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When It Rains, It Pours

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When It Rains, It Pours: Creating a Plan

It's time for me to announce that I have a lot of skeletons in my closet. I keep them there
to stop people from stealing my jackets. Some of the skeletons actually wear the jackets
so they don't get cold. That may seem strange to people, but never has a skeleton
complained to me...

"And what if?" you may be thinking.

"What if what?" I may be thinking back to you.

"What if a skeleton complained?" you may clarify.

Obviously if that were the case, then I'd use my skeleton key to lock the door. There's
nothing I hate more than cold or numb skulls complaining to me about the temperature...

Let the truth be known, though, that it is that time of year when the weather can be bad.
Like, raining cats and dogs type of bad, but add hamsters and wind to it -- along with a
sun that is so strong, it could fry ants with the help of a magnifying glass. A lot of people
complain about rain, but they need to put things into perspective and imagine how much
worse it'd be if that rain were snot instead. Or maybe tons o' snot, which would be
horrifying and a palindrome at the same time...

If this snotfall ever occurs, we need to establish a plan. Since no one else has volunteered,
let me be the first:

Plan A: Cover trees with tissues to absorb a lot of the damage.

Plan B: The same as Plan A except without the tissues.

Plan C: Wait until the next Harry Potter book comes out, and then let the people in line
cast spells to eliminate the problem.

Plan D: Wait until the next spelling bee, and let the contestants spell "cast" to eliminate
the problem.

It may seem like my plan will not contribute to eliminating a major disaster, but it is
important that my help ends there. From this point on, all plans will be organized by my
skeleton. Make no bones about it...

But I digress.
Greg Gagliardi is a teacher and writer. His stream-of-consciousness weekly humor
column, "Progressive Revelations," has been ongoing since 1998.


Got Originality?
There are many ways to be original these days. But unfortunately I cannot reveal any of
these ways because the followers would then not be original, would they? Now, I realize
that somewhere between one to two people would have followed the advice I gave, but
just in case my calculations were off - and it turns out three would have followed - I need
to be careful about what I write ?One slogan which completely frustrates me due to its
lack of originality is "got ____?" That's right - that lowercase phrase which was formerly
synonymous with milk (and is now synonymous with everything) is so cliché that it's
even cliché to write "got cliché?" But the worst is not behind us.

Restaurant Manager Gives Out Sexual Favors As Performance Bonus, Raise

While many restaurant workers worry and sweat in anticipation of an imminent job-
related performance review, employees at Applebee's in Westland have adopted an
entirely different attitude toward the employment evaluation process. This is due in no
small part to the fact that the general manager, Lisa Blanco, rewards superior employee
performance the old fashion way.

How to Build a Cobblestone House

He huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down - certainly not if the house was
built with cobblestones. Building cobblestone houses was a folk art that flourished in
upstate New York from 1825 until the Civil War in 1860.

Laughing Toward Truth: Six Tips for Lighthearted Thinkers

Do you believe in the power of your convictions?It's time to lighten up.People love
attaching themselves to ideas.

When It Rains, It Pours: Creating a Plan

It's time for me to announce that I have a lot of skeletons in my closet. I keep them there
to stop people from stealing my jackets.

American Independence - The True Story

It was late in 1775, and King George III was at Buckingham Palace, sitting in reflective
mood on his commode. His 13 year old son Prince George (yes, they were very
imaginative with their names, those royal types), was sitting on the floor nearby,
otherwise occupied with the 18th century equivalent of Game Boy: a model soldier with a
rifle sat on a model elephant, shooting at a model tiger two planks of wood away.
Playing Go-Between in the Digital Age
NOTE: This article was originally published in May 2000 at * when my
grandmother was alive.

Freudian Slippage
Saturday morning. I went, in the early morning, to the farmer's market to get our supply
of fruits and veggies, leaving Sandra to sleep in.

Essential Laughter
Take time to laugh at yourself and the ridiculous in life. It is so refreshing to just laugh at
your slips, peculiarities, forgetfulness, and fumbles.

If, An Online Marketers Internet Addiction Poem, Can You Relate to This?
IF, An Online Internet Marketing PoemIf before you have turned on the coffee,or got
your kids fed,If you are the last one dressed and ready to leave the house,While others in
the family get ready,your still moving a mouse.If you have more friends online, than you
do in real life, And hubby refers to you as his cyber wife.

Psychiatric Psychiatrist - A Joke on Psychiatry

A few weeks ago I went to see a psychiatrist.We talked about how I was feeling.

Voodoo Munchies
Looking for a lighthearted and fun way to remove the negative energy of a certain
disruptive person from your life, or from your mind, if the person in question has moved
on? Consider the cleansing (and giggle-inspiring) effect of Voodoo Munchies. Beginning
now, whenever you need to deal with this person or the dirty bathtub ring of negative
vibes they left in your head, bake a cake or a cookie (depending on your eating habits and
kitchen skills) and decorate it with this person's name and or likeness.

Valet Parking: Theft with Consent

This column is long overdue. To put it in library terms, which I guess I already did (but
I'd like to elaborate), this column is like checking out a book in 1998 but not returning it
until yesterday.

Lactose Intolerant? It could be a good thing

Lactose Intolerant Individuals may prove a bonus in Space Missions. Lactose intolerant
individuals have huge problems with gas from the inability to process certain dairy
products and foods.

A Dogs Guide To... Getting Your Dog to Stop Barking

I like to bark. I mean, I like to bark A LOT.

Humans are like Monkeys

Humans think much like monkeys and other primates, not much different in their abilities
to reason. Why is this? We mimic, copy, imitate that which we see.
Bad Days and Bad Timing
Have you ever noticed how family members always misbehave at the most inappropriate
moments? Well, let me tell you, it's not just the little ones that spout off with remarks that
make you want to don a cloak of invisibility.My son was just having one of those days.

The Jokes On You -- Who Should be the Butt of Your Jokes?

This article was prompted by something I heard (second hand) about the performance of
a local magician at a child's birthday party. Now, granted, this wasn't done by a clown,
but I've seen clowns doing similar things.

Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe

My next-door neighbors found a human bone in their backyard. Let me rephrase.

Humor Quotations - Top 35 Funny Quotations by Famous Comedians

"Education is worth a whole lot. Just think - with enough education and brains the
average man would make a good lawyer - and so would the average lawyer.

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