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Accenture Contemplating Global ERP Solution

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Contemplating a Global ERP Solution?

Here’s What You Need to Get Right

As companies increasingly expand their reach
and presence around the world, many are doing
so with the help of a single enterprise resource
planning solution that can support their global
operations. These companies recognize that,
unlike their existing fragmented ERP systems
built to serve the needs of specific regions or
countries, a single ERP solution can give them
a more accurate and consistent understanding
of their business at any given time anywhere
in the world. A single ERP solution is also less
costly to support and maintain, and can help
managers identify specific actions they can take
to improve operational performance across the

While the benefits of a global ERP Companies also must define a Finally, because the rollout crosses
solution are compelling, companies also compelling business case to support this many country boundaries, companies
must recognize that a global ERP rollout massive undertaking. The business case must recognize the vast differences
is a massive and complex undertaking— should be measurable throughout the in culture and languages in a global
far more so than any regional- or change journey and, therefore, should system, as well as in the related
country-focused rollout that companies include scenarios of possible changes activities such as training and support
may have done in the past. As such, in the business landscape during the prior to and after implementation.
companies must address a number of multiyear implementation. They also
key challenges and risks. must determine which aspects of the
solution should be standard for all
One of the biggest, and most important, across the globe and which can (or
challenges to address is understanding must) be tailored to specific local
the company’s profile, which strongly concerns, including regulatory and
influences the risk level of the rollout statutory requirements.
and can have a major impact on
the success of the implementation Because such a rollout involves a vast
(Figure 1). Companies that are globally array of “moving parts”—before, during
homogenous and highly centralized will and after go-live—it’s critical that
have the existing structure, framework a company stages and executes the
and organization mindset necessary implementation in a way that provides
to quickly gain agreement on critical the right balance between cost and time
aspects of the initiative. However, of deployment and ultimate efficacy
companies that are globally diverse with of the system. This includes the critical
an autonomous management structure effort of identifying, harmonizing and
will experience a greater challenge cleansing the enterprise data that exists
in implementing the standardized in various locations and databases
processes and governance a global ERP around the world, in different formats
solution requires—which translates into and languages, and converting it to the
a higher risk of implementation failure. new solution (a challenge that continues
Recognizing and acknowledging at the after implementation in maintaining the
outset the greater risk they face will accuracy of the data).
enable these companies to develop
a comprehensive risk mitigation plan
before beginning the change journey.

Figure 1: A company’s profile significantly influences project risk


Globally diverse/ Globally diverse/

Centralized corporation Autonomous corporation
Rollout Risk: Moderate Rollout Risk: High


Globally homogenous/ Globally homogenous/

Centralized corporation Autonomous business
unit corporation
Rollout Risk: Low Rollout Risk: Moderate

Low Business unit autonomy High

Seven Keys to a Successful Global Rollout
To address these challenges and mitigate these risks, companies should
consider seven key factors that Accenture has identified as vital to the
success of these large, complex initiatives.

Factor 1 is designed, and in what sequence, for

the organization. Overall, the vision and
Create a vision and operating model provides the project
operating model charter and articulates the ultimate goal
of the global ERP solution. Establishing
Creating a vision and operating the vision is vital to fostering the right
model involves defining upfront how mindset and behavior of the project
business processes and the overall team as well as the people in the larger
organization will operate on the new organization who will use the global
ERP platform. As illustrated in Figure solution. Examples of a vision and
2, the upfront visioning has a major operating model include the extent of
impact on the design and rollout of customization (from the standard ERP
the global ERP template that will guide functionality); the extent of global
the development of the solution. As data governance and maintenance;
demonstrated in the figure, the vision governance of standard processes; and
for a shared services delivery model sophistication and reliability of analytics
and centralized finance model will be and measurement.
a key driver for the way the solution

Figure 2: Upfront visioning has a major impact on design and rollout as shown in this Finance example

Finance vision
Level of finance process standardization
Custom/unique Standard/common

Sophistication of finance analytics and measures

Financial accounting GAAP State-of-the-art
management information
Customer self-sufficiency for information access
Dependent on finance Independent

Finance service delivery model

Functional silos Shared services

Financial data model

Local Centralized/harmonized

Factor 2 When defining scope, companies should
be sure to pay particular attention to a
How the cost of specific resources
involved is allocated can have a major
Define the scope of few critical areas—the first of which is impact on project scope as well. While
the project the development of the business case. external costs associated with the
Smaller sites may not warrant a full project (such as those for consulting
Given the size and complexity of the solution or even an implementation services) typically are well documented
initiative, a clear scope with explicitly at all. In such cases, a company can and visible, costs related to internal
defined roles for the project team, design and develop a “light” version of resources required for the project (or
business stakeholders and the IT the solution or possibly even pursue the costs of their backfills) are often
organization is critical to creating a consolidation or aggregation. more difficult to track. Thus, companies
strong deployment plan that keeps the should, at the outset, define and
effort on track. The more geographic areas, business quantify internal resource costs as much
units and legal entities that are included as possible. Failure to do so can lead to
The project scope should consider in the global deployment, the more local resistance to the solution’s adoption—
multiple dimensions, including the requirements relating to legal, fiscal and unless a central organization (such as
following: site standards need to be understood. It the corporate headquarters) is paying
is important to understand these local for all resources.
• Which geographic areas, business requirements when defining scope as
units and legal entities will be part of they can result in longer timelines or Two other factors that play an
the deployment increased effort and impact the cost important role in scope definition
of the project. The business should are legacy remediation and IT
• Within each location or entity, which
review each of these local requirements infrastructure. A global ERP solution
processes and subprocesses, as well as
and confirm that they are truly in will require more data than typical
specific ERP modules, will be involved
scope due to statutory or industry legacy applications and will require
• How existing systems will be mandates and map to defined processes some level of remediation. Thus, it’s
integrated with the new ERP solution and subprocesses. Once all local important for companies to determine
requirements are confirmed, they will early in the process who will pay for this
• The extent to which the new solution then complement the overall global ERP remediation. Companies also should be
will drive changes to the design of the solution and need to be included in the mindful of what is required from their
organization scope of the project. networks (in terms of scope, speed and
security), data centers (inclusive of
• The compositions, focus, development Defining which languages are recovery plan) and local desktop tools to
and delivery of user training on the new included in the effort is also crucial support the global ERP solution, as these
solution to determining scope. As a global areas also contribute significantly to the
ERP solution will span countries with project’s overall cost.
• What data will be involved in multiple languages, we recommend
conversion, where that data resides, companies decide upfront which
and how that data will be harmonized, language or languages will be used
cleansed and migrated to the new on project documentation, the system
solution itself and associated data, reporting,
testing and training. Because supporting
• The technical scope of the solution, multiple languages is both costly and
including technical architecture, data time consuming, companies need
center and other elements to strike the right balance between
using fewer languages for the sake of
• The level and type of business simplicity and lower costs, and using
intelligence, analytics and reporting the more languages so more users can
solution is expected to support operate in their native tongues. This will
include balancing implementation in
• Which systems need to be
one language first followed by multiple
languages or implementing all languages
at once. Such a decision is crucial, as
it will drive process, configuration,
data conversion, testing, and training
development and delivery scope.

Factor 3 When defining the template, every
company should determine, document
For instance, highly diverse business
units or geographies, or those used
Define the content of and socialize what it means by “global” to a high degree of autonomy, can be
the global template and (versus “local”). Typically, global means resistant to adopting a global template
“common”—something that is standard because they interpret standardization
which type of template the across all geographies or business units— as a loss of local control. Thus, each
company will use while local means specific to a country, organization must draw the line on what
region, legal or statutory unit, or even will be standard and common and what
A global template defines the solution local business practice. Once defined will be allowed to be unique and local.
blueprint of the global ERP solution. It and confirmed, global requirements are Or managed outside the global ERP
provides the basic information on the built into a global template. Importantly, system.
standard processes, data structure and some local requirements can be elevated
analytics to be used by the different to global status during deployment or A “fit/gap” analysis can be helpful
companies across the globe. In short, other phases as needed. However, such in that regard. By evaluating its
the global template essentially drives moves may require costly retrofits, so anticipated requirements with the
the foundation for the building of the identification early in the process of local ERP solution’s standard capabilities,
global ERP solution. requirements that have a good chance a company can identify where gaps
of being elevated will help save time and between the two exist—meaning,
A global template includes a number money when the elevation happens. instances in which desired requirements
of important components, the most are not met by the ERP solution’s
prominent of which are the following: In general, a requirement should be standard capabilities and, thus, need
global if it is shared across businesses, custom development to incorporate
• Business process models and business countries or entities; is a foundational them into the solution. However, before
blueprint, which includes global component of the template—for pursuing costly and time-consuming
processes and integration flows example, company code structure and custom development, a company should
• Technology blueprint, which covers certain hierarchies; or is a priority ask several questions about each of
the solution’s technical architecture, requirement to the business. In contrast, these requirement gaps: Can the custom
data integration layer, and standards local requirements are local legal, requirement be eliminated? Can the
statutory or regulatory in nature—such requirement or process be changed to
• The solution’s settings and allowable as the Canadian Goods and Services Tax fit the standard ERP system capability?
values (configuration, master data and or the European Union’s Value-Added Does a cost-effective workaround exist?
transactional data) Tax—or involve unique local customer Is the business willing to pay for the
• Reporting approach and architecture contractual relationships or business custom development if it absolutely
processes. Local requirements also can needs the requirement and cannot
• Integrated data model (e.g., code
include specific outputs expected from accept the standard ERP alternative?
the solution, such as new or modified
• Roles and authorizations, controls, and reports or forms that need to follow When considering its global template,
compliance framework specific regulations and be designed a company can choose from four
in the local language (for instance, alternatives: full, cascading, light, and
• Core training content and toolset (for evolving (Figure 3).
a purchase order or invoice). Or they
further localization)
can involve local new or modified
• Unit integration and regression testing development objects—for instance,
interfaces to local systems.
• Data cleansing and conversion
standards and tools Global standardization intuitively
makes sense, as it can generate
considerable efficiencies and cost
savings by standardizing functional and
technical standards across a company’s
operations. However, companies can
still encounter significant challenges in
standardizing even when using a strong
enabler such as a global ERP solution.

Figure 3: Four types of global templates

1. Full template

Localization requirements

Template Template
rollout rollout
80% to 90% template fit

Template build Can roll out in parallel to maximize template team presence

Template Template
rollout rollout

Localization requirements

2. Cascading template

Lessons learned Lessons learned Lessons learned

50% template fit Template

Template Template rollout
Template build and rollout
pilot rollout rollout

Localization requirement and template improvement

User participation User participation User participation

Figure 3: Four types of global templates

3. Light template

Full template build and rollout

Template build
Full template
• Organizational
• Master data
• High-level
ground Cascading template build and rollout
• Standard
functionalities used
• Technical
standards Cascading template

4. Evolving template

Market A Market A
Template build and Reimplement
rollout template

Market B Market B
Template build and Reimplement
rollout template

Market C template Market C
Template build and Reimplement
rollout template

Market D Market D
Template build and Reimplement
rollout template

The full template covers approximately The light template is the middle ground
80 percent to 90 percent of the between the full and cascading
business’s requirement. On the one template. It has the lowest upfront
hand, it has a high upfront cost, but cost of the four options, but also the
that cost is quickly recovered by a rapid lowest initial fit with the business
deployment all at once—leading to the and longest implementation. Plus,
lowest overall implementation cost of unlike the cascading template, the
the four options. On the other hand, light template’s cost increases as it is
because its implementation method rolled out, which leads to a high overall
carries a higher risk of disrupting the implementation cost (second only to
business, the full template also requires the evolving template).
the greatest degree of management
control. The evolving template offers the
greatest ability to tailor the solution
The cascading template starts with a 50 to local requirements because it allows
percent “fit” with the business’s needs each local entity to build and roll out
then, through a process of gradual its own template. These local templates
rollout and learning, is iteratively built then are aggregated into a final global
out until it meets approximately 90 template (with only the strongest of
percent of requirements. Because it is the local templates surviving). The final
less robust at the beginning, a cascading global template is then reimplemented
template has moderate upfront cost, across all the local markets. Of
and the rollout cost decreases with course, this process comes with not
each subsequent phase. However, the only high upfront costs but also the
downside is that it takes longer for the highest implementation cost of all four
system to be fully deployed and retrofit alternatives.

Factor 4 Among the key factors a company
should consider when developing the
Define the overall project global template governance model are
governance and how it the level of centralized control culture
in the company’s current and future
evolves over time operating model; resource availability
The large and complex nature of a in the current business/IT model; the
global ERP implementation requires overall technical environment strategy
a similarly expansive and robust (client/instance setup); and the specific
governance model. post-production support model (such as
a center of excellence) that will be used.
There are three main types of
governance in such a project: First, When developing a template governance
project governance covers key project model, companies should be especially
decisions, involvement and signoff; issue mindful that the definition of the
escalation structure; and scope and systems landscape can play a key role
change control. in governance as well as deployment
planning. For instance, centralized
Second, post go-live governance focuses systems will lead to centralized decision
on production support as well as roles making, while distributed systems
and responsibilities of the ERP center of generally will require companies to make
excellence and business units. local versus global tradeoff decisions.
Regardless of model, to enforce a global
The third type, global template template, a company must authorize
governance, oversees the design a core central group to do so, and
and signoff on specific technical empower it to make global decisions
deliverables, as well as the actual for the company that align to the vision
building of the solution. Global template highlighted in Factor 1.
governance defines who will own and
control the template as well as how the
ownership evolves through deployments.
By defining the global template
governance model upfront, a company
can avoid misunderstandings later in
the process and minimize mismatches
in expectations of the various business
units or companies across the globe as
the project progresses.

Factor 5 When determining sequencing, a
company should consider targets for
Determine how to roll out early implementation sites that appear
the global template to the to offer an easier rollout—i.e., those
with a quantifiable business case,
business change-ready culture, simple processes,
A company has multiple options when available resources, and low risk to
considering how to roll out its global the core business. It also should delay
ERP solution. The most common implementation at sites that have the
are the “Big Bang” approach (i.e., opposite characteristics—those with low
all at once); rolling out by process, business benefits, high complexity, low
geography or operating unit; or a hybrid data quality, and too many competing
approach that includes a combination initiatives or dependencies. Sequencing
of these. Many factors play into the in this way will help the rollout achieve
decision of which approach to use— early wins and gain momentum.
including business case, governance,
When determining the global template
politics, technical considerations,
rollout approach, each option needs to
other initiatives currently under way,
consider the post go live support, which
dependencies, and resource availability.
could be costly if there are multiple
Once a company has selected its sites and multiple countries going live in
approach, it then should determine the parallel—each site would need additional
sequencing of the rollout. Sequencing support from the deployment team
is designed to reduce overall business which could include 4-6 weeks plus
and implementation risk while helping support for two full month ends, and a
to accelerate benefits. We have found possible year end.
that quick wins and a pilot (one that
targets a representative slice of the
business and scope) should always be
considered, especially in situations
where a company needs to prove the
efficacy of complex solutions.

Factor 6 Working with numerous companies
on implementation efforts, we have
Factor 7
Organize the global rollout identified a number of factors that can Create the overall
delivery team enhance a company’s ability to create deployment plan and
an effective delivery team:
Global rollouts are complex and require schedule
advanced project organizational models. • Trained onshore team that has
As a final step, a company creates the
Many projects incorporate offshore offshore experience
overall deployment plan and schedule.
locations into the delivery model to
• Early mobilization of offshore team, This is an iterative process; the plan
obtain deep skills at the right price
which helps reduce delays associated will be updated based on changes in
point. However, this further complicates
with resource or skill availability resourcing and scheduling criteria.
the delivery model by spreading multiple
The contents of a typical deployment
delivery teams across different time
• Integration of key offshore resources planning package are illustrated
zones and sending vital specialty skills
during design phase, which improves in Figure 4.
offshore when they are needed onshore.
deliverable quality
Because global deployment has
Upfront thinking about how the end-
• Overlap of offshore work hours with multiple stakeholders around the world,
state support organization will work
onshore project team, which expedites socialization of the plan is extremely
will help define the project global
complex issue resolution and eases important. We have found that the
delivery model and build skills over time.
coordination challenges governance model should be approved
Typical options include a central hub
first so it can be utilized to socialize
with local project teams; a central hub
• Enforcement of rigorous and well- the plan. We also have found that
with regional deployment centers; and
defined hand-offs (which can be appropriate change management steps
multiple parallel projects with central
compounded by time zone differences) must be taken—this may be one of the
first major “selling” events for the project
• Management of offshore team morale, and its business case. Executive sponsor
Establishment of a central Program
which reduces attrition and project support and kickoff of the effort can
Management Office (PMO) is also a
knowledge transfer help reduce any potential resistance and
critical component of a successful
global rollout delivery team. It provides increase alignment of stakeholders.
the support, governance and tools to
enable delivery teams to perform in a
controlled manner within the overall
Figure 4: A typical deployment planning package
global deployment. The PMO should
establish tools to provide a single source • Background document • Timeline/Gantt chart
of truth on issues, risks, budgets and
delivery status, enabling the global • Scope document • Team organizational model
deployment to stay under control.
• Workday estimates • Team and business/IT roles and
responsibilities details
• Project work plan (in the right
format like Microsoft project) • Global governance model

• Loaded core team resource plan • Governance roles and responsibilities

• Loaded business/IT resource plan • Deployment toolset document

• Prioritized list of sites/ • Kickoff meeting content

locations by wave

Two Other Important Considerations
While the preceding are the main steps a company should follow
to guide its rollout, two other considerations are worth noting here
because they can have a major impact on the success or failure of
the initiative. These considerations—change management and data
management—essentially cut across the entire rollout process, and must
be managed effectively to enable a smooth implementation.

Change management (because design decisions and changes Furthermore, data profiling and
will directly impact the change team, cleansing may require specialty toolsets,
Change management work plan and the end-state role definition is so companies need to determine early
categories are similar to domestic critical and has direct input into security in the process whether they need such
implementations with significant design). It’s also helpful to identify a tools to avoid encountering delays down
complexities around culture, geography strong change network comprising users the road.
and language. A strong leader from the who can represent the organization
company with high credibility should and be available to help, as well as to Two other things can help companies
lead the change management efforts use specialty tools for rapid training address data management: agreeing
globally, with support from change development whenever possible. on a methodology and process steps
management professionals. for data cleansing (for instance, will
the company use a distributed method
One of the biggest keys to effective Data management or centralized data cleansing factory
change management is agreeing Due to the nature of the initiative, the approach?); and creating a global data
on the style and approach to change scope of data management in a global council and assigning global data
management early in the project. A rollout can be extensive, typically owners for each key object. The ability
company should not assume everyone has covering global data design, project data to cleanse data, and subsequently
a common view of what type of change management, end-state production, maintain data once in the system, is
management is needed globally. Every master data management, data profiling, critical to reaping the benefits from the
organization has a unique culture and data cleansing and data migration. global ERP solution. It is also a complex
the standard approaches may need to be undertaking that, to be successful,
tweaked to be effective. It’s important Data harmonization, in particular, requires not only a significant
to verify the approach with the business can be extremely challenging. It’s a commitment from both the project
and IT, as well as to focus on business long, complex process, so it behooves team and the business, but also a robust
adoption, not just executing activities. companies to start early addressing methodology, proper tools and strong
it. Furthermore, data cleansing can governance model.
Globalizing the change team also can dramatically affect the program’s
enhance change management. Global timeline and cause cost overruns, so
representation (on-site or remote) is companies should conduct data profiling
crucial to ensuring communications as early as possible to understand the
are appropriate and accurate in each risks involved and estimate the amount
major country, region or location. Of of cleansing work that must be done.
course, understanding how the global
delivery model will drive the change The cost of data profiling and cleansing
management team structure is vital. is typically thought of as a business
A company must determine what will operating expense. However, in reality,
be executed centrally (e.g., training most of the time the business does not
development) and locally (e.g., training have the tools and resources to execute
delivery). In either case, it’s beneficial these key tasks. Thus, companies should
to integrate the change team closely clarify upfront how data profiling and
with process and technology teams cleansing gets done and by whom.

The march to global markets is in full swing among
companies all around the world and shows few signs of
slowing. But to fully capitalize on the promise of these
markets, companies need an appropriate supporting
technical infrastructure—something that goes beyond
the capabilities of the existing patchwork collection of
regional or local systems companies typically use today
to manage their operations. That “something” companies
increasingly are turning to is a global ERP solution.
As they pursue such a solution, companies should be
mindful of the seven key success factors we described in
this paper. By carefully considering these factors as they
plan their implementation, companies can avoid many of
the pitfalls that can sabotage global rollouts, keep their
projects on time and within budget, and end up with a
technology platform that can serve as a springboard to
growth and high performance.

About Accenture
Accenture is a global management
consulting, technology services and
outsourcing company, with approximately
266,000 people serving clients in
more than 120 countries. Combining
unparalleled experience, comprehensive
capabilities across all industries and
business functions, and extensive
research on the world’s most successful
companies, Accenture collaborates with
clients to help them become high-
performance businesses and governments.
The company generated net revenues of
US$27.9 billion for the fiscal year ended
Aug. 31, 2012. Its home page is

This document is produced by

consultants at Accenture as general
guidance. It is not intended to provide
specific advice on your circumstances. If
you require advice or further details on
any matters referred to, please contact
your Accenture representative.

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