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Openhouse 19

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Open House Agenda- August 14th, 2019


Homework Policy- It will be sent home in packets on Thursdays and will

be due on the following Thursday. The only exception will be when school
ends on a Wednesday for holidays. Please have the children complete it
neatly in pencil. I would appreciate it if the parents/guardians would look
over it and sign it before it is returned to school. I do explain the packet in
the afternoons on Thursday. The assignments are a review of the lessons
that have been introduced and practiced in class so it will never be a brand
new concept. However, it is a good idea to proofread it with your child
before it is due.

Core Curriculum – The curriculum is based on Arizona’s College and Career

Readiness Standards (AZCCRS) and can be viewed on the TUSD website.
To find the curriculum in Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social
Studies- click the heading Parents. Then, locate the heading New TUSD
Curriculum Materials and click the subject you wish to view-Grades K-5.
On the right side of the next page, you will find Curriculum Materials
sorted by each grade level.

State Testing- The students will be tested 3 times throughout the year for
reading (DIBELS) and the standardized testing will be sometime in April.
More information will be sent out as time gets closer. I do send home
practice pages for Fluency; students are to read for 1 minute and parents
can help students count the number of words read per minute. Please sign
the bottom portion to indicate your child practicing.

Math- We will be using the Eureka Program, formerly Engage NY. You can
find out more information by visiting the district website. Our class will also
receive a set of monthly math facts, multiplication from 0-10 each month.
Please be sure to have your child cut them apart, write the answers on the
back, and practice them for a few minutes each night. Two minute timed
tests on the current month will be given on Fridays. I encourage them to
keep all ten months worth so that the facts continue to stay fresh in their
minds. In addition to these, the students will also have weekly sprints or
quizzes that are embedded in lessons for the math unit. These will cover
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. We use a supplement called
Simple Solutions for Math. It is fantastic! It covers many of the skills that
third graders are expected to know for the end of the year.

Language Arts- There is a new adoption for our Reading program. It still
continues with components of The Daily 5. Additional materials for reading
include Scholastic News and Readworks. Phonics, spelling, vocabulary work,
grammar, as well as writing are all included. We will still be using the guided
reading levels that your child was reading from last year. However, these will
be used more as a guideline for the teacher to assess the students’ progress
throughout the year. The way it will be reported on the progress report will
be as follows: exceeding the standard, meeting the standard, approaching
the standard, and falling below the standard. Enclosed is a break down of
approximately where your child should be by the end of each quarter.
I’m including the second grade levels in case your child isn’t currently on
grade level.
Second Grade
1st quarter- Level J 3rd quarter- Level L
2nd quarter- Level K 4th quarter- Level M

Third Grade
1st quarter- level N 3rd quarter- level O/P
2nd quarter- level N/O 4th quarter- level P/Q

I also take into consideration the level of participation and effort that is
shown during reading group time and whether or not accommodations and
modifications need to be made in order for a child to be successful. A large
part of both reading curriculums focus on a variety of skills such as phonics,
vocabulary development, grammar, comprehension, retelling/summarizing
stories, comparing texts, as well as speaking orally and doing mini-

Grading Scale- 4=exceeds the standards (students must go above and

beyond what the expectation is on a continuous basis, not just completing
the entire page correctly). This standard expects that students will be
completing items at home that are outside of the normal classroom. For
example, extra book reports, projects that pertain to our curriculum, etc.,
3=meets the standards (completes the assignment neatly and correctly with
no more than one to three errors depending upon the number of possible
points as each assignment may vary), 2=approaches the standards (shows
some understanding of the ideas/concepts but has a number of errors, is
quite difficult to read, and/or more effort could have been put forth), 1=
falls far below the standards (shows little understanding of the ideas or
concepts, little if any effort was put forth and is very difficult to read). I’ve
enclosed a copy of the TUSD Policy Regulation regarding grading and

On classroom work, I use a star, happy face, straight face, or sad face as
well. I keep track of weekly assignments and grades are scored for the
grade book based on completion of assignments, homework, and participation.

Absent or tardy students will be held accountable for the work that was
presented and taught. Generally, if a student misses one day, then he/she
has a day to make up the work and bring it back to school. If there is a
family emergency or health issue, please let me know privately and a solution
can usually be reached. I normally do not accept work that is late past one
week due to the fact that there is quite a bit to be covered this year and it
is quite difficult to keep up with assignments that are overdue.

In regard to class projects, late assignments are evaluated according to the

rubric that accompanied it and then deducted a full grade for each day that
it is late. Please also understand that it is my job to assist your child in
becoming an independent learner. Therefore, I tell the students that
there will be no extra copies of homework packets or other assignments
(this also cuts down on the cost of Xerox paper and some students will
be receiving differentiated versions to match their individual
capabilities). It may be a good idea for some students to begin the
assignments on another sheet of paper before writing on the originals that
are included in the homework packet. If a packet or assignment is misplaced,
then the student may come in before school or at lunch to copy it down so
that it can be completed and turned in on time. The student and I will agree
upon what is fair in regard to the type and amount of work that needs to be
included in that particular packet. I explain to them that just because it is
lost does not excuse them for the content. I also do not go into their
backpacks to retrieve notes, book orders, library books, or homework
folders. An “all call” for these items is made on a daily basis in class in the
morning. Most students do fine with this system once they become familiar
with the routine. 

Safety at School- Please be sure to go through the office when signing out
your child. If your child arrives after the 7:50 a.m. bell, he/she needs to go
to the office first before coming to the classroom. If you need to pick up
your child before the end of the day, please sign him/her out at the front
office and someone will call the classroom over the intercom. This also gives
me a minute to gather any papers, etc. to give to that child as often times
we work right up until the last five minutes of dismissal. Please understand
that it is against the district and school policy to walk into the classroom
unannounced to pick up your child. If you are dropping off a lunch box or
money, please do so at the office and the ladies up front will be sure to get
it to your child.

PBIS (Positive Behaviors Interventions and Supports)- This is a proactive

program to support positive reinforcement and help students become more
accountable of their behaviors. In our grade, students may receive the
principal pass for doing the right thing or working really hard on something
that they may have struggled with before. Mrs. Thomas will call home to give
you the great news and your child will receive a small goody from the prize
pail. Other times, your child may receive a Roadrunner Rocks coupon for the
same reason. Names are called on Mondays to acknowledge their hard work.
*Please see the enclosed page for a more detailed overview of the program.*

Thursday Folders- At the end of each week, the students should bring
home a folder with a sampling of their graded work. I will also send home
weekly progress reports regarding behavior as well as academic news. The
folder must be returned to me each week in order for this system to be
effective. ****If your child splits a household with another parent, please
have him/her keep the homework in their backpacks so it will always be in
one place. Homework is due Thursday with the folder please. Please make
sure that you ask to see the homework folder each week. That way, you can
see your child’s progress and difficulties on their work. There will be some
papers that may come with a “1”, Parent Signature written on them. Please
sign and return these and the progress reports as well. Thank you for your
Morning Snacks- Students may bring a healthy snack to eat during our
morning break. In fact, I highly suggest it. Last year, many students
complained of headaches because they were hungry. Candy and soda are
not good choices and tend to attract unwanted critters in the classroom.
The Department of Education has also passed some tight restrictions a
few years ago as to what can be served at school. Some healthy
suggestions are fruit, fruit snacks, chips, cheese, pretzels, popcorn,
crackers, cereal bars, 1/2 of a sandwich, pudding or Jello cups, and juice
boxes. Our lunchtime is from 11:10-11:45 a.m. On conference days,
it will be from 10:30-11:00a.m.

Scholastic Book Order- I will send one home each month. These are
optional and you are not required to participate. Please send it in by the due
date with your child’s name if you are interested in purchasing anything. The
checks should be made out to Scholastic Book Clubs. I would greatly
appreciate it if an adult could fill out the order form and check the tallied
amount. Another option is to place your order by credit card online.

Birthdays- Please be considerate when passing out invitations. Not being

invited sometimes causes hurt feelings and tears. Therefore, if the entire
class is not invited, I ask that the invitations be passed out outside of the
regular class time. At the time being, there are 21 children in the class. Due
to the curriculum as well as the new Arizona Dept. of Educational Nutritional
Standards, I ask that you limit the sugary treats being sent in for birthdays.
If you would like to send in Rice Krispy Treats, fruit (snacks), small cupcakes
or muffins, vegetables, granola bars, or something of that nature for a
treat, then it will be passed out at lunchtime. We are limited to 2 parties
per year and it wouldn’t be fair to stop and celebrate 2 out of the 21.
Please understand that all of this places quite a bit of responsibility on the
teachers. We do celebrate each child’s special day by acknowledging them in
class with a collection of birthday letters. I know this may be difficult to
accept but your support is greatly appreciated!

Conference Dates- They are September 11th, 12th, and 13th. I will be
offering limited morning appointments if you are interested. More
information as well as reminders will be sent home closer to these dates.
Report cards will not be sent home until October.
Start of Day- By the time the second bell rings at 7:50 a.m., it is my
responsibility to begin teaching. When a parent unexpectedly comes into the
classroom after the second bell, it creates a distraction where the children’s
focus is drawn away from the lessons at hand. I need to have the children’s
attention for the full day so that I can help them accomplish the goals set
forth in this year’s curriculum.

Communication - My classroom phone has a voice mail system if you need to

reach me. The number is 908-4358. However, I will not answer it during the
day while the students are with me in the room. You will be directed to call
the main office at 908-4300 in case of an emergency or if it is something
that I need to know before the end of the day. Other options that I
welcome are notes, emails (My email address is,
and/or you may come by the classroom before the bell or after school. I
send home reminders of important information with your child, so please ask
him/her if there is anything you need to be aware of. Often children are
forgetful of items mentioned in class.

Fieldtrips/Guest Speakers- Please check your child’s backpack for any

notices and permission slips that need to be signed. You will receive
information in advance to plan for the time off work if you are able to be a

Specials- The following people will be involved in teaching your child as well:
Library Checkout in small groups- Mrs. Conners-Smith
Resource for IEP’s- Ms. Anna Weiss
Music/OMA- Mr. Marc Hebl
Counselor- Ms. Rachael Walters
English Language Development- Ms. Veronica Celeya

We are looking forward to working with you, as well as your child! Let’s have
a great year!


Mrs. Linda Westby

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