. The blue agar may prove to be especially
useful for investigation of the molecular ge-
netics of siderophore systems. Its use as a
screening technique for mutations in the
For the study of iron uptake systems the high affinity uptake system of E. coli and R.
detection and determination of siderophores meliloti and the complementation experi-
are absolutely crucial. For this purpose a va- ment with E. coli demonstrate the potency of
riety of methods, recently reviewed (1 I), has the method. Applications can be imagined
evolved. However, no universal assay was wherever connections with iron metabolism
known. This gap is now closed with the exist. The following remarks, based on our
highly sensitive method herein described. experience, may facilitate extension of the
The method should facilitate the discovery of method to other bacterial strains. The agar
new siderophores of possible biomedical and contains 10 PM iron, which is primarily
agricultural interest, and should enable a available to the cells without mediation of a
more penetrating analysis of the biology of siderophore. Because iron uptake systems
known siderophore systems. are very well regulated, siderophore excre-

tion and therefore halo formation occur only ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

when the rate of iron supply limits the We thank Dr. P. R. Gill for providing us with the
growth. As a rule slowly growing cultures preliminary results of the R. meliloti study. We also
make smaller zones than faster growing ones. thank him and Dr. J. S. Buyer for helpful discussions.
Hence the nutrient composition of the agar
plate has to be adapted to each bacterial REFERENCES
strain to secure a growth rate sufficiently 1. Schneider, W. (1984) Comments Znorg. Chem. 3,
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synthetic mutants should give no halo, trans- 5. Arnow, L. E. (1937) J. Biol. Chem. 118,531-537.
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tend the direct plating technique to other mi- 11. Neilands, J. B. (1984) Struct. Bonding (Berlin) 58,
croorganisms like fungi and gram-positive l-24.
12. Schwarzenbach, G., and Flaschka, H. (1969) Com-
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3-(dimethyldodecylammonium) propanesulfonate 18. delorenzo, V., and Neilands, J. B. (1986) J. Bacter-
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