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College of Engineering and Architecture

MAIN Campus
Department of Electrical Engineering


Group Assignment No. 1
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following TEST items. Mark only one answer for each item by
encircling the corresponding letter of your choice. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED
NOTE: Whenever you come across a caret (^) sign, it means exponentiation.
Ex. x^2 means x2; (x+y)^(x-z) means (x+y) raised to the (x-z). Pi=3.1416 M1
1. A fencing material has a limited length of 60 ft. What is the largest triangular
area that can be fenced in?
A. 190.53 sq ft C. 173.21 sq ft
B. 181.87 sq ft D. 164.54 sq ft

2. A point moves along a parabola y = x2 such that its abscissa is increasing at a

rate of 3 ft/sec. Find the rate of change of its ordinate at x = 2.
A. 3 ft/sec C. 15 ft/sec
B. 12 ft/sec D. 9 ft/sec

3. A can do a job in 4 days, B can do a job in 6 days and C can do the job in 8
days. How long will it takes to do the job if A and B work for 1 day then B
and C finish the job?
A. 1 C. 4
B. 2 D. 3

4. A father and his son can dig a well if the father works 6 hours and his son
works for 12 hours or they can do the job if the father works 9 hours and the
son works 8 hours. How long will it take for the son to dig the well alone?
A. 60 C. 20
B. 40 D. 30

5. In a right triangle the bisector of the right triangle divides the hypotenuse
in the ratio 1:2. In what ratio is the hypotenuse divided by the altitude
dropped from the vertex of the right angle?
A. 4:1 C. 2:1
B. 3:2 D. 4:3

6. At noon a pan of very hot water (188 F) is put into a room whose air temperature
is constant at 60°F. The difference of the temperature of the water and the
constant room air temperature is halved in every 15 minutes. At what time is
the difference between the temperature of the water and the temperature of
the room air less than or equal to 1?
A. before 12:30 C. bet. 12:30 to 1:00
B. bet. 1:00 to 1:45 D. 1:45 beyond

7. Determine the sum of the internal angles of a hexagon

A. 540 degrees C. 720 degrees
B. 810 degrees D. 630 degrees
8. The interior angle of a regular polygon exceeds its exterior angle by 150
A. 12 C. 15
B. 18 D. 24

9. One side of a parallelogram is 10m and its diagonals are 16 m and 24 m,

respectively. Its area is
A. 135.386 sq. m C. 123.485 sq. m
B. 158.745 sq. m D. 136.728 sq. m

10. Determine the limiting value of the following expression as n approaches

infinity: x = nsin(180/n) where the angle is in degrees.
A. infinity C. π
B. e D. indeterminate

11. The distance between two points is measured with a steel tape was recorded as
916.58 t. Later, the tape was checked and found to be only 99.9 ft. long. What
is the true distance between the two points?
A. 935.66 ft B. 966.15 ft
C. 962.33 ft D. 915.66 ft

12. The radius of a right circular cylinder is 12 and the height is 5. A positive
number may be added on the radius or the height to give the same increase in
the volume. What is the number?
A. 4.8 C. 3.8
B. 4.7 D. 3.6

13. Find the area bounded by the curve y2 – 3x + 2y – 8 = 0 and the y-axis.
A. 18 C. 21
B. 12 D. 15

14. A line was measured with a steel tape when the temperature was 30 degrees
Celsius. The measure length of the line was found to be 1,256.271 feet. The
tape was afterwards tested when the temperature was 10 degrees Celsius and it
was found to be 100.042 feet long. What was the true length of the line if
the coefficient of coefficient of expression of tape was 0.000011 per degree
A. 1,275.075 feet C. 1,375.575 feet
B. 1,257.075 feet D. 1,249.385 feet

15. Foghorn C sounds every 34 sec, Foghorn D every 38 sec. They sound together at
noon. How many seconds later will they next sound together?
A. 1,444 C. 646
B. 1,938 D. 969

16. A basketball coach has a total of 10 players. In how many ways can he field a
team of 5 players if the captain is always included?
A. 42 C. 126
B. 70 D. 25

17. Determine the inverse Laplace transform of: I(s) = 100 / [s2 (s2 + 102)]
A. i(t) = t – cos 10t C. i(t) = t – 0.1sin10t
B. i(t) = t2 – 0.1sin10t D. i(t) = t2 – cos10t

18. The probability of getting at least two heads when a pair of coin is tossed
four times is:
A. 11/16 C. 13/16
B. 1/4 D. 247/256

19. The sum of the ages of a married couple and their four children is 40 years
over the century mark. Ten years ago, the sum of the ages of the couple, the
eldest child and the second child is 5 decades and 5 years less than the sum
of all (the 6 of them). The father’s age is ten times the age of the youngest
while the mother’s age is 8 times that of the youngest. The difference between
the age of the second child and the sum of the ages of the three and the last
child is zero, while the difference between the first child and sum of the
ages of the second and the last child is zero. Find the age of the mother.
A. 40 C. 42
B. 35 D. 45

20. A small line truck hauls poles from substation stockyard to pole sites along a
proposed distribution line. The truck can handle only one pole at a time. The
first pole site is 150 meters from the substation and the poles are to be 50
meters apart. Determine the total distance traveled by the line truck back
and forth, after returning from delivering the 30th pole.
A. 52.5 km C. 37.5 km
B. 30.5 km D. 40.5 km

21. Compute the sum of all the coefficients in the expansion of(x + 2y – z)^3
A. less than 2 C. above 10
B. from 2 to 5 D. from 5 to 10

22. Determine the area of the quadrilateral having (8, - 2), (5, 6), (4, 1), (-7,
4), consecutive vertices.
A. 25 C. 33
B. 15 D. 22

23. If the lengths 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9 are to be used to form a triangle. What is the
probability that a triangle is formed?
A. 3/10 C. 19/120
B. 7/25 D. 5/24

24. A projectile has an initial upward speed of 1,000 feet per second which is
steadily decreased by gravity at the rate of 32.2 feet per second, so that
the upward speed at a subsequent time t is dy/dt = 1000 – 32.2 ft/sec. If the
initial position of the projectile is 200 ft above ground, what is the maximum
height that the projectile will attain?
A. 18,874 ft C. 22,648 ft
B. 15,728 ft D. 13,107 ft

25. What time between 7 and 8 o’clock will the minute and hour hands of the clock
form 60° for the first time?
A. 7:27.3 C. 7:28.6
B. 7:26.4 D. 7:29.0

26. The kilowatt that can be transmitted safely by a shaft varies directly as the
number of revolution it makes per minute and the cube of its diameter. If a
shaft 3 centimeters in diameter making 200 revolutions per minute can safely
transmit 60 kilowatt, what kilowatt can be safely transmitted by a 2-centimeter
shaft making 300 revolutions per minute?
A. 22.25 C. 26.67
B. 33.75 D. 33.33
27. A lot has the form of a right triangle with perpendicular sides 90m and 120m
long.Find the length and width of the largest rectangular building that can be
erected facing the hypotenuse of the triangle.
A. 60m, 45m C. 80m, 60m
B. 90m, 40m D. 75m, 36m

28. The bases of a trapezoid are 18 cm and 32 cm long. Determine the length of the
line segment which is parallel to the bases and divides the given trapezoids
into two similar trapezoids.
A. 24.28 C.25.65
B. 28.74 D.22.37

29. A circle is inscribed in an isosceles triangle whose lateral side is 19 cm and

the base is 26 cm. Determine the distance between the two points of tangency.
A. 4.75 C. 3.58
B. 2.42 D. 5.63

30. Find the largest prime factor of 111,111

A. 11 C. 37
B. 19 D. 51

31. How many numbers between 100,000 and 1,000,000 can be produced using only 3, 5
and 7 as digits?
A. 748 C. 765
B. 729 D. 657

32. A segment intersects another segment and cut it into 2 segments 2 meters and 3
meters long. If the first segment is 6 meters, find the diameter of a convex
quadrilateral having these chords as the diagonals if the angle of the diagonals
is 83 degrees.
A. 17.925 C. 13.645
B. 15.425 D. nota

33. A spherical balloon is being inflated at the rate of 30 cu. Ft. per min. At the
instant the radius is 15 ft., at what rate is the surface area increasing?
A. 6 cu. ft./min C. 4 cu. ft./min
B. 5 cu. ft./min D. 3 cu. ft./ min
34. The smallest interior angle of a particular convex P has a measure of 120°
angle and moving clockwise around the polygon, each successive angle is 5°
larger than its predecessor. How many sides does this polygon has?
A. 16 C. 14
B. 10 D. 13

35. Find the equation of the line with y-intercept equal to 7 and m= 0?
A. y= 7 C. y – 7 = 0
B. x + 7 = 0 D. x = 7

36. A card is drawn from an ordinary deck of 52 cards. Find the probability ρ that
the card is a face card or heart.
A. 1/18 C. 3/18
B. 3/52 D.1/4

37. Find the area between the curve y = 2x 4 – x2, the axis, and its two minimum
A. 8/115 C. 7/120
B. 9/130 D. 6/107
38. If 3^(8x + 1) = 9, then find log2 x
A. + 3 C. – 2
B. -3 D. +2

39. The maximum possible number of positive roots that the equation x^4 + 2x^3 –
3x^2 + bx – 5 = 0 can have if b represents a positive real number is
A. 1 C. 2
B. 3 D. 4

40. If the area bounded by x 2 - y 2 = 3, y=2, and y = 0 is revolved about x=0, find
the moment of inertia of the solid generated with respect to the axis of
A. 216pi/6 C. 164pi/3
B. 202pi/5 D. 193pi/4

41. Find the derivative of cosh 3 4x.

A. -12 cosh 2 4x sinh 4x C. 3 cosh 2
4x sinh 4x
B. 4cosh 2 4x sinh 4x D. 12cosh 2
4x sinh 4x

42. Solve for x: x = logba · logcd · logdc

A. logba C. logac
B. logbc D. logda

43. In a 30-60-90 right triangle the bisector of the 60 degrees angle divides its
opposite in the ratio
A. 1:2 C. 1:3
B. 2:3 D. 3:4

43. If 10sin^2(x) + 11 sin(x) – 8 = 0, then what is (are) the value(s) of log2

A. -2 C. -1
B. 0 D. -3

45. A circle has a 20 cm diameter. Determine the moment of inertia of the circular
area relative to the axis perpendicular to the area through the center of the
circle, in cm4.
A. 14,280 C. 17,279
B. 15,708 D. 19,007

46. Compute the sum of all the coefficients in the expansion of (x + 2y – z)^3
A. 6 C. 4
B. 8 D. 7

47. Gravity causes a body to fall 16.1 feet in the 1st second, 48.3 ft in the 2nd
second, 80.5 ft in the 3rd second, and so on. How far did the body fall during
the 10th second?
A. 273.7 ft C. 338.1 ft
B. 241.5 ft D. 305.9 ft

48. Find the area of the sector to be cut off from a circular cardboard 20 cm in
diameter so that joining the ends of the remaining area will give a right
circular cone of maximum volume.
A. 57.649 cm2 C. 57.271 cm2
B. 29.933 cm D. 35.681 cm2

49. The sides of the cyclic quadrilateral measures 2, 3, 4 and 5 units respectively.
(2 and 4 are opposite). Find the product of the diagonals.
A. 20 C. 22
B. 23 D. 25

50. Determine the inverse Laplace Transform of: (s + a) / [ ( s + a)2 + ω2]

A. exp(- at ) sinωt C. texp (-at ) cosωt
B. t sinωt D. exp (- at )cosωt

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