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Basic Engineering Correlation (Analytic Geometry) PDF

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Basic Engineering Correlation 8. Find the equation of a straight b. 1.12 c. 6.4 b.

(0, 5)
(Analytic Geometry Reviewer) line with a slope of 3 and a y- c. 0.28 d. 12.5 c. (0, 4)
intercept of 1. d. 0.55 d. (0, 20)
1. The graph of the polar equation: a. x + 3y + 1 21. The graph of the polar
r = 2cos0 is a b. 0 15. The major axis of the elliptical equation: r = 2 + 2cos9 is a 28. Find the equation of a straight
a. Rose c. x - 3y - 1 path in which the earth moves a. limacon line with a slope of 1/2 and y-
b. Limacon with a loop d. 3x - y + 1 around the sun is approximately b. Circle intercept 3.
c. Circle e. 3x + y - 1 186,000,000 miles and the c. cardioid a. x - 2y -3 = 0
d. Cardioid f. 0 eccentricity of the ellipse is 1/60. d. lemniscates b. 3x-y+2 =0
g. 0 Determine the apogee of the earth. c. x-2y+ 6 =
2. Classify the conic represented by h. 0 a. 94,550,000 miles 22. Find the angle formed by the d. 2x-y+3 =0
the equation x2 + 4xy + 5 y2 - x + b. 93,000,000 miles lines 2x + y — 8 = 0 and x + 3y + 4 =
2y + 1 = 0 9. An equation of the line with x c. 91,450,000 milse 0 29. Determine the coordinates of
a. circle and y intercepts 7 and -7, d. 94,335,100 miles a. 30° the point which is two-fifths of the
b. ellipse respectively, is b. 60° way from the point (1,-5) to the
c. hyperbola a. x— y +7 =0 16. A line 4x + 2y -2 = 0 is c. 45° point (6,10)
d. parabola b. x —y-7 = 0 coincident with the line d. 35° a. (3, 1)
c. —x+y-7=0 a. 0 b. (4, 5)
3. The graph of the polar equation: d. x+y+7=0 b. 0 23. The equation of a line that c. (2, -2)
r = I l is c. 4x + 4y + 2 intercepts the x-axis at x = 4 and d. (3, 5)
a. a circle 10. The line joining the points (3, - d. 4x + 3y + 3 the y-axis at y = -6 is,
b. a parabola 1) and (-3, 2) has equation e. 8x + 4y - 2 a. 3x + 2y 30. Find the area of the circle
c. an ellipse a. x+2y+1= 0 f. 0 b. 12 whose equation is x2 + y2 = 6x - 8y.
d. a hyperbola b. x+2y—l= 0 g. 0 c. 2x - 3y a. 25 &
c. x+y-2=0 h. 8x + 4y - 4 d. 12 b. 20 &
4. What is the slope of the line 4x- d. x-2y—I=0 e. 2x - 3y c. 30 &
5y +6 = 0? 17. The length of the semi- f. 3x - 2y d. 15 &
a. -5/4 11. The set of all points in a plane transverse axis of the graph of --- 9 g. 12
b. 5/4 such that the sum of the distances — 4 =1 is h. 12 31. How far from the y-axis is the
c. 4/5 of a point from some fixed points a. 2 center of the curve 2x2 +2y2 + 10x
d. -4/5 on the plane is a constant is a/an b. 3 24. Find the distance between the - 6y - 55 = 0?
a. parabola c. 5 lines 3x + y - 12 = 0 and 3x + y - 4 = a. -3.25
5. The point of intersection of the b. ellipse d. 4 0 b. -3.0
lines x — 2y+4 0 and —3x + y —2 c. hyperbola a. letter d) 8/the squareroot of 10 c. -2.5
=0 is d. circle 18. The equation of the line d. -2.75
a. (0,2) through (1, 2) and perpendicular to 25. Find the polar coordinate of
b. (-2,0) 12. The distance from the point (5, 6x - y +5 =0 is the point (-3,A/3 ) 32. Which of the following lines is
c. (0,-2) 2) to the line 8x - 6y +2 = 0 is a. 6x-y-11=0 a. (J18, 60°) parallel to the line 6x — 4y = 7?
d. (2,0) a. 3 b. 6x-y+5=0 b. (412, 30°) a. 6x + 4y = 6
b. 4 c. x+6y-13=0 c. (012, 150°) b. 4x — 6y = 9
6. The conic given by the equation? c. 1 d. x+6y-8=0 d. (A118, 330°) c. 3x - 2y = 15
+4xy+5y2 -x+ 2y+1 =0 is d. 2 d. 3x + 2y = 12
a. parabola 19. If the distance between the 26. To simplify the equation x2 +
b. circle 13. If (3,-5) is the midpoint of (-1,- points (h, 2) and (0, 4) is 2 then the 4y2 + 6x +16y + 21= 0 by 33. The slope of the line passing
c. ellipse 3) and (x, y), then the values of x value of h is translation of axes, the origin must through (-2,2) and (3,12).
d. hyperbola and y are a. 3,J2 be moved to a. -2
a. x=1, y=-4 b. 0 a. (-3, -2) b. ½
7. Find the slope of a line having a b. x=7, y= -7 c. 2,5 b. (2, 3) c. 2
parametric equation of y = 4t + 6 c. x=2, y= -1 d. 2 c. (3, 8) d. 10
and x = t + 1. d. x= 7, y= -1 d. (-3, -8)
a. 2 20. The length of the latus rectum 34. A line 4x + 2y -2 = 0 is
b. 1 14. The distance between the for the ellipse 16x2 + 25y2 = 400 is 27. Given the equation of the coincident with the line
c. 4 given lines 3x + 2y —2 =0 and 3x equal to1 parabola x2 = 4y – 20 . Locate its a. 0
d. 3 +2y-6 =0 is a. 5 vertex. b. 4x + 3y + 3
a. 1.39 b. 4 a. (4, 20) c. 0
d. 8x + 4y - 2 d. (4, 0) c. (3, 8)
e. 8x + 4y - 4 41. What are the coordinates of d. (2, 3) 62. Given three vertices of a
f. 0 the center of the curve x2 + y2 - 2x 48. The diameter of a circle triangle whose vertices are A(1, 1),
g. 0 - 4y - 31 = 0 described by 9x2 + 9y2 = 16 is 55. Find the eccentricity of the B(3, -3) and (5, -3). Find the area of
h. 4x + 4y + 2 a. (2, 1) a. 4/3 curve 9x2 –16y2 –144 = 0 the triangle.
b. (-1, -1) b. 16/9 a. 0.66 a. 6 sq. units
35. The parabolic antenna has an c. (1, 2) c. 4 b. 1.67 b. 5 sq. units
eqaution of y2 + 8x = 0. Determine d. (3, 5) d. 8/3 c. 0.88 c. 4 sq. units
the length of the latus rectum. d. 1.25 d. 3 sq. units
a. 8 42. If a line through (-5, 2) and (1, - 49. Find the distance between the
b. 12 4) is parallel to the line through (x, points A (4, 7) and B (-1, -5). 56. Find the eccentricity of the 63. A line with slope equal to — 2
c. 10 -7) and (8, 7) then x = a. 10 curve 9x2 —16y2 —144= 0 has an inclination of
d. 9 a. -5 b. 5 a. 1.67 a. 116.57°
b. -6 c. 13 b. 0.66 b. —116.57°
36. 14. A line through (-5, 2) and (1, c. 22 d. 12 c. 1.25 c. 63.43°
-4) is perpendicular to the line d. -4 d. 0.88 d. —63.43°
through (x, -7) and (8, 7). Find x. 50. The equation 25x2 + 16y2 -
a. -4 43. Find the distance between the 150x + 128y + 81 = 0 has its center 57. In the equation y = x2 + x + 1, 64. What is the distance between
b. -19/3 given lines 4x - 3y = 23 and 4x - 3y at where is the curve facing? the centers of the circle x2 + y2 +
c. -6 = -7 a. (3, -4) a. Downward 2x + 4y - 3 = 0 and x2 + y2 - 8x - 6y
d. -5 a. 3 b. (3, 5) b. Facing left + 7 = 0?
b. 4 c. (3, 4) c. Facing right a. 7.07
37. Find the eccentricity of the c. 6 d. (4, -3) d. Upward b. 7.77
curve 9x2 - 4y2 - 36x + 8y = 4 d. 5 c. 8.07
a. 1.92 51. Find the equation of the line 58. Find the acute angle of rotation d. 7.87
b. 1.86 44. The equation of the directrix of where x-intercept is 2 and y- such that the transformed
c. 1.8 the parabola y2 = 20x is intercept is -2. equation of 6x2 +31y + 4y2 + x y = 65. The area of hexagon ABCDEF
d. 1.76 a. x = -5 a. x - y - 2 0 will have no x' y' term. formed by joining the points A(1,
b. x = 5 b. 0 a. 16.85° 4), B(0, -3), C(2, 3), D(-1, 2), E(-2, -
38. If the points (0,0), (2, 0), and (1, c. x = 4 c. 2x + 2y +2 b. 28.15° 1) and F(3, 0) is _________ square
k) are vertices of an equilateral d. x = -4 d. -2 c. 53.13° units.
triangle then a value of k is e. 0 d. 53.13° a. 15
a. I 45. The center of a circle is at (1, 1) f. -2x +2y b. 24
b. 5 and one point on its circumference g. 0 59. The equation of the line c. 22
c. 0 is (-1, -3). Find the other end of the h. x - y - 1 through (1, 2) and perpendicular to d. 20
d. 2 diameter through ( -1, -3). 6x + y — 4 = 0 is
a. (3, 6) 52. Find the inclination of the line a. x+6y-4 =0 66. Determine B such that 3x + 2y -
39. Find the inclination of the line b. (2, 4) passing through (-2,4) and (2,7) b. x+2y-4 =0 7 = 0 is perpendicular to 2x - By + 2
passing through (-5, 3) and (10, 7). c. (1, 3) a. 53.13 c. 6x+y+ 4 =0 = 0.
a. 14.63 d. (3, 5) b. 90 d. x- 6y+ 11 = a. 4
b. 14.73 c. 36.87 b. 2
c. 14.83 46. Two vertices of a triangle are (2, d. 70 60. The equation of the line with a c. 5
d. 14.93 4) and (-2, 3) and the area is 2 slope 47 and y-intercept -2 is d. 3
square units, the locus of the third 53. A horizontal line has a slope of a. —4 5x—y+2=0
40. What is the equation of the line vertex is a. zero b. x+y-2 =0 67. Find the distance between the
that passes thru (4, 0) and is a. x + 4y = 12 b. infinity c. 5x-4y-20=0 A (4, -3) and B (-2, 5).
parallel to the line x - y - 2 = 0 b. 4x - y =14 c. negative d. 4x-5y-20=0 a. 10
a. x - y c. 4x + 4y = 14 d. possitive b. 8
b. 0 d. x - 4y =-10 61. The polar equation r = 1 when c. 11
c. x + y + 4 54. To simplify the equation x2 + transformed into a rectangular d. 9
d. 0 47. The focus of parabola y2 = 16x 4y2 + 6x +16y+ 21= 0 by translation equation is cos° —4sin
e. x - y - 4 is at: of axes, the origin must be moved a. x2 — 4y2 =I 68. The equation of a line that
f. 0 a. (0, 3) to b. 4x2 — y2 =1 intercepts the x-axis at x = 5 and
g. 0 b. (3, 0) a. (-3, -2) c. 4x — y = 4 the y-axis at y = -4 is
h. x - y + 4 c. (0, 4) b. (-3, -8) d. x —4y = I a. 88x- l0y = 40
b. 5x + 4y = 20 75. Find the equation of a circle 81. A line, which is perpendicular b. ellipse
c. 10x - 8y = 20 whose center is at (3, -5) and to the x-axis, has a slope to c. circle
d. 4x + 5y = 20 whose raduis is 4. a. infinity d. parabola
a. (x - 3)2 + (y + 5)2 b. 1
69. Find the value of k for which b. (x - 5)2 + (y - 3)2 c. -1 88. A parabola having a span of
the equation x2 + y2 + 4x - 2y - k = c. 16 d. 0 30m and a height of 20m has an
0 represents a point circle. d. 16 area of
a. 6 e. (x 82. A line passes thru (1, -3) and (-4, a. 540
b. 5 f. 3)2 + (y - 5)2 2). Write the equation of the line in b. 360
c. -6 g. 16 slope-intercept form. c. 400
d. -5 h. 16 a. y - 4 - x d. 180
i. x2 + y2 b. y - 2 - x
70. What is the length of the latus c. y- x - 2 89. An equation of the line that is
rectum of the curve x2 = 20y 76. The line passing through the d. y - x -4 parallel to 3x-6y = —land passes
a. 5 focus and is perpendicular to the through the point (2, 2) is
b. 20 directrix of the parabola. 83. The line segment connecting (x, a. 2x—y+2=0
c. √ 20 a. axis of the parabola 6) and (9, y) is bisected by the b. x-2y-2=0
d. √ 5 b. latus rectum point (7, 3). Find the values of x c. x-2y+2 =0
c. directrix and y. d. x+2y+2= 0
71. Find the acute angle of rotation d. tangent line a. 14, 6
such that the transformed b. 5, 0 90. If the product of the slope of
equation of 6x2 + 3xy+ 4y2 +x-y =0 77. What is the equation of the line c. 33, 12 any two straight line is negative 1,
will have no x' y' term. joining the points (3, -2) and (-7, d. 14, 3 one of these lines are said to be
a. 16.85° 6)? a. Skew
b. 28.15° a. 2x + 3y = 0 b. Non-intersecting
c. 36.86° b. 4x + 5y - 0 84. Determine the coordinates of c. Parallel
d. 53.13° c. 5x + 4y = 7 the point which is three-fifths of d. Perpendicular
d. 4x - Sy 22= 0 the way from the point (2, -5) to
72. Find the coordinates of the the point (-3, 5). 91. Find the slope of the line
point P(2, 4) with respect to the 78. The angle formed by the lines y a. (1, -1) defined by y - x = 5.
translated axis with origin at (1,3). = -2x +8 and y =1x- -4 is b. (-1, 1) a. -1/2
a. (1, 1) a. 45° c. (-1, -2) b. ¼
b. (-1, 1) b. 35° d. (-2, -1) c. 1
c. (1, -1) c. 60° d. 5 + x
d. (-1, -1) d. 30° 85. Which of the following points
lie on the fourth quadrant?
73. Determine the equation of the 79. In general quadratic equation, a. (5, 57r/4)
circle whose radius is 5, center on if the discriminant is zero, the b. (-4, 27r13)
the line x = 2 and tangent to the curve is a figure that represents c. (-4, -7rJ3)
line 3x - 4y + 11 = 0. a/an _______. d. (5, -77r16)
a. (x - 2)2 + (y - 2)2=25 a. circle
b. (x - 2)2 + (y - 2)2=5 b. hyperbola 86. The midpoint of the line
c. (x - 2)2 + (y + 2)2=25 c. ellipse segment between P1(x1, y1) and
d. (x - 2)2 + (y + 2)2=5 d. parabola p2(-2, 4) is P(2, -1). Find the
coordinates of P1.
74. The equation x2 + y1- 8x – 2y + 80. The directrix of a parabola is a. (-6, 6)
1 = 0 describes the line y = 5 and its focus is at the b. (6, -6)
a. A. a circle of radius 4 centered at point (4, -3). What is the length of c. (5, -6)
(4, 1) the latus rectum? d. (6, 6)
b. a circle of radius 4 centered at (- a. 18
4,-1) b. 12 87. A locus of a point which moves
c. an ellipse centered at (-4, -1) c. 14 so that it is always equidistat from
d. an ellipse centered at (4, 1) d. 16 a fixed point (focus ) to a fixed line
(directix) is a _______.
a. hyperbola

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