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HRTM-HOTEL/RESTRNT/ HRTM 302. Hospitality Management Accounting

3 Credits

TOURISM MGT Specialized accounting for hotel revenue and expenses; accounting for
inventory, property, and equipment; hospitality payroll accounting; hotel
departmental financial statements; income statement, balance sheet,
HRTM 111. Freshman Orientation and statement of cash flows; the analysis of financial statements; interim
1 Credit and annual reports; budgeting expenses; forecasting sales; budgetary
Orientation to university life, including available resources and methods reporting and analysis; and financial decision making.
to promote success at NMSU. Open to all freshmen and transfer Prerequisite: ACCT 221.
students. Graded S/U.
HRTM 304. Hospitality and Travel Law
HRTM 200. Special Topics 3 Credits
1-4 Credits Specialized applications of the law to the hospitality and tourism
Specific subjects and credits to be assigned on a semester basis for both industry.
lecture and laboratory assignments. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 Prerequisite: HRTM 221.
HRTM 307. Professional Development
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
1 Credit
HRTM 201. Introduction to Tourism Covers essential elements of career management including preparation
3 Credits for a successful internship. Restricted to majors. Graded S/U.
Survey of travel and tourism development and operating characteristics.
HRTM 311. Hospitality Leadership Management
HRTM 221. Introduction to Hospitality Management 3 Credits
3 Credits Examines modern leadership theory in the context of the hospitality
Overview of the major segments of the hospitality industry, with a focus industry. Connects contemporary leadership topics to their historical
on basic management principles. antecedents through focused reading, discussion and film.
HRTM 231. Food Safety and Sanitation in the Hospitality Industry Prerequisites: HRTM 221 and HRTM 201.
1 Credit HRTM 363. Quantity Food Production and Service
Addresses public health, HACCP, and food safety responsibilities in 4 Credits (1+6P)
the hospitality industry. Sanitation certification test allows students Covers quantity food production and service including cooking concepts,
to receive national ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification. sanitation and safety, teamwork, dining room service, and management
Restricted to Las Cruces campus only. responsibilities. Students will apply this knowledge developing product
HRTM 235. Hotel Operations I for sale in a student run restaurant. Proof of current ServSafe Food
3 Credits Protection Manager or NM Food Handler certification required. May be
Analysis of hotel operations to include: guest services, reservations, repeated up to 4 credits. Crosslisted with: HNDS 363.
reception, guest/city ledger and the night audit. May be repeated up to 3 Prerequisite(s): HRTM 263.
credits. Restricted to Las Cruces campus only. HRTM 408. Hospitality Internship
Prerequisite(s): HRTM 221. 1 Credit
HRTM 263. Food Production and Service Fundamentals Hospitality and tourism professional work experience for HRTM majors
3 Credits (1+4P) only. Restricted to majors.
Basic overview of food service systems including menu management, Prerequisites: HRTM 307 and consent of instructor.
purchasing and production. The course includes basic principles of HRTM 409. HRTM Internship Seminar
food fabrication and production. Topics include knife skills, culinary 1 Credit
terminology, product identification, quality standards, nutritional cooking A case based approach to analyzing internship experiences. Students
theory and application of food preparation techniques. The course will write case studies about specific business issues they encountered
includes laboratory aspects and demonstration of basic food production during HRTM 408 (Internship) and analyze them. Restricted to majors.
techniques, service styles, practices and procedures in food service Prerequisites: HRTM 408.
operations including culinary math, culinary nutrition, and food service
HRTM 410. Hospitality Cost Control
sanitation. May be repeated up to 3 credits.
3 Credits
Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): HRTM 231 or proof of valid ServSafe Food
Familiarizes students with all aspects of cost control including
Protection Manager certificate. Prerequisite(s): HRTM 221 or FSTE 263G.
financial data entry and hospitality accounting practices, financial
Restricted to Las Cruces campus only.
report production, analysis and problem solving. Students will learn to
HRTM 301. Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Marketing understand the roles of the various stakeholders (owners, managers,
3 Credits employees and customers.) Provides tools needed to communicate
The development of effective marketing programs for hospitality service effectively about global financial issues affecting the hospitality
organizations. Prerequisites: HRTM 221 business. May be repeated up to 3 credits.
Prerequisite(s): HRTM 302, HRTM 363.

HRTM 412. Beverage Management HRTM 434. Senior Capstone Experience

3 Credits 3 Credits
Survey of all aspects of beverage management, including wine/beer/ Synthesizes all previous work. Students apply multi-disciplinary
distilled spirits origins and trends, cost control, bar management, principles to the analysis of hospitality business cases and tourism
beverage purchasing, and wine appreciation. May be repeated up to 3 problems.
credits. Prerequisite: HRTM 408.
Prerequisite(s): HRTM 363. HRTM 435. Resort Management
HRTM 413. Restaurant Operations Management 3 Credits
4 Credits (1+6P) This course introduces students to the operation and management of full
Provides a detailed understanding of the processes of restaurant service resort properties, including the management of resort recreational
operations management. Students are expected to increase kitchen amenities.
and service technical skills, develop and cook from recipes, develop Prerequisite(s): HRTM 235 or consent of instructor.
a personal leadership style, understand food and wine pairing, and HRTM 443. Meetings, Conventions and Special Events
supervise front and back of the house operations. Provides the 3 Credits
opportunity to perform a detailed analysis of a food and beverage Examination of the role of the meeting/event planner, including setting
operation. Proof of valid ServSafe Food Protection Manager or NM Food objectives, site selection, negotiations, design, budgeting, marketing,
Handler certification and current NM Alcohol Server certification required. registration, on-site logistics, and evaluation. May be repeated up to 3
May be repeated up to 4 credits. credits. Consent of Instructor required.
Prerequisite(s): HRTM 363. Prerequisite(s): Consent of Instructor.
HRTM 414. Wine Appreciation HRTM 450. Special Topics
3 Credits 1-4 Credits
An experiential examination of wine through lectures, guest speakers and Specific subjects to be announced in the Schedule of Classes. Maximum
focused tasting of wine and food. Topics include viticulture, wine making of 4 credits per semester and a grand total of 9 credits.
varietals, terroir, wine service, tasting and evaluation techniques, and food Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
pairings. Student must be at least 21 years old. May be repeated up to 3
credits. Consent of Instructor required. HRTM 492. Special Problems
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. 1-4 Credits
Individual research in a selected subject area of hospitality management.
HRTM 420. Club Management and Marketing Maximum of 4 credits per semester and a total of 6 credits toward a
3 Credits degree.
Provides an understanding of the general operational and administrative Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
procedures practiced in private clubs from a marketing perspective
with a special emphasis on managing and marketing club food and HRTM 510. Hospitality Cost Control
beverage operations and service. It will provide the professional golf 3 Credits
management and hospitality students with the unique sensitivities Familiarizes students with all aspects of cost control including
required in managing and operating in the increasingly lucrative club financial data entry and hospitality accounting practices, financial
management market. report production, analysis and problem solving. Students will learn to
understand the roles of the various stakeholders (owners, managers,
HRTM 430. Hospitality Facilities Management employees and customers). Provides tools needed to communicate
3 Credits effectively about global financial issues affecting the hospitality
Exploration of the engineering and maintenance requirements specific to business. Same as HRTM 410 with additional work for graduate credit.
the hospitality industry. Emphasis on environmental issues, renovation Consent of Instructor required.
and management of the physical plant. May be repeated up to 3 credits.
Prerequisite(s): HRTM 235, HRTM 408. HRTM 512. Beverage Management
3 Credits
HRTM 431. Hotel Operations II Survey of all aspects of beverage management, including wine/beer/
3 Credits distilled spirits origins and trends, cost control, bar management,
The duties and administration of a hotel front office, including
beverage purchasing, and wine appreciation. Same as HRTM 412 with
housekeeping. Additional focus on the procedures of reservations and additional work for graduate credit. Consent of Instructor required.
night audit. Students also gain exposure to property management
systems. May be repeated up to 3 credits. HRTM 530. Facilities Management
Prerequisite(s): HRTM 235. 3 Credits
Exploration of the engineering and maintenance requirements specific to
HRTM 432. Hotel Revenue and Sales Management the hospitality industry. Emphasis on environmental issues, renovation
3 Credits and management of the physical plant. Same as HRTM 430 with
Examines methods used for profitably managing capacity, including additional work for graduate credit. Consent of Instructor required.
dynamic pricing and allocation of the rooms inventory across market
segments to maximize revenues. Focuses on the integration of revenue
management principles with information technology, management,
marketing and sales concerns at the property and market level. May be
repeated up to 3 credits.
Prerequisite(s): HRTM 235.

HRTM 531. Hotel Operations II

3 Credits
The duties and administration of a hotel front office, including
housekeeping. Additional focus on the procedures of reservations and
night audit. Students also gain exposure to property management
systems. Same as HRTM 431 with additional work for graduate credit.
Consent of Instructor required.
HRTM 532. Hotel Revenue and Sales Management
3 Credits
Examines methods used for profitably managing capacity, including
dynamic pricing and allocation of the rooms inventory across market
segments to maximize revenues. Focuses on the integration of revenue
management principles with information technology, management,
marketing and sales concerns at the property and market level. Same as
HRTM 432 with additional work for graduate credit. Consent of Instructor
HRTM 535. Resort Management
3 Credits
This course introduces students to the operation and management of full
service resort properties, including the management of resort recreational
Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
HRTM 543. Meetings, Conventions and Special Events
3 Credits
Examination of the role of the meeting/event planner, including setting
objectives, site selection, negotiations, design, budgeting, marketing,
registration, on-site logistics, and evaluation. Same as HRTM 443 with
additional work for graduate credit. Consent of Instructor required.
HRTM 590. Special Topics
1-4 Credits
Specific subjects and credits to be announced in the Schedule of Classes.
Maximum of 4 credits per semester and a total of 9 credits toward a
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
HRTM 598. Special Research Programs
1-4 Credits
Individual investigations, either analytical or experimental. Maximum of 4
credits per semester and no more than 6 credits toward a degree.
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
HRTM 599. Master's Thesis
1-6 Credits (1-6)
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

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