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Unit I Questions

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Engineering Mechanics

Unit- I Questions
May 2019
Q. Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant of three forces acting on the hook as shown in the
figure. [6]

May 2018
Q. The lever ABC fixed at A shown in figure is subjected to a 200 N force at C at θ= 30°. Find the moment
of this force about A. Also find the value of for which the moment about A is zero. [6]

Dec 2018
Q. A trolley is acted upon by two forces as shown in fig. If θ= 25° and the resultant R of the two forces is
vertical, then determine the magnitude of the force P and resultant R.

May 2017, Dec 2017

Q. The post is to be pulled out of the ground using two ropes A and B as shown in fig. Rope A is subjected
to a force of 600 N and is directed at 60° from the horizontal. If the resultant force acting on the post is to be
1200 N vertically upward, determine the force T in the rope B and the corresponding angle θ. [6]
May 2017
Q. Determine the magnitude and direction of resultant with reference to point A for the force system as
shown in fig., if side of equilateral triangle is 1m. [4]

Dec 2016
Q. The resultant of two forces P and Q is 1400 N vertical. Determine the force Q and the corresponding
angle θ for the system of forces as shown in figure. [4]

Dec 2015
Q. The force system shown in figure has a resultant of 200 N along positive Y-axis, determine the
magnitude and position θ of force F. [4]

May 2014, May 2015

Q. The angle between the two concurrent forces is 900 and their resultant is 2500 N. The resultant makes an
angle of 450 with one of the force, determine the magnitude of each force. [4]

Dec 2013
Q. The resultant of two forces P and Q is 1200 N horizontally leftward. Determine the force Q and the
corresponding angle θ for the system of force S as shown in figure. [4]

Q. The resultant of two forces P and Q is 1200 N vertical. Determine the force Q and the corresponding
angle 0 for the system of forces as shown in Fig. [4]

Dec 2012
Q. Find the magnitude of the resultant and its location of the following forces acting at a point O as shown
in figure. [6]

May 2016
Q. The post is to be pulled out of the ground using two ropes A and B as shown in figure. Rope A is
subjected to a force of 600 N and is directed at 60° from the horizontal. If the resultant force acting on the
post is 1200 N vertically upward, determine the force T in rope B and the corresponding angle θ. [4]

Q. Determine the resultant of three forces as shown in figure if α = 50°. [6]

May 2015
Q. Combine the two forces 800 N and 600 N, which act on the fixed dam structure at B, into a single
equivalent force R if AC = 3m, BC = 6m and angle BCD = 60°. Refer figure. [4]

May 2014
Q. The angle between the two concurrent forces is 90° and their resultant is 2500 N. The resultant makes an
angle of 45° with one of the force. Determine the magnitude each force. [6]

May 2013
Q. Determine the magnitude of the resultant force and its direction, measured counterclockwise from the
positive x-axis as shown in figure. [6]

May 2012
Q. Resolve the 60 N force into components acting along the u and v axes and determine the magnitudes of
the components. Refer figure. [6]
May 2011
Q. Two forces are shown in figure. Knowing that the magnitude of P is 600 N, determine (a) the required
angle θ if the resultant R of the two forces is to be vertical, (b) the corresponding value of R. [6]

May 2010
Q. Determine the resultant force in magnitude and direction for concurrent force system as shown in figure.

Dec 2010
Q. Explain Principle of Transmissibility of force. [2]
Q. Determine components of the 1000 N force shown along the aa’ and bb’ axes shown in figure. [8]

Q. A plate in the shape of a parallelogram is acted upon by two couples, as shown in figure. Determine: (a)
The moment of the couple formed by the two 21 N forces. (b) The perpendicular distance between the 12 N
forces if the resultant of the two couples is zero. (c) The value of ‘α’ if the resultant couple is 1.5 Nm
clockwise and d = 1.05 m. [8]

Q. Explain Varignon’s Theorem. [2]

Q. A boat is moved uniformly along a canal by two horses pulling with forces P = 890 N and Q = 1068 N
acting at an angle α = 60° as shown in figure. Determine magnitude of the resultant pull on the boat and the
angle β and γ as shown in figure. [8]
May 2010
Q. Two forces F1 = 500 N and F2 = 300 N are acting at point A as shown in figure. If the resultant of two
force has as magnitude of 750 N and acts vertically downward, determine the angle θ and . [8]

May 2003
Q. Three coplanar forces act at a point as shown in figure. Determine the value of angle α such that the
resultant of the three forces will be vertical. Also find the magnitude of resultant.

May 2003
Q. Resolve the force of 500 KN into its components along the directions OA and OB shown in figure.

Dec 2007
Q. Explain with neat sketches, two force and multiforce members.

Dec 2009
Q. Define resultant of a system of forces. What are the various methods to determine the resultant of
concurrent forces? [6]

May 2004
Q. The weights of two children sitting at ends A and B of a see-saw are 336 N and 256 N respectively.
Where should the third child of weight 208 N, sit so that the resultant of the weights of the three children
will pass through point C. Refer figure.
May 2006
Q. A lug wrench is used to tighten a square head bolt. If 250 N is applied to wrench as shown in figure,
Determine the magnitude F of the equal force exerted on the four contact points on the 25 mm bolt head so
that their external effect on the bolt is equivalent to that of the two 250 N forces. Assume that the forces are
perpendicular th the flats of the bolt head. [6]

May 2002
Q. Replace the force and couple system shown in figure by an equivalent single force and single moment at
point ‘P’.

May 2008
Q. Four forces acting on a triangle ABC are shown in figure. The sum of moments of these forces at point C
is 2000 Nmm clockwise. If resultant of force system is in horizontal direction, find its magnitude and point
of application.
Q. A Z-shaped lamina of width of 20 mm is subjected to four forces as shown in figure. Find equilibrant in
magnitude and direction. [6]

Dec 1997
Q. Forces of magnitudes 1 KN, 2 KN and 2 KN act along the sides of a triangular frame ABC as shown in
figure. Find the resultant and intersection on X and Y axis.

May 2000
Q. A machine part is subjected to forces as shown in figure. Find resultant of forces in magnitude and
direction. Also locate the point where the resultant cuts the central line of bar AB.
Q. The three forces as shown in figure and a couple ‘M’ are applied to an angle bracket. Determine the
moment of the couple ‘M’ if the line of action of the resultant of this force system is to pass through (i) B,
(ii) C.

Dec 1992
Q. Find the resultant and its point of application on Y-axis for the force system acting on a triangular plate
as shown in figure.

Dec 1992
Q. Find equilibrant of four forces acting on a plate shown in figure.

Dec 1996
Q. The moments of a given plane system of forces about three points (0, 1), (2, 0) and (2, 2) are +36, +3 and
+21 units respectively. Find the resultant force.

May 1994
Q. Four forces act tangentially to a 8 cm diameter circle as shown in figure. What will be magnitude and
location of resultant with respect to ‘O’.
May 1996, May 1998, Dec 1999, May 2005
Q. Determine the magnitude and y-intercept of the resultant of force system acting on the lamina as shown
in figure.

May 2005
Q. Find the resultant completely for the coplanar force system shown in figure.

May 1996
Q. Find magnitude, direction and line of action of the resultant of the coplanar force system consisting of the
four forces shown in figure.
May 1998
Q. A 150 × 300 mm plate is subjected to four loads. Find the resultant of the four forces and the two points
at which the line of action of the resultant intersects the edge of the plate. Refer figure.

Dec 1999
Q. The three forces shown in figure create a vertical resultant acting through point ‘B’. If P = 361 N,
compute values of ‘T’ and ‘F’.

Dec 2000
Q. Forces exerted on the cross-section of a steel channel are shown in figure. Replace this system of forces
by equivalent single force at point G and determine the distance x of point G from point C.
May 2009
Q. Three forces are acting along the sides of the triangle as shown in figure. Find the direction of resultant
and the values of force ‘P’ if the magnitude of resultant force is 100N. [8]

Dec 2006
Q. State and explain Varignon’s theorem of moments.

May 2009
Q. State and prove Varignon’s theorem

May 2009
Q. A collar that can slide on a vertical rod is subjected to three forces shown. Determine (a) value of the
angle α for which the resultant of the three forces is horizontal, (b) the corresponding magnitude of the
resultant. [6]

May 2009
Q. A piece of plywood in which several holes are being drilled successively has been secured to a work
bench by means of two nails. Knowing that the drill exerts a 12 Nm couple on the piece of plywood,
determine the magnitude of the resulting forces applied to the nails if they are located (a) at A and B, (b) at
B and C (c) at A and C. [6]

May 2009
Q. A barge is pulled by two tug boats. If the resultant of the forces exerted by the tug boats is a 5000 N force
directed along the axis of the barge, determine the value of ‘α’ for which the tension in rope 2 is minimum.

May 2009
Q. Three hikers are shown crossing a foot bridge. Knowing that the weights of the hikers at points C, D and
E are 200 N, 175 N and 135 N respectively, determine the horizontal distance from A to the line of action of
the resultant of the weights when a = 3.3 m. [6]

May 2009
Q. State and explain ‘properties of couple’.

May 2009
Q. State law of Parallelogram of forces and obtain an expression for magnitude and direction of resultant
force. [5]

Mat 2009
Q. State and explain principle of transmissibility of force with example. [5]

Dec 2009
Q. Explain how a system of non-concurrent forces can be reduced to an equivalent force-couple system.

Q. Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant force for the concurrent force system as shown in
figure. [6]
Dec 2009
Illustrate with neat sketches different types of Force Systems.

Dec 2009
Three forces are applied to the bracket as shown in figure. Determine and show the equilibrant force for
α = 40° if the angle between two 30N forces always remain 50°.

Dec 2009
Q. Define resultant of a system of forces. What are the various methods to determine the resultant of
concurrent forces? [6]

Dec 2009
Q. Explain how a system of non-concurrent forces can be reduced to an equivalent force-couple system. [6]

May 2010
Q. Five forces are acting at a point ‘O’. Find values of forces P1 and P2 required to keep point ‘O’ in
equilibrium. Refer Fig. [9]

May 2010
Q. A rectangular plate of 0.6m ×0.8m is kept such that, one of its diagonals is horizontal, as shown in Fig. 7.
Locate resultant of this force system w. r. t. line AB. [8]

May 2010
A 600N force is applied at an angle θ= 20°. Determine the equivalent force couple system at point A and O.
For what value of θ, the results at point A and O should be identical. Refer figure
May 2010
Q. Three forces of magnitude 100 N are acting along the sides of an equilateral triangle as shown in figure.
Determine resultant in magnitude and direction with reference to point A. [6]

Dec 2010
Q. Determine magnitude ‘F’ and direction θ of force F, so that the resultant of three forces acting on hook is
zero. [6]

May 2011
Q. Knowing that the tension in cable BC is 145 N, determine the resultant of the
three forces exerted at point B of beam AB. Refer Fig.

Dec 2008
Q. Find the resultant of the concurrent force system as shown in figure in magnitude and direction. [8]
Dec 2008
Q. Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant with respect to point A for the general force
system as shown in figure. [8]

Dec 2013
Q. Find the magnitude of the resultant and its location of the following forces acting at a point O as shown
in figure. [6]

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