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Joan Robinson

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The key takeaways are that the author presents a technique for economic analysis based on the fundamental assumption that individuals act rationally in their own self-interest, and that this technique involves separating the factors that influence an individual's decisions into demand/supply curves and cost curves in order to determine optimal output/pricing decisions.

The author defines the fundamental assumption of the technique as each individual acting in a sensible manner from the point of view of their own economic interests, in the circumstances they find themselves in.

According to the technique, the two elements that influence an individual's decisions are the conditions of demand/supply, represented by curves, and the costs of various outputs/inputs, also represented by curves.




THE purpose of this book is to demonstrate that the analysis
of the output and price of a single commodity can be conducted
by a technique based upon the study of individual decisions.
The fundamental assumption is that each individual acts in
a sensible manner, in the circumstances in which he finds
himself, from the point of view of his own economic interests.
A technique which would study the economic effects of
neuroses and confused thinking would be considerably more
complicated than the technique here set out.
When the fundamental assumption is made, every economic
tendency can be analysed by a series of questions. What would a
sensible man do in such a case1 Thus a priori analysis can be
made to advance the study of economic phenomena some way
towards a position in which the effects of economic tendencies
in the real world can be checked by statistical investigations.
The technique is based upon the separation of the elements
in the situation which influence the decisions of the individual
into two parts, which are assumed to be independent of each
other. The two parts of the situation are represented by two
curve ..
Thus, when we are considering the decision of an individual
producer as to how much of his commodity to sell, the condi-
tions of demand, which (abstracting from advertisement and
other marketing costs) lie entirely outside his control, are repre-
sented by a demand curve; and the costs of producing various
outputs are represented by a cost curve. By considering the
conditions of demand represented by the demand curve and his
own costs of production, the seller can decide what output to

place upon the market. He is assumed always to choose the out-

put which will maximise his net receipts. Or, when we are con-
sidering the amount of a factor of production employed, the two
elements in the situation are, on the one side, the supply curve
of the factor of production and, on the other side, the conditions
of demand for the commodity, the supply curves of the other
factors and the technical conditions of production, all of which
are represented in the demand curve for the factor. By consider-
ing these two sets of influences the producer can decide how much
of each factor to employ. He is assumed always to make his
choice in such a way that the cost of producing a given output
is at a minimum. Similarly a buyer is conceived to choose the
amount of a commodity that he will buy by considering on the
one side the advantage to himself of buying it, and on the other
the supply price of various amounts of it.
The study of human decisions involves a study of human
psychology, but the background of psychology which economics
requires is a purely behaviourist psychology. When the tech-
nique of economic analysis is sufficiently advanced to analyse
the results of neuroses and confused thinking, it will study them
only in so far as they produce statistically measurable effects.
The technique set out in tltis book is a technique for studying
equilibrium positions. No reference is made to the effects of the
passage of time. Short-period and long-period equilibria are
introduced into the argument to illustrate various technical
devices, but no study is made of the process of moving from one
position of equilibrium to another, and it is with long-period
equilibrium that we shall be mainly concerned.
The main topic of this book was said to be the analysis of
value. But the Theory of Value (at least among English econo-
mists) is merely a traditional misnomer for the analysis of the
output of a single commodity, considered separately. 1 It re-
quires the condition that the single commodities considered are,
each separately, a negligibly small proportion of total output,
1 This point is illustrated by Marshall's famous analogy: "We might as
reasonably dispute whether it is the upper or the under blade of a pair of
scissors that cuts a piece of paper, as whether value is govemed by utility or
oost of production" (Principles, p. 348). But if costs are constant, price is
determined, as Marshall hinlself admits, solely by costs. It remains true that
outpm is determined by both blades of tne scissors, and this is always true
except in the unusual cases of perfectly inelastic demand or perfectly inelastic
1111pply, when output is determined solely by demand or solely by supply.
so that any reactions set up by a change in the output of one
commodity upon the costs of production of the output of all
industry and consequently on the demand for the commodity
can legitimately be ignored.

Some elementary definitions are set out in this chapter. 1
Others are introduced as the argument proceeds.
A commodity is a consumable good, arbitrarily demarcated
from other kinds of goods, but which may be regarded for prac-
tical purposes as homogeneous within itself.
A firm is a concern very similar to the firms of the real world,
but which produces only one commodity, and is controlled by
a single independent interest.
The controlling interest of a firm is an entrep1·eneur. For long-
period problems the entrepreneur is conceived to require a cer-
tain reward, sufficient to induce him to continue in business,
which is independent of the amount of his output.
An industry is any group of firms producing a single com-
modity. The correspondence of such an industry to the in-
dustries of the real world is not perhaps very close. But in some
cases, where a commodity in the real world is bounded on all
sides by a marked gap between itself and its closest substitutes,
the real-world firms producing this real-world commodity will
conform to the definition of an industry sufficiently closely to
make the discussion of industries in this technical sense of some
A demand curve represents a list of prices at which various
amounts of a certain commodity will be bought in a market
during a given period of time. Such conceptions as the amount
of raw cotton bought in the world per year, or the number of
motor cars bought in England per month, or the number of
silk stockings bought in Berwick Market per day, may be
represented by a demand curve.
Similarly a supply curve represents the amounts of output of
a commodity, during a given period of time, which will be
associated with different prices.
1 These definitions are constructed appropriately to the analysis which is to
follow. For otber purposes different definitions might be requirod.

The demand curve is an objective conception, looked at from

the point of view of the sellers of the commodity. The supply
curve is an objective conception, looked at from the point of
view of the buyers.
A utility curve is subjective from the point of view of the
buyer. But the concept of utility does not have to be introduced
until later in the argument. In the first half of the book we are
concerned only with the decisions of sellers. The subjective con-
ditions of demand reveal themselves in the objective demand
curve, and the concept of utility has no place in the scheme. In
the second half, when we come to consider the decisions of
buyers, utility will be defined.
The elasticity of a curve is a geometrical conception. It
measures the proportional change of the abscissa divided by the
proportional change of the ordinate, at any point on the curve,
when the changes are small. Thus the elasticity of demand at any
price o:r at any output is the proportional change of amount pur-
chased in response to a small change in price, divided by the
proportional change of price. Similarly, elasticity of supply is the
elasticity of a supply curve. It is convenient to adopt the con-
vention of regarding the elasticity of a falling curve as positive,
and of a rising curve as negative. A curve of elasticity numeric-
ally less than unity is described as inelastic, and a curve of elas-
ticity greater than unity as elastic. When the elasticity is equal
to zero the curve is said to be perfectly inelastic, and when the
elasticity is equal to infinity the curve is said to be perfectly
elastic. 1
Perfect competition prevails when the demand for the out-
put of each producer is perfectly elastic. This entails, first, that
the number of sellers is large, so that the output of any one
seller is a negligibly small proportion of the total output of the
commodity, and second, that buyers are all alike in respect of
their choice between rival sellers, so that the market is perfect.
The problem of defining factors of production has raised a con-
siderable amount of controversy on a number of points, but the
difficulties lie in finding convenient definitions of the total supply
of factors. Since this book is only concerned with single com-
modities considered separately these problems need not delay us.
1 A perfectly inelastic curve will be parallel to they axis, and a perfoctly
elastic curve will be parallel to the x axis.
The factors of production are conceived to consist of the ser-
vices of productive units, a man-day of labour, a manager-month,
an entrepreneur-year, an acre-year, and so forth. These are the
natural units of the factors, and may be arbitrarily chosen to
correspond as closely as possible to the conditions of the real
world. Each unit is only employed in the production of one com-
modity at a time. The degree of abstraction involved in the con-
ception of such units of factors is considerable, since in the real
world a single firm often produces many commodities, so that a
single productive unit, for instance a man engaged upon some
preparatory process, may be contributing to the production of
several commodities at once. Moreover in the real world an
individual entrepreneur may have a foot in a large number of
industries at the same time, and may begin to produce in a new
industry without leaving those in which he is already employed.
But in the world depicted in this book an entrepreneur is an
indivisible unit, whose function is to take decisions upon the
price and output policy of a firm, which can only take part in
the production of one commodity at a time. The natural unit of
capital, for long-period problems, is a certain sum of money
controlled for a certain time. In the short period-the lifetime
of the physical embodiment of capital, machines or buildings
-it is convenient to treat fixed capital in the same terms as
land, and to regard the natural unit as a machine-year or
machine-day. It is the services of the productive units, not
the units themselves, which are factors of production, but for
simplicity the time dimension of a productive unit is omitted in
the following pages. The natural units of land will be referred to
simply as acres, the natural units of labour as men, and so forth.
It has been customary to speak of four factors of production:
Land, Labour, Capital, and Enterprise. This traditional demar-
cation of factors is convenient. Each of the four traditional titles
refers to a category of productive units with certain obvious
characteristics in common. In the argument of Books VII.,
VIII., and IX. such phrases as "the factor land" must be taken
to mean a certain number of productive units all having the
general characteristics of land, of which the most important is a
unique position in space. "The factor labour" will mean a num-
ber of units having thecharacteristicsof labour, of which the most
important is that it is provided by an individual human being.

And so forth. A more precise conception of "a factor" will be

introduced as the argument demands. Any single productive
process will require some units out of each of the four cate-
gories. That is to say, any single process of manufacture, trans-
port, or marketing must require space, labour, implements, and
directing control.
The above definitions represent a considerable degree of ab·
straction, but more realistic definitions, though cumbrous to
handle, would not require any fundamental alteration in the
technique of analysis.
The following explanations may be found useful for reference
as the argument proceeds:
Demand Curves.-The demand curve for a particular com-
modity in a given market represents a list of the amounts of
that commodity which would be bought at various prices
(per day or per year, or for any other interval of time), all
other conditions remaining unchanged. Marshall instructs us to
draw up a demand schedule on the assumption that the prices
of all other things are fixed. This not only cuts off all hope of
drawing realistic demand curves, but is somewhat illogical in
itself. A change in the actual price of a commodity will alter the
demand curve for any commodity to which it is a rival or to
which it is supplementary. This change in demand will alter
their prices unless they are produced under constant supply
price for the relevant amounts. Marshall's method therefore
would apply only in two cases. Firstly, in the case of a com-
modity which had no rivals and was Rot used jointly with any
other, and since in the last resort all uses of money are rivals to
each other in so far as they are not co-operative, and co-opera-
tive in so far as they are not rival, such a commodity would be
impossible to find. Secondly, it would apply to one commodity
provided that all others were produced under constant supply
price, a situation which we would not expect to find. The proper
course is that suggested by Professor Pigou: 1 to assume, not the
prices, but the conditions of supply of all other commodities to
be fixed. This still leaves of course many difficulties, but the
usefulness of such a method is far wider.
1 Economic Eaaaya and Addre88ea, p. 64.
The phrase individual demand curve means, not the demand
curve of an individual buyer, but the demand curve for the
product of an individual firm. Complications are introduced into
the problem of the individual demand curve by the existence of
advertising, but these have been ignored. It may be assumed
that expenditure on advertisement necessary to increase the
sales of a firm can be treated as equivalent, from the point of
view of the entrepreneur, to a reduction in price having the
same effect upon sales.1
In an industry which is conducted in conditions of imperfect
competition a certain difficulty arises from the fact that the in-
dividual demand curve for the product of each of the firms com-
posing it will depend to some extent upJn the price policy of the
others. Thus if one raises its pcice the demand curves for the
others will be raised. This may cause them to raise their prices
also, and the rise in their price will react upon the demand for
the commodity of the first firm. In drawing up the demand
curve for any one firm, however, it is possible to take this effect
into account. The demand curve for the individual firm may be
conceived to show the full effect upon the sales of that firm
which results from any change in the price which it charges,
whether it causes a change in the prices charged by the others or
not. It is not to our purpose to consider this question in detail.
Once the demand curve for the firm has been drawn, the tech-
nique of analysis can be brought into play, whatever the assump-
tions on which the demand curve was drawn up.
It is frequently convenient to refer to a demand curve as the
average revenue curve of a seller.
Supply Ourve8.-The supply curve of a commodity shows, for
each amount of the commodity, the price per unit which it is
necessary to pay in order that that amount of it shall be pro-
duced. The notion of a supply curve presents innumerable
difficulties, some of which are discussed in the following chap-
ters. A short-period supply curve may have a definite meaning,
but the notion of a long-period supply curve represents a high
degree of abstraction from real conditions. The main difficulty
arises from the fact that, in actual cases, costs of production,
1 But see Kahn, Economic J oumal, December 1932, p. 660, and Shove, "The
Imperfection of the Market", Economic Journal, March 1933, p. 114, for a
complication which is introduced into the analysis by the existence of market.-
in~ costll.

and therefore the supply price of the commodity, do not depend

merely upon the amount that is being produced at any moment,
but will be influenced by the past history of the industry.1 The
conception of a curve which shows a unique relationship be-
tween the amount of output and its supply price is therefore
highly unreal. In our abstract analysis, however, we make use
of this unreal conception. The cost curves which we employ are
not historical curves showing at what costs actual outputs are
produced; they show the effect upon costs of an alteration in
output, all other conditions remaining unchanged. Changes in
the technique of production entailed by a change in the scale of
output are admitted, but changes in technique which arise from
invention or the application of new methods which might equally
well have been applied to a different scale of production are not
an element in the cost curve, but alter the position of the whole
curve. 2
The output of an industry is increased by the addition of in-
divisible units of the factors, for instance by the entry of a new
firm. Thus a supply curve, whether it is rising, falling, or con-
stant, will contain small waves, but when the output of the
industry requires a large number of units of the factors these
waves may be neglected.
Time.-Many of the most formidable difficulties of economic
analysis are connected with time. These will be glanced at
as occasion arises in the course of the argument, but for
the most part we shall be obliged to leave them on one side.
Upon the side of supply we shall suppose that production is
carried on by firms which are in conditions of static equilibrium.
On the side of demand, we assume that when we are dealing
with individual demand curves it is permissible to represent
them in two dimensions. We ignore, that is to say, the fact that
the price charged at any one moment may alter the position of
the demand curve in the future. It may be objected that this
is an unnecessary restriction and that it would be possible to
draw a long-period demand curve connecting each price with
the amount that will be sold when that price has had time to
exercise its full effect upon demand. But this would not serve
our turn. If an individual seller knows that a high price at the
1 Cf. Marshall, Principlu, p. 808.
1 See Pigou, Economicll of Welfare, p. !!18.
present time will lead to a lower demand curve in the future he
has a choice between a higher profit now, with less profit in the
future, and a lower profit now with more profit in the future.
What we require is not a long-period two-dimensional demand
curve but a curve showing, at each point, the discounted future
rate of selling which may be expected at each price. This con-
ception is distressingly vague, since it involves both the guess-
work of the producer as to the future effect upon sales of his
present price policy and the rate at which he discounts future
prospects, but it is obviously some such conception which an
intelligent entrepreneur must have in mind when he is deciding
what price policy to adopt. In the course of the following argu-
ment these complications will be ignO'I'ed, and we shall assume
that it is legitimate to make us~ of a two-dimensional demand
curve, without inquiring how it is drawn up. These difficulties do
not arise in connection with the demand curve for the output of
a competitive industry; they apply only to the individual de-
mand curve.
Shapes of Ourves.-In the following pages the convention is
adopted of describing a curve as concave when it is concave
from above, that is to say, when its convex side is towards the
x axis, and as convex when it is convex from above and its
concave side is towards the x axis. 1
The greater part of this book is written in very technical
language. This makes it possible to put forward the results in a
precise and condensed manner, but it is important at every
stage to retranslate the technical language into terms of com-
mon sense. When a demand curve is described as concave or
convex, this means, in the former case, that a given absolute
fall in price induces a larger and larger absolute increase in the
amount sold as the price falls, and in the latter, that thfl
response of sales becomes less and less as price falls.
It seems on the whole probable that the demand curve of an
individual buyer for most ordinary commodities will be convex,
since it is likely that his demand will usually reach satura-
tion at a positive price, so that the lowest part of the demand
curve is vertical. Thus the demand curve of a whole market
1 In the language of the differential calculus, a curve will be described as
concave ·r tJ.x•
I d2y ·
IS · · anu'
pOSitiVe &I a:zi
convex I"f d'y IS
· negatiVe.
. Cf. F"1gs. 47 and 48.

for any commodity is only likely to be concave when the market

is composed of individuals of differing wealth, so that a fall in
price not only induces those who, at a higher price, consume
some of the commodity to buy more, but also induces new
buyers to come into the field. The same effect would be pro-
duced if the taste for the commodity was unequally distributed
amongst the buyers. The concavity of the demand curve will be
increased if each successive group of buyers with a smaller in-
come, or with less desire for the commodity, is larger than the
group before it, so that a larger number of new buyers are
attracted to the commodity by each successive fall in price.
The demand curve is likely to be convm. if the market is com-
posed of buyers all alike in wealth and in their taste for the
commodity, and it is likely to be convex over the range where
the price is so low that even the poorest and least ardent
buyers purchase some of the commodity.
In an imperfect market, where the imperfection is due to
transport costs, and where the buyers are evenly distributed
over the area concerned, the demand curve for each individual
producer is likely to be concave, since each successive drop in
price charged by any one of them will cause a wider ring of
customers to buy from the firm which makes it. On the other
hand, when there is a dense population of buyers in the neigh-
bourhood of each separate firm, and a sparse population in the
regions between them, the demand curve for the individual firm
will tend to be convex, since as the price is first reduced below
the level at which the firm sells nothing, buyers from its own
neighbourhood will be attracted to it in large numbers, but each
succeeding reduction in price will meet with a smaller and
smaller response as the output of the firm penetrates further
and further afield, until it begins to invade the densely populated
regions around the rival firms. Similar considerations will apply
when the imperfection of the market is due to preferences on the
part of groups of buyers for particular firms. In every case the
shape of the demand curve can be interpreted in the light of
the conditions which affect it.
Similarly the shapes of the cost curves will depend upon the
conditions of production. For instance the supply curve of a
perfectly competitive industry will be concave when economies
of large-scale production occur at a diminishing rate as output
increases, or when the increase of costs due to the existence of
a scarce factor occur at an increasing rate. This is the state of
affairs which we should normally expect to find, but a convex
supply curve, on which costs fall at an increasing rate or rise
at a falling rate, is not impossible.
A curve is a straight line when a given absolute change in
amount is associated with the same absolute fall in price or in
cost for all amounts of output. There is no reason to expect that
such curves are to be found in any actual case, but they provide
us with an analytical device of which we shall make great use in
the succeeding argument.
The Entrepreneur.-In the following pages the entrepreneur
is personified and referred to as an individual. But in a joint-
stock company no single individual is responsible for the final
control of the firm. Responsibility rests nominally upon the
shareholders, whereas actual control is commonly left entirely
to the directors, and the initiation of the concern may have
been due to a company promotor. Moreover, the "reward of
the entrepreneur" may not be received by the individuals who
actually carry out the functions of entrepreneurship. The
policy of the concern will be dictated by its most influential
directors, while the resulting profits or losses will fall to the
shareholders. These complications are here disregarded, and
the entrepreneur is treated as an indivisible unit of control
and of interest.


THE first tool required for the monopoly analysis of value is a

pair of curves, marginal and average. The conceptions of average
and marginal value can be applied to costs of production, utility,
revenue, the productivity of factors of productions, and so
forth. 1 In the present chapter we shall for purposes of illustra-
tion call the quantities under discussion cost and output, but
the discussion can be applied equally to any other two quantities
of which one is determined by the value of the other. Marginal
cost represents the rate at which total cost increases as output
increases; thus the marginal cost of n units of output is the total
cost of n minus the total cost of (n- 1). Average cost is the total
cost of n units of output divided by n. It is therefore possible, if
the average costs of any two successive amounts of output are
known, to calculate the marginal cost. Thus: 2
t Some parts of the technical apparatus set out in this chapter are derived
from the work of Professor Pigou (see Appendices, Economics of Welfare). The
algebraical formulation of the relations of marginal and average curves (p. 36)
is derived from Mr. Harrod ("The Law of Decreasing Costs", Economic Journal,
December 1931). Other writers, to whom I am not myself indebted, have pub.
lished parts of the apparatus at various times, e.g. Dr. H. v. Stackelberg
("Grundlagen einer reiner Kostentheorie", Zeitachrift fur National6konomie,
May 1932); Prof. Amoroso, ("La curva statica di offerta", Giornale degli
Economiati, 1930); Dr. E. Schneider (Reine Theorie monopoliatiacher Wirt.
schaftaformen and "Das Verteilungs- und Kostenproblem in einer vertrusteten
Industria", Schmollers Jahrbuch, vol. 19); Prof. T. 0. Yntema ("The Influence
of Dumping on Monopoly Price", Journal of Political Economy, December
Hl28) •
• In this numerical illustration considerable changes in amount (.f(j, n·
etc.) are shown, for the sake of clarity, but such large changes introduce an
* The reader who is acquaimecl with the elemen~ of margiiiUll analysis is re-
cmnmervied to use this chapter for reference as it is required. Other readers are
recommended to study the first two sections, and to return to the more complicated
telatinnshipa displayed in the remaining sections at a later stage.

Unlta of Output. Average Cost. Total Cost. Marginal Cost.

20 200 -
11 21 231 31
12 22 264 33
13 23 299 35
Units of Output. Average Coot. Total Cost. Marginal Cost.

10 20 200 -
ll 19 209 9
12 18 216 7
13 17 221 5

The first example shows rising costs, the second falling costs. If
costs are constant, marginal and average cost are equal. Thus:

Units of Output. AYerage Cost.. Total Cost. Marginal Cost.

10 20 200 -
11 20 220 20
12 20 240 20

If marginal cost is greater than average cost, average cost must

be rising. For if it costs more to add, say, a 12th unit to out-
put than the average cost of 11, the average cost of 12 will be
higher than the average cost of II. Similarly if marginal cost is
less than average cost, average cost must be falling, for if it costs
less to produce a 12th unit than the average of 11, then the
average cost of 12 will be less than the average cost of 11. To
maintain the average at the same level, the marginal cost of the
12th unit must be as great as the average cost of the 11 units..
Thus, so long as marginal cost is greater than average cost,
average cost increases with output, and so long as marginal
cost is less than average cost, average cost is falling. If marginal
cost is equal to average cost, average cost is constant. But it is
inaccuracy into the calculation. More precisely, marginal cost is only equal
to the increase in total cost, due to an increment of output, divided by
the increment of output, if the increment is infinitesimal. Marginal cost
d (total cost)
= d (outpU.i:f"

possible for average cost to be falling while marginal cost is

rising, and vice versa. If the rate of fall of average cost diminishes
as output increases, it is possible that, after a certain point,
marginal cost will begin to rise. Thus:

Units of Output. A.veraee Cost. Total Cost. Marginal Coat.

8 22 176 -
9 21 189 13
10 20 200 11
11 19 209 9
12 18! 222 13
13 1St 2371- 15t
14 lSl 253! 16!

These relationships can be represented diagrammatically by
means of marginal and average curves. According to the usual
convention, output is measured on the x axis and cost per unit
(average or marginal) on they axis. As we have seen, so long as
the marginal curve lies below the average curve, the average
curve must be falling; and so long as the marginal curve lies
above the average curve, the average curve must be rising. If
the average curve is at first falling and then rising, the marginal
curve will cut the average curve at its lowest point, for the

0 Unit. of output X 0 Unit. of output

Fla. 1. FIG. 2.

average curve can only fall while the marginal curve lies below
it, and only rise while the marginal curve lies above it. Similarly,
if an average curve is at first rising and then falling, the marginal
curve will cut it at its highest point.
The two curves must leave they axis at the same point, since
the average and marginal cost of an indefinitely small output
are the same.
It is possible, as we have seen, to calculate marginal cost
if the average costs of two successive outputs are known, or
in other words, if the slope of the average cost curve is
known. But ·in order to derive average cost from marginal
cost it is necessary to know the course of the marginal curve
up to the output in question. We can find the total cost of n
units if we can calculate the cost of I unit, plus the additional
cost of the 2nd, plus the additional cost of the 3rd, and so
forth up to the additional cost of the nth unit. The total cost
of any output is thus shown by the area lying below the curve
of marginal costs for all outputs up to the output in question.
Then, by dividing by n, we can find the average cost.

We must now explore the geometrical relationships between
the:::;e two cmTes. The fundamental relationship between average

'' ....... ,
........... , E
--· ------

0 Q
FIG. 3.

and marginal curves is that for any given output (OQ in Fig. 3)
the area lying below the marginal curve (AEQO) is equal to
the rectangle (BDQO) subtended by the average curve.

From this it is possible to deduce the following relationships.

If the curves are straight lines, a perpendicular from any point
on the average curve to the y axis will be bisected by the
marginal curve.

0 Q
FIG. 4.

Draw DB and DQ perpendicular to the y and x axes re-

spectively from a point Don the average curve.
Let the marginal curve cut DB inC and DQ in E.
Let the marginal and average curves cut they axis in A.
It is required to prove that BC=CD.
The area BDQO =the area AEQO, since each is equal to
the total cost of the output OQ .
.· . .6ABC =.6CDE in area.
But LB =LD =a right angle.
And the opposite angles at C are equal•
.· . .6ABC =.6CDE in all respects.
:. BC=CD.

Thus BC is equal to half BD. By the same proof it follows

that AB is equal to DE. This is equivalent to saying that, for
straight lines, the rate of fall (or rise) of the marginal curve is
twice the rate of fall (or rise) of the average curve.
There is no reason to expect that the curves with which we
shall have to deal should be straight lines, but the simple case
of straight line curves enables us to discover the fundamental
relationships upon which all the geometry of marginal and
average curves is built up. We can already make some useful
deductions from them. First of all, without leaving the realm of
straight-line curves, we can see from the above proof that if two
0.11. 2 THE GEOMETRY 31
or moJ.Oe straight-line average curves cut at a point, the corre-
sponding marginal curves cut half-way from they axiil and on
the same horizontal level.

0 Q
FIG. 5.

In Fig. 5, the marginal curves all cut in C, and BC is equal

to CD.
When we are dealing with the analysis of monopoly we often
need to consider the behaviour of two or more pairs of average
and marginal curves. This relationship between pairs of straight-
line curves will then be of service.

Further, the fundamental relationships set out above provide

us with a very simple diagrammatic method of deriving marginal
from average curves. When the curves are straight lines the
method is obvious. We know that the perpendicular drawn from
any point on the average curve to they axis is bisected by the
marginal curve, so that when the average curve is known the
corresponding marginal curve can immediately be drawn. When
the average curve is not a straight line the case is more compli-
cated. The method for deriving the marginal curve from it
depends upon the fact that the marginal value corresponding to
any point on the average curve is the same as the marginal
value corresponding to the tangent at that point. This must be
the case, since the rate of change of cost is the same at this point

on the tangent and on the curve, a.nd when we are calculating

the increase in total cost due to a small increase of output at this
point it is a matter of indifference whether we calculate the
increase from the curve or from the tangent.
Marginal value can therefore be derived from average value
as follows:

FIG. 6.

Let AD be the tangent to a.n average curve at D.

Draw DB and DQ perpendicular to the y and x axes
The marginal cost for the output OQ is the same for the
curve to which AD is the tangent at D, and for the tangent
Let AE bisect BD in C and cut DQ in E.
Then, treating the tangent AD as an average curve, AE is
marginal to it. Hence the marginal curve passes through E.
This device of drawing a marginal curve to a tangent will
be of service in the succeeding argument. AE may be de-
scribed as the correspondent to the tangent at D.
AB equals DE and QE is the marginal cost of the output OQ.
We are now provided with a method of finding the marginal
curve corresponding to an average curve of any shape. In
order to construct a diagram it is not necessary to draw the
correspondent (AE) to the tangent, for we know that the dis-
tance AB (in the above diagram) is equal to the distance DE.
Thus by drawing a tangent at any point on the average curve,
we can immediately find the corresponding point on the mar-
ginal curve. To find the point on the marginal curve correspond-
ing to a point on the average curve, draw a tangent to the
average curve at that point and a perpendicular from the point
to the y axis. The marginal curve will lie below the average
curve by the distance cut off on they axis (AB) by the tangent
and the perpendicular.
By this means, we can follow an average curve whatever its
shape, and draw the corresponding marginal curve at all points.
It follows from the fact that the marginal value corresponding
to any point on an average curve is the same for the curve and
for its tangent at that point that if a number of average curves
are tangential to each other at a certain point the corresponding
marginal values must be the same for all the curves. That is to
say, at the output at which the average curves are tangential,
the marginal curves must cut.

0 Q
FIG. 7.

In Fig. 7, the three average curves A 1 , A 2 , and A 3 have a

common tangent (AD) at D.
The marginal value QE (which is equal to QD minus AB) is
the same for all the curves and for the tangent, and the
ma,rginal curves cut each other in E.
Further, it can be seen that if two average curves, instead of
t.ouching, cut each other at any point, D, then the margina.)

curve corresponding to the less elastic curve must cut the line
DQ below the point at which it is cut by the marginal curve cor-
responding to the more elastic average curve, and the marginal
curves must cut each other to the left of the line DQ.

The relationship between a particular average curve and the
corresponding marginal curve will depend upon the elasticity 1 of
the average curve. When the average curve is rising the marginal
values must be positive whatever the elasticity of the curve,
and when the average curve is falling, but its elasticity is
greater than unity, so that an increase in output leads to an
increase in total cost, the marginal values must be positive; but
if the elasticity of the average curve is equal to unity, so that
total costs are unchanged by an increase in output, marginal
cost is equal to zero, and if the average curve has an elasticity

0 ............
' . .... , . ,
..., .....
' .. ' • , , .. l'rf
~~ & -,,
of less than unity the corresponding marginal curve will show
negative values. 2
1See p. 18 for the definition of elasticity.
1We have so far taken our examples from cost curves, and if the average
curve which we are considering shows the costs of output to any business unit
it is impossible that it should have an elasticity of less than unity, for it is
impossible for the total cost of a greater output to be less than the total cost
of a smaller output. But we are here studying the relationships of marginal and
average curves as such, only taking cost curves as an example for the sake of
convenience. The fact that when an average curve is inelastic the marginal
values are negative is of importance when we come to consider average and
marginal revenue (see p. 53, below).
The case for straight lines is illustrated in Fig. 8.
For any average curve the elasticity is infinite where it cuts
they axis, and at that point the marginal curve coincides with
it. The elasticity is zero where it cuts the x axis. The elasticity is
unity for a straight line at the half-way point. Above this point
the average curve is elastic, and the marginal values are posi-
tive; below it the average curve is inelastic, and the marginal
values are negative.
It is possible to see, quite generally, how the exact vertical
distance between the marginal and average curves will depend
on the elasticity of the average curve. The greater the elasticity
of the average curve at a given point, the closer will the mar-
ginal curve lie to it.
Thus, in Fig. 6 above, the greater the elasticity at a given
point D, the smaller will be the slope of the tangent AD, the
smaller will be the distance AB, and the nearer will E lie to D.
If the average curve is perfectly elastic, it will lie parallel to the
x axis, the marginal curve will coincide with it, and costs will
be constant. The extra cost of producing one more unit at each

Fro. 9.

point is then equal to the average cost of the output at that and
every other point.
The relationship between average value, marginal value and
elasticity can be precisely formulated.
(Footnote contintud]
An average cost curve of unit elasticity is not theoretically impossibls_ If
the outlay necessary to produce the minimum unit of output will serve for an
indefinitely large output without any additional cost, we should have an
average cost curve of the form of a rectangular hyperbola, and the marpnal
curve would coincide with the y and x axes. Broadcasting to various numbem
of :U.tenera might, perhaps, afford an example of such a.n average cost curve.

(FIG. 9). Let PM be the average value for any output OM, and CM
the marginal value.
Draw a tangent to the average curve at P to cut the y axis
in A and the x axis in E.
Then the elasticity 1 of the average curve at Pis!~·
Now the triangles APF and PEM are similar.
•·. AP= AF"
But AF=PC .
••• the elasticity at P = ~~
_average value
-average value- marginal value·
If elasticity is e, average value A and marginal value M,
then e=~; A=M-e-, and M=Ae-l.
A-M e-1 e
From this formula the ratio of the marginal to the average value
can be deduced as soon as the elasticity of the average curve is
known. Thus, for instance, if the average curve is a rectangular
hyperbola asymptotic to the axes, so that elasticity is equal
to unity for all outputs, then the marginal value is zero for
all outputs, that is to say, the marginal curve coincides with
the axes. If the elasticity of the average curve is equal to in-
finity, e- ~ is equal to unity, and the average and marginal
values are equal.
If e =2, M =!A,
if e =!, M =-A, and so forth.
The elasticity of a rising curve is regarded as negative. 1 For
a rising curve the marginal value is greater than the average
Thus if e- -!, M =3A,
if e - - I, M = 2A,
if e = -2, M =-~A, and so forth.
J Marshall, Principles, p. 102.
2 This is illogical, but convenient. It makes no difference to the results
whether the elasticity of a rising curve is regarded as positive or negative,
provided that it is treated as of opposite sim to the elasticity of a falling cuvre.

Next we must show the relationship of marginal and average
curves in certain peculiar cases. These are of importance, both
because they contribute to an understanding of the general
relationships, and because they will be necessary to us in our



, ,' A
,' A ,,


FIG. 10. FIG. ll.

subsequent analysis. For instance, if average cost remains con-

stant up to a certain point and then begins to rise gradually, the
marginal curve will diverge from it gradually (Fig. 10). H the
average curve begins to rise suddenly it will be said to contain a





.•",, A

•, : ',~
r-- ...... _

FIG. 12.

kink,l and the marginal curve will contain a discontinuity

(Fig. ll).
1 The existence of a kink in a curve entails a wscontinuity in its slope.

Similarly a kink may occur in a falling average curve. If, for

instance, the slope of the average curve, which has hitherto
been falling steadily, suddenly diminishes, as in Fig. 12, the
marginal curve will rise discontinuously and then pursue its
normal course.
If the slope of the average curve suddenly increases (as in
Fig. 13), the marginal curve will fall discontinuously•

....... .
' I

FIG. 13.

The presence of a kink in the average curve may be regarded

as an extreme example of the case where the slope of the curve
undergoes a rapid change over a small range of output, and
where the marginal curve without any actual discontinuity
rises or falls very steeply over this range.

There is one further possibility which we have not yet con-

sidered. Marginal cost may be constant while average cost is
falling. This will occur when cost is composed of two elements,
a sum which varies directly with output and a fixed sum which
does not vary with output at all. This is clearly seen in the
familiar example of the die and medals. Suppose that a die costs
£100, and that to !;ltrike a medal from it costs £1. Then marginal
and average costs would be as follows:

Medals. Total Cost. .Average Cost. Marginal Cost.

£ £ £
1 101 101 -
2 102 51 1
3 103 34-l 1
4 104 26 1
.. .. ..
.. ..
100 200 2 I
In this case marginal cost is constant and average cost falls
as output increases. The average curve is a rectangular hyper-
bola subtending an area equal to the fixed cost (£100 in the
above example) and the marginal cost curve is a horizontal line
to which the average curve is asymptotio.l

FIG. 14.

Curves of this type are useful in the analysis of short-period

cost, where overhead expenses represent a fixed element and
prime costs a variable element. When average prime cost is
constant for the relevant amounts of output the situation
illustrated in the above diagram will occur.
We must now return to the study of curves of a simpler type.
We found, in Section 3, that when an average curve is a straight
line, a perpendicular drawn from it to the y axis, at any point,
is bisected by the marginal curve. The corresponding relation-
ships, when the curves are not straight lines, can also be dis-
If a falling average curve is concave,• the perpendicular is cut
by the marginal curve to the left of its middle point.
1 The marginal cosi curve must be regarded a.s coinciding with the 11 axis
at zero output, and a.s meeting the average cost curve at infinity.
I SeeP· 23.

.... ,............ M .

FIG. 15.

Draw the tangent to an average curve at s.ny point P.

Then the correspondent~ cuts the marginal curve vertically
below Pin C.
Draw BC parallel to the x axis, to cut they axis in B, the
marginal curve in C, the tangent in N, and the average
curve in D. Then BC =CN. 2
Since the curve is concave, D must lie outside BN•
.·. CD>CN.
But CN=BC .
If a concave average curve is rising, the tangent will lie to the
right of the curve, so that BC is greater than !BD. If an average
curve is falling, but convex, BC is greater than !BD, and if the
curve is rising, but convex, BC is less than -fBD. The ratio of
BC to BD depends upon the slope and the curvature of the
average curve. 3
1~~- ·~~~
a An approximate value of the ratio can be obtained as follows for the case
where the curvature is small:
Let the correspondent to the average curve at
D cut BD in L so that BL =LD.
If y = f(z) is the equation of the average curve,
the slope of the correspondent is 2j'(z) (p. 30).
The equation of the marginal curve is
y=f(z)+zf'(z) , and the slope of the marginal
curve is 2f'(z) +zf"(z).
Ifj'(z) is small the marginal curve can be treated
as a straight line between C and E, and it follows
Fxa. 15A. that

In much of what follows we shall have to deal with the inter-

sections of pairs of marginal and average curves. The above
propositions help to disclose the relationship between such
intersections. When we were studying straight-line curves we

FIG. 16.

found 1 that if two average curves cut at a point, the marginal

curves must necessarily cut each other at a point midway
between they axis and the point of intersection of the average
curves and on the same horizontal level. When the curves are
not straight lines this will no longer be generally true, as the
above relationships will show. In each particular case the
[Footnote contir.uedJ
LD 2f'(x) +xf'(x)
CD= 2f'(x) --
B t BC =2LD- CD
=2cD -I.
BC xf'(x)
••• CD= l + f'(x).
g;.f'(x) . .
j'(x) may be regarded as a measure of the OOJU8ted concamty of tho aver•
age curve.
I am indebted to Mr. R. F. Kahn for this proof.
1 Seep. 30.

results will depend upon the adjusted concavities of the curves,

which determine the ratios of BO to BD.
(FIG. 16). Let two falling average curves, A 1 and A 2, cut at D.
Draw BD parallel to the x axis.
Let the corresponding marginal curves, M 1 and M 2 , cut BD
in C1 and C1 , and cut each other in R.
Then if the average curves are concave, BC1 and BC2 are both
less than !BD, and if they are convex, BC1 and BC2 are both
greater than !BD.
It is therefore clear that when the average curves are concave,
the point R, at which M 1 and M 2 cut each other, may either lie
above BD at a horizontal distance from the y axis of less than
-fBD, or below BD at a distance which may be less than, equal
to, or greater than !BD. And when the average curves are
convex, the point R may either lie below BD at a distance from
the y axis of more than !BD, or above BD at a distance which
may be less than, equal to, or greater than !BD. In the same
way it can be shown 1 that if a convex average curve is falling
and a concave average curve rising, the point of intersection of
the marginal curves must be more than midway from the y
axis, but the level may be above or below the level of the point
of intersection of the average curves, and so forth. Thus the
relationships between pairs of curves of all possible shapes can
be derived from the propositions set out in Section 8.

It is further necessary to consider the movements of curves.
We shall be mainly concerned with changes in the position of
average curves. These may be of various types. An average
curve may be raised so that its slope, at a given output, is the
same as before. The tangents, at that output, are then parallel.
Or it may retain the same slope at any given price. The tangents,
at that price, are then parallel. Or the curve may move in such
a way that its elasticity, either at a given output or at a given
price, is the same as before, in which case its slope will be
different.• If the elasticities are the same at one output, it can
1 The reader unacquainted with the tec,hnique is recommended to illustrate
this and the following relationships by drawing diagrams for them.
1 F"Or a reader unacquainted with the relationship between slope and eJas.
be she>wn that the tangents, at that output, will meet on the
x axis. Similarly, if the elasticities are the same at one price, the
tangents, at that price, will meet on they axis.1 Average curves
which stand in this relationship to each other will be found of
service in the succeeding argument, and it is convenient to have
a name for them. Two average curves which have the same
elasticity at a given price are described as iso-elasticat that price.
Average curves, of course, may also move in any other way,
so that neither the slopes nor the elasticities are the same at any
price or at any output, but the above relations, so to speak,
map out the field of possible changes.


The use of the geometrical relationships which have been set

out in this chapter will become clear in succeeding chapters.
They will be applied to various problems and reference will·be
made to them at many points in the following argument. At
the same time, as our analysis proceeds, some further relation-
ships will be required, and will be deduced, as occasion arises,
from the propositions contained in this chapter.
ticity the following exercise may be useful : Consider two parallel straight·
line falling curves. The slope of these two curves is the same. A line through
the origin will cut the two curves at points of equal elasticity. A line per-
pendicular to the :x; axis will cut the higher curve at a point of greater ela.sti·
city than the lower curve. Conversely a line perpendicular to the y axis will
cut tho lower curve at a point of greater elasticity than the higher curve.
l The converse of this proposition is proved on p. 68, below.

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