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The document discusses various safety procedures and emergency response processes onboard a ship.

Crew members should report any fires to the bridge or duty officer, sound the alarm, and follow instructions for firefighting.

In case of a fire, the priorities are to report it, sound the alarm, and muster the firefighting team as per the safety plan.


add(new question("A lifebuoy is constructed to withstand a drop into the water from a
height of: ",

new String[]{"18 m ","10 m","30 m ","4 m "},2));

okquestions.add(new question("Which of these emission control requirements is correct? ",

new String[]{"Installation of an exhaust gas cleaning system reduces emission of nitrogen

oxide","Incineration of PCB’s is permitted","Low sulphur fuels reduce emissions of volatile organic
compounds","Equipment containing ozone-depleting substances may be dumped at sea 50 miles from
land "},2));

okquestions.add(new question("What do you call the wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents the
ladder from twisting? ",

new String[]{"The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called an ‘Anti-
twist rung’","The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a ‘Spreader’","The
wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is call a ‘wide step’","The wide rung on a pilot
ladder that prevents it from twisting is call a ‘Ling rung’ "},1));

okquestions.add(new question("Where on board can you find the different types of protection
equipment, the placement, how much equipment etc.? ",

new String[]{"The ship’s safety plan. ","In cargo control room","Stated in your cabin. ","The
engine room. "},0));

okquestions.add(new question("What is meaning of “make fast” ",

new String[]{"To avoid all meals","To act quickly","To secure a rope","To coil a rope "},2));

okquestions.add(new question("What has the cadet been ordered to do? ",

new String[]{"The Cadet has been ordered to test the steering gear","The Cadet has been order
to paint the evaporator using a paint brush","The Cadet has been order to dismantle","The Cadet has
been ordered to help the Bo’s un sandblast the poop deck. "},1));

questions.add(new question("Mention some important thoughts for what you have to do when you
recognize the fire break out onboard. ",

new String[]{"Go to the lifeboat start the motor then call the duty officer and commence fight
the fire","Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, organize and comment fighting the
fire","Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, call the persons around the fire and join
the fire","Commence fighting the fire, call the persons around the fire and join the fire squad "},2));

questions.add(new question("8.Why is it important the combustion chamber of a boiler is properly

ventilated prior to ignition? ",

new String[]{"To ensure that there is sufficient air for proper combustion. ","To cool the surface
of the boiler furnace in case they give premature ignition of the burner. ","To remove any deposits from
the furnace wall. ","To avoid an explosion in case any oil vapours are present from oil leakage into the
furnace. "},3));

questions.add(new question("9.What term is used to describe a fresh water cooling system which
contains seawater cooled common freshwater cooler and which meets the cooling requirements for all
the engine room machinery? ",

new String[]{"A low temperature freshwater system","A high temperature freshwater

system","A central cooling system","A common cooling system "},2));

questions.add(new question("11.Before extinction of an electric fire we need",

new String[]{"To know the voltage and wear rubber gloves","To put out the fire without taking
any special measures","To disconnect the power source","To confine the area involved in the fire "},2));

questions.add(new question("12.Which part of the float-free arrangement for inflatable lifecrafts is

made to provide a connection between the ship and the lifecraft? ",

new String[]{"The hydrostatic release unit","The weak link","The lashing strap","The painter

questions.add(new question("13.A person wearing a thermal protective aid shall be able: ",

new String[]{"To climb up and down a vertical ladder","To swim a short distance through the
water and board a survival craft","To wear a lifejacket inside","To jump into the water from a height of
4.5m "},2));

questions.add(new question("14.Which of the tools given in the options is the best one to select for
cutting a new external thread on the end of a steel pipe? ",

new String[]{"Thread chaser. "," Die nut. ","Tap. ","Split dies. "},3));
questions.add(new question("15.Simple gauge glasses for indicating the boiler water levels, such as
the one shown here, are often fitted to low pressure boilers. What would be a reasonable schedule for
blowing through the gauge glasses to make sure they are reading correctly? ",

new String[]{"At least once an hour","At least once a week","At least once a month","At least
once a day "},3));

questions.add(new question("16.The wearer of a lifejacket can jump into the water without injury
and without damaging the jacket from a height of at least: ",

new String[]{"10 m","15 m ","7 m","4.50 m "},3));

questions.add(new question("17.Which of these types of information is considered sensitive? ",

new String[]{"Ship schematics and HR policies. ","Way points and training records. ","Planned
maintenance schedule and emergency response procedures. ","Voyage itinerary and departure and
arrival times. "},3));

questions.add(new question("18.Which of the following features is required for an anti-exposure

suit? ",

new String[]{"is fitted with a light and a whistle","is made of such a material that it cannot be
torn","is marked with the name of the vessel to which the appliance belongs","can be continuously
worn without impeding every duty to be performed by the wearer when in normal watch on the
bridge "},0));

questions.add(new question("19.What would be the most probable cause of high temperature

readings for the bearings in a diesel engine? ",

new String[]{"Jacket cooling water temperature too high. ","Water in the fuel oil. ","Charge air
pressure too low. ","Lubricating oil pressure too low. "},3));

questions.add(new question("20.If a patient is bleeding from nose",

new String[]{"Let the blood stop by itself","Put a piece of swab or gauze in the house","Ask the
patient to lie flat on the floor","Pinch soft part of the nose for 10 minutes while keeping the head
forward over a basin "},3));

questions.add(new question("21.In which ways is heat transmitted? ",

new String[]{"Gasification, conduction and convection","Conduction, convection and
radiation","Delay, conduction, radiation","Radiation and gasification "},1));

questions.add(new question("22.An unconscious casualty who is breathing should be placed. ",

new String[]{"Sitting up position","Lying face down position","In the recovery position","In the
face up position "},2));

questions.add(new question("23.Why is it important that the combustion chamber of a boiler is

properly ventilated prior to ignition? ",

new String[]{"To cool the surfaces of the boiler furnace in case they give premature ignition of
the burner. ","To avoid an explosion in case any oil vapour are present from oil leakage into the furnace.
","To ensure that there is sufficient air for proper combustion. ","To remove any deposits from the
furnace wall. "},1));

questions.add(new question("24.After smoking, cigarettes should be disposed off as follow: ",

new String[]{"Dropped over the side only if you are certain they are extinguished","Disposed of
in an astray, ensuring that it is extinguished","Dropped into a waste bin","Dropped over the lee side only
so that it cannot blow back on board "},1));

questions.add(new question("25.Where would you normally expect to find the air vent cock on a
steam boiler? ",

new String[]{"On the highest point of the steam range. ","At the highest point of the steam
drum. ","At the superheater outlet. ","At the feed water inlet pipe connection. "},1));

questions.add(new question("26.During cargo or bunker operations, oil response equipment is to

be: ",

new String[]{"Used elsewhere in the ship","In its store room","In the cargo pump room","Ready
for immediate use "},3));

questions.add(new question("27.While assisting the watchkeeper with routine cleaning of the fuel
oil separator the watch rating is requested to clean the plate stack. Which of the options given is the
preferred method for such a task? ",

new String[]{"Soak the dirty plates in a solvent for an hour and then stand them on the engine
room deck to drain off. ","Soak the plates in a suitable in a suitable solvent until all of the dirt has
loosened off and wipe clean with ","Scrape the plates as clean as possible with a packing knife and then
wash them with a high pressure water ","With the plate stack in position fill the purifier bowl with clean
diesel oil and quickly switch it on and off to wash the plates. "},1));

questions.add(new question("28.What is the only reliable way of checking that the CO2 cartridge in
a dry powder extinguisher is full? ",

new String[]{"Check if the seal on the extinguisher release handle is intact","Weigh the
extinguisher and check that it complies with the weight marked on it","Remove the cartridge and weigh
it to check that it has the full weight stamped on it","All of the alternatives are reliable methods "},2));

questions.add(new question("29.What would you do if you are told to operate a piece of

mechanical equipment which you are not familiar with? ",

new String[]{"Ignore the request to operate the equipment. ","Ensure that all safety guards and
devices are disconnected. ","Try and guess how the equipment should be operated. ","Seek advice from
your superior before attempting to operate it. "},3));

questions.add(new question("30.What is an IED? ",

new String[]{"A type of gun","An Explossive","A homemade bomb","An incendiary device "},2));

questions.add(new question("31.What is a polar (liquid)? ",

new String[]{"A liquid that emits flammable vapor","A liquid that mixes with water","A liquid
that conducts electricity","A liquid that doesn’t mix with water "},1));

questions.add(new question("32.During maintenance work at sea an engine room rating is moving a

heavy component to be workshop using a chain block attached to an overhead trolley on a rail. Part way
through the operation the rating is asked by the engineer to go immediately to the store for some
equipment. What should the rating do? ",

new String[]{"Leave the component suspended from the chain block and go and collect the
equipment from the store. ","Continue with the moving operation until the component is properly
secured in the workshop before going to the store for the equipment. ","Immediately land the
component on the deck and secure it to a hand rail stanchion and go and get the equipment from store.
","Immediately land the component on the deck but leave the chain block attached and go and collect
the equipment from the store. "},1));
questions.add(new question("34.Which of the following is a combustion reaction? ",

new String[]{"Smouldering fire","All the answers are good","Explosion","Open fire "},1));

questions.add(new question("35.Where does the excess steam discharge to when the boiler safety
valves operate due to the boiler pressure being too high? ",

new String[]{"The atmosphere via the atmospheric line","The engineroom bilges","The auxiliary
condenser","The main condenser "},0));

questions.add(new question("36.In a liquid the surface of which is about 100m",

new String[]{"The radiated heat can spread to exposure placed 200m away","The radiated heat
is lower than the conducted heat","Flames are usually higher than the diameter of the fire","The
radiated heat can spread to exposures place 100m away "},2));

questions.add(new question("37.A rating on boiler watch notices water coming from the safety
valve chest drain while the boiler is in operation. What action should be taken by the rating? ",

new String[]{"Contact the engineer officer of the watch and inform him immediately. ","Put a
bucket under the drain to prevent the deck becoming wet and slippery. ","Hit the safety valve with a
hammer to try and get it to reseat tightly. ","Operate the safety valve using the release gear to try and
get it to reseat tightly. "},0));

questions.add(new question("What is the first thing that should be checked when taking over a
boiler watch? ",

new String[]{"The boiler room bilge level","The boiler water level","The boiler exhaust gas
colour","The oil pressure to the burner "},1));

questions.add(new question("What action should be taken before carrying out a bottom blowdown
on a steam boiler? ",

new String[]{"Shut off the burner. ","Drop the water level a few centimeters below normal
working level","Switch on the auxiliary feed pump","Raise the water level a few centimeters above
normal working level "},3));
questions.add(new question("40.During overhaul of a hydraulic pump a large number of small
components are removed. Where these should be kept so that they are not lost and are available when
rebuilding the pump? ",

new String[]{"They should be kept in a boiler suit pocket","They should be placed in the pump
save all","They should be placed in a clean box or tin and covered over. ","They should be placed inside
the pump casing. "},2));

questions.add(new question("41.What is the purpose of the Ship Security Plan? ",

new String[]{"Outline the organizational structure for the ship. ","Outline specific measures for
your ship to move from security level 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3. ","Detail the duties of shipboard personnel
assigned security responsibilities. ","Protect your ship from risks posed by security threats or incidents.

questions.add(new question("An engine room rating is assisting in the maintenance of some of the
valves on the low pressure steam range, which packing material, from the options given, would be the
best choice for repacking the gland of a low pressure steam valve? ",

new String[]{"Graphite fibre packing. ","Lead covered cotton packing. ","Greasy cotton packing.
","PTFE rope packing. "},0));

questions.add(new question("What kind of foot wear should be used when working on deck and in
the engine room?",

new String[]{"Sandals or plimsolls","Rubber boots","Safety shoes or safety boots","Tennis shoes


questions.add(new question("After an engine following start up it is discovered that the start air
pipe to one of the cylinders is hotter than normal. What is the likely cause of this problem? ",

new String[]{"The air start valve for the cylinder is leaking or stuck open. ","The main air start
automatic valve has not closed properly. ","The air start compressor cooling has failed. ","The air start
line flame trap for the cylinder is burning inside. "},0));

questions.add(new question("45.Which of the given options best completes the following

statement? You should never attempt to light a boiler until………….",

new String[]{"…the air register is fully open. ","…the feed water pump is running. ","…the gauge
glass shows the water at normal working level. ","…the furnace purge sequence is completed. "},3));
questions.add(new question("46.What would be the most probable cause of an increase in cooling
water temperature for all cylinders of a diesel engine? ",

new String[]{"Fouling of the charge air cooler. ","Fouling of the jacket water cooler. ","Low level
in the header tank for the jacket system. ","Fouling of the lubricating oil cooler. "},1));

questions.add(new question("What is the term used to refer to the valve that prevents backflow of
water from the boiler to the feed water system? ",

new String[]{"Feed-stop valve","Feed-check valve","Safety valve","Bottom-blow valve "},1));

questions.add(new question("48.Which cleaning agents are suitable for use in machinery space
when considering the effect on the function of the oily water separator? ",

new String[]{"Any kind of cleaning agent is suitable. ","An emulsification type cleaning agent is
suitable. ","Only non-emulsifying cleaning agents with self splitting emulsifiers are suitable. ","None
should be used as all cleaning agents affect the function of an OWS. "},2));

questions.add(new question("A new gasket has been fitted to the manhole cover of a ballast tank.
Which of the options given would be suitable to test that the new gasket is correctly fitted? ",

new String[]{"Fill the tank with water until it overflows through the air vent. ","Fill the tank with
water up to capacity. ","Carry out an air pressure test on the ballast tank. ","Carry out a hose test on the
manhole cover. "},3));

questions.add(new question("50.To control bleeding, a tourniquet should be applied: ",

new String[]{"Whenever you have to transport the casualty","Whenever it is possible to stop

bleeding","Only on radio medical advice","Only when all other means have failed "},3));

questions.add(new question("51.While on watch an engine room rating notices a leak from the
gland of the seawater pump which is running at the time. What action should be taken? ",

new String[]{"Inform the engineer officer of the watch so that the pumps can be changed over
and the gland can be repacked. ","Change over the pumps and tell his relief at the end of the watch.
","Remove the pump guard and tighten up the gland while the pump is still running to see that the leak
stops. ","Place some jointing in way of the leak to direct the water into the bilge to stop it being sprayed
around by the rotating shaft. "},0));
questions.add(new question("You must not attempt to move a casualty carelessly, if you suspect
patient with: ",

new String[]{"Consumed excess alcohol "," Unconscious "," Sleeping "," Fractured spine "},3));

questions.add(new question("A person wearing lifejacket or immersion suit, shall be able to turn
from a face-down to a face-up position in not more than: ",

new String[]{"10 seconds","8 seconds","15 seconds","5 seconds "},3));

questions.add(new question("When refitting the bolts into a flange on a steam line how should the
bolts be prepared so that they can be easily removed next time maintenance is required? ",

new String[]{"Coat the threads in general purpose grease. ","Fit the bolts dry with a spring
washer. ","Apply thread tape to the bolt threads. ","Coat the threads in graphite based grease. "},3));

questions.add(new question("What material should boiler suits be made of? ",

new String[]{"Nylon","Wool","Asbestos","Cotton "},3));

questions.add(new question("A rating on boiler watch notices water coming from the safety valve
chest drain while the boiler is in operation. What action should be taken by the rating? ",

new String[]{"Put a bucket under the drain to prevent the deck becoming wet and slippery","Hit
the safety valve with a hammer to try and get it to reset tightly","Operate the safety valve using the
release gear to try and get it to reseat tightly","Contact the engineer officer of the watch and inform him

questions.add(new question("How can water hammer be avoided when operating the valves and
pumps in a cooling water system? ",

new String[]{"Operate valves slowly","Start the pump with open valves","Start pump with
closed valves","Operate valves quickly "},0));

questions.add(new question("How many lifebuoys can you expect to find on board a cargo ship of
190 metres in length (including those of the quick-release system)? ",

new String[]{"atleast 8 distributed on both sides of the ship","atleast 14 distributed on both

sides of the ship","atleast 10 distributed on both sides of the ship","atleast 12 distributed on both sides
of the ship "},3));
questions.add(new question("Which of the following measures should be applied when hot work is
to be undertaken in harbor? ",

new String[]{"To have a hot-work permit","To maintain a permanent fire watch of atleast four
persons","All the answers are good","To use only intrinsically safe equipment in the area where hot-
work is performed "},0));

questions.add(new question("While assisting the watchkeeper with with routine cleaning of the
fuel oil separator the watch rating is requested to clean the plate stack. Which of the options given is the
preferred method for such a task? ",

new String[]{"Soak the dirty plates in a solvent for an hour and then stand them on the engine
room deck to drain off. ","Scrape the plates as clean as possible with a packaging knife and then wash
them with a high pressure water hose","Soak the plates in a suitable solvent until all of the dirt is
loosened off and wipe clean with rags. ","With the plate stack in position fill the purifier bowl with clean
diesel oil and quickly switch it on and off to wash the plates. "},2));

questions.add(new question("A small electric motor needs to be taken to the bottom plates for
fitting to a domestic water pump. It is only just too heavy to be manually carried so is to be lowered
using the engine room crane. Which of the options given would be a suitable strop to use for the
operation? ",

new String[]{"Any strop which looks big enough to carry the load. ","Any piece of rope will do
as the motor is only just too heavy to carry. ","A wire strop which is rated for twice the required load but
is out of certification. ","Any certified strop which has a safe working load greater than weight of the
motor. "},3));

questions.add(new question("What term is used to describe a fresh water cooling system which
contains a seawater cooled common fresh water cooler and which meets the cooling requirements for
all the engine room machinery? ",

new String[]{"A common cooling system","A low temperature freshwater system","A central
cooling system","A high temperature freshwater system "},2));

questions.add(new question("What should be carried out before entering the pump room? ",

new String[]{"Notify the Chief Officer or officer on duty and run the ventilation for atleast 15
minutes. ","Run the ventilation for atleast 15 minutes. ","Notify the Chief Officer or officer on duty.
","Always carry a walkie talkie with you into the pump room and call for help immediately if you start
feeling dizzy. "},0));
questions.add(new question("What would be likely cause if the shaft of a centrifugal pump shows
excessive wear in way of the stuffing box? ",

new String[]{"Over tightening of the gland packing.. ","Incorrect material used in construction
of the shaft. ","The discharge pressure of the pump is too high. ","Wrong direction of rotation of the
pump. "},0));

questions.add(new question("The threads on the drain plug for the bronze end cover of a sea water
cooled heat exchanger have been badly damaged during maintenance. There is no spare brass plug
available. What is the best solution for repairing the heat exchanger? ",

new String[]{"Wrap the threads in thread tape and coat it with jointing compound before
refitting it. ","Make a new brass plug on the lathe to fit the drain hole. ","Use a steel plug with the same
thread as the original to replace it. ","Hammer in a wooden tapered plug as a temporary repair. "},1));

questions.add(new question("The engine room rating has been assisting with ballast operations
during a period of engine room watch duty. Ballast operations have stopped for a couple of hours while
stores are being taken. What action should the rating take during this break in operations? ",

new String[]{"Shut the valves for the ballast tanks but keep the pumps running and discharging
overboard to save time later. ","Just keep the pumps running and the valves for the ballast tanks open
to save time when operations are restarted. The tanks will just overflow through the air vents. ","Stop all
of the ballast pumps and close all of the ballast valves as soon as operations are stopped. Ballast lines
should always be closed except when they are being used. ","Just stop the pumps and close the pumps
suction and discharge valve. Leave the valves for the ballast tank open to save time later. "},2));

questions.add(new question("An inflatable lifejacket has: ",

new String[]{"1 compartment automatically inflatable and 1 compartment manually

inflatable","1 compartment","2 separate compartments","3 separate compartments "},2));

questions.add(new question("What is the main difference between a stuffing box gland and a
mechanical seal on a centrifugal pump? ",

new String[]{"If packing fails the pump can be kept running by tightening the glands, but if a
mechanical seal fails it must be renewed to stop the leakage","Packed stuffing box glands are subject to
wear but mechanical seals are not","Packed stuffing box glands must be cooled by liquid, but
mechanical seals do not require any cooling","The sealing surface of a mechanical seal is usually parallel
to the shaft, but sealing surface of a packed gland is perpendicular to the shaft "},0));
questions.add(new question("A threaded hole is to be formed in a steel plate using a tap and
wrench. When drilling the hole which of the options best describes the required drill size? ",

new String[]{"The drill should be a smaller size than the diameter of the tap. ","The drill should
be the same size as the diameter of the tap. ","The drill should be a bigger size than the diameter of the
tap. ","The drill should be the same size at the diameter of the bolt that is to be fitted into the hole.

questions.add(new question("What is recognized as the main hazard when entering a void space? ",

new String[]{"Lack of light? ","Lack of mobility? ","Lack of oxygen? ","No particular hazards?

questions.add(new question("Following maintenance work on an air compressor the engine room

rating is asked to put the tools away. It is noticed that an Allen key is missing from the set. What action
should be taken? ",

new String[]{"Make a note in the log book so the other engine room staffs know it is missing.
","Assume it has fallen in the bilge and look for it when the bilges have been pumped. ","Get another
one from the store to make up a full set again. ","inform the engineer in case it has been left inside the
compressor when it was closed up"},3));

questions.add(new question("What kind of fuel will originate a class A fire? ",

new String[]{"a gas, not under pressure","a gas, under pressure","a solid (cardboard or
wood…)","a liquid (gasoline or petrol….) "},2));

questions.add(new question("What is meant by the term ‘lapping in’ in relation to diesel engine
cylinder cover valves? ",

new String[]{"Machining the valve and seat to a achieve a differential seat angle. ","Repair of
the valve by welding stellate onto the seat. ","Grinding the valve against the valve seat, usually
manually, to obtain a uniform sealing surface across the seat. ","The period of overlap when the inlet
and exhaust valve for a cylinder are open together. "},2));

questions.add(new question("During overhaul of some plate type compressor valves the engine
room rating is asked to clean the valve plates and seat. Some of the valve plates are heavily marked.
What action should be taken? ",
new String[]{"Dress the valve plates up using a portable grinder. ","Use coarse grinding paste to
remove the mark from the valve plates as quickly as possible. ","Discard the defective valve plates and
replace them with new spares. ","Skim the valve plates in the lathe to remove all of the marks. "},2));

questions.add(new question("In which one of the following oil, the flash point of which only needs
to be over 43’C, may be used? ",

new String[]{"In the kitchen","In inert gas generators","In the main engine","In emergency
generators "},3));

questions.add(new question("Is it always possible to use the word “ship” instead of the word
“boat”? ",

new String[]{"Normally a small vessel is call a “boat” rather than a “ship”, otherwise it is not
important. ","A large vessel is always called a “ship” and never a “”boat” ","A boat can only be used for
vessel under 50 metres in length. ","Either can be used be anytime "},0));

questions.add(new question("A seawater pipe is holed due to corrosion causing frequent bilge
alarms. Which of the given temporary repair methods would be the preferred option to remedy the
problem until the pipe can be replaced? ",

new String[]{"Wrap duct tape around the pipe in way of the hole. ","Drive a steel taper pin into
the hole to seal it. ","Cover the hole with rubber insertion held in place with a jubilee clip. ","Cover all of
the affected area with fibre glass tape and resin/fibre glass mixture. "},3));

questions.add(new question("While on watch an engine room rating notices a leak from gland of
the seawater pump which is running at the time. What action would be taken? ",

new String[]{"Change over the pumps and tell his relief at the end of the watch. ","Remove the
pump guard and tighten up the gland while the pump is still running to see that the leak stops. ","Inform
the engineer officer of the watch so that the pumps can be changed over and the gland can be replaced.
","Place some jointing in way of the leak to direct the water into the bilge to stop it being sprayed by the
rotating shaft."},2));

questions.add(new question("What is the room often called where the crew eat their meals? ",

new String[]{"The crew galley","The crew restaurant","The crew mess","The crew café "},2));

questions.add(new question("What will you do when all the fresh water in the survival craft is
finished or about to finish? ",
new String[]{"Start collecting rain water","Use sea water to keep your body wet","Drink only 1
liter of sea water per day","Drink sea water "},0));

questions.add(new question("Which of the following tools can be safely sharpened using a pedestal
grinder? ",

new String[]{"Brass chisel","Wooden wedge"," Hacksaw blade","Steel drill bit "},3));

questions.add(new question("A new gasket has been fitted to the manhole cover of a ballast tank.
Which the options given would be a suitable test that the new gasket is correctly fitted? ",

new String[]{"fill the tank with water up to capacity","fill the tank with water until it overflows
through the air vent","carry out an air pressure test on the ballast tank. ","Carry out a hose test on the
manhole cover."},3));

questions.add(new question("Why are zinc anodes sometimes fitted in the seawater side of heat
exchangers? ",

new String[]{"To reduce salinity","To protect against corrosion","To prevent accumulation of

marine growth","To prevent scaling "},1));

questions.add(new question("In case of a fire inside the Acetylene-line in the ac/ox gas welding
equipment, What action is deemed necessary? ",

new String[]{"Close the valve on both the Acetylene and the Oxygen bottles. ","Close Acetylene
valve in the workshop. ","Close valves on Acetylene bottle(s). ","Close Oxygen valve. "},0));

questions.add(new question("What should be the first indication that the engine room
watchkeepers get that there is oil or water leakage in the engine room? ",

new String[]{"Bilge alarm should sound","They should hear the bilge pump start up
automatically. ","A low level alarm should sound for one of the oil or water tanks. ","They should see it
on the tank top or in the bilge well during regular inspections. "},3));

questions.add(new question("Which of the following are frequent causes of fires in

accommodation? ",

new String[]{"Smoking in bed","1 Smoking in bed. 2 Covering of electric fires with blankets. 3
Overloading electric plugs. ","Covering of electric fires with blankets","Overloading electric plugs "},1));
questions.add(new question("While on boiler watch in the engine room a rating is requested to
assist with taking on stories. The task will take about half an hour. What should the rating do? ",

new String[]{"Just ignore the request to assist with the stores. ","Contact the engineering
officer of the watch for permission to assist and to arrange a relief for the duration of the store taking.
","Go and help with the stores but go back and check the boiler every 10 minutes. ","Raise the boiler
water level above normal to make sure there is sufficient water while he is busy with the stores.

questions.add(new question("Which of these series of sizes corresponds to the international

standard for nozzles? ",

new String[]{"12 mm, 16 mm and 19 mm","10 mm and 20 mm","10 mm, 20 mm and 30

mm","5mm, 10 mm and 20 mm "},0));

questions.add(new question("A new joint is needed for a steam condensate drain line. What is the
most suitable jointing material to use? ",

new String[]{"Plain fibre jointing","Cork jointing","Cotton reinforced rubber insertion","Wire

reinforce fibre jointing "},0));

questions.add(new question("During maintenance work in the engine room an access ladder and
platform have been removed to allow work to be carried out on a pipe. When breaking for lunch what
action should be taken to make the worksite safe? ",

new String[]{"loosely refit the platform and ladder","leave one man to carry on working on his
own and to wan anyone entering the engine room that work is on going. ","Close off the are with rope
or tape and put out warning signs that work is in progress. ","Refit the access and platform securely and
remove it again after lunch."},2));

questions.add(new question("What is the inherent danger in welding/cutting in piping containing

Freon? ",

new String[]{"Depletion of oxygen in the air? ","Development of explosives gases? ","Depletion

of the ozone layer? ","Development of nitrous gases? "},3));

questions.add(new question("Why is it important that the combustion of a boiler is properly

ventilated prior to ignition? ",

new String[]{"to ensure the there is sufficient air for proper combustion","to remove any
deposits from the furnace wall","to a void an explosion in case any oil vapours are present from oil
leakage into the furnace","to cool the surfaces of the boiler furnace in case they give premature ignition
of the burner."},2));

questions.add(new question("What kind of safety equipment should be used when operating a

grinding wheel? ",

new String[]{"Goggles and shield. ","Welding mask. ","Shield. ","Goggles. "},0));

questions.add(new question("What type of heat exchanger is shown in the illustration? ",

new String[]{"Shell and tube","Plate","Evaporative","Bundle and stack "},0));

questions.add(new question("Why should boiler sootblowers normally only be operated in the

correct sequence? ",

new String[]{"So that the operator does not forget which sootblowers have been used. ","To
ensure soot is cleared progressively from the bottom tubes to the top and toward the boiler uptakes.
","To avoid excess stress in the boiler. ","To minimize loss of steam pressure. "},1));

questions.add(new question("How much water per person is provided in a lifecraft not equipped
with a desalting apparatus? ",

new String[]{"2 litre","5 litre","1.5 litre","3 litre "},1));

questions.add(new question("Which of the following could cause a blowback from a steam boiler oil
fired furnace? ",

new String[]{"Having the fuel oil temperature too high","Trying to ignite burner from hot
brickwork","Having the fuel oil pressure too high","Opening air registers too quickly "},0));

questions.add(new question("How much water per person provided in a liferaft not equipped with
a desalting apparatus? ",

new String[]{"2 litre","5 litre","1.5 litre","3 litre"},2));

questions.add(new question("An engine room rating is assisting the duty engineer during a period
of UMS operation. After completing the tasks they leave the engine room which is returned to UMS
mode. The rating realizes that an oil tank filling valve has been left open. What action should be taken?
new String[]{"Inform another crewmember that he is going back into the engine room to close
the valve. ","Just leave the valve open as it is unsafe to enter the engine room alone. The high alarm will
sound to notify the engineer when the tank is full. ","Re-enter the engine room straight away and shut
the valve. ","Inform the duty engineer immediately so that the engine room can be re-entered and the
valve can be shut. "},3));

questions.add(new question("How should the painter of a lifecraft which is fitted with hydrostatic
release be secured to the ship? ",

new String[]{"Secured via a weak link to a secure part of the ship. ","Directly to a secure point
on the ship","Secured to the part of the hydrostatic release that is designed to break free","It should not
be secured in any way "},0));

questions.add(new question("What is meant by the term “lapping in “ in relation to diesel engine

cylinder cover valves? ",

new String[]{"machining the valve and seat to achieve a differential seat angle. ","The period of
overlap when the inlet and exhaust valves for a cylinder are open together","Grinding the valve against
the valve seat, usually manually, to obtain a uniform sealing surface across the seat","Repair of the valve
by welding stellite onto the seat"},2));

questions.add(new question("How would an enclosed space be defined? ",

new String[]{"One which has not be ventilated for some time","A pumproom on a tanker","One
in which the atmosphere may have a deficiency of oxygen or may have a toxic gas","A cargo tank "},2));

questions.add(new question("How much food per person is supplied on a lifecraft? ",

new String[]{"Not less than 5000 kJ","Not less than 10000kJ","None – only barely sugar sweets
supplied","Not less than 20000 kJ "},1));

questions.add(new question("An engine room rating is assisting in the maintenance of some of the
valves on the low pressure steam range. Which packing materials, from the options given, would be the
best choice for repacking the gland of a low pressure steam valve? ",

new String[]{"Graphite fibre packing","Greasy cotton packing","PTFE rope packing","Lead

covered cotton packing "},0));

questions.add(new question("When you join a new ship, how are you informed about safety rules,
alarm instruction and your own duties incase of an emergency? ",
new String[]{"By folder distributed to each crewmember","By muster list exhibited in
conspicuous places","By oral instructions by the Captain","By alarm instructions in all crew cabins "},1));

questions.add(new question("During maintenance work in the engine room or on deck it is often

necessary to work aloft (work at a height above the plates or the deck). When working aloft onboard the
ship what is the most important safe precaution that should be taken? ",

new String[]{"Lash the bottom of the ladder to a fixed point. ","Wear a safety harness securely
attached to ship’s structure. ","Keep all the tools required for the work in a bucket. ","Wear a safety
helmet and goggles. "},1));

questions.add(new question("What is the first you are doing when having a lifeboat drill? ",

new String[]{"Swing out the davit. ","Wait for order","Put on the life jacket","Enter the lifeboat

questions.add(new question("During cargo or bunker operations, oil response equipment is to be: ",

new String[]{"In its store room","In the cargo pump room","Used elsewhere in the ship","Ready
for immediate use"},3));

questions.add(new question("During overhaul of a hydraulic pump a large number of small

components are removed. Where should these components be kept so that they are not lost? ",

new String[]{"They should be placed inside the pump casing. ","They should be placed in a
clean box or tin and covered over. ","They should be placed in the pump save all. ","They should be kept
in a boiler suit pocket. "},1));

questions.add(new question("During maintenance work on a fuel tank the engine room ratings are
removing scale in preparation for re-coating. One of the ratings suddenly notices the smell of fumes
even though the atmosphere had been satisfactorily testes before the work started. What action should
the ratings take? ",

new String[]{"Put on breathing apparatus and carry on with the task. ","Leave the tank
immediately and have the atmosphere retested. ","Ask for another fan to be switched on to increase the
ventilation in the tank. ","Stop work until the smell disappears and then carry on removing the scale.

questions.add(new question("An airway should be used when",

new String[]{"Patient has injury in the mouth","The patient is unconscious","The patient has
stopped breathing","The patient is breathing on his own but is doing so with great difficulty "},3));

questions.add(new question("While getting tools ready and preparing for overhaul work on the
main engine the engine room rating notices that the electrical extension is damaged. A small section of
the cables outer insulation is split although the inner insulation appears ok. What action should the
rating take? ",

new String[]{"Carry on using the extension after wrapping insulation tape over the damaged
section as it is only minor damage. ","Just use the extension as it is since the damage is only to the outer
insulation and the inner insulation appears ok. ","Label the damaged extension as unfit for use and
return it to the store for testing and get a replacement extension. ","Cut off the end of the cable
including the damaged section and refit the plug to the end of the remaining cable before using the
extension. "},2));

questions.add(new question("When handling drugs….",

new String[]{"Wear skin protection and a facemask. ","Shut off the ventilation in the room
where the drugs are being stored to ensure any vapours or fumes do not spread to other parts of the
ship. ","Test out the potency of the drug. ","Briefly inhale powders, fumes or vapours to verify the
substance is a drug. "},0));

questions.add(new question("While on watch, an engine room rating notices a leak from the gland
of a running seawater pump. What action should be taken? ",

new String[]{"Inform the engineer officer of the watch so that the pump can be changed over
and the gland can be repacked. ","Place some jointing in way of the leak to direct the water into the
bilge to stop it being sprayed around by the rotating shaft. ","Remove the pump guard and tighten up
the gland while the pump is still running to see that the leak stops. ","Change over the pump and tell his
relief at the end of the watch"},0));

questions.add(new question("Which tool would be used to produce accurately sized bolt holes in a
steel flange? ",

new String[]{"A centre drill. ","A hole punch. ","A twist drill. ","A reamer. "},3));

questions.add(new question("If you detect a fire on board the ship, dependent on the situation,
which of the following actions is the first to be taken? ",
new String[]{"Raise the fire alarm. ","Call the officer on duty. ","Try to kill the fire immediately
by use of fire-extinguishers or other adequate appliances. ","Check all nearby compartments for
survivors. "},0));

questions.add(new question("What action should be taken if it is noticed that there is a quantity of

oil on the engine room tank top? ",

new String[]{"Start the fire pump and wash the oil into the bilges. ","Apply foam to the tank top
to minimize any risk of fire. ","Notify the duty engineer and try find the cause of the leakage so that it
can be stopped and the oil cleaned up. ","Open the overboard valve and start the bilge pump. "},2));

questions.add(new question("When first using cleaning agent in the machinery space, the crew
should: ",

new String[]{"Use it liberally","Use it sparingly","Confirm that it will form an

emulsion","Confirm that it won’t form an emulsion "},3));

questions.add(new question("The upper airway consists of: ",

new String[]{"Mouth, nose and lungs","Mouth, throat and lungs","Mouth, nose and
throat","Mouth, throat and trachea "},2));

questions.add(new question("One of the two water level gauge glasses on the high pressure boiler
steam drum has started leaking quite heavily. What action, from the options given, should the boiler
watch rating take? ",

new String[]{"Place a bucket underneath the leak to catch the water to prevent the area
becoming slippery. ","Try and stop the leak by tightening up the clamping bolts as much as possible.
","Inform the Officer of the watch immediately so that arrangements can be made to replace the leaking
glass. ","Shut the steam and water connection to the gauge glass to minimize the loss of water and just
use the other glass to check the water level. "},2));

questions.add(new question("During maintenance word in the engine room or on deck it is often

necessary to work aloft( work at a height above the plates or the deck). When working aloft onboard the
ship what is the most important safety precaution that should be taken? ",

new String[]{"Wear a safety harness securely attached to ship’s structure","Lash the bottom of
the ladder to a fixed point","Keep all the tool required for the work","Wear a safety helmet and
questions.add(new question("What class of fire is a smouldering fire wood, textiles, paper and
other carbonaceous materials? ",

new String[]{"Class A","Class B","Class D","Class C "},0));

questions.add(new question("In the human body, breathing is controlled by",

new String[]{"The bronchia","The lungs","Movement of heart","The respiratory centre in the

brain "},3));

questions.add(new question("An electric motor is to be aligned to a pump by inserting shims under

the motor feet. Which tool would be used to check that the alignment is correct by measurement of the
gap between the coupling faces? ",

new String[]{"An inside vemier caliper. ","A set of feeler gauges. ","An inside micrometer. ","A
go/no go gauge. "},1));

questions.add(new question("Which of these actions should crew take if a suspicious object that
may be a bomb is located during a search? ",

new String[]{"Throw the object overboard. ","Place the object in a desk drawer or file cabinet.
","Cover the suspicious object with a box or blanket. ","Confirm with their search partner that the object
found is suspicious. "},3));

questions.add(new question("What do crew, visitors and contractors all have in common? ",

new String[]{"They’re all employees of the ship. ","They’re all trained in ship emergency
procedures. ","They all have opportunity to smuggle drugs. ","They’re all onboard the ship for the
duration of its voyage. "},2));

questions.add(new question("What shall you do if you see a person falling into the sea? ",

new String[]{"Throw a lifebuoy over board and report to the bridge immediately. "," Run aft.
","Put on a lifejacket. ","Launch a lifeboat. "},0));

questions.add(new question("What is the main reason for using a ring spanner to tighten the brass
nuts on the cover studs of a pump casing? ",

new String[]{"It will allow the nuts to be tightened correctly. ","It will minimize the risk of
slipping off the nut or damaging the nuts. ","It can be adjusted to the exact size of the nut. ","The nuts
can be tightened more with this type of spanner. "},1));
questions.add(new question("An engine room rating is assisting in the maintenance of some of the
valves on the low pressure steam range. Which packing material, from the options given, would be the
best choice for repacking the gland of a low pressure steam valve? ",

new String[]{"Lead covered cotton packing. ","Graphite fibre packing. ","Greasy cotton packing.
","PTFE rope packing. "},1));

questions.add(new question("Which activity will have the greatest fire-fighting effect in case of a
fire? ",

new String[]{"All fire-fighting teams are organized as soon possible","Extinguishing attempt is

started immediately","All possible fire-fighting equipment is brought to the scene","Call the Chief Officer

questions.add(new question("What term is used to describe a fresh water cooling system which
contains a seawater cooled common freshwater cooler and which meets the cooling requirements for
all the engine machinery? ",

new String[]{"A low temperature freshwater system","A high temperature freshwater

system","A central cooling system","A common system"},2));

questions.add(new question("Which tool in the options given is the best one for cutting a new
external thread on the end of a steel pipe? ",

new String[]{"Tap","Thread chaser","Die nut","Split dies "},3));

questions.add(new question("Following repair and refitting of the seawater pipe for the fresh water
generator feed line the rating assisting with the work notices that one of the flange joints is leaking.
What action should be taken by the rating? ",

new String[]{"Use a spanner with an extension pipe to try and stop the leak by tightening the
flange bolts as much as possible. ","Shut off the water and apply silicon or other sealing compound to
the outer edge of the flange joint. ","Check the bolts are correctly tightened before informing the
engineer so that the flange faces can be cleaned and re-jointed if necessary. ","Use a hammer and
flogging spanner to try and stop the leak by tightening the flange bolts as much as possible. "},2));

questions.add(new question("An alarm signal consisting of seven short blasts followed by one long
blast is sounded by the ship’s whistle and the alarm bells. What are you to do? ",
new String[]{"Go to you lifeboat station(muster station) ","So to your fire station","Report on
the bridge for further orders","Go to your cabin and wait for further orders "},0));

questions.add(new question("Which of the following pump types will normally require a separate
means of priming? ",

new String[]{"Reciprocating pump. ","Gear pump. ","Centrifugal pump. ","Screw pump. "},2));

questions.add(new question("What is the main purpose of a heat exchanger in a cooling water

system? ",

new String[]{"To reduce water turbulence","To reduce engine room temperature","To transfer
heat from one fluid to another","To maintain a steady pressure in the system "},2));

questions.add(new question("conditions permit, which is the best way to board a liferaft which is
floating close to the ship? ",

new String[]{"Use a rope ladder close to the raft to climb down and board","Wearing a
lifejacket, jump into the water close to the raft and then swim to it","Jump into the water close to the
raft, without a lifejacket, as this will make it easier to swim and board the liferaft","Jump onto the raft
itself "},0));

questions.add(new question("Tab washers are often fitted to bolt assembles to prevent the nuts
and bolts slackening. For an assembly where the nuts are positioned at the top select the option which
describes the correct method of locating the tab washers. ",

new String[]{"Bend both tabs up against opposite flats of the nut. ","Bend the outer tap up
against one flat of the nut and leave the other tab flat against the component. ","Bend the outer tap
down over the edge of the component and leave the other tab flat against the component. ","Bend the
inner tab up against one flat of the nut and the other tab down over the edge of the component. "},3));

questions.add(new question("A bilge strainer is blocking up during bilge pumping operations which
is causing delays as the pump frequently loses suction and has to be primed. What action should be
taken to remedy the situation? ",

new String[]{"Remove the strainer plate and drill larger holes in it and replace it in the housing
to avoid blockages. ","Clean the strainer more frequently and clean out the bilge well at the first
opportunity. ","Use a portable pump to avoid blockage of the strainer. ","Remove the strainer plate
from the housing to avoid blockage and loss of suction. "},1));
questions.add(new question("The passage of electrical current through the body may result in
severe and sometimes fatal injuries. You are witness to man getting electric current through his body
and it’s stuck to the dangerous area. It is impossible to switch off the current by any main switch. How
to break the current safely? ",

new String[]{"Call the electrician immediately. ","Just take the casualty in your arms and pull
the person away. ","Apply fish oil on your hands and cut the cords by the use of any metallic pliers.
","Stand on dry insulating material and pull the person away with insulating material. "},3));

questions.add(new question("What do you understand by: Secure the tug? ",

new String[]{"Secure the tug means: to pass a line to the tug","Secure the tug means: to let go
the tug","Secure the tug means: to make fast the tug","Secure the tug means: to pick up the tug line

questions.add(new question("An international oil pollution prevention certificate is required for: ",

new String[]{"All ships of 150 gross tons or more","Oil tankers on international voyages","Oil
tankers 150 gross tons or more","All oil tankers "},2));

questions.add(new question("To maintain a fire, three conditions need to be met: Oxygen,

combustible material and sufficient temperature for combustion. What subject must be removed to
extinguish the fire? ",

new String[]{"Oxygen","Either of the mentioned alternatives","Heat, Oxygen and combustible

material","Combustible material "},1));

questions.add(new question("What is the most like cause of the boiler exhaust gas being white in
colour leaving the funnel? ",

new String[]{"Too much combustion air","Insufficient combustion air","A faulty or dirty burner
tip","Low water level in the boiler "},0));

questions.add(new question("The duty engineer of a UMS ship is approached by a member of the

ship’s staff, seeking permission to hang wet working clothes in the engine room to dry. He should: ",

new String[]{"Allow the clothes to be hung over a rail anywhere","Allow the clothes to be hung
over rail next to the warm F.O. service tanks","Allow the clothes to be hung over a rail provided there is
no electrical equipment directly below","Not allow the clothes to be hung anywhere in the unmanned
machinery spaces "},3));
questions.add(new question("As part of the routine duties a rating on boiler watch is requested to
assist with the daily chemical treatment for the boiler and feed water systems. Where will the rating find
the information relating to the hazards associated with the chemicals involved in this task? ",

new String[]{"the material safety data sheets supplied with the chemicals","the engine room
log book","the code of safe working practices for merchant seamen","the Chief Engineer’s standing
orders "},0));

questions.add(new question("When checking the diesel engine jacket water header tanks as part of
the routine watch checks the engine room watch rating finds the level is well below normal. After
topping up the tank and checking around the engine a leak is found. What action should be taken? ",

new String[]{"Put a bucket under the leak and refill the header tank with the water that collects
in the bucket to save water. ","Check the tank and top it up more frequently. ","Try and quickly stop the
leak and then inform the engineer on watch of what has happened. ","Leave the filling valve open a little
bit to make up for the leakage. "},2));

questions.add(new question("In the event of the water level disappearing out of the boiler water
level gauge glass; what should be the first action to be taken? ",

new String[]{"Close the main steam stop valve","Call the chief engineer","Close the feed-water
stop valve","Secure all of the burners "},3));

questions.add(new question("An engine room rating is assisting the duty engineer during a period
of UMS operation. After completing the tasks they have been busy with the engineer and rating leave
the engine room which is returned to UMS mode. The rating realizes that an oil tank filling valve has
been left open. What action should be taken>",

new String[]{"Re-enter the engine room straight away and shut the valve. ","Just leave the
valve open as it is unsafe to enter the engine room alone. The high alarm will sound to notify the
engineer when the tank is full","Inform the duty engineer immediately so that the engine room can be
re-entered and the valve can be shut","Inform another crewmember that he is going back into the
engine room to close the valve. "},2));

questions.add(new question("While getting tools ready and preparing for overhaul work on the
main engine, the engine room rating notices that the electrical extension is damaged. A small section of
the cables outer insulation appears ok.. What action should the rating take? ",

new String[]{"Carry on using the extension after wrapping insulation tape over the damaged
section as it is only minor damage","Cut off the end of the cable including the damaged section and refit
the plug to the end of the remaining cable before using the extension","Label the damaged extension as
unfit for use and return it to the store for testing and get a replacement extension","Just use the
extension as it is since the damage is only to the outer insulation and the inner insulation appears ok

questions.add(new question("In which way shall a survivor be hauled out of the sea? ",

new String[]{"Vertical","None of the mentioned","Horizontal","In 45 degree angle "},2));

questions.add(new question("Which statement is true in relation to the operating parameters for a

marine diesel engine? ",

new String[]{"The normal temperature of the lub oil after the cooler is approximately 45 C.
","The jacket cooling water enters the engine at the cylinder cover at approximately 70 C and exits at the
bottom of the cylinder liner. ","The minimum scavenge air temperature is 60 C to avoid condensate
forming in the charge air cooler","The normal temperature of the lub oil after the cooler is
approximately 65 C. "},0));

questions.add(new question("In which of the following statements regarding a centrifugal pump is

correct? ",

new String[]{"A centrifugal pump is always fitted in a vertical position. ","Under normal
operation the fluid being pumped discharges from the centre of the impeller. ","A centrifugal pump is
always self priming. ","It is important that the rotation direction is correction to avoid dry running. "},3));

questions.add(new question("A davit-launched lifecraft on board a ship is so arranged to be

boarded by its full complement of persons in less than: ",

new String[]{"2 min","4 min","1 min","3 min "},3));

questions.add(new question("During overhaul of some type compressor valves the engine room
rating is asked to clean the valve and seat. Some of the valve plates are heavily marked. What action
should be taken? ",

new String[]{"Skim the valve plates in the lathe to remove all of the marks","Discard the
defective valve plates and replace them with new spares","Dress the valve plates up using a portable
grinder","Use coarse grinding paste to remove the marks from the valves plates as quickly as possible

questions.add(new question("What is understood by the term “take the helm”? ",

new String[]{"Take over heaving of a rope. ","Change the place where the lockout is standing.
","Take a message to another officer. ","Take over the steering of the ship. "},3));

questions.add(new question("What is the normal maximum oil content permitted for machinery
space bilge overboard discharge via OWS equipment? ",

new String[]{"zero ppm","50 ppm","15 ppm","100 ppm "},2));

questions.add(new question("What is the first thing you are doing when having a lifeboat drill? ",

new String[]{"Put on the life jacket","Enter the lifeboat","Wait for order","Swing of the davit

questions.add(new question("What is the main purpose of an observation tank in a boiler feed

system? ",

new String[]{"To allow dosage of boiler water treatment chemicals. ","To provide a convenient
point for boiler water test samples. ","To check condensate returns for oil. ","To allow the boiler water
level to be monitored. "},2));

questions.add(new question("What do you understand by: Rig the accommodation ladder in

combination with the pilot ladder? ",

new String[]{"Rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot ladder means: lower
the gangway and rig the pilot ladder from the gangway. ","Rig the accommodation ladder in
combination with pilot ladder means: lower the accommodation ladder and rig the pilot ladder right
next to it. ","Rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot ladder means: lower the
gangway and rig the pilot ladder forward of the accommodation. ","Rig the accommodation ladder in
combination with the pilot ladder means: lower the gangway. "},1));

questions.add(new question("What should a cadet be aware of when using a needle gun? ",

new String[]{"A cadet should be aware that there could be a leak in the airline of a needle
gun","A cadet should be aware of the thickness of the needle gun valve","A cadet should be aware of
the dangers associated with using a needle gun","A cadet should be aware of the dangers associated
with using a needle gun "},3));

questions.add(new question("When cleaning boiler burner nozzles that have just been in service
the watch rating notices that the nozzle holes are partially blocked. Which of the methods given in the
options is the preferred method to use in order to avoid damaging the nozzle holes? ",
new String[]{"Poke the holes clear with a welding rod which has been ground down to size.
","Knock the nozzle repeatedly on the work bench to try and dislodge the blockage. ","Use cleaning
wires starting with a small gauge and gradually work up to the full size of the nozzle hole. ","Use a
standard drill bit in a hand drill to clear the blockage. "},0));

questions.add(new question("During maintenance work in the engine room as access ladder and
platform have been removed to allow to be carried out on a pipe. When breaking for lunch what action
should be taken to make the worksite safe? ",

new String[]{"Close off the area with rope or tape and put out warning signs that work is in
progress","Leave one man carry on working on his own and to warn anyone entering the engine room
that work is ongoing","Loosely refit the platform and ladder","Refit access ladder and platform securely
and remove it again after lunch"},0));

questions.add(new question("Breathing apparatuses is an important piece of equipment for being

able to fight a fire onboard a vessel. What routine precautions to be observed with regard to use and
maintenance of such equipment? ",

new String[]{"That personnel that are appointed as smoke divers, primarily are given a shore
based proper basic education and training. ","That personnel having a beard are not selected as smoke
divers. ","That the equipment always to be kept cleaned, checked and bottles are recharged
immediately upon use, and frequently inspected. ","All the mentioned alternatives. "},3));

questions.add(new question("Hot work is to be carried out close to a smoke detector in the engine
room. What precautions should be taken? ",

new String[]{"Notify deck officer in charge that a fire alarm may occur. ","Disconnect or cover
up the smoke detector. ","No special precautions except for having a watch man and a fire extinguisher
available. ","Notify Deck Officer and Engineer Officer in charge. The loop for the smoke detector should
be isolated while work is done and normal precautions for hot work taken including permit to work.

questions.add(new question("What do you understand by the order: “Move the pilot ladder to the
other side”? ",

new String[]{"Move the pilot ladder to the other side means: to move the pilot ladder further
along nearer to the bow. ","Move the pilot ladder to the other side means: to rig another pilot ladder.
","Move the pilot ladder to the opposite side of the ship. ","Move the pilot ladder to the other side
means: to change the position of the pilot ladder from the main deck to the fore deck. "},2));
questions.add(new question("During a bomb search, which of the following is an important
principle to follow? ",

new String[]{"Try to reach behind bulkheads to find a bomb. ","Know exactly what a bomb
looks like. ","Do not touch any suspicious packages. ","Throw any suspicious items overboard. "},2));

questions.add(new question("Which part of the float-free arrangement for inflatable liferafts is

made to release the liferaft after being automatically inflated during the ship is sinking? ",

new String[]{"The weak link","The hydrostatic release unit","The painter","The lashing strap

questions.add(new question("What will you bring in a lifeboat if the ship is abandoned?",

new String[]{"All valuables like money, jewelry etc. ","All pets that will most likely not be able to
enter the boat by themselves. ","As much biscuit and canned food as possible. ","Warm clothes,
blankets and life vests. "},3));

questions.add(new question("Welding and burning are two operations which give the highest risk
of a fire on board ship. Which of the following safe precautions may be regarded as the most important
in order to minimize this particular risk? ",

new String[]{"Only use electrodes from a well know manufacturer. ","Electric welding plants
should be controlled by a responsible engineer before use. ","The area where the welding is to take
place and adjacent spaces to be cleaned and all unnecessary materials and objects to be removed.
","Only holders of a welding certificate should be allowed to carry out welding or burning on board
ships. "},0));

questions.add(new question("WARNING.While on boiler watch on an automatically controlled

steam boiler the rating notices that the burner has failed to light following a drop in steam pressure.
What action should taken? ",

new String[]{"Call the duty engineer immediately using the engineers call alarm. ","Try and light
the boiler burner manually. ","Shut the steam stop valve the steam pressure falling further. ","Stop the
feed water pump immediately in case the boiler overfills. "},2));

questions.add(new question("Which of these are indicators that an individual may be a drug

smuggler? ",
new String[]{"The individual is disinterested in the ship’s cargo. ","The individual wears bulky or
out of season clothing. ","The individual spends his or her free time hanging out with others. ","The
individual makes small local purchases. "},1));

questions.add(new question("LAST.Where can you find what your duties are during a life boat drill?

new String[]{"From the drill ladder. ","Muster list","Stated at the embarkation station. ","Safety
plan. "},1));

questions.add(new question("While assisting the watchkeeper with routine cleaning of the fuel oil
separator the watch rating is requested to clean the plate stack. Which one is the preferred method for
this task? ",

new String[]{"With the plate stack in position fill the purifier bowl with clean diesel oil and
quickly switch it on and off to wash the plates. ", "Soak the dirty plates in a solvent for an hour and then
stand them on the engine room deck to drain off. ", "Soak the plates in a suitable solvent until all of the
dirt has loosened off and wipe clean with rags. ", "Scrape the plates as clean as possible with a packing
knife and then wash them with a high pressure water hose. "},2));

questions.add(new question("The outside manually controlled lamp of a liferaft must be capable of

working at minimum for a period of: ",

new String[]{"8 h", "24 h", "4 h", "12 h"},3));

questions.add(new question("What is the correct name of the part highlighted in the illustration? ",

new String[]{"Cylinder head", "Cylinder relief valve", "Exhaust valve", "Air inlet valve"},2));

questions.add(new question("What is the term used to designate the work that may cause heat,
sparks or flames and that cannot be performed if specific compulsory precautions are not taken in
places where nearby flammable products could be present? ",

new String[]{"Specially hazardous work", "Flammable work", "Hot work", "Machinery


questions.add(new question("What is a hydraulic hand pump usually used for? ",

new String[]{"A hydraulic hand pump is usually used to steer the ship from the Emergency
position", "A hydraulic hand pump is usually used to tighten G-nuts", "A hydraulic hand pump is usually
used in an emergency to open the hatch covers", "A hydraulic hand pump is usually used to slacken the
windlass brake"},1));

questions.add(new question("All heat burns should be",

new String[]{"Covered with Gauze or bandage immediately", "Cooled as quickly as possible with
running cold water for at least 10 minutes", "Applied with soothing lotion as soon as possible", "Treated
by the doctor only"},1));

questions.add(new question("Having a CO2 alarm during normal working hours, what immediate
action should be taken? ",

new String[]{"Get into the control room. ", "Awaiting further order. ", "Get out of the engine
room as soon as possible. ", "Ignore the alarm. "},2));

questions.add(new question("While trying to deballast a double bottom tank problems are

encountered getting suction on the ballast pump, a centrifugal pump mounted above the tank top.
What action can be taken to solve the problem?",

new String[]{"Prime the pump with seawater from the main inlet valve. ", "Repeatedly start and
stop the pump until it gets suction. ", "Disconect the manometer pipe to get rid of an air pocket . ",
"Close the discharge valve. "},0));

questions.add(new question("The fire point is",

new String[]{"The minimum temperature at which a combustible gives off vapours that may
burn when they are in contact with oxygen in air, when there is a presence of activation energy; but
with no capacity of maintaining combustion. ", "A process of chemical decomposition by oxidation-
reduction at unusually high temperature, in areas with slight ventilation. ", "The minimum temperature
at which a combustible gives off vapours that may burn in contact with oxygen in air, and at which
combustion persists once the source of ignition has been removed", "The maximum pressure that will
be reached when a given combustible burns into an enclosed space"},2));

questions.add(new question("Following repair and refitting of the seawater pipe for the fresh water
generator feed line the rating notices that one of the flange joints is leaking. What action should be
taken? ",

new String[]{"Check the bolts are correctly tightened before informing the engineer so that the
flange faces can be cleaned and re-jointed if necessary. ", "Shut off the water and apply silicon or other
sealing compound to the outer edge of the flange joint. ", "Use a spanner with an extension pipe to try
and stop the leak by tightening the flange bolts as much as possible. ", "Use a hammer and flogging
spanner to try and stop the leak by tightening the flange bolts as much as possible. "},0));

questions.add(new question("Personal protection equipment appropriate to the task should be

worn during work in the engine room. Which of the tasks requires that safety goggles should always be
worn? ",

new String[]{"When you are working with power tools or chemicals. ", "When you are welding.
", "When you are filling in the engine room log book. ", "When you are tidying up in the engine room
workshop. "},0));

questions.add(new question("Why did the Second Engineer wish to make a monthly allotment? ",

new String[]{"The Second Engineer wished to make an allotment because he was married",
"The Second Engineer wished to make an allotment because he was tired and wanted to rest in his
cabin", "The Second Engineer wished to make an allotment because he was unmarried", "The Second
Engineer wished to make an allotment because he wanted to become acquainted with the other

questions.add(new question("Which of the following is part of the spill response equipment

inventory? ",

new String[]{"Hand cleaner", "Sorbents", "Chipping goggles", "The pressure washer"},1));

questions.add(new question("When you join a new ship, how are you informed about safety rules,
alarm instructions and your own duties in case of an emergency? ",

new String[]{"By folder distributed to each crewmember", "By oral instructions by the Captain",
"By muster lists exhibited in conspicuous places", "By alarm instructions in all crew cabins"},2));

questions.add(new question("Mention some important thoughts for what you have to do when you
recognise that fire break out onboard. ",

new String[]{"Commence fighting the fire, call the persons around the fire and join the fire
squad", "Go to the lifeboat start the motor then call the duty officer and commence fight the fire",
"Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, call the persons around the fire and join the fire
squad", "Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, organise and commence fighting the

questions.add(new question("What do you understand by: Bitter end? ",

new String[]{"Bitter end means: the toggled end of a lifeboat painter", "Bitter end means: to
the very last moment", "Bitter end means: the end link of an anchor cable that is secured within the
chain locker", "Bitter end means: a foul taste at the end of a meal"},2));

questions.add(new question("Why is it important that all the system valves are closed after
completing bilge or ballast pumping operations? ",

new String[]{"To make sure the valves do not seize in the open position. ", "To keep the pump
housing full of fluid. ", "To avoid accidental intake of water into the engine room in case of valve or
pipeline failure. ", "It isn't important how the valves are left after pumping operations are completed.

questions.add(new question("Simple gauge glasses for indicating the boiler water level, such as the
one shown here, are often fitted to low pressure boilers. What would be a reasonable schedule for
blowing through the gauge glasses to make sure they are reading correctly? ",

new String[]{"At least once an hour", "At least once a week", "At least once a month", "At least
once a day"},3));

questions.add(new question("What should be the first indication the engine room watch keepers
get that there is oil or water leakage in the engine room? ",

new String[]{"A low level alarm should sound for one of the oil or water tanks. ", "Bilge alarm
should sound", "They should hear the bilge pump start up automatically. ", "They should see it on the
tank top or in the bilge well during regular inspections. "},3));

questions.add(new question("Give the meaning of the following symbol: ",

new String[]{"Gathering place for embarkation formalities", "Muster station", "Muster station
for unaccompanied minors (UM) ", "Muster station for families only"},1));

questions.add(new question("A centrifugal pump gland has been repacked following overhaul of
the pump. What is the correct method to ensure the pump shaft does not overheat when the pump is
operating? ",

new String[]{"Gradually tighten the gland follower with the pump running until leakage at the
gland stops. ", "Tighten the gland to half way travel of the gland follower. ", "Tighten the gland follower
as much as possible and then slacken it back again by one turn of the gland nuts. ", "Gradually tighten
the gland follower with the pump running until the leakage is just a small steady flow. "},0));
questions.add(new question("What equipment is provided in a liferaft to help you keep warm in
cold weather? ",

new String[]{"At least 10% of the rafts complement with a minimum of 2 thermal protective
aids are provided", "The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to give additional
insulation from the cold water", "The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to help
insulation, in addition to the thermal protective aids (10% of complement, minimum 2) ", "Thermal
protective aids for each person"},2));

questions.add(new question("What is the objective of the merchant navy? ",

new String[]{"To provide employment for persons who wish to become seafarers", "To
transport and deliver goods as quickly as possible", "To earn money for the shipowner", "To safely
transport goods by sea"},3));

questions.add(new question("Apart from red, what other colour is frequently used for a dry powder
extinguisher? ",

new String[]{"Black", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue"},3));

questions.add(new question("The emergency oil pollution equipment locker must be: ",

new String[]{"A store room close to the pump room", "A store room in the forward part of the
ship", "Just off the main engine room", "Prominently marked and easily accessible"},3));

questions.add(new question("What kind of warning signs should be placed on manholes into void
spaces? ",

new String[]{"No smoking signs","Breathing apparatus mandatory sign","Danger of explosion

signs","Warning signs that indicate lack of oxygen inside"},3));

questions.add(new question("What do you understand by the order: 'Move the pilot ladder to the
other side'?",

new String[]{"Move the pilot ladder to the other side means: to move the pilot ladder further
along nearer to the bow. ","Move the pilot ladder to the other side means: to change the position of the
pilot ladder from the main deck to the fore deck. ","Move the pilot ladder to the other side means: to rig
another pilot ladder","Move the pilot ladder to the other side, means: to shift the pilot ladder to the
opposite side of the ship. . "},3));

questions.add(new question("The passage of electrical current through the body may result in
severe and sometimes fatal injuries. You are witness to man getting electric current through his body
and is stuck to the dangerous area. It is impossible to switch off the current by any main switch. How to
break the current safely? ",

new String[]{"Stand on dry insulating material and pull the person away with isulating material.
","Apply fish oil on your hands and cut the cords by the use of any metallic pliers. ","Call the electrician
immediately. ","Just take the causalty in your arms and pull the person away. "},0));

questions.add(new question("Is it always possible to use the word 'ship' instead of the word

new String[]{"Normally a small vessel is called a 'boat' rather than a 'ship', otherwise it is not
important. ","A large vessel is always called a 'ship' and never a 'boat'","Either can be used anytime","A
boat can only be used for vessels under 50 metres in length. "},0));

questions.add(new question("A lifejacket is so constructed that a person can correctly don it within
a period of: ",

new String[]{"2 Min","30 Sec","1 Min","10 Sec"},2));

questions.add(new question("With reference to engine room operations, what does the term
'Stand By' mean?",

new String[]{"'Stand By' means that someone should stand close to the watch-keeping
engineer","'Stand By' means that one should continue with ones' work","'Stand By' means that someone
is relieved of his duties","'Stand By' means that the engineers should be ready to respond to bridge
requirements. "},3));

questions.add(new question("Which of the following areas may be possible restricted areas?

(Review all answers) ",

new String[]{"The Cargo control room","All alternatives","The Engine control room","The


questions.add(new question("When cleaning boiler burner nozzles that have just been in service the
watch rating notices that the nozzle holes are partially blocked. Which one is the preferred method to
use in order to avoid damaging the nozzle holes? ",
new String[]{"Use cleaning wires starting with a small gauge and gradually work up to the full
size of the nozzle hole. ","Knock the nozzle repeatedly on the work bench to try and dislodge the
blockage. ","Use a standard drill bit in a hand drill to clear the blockage. ","Poke the holes clear with a
welding rod which has been ground down to size. "},0));

questions.add(new question("You have abandoned ship in a liferaft. In most cases, which of the
following actions should you generally take? ",

new String[]{"Organize a lookout system","Organise a lookout system. Join up with other

survival craft if possible. Stream the sea anchor","Start paddling in the direction of the nearest
land","Join up with any other survival craft and stream the sea anchor"},1));

okquestions.add(new question("The pressure in a flexible fire hose must be set up",

new String[]{"Before it is being laid down","While it is being laid down","All answers are
correct","After it has been laid down"},3));

While on boiler watch on an automatically controlled steam boiler the rating notices that the burner has
failed to light following a drop in steam pressure. What action should be taken?
Shut the steam stop valve to stop the steam pressure falling further.
Stop the feed water pump immediately in case the boiler overfills.
Call the duty engineer immediately using the engineers call alarm.
Try and light the boiler burner manually.

What action should be taken if it is noticed a quantity of oil on the engine room tank top?
Notify the duty engineer and try and find the cause of the leakage so that it can be stopped and the oil
cleaned up.
Start the fire pump and wash the oil into the bilges.
Apply foam to the tank top to minimise any risk of fire.
Open the overboard valve and start the bilge pump.

What are the lists called that give the position and task during a lifeboat drill for all persons on board the
The Crew List
The Muster List
The Drill List
The Duty List

A class "D" fire involves what type of material?

Wood or other carbonaceous material

What is the first action that should be taken by the rating on boiler watch in the event of a flame failure
on the boiler?
Call the engineer on watch
Stop the feed water pump
Notify the bridge
Call the chief engineer

Welding and burning are two operations which give the highest risk of a fire on board ship. Which of the
following safety precautions may be regarded as the most important in order to minimise this particular
Only holders of a welding certificate should be allowed to carry out welding or burning on board ships.

The area where the welding is to take place and adjacent spaces to be cleaned and all unnecessary
materials and objects to be removed.
Electric welding plants should be controlled by a responsible engineer before use.

During bunker transfer operations, deck scuppers should be:

Plugged to prevent spilled oil flowing overboard
Plugged when required
Only fitted to the side of the vessel that bunkers are being loaded
Attended by crew to collect any spilled oil that approaches

The effectiveness of foam is based on:

Smothering and cooling
Smothering and dispersion

Water is the extinguishing agent which is the most widely employed and its action as an extinguishing
agent is due to a combination of the following phenomena:
Cooling, inhibition and dispersion
Cooling, smothering and dispersion
Smothering and inhibition
Smothering and dispersion

Having boarded the liferaft, how do you release the painter?

Let go the quick release toggle
Cut it with the axe provided
Wait for it to break as it is provided with a weak link
Cut it with the safety knife stowed on the exterior of the canopy close to the painter attachment point

An engine room rating is given the task of retightening the flanges of a pipe that has been replaced in
the engine room. Which of the following tightening procedures should be followed?
Start with the bottom bolt and partially tighten each bolt in turn working counter-clockwise around the
flange. Repeat to fully tighten.
Gradually tighten all of the bolts working diagonally across and around the flange.
Start with the top bolt and fully tighten each in turn moving clockwise around the flange.
Fully tighten each bolt in turn and work diagonally across and around the flanges.

Who is the responsible person for the safety of the ship and all those onboard?
The company
The authorities in each different port the ship calls
Master, Chief Officer and Chief Engineer
The Master

How should the painter of a liferaft which is fitted with a hydrostatic release be secured to the ship?
Directly to a secure point on the ship
Secured via a weak link to a secure part of the ship
Secured to the part of the hydrostatic release that is designed to break free
It should not be secured in any way

What signal, if any, is specified in SOLAS as the "Abandon ship" signal ?

seven short blasts followed by one long blast
four long blasts
six short blasts followed by one long blast
the "Abandon ship" signal is not specified, only the general emergency alarm signal is stated

The engine rating on watch finds the level of the diesel engine jacket water header tank well below
normal. After topping up the tank and checking around the engine, a leak is found. What action should
be taken?
Leave the filling valve open a little bit to make up for the leakage.
Put a bucket under the leak and refill the header tank with the water that collects in the bucket to save
Try and quickly stop the leak and then inform the engineer on watch of what has happened.
Check the tank and top it up more frequently.

What should be the first indication the engine room watchkeepers get that there is oil or water leakage
in the engine room?
Bilge alarm should sound
They should hear the bilge pump start up automatically.
A low level alarm should sound for one of the oil or water tanks.
They should see it on the tank top or in the bilge well during regular inspections.

How do the extinguishing agents act?

By ignition suppression
By inhibition
By cooling, smothering, combustible suppression, inhibition
By cooling, smothering, dilution with water and/or ventilation

Which Security Levels requires the highest security alert?

Security Level 2
Security Level 4
Security Level 1
Security Level 3

What term is used to describe a fresh water cooling system which contains a seawater cooled common
freshwater cooler and which meets the cooling requirements for all the engine room machinery?
A low temperature freshwater system
A central cooling system
A high temperature freshwater system
A common cooling system

If conditions permit, which is the best way to board a liferaft which is floating close to the ship?
Jump onto the raft itself
Jump into the water close to the raft, without a lifejacket, as this will make it easier to swim and board
the liferaft
Use a rope ladder close to the raft to climb down and board
Wearing a lifejacket, jump into the water close to the raft and then swim to it

While on boiler watch in the engine room a rating is requested to assist with taking on stores. The task
will take about half an hour. What should the rating do?
Raise the boiler water level above normal to make sure there is sufficient water while he is busy with the
Contact the engine officer on watch for permission to assist and to arrange a relief for the duration of
the store taking.
Just ignore the request to assist with the stores.
Go and help with the stores but go back and check the boiler every 10 minutes.

A pump cover is sealed using a paper gasket which is damaged during overhaul. There are no spare
gaskets available. How should the casing be sealed when reassembling the pump?
Put a thick layer of jointing compound on the face of the cover and tighten the cover until the
compound squeezes out.
Make a new gasket from old chart paper or other similar material of the same thickness as the original
Re-use the old gasket.
Run a bead of silicon around the outside of the joint after fitting the cover.
Where can ozone depleting substances be found on board?
In compressed air systems
In refrigerated systems
In electronic equipment
In sewage systems

An immersion suit which has its own buoyancy is fitted with:

A light plus a whistle
A whistle
A light
A light plus a whistle plus a knife

Which of the options given is most likely to result in overheating of a ball bearing fitted to a pump shaft?
Fitting a sealed bearing that cannot be greased.
Running the pump at full capacity.
Completely filling the bearing with grease.
Partly filling the bearing with grease.

What is the most likely cause of black smoke at the boiler exhaust during normal operation of a steam
Insufficient combustion air.
Too much combustion air.
Water in the fuel.
Fuel oil temperature too high.

To whom should training in personal survival techniques be given?

To officers only.
To all ratings.
To all seafarers.
To deck hands mainly

What would be the likely cause if the shaft of a centrifugal pump shows excessive wear in way of the
stuffing box?
Incorrect material used in construction of the shaft.
Over tightening of the gland packing.
The discharge pressure of the pump is too high.
Wrong direction of rotation of the pump.

Which of the given options best completes the following statement? You should never attempt to light a
boiler until ______
the furnace purge sequence is completed.
the gauge glass shows the water at normal working level.
the feed water pump is running.
the air register is fully open.
Which one of the listed fire-extinguishing medium is to be preferred to fight a fire in an electric
installation (for example the main switchboard)?
Water fog.

What does the word "pirates" mean?

Pirates are official people who board the ship while in port
Pirates are another word for helmsmen
Pirates are persons who attempt to board and take over a ship at sea
Pirates are special cargo lashings on container ships

What kind of extinguishing-remedy would you choose to put out an electrical fire?
Combination of powder and water.
Dry extinguishing remedy.

When the boiler safety valves operate due to the boiler pressure being too high the excess steam is
discharged to _______
the auxiliary condenser
the engineroom bilges
the atmosphere via the atmospheric line
the main condenser

How would you alert others onboard if you saw a person falling overboard?
If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout once, "Man overboard"
If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout repeatedly, "Man overboard"
If I saw a person falling overboard I would inform the Bosun
If I saw a person falling overboard I would run to the Bridge

What do you understand by the term: "Let go the tug"?

Let go the tug means: to tell the tug master to steer away from the ship.
Let go the tug means: to tell the tug master to let go his anchor
Let go the tug means: to cut the lines securing the tug to the ship
Let go the tug means: to cast off the lines that secure the tug to the ship

What is the minimum necessary condition for the start and permanence of an oil fuel fire?
The temperature is equal to or over the flash point
The temperature is below the flash point
The temperature is above 250°C
The temperature is below 100°C

What is the most likely cause of the boiler exhaust gas being white in colour leaving the funnel?
Insufficient combustion air.
A faulty or dirty burner tip
Too much combustion air.
Low water level in the boiler.

*Besides certain other factors, a BOILOVER takes place:

When the container is nearly full
If the tank has a floating roof
When the product is a combustible liquid
When the container also contains water

Which one of the listed requirements regarding life-jackets corresponds to present SOLAS regulations ?
A life-jacket shall be so constructed that:
it gives a long term thermal protection
it allows the wearer to jump from height of at least 4.5 m into the water without injury and without
damaging the life-jacket
it can be correctly donned within 3 minutes without assistance
it allows the wearer to jump from any height without injury and without damaging the life-jacket

During maintenance work on a fuel tank the engine room ratings are removing scale in preparation for
re-coating. One of the ratings suddenly notices the smell of fumes even though the atmosphere had
been satisfactorily tested before the work started. What action should the ratings take?
Stop work until the smell disappears and then carry on removing the scale.
Ask for another fan to be switched on to increase the ventilation in the tank.
Leave the tank immediately and have the atmosphere retested.
Put on breathing apparatus and carry on with the task.

During bilge pumping operations the pump suction gauge indicates a high vacuum. What is the most
likely cause of the high vacuum reading?
A blocked bilge suction strainer.
A hole in the suction line.
Broken suction gauge.
Leaking pump gland.

What is the most important treatment concerning a foreign body in the eye?
Rinsing of the eye with water
Wring the eye-lid to prevent blinking
Local anaesthetic
Keep the eye closed

What kind of permits have to be obtained before starting hot work in tanks?
Hot work permit + Permit for entry.
Permit for entry.
Cold work permit.
Hot work permit.

Which of the following measures should be applied when hot work is to be undertaken in a harbour.
To maintain a permanent fire watch of at least four persons
To use only intrinsically safe equipment in the area where hot-work is performed
To have a hot-work permit
All the answers are good

With reference to engine room operations, what does the term "Stand By" mean?
"Stand By" means that one should continue with ones' work
"Stand By" means that someone is relieved of his duties
"Stand By" means that someone should stand close to the watch-keeping engineer
"Stand By" means that the engineers should be ready to respond to bridge requirements.

Steam escaping from the area of the bottom water header handhole doors of a high pressure boiler
generating superheated steam is observed by the engine rating on watch. What action should be taken?
Check the area where it is thought the leak may be using a cloth on the end of a broom handle.
Immediately inform the Officer of the Watch.
Pass the information that there is a leak to the relief at the end of the watch.
Use the hand to have a feel around the area to try and locate the exact position of the leak.

*A davit-launched liferaft on board a ship is so arranged to be boarded by its full complement of persons
in less than:
3 min
1 min
4 min
2 min

You are carrying out a search in a smoke filled compartment wearing a breathing apparatus. At what
stage should you start to make your way out of the compartment?
Regularly check your pressure gauge and note how much air you used to reach your work area. Start to
return when you have this amount left plus a reasonable reserve
Wait until the breathing apparatus warning whistle sounds.
Wait for the appropriate signal on your safety line as the personnel outside will be keeping a track of the
time you have spent inside
15 minutes after starting to use the set as this leaves you with five minutes air left

What class of fire is a smouldering fire of wood, textiles, paper and other carbonaceous materials?
Class A
Class C
Class D
Class B
Which of the following substance is ozone-depleting?

What is the normal indication that an oil filter is becoming blocked?

Visual inspection of the filter elements.
High temperature of the oil.
The pressure drop across the filter.
Low pressure in the system.

*When the fire alarm signal is sounded every member of the ship's crew shall immediately proceed to
their assigned fire station. Which one of the following signals is used as fire alarm signal on board cargo
Three short blasts followed by three long blasts, then followed by three short blasts on the ship's whistle
and alarm bells
Intermittent signals on the ship's alarm bells
One long blast on the ship's whistle and alarm bells followed by seven short blasts
Seven short blasts followed by one long blast on the ship's whistle and alarm bells

After cleaning some machinery components at sea, the engine watch rating is instructed to dispose the
small amount of dirty diesel oil which is left. How should the dirty oil be disposed?
Pour it into the engine room bilge so that it can be pumped through the oily water separator.
Put it straight into the dirty oil tank for incineration at the next opportunity.
Take it on deck and throw it overboard.
Pour it into the diesel oil storage tank through the sounding pipe.

An immersion suit is constructed such that it can be unpacked and donned within:
5 min
2 min
4 min
3 min

Select from the options given the statement that best describes the main duties of an engine room
rating who is part of an engine room watch?
Engine room ratings forming part of an engine room watch should only clean the engine room floor
Engine room ratings forming part of an engine room watch should assist in efficient and safe watch-
keeping routines.
Engine room ratings forming part of an engine room watch should make the tea for the Engineers.
Engine room ratings forming part of an engine room watch should verify that the operational
parameters of all items of machinery conform to manufacturers' instructions.
Where do you find instructions for tasks and duties in case of an emergency?
In the muster list.
On posters at the lifeboat station.
In instruction notices posted in the crew's cabins.
In instruction notices posted in messrooms, recreation rooms etc.

What will happen when the ship arrives in Rotterdam?

The main engine will be tested
The anchor will be tested
The ship will receive fuel and diesel oil bunkers
The navigation lights will be tested

During overhaul of a purifier the engine room rating is instructed to drain and clean the gearbox on the
machine. Which of the materials given in the options is the best one for wiping up the remaining oil in
the gearbox after draining the oil?
Used dish cloths from the galley.
Used paper towels from the wash room.
Clean, lint free cotton rags.
Clean cotton waste.

Two review
Two more to go

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