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revenues and total costs behave.

If decisions can
Cost-Volume-Profit be significantly improved, managers should
3 Analysis choose a more complex approach that, for
example, uses multiple cost drivers and nonlinear
cost functions.
3. Because managers want to avoid operating
This chapter explains a planning tool called cost- losses, they are interested in the breakeven point
volume-profit (CVP) analysis. CVP analysis calculated using CVP analysis. The breakeven
examines the behavior of total revenues, total point is the quantity of output sold at which total
costs, and operating income (profit) as changes revenues equal total costs. There is neither a profit
occur in the output level, selling price, variable nor a loss at the breakeven point. To illustrate,
cost per unit, and/or fixed costs of a product or assume a company sells 2,000 units of its only
service. The reliability of the results from CVP product for $50 per unit, variable cost is $20 per
analysis depends on the reasonableness of the unit, and fixed costs are $60,000 per month. Given
assumptions. The Appendix to the chapter gives these conditions, the company is operating at the
additional insights about CVP analysis; it breakeven point:
illustrates decision models and uncertainty.
Revenues, 2,000 × $50 $100,000
Review Points Deduct:
Variable costs, 2,000 × $20 40,000
1. CVP analysis is based on several Fixed costs 60,000
assumptions including: Operating income $ -0-
a. Changes in the level of revenues and costs
arise only because of changes in the number The breakeven point can be expressed two ways:
of product (or service) units produced and 2,000 units and $100,000 of revenues.
sold (that is, the number of output units is the
only driver of revenues and costs). 4. Under CVP analysis, the income
b. Total costs can be separated into a fixed statement above is reformatted to show a key line
component that does not vary with the output item, contribution margin:
level and a component that is variable with
respect to the output level. Revenues, 2,000 × $50 $100,000
c. When represented graphically, the behaviors Variable costs, 2,000 × $20 40,000
Contribution margin 60,000
of both total revenues and total costs are linear
Fixed costs 60,000
(straight lines) in relation to the output level Operating income $ -0-
within the relevant range (and time period).
d. The analysis either covers a single product or This format, called the contribution income
assumes that the proportion of different statement, is used extensively in this chapter and
products when multiple products are sold will throughout the textbook.
remain constant as the level of total units sold
changes. 5. Contribution margin can be expressed
three ways: in total, on a per unit basis, and as a
2. Even though CVP assumptions simplify percentage of revenues. In our example, total
real-world situations, many companies have found contribution margin is $60,000. Contribution
CVP relationships can be helpful in making margin per unit is the difference between selling
decisions about strategic and long-range planning, price and variable cost per unit: $50 − $20 = $30.
as well as decisions about product features and Contribution margin per unit is also equal to
pricing. Managers, however, must always assess contribution margin divided by the number of
whether the simplified CVP relationships generate
units sold: $60,000 ÷ 2,000 = $30. Contribution
sufficiently accurate predictions of how total
margin percentage (also called contribution

margin ratio) is contribution margin per unit point because no income taxes arise if operating
divided by selling price: $30 ÷ $50 = 60%; it is income is $0.
also equal to contribution margin divided by
revenues: $60,000 ÷ $100,000 = 60%. This 8. Managers use CVP analysis to guide their
contribution margin percentage means that 60 decisions, many of which are strategic decisions.
cents in contribution margin is gained for each $1 For example, CVP analysis helps managers decide
of revenues. how much to spend on advertising, whether or not
to expand into new markets, and which features to
6. In our example, compute the breakeven add to existing products. Of course, different
point (BEP) in units and in revenues as follows: choices can affect fixed costs, variable cost per
unit, selling prices, units sold, and operating
Total fixed costs income.
BEP units =
Contributi on margin per unit
$60, 000 9. Single-number “best estimates” of input
BEP units = = 2, 000 units
$30 data for CVP analysis are subject to varying
Total fixed costs degrees of uncertainty, the possibility that an
BEP revenues =
Contributi on margin percentag e actual amount will deviate from an expected
$60, 000 amount. One approach to deal with uncertainty is
BEP revenues = = $100, 000
0. 60 to use sensitivity analysis (discussed in paragraphs
10 through 12). Another approach is to compute
While the breakeven point is often of interest to expected values using probability distributions
managers, CVP analysis considers a broader (discussed in paragraph 19).
question: What amount of sales in units or in
revenues is needed to achieve a specified target 10. Sensitivity analysis is a “what if”
operating income? The answer is easily obtained technique that managers use to examine how an
by adding target operating income to total fixed outcome will change if the original predicted data
costs in the numerator of the formulas above. are not achieved or if an underlying assumption
Assuming target operating income (TOI) is changes. In the context of CVP analysis,
$15,000: sensitivity analysis examines how operating
income (or the breakeven point) changes if the
Unit sales to = $60, 000 + $15, 000 = 2, 500 units predicted data for selling price, variable cost per
achieve TOI $30 unit, fixed costs, or units sold are not achieved.
The sensitivity to various possible outcomes
Revenues to = $60, 000 + $15, 000 = $125, 000 broadens managers’ perspectives as to what might
achieve TOI 0. 60 actually occur before they make cost
commitments. Electronic spreadsheets, such as
7. Because for-profit organizations are Excel, enable managers to conduct CVP-based
subject to income taxes, their CVP analyses must sensitivity analyses in a systematic and efficient
include this factor. For example, if a company way.
earns $50,000 before income taxes and the tax rate
is 40%, then: 11. An aspect of sensitivity analysis is
margin of safety, the amount by which budgeted
Operating income $50,000 (or actual) revenues exceed breakeven revenues.
Deduct income taxes (40%) 20,000 The margin of safety answers the “what-if”
Net income $30,000 question: If budgeted revenues are above
breakeven and drop, how far can they fall below
To state a target net income figure in terms of the budget before the breakeven point is reached?
operating income, divide target net income by 1 −
tax rate: $30,000 ÷ (1 − .40) = $50,000. Note, the 12. CVP-based sensitivity analysis highlights
income-tax factor does not change the breakeven the risks and returns that an existing cost structure

holds for a company. This insight may lead
managers to consider alternative cost structures. 15. Recall from paragraph 1d that, in multiple
For example, compensating a salesperson on the product situations, CVP analysis assumes a given
basis of a sales commission (a variable cost) rather sales mix of products remains constant as the level
than a salary (a fixed cost) decreases the of total units sold changes. In this case, the
company’s downside risk if demand is low but breakeven point is some number of units of each
decreases its return if demand is high. The risk- product, depending on the sales mix. To illustrate,
return tradeoff across alternative cost structures assume a company sells two products, A and B.
can be measured as operating leverage. Operating The sales mix is 4 units of A and 3 units of B. The
leverage describes the effects that fixed costs have contribution margins per unit are $80 for A and
on changes in operating income as changes occur $40 for B. Fixed costs are $308,000 per month. To
in units sold and hence in contribution margin. compute the breakeven point:
Companies with a high proportion of fixed costs in
their cost structures have high operating leverage. Let 4X = No. of units of A to break even
Consequently, small changes in units sold cause Then 3X = No. of units of B to break even
large changes in operating income. At any given BEP in X units =
$308, 000
level of sales: 4($80 ) + 3($40 )
$308, 000
BEP in X units = = 700 units
Contributi on margin $440
Degree of operating leverage = A units to break even = 4 × 700 = 2,800 units
Operating income
B units to break even = 3 × 700 = 2,100 units
Proof of breakeven point:
Knowing the degree of operating leverage at a
A: 2,800 × $80 $224,000
given level of sales helps managers calculate the
B: 2,100 × $40 84,000
effect of changes in sales on operating income.
Total contribution margin 308,000
Fixed costs 308,000
13. The time horizon being considered for a
Operating income $ -0-
decision affects the classification of costs as
variable or fixed. The shorter the time horizon, the
16. CVP analysis can be applied to service
greater the proportion of total costs that are fixed.
organizations and nonprofit organizations. The
For example, virtually all the costs of an airline
key is measuring their output. Unlike
flight are fixed one hour before takeoff. When the
manufacturing and merchandising companies that
time horizon is lengthened to one year and then
measure their output in units of product, the
five years, more and more costs become variable.
measure of output differs from one service
This example underscores the point: which costs
industry (or nonprofit organization) to another.
are fixed in a specific decision situation depends
For example, airlines measure output in passenger-
on the length of the time horizon and the relevant
miles and hotels/motels use room-nights occupied.
Government welfare agencies measure output in
number of clients served and universities use
14. Sales mix is the quantities of various
student credit-hours.
products (or services) that constitute total unit
sales of a company. If the sales mix changes and
17. Recall from paragraph 1a that CVP
the overall unit sales target is still achieved,
analysis assumes that the number of output units is
however, the effect on the breakeven point and
the only revenue and cost driver. By relaxing this
operating income depends on how the original
assumption, CVP analysis can be adapted to the
proportions of lower or higher contribution margin
more general case of multiple cost drivers but the
products have shifted. Other things being equal,
simple formulas in paragraph 6 can no longer be
for any given total quantity of units sold, the
used. Moreover, there is no unique breakeven
breakeven point decreases and operating income
point. The example, text p. 77, has two cost
increases if the sales mix shifts toward products
drivers—the number of software packages sold
with higher contribution margins.
and the number of customers. One breakeven

point is selling 26 packages to 8 customers. into a decision model. This approach provides
Another breakeven point is selling 27 packages to additional insights about CVP analysis. A decision
16 customers. model, a formal method for making a choice,
usually includes five steps: (a) identify a choice
18. Contribution margin, a key concept in this criterion such as maximize income, (b) identify
chapter, contrasts with gross margin discussed in the set of alternative actions (choices) to be
Chapter 2. Gross margin is an important line item considered, (c) identify the set of events (possible
in the GAAP income statements of merchandising occurrences) that can occur, (d) assign a
and manufacturing companies. Gross margin is probability to each event that can occur, and (e)
total revenues minus cost of goods sold, whereas identify the set of possible outcomes (the predicted
contribution margin is total revenues minus total economic result of each action-event
variable costs (from the entire value chain). Gross combination). Uncertainty is present in a decision
margin and contribution margin will be different model because for each alternative action there are
amounts (except in the highly unlikely case that two or more possible events, each with a
cost of goods sold and variable costs are equal). probability of occurrence. The correct decision is
For example, a manufacturing company deducts to choose the action with the best expected value.
fixed manufacturing costs that become period Expected value is the weighted average of the
costs from revenues in computing gross margin outcomes, with the probability of each outcome
(but not contribution margin); it deducts sales serving as the weight. Although the expected
commissions from revenues in computing value criterion helps managers make good
contribution margin (but not gross margin). decisions, it does not prevent bad outcomes from
19. The Appendix to this chapter uses a
probability distribution to incorporate uncertainty

Featured Exercise

In its budget for next month, McGwire Company has revenues of $500,000, variable costs of $350,000, and
fixed costs of $135,000.

a. Compute contribution margin percentage.

b. Compute total revenues needed to break even.
c. Compute total revenues needed to achieve a target operating income of $45,000.
d. Compute total revenues needed to achieve a target net income of $48,000, assuming the income tax rate is


a. Contribution margin percentage = ($500,000 − $350,000) ÷ $500,000

= $150,000 ÷ $500,000 = 30%
Note, variable costs as a percentage of revenues = $350,000 ÷ $500,000 = 70%

b. Breakeven point = $135,000 ÷ 0.30 = $450,000

Proof of breakeven point:
Revenues $450,000
Variable costs, $450,000 × 0.70 315,000
Contribution margin 135,000
Fixed costs 135,000
Operating income $ -0-

c. Let X = Total revenues needed to achieve target operating income of $45,000

$135, 000 + $45, 000 $180, 000

X= = = $600, 000
0. 30 0. 30

d. Two steps are used to obtain the answer. First, compute operating income when net income is $48,000:

$48, 000 $48, 000

= = $80, 000
1 − 0. 40 0. 60

Second, compute total revenues needed to achieve a target operating income of $80,000 (that is, a target
net income of $48,000), which is denoted by Y:

$135, 000 + $80, 000 $215, 000

Y= = = $716,667
0. 30 0. 30

Review Questions and Exercises as operating income will change if the original
predicted data are not achieved or if an
(All answers are at the end of the chapter.) underlying assumption changes.
5. The quantities of various products (or
Completion Statements services) that constitute total unit sales of a
company is called the ________________.
Fill in the blank(s) to complete each statement. 6. _________________ describes the effects that
fixed costs have on changes in operating
1. __________________________________ is income as changes occur in units sold and
equal to selling price minus variable cost per hence in contribution margin.
unit. 7. (Appendix) In a decision model, the correct
2. The financial report that highlights the decision is to choose the action with the best
contribution margin as a line item is called the ______________________, which is the
_______________________________. weighted average of the outcomes with the
3. The possibility that an actual amount will probability of each outcome serving as the
deviate from an expected amount is called weight.
4. ________________________ is a “what if”
technique that, when used in the context of
CVP analysis, examines how an outcome such

True-False __ 1. (CPA) CVP analysis does not assume
Indicate whether each statement is true (T) or false a. selling prices remain constant.
(F). b. there is a single revenue and cost
__ 1. Generally, the breakeven point in c. total fixed costs vary inversely with
revenues can be easily determined by the output level.
simply summing all costs in the d. total costs are linear within the
company’s contribution income relevant range.
statement. __ 2. Given for Winn Company in 2005:
__ 2. At the breakeven point, total fixed costs revenues $530,000, manufacturing costs
always equals contribution margin. $220,000 (one-half fixed), and marketing
__ 3. The amount by which budgeted (or and administrative costs $270,000 (two-
actual) revenues exceed breakeven thirds variable). The contribution margin
revenues is called the margin of is:
forecasting error. a. $40,000.
__ 4. An increase in the income tax rate b. $240,000.
increases the breakeven point. c. $310,000.
__ 5. Trading off fixed costs in a company’s d. $330,000.
cost structure for higher variable cost per
unit decreases downside risk if demand is
low and decreases return if demand is
__ 6. At any given level of sales, the degree of
operating leverage is equal to contribution
margin divided by operating income. __ 3. Using the information in question 2 and
__ 7. If the budget appropriation for a ignoring inventories, the gross margin for
government social welfare agency is Winn Company is:
reduced by 15% and the cost-volume a. $40,000.
relationships remain the same, the client b. $240,000.
service level would decrease by 15%. c. $310,000.
__ 8. The longer the time horizon in a decision d. $330,000.
situation, the lower the percentage of total
costs that are variable.
__ 9. Cost of goods sold in manufacturing
companies is a variable cost.
__ 10. (Appendix) The probability distribution __ 4. (CPA) Koby Company has revenues of
for the mutually exclusive and $200,000, variable costs of $150,000,
collectively exhaustive set of events in a fixed costs of $60,000, and an operating
decision model sums to 1.00. loss of $10,000. By how much would
__ 11. (Appendix) Even if a manager makes a Koby need to increase its revenues in
good decision, a bad outcome may still order to achieve a target operating income
occur. of 10% of revenues?
a. $200,000
Multiple Choice b. $231,000
c. $251,000
Select the best answer to each question. Space is d. $400,000
provided for computations after the quantitative

__ 5. (CPA) The following information pertains d. $170,000
to Nova Co.’s CVP relationships: __ 8. The amount of total costs probably will
not vary significantly in decision
Breakeven point in units 1,000 situations in which:
Variable cost per unit $500 a. the time span is quite short and the
Total fixed costs $150,000 change in units of output is quite
How much will be contributed to b. the time span is quite long and the
operating income by the 1,001st unit change in units of output is quite
sold? large.
a. $650 c. the time span is quite long and the
b. $500 change in units of output is quite
c. $150 small.
d. $0 d. the time span is quite short and the
change in units of output is quite
__ 9. (CPA) Product Cott has revenues of
$200,000, a contribution margin of 20%,
and a margin of safety of $80,000. What
are Cott’s fixed costs?
__ 6. (CPA) During 2005, Thor Lab supplied a. $16,000
hospitals with a comprehensive diagnostic b. $24,000
kit for $120. At a volume of 80,000 kits, c. $80,000
Thor had fixed costs of $1,000,000 and an d. $96,000
operating income of $200,000. Due to an
adverse legal decision, Thor’s liability
insurance in 2006 will increase by
$1,200,000. Assuming the volume and
other costs are unchanged, what should __ 10. For a multiple-product company, a shift in
the selling price be in 2006 if Thor is to sales mix from products with high
earn the same operating income of contribution-margin percentages toward
$200,000? products with low contribution-margin
a. $120 percentages causes the breakeven point to
b. $135 be:
c. $150 a. lower.
d. $240 b. higher.
c. unchanged.
d. different but undeterminable.

__ 11. (Appendix, CMA) The College Honor

Society sells large pretzels at the home
__ 7. In the fiscal year just completed, Varsity football games. The following
Shop reported net income of $24,000 on information is available:
revenues of $300,000. The variable costs
as a percentage of revenues are 70%. The Unit Sales Probability
income tax rate is 40%. What is the 2,000 pretzels .10
amount of fixed costs? 3,000 pretzels .15
a. $30,000 4,000 pretzels .20
b. $50,000 5,000 pretzels .35
c. $66,000 6,000 pretzels .20

a. $5,600.
The pretzels are sold for $2.00 each, and b. $4,200.
the cost per pretzel is $0.60. Any unsold c. $3,600.
pretzels are discarded because they will d. $900.
be stale before the next home game. If e. none of the above.
4,000 pretzels are on hand for a game but
only 3,000 of them are sold, the operating
income is:

Review Exercises

Solutions for these Review Exercises are at the end of the

Check figures are given at the end of each of the exercises.

1. (CMA) The income statement for Davann Co. presented below shows the operating results for the fiscal
year just ended. Davann had sales of 1,800 tons of product during that year. The manufacturing capacity
of Davann’s facilities is 3,000 tons of product.

Revenues $900,000
Variable costs:
Manufacturing $315,000
Nonmanufacturing 180,000 495,000
Contribution margin 405,000
Fixed costs:
Manufacturing 90,000
Nonmanufacturing 157,500 247,500
Operating income 157,500
Income taxes (40%) 63,000
Net income $ 94,500

a. If the sales volume is estimated to be 2,100 tons for next year, and if the selling price and cost-
behavior patterns remain the same next year, how much net income does Davann expect to earn
next year?
b. Assume Davann estimates the selling price per ton will decline 10% next year, variable cost will
increase by $40 per ton, and total fixed costs will not change. Compute how many tons must be
sold next year to earn net income of $94,500.
(Check figures: (a) $135,000 (b) 3,000 tons)

2. Valdosta Manufacturing Co. produces and sells two products:

Selling price $25 $16
Variable costs per unit 20 13

Total fixed costs are $40,500.

Compute the breakeven point in units, assuming the sales mix is five units of U for each unit of T.
(Check figures: 2,025 units of T; 10,125 units of U)

3. (CPA) Dallas Corporation wishes to market a new product at a selling price of $1.50 per unit. Fixed costs
for this product are $100,000 for less than 500,000 units of output and $150,000 for 500,000 or more
units of output. The contribution-margin percentage is 20%.

Compute how many units of this product must be sold to earn a target operating income of $100,000.
(Check figure: 833,334 units)

4. (Appendix, CMA) The ARC Radio Company is trying to decide whether to introduce a new product, a
wrist “radiowatch” designed for shortwave reception of the exact time as broadcast by the National
Bureau of Standards. The “radiowatch” would be priced at $60, which is exactly twice the variable cost
per unit to manufacture and sell it. The fixed costs to introduce the radiowatch are $240,000 per year. The
following probability distribution estimates the demand for the product:

Annual Demand Probability

6,000 units .20
8,000 units .20
10,000 units .20
12,000 units .20
14,000 units .10
16,000 units .10

a. Compute the expected value of demand for the radiowatch.

b. Compute the probability that the introduction of the radiowatch will not increase the company’s
operating income.
(Check figures: (a) 10,200 units (b) 0.40)

Answers and Solutions to Chapter 3 Review Questions and Exercises

Completion Statements

1. Contribution margin per unit

2. contribution income statement
3. uncertainty
4. Sensitivity analysis
5. sales mix
6. Operating leverage
7. expected value


1. F The breakeven point in revenues is computed by dividing total fixed costs by contribution-margin
percentage. The computation described in the statement gives breakeven revenues only if the
company happened to be operating at the breakeven point.
2. T
3. F The amount by which budgeted revenues exceed breakeven revenues is called the margin of safety.
4. F The breakeven point is unaffected by income taxes because operating income at the breakeven point
is $0 and hence no income taxes arise.
5. T
6. T
7. F If the budget appropriation for a government social welfare agency is reduced by 15% and the cost-
volume relationships remain the same, the client service level would decrease by more than 15%
because of the existence of fixed costs. For example, the illustration, text p. 78, has a 21.4% decrease
in the service level when the budget appropriation is reduced by 15%.
8. F The longer the time horizon in a decision situation, the lower the percentage of total costs that are
fixed and the higher the percentage of total costs that are variable.
9. F Cost of goods sold in manufacturing companies includes both variable and fixed manufacturing costs.
10. T
11. T

Multiple Choice

1. c One of the assumptions in CVP analysis is that total fixed costs remain the same within the relevant
range. In other words, fixed cost per unit varies inversely with the output level within the relevant
2. b Contribution margin = $530,000 − $220,000(1/2 variable) − $270,000(2/3 variable)
= $530,000 − $110,000 − $180,000 = $240,000
3. c Gross margin = $530,000 − $220,000 = $310,000
4. a Let R = Revenues needed to earn a target operating income of 10% of revenues
R − ($150, 000 ÷ $200, 000 )R − $60, 000 = 0. 10 R
R − 0. 75R − 0. 10 R = $60, 000
0. 15R = $60, 000
R = $60, 000 ÷ 0. 15 = $400, 000
Because current revenues are $200,000, an increase in revenues of $200,000 is needed to earn a
target operating income of 10% of revenues.

5. c Total costs at breakeven = (1,000 × $500) + $150,000 = $650,000
Selling price = $650,000 ÷ 1,000 units = $650
Contribution margin per unit = $650 − $500 = $150
6. b The selling price in 2003 to earn the same operating income of $200,000 is the selling price in 2002,
$120, increased by the amount of the higher liability insurance in 2003, $1,200,000, spread over the
80,000-unit sales volume:
Selling price in 2003 = $120 + ($1,200,000 ÷ 80,000) = $120 + $15 = $135
7. b Three steps are used to obtain the answer. First, compute the contribution margin.
Contribution margin percentage = 100% − Variable costs percentage of 70% = 30%.
Contribution margin = $300,000 × 0.30 = $90,000. Second, compute operating income:
$24, 000 $24, 000
= = $40, 000
1 − 0. 40 0. 60
Third, the difference between contribution margin and operating income is fixed costs:
$90,000 − $40,000 = $50,000
8. d An example of this decision situation is deciding whether to add a passenger to an airline flight that
has empty seats and will depart in one hour. Variable cost for the passenger is negligible. Virtually all
the costs in this decision situation are fixed.
9. b Margin of safety answers the what-if question: If budgeted revenues exceed the breakeven point and
drop, how far can they fall below the budget before the breakeven point is reached?
Breakeven point = $200, 000 − $80, 000 = $120, 000
Variable costs = $120, 000 × (1 − 0. 20 )
= $120, 000 × 0. 80 = $96, 000
Fixed costs = $120, 000 − $96, 000 = $24, 000
Proof of breakeven point: $24,000 ÷ 0.20 = $120,000
10. b A shift in the sales mix from high contribution-margin percentage products toward low ones
decreases the overall contribution-margin percentage of the sales mix. This change increases the
breakeven point.
11. c Operating income = 3,000($2.00) − 4,000($0.60) = $6,000 − $2,400 = $3,600

Review Exercise 1
a. Three steps are used to obtain the answer. First, compute selling price: $900,000 ÷ 1,800 = $500.
Second, compute variable cost per unit: $495,000 ÷ 1,800 = $275. Third, prepare a contribution
income statement at the 2,100-ton level of output:
Revenues, 2,100 × $500 $1,050,000
Variable costs, 2,100 × $275 577,500
Contribution margin 472,500
Fixed costs 247,500
Operating income 225,000
Income taxes (40%) 90,000
Net income $ 135,000
b. Let Q = Number of tons to break even next year
$94, 500
$500Q(1 − 0. 10) − ($275Q + $40Q) − $247, 500 =
1 − 0. 40
$450Q − $315Q = $247, 500 + $157,500
$135Q = $405, 000
Q = 3, 000 tons

Review Exercise 2
Let T = Number of units of T to be sold to break even
Then 5T = Number of units of U to be sold to break even
$25T + $16(5T ) − $20T − $13(5T ) − $40,500 = $0
$25T + $80T − $20T − $65T = $40, 500
$20T = $40,500; T = 2, 025 units; 5T = 2, 025 × 5 = 10,125 units
Proof: $25( 2, 025) + $16(10,125) − $20( 2, 025) − $13(10,125) − $40, 500 = $0
$50, 625 + $162, 000 − $40, 500 − $131, 625 − $40, 500 = $0
$0 = $ 0
Review Exercise 3
Two steps are used to obtain the answer. First, determine if fixed costs will be $100,000 or $150,000. If
fixed costs are $100,000, the maximum operating income is attained at 499,999 units:
Revenues, 499,999 × $1.50 $749,998.50
Variable costs, 80% of revenues 599,998.80
Contribution margin, 20% of revenues 149,999.70
Fixed costs 100,000.00
Operating income $ 49,999.70
Because this operating income is below the target of $100,000, the output level needs to be greater than
499,999 units and, hence, fixed costs will be $150,000. Second, compute the required output level:
Let Q = Number of units to be sold to earn a target operating income of $100,000
$1. 50Q − (1 − 0. 20 )($1. 50 )Q − $150, 000 = $100, 000
$1. 50Q − $1. 20Q = $100, 000 + $150, 000
$0. 30Q = $250, 000
Q = 833, 333. 33, rounded to 833,334 units
Review Exercise 4
a. 6,000 × .20 = 1,200
8,000 × .20 = 1,600
10,000 × .20 = 2,000
12,000 × .20 = 2,400
14,000 × .10 = 1,400
16,000 × .10 = 1,600
Expected value of
demand in units 10,200
b. If the number of units sold each year is equal to or less than the breakeven point, the radiowatch will
not increase the company’s operating income. At the breakeven point,
Revenues − Variable costs − Fixed costs = $0
Let Q = Number of units to be sold to break even
$60Q − ($60 ÷ 2 )Q − $240, 000 = $0
$60Q − $30Q = $240, 000
$30Q = $240, 000
Q = $240, 000 ÷ $30 = 8, 000 units
Because the company’s operating income will not increase if 8,000 units or 6,000 units are sold, the
probability of either of these events occurring is equal to the sum of their individual probabilities:
0.20 + 0.20 = 0.40.


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