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Seagull Ces 41 STCW Test Answer

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AAET - Transistor

AAJT - A large temperature drop across the dri... AALB

- 30 litres pr. nautical mile.
AAWE - lowering of at least one lifeoat a!er... ABA" -
#e has control of the na$igation and mo... ABA% -
ABB' - "igure (
AB)* - Water +ump +liers ABE, - not less than (0m
AB"& - ne long last followed / two short l...
AB# - "orward reast line is gi$en / & on th... AB1J
- B/ so! machine scruing with red pad... ABL# - 2es
e$en if he4 she did not die while...
AB+J - The emplo/er4master. A&AJ - 5ecure hatches
A&B6 - To a$oid pollution.
A&'& - Ensure that the chart and the '+5 use s... A&1J
- &hemical foams
A&%7 - Atmosphere is not comustile in either...
A&+' - B/ smothering and also / pro$iding som...
A&61 - 8 h 8 candelas 9aout (: mile range a...
A&2L - ,otif/ the &hief ;cer or o;cer on... A)L5 -
&harts nautical pulications '%)55 lo... A),, -
%achiner/ spaces of categor/ A
A)TB - Because the/ wanted to ma<e sure that t... A)&
- 2es - an/ consular o;cial can detain...
AE&J - The water can e applied in a =ne spra... AE&L
- 5odium #/dro>ide 5olution
AE"B - "irst aspect con=rm death. ,otif/ comp... AE1 -
E$er/ three months
AE%* - ?ed
AE,E - To pre$ent the steam and water in the ... AE' -
To determine wether the ship is seawort... AE+T
- )isperse or dissol$e the oil into the w...
AE+ - 2es the ottles can e dumped if the/... A"&L
-  / $olume.
A"?" - routine
A"T2 - select the tele> in on-line position
A"22 - When unsaturated chemical compounds are...
A'&# - "lat =le
A'E& - A tan< is onl/ to e considered as gas... A''L -
All mentioned.
A''% - "airlead is gi$en / & on the =gure A'L1 - 30
months 4  /ears
A'?J - 'et out of the engine room as soon as p... A'6C -
#igh deli$er/ pressure
A'2& - 5peci=c heat
A#&" - does not sustain urning or continue me...
A#&J - This call will normall/ e followed /...
A#'% - Emergenc/ +osition Cndicating ?adio Bea...
A#C& - 83D83
A#C" - at least (8 distriuted on oth sides o... A#J7 -
To a$oid uncontrolled decomposition the... A#T? - The
#5E has authorit/ onl/ where an int... A#WA - essels
with ulous ow L+'- and L,'-... A#WE - +anama
lead is gi$en / & on the =gure... A#W" - Tell the
ett/man to stop loading immed... A#6B - outside the
sea areas A( A8 and A3
AC'1 - 'ood e/esight and ale to communicate w... AC#'
- Water-tue oilers are more e;cient a...
ACCW - The ottom washing starts whilst there... AC,7
- &hec<ing that passengers and crew are s... AC,2 - "(B
AC*E - 5top the washing process and not resume...
AC56 - ,ear to the dec< crawl out <eeping /ou...
AC52 - Test pressure eFual to (. times the ma...
ACWE - ha$e separate draining pumps of su;ci... ACW#
- 5tart water-spra/
AC6A - A 8 stro<e engine has an ignition e$er/... AJB" -
Cn 5ection G of the Act.
AJ%6 - itamin B
AJ5+ - 5A?5AT-&5+A5 E+C?B5
AJ7# - E$er/ four /ears AJW6 - interrupt
AJ65 - 0 - ( watt A1A# - &a$itation
A1AJ - Cnsu;cient amount of owl closing wat... A1"2 - An/ of the elow
A1*A - At such locations that at least two et... A1?+ - )uring loading4discharging of persisten... A1?T - ( min
A1?W - the sea areas ALE, - range
ALCJ - 2es.
AL7& - +ulic announcement s/stem to e used f... A%A6 - two e;cient painters
A%)# - Alarm instruction
A%)J - Act according to the chec< list Hduring... A%E' - '8B
A%'W - Emplo/ment agreement report on seamen... A%#* - #e shall arrange for proper care within...
A%%? - E$er/  /ears
A%+6 - Cn the cargo tan<s we use either Ioat... A%W - 5tretch a painter from fore to a!
A%2C - red
A,B7 - Cn the port where the occurance too< pl... A,)' - starting and operating the lifeoat eng... A,%L - +rotect against corrosion
A,%, - "resh water s/stem failure A,,' - &apacitor
A,2 - 
A,*5 - 5teering gear and alarm s/stem
A,5# - As the piston passes HThe Lurication +... A,51 - )ecreasing the speed of rotation will d... A,5% - ?ecti=er
A,6& - The &hief Engineer
AB+ - pen steam $al$e $er/ slowl/ consideri... AB? - al$e in the outlet line partl/ closed....
A)' Cmmediatel/ stop the discharging.
A#' nce a wee<.
A#J - The ABKs &erti=cate 9or eFui$alent t...
AJ) - ( 80 &
A%) +iston rod
A%L 8.( 
A** %aritime ?escue &oordinating &entre
AW, %aritime %oile 5er$ice Cdentit/
A2B - details of the general emergenc/ alarm...
A+A - The water le$el is etween the water co...
A+'# #a$e all scuppers plugged
A+', - ,otif/ &h.Eng. =nd cause of lea<age...
A+#L &ollect water4cargo to e pumped out
A+1% The/ are going to weigh the anchor
A+17 A!er 80 minutes
A+LT &ollect rain water
A+?# 80 000 dwt
A*A% - 5u;cient amount for =!een hours ope...
A*BL - The assistance of the $essel is no long...
A*B, the sun
A*&A A thic< rope to tie up the ship.
A*&& - 5& to e designated / an appropriate...
A*E - B/ so! machine scruing with red pad...
A*E2 ( Bar
A*#E - ooster pump coming on the line and dis...
A*5A - "oam that is not a Halcohol resistantH...
A?A" Two lettres
A?AJ (0-800
A?'A - an E'&-message destined for ships of a...
A?'' %eans of Access ?egs
A?JL Ct reFuires less maintenance
A?%6 All answers
A?,T E>haust $al$e
A?*' - With C++ certi=cate we mean Cnternati...
A?52 Jac<et water cooler is clogged.
A?7% - ,o food waste can not e dumped o$ero...
A5*& - )ensit/ $iscosit/ Iow rate temperat... A5*6 - An appro$ed hoo< with a loc<ing de$ice A57J - ?egulating freon liFuid Iow to the e$a... A567 - position
A52, - the direction of the electrical =eld
AT&5 - The CT7 List of &allsigns and ,umerical... ATL - e secured in a manner as not to interf... AT6 - ground wa$e
A7A2 -  of the gas can e discharged into t... A7B2 -  minutes
A7), - J3E
A7C# - %il< and cheese
A7CJ - user of the installation
A7," - B/ producing and ma<ing a$ailale anon/... A75' - ( #" ?T M )5&M )5& watch recei$er - (... A72C - il )etection %onitoring EFuipment.9)%... AB7 - the speed of light
A&# - Lower the $iscosit/ and impro$e puri=c... A)& - onl/ to certi=cate holders
AE) - Appl/ing (8 - ( nitric acid on tan< s... A"2 - At e>its and in corridors
A'T - The/ can ha$e hold ac< hoo<s not sue... A'7 - ump from a height of not less than .... A#, - 5hipKs name ;cial numer Length ... A& - Air in the fue
A5J - To pre$ent comustion gases to Iow ac... A6J - A sustance with a $iscosit/ eFual to o... AWA - To impro$e the sealing surface etween... AWAW - 5alted meat and ham
AW+? - Bro<en water seal.
AW77 - An/ of the mentioned alternati$es. AWW# - #e is loo<ing for na$igational dangers....
AW6' - To ensure that the proper residuals of...
AW2W The %aster
A6E ,&5 common channel
A6## n the 5cene &o-ordinator
A6?# - To ma<e sure gas pressure can enter fre...
A65B All the listed alternati$es
A6T7 5lagging.
A6% - nl/ when the design temperature is el...
A627 - Air draught is gi$en / & on the =gure...
A2## nine digits eginning / 
A27 8(8 #N
A2*C - #igh air4fuel ratio rises the condensat...
A2?' 2es one if the ship is under 00 rt
BAB - Tell the dec< o;cer to hoist the red f...
BAB5 - &hec<ing that life-ac<ets are correctl...
BA&,  compressions a!er e$er/ ( inIation
BA)L - Cn case of maor wor< the =re main sha...
BAEB - Loading cargo Hon topH of the oil and c...
BAE2 - in radiotele>-tra;c in the %"4#" and...
BA"T "luids 9liFuids.
BACE - one uo/ant line not less than 0m in...
BAC" one set of =shing tac<le
BAC' - All ships of 00 tons gross and upward...
BAC# *ua/ is gi$en / A on the =gure
BA,2 - must e replaced efore the e>pir/ date...
BA+ the use of 5A?T transponders
BA*T - To con=rm to pulic super$isor/ author...
BA7, - 5emi-refrigerated gas carrier can e di...
BA7+ Late>
BAWC - #e will =nd a luricating chart in the...
BBA7  tons.
BB&& a ac<-<nife attached / a lan/ard
BB)" ?elease gripes
BB#" - +ermits the passage of $apor ut not of...
BB* A class =re door self closing
B&A? 5top operation
B&&E &areful ahead manoeu$ring
B&ET At the eginning of e$er/ watch
B&1* - &arr/ out a ris< assessment ma<e use o...
B&L - Csomer compounds is sustances with sam... B&*L - Twistloc<s
B&T, - %il<
B&+ - "or at least three /ears B&67 - &alculation 3 is correct.
B),B - #e wants the &hief ;cer to organise... B)+J - Bringing the engine up to su;cient nu... B)?) - All memers of the crew
B)?C - %a<e the tug fast on port shoulder to p... B)6 - 5ame as certi=cate to which it applies... BEJC - 7se a water e>tinguisher to put out the... BEJ% - ?eect the oOer
BELE - Bleed oO ma/ e ta<en from an/ of the... BE+ - B/ muster lists e>hiited in conspicuou... BE66 - 5end a distress message and collect sur... B"B" - ?oc<et parachute Iares
B"&W - if the whip-antenna is replaced / an a... B")T - Cdentif/ the e>tent of damage to own $e... B"E, - Tug towing line is gi$en / ) on the =...
B"'6 - Too high ampli=cation
B"'2 - The &hief ;cer wants the (st Enginee... B"#* - 5he will turn to port and the speed wil... B"#W - That the comustion chamer of the oil... B"C1 - B/ so! machine scruing
B"C, - don a lifeac<et without assistance B"C? - All the mentioned alternati$es.
B"JC - +re-wash the tan<s with cold water =rs... B"1" - Ammonium nitrate
B", - an e;cient radar reIector 9or radar... B"*W - an E'&-message destined for ships with... B"5L - ,o openings in sides and ottom
B"T# - G air changes per hour
B"TC - To minimiNe the scale formation the 5e... B'BB - "uel with a Iash point of  & or more... B')% - The/ ha$e had prolems securing the gan... B'J1 - Lue oil cooler
B#"6 - rescue oat B#CJ - 38G.G %t
B#5E - A signal representing 0 P HlowH and ( P... B#T& - fading
B#T2 -  - (0 )egr. &.
B#7W - +rotecting cloths safet/ shoes glo$es... B#W, - n area A( this function is ased on th... BC,) - %inimum eight crew memers.
BC,2 - e secured in the lifeoat 9e>cept oat... BCW - (00 ohm at 0 &
BC+? - Cn case of ursting pipe to a$oid oil...
BC7* - ?adiotelephon/ - 5ingle sideand suppre... BCW+ - lifeuo/
BC2B - That the %A?5 is less than 0: ar
BJJW - ,o the sea water pumps are still runni... BJ1? - 5welling elow the andage and hea$/ pa... BJ+ - &ontrolled closing of =re doors
BJ?E - A dec< o;cer or certi=cated person s... B1'J - When the design temperature is elow -... B1'1 - 0 meters
B11% - Cmpro$e the scaling surface function i... B1,7 - 838Q000
B1*' - The/ will e closed if the ship get a d... B1TW - A de$ice which pre$ents an operation of... BLA1 - %a>imum cargo tan< pressure on an full/... BLA? - &hannel (G
BLB" - Conisation. BL&) - 5LA5
BL)& - ?adar transponder
BL)6 - a sea-anchor with a hawser of more than... BL"# - Atmosphere is not comustile in either... BL'" - To relie$e e>cessi$e high pressure in t...
BLC? - 0G08 et (8( %#N
BLWW - %a<ing the gra uc<et open and close. BL6A - Line throwing appliance
BL6W - #" 4 W-T
B%E5 - ?adiotele> and )5& - "reFuenc/ shi! <e... B%C? - Cn '3E mode - on duple> asis
B%1+ - 5u;cient amount for ( hours of opera... B%L1 - To neutraliNe the acids occurring in th...
B%T*  &
B%W2 E+C?B
B,E &hannels G (3 R (G
B,1J E>cessi$e cooling water $elocit/
B,LE "igure (
B,* - +otentiometer (0 <ilo-ohms...
B,+" - Cncrease the dosage of chemicals and t...
B,7& the use of #" )5&
B,6+ - The main purpose with ooster pumps is...
B,6? - ,o memrane tan<s is normall/ designed...
B'& wee<l/
B' "igure 3
BC rass <nife
BC* - Act according to the chec< list Hduring...
B1& When a +anama &anal pilot is onoard
BLT - The method and use of sea-anchors 9drog...
B,% 5ur$i$al suit and lifeline
BT# - &hec< that the painter is made fast to...
BTC - a )5&-message for all $essels within ce...
BT1 - List of &all 5igns and ,umerical Cdenti...
B6+ - There is  special area where it is for...
B+)1 - Ct could poison the fresh water if lea<...
B+E6 - Because the/ e>pected the haror pilot...
B*A* - 5top all cargo operations and close the...
B*A5 The 'ulf of %e>ico
B*&L 5ecure hatches
B*)1 Luricating oil.
B*"B %"
B*"2 All the answers are good
B*CE %&A
B*1T 2es
B*,' - That the shipowner is a ,orwegian sue...
B**? - A numer of lifeac<ets eFual to at lea...
B*?JQ &
B*2) - &onnect onding cale then connect hose...
B?&" the use of %" and4or #" ?4T
B?)) ,ATE6-recei$er
B?JT Bridge is gi$en / A on the =gure
B?1? - 7pper "lammale Le$el 4 Lower "lammale...
B?17 Anti-alcohol foam
B??, ?educe motor speed / aout (0
B?7? - )o not carr/ lighters or matches on the...
B?6) - 5eparation with correct temperature and...
B?6" Either of the mentioned alternati$es.
B?26 A!er 80 minutes
B5A* distress alerting
B5)A - with wea< incoming signals distortion i...
B5"1 a liFuid that mi>es with water
B5#) %etals
B5J2 - Cf time permits send someone to tr/ to...
B5%E - Too lean 9 less than 8 / $olume of h/...
B5%J Both persons in charge
B5,# "igure (
B5,C "igure (.
B5+ - anti-seasic<ness medicine and one seasi...
B5T7 - The 5ecretar/ of 5tate responsile for...
B5J L95 P  #
B51 The %aster
B52? - +ro$isions on maritime inFuir/ and deat...
BTBL gases Iames smo<e and heat
BTE5 - Ct allows the wearer to ump from heigh...
BT#E - The +art "low 5/stem ma<es it possile...
BT11 - &onstructed of non-comustile material...
BT,T Tan< top
BT loss of suction
BT+% - Air from stage one goes through dischar...
BTTW - the applicant on oard wishes to ha$e a...
BTE Q digits
B7AC - Before the tan< is entered lifeline r... B7A1 - nce a /ear4( months
B7&6 - 30 L4nm
B7)W - Airwa/ Breathing &irculation B7"% - +lan for safet/ preparedness B7') - reFuesting an Hautomatic linetestH
B7 - Ct con=rms that a ship has een Hcar$e... B7? - (G times 0(: 5)?
B7?) - Ensure adeFuate circulation in all cond... B7W - 388:3(0
BE5 - Two
BJ, - #"-channel :
BJ* - %uster and emar<ation stations shall ... B1C - LiFue=ed gases is de=ned as chemicals... B*& - (0 minutes
BTJ - 2es a ship can e detained on h/giene... BWE' - the nature of distress is un<nown BWEC - listen out on #" channel (G
BW1E - E>cessi$e cooling water $elocit/
BW1' - As a safet/ net for impro$ed cleaning... BWLW - G0 &
BW5 - Either of the mentioned alternati$es. BW B - All those listed in the other alternati... BWWT -  - Q0 &entigrades.
B6"2 - All personnel onoard 9crew and passeng... B61) - eFuipping of the sur$i$al cra!
B6+& - As near as possile to the shipKs manif... B67A - "igure (
B2A7 - B/ use of a Ioat switch or diOerentia... B2C, - 7.5.A
B21 - A throughput of at least 00 litters a... B216 - )o nothing.
B212 - n area A this function is ased on th... B2%C - &innamon
B2%1 - 8(:. and 8(8 1#N
B25' - at sea outside territorial waters and... B25, - 2es on a form prescried or appro$ed &ABB - iscosit/.
&ABE - 8(81#N
&ABT - All of the mentioned actions
&A)# - Alarm st./ start slowdown. shutdown &A"E - White or light gre/ to ensure all minor... &A"' - Where the ship has passenger spaces el... &A'" - Ahead is gi$en / A on
&A' - E>haust gas temperatures are higher tha... &BA# - As instructed / the helicopter pilot
&BBT - Aout 0 
&BE& - 5omeone of at least school lea$ing age... &B#1 - 5earch and ?escue radar transponder &B#* - %a>imum  hours per da/  or 0 hours pe... &BJ" - once a month
&BT# - Wal< to a smo<ing area inside the accom... &B7C - ?eport to the chief o;cer or chief en... &B2E - (8 h
&&&T - Cn ports onl/ &&E# - 800 cm
&&%L - G times the hose diameter.
&&," - Lea$e him in ed or reFuest him to ha$e... &&E - Bro<en water seal.
&&" - Emergenc/ shut down.
&&5" - 2ou set watch on channel 8(8 1#N &)B, - 5olid liFuid and gases
&)J2 - +ro$ide a replaceale wear surface for... &)JB S The ship chandler
&)J2 S +ro$ide a replaceale wear surface for the.. &)?# - &omputer-aided maintenance
&)T - Air from stage one goes through dischar... &)W" - A dul/ completed application with certi... &)W1 - Automatic gain control
&EB% - Too little gas in the s/stem. &E#B - A? and speed go$ernor
&ECB - Q &entigrades.
&EC& - &8...
&EJ7 - Because the/ wanted to ma<e sure that t... &E%E - 5hip owner has )ocument of &ompliance i... &E - #" and %"
&E+* - Because a coo< handles food and e$erag... &ET5 - "or minimum 3 /ears
&ET6 - measured / the HdoplerH shi! in the s... &"BL - Because he was married.
&"B% - All answers are goods
&")7 - Allow remo$al of the sensor also when l... &"'# - When manoeu$ring
&"#B - ?9L P ?9s
&"+ - 5trainer in operating water low-pressur... &"5A - The/ will e closed if the ship get a d... &"W' - A olt in e$er/ hole
&"6) - The/ can ring an/ seafarer in$ol$ed in... &"2, - To otain a proper sealing and correct... &'A# - (D
&'AJ - The smallest diameter piston is the sta... &')W - "(B
&'E? - a manuall/ controlled lamp =tted on th... &', - ?eport to ridge or dut/ o;cer actua... &'7# - Cnsulated on oth sides with appro$ed n... &'65 - The clearance etween the
&#%A - 5top discharge inform 75&' and *uali=... &#,7 - A 8 stro<e engine has an ignition e$er/... &#+1 - With this t/pe of material the hatches... &#*A - doing a Hlin<testH
&#*& - a light plus a whistle
&#?B - %a<e it possile to retain most of the... &#?7 - The speed should e less than  <nots... &#65 - 5afet/ shoes or safet/ oots
&#2, - adust the threshold le$el for admittin... &CA' - All of the mentioned eFuipment.
&CC - &hemical ph/sical or mechanical foams
&C%7 - (.8 times the ma>imum wor<ing pressure... &C+% - All alarms are reengaged prior to switc... &C71 - ( /ear
&C7L - month
&JL2 - the use of 5A?T transponders &J,% - 'reat circle
&J,? - the height of the antenna
&J7B - )ec< cargo shall not loc< emergenc/ e>... &1A7 - ne minute.
&1A2 - 0.: ar
&1B2 - 2es the turning diameter will increase... &1"A - &omparing input and output $alues again... &1#, - 80 seconds or less
&1#5 - : 1g
&1C# - it allows the wearer to ump from heigh... &1CC -  hours
&1LT - %A2)A2
&1+A - +re$ent e>cessi$e furnace heat losses &1+6 - Cn case of a ursting pipe  to a$oid oi... &1?% - +eriods not e>ceeding 3 months
&15# - ( compressions followed / 8 full $ent... &15J - )iamond and graphite.
&LA - The water suppl/ hoses contain internal... &LCB - Allow for increase in water $olume
&L,B - are a =re haNard ecause the/ are lia... &L+? - All of these.
&L75 - At least two sets of instruments to det... &L77 - Blow the oiler and renew water until... &LW1 - 0 gr of each
&L2 - The master of a ship who coordinates o... &%ET - <<<<
&%JB - ,ot more than (0 minutes &%LL - The %aster
&%A - "or all $essels.
&%T5 - all sea-areas 9A( to A
&%W& - *ua/ is gi$en / A on the =gure
&%W# - +ort Fuarter is gi$en / ) on the =gur... &,L% - The/ tend to contain hea$/ $apours ino... &,,6 - A sin< is alwa/s needed irrespecti$e of... &,5 - Ao$e the ul<head dec
&,*' - onl/ e gi$en receipt when the ship is... &,*# - watertight as far as possilee>cept f... &,57 - )iesel oil lea<age to the lu oil s/ste... &#' - All the mentioned alternati$es
&# - To the %aster &J - itamin &
&1* - Cmmediate a$ailailit/ of water for at... &,2 - alwa/s passed on to a L7T
&* - the $olume
&L - The two gases is "reon 88 and caron mo... &2W - all the answers are good
&+A1 - Endea$our to hold the anchored4/awing $... &+)? - An/ of the listed alternati$es.
&+E* - The diOerence etween possile ma>imum... &+C2 - Cf an/ of the main registered particula...
&+1J - ailit/ to ma<e wea< stations audile &+L# - Act ( June (Q:( relating to enrolment... &+, - almost rectilinear
&*)W - The HAandon shipH signal is not specif... &*#? - The ,orwegian %aritime )irectorate &*7C - nce e$er/ month
&*67 - &aps and coc<s should e closed at all... &*21 - Lenght o$erall is gi$en / B on the =g... &?B) - all of the alternati$es together
&?B* - 5mo<e going out the stac<
&?&? - is intended for radio tra;c onoard o...
&?CL - ha$e permanent oarding arrangements on... &?*B - 'i$e the coating time to Hweather outH... &?*T - +ressure to electric current con$erter....
&??+ - &hec< the allast tan<s for oil a!er t...
&?TJ - )istress tra;c urgenc/ tra;c safe...
&?7E e made of =re-retardant material
&5"& "(B
&5'6 nine digits eginning / G
&5& %A2)A2 ?ELA2
&5E - To a$oid the compressor-oil to disappe...
&T&, - 5eparation with correct temperature and...
&T)# - To pre$ent serious damages on main comp...
&TL? - 7se the rudder hard o$er oth sides whi...
&TTE &ran<sha!
&7A? - To pre$ent freon condensing when the co...
&7B1 All the items mentioned
&7&" Too fast
&7&' n the = re control plans
&7&J ?95 P( ohm
&7"6 (.( hms
&72& - "loor space is usuall/ more $aluale th...
&A+ - Ct should e a$oided unless the tan< a...
&,A All the spaces mentioned
& - A manuall/ operated release s/stem onl/...
&T* At least once a watch
&T 5erial adapter
&6) - Ct satis=es the 5LA5 reFuirements for...
&6' - Cnto the cran<case and mi> with the lu...
&62 - The ows of the ships will e pushed aw...
&22 - %ethod to measure al<alinit/ and acidit...
&WB) - The numer of persons should e clearl/...
&W,W - To impro$e the sealing surface etween...
&W* As low as possile.
&WT? - "ire is easil/ spread in dust and trash...
&WTT ?adio ?egulations
&W# - &onnect to the h/drant efore lowering...
&WW2 - %&A Llo/ds ?egister Bureau eritas )...
&6)* - To pre$ent freon condensing when the co...
&655 - +ushing on shipKs Iat side and ma<e fa...
&66? - the identi=cation of the $essel in dis...
&2'" - The atmosphere should e gas free and c...
&2'' - Q &elsius
&2#A - 'ra$it/ disc is too small. "low rate is... &2JC - Luricate the piston rings.
&21L - &o$er all e>posed parts of the od/ pr... &2A - "loor space is usuall/ more $aluale th...
)AB) - the ..W deems it necessar/
)ABC - %ac<erel
)A)? - #ea$/ fuel oil lea<age to the lu oil s...
)A) - To allow at least 3 hours of operation
)A+C - 5e$en or more short lasts followed /...
)A*E - 8
)AJ - (80 m3
)A2+ - ( minutes
)BB1 - ( litre
)B? - summoning of passengers and crew to mus...
)B?) - B/ doule lan< Ianges with a drain e...
)B57 - Bollard is gi$en / ) on the =gure
)B7" - (0 of the numer of persons the lifera...
)BW& - 5top discharge.
)B6A - 5tu;ng o>.
)&AJ - The dispersing additi$es in luricating...
)&J% - 5pace protected / foam
)&1# - 3(0 m3 per hour.
)&L& - +ortale ridge etween ship and shore....
)&*B - 5taroard ow is gi$en / A on the =gu...
)&*& muster station
)&*) - To <eep the $al$e in correct position a...
)&5L - When /ou put rudder amidships she will...
)&5, - 5eafarers emplo/ed or engaged on oard...
)&& uncompanded channels
)&6+ pen the Iue gas isolating $al$e
))'B - The installation shall include eFuipmen...
))C* 8 sec
))%T - it has windows to admit su;cient da/l...
)),* - 7se the Hcleaning in placeH arrangement...
))TC - to e>clusi$el/ recei$e %5C-reports mean...
)E&L - The diesel speed and e>citation current...
)E&% - &hec< the cargo tan<s for water prior t...
)EJE (00 mm4water gauge.
)E,E - To isolate the fuel source efore e>tin...
)E?+ - Ct is oth a pre$ention and protection...
)E* A caron dio>ide 9&8 s/stem
)"&1 - There must alwa/s e one man on the shi...
)")C - B/ muster lists e>hiited in conspicuou...
)"#% +roportional M integral 9+C
)"L5 "E& mode
)"%C - 'l/cerine is compatile with oth of th...
)"+6 ,on-comustile material
)"*5 - 8( o>/gen / $olume and 0 h/drocaron...
)"5, &aron dio>ide
)"T6  of the total $olume of the space

)"6E - Thermocouple sensor

)"6' - "igure 8.
)"2B - 8  or :0 mm
)"2E - All the listed alternati$es
)"2J - until - ( U&
)''% - All the mentioned alternati$es.
)'CC - Lower lifeoat to water
)'1? - Adustale wrench
)'LL - 5tart with intermittent =ring using s...
)'?C - 3 sets
)'?L - At all times
)'?, - A short circuit occurs etween earth fa...
)'T& - &onducti$it/ test.
)'T - Two prolonged lasts on the whistle at...
)'6& - &learing escape routes
)'6) - Lower e>plosi$e limit.
)'6% - 5afet/ call
)#CB - ?eect itU
)#JB - Trip4stop all nonessential loads that a...
)#1T - summoning of passengers and c rew to
)#,' - (. %B
)#+? - 5taroard Fuarter is gi$en / & on the...
)#7 - a painter attached to the release de$ic...
)CE+ - #arness with a rope secured to a safe p...
)C#& - A! part of the tan<-dec<
)C1% - To otain a proper sealing and correct...
)C1+ - (. U& per hour a!er the =rst 0.h imm...
)C1? - A transducer that con$erts a <nown elec...
)J)A - The shipKs master
)J) - The signal out from a thermocouple is m...
)J"% - A thorough $entilation of the comustio...
)J'L - (3 Bar.
)JJ+ - safet/ elts to e designed to hold a p...
)J*' - #ow to muster at the assigned stations
)11' - A comination of h/drocarons.
)1*" - &hec<ing the moorings for tightness4sla...
)1W - The entering permit shall e ased on t...
)16+ - 5ur$i$al cra! distress p/rotechnic sig...
)L&B - ?adiotele> and )5& - "reFuenc/ shi! <e...
)L), - A unit composed of trained personnel su...
)L'B - "leet,ET
)L'2 - :0
)LJ% - E$er/  /ears
)L,, - The same as suction pressure.
)L2 - er/ large crude carrier.
)%)C - A G0
)%"A - n the =re control plans
)%'W - %ultistage centrifugal.
)%1 - A receipt issued / the &hief ;cer...
)%7E - 5A?T transponder
)%B - s<ates and fenders to facilitate launch...
),JE -  hours
),1B - The/ are liale to spontaneous comusti...
),L, - Ct will tr/ to reduce the de$iation et...
),,C - We are controlling the process inlet si...
),& - The main suppl/ $al$es in the dec< stor...
),5L - Wee<l/
),5, - 8Q(8 hours
)AB - 3G <#N
)B? - 3
)B5 - Weather on-scene.
))# - ?educe speed and use soot lowers if so...
)"2 - The location and capacit/ of all fuel a...
)'T - At least four sets
)# - &all the ridge and reFuest for positio...
)1A - one oat-hoo<
)" - ( m
)7 - immersion suit
)+2 - 2es all crew must e ale to communica...
)T" - Emergenc/ lighting
)W? - ne for each person on oard who is not...
)+A - 5in<age is the change in dra! a $essel...
)+E6 - alwa/s allowed
)+#L - ,ame of e$er/ crew memer reference nu...
)+%C - )ensit/ $iscosit/ Iow rate temperat...
)+W - At all times when identi=ed as a contr...
)+W# - ,itro gl/cerine talets.
)+2 - when its area is of mU or more
)*AC - ?adiotelephon/ - 5ingle sideand suppre...
)*E7 - L7T
)*C& - "or personnel assigned to shipoard dut...
)*1, - Cn emergenc/ generators
)*5B - Ct will mo$e a! as the ship slows down...
)*7J - 5top the separator and drain the water...
)*7, - ( memer
)*7+ - When the oiler is =ring on high rate....
)*# -80mA43-( +5C
)*, A period not e>ceeding  months
)*W' - )ischarge the washing to shore receptio...
)?C7 - The temperature is eFual to or o$er the...
)?1 &hange the lue oil.
)?1+ - 3 Q.
)?%B The appointed lifeoat commander
)?% - ((00
)?& - the use of #" )5& and C,%A?5AT & 5A"ET2...
)?2% - An/ of the others.
)5C* - )irection B
)5C2 - +ilotage is compulsor/ and the pilot is...
)5+L - ?adiotelephon/ - 5ingle sideand full c...
)5& - Ensure all doors are in closed position...
)52% - :
)TBA - Three /ears a!er the last note was mad...
)TB' - "igure 8
)TE# - To store Fuantities of oil at wor<ing p...
)T#W - "i>ed <nown oects on the shore
)TC? - ,otif/ %aster )ec< o;cer and enginee...
)T?7 - "E&
)T57 - 5eparation with correct temperature and...
)7A' - +ressure-reli$e $al$e setting should no...
)'A - "ault/ go$ernor.
)#* - At least once e$er/ month / a responsi...
)7W - Three hours
)WBT - Cnsu;cient amount of owl closing wat...
)W"A - The three international con$entions tha...
)W'W - 5teel or stainless steel.
)W17 - 7se protecti$e eFuipment where necessar...
)W" - &apillar/ tue
)W+W - 2es all <ind of food waste can e dump...
)W?+ - ?otterdam the ,etherlands
)W22 - Lower lifeoat to water
)6B+ - "i>ed &8 =re-e>tinguisher s/stem
)6L1 - Eas/ accessile / the gangwa/
)6,) - is within radio tra;c range of at lea...
)6?L - it allows the wearer to ump from an/ h...
)67T - nce e$er/ month
)2B" - ?emo$e an/ oil or scum on water surface...
)2&# - (0 minutes
)2#B 5-Band ?adar.
)2## 800 gr
)2C2 - To /-pass adust and isolate all mach...
)2LL - All 5tations This is H5AC,T-?%AC,H
)25 un<nown
)25A - The t/pes of compressors are piston sc...
EAA& - arrangements for pro$iding an adeFuate $...
EA#L 80 metres
EA1& - All wor<ing spaces accessile / the cr...
EAT2 "rom the condenser.
EA75 - A contract etween %aster4wner and 5hi...
EAW, is =tted with a light and a whistle
EA6B a possiilit/ to recei$e %5C
EBA7 - Ct is the numer of re$olutions and th...
EBA - We use inert gas to purge out cargo $ap...
EBL? #a$e one slac< tan< as last tan<
EBE The lower air inlet
EB6 (  tons 8  tons
EB+5 - Cn case of accidents it is important t...
EB?C &argo holds and engine rooms
EBW# "reeoard is gi$en / B on the =gure
E&AT - The speed of the shoc< wa$e created /...
E&#" - +assenger ships ro-roKs ul< carriers...
E&1* - 5ugar lump sugar drin< or something sw...
E&LL 5afe wor<ing load
E&%C Bi-stale Iip-Iop
E&5 M  U&
E&5) - The meteorological station connected wi...
E&5 immersion suit
E&T? - &ut it with the safet/ <nife stowed on...
E)&E - %a<ing the crane i mo$e from side to...
E)"# must not e passed on
E)#' - ,o. %ore readings should e ta<en and s...
E)1 n the cargo tan< area all timeU
E)++ - automaticall/ comparing the message ear...
E)?B - Because certain t/pes of dr/ powder can...
E)W' &entrifugal force
E)6 (G80 %t
EEA% - Ensure all doors are in closed position... EEB' - 3 litres
EE&) - #e is as<ing aout the position of the... EE&# - ,ot allow the clothes to e hung an/whe... EE)+ - All the an swers are good
EE"C - %erchant 5hip 5earch and ?escue %anual....
EE#& - 'o to /our lifeoat station 9muster sta...
EE2? ?aise the feed water temperature.
E"A) To luricate and cool the engine.
E"BE a license
E""# also a!er ( "eruar/ (QQQ
E"#+ - ,o onl/ those listed in the 5eamenKs A...
E"#? - The dec< o;cer of the highest ran< pr...
E"% - To respond to oil pollution and ta<e ap...
E"?B Three months.
E"?& - 5top the un<ering until safe communic...
E"# geostationar/ orits
E'BB Cn the muster list.
E'&+ C
E'#% The dec< log oo<
E',C - ?is< of deposits on heat transmitting s...
E',, all of the ao$e-mentioned
E'' - Cn and outlet temperatures and Iow ra...
E'57 the use of #" )5&
E#EB E>haust $al$e
E#L+ #erring
E#%* )ail/
E#,J -   U&
E#*6 two oat-hoo<s
E#A - al$e in the outlet line partl/ closed....
E#WT - The use of de$ices for protection in la...
EC&L - %a<e sure that the compartment has een...
EC'* 8
EC#+ &entrifugal separator.
EC** - The wa/ to oard launch and clear the...
EC6% At all times
EJAA - Cn suitale loc<ers easil/ accessile...
EJA? M (. ar
EJB? The ste$edore superintendentU
EJ&# - Turned at inter$als of not more than 30...
EJJ& ( /ear
EJL* - As a safet/ net for impro$ed cleaning...
EJ* urn with a right orange colour
EJ2A Temperature-control
E1A? - 5weep holds clean =rst and li! out so...
E1&B - ?adiotelephon/ "reFuenc/ modulation
E1E6 - ,ine digits eginning with a four 9....
E1L% 
E1L (. litre
E1T - The $essel anchoring assumes responsii...
E17L LiFuid at high pressure.
E17* Lea$e the engine room immediatel/.
E1W' Line throwing appliance
E16" Between 3 and G
E122 : U&
EL)W - There are three main reliFuefaction s/s...
ELE? - %a>imum allowed >/gen content in the i...
EL* Lea<ages from seawater coolers
ELW (0 minutes
EL+L - )iOerentiator...
EL+ - Anchor watch responsiilit/ rests with...
EL*+ - Because that was the safest passage con...
ELT2 %il<
EL71 - ne =re hose forward and a! of the ma...
ELJ '%)55
EL6B - the use of #" )5& and C,%A?5AT & 5A"ET2...
E%B) - To remo$e the o>/gen and / that a$oid...
E%C? - With the pointer of the s/nchronoscope...
E%11 - The "lag 5tate language with copies in...
E%1L - tools for minor adustments to the engi...
E%L, - preparation and launching o f the sur$i$...
E%%" - 2es / putting the rudder hard st. it...
E%, - 880 liter E%?E - Lifeac<et
E,B" - tain permission from charters and not... E,&) - #a$e the engine read/ for immediate man... E,&6 - (8 - (G times per minute
E,'E - At all times
E,#6 - The pressure switch has contact9s that... E,C2 - )rainage4waste from toilets4urinals.
E,J' - B/ $isual and audile signal at the con... E,JT - E$er/ (8 months.
E,L) - 00 <#N 8(8 <#N and (G. %#N E,%) - 88:300
EBE - ( percent. EB5 - 3. - 3.Q 
E&W - To a$oid une>pected oilspill
E)? - Astern is de=ned as ) on the =gure EE* - +eriodical sur$e/ e$er/ (8 months
E,* - #ow to reco$er sur$i$al cra! and rescu... E?& - Q 
E65 - All alternati$es
E2L - 5ecured $ia a wea< lin< to a secure par... E+AE - a searchlight which can wor< continuous... E+BT - 5ugar
E+E# - numer of $irations per unit of time E+EJ - +assenger ship initial sur$e/s Cnitial... E+"& - T6D 8(Q. <#N?6D 8(::.0 <#N
E+C% - location of emar<ation ladder
E+7E - )esign temperature on the cargo contain... E+W - ?eser$e accumulator atter/ for two hou... E+6, - +ut the plates in water with Fuali=ed...
E*AW - 'oggles and shield. E*B - 8
E*L* - The load that can e safel/ li!ed duri... E*+) - LC&
E*?, - 8.0 ar
E*?* - A ship with a length to eam ratio less... E*TB - 8 $al$es
E*T) - Lifera!s intended for throw-o$eroard... E*2E - warning the passenger
E?AT - "oam. E?C% - Cncrease.
E?JE - n the main eam
E?L* - At least four sets or more depending on... E?," - Leather safet/ oots and glo$es
E?6) - 2es showing how it has een calculated... E?6J - To ensure that we do not ha$e an/ water... E5&J - 5u;cientl/ manned with o;cers and c...
E5&1 - no fault - hard earth - light earth E5EA - &lean the s/stem and change the oil.
E5" - The input impedance is made much larger... E5', - feet
E5## - two uo/ant rescue Fuoits with uo/ant... E5C2 - &all immediatel/ the person in charge.
E5T - distress alerting
E5 - a oo< of directions for search and res... E5+ - at an/ moment efore the ship proceeds... E57% - All $al$es on the deli$er/ side and ad ...
ETB# - ar/ing the e>citation =eld strength ... ETE5 - When coming up with another $essel from... ETJ2 - LEL is lower e>plosi$e limit
ET11 - Because if we donVt clean it will inIu... ETLE - )iOerent products to e placed on sepa... ET%& - 5ection 38
ET52 - nine digits eginning / 3 ETT6 - "(B
ET6E -   and (8 
ET26 - Cnitiall/ rise then reset to the set $... E7&# - n area A3 and A this function is ase... E7)T - Cnitial and intermediate
E7) - nce e$er/ month
E7T6 - ?aise the go$ernor speed controller of... E77, - 0.: arU
E77* - hmmeter E7WE - (
E76 - #e will =nd new ra<e ands in the eng... E,5 - m.
E,T - ?educe the sea echoes. E?2 - As stated in the &W manual E' - an e;cient radar reIector
EWBA - The condition shall e noted and plans... EW#5 - When the tan< has een satisfactor/ cle... EWC* - 8h a!er their emar<ation
EW1" - The process will oscillate and get out... EW%2 - 5hut oO the starting air suppl/ and op... EW+1 - )r/ running of the pump high temperatu... EW+L - :0 U&
EW?W - 30 minutes
EW7J - e>clusi$el/ past to a ground-station e... EW7L - lifeuo/ with light
EWA - #e shall ensure oedience / the use of... E6& - (88:00
E6)? - the time of transmission E6E' - Wheeled =re e>tinguisher
E6' - A comination of ullage soundings and r... E6#5 - 5witch the 7%5 selector switch to manua... E6CL - The plan must show where to clean e$er/... E2&* - &lose them to pre$e
E2"2 - That correct temperature and washing pr... E2J) - To connect the ship =re main to the sh...
E2J' - onl/ with the master E21A - 5olid comustiles E2%1 - Cn +art (G.
E25* - "(B
"AT% - ,ot to damage the rotor lades "A7' - +ushing made fast in the $essel
"AA - 7se the opportunit/ to plot direction a... "BBB - Lea$e the engine room as Fuic<l/ as pos... "B,L - 5e$en digits eginning with a one 9(. "B5# - Cnspect4measure all areas sur
"BA - %uster station "&") - (0 000 000 hms
"&'6 - Bourdon Tue manometer "&#5 - &ircuit rea<er operating time "&#7 - :0  of %&?
"&C, - The C% at London and the CT7 at 'ene$a... "&J& - Because we need old ships in good condi... "&,J - Act according to instruction gi$en in t... "&*2 - T6D 8(:. <#N?6D 8(
"&W? - The =re is e>tinguished / a$oiding th... ")A6 - #eat detector
")B? - 800 gr
")&L - Electric &ontact manometer ")&* - "oam release station
")#% - to neutraliNe the sulfur and get a lur... ")" - nothing or a special characters will e... ")2B - +aint store
"E&% - G <nots for 8 hours
"ECA - A hearing shall e held efore a commit... "E+6 - The shipKs cow manual and eectorKs per... "E7+ - not less than 00 mm
"EW& - the amount of ionisation "EW# - 8 nautical miles oO the coast "EWL - Tarragon
""B+ - The should e lown completel/ dr/ / t... """? - (8(3 %#N and4or 830 %#N
""%" - Cnterface towards center.
""?& - &omplete ( compressions at the rate of... ""5' - 1eep the Ioors and dec<s free from fat... ""57 - Cmmediatel/ notif/ the captain so he ca... ""TA - &ross Iooding arrangement
""T7 - An e>plosion-proof self-contained at... ""2? - alerting
""25 - the shipKs radio log
"'B# - ?apid reco$er/ shall e possile with t... "'&2 - All these methods can e adopted
"'E* - All the mentioned alternati$es "'1, - To pre$ent the water from freeNing. "'+ - ?est Cce &ompression Ele$ation.
"'+T - the date when the atter/ must e repla... "'?B - +A, +A, 93>
"'5) - a rustproof graduated drin<ing $essel "'B - L/e metasilicate and soda ash.
"'' - Cnter-ship channel
"'WA - to oth passengers and cargo shipsU 2es... "'6W - ,ear to the dec< crawl out <eeping /ou... "#'% - The dec< for the lifeoats.
"#C* - Lights as per rules regulated / the sh... "#J - Cncreased turocharger re$olutions "#1J - Load line certi=cate
"#LB - There must e a complete interchangeai... "#7# - Al<aline detergent 9strong.
"#L - Blac< "CAC - 2es
"CB" - Ball earings on the pump sha! and we... "CEJ - Turocharger
"CC+ - List and trim correction tales.
"CJ# - #e has a special a special role as comp... "C1C - Cn the Act relating to the enrolment of... "CLE - All the items mentioned
"C+& - lifeuo/ with light and smo<e
"C?A - The engine shall e pro$ided with an el... "C57 - B/ immersing them in uc<ets with oil a... "C7L - All of the ao$e
"JA# - ( ++%
"J'6 - All alternati$es
"J# - The Act relating to hol/da/s and ?egula... "J+B - "irst aspect con=rm death. ,otif/ comp... "J+& - ,o - his certi=cate is not $alid
"1AB - C%
"1B? - ?aise the water le$el a couple of inche... "1&* - ?omeo Alpha  )elta  Cndia  scar
"1)L - Air lea<s on suction side
"1+2 - Cntermittent signals / the shipKs alar... "1** - The name of the person in charge of the... "1? - ne olt in e$er/ hole
"1?+ - #enr/
"15J - +re$ent manual s/nchronising outside pe... "17A - 
"LB5 - +oor c/linder condition - low / -incl... "L&, - %a>imum is 30 litre pr nautical mile an... "L)# - 2es all crew must e ale to communica... "L%J - The foam should e aime
"L+ - To a$oid damage and miscolouring of dif... "%AT - Cnhiitor name concentration of inhii... "%1T - )ual purpose 9et4spra/ t/pe incorpora... "% - The CT7 List of 5h
",&% - Training in lifeoat handling.
",E - ?egulating freon liFuid Iow to the e$... ",C" - Q
",C2 - /es with the %"4#"-radio tele>
",%C - B/ reports prepared / the master4emplo... ",+, - 3:3((0(83G:
",2B - Ct is possile since the allasted $ess... "BJ - To a$oid the compressor-oil to disappea... "E - %a/
"' - +ro$es the name of the owners of shares... "J - +orts in e>posed position shall e clos... "JW - An uno;cial translation of H)en nors<... "++ - 80 seconds or less
"7, - Cnsuline. "C - Lower the load "6W - 5tart engine
"2* - Appro>. ( )a/s
"+J - "oam.
"+?B - 2ou are running into danger "+?) - Lac< of o>/genU
"+57 - ,o - their role is purel/ in$estigator/... "+7, - to stop fuel oil from getting ac< from... "+7  - with the e>ception of the areas A( and... "+ # - %anual operated release s/ste
"+2, - ?adiotelephon/ - "reFuenc/ modulation "*)? - Cmpro$e the scaling surface function i... "*EL - Bro<en water seal.
"*J - &onducti$it/ test. "*L' - "igure  is correct.
"*%B - %a<ing the crane i mo$e up and down. "**6 - direct access to the na$igating ridge "*7L - lifeoat
"*B - Wait until the coast-station calls agai... "*& - a!er gaM the radio tele>-command msgMU... "*W - ?adiotelephon/ - 5ingle sideand suppre... "*2J - at least 0  of , 9X
"?"' - /ou must chec< the date that the atter... "?'6 - thermal protecti$e aids for the numer... "?'2 - &ourse speed and ris< of collision.
"?1) - #ea$/ seas from ehind.
"?1L - A lea< of e>haust gases from oiler or... "? - (
"?* - Best use of the sur$i$al cra! faciliti... "?TC - all of the ao$e
"?2' - Ta<e action to start the process to sol... "5BA - &hanging of =lter element would not in... "5"A - %A2)A2 ?ELA2 93>
"5'* - %"
"5CL - All the mentioned alternati$esU
"5+6 - Ct is the seawater temperature and the... "52) - +re$ent iological growth
"TA - &rane ,o.(
"TA6 - +rotect the 5&? against damage caused ... "TE& - Emergenc/ generatorU
"T") - alwa/s simple>
"T'5 - ,ot less than half the total numer of... "TL* - automaticall/ repeated a!er 3 and a ha... "T2A - E$er/ month
"7B? - ?"-'ain
"71+ - ,ot less than (0000 <J
"7LL - B/ using a liFuid recei$er on the $apou... "7L - The #ealth R 5afet/ at Wor< ?egulations... "7' - 5ignals for $essels restricted in their... "7+2 - &ast oO the rope.
"75E - The team is appl/ing water and the temp... "7 + - A search inside the cran<case for tools... "7W1 - A pharmac/ authorised to do so or if no... " J2 - +ump will o$erheat
"* - a manual pump for eOecti$e ailing
"2A - n a time sheet arranged / the ,orwegi... "WE7 - To relie$e e>cessi$e high pressure in t... "W"+ - Water e>tinguisher.
"W#& - Cncomer pic<s up as a generator
"WT? - The master chec<s all the rele$ant docu... "W1 - ne for each person on oard who is not... "WL - ?emo$e the toggle which will release th... "6AC - ConiNation t/pe
"6A1 - 30 minutes
"6&' - The $isile smo<e that is a result of c... "6)6 - When /ou appl/ the rudder she will con... "6'1 - receipt of a distress alert
"6CA - 0.8 Bar
"6C2 - A 5A? coordinating centre "6TT - E$er/ (8 months
"62, - "or cooling and to maintain correct $is... "62+ - A $essel  other than a rescue unit  des... "2AL - Longer
"2& - &limatic condition chec< list.
"21' - Cnection $al$e opening pressure is too...
"2,* - Ensuring that all persons a$oid smo<ing... "2?7 - The gas is harmful when the consentrati... "265 - ( hours a da/
"22, - The ,orwegian &onsular &ourt concerned... 'AA1 - when technical prolems are e>perienced... 'A+ - Ct is important that the rotation direc... 'A+* - Water
'A*# - nce a wee<. 'A*J - 1eep stead/ course. 'AT? - )iOerentiating
'AT6 - a innacle containing an e;cient comp... 'B&& - solid liFuids and gases
'B#B - muster station
'B#) - Ct is $isile for a shorter time than a... 'BCW - 5top loading
'B,A - the use of 5A?T transponders 'B1 - A B )
'B+L - The $esselKs ow is pushed awa/ from th... 'B*# - ,ot re-measured ut re-registered
'&&) - Before hot wor< or welding in tan<s is... '&)5 - *uantit/ of allast discharged from seg... '&) - "igure 3.
'&E* - Three /ears
'&"L - a %" radio telephon/ installation '&'E - To>ic gases
'&LC -  hours '&7 - Y..
'&?A - he 5LA5 con$ention
'&5 - E5) is Emergenc/ 5hut )own and the rele... ')&T - To all seafarers.
'))2 - +ressure diaphragm
')"1 - Turning the plunger piston according t... ')#A - "ull astern and drop the anchor
')#6 - 5ent to ?55 within  hours of closure ')J1 - ?adiotele> and )5& - "reFuenc/ shi! <e... '),? - %easuring distance from cargo le$el to... ')*B - 5u;cant ut minimum 3 complete
')?& - A water pad should e maintained during...
')?2 - The minimum temperature at which a com...
'E)* - E$er/ three months. )etails of test wit...
'E"B  %#N and
'E'A urgenc/
'EL7 - +rop/lene o>ide ma/ not e stowed in a...
'E+B (000 000 #N
'E?5 J3E
'E5# The master.
'E2' - 5tart slowl/ and closel/ monitor to ens...
'"AW - &odes %5& resolutions etc which are im...
'"L* - %ade of material resistant to the diOe...
'"LW A relief $al$e.
'"+7 - The wheels of hatchco$er ,o. : came out...
'"+ - Cn two separate rooms outside the engin...
'"+W (G
'"*6 - n all international $o/ages 9e>cept on...
'"?W - To recei$e information aout ships in t...
'"5+ +repare it immediatel/ efore ser$ing.
'"7A - The current and wind are holding the $e...
''7* semi-duple>
'#A Training in lifeoat handling.
'#A6 - 5ometimes it is necessar/ to facilitate...
'#"+ - 0  of the Cnert gas generatorKs capac...
'#"6 - Cncondensile $apour in the cargo and...
'#'% - during manoeu$re and manoeu$re speed co...
'### Cn chapter C
'#15 5mall.
'#L5 88:30000
'#,) - The/ automaticall/ pre$ent an/ gap etw...
'#T the test function on the 5A?T
'#* *uali=ed Cndi$idual
'#7% 2es.
'#2) - Either of the 5en.O.)ec< if he feels...
'#26 Whene$er the gangwa/ is rigged.
'C)" - +h/sicall/ smaller for the same capacit... 'C'' - The Cnternational &on$ention on 5tandar... 'C#C - 5afet/net
'C?) - ,o =>ed e>tinguishing s/stems are gene... 'CT - To ensure that the proper residuals of... 'J&6 - (<#N
'J#' - ( ppm
'J1, - &ooling smothering and dispersion 'J5? - #e is supposed to paint the e$aporator...
'J' - &aron mono>ide nitrogen dio>ide nitr... '1)T - +iston
'1#" - Ct is the &erti=cate of "itness that i...
'1L& - The place of welding-wor< to e cleaned... '1? - Cmportant due to diOerent material and... '1+1 - As soon as possile determine how the s... '1+% - Acti$ate the nearest =
'1C - the use of %" and4or #" ?4T
'16? - a tiller permanentl/ lin<ed to the rudd... '12L - Ta<e a $isual search of the sea around... 'LC+ - A <eeps out of the wa/ of B
'LJ1 - Threshold Limit alue.
'LJL - The pressure drop across the =lter. 'L1" - 5train gauge
'L1' - Two sets or more depending on the t/pe... 'L1# - 
'LL' - 
'L?2 - +A, +A,
'LWT - 5ame numer as eds in the cain 'L2L - &rosshead
'%#5 - 'et out of the engine room as soon as p... '%C? - All the mentioned alternati$es.
'%J% - &orrect water le$el is otained / re=... '%LA - A,)
'%E - The/ reduce the surface tension of wate... '%1 - &ollect rain water
'%*2 - lifeuo/ with line '%72 - 2es
'%2 - (. times designed wor<ing pressure u... ',)L - All the mentioned alternati$es.
',EL - the use of #" )5&
','5 - As per BuildersK speci=cationU ',#, - (8th da/ (3(0 hours 7T&
',6L - ,o as onl / the output from the arrier... '& - ,otif/ as soon as /ou ha$e <nowledge of... '2B - %a<e sure /our $essel M crew are safe a... '+AT - Ct is centrifugal pumps th
'+'* - &rew accommodation and pro$isions and w... '+L+ - 'as le$els measured in tan<s where wor<... '+%1 - Luricating oil pressure is too low.
'++A - (0000 ppm.
'++ - B/ doule lan< Ianges with a drain e... '++W - An/ of the alternati$es.
'+*? - &onnect the =relines ship4shore '+?% -  %#N
'*A7 - That all the $al$es on the deli$er/ sid... '*JB - A $essel of more than 0m in length eng... '*+7 - enting of the tan< must e carried out... '**? - "ind out from o;cers and crew
'*T7 - We are allowed to gas up L+' on inert g... '?)7 - &or rect donning of life-ac<ets.
'?#B - the closed-t/pe feed-water s/stem
'?L% - +ersonnel wor<ing in regulated areas mu... '?+C - &an identif/ small targets
'?+ - telephone signals in the same freFuenc/... '?T5 - Bowl opens unintentionall/ during opera... '?W) - ,ot necessar/ he shall use all a$aila... '5&W - 380
'5&2 - C am in distress and reFuire assistance...
'5)T - The master.
'5E5 - 30 m
'5"+ - ma>imum permitted height of stowage ao...
'5*L - completel/ watertight
'5WB - position of the aerial
'5W" - il Transfer +rocedure manual
'56A - 5eparation of water and oil.
'T)7 - ,orwegian law unless otherwise pro$ided...
'T'B - 30 minutes
'TJJ - 2es /ou must attend to a course held ...
'TJL - The compan/ has to ensure that an agree...
'T*E -  times the outer diameter of the life...
'T?A - Cntrinsicall/ safe.
'T57 - ,o glass ottles can not e dumped o$e...
'TT5 - &ontain an/ oil-spill onoard the ship
'T6 - Blow the oiler and renew water until...
'TWA - 08 Bar
'TWW - $erhaul the compressor unit.
'7'7 - We are allowed to gas up L+' on inert g...
'7,1 - Q0 air-changes.
'7,* - The gudgeon pin ig end- or main ear...
'7,5 - Air Breathing &irculation.
'7, - +ortale ridge etween ship and shore....
'7+A - As speci=ed in the $esselK s +lanned %...
''W )r/ ice
'C - +ush the hoo< through the s<in until th...
'C+ - &harterers reFuirement in this e>ample....
'16 30 minutes
'?5 - shut oO the oil Iow if the Iames goe...
'& is =>ed / manufacturer
'WW - gi$e rele$ant instructions and warnings...
'21 BLEE
'W)J B/ control of liFuid Iow
'W'+ - Cn a secure and sheltered position and...
'WC) E+C?B
'W17 - ?emo$e the toggle which will release th...
'W%, 5ierra &harlie #otel Cndia +apa
'W,C A glogged ilge strainer
'6A6 2es it is.
'6"W one da/light signalling mirror
'6L* - The inlet- and e>haust $al$e tappet cle...
'6,' - Cnformation aout the ships =re prepar...
'6?) Appro>imatel/  metres
'66" - :
'62) - The =shing $essel <eeps out of the wa/...
'2AW - We can trim the ship / stern as much a...
'2B+ - Throttling the deli$er/ $al$e adust t...
'2L% %on<e/ wrench
'2%C - The/ ha$e responsiilit/ for setting m...
'2*C 300 ++%.
'21 - 'as ma/ enter ut e$en if an e>plosion...
'2 - Loss of al<alinit/ corrosion of oiler...
'2* - ne prolonged one short one prolonged...
'25 - &amsha!'AA1 - when technical prolems are e>perienced...
'A+ - Ct is important that the rotation direc...
'A+* Water
'A*# nce a wee<.
'A*J 1eep stead/ course.
'AT? )iOerentiating
'AT6 - a innacle containing an e;cient comp...
'B&& solid liFuids and gases
'B#B muster station
'B#) - Ct is $isile for a shorter time than a...
'BCW 5top loading
'B,A the use of 5A?T transponders
'B1 A B )
'B+L - The $esselKs ow is pushed awa/ from th...
'B*# ,ot re-measured ut re-registered
'&&) - Before hot wor< or welding in tan<s is...
'&)5 - *uantit/ of allast discharged from seg...
'&) "igure 3.
'&E* Three /ears
'&"L a %" radio telephon/ installation
'&'E - To>ic gases '&LC -  hours '& 7 - Y..
'&?A - he 5 LA5 con$ention
'&5 - E5) is Emergenc/ 5hut )own and the rele... ')&T - To all seafarers.
'))2 - +ressure diaphragm
')"1 - Turning the plunger piston according t... ')#A - "ull astern and drop the anchor
')#6 - 5ent to ?55 within   hours of closure ')J1 - ?adiotele> and )5& - "reFuenc/ shi! <e... '),? - %easuring distance from cargo le$el to... ')*B - 5u;cant  ut minimum 3 complete
')?& - A water pad should  e maintained during...
')?2 - The minimum temperature at which a com ...
'E)* - E$er/ three months. )etails of test wit...
'E"B  %#N  and
'E'A urgenc/
'EL7 - +rop/lene o>ide ma/ not  e stowed in a...
'E+B (000 000 #N
'E?5 J3E
'E5# The master.
'E2' - 5tart slowl/ and closel/ monitor to ens...
'"AW - &odes %5& resolutions etc which are im...
'"L* - %ade of material resistant to the diOe...
'"LW A relief $al$e.
'"+7 - The wheels of hatchco$er ,o. : came out...
'"+ - Cn two separate rooms outside the engin...
'"+W (G
'"*6 -  n all international $o/ages 9e>cept on...
'"?W - To recei$e information a out ships in t...
'"5+ +repare it immediatel/  efore ser$ing.
'"7A - The current and wind are holding the $e...
''7* semi-duple>
'#A Training in life oat handling.
'#A6 - 5ometimes it is necessar/ to facilitate...
'#"+ -  0  of the Cnert gas generatorKs capac...
'#"6 - Cncondensi le $apour in the cargo and...
'#'% - during manoeu$re and manoeu$re speed co...
'### Cn chapter C
'#15 5mall.
'#L5 88:30000
'#,) - The/ automaticall/ pre$ent an/ gap  etw...
'# T the test function on the 5A?T
'#* *uali=ed Cndi$idual
'#7% 2es.
'#2) - Either of the 5en. O.)ec< if he feels...
'#26 Whene$er the gangwa/ is rigged.
'C)" - +h/sicall/ smaller for the same capacit...
'C'' - The Cnternational &on$ention on 5tandar...
'C#C 5afet/net
'C?) - ,o =>ed e>tinguishing s/stems are gene...
'CT - To ensure that the proper residuals of...
'J&6 (<#N
'J#' ( ppm
'J1, &ooling smothering and dispersion
'J5? - #e is supposed to paint the e$aporator...
'J ' - &ar on mono>ide nitrogen dio>ide nitr...
'1)T +iston
'1#" - Ct is the &erti=cate of "itness that i...
'1L& - The place of welding-wor< to  e cleaned...
'1 ? - Cmportant due to diOerent material and...
'1+1 - As soon as possi le determine how the s...
'1+% - Acti$ate the nearest =re alarm  utton...
'1*# - 5et the engine to dead slow ahead and...
'1?E ,a$igational warning.
'1 C the use of %" and4or  #" ?4T
'16? - a tiller permanentl/ lin<ed to the rudd...
'12L - Ta<e a $isual search of the sea around...
'LC+ A <eeps out of the wa/ of B
'LJ1 Threshold Limit  alue.
'LJL The pressure drop across the =lter.
'L1" - 5train gauge
'L1' - Two sets or more depending on the t/pe... 'L1# - 
'LL' - 
'L?2 - +A, +A,
'LWT - 5ame num er as  eds in the ca in 'L2L - &rosshead
'%#5 - 'et out of the engine room as soon as p... '%C? - All the mentioned alternati$es.
'%J% - &orrect water le$el is o tained  / re=... '%LA - A,)
'% E - The/ reduce the surface tension of wate... '% 1 - &ollect rain water
'%*2 - life uo/ with line '%72 - 2es
'% 2 - (. times designed wor<ing pressure  u... ',)L - All the mentioned alternati$es.
',EL - the use of  #" )5&
','5 - As per BuildersK speci=cationU ',#, - (8th da/ (3(0 hours 7T&
',6L - ,o as onl / the output from the  arrier... ' & - ,otif/ as soon as /ou ha$e <nowledge of... ' 2B - %a<e sure /our $essel M crew are safe a... '+AT - Ct is centrifugal pumps th
'+'* - &rew accommodation and pro$isions and w... '+L+ - 'as le$els measured in tan<s where wor<... '+%1 - Lu ricating oil pressure is too low.
'++A - (0000 ppm.
'++ - B/ dou le  lan< Ianges with a drain  e... '++W - An/ of the alternati$es.
'+*? - &onnect the =relines ship4shore '+?% -  %#N
'*A7 - That all the $al$es on the deli$er/ sid... '*JB - A $essel of more than 0m in length eng... '*+7 -  enting of the tan< must  e carried out... '**? - "ind out from o;cers and crew
'*T7 - We are allowed to gas up L+' on inert g... '?)7 - &or rect donning of life-ac<ets.
'?#B - the closed-t/pe feed-water s/stem
'?L% - +ersonnel wor<ing in regulated areas mu... '?+C - &an identif/ small targets
'?+ - telephone signals in the same freFuenc/... '?T5 - Bowl opens unintentionall/ during opera... '?W) - ,ot necessar/ he shall use all a$aila ... '5&W - 3 80
'5&2 - C am in distress and reFuire assistance... '5)T - The master.
'5E5 - 30 m
'5"+ - ma>imum permitted height of stowage a o... '5*L - completel/ watertight
'5WB - position of the aerial
'5W" -  il Transfer +rocedure manual '56A - 5eparation of water and oil.
'T)7 - ,orwegian law unless otherwise pro$ided... 'T'B - 30 minutes
'TJJ - 2es /ou must attend to a course held  ... 'TJL - The compan/ has to ensure that an agree... 'T*E -  times the outer diameter of the life ... 'T?A - Cntrinsicall/ safe.
'T57 - ,o glass  ottles can not  e dumped o$e... 'TT5 - &ontain an/ oil-spill on oard the ship 'T 6 - Blow the  oiler and renew water until... 'TWA - 0 8 Bar
'TWW -  $erhaul the compressor unit.
'7'7 - We are allowed to gas up L+' on inert g... '7,1 - Q0 air-changes.
'7,* - The gudgeon pin  ig end- or main  ear... '7,5 - Air Breathing &irculation.
'7 , - +orta le  ridge  etween ship and shore....
'7+A - As speci=ed in the $esselK s +lanned %...
' 'W )r/ ice
' C - +ush the hoo< through the s<in until th... ' C+ - &harterers reFuirement in this e>ample....
' 16 30 minutes
' ?5 - shut oO the oil Iow if the Iames goe...
'  & is =>ed  / manufacturer
' WW - gi$e rele$ant instructions and warnings...
' 21 BLE E
'W)J B/ control of liFuid Iow
'W'+ - Cn a secure and sheltered position and...
'WC) E+C?B
'W17 - ?emo$e the toggle which will release th...
'W%, 5ierra &harlie #otel Cndia +apa
'W,C A glogged  ilge strainer
'6A6 2es it is.
'6"W one da/light signalling mirror
'6L* - The inlet- and e>haust $al$e tappet cle...
'6,' - Cnformation a out the ships =re prepar...
'6?) Appro>imatel/  metres
'66" - :
'62) - The =shing $essel <eeps out of the wa/...
'2AW - We can trim the ship  / stern as much a...
'2B+ - Throttling the deli$er/ $al$e adust t...
'2L% %on<e/ wrench
'2%C - The/ ha$e responsi ilit/ for setting m...
'2*C 300 ++%.
'2 1 - 'as ma/ enter  ut e$en if an e>plosion...
'2  - Loss of al<alinit/ corrosion of  oiler...
'2 * -  ne prolonged one short one prolonged...
'2 5 S &amsha!
#A&L - EFuipment for detecting Iamma le $apour...
#A)# - To minimise oil losses and pre$ent the...
#AE" 5eawater
#A"" &hec< in appendi> 8 of %', (
#AJA - That a secondar/ au>iliar/ set is switc...
#A,#  n the mother oard
#A,C - 5top the engine immediatel/ and <eep th...
#A+& - Ct shall  e cleaned dail/ and oiled and...
#A*+ - B/ pumping test of each  ilge  efore lo...
#A? - 88 A...
#A?* - ?adiotelephon/ - 5ingle side and full c.. .
#A7" - This is =reNones which can  e di$ided...
#AW%  nce e$er/ month
#A2E Al<aline cleaner.
#A2' - on  oard communications 9intra-ship tra...
#B' - +assenger ships carr/ing more than 3G p...
#BJ6 - Alarm the rescue centre and commence se...
#B & "igure (
#B* 2es if the seafrers demands it
#&AT A stic<ing start air $al$e.
#&BC - A =>ed sprin<ler s/stem at the cargo m...
#&B All of the mentioned
#&&J (8%#N
#&%' - +art AL& (d of the crew agreement gi$i...
#&*% The emergenc/ generators
#)AT Cncreased.
#)B% - Wash thoroughl/ and hang up for dr/ing....
#)&J one whistle or eFui$alent
#)"T 5ection 3.
#)J - Ct could  e an/ of the a lternati$es lis...
#)1+ ,ot less than (0000 <J
#) T 3
#)+T E$er/ three months
#)** ?escue  oat
#)5W (st "e ruar/ (QQQ
#)T7 - 5mo<e and increased pressure in the cra...
#) % - T/pe of oil or gas chemicals ha$ing  ee...
#)6& - Lea$e a HcushionHof water in the slopta...
#)67 - 5o that no part of an/ corridor is more...
#)22 - Ct will alwa/s  e a de$iation  etween t...
#EB# all alternati$es
#E T - Appl/ing (8 - ( nitric acid on tan< s...
#E ) "igure 8 is correct.
#EW" - ?emo$ing trash dusting and light clean... #"LB -  n the =re control plans
#"L' - "ull power on the forward tug reduce o... #"%T - the painter
#",* - The master. #"+C - At least one
#"*) - the use of #" )5& and 5A?5AT & 5+A5 Epi... #"*C - 5ecure hatches
#"?A - "asten seat  elts
#"5* - Ct <eeps the  oat alongside the em ar<a... #"67 - #/drochloric acid and citric acid.
#"6 - This is not correct inter-ship has to... #"2* - assem ling passengers at muster station... #'&2 - 5erious emergenc/ - all $essels to stop... #')T - Cnerted to less than   o>
#',W - %arine  ;cers of the %&A #' % - The CT7 List of 5hip 5tations ##BW - The pump is not primed.
##& - 2es the ship usuall/ steers  etter if... ##), - +or<
##"A - 8
##CJ - &entre line is gi$en  / A on the =gure... ##LE - That the wires are ust a o$e the water... ##,L - the time in minutes or parts of it wh...
##,, - The master and an/ person who does not... ##7) - %aintain the speci=ed  oiling temperat... ##W5 - 3 sets
##2% - &h.:0
#CB2 - (. 5witch oO the transmitter - 8. 5wit... #C"& - 3 - 30 %#N
#C#W - 2es  / Hdistress priorit/H one alwa/s... #C," - The =>ed =re =ghting medium in engin... #CW+ - Ct is an automatic s/stem for plotting... #C6C - Just in forepart of the rud
#J,L - +ressure relief $al$e. #J+2 - Q &entigrades
#J5C - To pre$ent contamination of the cargo. #J % - ?55 #% &oastguard %arine  ;cers En... #1)& -  ?oc<et parachute Iares 4 G hand Ia. .. #1LJ - M  U&
#1%" -  e as small and of as little mass as po... #1," - &hec< linearit/
#15) - G
#1TA - 5pecial section for Births and )eaths a... #17 - life uo/ with light
#16E - 2es -
#126 - The seafarers shall ha$e a$aila le for... #L", - Cn$erting ampli=er...
#LC6 - Cn stairwa/s corridors and escape rout... #LJ5 - #igher measuring accurac/.
#L,& - All the mentioned alternati$es #L W - search and rescue at sea
#L*, - instruction in the use of radio life-sa... #L?& - a person who holds a Hcerti=cate of pr... #L J - "lat =le
#LW" - 5pace thoroughl/ $entilated  >/gen and... #L6E - #e wants the heating coils inspected
#%BC - E>haust lea<age #%E - Assorted canapes.
#%') -  n area A3 this function is  ased on th...
#%', - a ship idendit/ num er
#%L" - All pre$enti$e methods to a$oid spreadi... #%+1 - To protect  oth owners and charterers #%5W - 5afet/ purposeU
#%T5 - When the container also contains water #%2, - All the actions listed in the other alt... #,AL - 30 minutes
#,&T - )epth is gi$en  / B on the =gure
#,&7 - "ull/ slac<en and remo$e top #,LE -  pening water function missing.
#, ' - 5ca$enge  o> =re #, C - &hannels G (3 R (G
#,W2 - Ct should  e a out 80
# &T - & T+-Nones ma/ ha$e additional rules an... # LA - A throughput of at least  00 litters a... # L6 - Water e>tinguisher.
# *E - .  ar # ?2 3 U&
# T# Adia atic.
# 7E - 2es /ou must attend to a course held  ...
# WT - Water-tu e  oilers are more e;cient a...
# 2J - All launching appliances shall  e capa ...
#+)* .8 of the $olume of the room
#+)7 - A!  reast line is de=ned as B on the...
#+'W +late
#+#? - Zener diode...
#+#7  seconds
#+LE When /ou need to protect /our e/es.
#+%A 0 ohm
#+%? - (0 
#++B - The smallest diameter piston is the sta...
#++& - )e allasting and loading simultaneousl/...
#+T# - To maintain a record of all British shi...
#+ B - ?egularl/ chec< /our pressure gauge and...
#+ 6 Cmmersion suit
#*A6 ( m depth per minute
#*E" - "igure (...
#*'7 - continuousl/ a!er ha$ing  een immersed...
#*#T - 5hut oO the starting air suppl/ and op...
#*C5 - ,ot more than (3 litres and not less...
#*J' - A$oid spilling water and fat on the Io...
#*L7 - "orward spring is gi$en  / ) on the =g...
#**5 To do a full cali ration.
#**W the degree of priorit/
#**2  %#N  and
#*6 Bow4stem is gi$en  / B on the =gure
#*6*  utside the coloured None.
#?&T - EFual power on  oth tugs while chec<ing...
#?EE ,o. ( diesel and ,o. 8 diesel
#?E2 - #e is to chec< the heater for the h/dra...
#?J - ?adiotelephon/ - 5ingle side and full c...
#5TT (( 
#57T - 7se the Hcleaning in placeH arrangement...
#56B - &argo ships of less than 00 tons gross...
#527 - 2ou cannot sur$i$e in #.E. foam as the...
#TA* 3 cm radar
#TA7 -  ?oc<et parachute Iares 4 G hand Ia...
#T+5 ?aise the load
#T+6 - Loose tight clothing as< all unnecessa...
#T*, Air in the cooling water s/stem.
#T C - Cn tan<s not adacent to the shipKs she...
#T2W - "orward spring is gi$en  / ) on the =g...
#7#& E>pands
#7CB - The/ shall  e carried in cargo tan<s in...
#7+ 5ingapore
#75 "oam.
#7T6 - )uration of pu lic correspondence commu...
# E? - Each life oat shall  e launched with it...
# '& Williamson Turn
# ') Answering +endant
# '# - #e is as<ing a out the position of the...
# J - &hemical powder is the main medium for...
# 1# - 2es neutral atmosphere in hold space o... # *' -  ne month
#WB& - Too low suction pressure. #W&B - 8 lines of position. #W)? - 8
#W#) - To cool remo$e sulphur dio>ide and par... #W1C - su stitutes for <e/ persons who ma/  ec... #W*' - 5tand on dr/ insulating material and pu... #6B& - Lower life oat to wa
#6&* - an area within the radiotelephone co$er... #6') -  #"-eFuipment
#6'C - rescue  oat
#6#5 - "or at least three /ears
#6C% - When temporar/  ul<heads 9 ins are use... #61" - A thorough $entilation of the com ustio... #6% - The temperature must at all times  e (0... #6,+ - ha$e at least two
#67& - "igure (
#6 A - That the watch <eeping personnel shall... #6WA - ,ot less than (0000 <J
#2)L - 0 m
#2E1 - too much com ustion air
#2?+ - &lose the $al$es on  oth the Acet/lene... #25, - West cardinal  uo/
#2TJ - Both 5T&W and &lass rules #2 W S ,A,)
CA"1 - muster station
CA1J - &hec< if fuel inection is too earl/ or... CA1L - (0 tons
CA*A - outfit in a waterproof ca... CAT* - A wire for pulling  urning ships oO th... CA7' - safet/ call
CB"" - 8  more than the wireKs
CB#2 - a gi$en num er of  uo/ant oars pro$ided... CB 1 - G
CB % - Ct is incum ent on the shipowners and t... CB+2 - E$acuation slide
C&AA - The h/draulic pump is usuall/ used for... C&#5 - 5hut oO the oil Iow if the Iames goe... C&#7 - ?adiotelephon/ - 5ingle side and suppre... C&C1 - The use of engines and acc
C&W7 - ?emote controlled =re pumps C&2J - Windlass is gi$en  / B on the =gure
C)& - The fuel oil =lters or pipes are clogg... C))% - Amount of superheat in the $apor lea$in... C)EA - of  eing deplo/ed  / one person
C)CL - Bollard is gi$en  / ) on the =gure C)C, - Warm clothes  lan<ets and life$ests. C)* - The method of donning life-ac<ets.
C)?1 - 5tuc< grease was  loc<ing the grease pi... C)7T - 5tar oard Fuarter is gi$en  / & on the... C) 5 - At least two
C)2B - Amplitude of output signal di$ided  / a... CE E - &lass B =re
CE 6 - J8B4"(B
CE?T - ?educe to slow or less in due time  efo... CE6# - 8380(0 or 838080
C"A5 - Airwa/ Breathing &irculation C""T - '3E
C"J - 8 separate compartments
C"JW - The uppermost dec< to which trans$erse... C"L7 - Two tongue-t/pe4hinged  owstoppers with... C"%, - A compilation of ,orwegian laws and reg... C"% - %A?+ L :34:.
C"?C - out of order
C'&A - To pre$ent electrostatic generation
C')6 - 2ou should ha$e reduced /our speed to t... C'E5 - ,er$ous tensionallerg/ or none o $iou... C'" - ?otar/ positi$e displacement 9mono t/pe... C''C -  $er oard discharge i
C'?) - C% di$ides cargo tan<s on gas carriers...
C'W& - ,o spar< or Iame is reFuired to ignite...
C#A# - acti$ate the =re alarm C#A - Two
C#BJ - ,otif/ %aster )ec< o;cer and Enginee... C#&B - 5tart air suppl/
C#&) - +owder
C#&7 - To secure4lash containersU
C#&6 - This call was sent  / a coast station C##' -  sets of "iremenKs outfits
C#5? - "ull/ charged  ottles with a total free... C#TT - &losed lo op feed  ac< s/stem
C#7? - +ressure indicator installed on panel4... C#6A - Ahead is gi$en  / A on the =gure
C#6T - Ensure a Iow of steam through the supe... CCB) - A person ma/ ser$e on  oard as from the... CCE5 - )onKt let the ship turn to port
CC'' - Cf the  ac< pressure when discharging i... CC#B - Ct is the 5 LA5 con$entions that ta<e c... CC#E - +resentation Iange.
CC 5 - Both 5T&W and &lass rules CC+J - %onthl/
CC*# - ?egularl/ chec< /our pressure gauge and... CCT1 - 5tern line is gi$en  / A on the =gure
CC27 - (. 5witch oO the transmitter - 8. 5wi... CJE% - ?educed.
CJE - 5tart with intermittent =ring using s...
CJC+ - &hemical powder is the main medium for... CJ, - J3E
CJ C - Cn permanentl/ e>hi ited =re control p... CJ?T - anti-seasic<ness medicine and one seasi... CJ? - #eight is gi$en  / ) on the =gure
CJ5T - one <nife of the non-folding t/pe ha$in... CJ B - the cur$ature of the surface of the ear... CJW - ?educe speed and if possi le <eep the... C1AB - All the mentioned alte
C1&T - 0G m34<g
C1C, - Tan<s adacent to the tan< where wor< i... C11) - To a$oid  uild-up of static electricit/...
C1L - "ull power on the a! tug reduce on th... C1L6 - &logged air inlet =lter.
C1, - to wear a lifeac<et inside
C15J - #atch openings in weather dec< to  e cl... C1TC - 2es
CL)J - +rior to e$er/ plant start-up followin... CLE) - (30 &
CLE# - E$er/ second hour.
CL"& - Ct will destro/ the properties of the l... CL%% - the HA andon shipH signal is not specif... CL ) - The light from lanterns and signals mus... CL C - tr/ing to ignite  urner fr
CLT# -  times the ma>imum pressure the hose w... C%B? - A ,orwegian %aritime Cn$estigator
C%'% - (  #" ?T M )5&M )5& watch recei$er - (... C%JB - A suita le composition of water and det... C%J) - ( and (:
C%,' - 5tripping pump. C,E6 - life uo/ with line
C,1 - &E5 two digits code  00 &ount... C,?' - ,o $entilation should  e doneU
C,5B - A le to eOect a complete change of air... C,7* - &entrifugal pump
C A7 - Acts.
C BC - reFuest for a collect call C *" - ,o
C *# - 2es.
C+E+ - +ro>imit/ switch
C+"1 - %a>imum allowa le wor<ing pressure C+'1 - &lass A
C+JW - All the listed alternati$es
C+LJ -  pened a!er rough weather or  efore lo... C+++ - watertight receptacles containing (.l...
C*B) - "igure 3.
C*E* - )ischarge the slop tan< completel/ and... C*'E -  entilate the holds as well as possi le... C*'1 - The user should  e warned that the prod... C*#& - Washing and polishing Ioo
C*L' - recommended at the  eginning and at the... C*%B - ?eleased  loc<ing function in remote st... C* 5 - to ha$e a telephone con$ersation with a... C*+, - An/ of the listed alter
C*TT - The human  od/ a sor to>icants through... C*67 - %onthl/
C?AJ -  mA.
C?# - there is ne$er a direct connection with... C?CT - (3008(0
C? A - not more than 00 mm C?W - The e>tinguishing agent C5CJ - (.Q <g4l
C5+2 - %easurement of diOerential pressure C5? - "igure 8.
C55* - #igh  loc< coe;cient $essel C57) - (8 mm (G mm and (Q mm
C5 5 - 5pecial area is certain areas li<e ?ed... C5 2 - G - :Q U&
C56, - A(
CTA2 - 5afet/ ?adio
CT&+ - To purge a tan< means that we change at... CTEE - Cn suita le loc<ers easil/ accessi le...
CT1E - e$acuation slide CT, - C%)' - & )E
CT J - The 0-$oltage must alwa/s  e grounded. CT L - 5mall changes in temperature can cause... CT+& - A $isual and audi le alarm signal at th... CT? - 5tart water-spra/
CT? - All of the listed alternati$es. CTW5 - lifera!
C7B? - ,o. %ore readings should  e ta<en and s... C7BW - 'l/cerine is compati le with  oth of th... C7E) - Cn an/ port in a countr/ which is a mem... C7#+ - C reFuire assistance
C7C# - &argo ships of less than 00 tons gross... C7JJ - (8(.40G%#N
C7?+ -  perate $al$es graduall/
C7T6 - &all the nearest coast station and info... C7W1 - 38
C A - %inimiNe corrosion pre$ent deposits an... C )" - G0 
C '* - #ead line is gi$en  / B on the =gure
C #" - To ensure that we do not ha$e an/ water... C #C - handrails for persons mo$ing a out the... C C" - , . (83 and 
C 16 -  n the  ridge
C % - alwa/s with the coast-station C ,J - a personal call
C ++ - To pro$e that oil has  een pumped o$er ... C ?1 - a moc< search and rescue of passengers... C 5E - #ow to don lifeac<ets immersion suits... C W1 - G0  ar
C 6C - )irectional control $al$e.
CW)6 - E$er/ motoriNed sur$i$al cra! shall ha... CWE5 - The tugKs  ow against m/ stern made fa... CW', - 5afet/ eFuipment to  e made good in a g... CW#E - The route to musters
CW,B - To pre$ent the steam and water in the  ... CW ) - Bro<en water seal.
CW*, - 5eparation of two insolu le liFuids wit... CW7 - &orrect Iow pressure and temperature....
CW * &hemicall/ dose and =ll up.
CWW1 - To pre$ent the suction line from draini...
C6B# rescue  oat
C6#" - 5tates of matter means that a su stance...
C6C2 - 30 minutes
C6T - "irst Zero adustment and the 5pan adu... C67* - Water e>tinguisher
C2B" - The meaning of %A? 5 is %a>imum Allowa ... C2EL - 3 cm
C2E5 - The latest C% gas code is C'& code Cnt... C2J, - &ontact the issuing authorit/ $ia the c... C2L" - The a lternators output itself $ia the a... C2,T - 8 sec
C2+1 - ,on-in$erting ampli=er... C2*" - (000 A
C2?& - Will rela/ a message concerning an impo... C2?E - All of the mentioned reasons.
C2T - (00 of the ships complement on each si... C27J - the use of 5A?T transponders
C2 C - ?educe speed and use soot  lowers if so... C22L - A unit which automaticall/ releases the... JA"% - Where the mooring lines lead.
JA## - Warm nutritious drin<s.
JAC) - Boarding launching and clearing of sur... JAJB - A resistance guide stating which chemic... JA1? - 5alt
JA15 - Zero
JAL% - &apa le of immediate operation at all... JAL+ -  0 - G0  .
JA* - the sea area of the $essel
JA6& - 5T&W means 5eafarersK Training &erti=... JA6E - &ar on atom has G protons and electrons... JB&E - To a$oid liFuid coming  ac< to the comp... JBE, - The condition shall
JBE7 - The container the e>tinguishing agent... JB'# - That the main propulsion unit controls... JB15 - B/ help of the #eadword ?egister the &... JBLC - channel 0G
JB%) - Through stapled-in supplements in the F... J&A' - Annuall/.
J&AC - The tur ine rotor is not  alanced.
J&"' - ?emo$e the load from the alternator to... J&"L - ?egulations concerning the registration... J&,5 - A! is de=ned as A on the =gure
J&*C - ?ecti=cation would  e reFuired  efore... J& E - Cnspectors from the Cnternational %arit... J&66 - (<#N
J&2L - ,ormall/ use it as free or dissol$ed c... J))5 - &onnecting rod
J) T - A code issued  / C% for use on oard $e... J)+L - 800 mm wgU
J)*" - A period not e>ceeding (8 months J)?W - Ct shall  e cleaned dail/ and oiled and... J)?6 - The master.
J)T - 5  and radar J)7' - A out 80 
JEW6 - Water in a c/linder.
J")# - 7ntil all crew mem ers and passengers h... J"") - The side from the wind.
J""' - 8 miles
J"J, - The main suppl/ $al$es in the dec< stor... J"+C - To complete a $o/age 9ma>  months  or... J"?5 - there is ne$er on-line connection with... J"5* - 3G:( 
J" 6 - An inur/ other than a maor inur/ w... J'AE - The aircra! is directing a $essel towa... J'BT - ?adar transponder
J''? - +ermission must  e o tained from &hief... J'%% - We can reduce discharge rate pump hot... J',1 - )5&-s/m ol is sent twice and chec<ed e>... J'?% - 5T&W Q
J'5J - A B & ) J'2' - sunspots
J#B% - on the num er of <ilo its of informatio... J#B - )ual purpose 9et4spra/ t/pe incorpora...
J### - L7T  efore the satellite is actuall/ se...
J#15 - Line-throwing appliance
J#,) - &omplete ( compressions at the rate of... J#*? - Water in one or more c/linders.
J#?% - The Fualit/ of the &rude  il Washing pe... J#72 - An/ one in$ol$ed in the operation
J#  - 5ur$i$al cra! distress p/rotechnic sig... J#2& - "ollow /our trac< and reduce the speed... J#27 - an atomiNation of the fuel in ected int... JC&, - 5afet/ of ship and crew
JC&+ - Ct is higher pressure on one side of th... JCE7 - "E&
JC1* - "luids 9liFuids.
JC* - "ree oard is gi$en  / B on the =gure
JC?L - the amplitude of the carrier-wa$e chang... JC75 - %arine  ;cers of the %&A
JC6& - Cncrease sca$enging air temperature to... JC6C - $essel
JJE+ - )/namic pressure pump 9or roto-d/namic... JJ'L - itKs canop/ has $iewing ports in all di...
JJL" - (  #" ?T M )5&M )5& watch recei$er - (... J1A, - 'as detector
J1) - 5team at high $elocities ma/ generate s... J1EW - Twistloc<s and rods with turn uc<lesU J1'& - master
J1'# -  il pressure is greater than the water... J1#A -  itamin A
J1#B - "or all $essels.
J1?E - B/ repeating the order
JLBA - #igh densit/ su - micron particles.
JLBC - porta le =re-e>tinguishing eFuipment s... JL&B - Ensure the $al$es are of the correct di... JL&2 - urgenc/ signal
JLE5 - "igure 3.
JL*) - The use of the shipKs line throwing app... JL?A - The Ioor of the ra! has a second la/e... JL5 - reporting to stations and preparing for... J%# -  /ears
J%L2 - ( 5mo<ing in  ed. 8 &o$ering of electri... J%%T - ?aise the =re alarm.
J%7# - &hec< fuel inector $al$e fuel inecti... J%7C - *uadrupled
J% B - The ,orwegian %aritime )irectorate J%2% - )ou le chec< $al$e.
J,)% - capa le to determine the position of th... J,C5 - &E5 two digits code  00 :3...
J, B - (0 < ohm J,+& - C&E-method.
J,T# - Alarm instruction.
J,T, - (  #" ?T M )5&M )5& watch recei$er - (... J,7& - Ct should  e protected  / a =>ed =re...
J,7# - a food ration for each person
J,6 - one cop/ of the prescri ed life-sa$ing... J &7 - ( to (0
J 1T - &lean the heat transfer surface J +B - Either  re or  il.
J ?? - go to simple> telephon/ J 5, - 5ea Area A.
J+'? - 5o that neither the rescue  oat nor its... J+J - 5e$eral control-$al$es are connected to... J+1* - ?educed.
J+ 6 - :0
J++A - A  alanced assessment  etween <eeping a... J+T' - The function of the E5) is to close loa...
J+2" - Area protected  / halon
J*B5 - To maintain the reFuired pressure and f... J*&# - #e wants the  5 to show him where the s... J*"* - #e wants the &hief  ;cer to organise...
J*15 - the amplitude is modulated
J*LJ - %erchant 5hipping Act (QQ and %erchant... J*L, - Before lea$ing the port
J*%, - freFuenc/
J**5 - At least two sets of instruments to det...
J*W, - "ire main with =re $al$es
J*6A - Lowers o>/gen content in the tan< J*2B - &lass & =re
J*25 - To ha$e a hot-wor< permit
J?&) - an area e>cluding sea area A( within th... J?)2 - (
J?#' - (0 mtr
J?#C - the height of the aerial
J?L, - That the watch <eeping personnel shall... J?7? -  essel not under command and not ma<ing... J?7T - &lose the $al$es on  oth the Acet/lene...
J5AJ - ?ecei$ing in mode J3E
J5BE - #e shall arrange for proper including... J5" - The super$isorKs =eld is the wor< situ... J5'E - To allow at least 3 hours of operation J5CB - To  ring the remaininig oil to the str
J5, - 2ou did not maintain a proper loo<out  ... J5 + - )i;cult/ in  reathing in and the casu...
J5W" - The water to  e drained periodicall/ a... JTB& - &lass A
JTC* - The closed-t/pe feed-water s/stem JTJ5 - along the cur$ature of the earth JTL) - 5tart an additional au>iliar/ engine JT+C -  itamin &
JT*E - up to (0 persons
JT?" - su;cient  uo/ant oars or paddles pro$... JT6? - The 'eneral &i$il +enalt/ &ode 3( .
J7E, - Cf /ou are ta<ing  un<er on the port si... J7E* - &ast oO the rope.
J7E5 - to control the weardown of the main  ea... J7#2 - (:8.0 <#N
J7C* - The performance of the engine is reduce... J7C5 - ,o the most eOecti$e rudder angle is...
J7%T - 2ou ha$e a crac<ed liner or co$er. J7+& - #e wants two spring lines four stern l...
J75+ - 2es cleaning is maintenance and contri... J BE - The chain is slac< dirt/ tur ocharger...
J ) - Cmmediatel/ reduce on the suction $al$e... J C* - action to  e ta<en  / crew and passenge... J +' - The %5 and " 9#ealth R 5afet/ at Wor<... J +# - &onnections on m
JW#7 - a coast-station or coastguard-station JW#W - '.Area
JWC, - Total pressure head
JWLW - &orrect Iow pressure and temperature....
JW J +osition A.
JW7& - 1eeping the lu e oil in a state of low...
JWWL a thermic detector
JWW,  itamin B
JW6' +otatoes.
JW6# - B/ permanentl/ e>hi ited damage control...

JW6C - "or as long as people are wor<ing in th...

JW6? - All those listed in the other alternati...
J6,L - (3.0 mmU
J6*? - ?oc<et parachute Iares
J6TB - Lea$e him in ed or reFuest him to
ha$e... J66" - ?adiotelephon/ - 5ingle sideand
full c...
J2&' - 5tart the =re pump
J2JE - ?udder hard to port full astern. A!er...
J212 - &hannel (G plus another one
J2L* - : m8
J2L? - n the ship =re plan
J2L5 - a radar reIector or a radar transponde...
J2%% - ,one of the answers is good
J2," - The control s/stem is depending on
the... J2,# - All these reFuirements appl/
J2E - (0 Bar J2**
- 7p to Q0 &
J2*5 - utside the space which is to e protec...
J2WL - G - 8 watt
J226 - A letter HE>emption from the nationali... 1A&, - A chemical tan<er intended to transport... 1AJE - 'rind the $al$e against the $al$e seat...
1A,1 - gi$en  / the E+C?B tisefl  1A - (30(
1A W - ,ot less than (0000 <J 1B& - (G
1B&+ - Air from stage one goes through dischar... 1BEA - &BTs cargo tan<s are also used for  all... 1BE6 - Cmportant due to diOerent material and... 1B'5 - ?emo$e the cartridge and w
1&?J - To <eep the life oat in an accurate pos... 1&5C 33 U&
1) B - 5he will most li<el/ change heading to...
1) W ?elease gripes
1)52 - 5e$en short  lasts followed  / one prol...
1)22 - The ,orwegian %aritime )irectorate dete...
1EA1 "(B
1EA - (00 of the complement if it can  e rea...
1E&# - &old wor< permit M +ermit for entr/ .
1E'J '  9gross o ser$ed $olume.
1E' -  essel engaged in dredging or underwate...
1EJ7 - Ct is necessar/ to ha$e a pilot ladder...
1E11 - 'i$e star oard rudder in order to  alan...
1E1, "asten seat  elts
1E17 - 8 entrances among which one is =tted w...
1EL# 5tainless steelU
1EL  rder the doc< man to shut down.
1E%# 5 LA5 B +A&1
1E,W ,ine.
1E+? Cntra-ship tra;c
1E57 8 compartments
1E7, An/ of the others.
1E J 7nder the forecastle.
1"AC ?educe the ser$ice inter$al
1"BJ #ertN
1"&) (000-8000 ++% ,itrate.
1"'L "C&
1"#& The $esselU
1"%A Eggs
1"%" - ?is< in$ol$es  oth identi=cation of th...
1"%2 &enter alternatel/ towards each end
1"*# - Cn a clari=er solids are remo$ed from...
1"*C - ?estriction in the usage of com usti le...
1"TT - The edge on the plunger which opens for...
1'B"  egeta le oil and coo<ing oil
1'J? - The C5% &ode is an international manage...
1'*E - Cf the wor< could result in a serious i...
1'T# +rimar/ means of escape
1'T+ - through hops  etween the ionised la/ers...
1'2J E$er/ (8 month
1#B& ,orwegian 5eamenKs Act ,C5 Act
1##5 The illumination in launching areas
1#J1 - Cn the cargo tan< there is a Ioat on Q...
1#+C ( ppm
1#+1 - )o a complete sounding of all  un<er ta...
1#?+ Cnternational shore connection
1#? 88:::.0 <#N
1#5* #igh air pressure in water seal
1#T Accommodation
1# A ?educe main engine setting to stop
1#W* - Water in the lu ricating oil during ser...
1#W5 enhance the safet/ of li$es at sea
1#W6 - Ct should  e possi le to inert and main...
1C&L - At least two sets of instruments to det...
1C1C - ,o the tan<er should show the normal n...
1CLB - Cnection $al$e has too high opening pr... 1CL) - As shown in =gure (.
1C%W - ?oc<et parachute Iares 1C J - a o$e the eFuator
1C*6 -  rganise a loo<out s/stem. Join up with... 1C6+ - &ontrol  / the master4emplo/er and pu l... 1J"2 - Loss of suppl/ to one of the  earings.
1JC" - %aintain su;cient intact sta ilit/ 1JC, - English or "rench
1JJ1 - it will ha$e su;cient  uilt in  uo/an... 1J+W - it can  e dropped from a height of ma>i... 1J51 - Each crew mem er signs in part  of the... 1J6L - Add some mU of cold water
11)) - G and : litres
11E6 - The water will e>plode into steam causi... 11"+ - Within G  U& to :Q U&
11"5 - #igh water le$el in the water seal 11#* - :
11C) - ?ump.
11,C - 5trong acidic solution.
116C - ?opes made of natural = res such as m... 1LA+ - To secure the rope.
1LAT - 5eries of short  lasts
1L)2 - At inter$als not e>ceeding Q steps. 1LJ2 - &logged tur ocharger =lters.
1L 2 - All of the answers are good
1L5& - Cn tan<s not adacent to the shipKs she... 1%AT - ?adiotelephon/ - +hase modulation 1%', -  utside the colored None.
1%JW - 'ear pump
1%J2 - 'ra$it/ disc is too small. "low rate is... 1% T - & 8 horn
1%?E - To measure the distance from the dec< o... 1%T5 - )istri ution and weight of the containe... 1% + - A!er it has  een laid down
1%W# - The Cnternational %anagement &ode for t... 1,)* - The/ must ensure that wor<ers are pro$i... 1,E? - Cnform passengers at freFuent inter$als...
1,L) - "or safet/ reasons otherwise seawater... 1,%E -  e automaticall/ acti$ated when Ioatin... 1,,W - &o$er the spillage with a la/er of foam... 1, * - Cndependent tan< t/pe A need
1,5& - +reparation of sur$i$al cra!sK Emergen... 1,T7 - length of painter
1 #T - Best use of the sur$i$al cra! faciliti... 1 #2 - ,ot less than  min a!er starting from... 1 C? - To pre$ent the alternator from Hmotorin... 1 L& - A relief $al$e.
1 LE - 0G00 - (:00 hrs
1 ,7 - an operational compass pro$ided with a... 1 *' - 2es if the ship for e>ample is not i...
1 WW - Warm clothes  lan<ets and lifeac<ets 1+&A -  n oard training and instruction shall... 1+&W - )etergent.
1+E+ - muster station
1+") - E>haust gas temperatures are higher tha... 1+'" - slow to get slow cooling.
1*A6 -  essel aground
1*BB - To meet the reFuirements of goods to  e... 1*B - "?
1*B2 - To  e sure that we do not ha$e water co... 1*&A - +ro$ide clear warning that persons must... 1*&? - 5ur$i$al cra! porta le radio
1*)* - radio log or shipKs log
1*EC - ,ame and +ort of registr/ of /our $esse... 1*C, - The dec< cargo shall  e stowed so that... 1*,* - 5top all cargo operations and close the... 1*5% - &arr/ out procedures to instru
1*W - ?esistance 3300 ohms...
1?BW - +eople o;cers and crew
1?)L - Cn a room especiall/ meant for cleaning... 1?)% - 'oosenec< $ent on main dec<
1?), -  #" channel 0G or 0
1?" - Warning signs that indicate lac< of o>/... 1?1E - The atmosphere should  e gas free and c... 1?% -  /ears
1? T - "?0(
15'1 - 38
15 & - M4- 0.0G  ar
15+? - The aircra! wishes to inform or instru... 15T& - To remo$e solids water and sludge.
15WJ -  e of su;cient strength to permit to... 156" - &harlie #otel Alfa ,o$emer ,o$eme... 1561 - go to /our muster station
1TC# - 5ituation ?eport.
1TC1 -  $er a wide range of temperature $ariat... 1TJ" - the/ must not  e used for an/ purpose 1TL+ - %onitor the tan< pressure closel/ and i... 1T,) - not less than  0 of total c
17'# - 7ntil all crew mem ers and passengers h... 17'C - "ouling of the hull
17L - 5 LA5
17++ - gi$e one of CnmarsatKs Hspecial accessc... 1 &A -  nce e$er/ month
1 && - +osted on the notice  oard on  oard. 1 E5 -  e repeated a!er 3 and a half to  and... 1 +% - E>cessi$e heating caused  / o$er tighte... 1 *) - When the capacit/ reF
1 ?E - &ompressor discharge pressure 1 ?' - Between : and Q.
1 7% - Cncrease safet/ for all ships in the ar... 1 7? - Amplitude modulation 9A%
1  1 - At all times 1  L - ?( 4 ?8 P ?3 4 ?
1 6A - M: & to M0 &
1 6& - &omplete interchangea ilit/ of hose cou... 1 67 - A rapid ringing of the  ell forward fol...
1 2 - &rude oil washing.
1W&B - ?egularl/ chec< the g/ro against the ma... 1W+J - As soon as possi le  ut not later than...
1W+% - 2es must e cooled to 8 U&. 16LB - #uman error
12B2 - the/ are =>ed-temperature detectors 12'T - "igure 8.
12T# - B/ all the other mentioned alternati$es... 127& - As an a le seaman
12 6 -  pening water function missing. LAA# - Letter % plus two other letters.
LA L - To assist in the e;cient and safe wat... LA?A - Breadth is gi$en  / B on the =gure LA56 - "orcastle head manifolds maindec<U LA2, - All of the items in the other alternati..
LB'' - The use of the shipKs line throwing app... LB'6 - coa> ca le
LB5, - Cncrease the dosage of chemicals and t... LB B - At least once a month if circumstances... LB 2 - The smallest diameter piston is the sta... LBWB - Allowance must  e mad
L&"# -  - Q0 &entigrades.
L&'W - The/ must  e fa ricated of non-com usti... L&% - All of the mentioned alternati$es.
L&+A - (8.000 hours
L&*7 - The 'eneral &i$il +enalties &ode 3(... L&* - 5tart air suppl/
L&?T - The rotor  lades are damaged or the  la... L)EA - The method of release from launching ap... L)' - in a continuous wa/ so that the powder... L)#5 - a.  lue  . gra/ c. orang
L)C* - Thic< paper 9old charts.
L)1 - A $essel engaged in =shing other than... L)L+ - )ou le shut-oO $al$es or  / clearl/ id... L)L5 - Zero-+oint
L)L2 - +otato Iour
L) 1 - #e wants the  5 to show him where the s... L)+& - one cop/ of the prescri ed life-sa$ing...
L)+W - a means for collecting rain water LE)% -  B* 9on  oard Fuantit/.
LE12 - ?adar transponder
LE% - listen out on  #" channel (G
LE*T - 2es to a$oid cold cargo to came in con... LETE - TL is threshold limit $alue and the un... L"AT - 'o$ernor droop settings on each prime m... L"A - )uring wor< in tan<s the
L"22 - "ormula 
L''C - A shipKs classi=cation societ/ recogni... L'#' - assigned freFuenc/
L'5E - )ecrease the speed as much as practica ... L'WL - Wire connected to chain through center... L#E* - 
L#" - &are wages free passage home L#CW - Within 8 hrs.
L#,) - & 8 plant.
L#5A - 5eparation of two insolu le liFuids wit... LC&7 - "lash point
LC&6 - 1eep the Ioors and dec<s free from fat... LC) - Astern is de=ned as ) on the =gure
LC"+ - "lame detector LC'1 - Wee<l/
LC%& - Because the ship is lea$ing a!er sunse... LC,, - ,eutral cleaner.
LC*" - ?adiotele> and )5& - "reFuenc/ shi! <e... LC*' - 5lower
LC?E - ?adiotelephon/ - "reFuenc/ modulation LC5, - 5eamanKs Act 5ection .
LC55 - must also  e <ept a!er the implementat... LC57 - directions for search operations
LC " - cannot  e charged
LC2J - 7se a rope ladder close to the ra! to... LJBE - A Nener  arrier is a unit made to o tai... LJE* - (8 
LJC - ?elati$el/ non linear characteristic
LJ1, - one waterproof electric torch suita le... LJL2 - The $essel  ecomes sluggish in respondi... LJWW - )o not use loose garments  elts ties... L1&* - ,ine digits  eginning w
L1#7 - alwa/s sent twice
L1#6 -  rganiNe a loo<out s/stem and oin up w... L1J - as a fa>
L1 E - Area protected  / sprin<ler L12# - Cn a pressure transmitter. LLC+ - 'o to /our life oat station
LLT" - #and or  od/ heat the aOected parts s<... LL7A - %o$e the load in the direction of the s... LL7& - on the  asis of a si> second minimum ch... LL 7 - Lu ricating oil tempera
L%&% - at least (  of , 9X
L%+6 - 5witch the 7%5 selector switch to manua... L%*5 - 5ecurite 5ecurite 93 times
L%51 - +osition A.
L%TC - A non-emulsif/ing agent with self split... L%6" - e$er/ od/ can read along
L,A - Cn case of an emergenc/ situation the... L,)E - E$er/one who ma/  e in charge of life-s... L,EE - ,o the $essel must wait his return or...
L,'* - the height of the la/ers of ionisation L,1? - The water can  e applied in a =ne spra... L,16 - 5et the engine to dead slow ahead and... L, ) - Too long C-time
L " - clean the dust =lter of the fan regula... L '* - two  uo/ant rescue Fuoits
L C2 - to enhance the safet/ of li$es at sea L 1+ - A large $essel o$erta<ing a small $esse...
L L1 - 1nowing e>actl/ how the eFuipments are... L ++) - life uo/ with light and smo<e
L 5C - Cn and outlet temperatures and Iow ra... L 6& - 7nsaturated h/drocar ons are colourless... L+"6 - Windlass is gi$en  / B on the =gure
L+#6 - once a month L+J - 2es
L+ 7 - The emplo/er must write an up-to-date p... L+66 - +owder
L+25 - J3E
L*BJ - a sea-anchor =tted with a shoc<-resist... L*"L - ( hours per da/
L*'# - 0
L*'J - goosenec< $ent on main dec< L*L# - Less than (8 to (
L*?) - 5hut down of inert gas  lower L*5 - ?aise the  oom lower the load. L*7E - +or<
L*W) - "igure 3.
L*66 -  pen for the steam =rst to a$oid freeN... L?BA - The  est use of all sur$i$al cra! faci...
L?)5 - The purpose of the C'& code is to pro$i... L?C7 - A person ta<ing cargo samples must wear... L?,W - J3E
L?  - 'entl/ Iood the casualt/Ks ear with te... L? * - &hec< if an/ internal or hull lea<ages L?5W - ( mA....
L?52 - p# $alue
L?7C a food ration for each person
L?W& Cndonesian waters
L?6W 1g
L5&+ 5e$en 9:.
L5)? All of the alternati$es together.
L5"& - %a<ing the gra  uc<et4hoo< mo$e up and...
L5JL  re Bul<  il.
L5?5 Ac<nowledgement reFuest
L55? - Wire for pulling  urning ships oO the...
L5W Brass <nife
LT&+ - 3 Q.
LT'A Csolated danger
LTC, Bro<en water seal.
LT,L 0G08 et (8( %#N
LT*? the length of the ship
LT6? - 2es at the =rst port a!er his  irthd...
L7AE - ,o despite the fact that he promised t...
L7AT - The sla$e controller shall  e in remote...
L7)J 5tart engine
L7) - To pro$ide continuous digital selecti$e...
L7"B - According to the nomograms 2ou select a...
L7%1 7nannounced drills at an/ time
L7%% - Ball and  utterI/ $al$es are generall/...
L7?? G88:380
L )J Tan<er $essels carr/ing oil
L E# An/ of the others.
L "A - muster and em ar<ation stations shall  ...
L LW &om ustion suppression
L %1 Warm nutritious drin<s.
L ? - &hec<ing the operation of watertight do... L 5L - Blac<
L 72 - 383:
L   - Because the &aptain e>pects fog earl/ i... L  * -  l 4mU4 min
L 6C - all the answers are correct L 2A - +C-controller
L 2& - The ship is loaded in such a manner tha... LWAA - A?* followed  / the coast-stationKs C)-... LWB5 - Lower life oat to water
LW)J - The C'& code primaril/ deals with gas c... LW15 - &hec< own $essel for an/ loss of life...
LW,) - 8
LW+5 - reFuest of an Hautomatic tele> testH LW7+ -  essel HAH merchant $essel
LW6# - onl/ send a positi$e deli$er/ noti=cat... L6#E - #% &oastguard
L6CT - A lamp 90-0 mA and a mA-meter in ser... L6,' - Ct must  e constructed of appro$ed non-... L656 - Enclosed 5pace Entr/ +ermit and &old Wo... L6T6 - s</ wa$e
L2C7 - E+C?B
L2C - ,o
L21, - A remed/ to which the mooring lines are... L21 - Breadth is gi$en  / B on the =gure
L2%A S 5afet/net
%AAW - (8 mA
%A"+ - Echo Cndia 'olf #otel Tango
%A"* -  ictor  scar Lima 7niform %i<e Ech...
%AJW - Atmospheric line
%A%L - 5ecure hatches
%A 6 - +owde r.
%A7* -  <g
%BAT - the use of  #" )5&
%BE? - 5ca$enge ports dirt/.
%B"+ - All alternati$es
%B'1 - +ro$ide a replacea le wear surface for...
%BJW - Ct adheres to the  oiler tu es and redu...
%B%' - M (.  ar
%B * - To chec< condensate returns for oil.
%B?' - All answers are good
%BT5 - The asphalt unli<e sulphur is a $iscous...
%B7 - E$er/ person other than the &aptain and...
%B J - ?emo$e the cartridge and weigh it as it...
%BW# - a de$ice to secure a painter near its  ...
%B6& - 8(: <#N
%&E% - Cnde=nite
%&E+ - All of the mentioned alternati$es.
%&C - When an/thing unusual happens and 30 m...
%&1, - G
%&%& - %ac<erel =llet
%&65 - not possi le
%&2* - 'i$e rele$ant instructions and warnings...
%))6 - +h/sical chec<ing the ramp4cargo holds4...
%)#W - (G hours
%)CW - the operating certi=cates of the radio...
%)J1 - 80 tons
%)L& - To pre$ent the en$ironment to  e pollut...
%),T - 5tart water-spra/
%), - C,%A?5AT-A.
%)*' - 2es pro$ided it appears amongst other...
%E&7 - The/ are to let go on the stern lines
%E&6 - 5o! cloth on wide applier with handle....
%E)5 - %a<e sure that the compartment has  een...
%E"' - Automaticall/ when the temperature is...
%EC - will immediatel/  e detected within the...
%EJJ the use of %" )5&
%EL6 ground wa$e
%E%2 - 7se a rope ladder close to the ra! to...
%E+1 A  olt in e$er/ hole
%EWT - Bro<en water seal oil outside the top...
%"B2 - %a<e fast on the $esselKs shoulder to p...
%") -  miles
%")* - identif/ /ourself with /our call sign a...
%",+ - According to the C'& code liFue=ed gas...
%'A2 - all alternati$es
%'&, - 800 meters
%'&5 - #ot wor< permit M +ermit for entr/.
%'+W - 8 <g
%' T - E$er/ two /ears
%##+ - )o not use dangerous liFuid detergents...
%#J' - ,ot permissi le an/ where.
%#12 - ensure a Iow of steam through the supe...
%#L, - E$er/ three months at least once a /ea...
%#%+ - +re$ent contamination if lea<s are de$e...
%#,E - (00 Tons
%#,1 - ?ecirc. full open fresh air inta<e clo...
%#,% - Cn ports onl/
%#+B - The welder shall ha$e  een instructed i...
%#? - 5egregate the oil in a separate tan< fo...
%C"6 - Q '#N
%CCB - 88 m.
%CJ) - Life oat
%CJ" - must  e replaced  efore the e>pir/ date...
%CJ2 - %A2)A2 ?ELA2 93>
%CL1 - The  oundar/  etween oils and waterU
%C E - "uel oil Fualit/
%C*L - To reduce the general ris< of =re in a...
%C* - da$it launched lifera!
%CT7 - ,ot allow the clothes to  e hung an/whe...
%CW# - Legs  ent  ac< straight using leg mus...
%J)T - 1eep the <e/s with the )ut/  ;cer4Ele...
%J1% -  essel ?esponse +lan
%J1W - a one-sided transmission meant for one...
%J+, - "E&
%J+ -  pacit/ amount and colour
%J6 - "ire station
%1AJ - ?egulations of (( )ec. (Q( concerning...
%1A7 - , ?
%1&" - the use of 5A?T transponders
%1'% - to inform the ,&5 that one is a$aila le...
%1%C - Lac< of o>/genU
%1,& - )epartment of En$ironment Transport an...
%1?E - Cf pac<ing fails the pump can  e <ept r...
%1T2 - With  oth $essels underwa/ =g. (
%17% - the num er of persons should  e clearl/...
%16A - Be chec<ed at regular inter$als for gas...
%L11 - The &erti=cate of &ompetenc/ 9or eFui$...
%L?7 - Cncreased $elocit/ and decreased waterp...
%L?W - &onnecting rod
%%&W -  compressions a!er e$er/ ( i nIation
%%'B - 3Q
%%%7 - All the listed alternati$es
%%%6 - Temp sensiti$e semi-conductor
%%+1 - Adustment of Zero-point and span
%,'2 - 92
%,#5 - ,egati$e
%,C, - Lea$e the engine room as Fuic<l/ as pos...
%,, - B/ spring.
%, % - A(A8A3 and A
%,*7 - ( meter
%,6% - Enough capacit/ to secure a certain dra...
%,21 - 5itting on a chair leaning forward wi...
% BB - &losing must  e possi le from outside t...
% &, - Li$er
% )% - +ushed  / su;cient force to accuratel...
% '? - When he is properl/ relie$ed.
% %, - to pre$ent contact with earth
% *7 - All passengers that will reFuire some f...
% 5, - se$en digits  eginning  / (
%+AB - +anama lead is gi$en  / & on the =gure...
%+A - %A2)A2 ?ELA2 93>
%+TB - A change in the $iscosit/ of the mi>tur...
%+7 - G0 Ah
%+2B - +eaches
%+2) - Before lea$ing the port
%+2# - #e wants the  5 to train as helmsman to...
%+2C - Ensuring that al l persons a$oid smo<ing...
%*B5 - To ma<e a cop/ of the ,C5 act and the &...
%*"A - ,ear to the dec< crawl out <eeping /ou...
%*C% -  utside the coloured None.
%*+ - ,atural  ends at inter$alsU
%?EW - ,o
%?JA - As and when the manoeu$ring $essel inst...
%?J5 - a remotel/ operated steering arrangemen...
%?,C - ?emo$al of e>cess o>/gen in the feed wa...
%?TW - (:.
%?WE - &hec<ing the moorings for tightness4sla...
%?6' - to <eep a listening watch on two channe...
%5&B - 5uspend all cargo transfer operations a...
%5&) - &hec< the surface of the sliprings pol...
%5## - %a<e sure that the compartment has  een...
%5#C - ,o need of an/ signal
%5C& - 7se the intercom to inform crew and pas...
%5C) - The $esselKs cow manual.
%5L -  nce e$er/ month
%5%C - the Ioor of the ra! has a second la/e...
%5++ -  #"-channel (3 in the areas where the m...
%5*1 - The 5eaworthiness Act.
%552 - A"-gain
%5 1 - A whistle and a light
%56) - The sea chest $al$e.
%TB) - 7ndue o$erspeeding.
%T)B - Cncrease in dra! to the point on /our...
%T)) - "uel inector
%T)T - 5tart engine
%T)W - To remo$e solids water and sludge.
%T%) - the %%5C
%T,6 -  perating instructions for life-sa$ing...
%T*# - )uring em ar<ing and disem ar<ing the d...
%TT* - All of these.
%7L& - Cnformation a out muster station on  oa...
%7,T - a class B =re
%7+E - Bro<en water seal oil outside the top...
%75? - 7ntil all crew mem ers and passengers h...
%77C - '3E
%7WW - A unction  etween two dissimilar metal...
% )% - a collect call
% 'A - 5odium h/drosulphite  potassium h/dro...
% 'B - All the answers are good
% JC - +ol/merisation ta<e place when a single...
% , - 30 minutes.
% +' -  
% +C - All the other alternati$es
% *C - &arr/ out a right or le! hand search a...
% 5L - ?elati$el/ wide range of temperature me...
% 5T - 
% T% - has a lateral =eld of $ision of at lea...
%   - The stern will H ac<H into the wind
% 2L - Ct is recommended especiall/ when dish...
% 2 - simple>
%WA# - Water +ump +liers
%WCT - "reFuenc/
%WLB - A Nener  arrier. 9+ositi$e
%W J - co$ers the whole  od/ with the e>ceptio...
%W & - the wa/ in which radio wa$es tra$el are...
%6EE - &lose the $entilation s/stem and other...
%6"W - #old
%6'? - The oil relief $al$e on the c/linder  l...
%6' - The foam should  e directed towards the...
%6C1 - Lower life oat to water
%6C - Alwa/s use correct wor<ing techniFues f...
%612 - )ismantle the e>changer and chec< or...
%6L2 -  ...
%6 ' - %asterKs record and )ocumentation =le....
%65+ ?"-gain
%6TC - the h/drostatic release unit
%2B+ - +an +an 93 times
%2B* - A class di$ision
%2B? - Total pressure head
%2)# - :
%2)J - where relia le radio communication can...
%2' - CtKs a cargo tan< where all piping or $...
%2'W - ?aise the =re alarm.
%2JB - controlling the mo$ements of passengers...
%2,1 - Cn J3E mode - on simple>  asis
%2+6 - The ,orwegian %aritime )irectorate
%275 - 2ou will  e a le to smell the presence...
%22) S 
,A)1 - The cargo $apour is normall/ condensed a...
,AJ# - Bod/ temperature  elow 3& 4 #eat the  ...
,AJJ - 5eparation of water and oil.
,A5% - increasing with poorer cooling of the a...
,A7& - To =ll up the lines slowl/.
,AW2 - so that neither cra! nor stowage arran...
,B&+ - &argo heater cargo condenser freon co...
,BEB - All/l alcohol is incompati le with prop...
,B"2 - Ct would  e determined  / ris< assessme...
,B J - "lames are usuall/ higher than the diam...
,B*6 - "orces which  ends the $essel up and do...
,B?? - Cf during a +ort state or "lag state $i...
,B5" - the use of %" and4or  #" ?4T
,BTC - +i$ot point
,&)" - &lean the heat transfer surface
,&1 - &alculate the time of the sunset and th...
,&%% - less than 80m
,&% - B <eeps clear of A
,&,E - C98 P  A
,& ' - four roc<et parachute Iares
,& 6 -  ?
,&TB - E+C?B
,&75 - se$en or more short  lasts followed  /...
,)B+ - The signs use  lac< lettering on a whit...
,)"? -  entilate e>cessi$el/U
,)'% - To ensure that we do not ha$e an/ water...
,)1+ - - 3  ...
,)1? - &oalU
,)L+ - use of communication eFuipment
,)L? - sea-charts and na$igating eFuipment
,)%" - Cnformal warning9s "ormal warning9s...
,) 2 - ?educe the ?+% to reduce the sca$enge a...
,EA? - is important
,EAW - 5ecure hatches
,E&1 - A! spring is de=ned as A on the =gur...
,EEW - an immersion suit or an anti-e>posure s...
,E'L - As with no. 8
,EJ - at least 800  , 9life oat capacit/D (0...
,EL+ - That the &BA e>pressl/ states that it a...
,E*C - #e would  e signed in form AL& (c
,"B# - Letter  .
,") - L"-gain
,""* - 5earchlight to  e pro$ided at the launc...
,"'J - Lower life oat to water
,"+J - Lu oil cooler is clogged.
,"T+ - ,one of the other alternati$es
,"TW - #old space is the space enclosed  / the...
,"7+ - either (0 of the num er of persons the...
," " - #e wants the anchor secured thoroughl/
," ' - &hec< for proper air $ent of the e>chan...
," L - 5top the engine and loo< for a fuel or...
,'A# - The use of drogues
,'"% - Both local remote from  ridge and one...
,' L - ?apid reco$er/ shall  e possi le with t...
,'+' - The interface mo$es outwards
,'+% - either automaticall/ on immersion or  /...
,'*J - A ship with a long slim hull
,'5T - +roportional increase - higher tempera...
,'WA - alwa/s
,'6+ - Each life oat shall  e launched with it...
,'67 - The/ ma/ not carr/ cargo  etween ,orweg...
,#'" - )ecrease.
,#L" - An/ one of The ,orwegian %aritime )irec...
,#+# - 5hould  e informati$e for  oth operatio...
,#7# - A continuous )5& watch on &hannel :0.
,#7C - smo<e going out the stac<
,CA6 - Blow down  oiler and chec< condenser fo...
,CBB - A responsi le  ;cer
,CB6 - #/pothermia
,C) - Cnform the ste$edore superintendent th...
,C)* - 5  5 9Telegraph/ 4 %A2)A2 9Teleph...
,C)? - &lean the s/stem and change the oil.
,C)T - The person who is designated in the mus...
,C') - &o-ordinator 5urface 5earch
,C#6 - 'reas/ sludge from the compressor stic<...
,CCL - ,o dri!ing in  allast condition ma/  ...
,C%5 - life uo/ with light
,C,' - All $essels carr/ing more than (0 000 g...
,C7B - #e will =nd new  ra<e  ands in the eng...
,JA - All the mentioned alternati$es.
,JBT - 5egregated  allast tan<er.
,JB2 - (8 h
,J J - (0 minutes
,JW - 5ensiti$it/
,J6* - 5hort circuit protection.
,1E# - &all the engineer on watch
,1J' - All answers are good
,1%* - All wor<
,1+W - ?educe mechanical wear on the internal...
,15+ - Cmpro$e material of inta<e air =lters
,1  - B/ ha$e him demonstrate his a ilit/
,1 W - C% 5olid Bul< &argoes &odeU
,LAA - the coast-station
,L&, - clim up and down $ertical ladders from...
,LCE - "oam installation
,L1W - "ire alarm  ell
,L%% - A  uo/ or a lighthouse which is acti$at...
,%A5 - Ct means that the product is included i...
,%B* - Tell the ett/man to stop loading immed...
,%1T - (G mA
,%?J - a non-s<id =nish on all surfaces on wh...
,%T - 3 of the total cargo $olume.
,,)) - the speed of the $essel
,,E - The engine o;cer in charge of  un<eri...
,,"L - Lea<ing inection $al$e.
,,", - The position ensures that an open airwa...
,,"? - 8(8 <#N.
,,J - 2earl/
,,  - Life uo/ with light and smo<e
,,+ - not  e sent  /  #"-installation
,,+* - 1eep /our wor<ing area clean and tid/.
,,56 - +iston rod
,,T+ - ensuring that passengers and crew are m...
,,T? - The h/draulic pump is usuall/ used for...
,, # - ,ot speci=ed e>actl/  ut recommends a...
, A# - 5tand on dr/ insulating material and pu...
, '' - ,ear to the entrance to the space
, C+ - (
, C? - Enhanced 'roup &all
,  L - )rill press
, T% - Area protected  / & 8
, 2% - The + R C &lu Ks nearest representati$e...
,+L" - ,/lon.
,+*E - Cn the 5 LA5 con$ention and its anne>
,+?T - A class =re door
,+5T - the/ alwa/s ha$e access to the radio-eF...
,+ ' - %as<  ottle frame medium pressure $a...
,+  - ,ot to damage the rotor  lades.
,+ 2 - Cntegral tan<s are normall/ not allowed...
,+W2 - (3 - ( U&
,*A" - starting and operating the life oat eng...
,*#W - 5mo<e detector
,*1C - Li<el/ cause a sudden or $iolent list d...
,*%5 - The/ ha$e had pro lems securing the gan...
,**E - ( ppm
,*?T - &argo ships  elow 300 tons gross
,* A - how the order to a andon ship will  e g...
,* W - Cdenti=cation of the ship.
,?&* - +owder.
,?&W - E$er/one
,?), - Annuall/ or more freFuentl/ due to new...
,?L2 - ( ++%
,?% - 3U
,?%W - A! is de=ned as A on the =gure
,?,J - %ust not e>ceed   / $olume.
,?,L - hatches positioned so as to allow launc...
,?W5 - All ships that are co$ered  / the C% s...
,?W - (
,5A2 - 'ear pump
,5)1 - There isnKt longtitudal  ul<head in mem...
,5'5 - ,ot recommended at all.
,5J) - "orward is gi$en  / & on the =gure
,5," - Lifeac<et
,5 " -  e sent  / an %"-installation on the )5...
,5?+ - 3 min
,5?? - The "W-#T is circulated in a closed s/s...
,TA? - Both s/stems use same chart datum
,TBL - Air suppression
,TB5 -  pen when pressure in the  oiler is in...
,T&* - B/ inhaling s<in penetrating s<in a s...
,T)J - ,one of the a o$e
,T"7 - To a$oid  ac<Iow of gas to the engineU...
,TJA - "(B
,TJ - half of the total num er of life uo/s p...
,TJ6 - routine
,T?' - 5o neither the rescue  oat nor its laun...
,T , - #e must sign on in section AL& (c of th...
,TW% - %aintain the speci=ed  oiling temperat...
,T6B - )irection B
,7CA - 8 
,75E - T T T 9Telegraph/ 4 5E&7?CTE 9Telephon...
,7TE - Cnto the cran<case and mi> with the lu ...
,776 - 5Fuare 5/stem
,7 L - :m
, A - E$er/ port
, A* - )etails of ship the date of =rst entr...
, E - Cnerted to less than  o>/gen9C%  .
, 1L - '3E
, 1+ - Line fuses and o$ercurrent rela/s
, *# - 5hear forces and  ending moments.
, ?" - To do a full cali ration.
, 5A - B/ immersing them in  uc<ets with oil a.. .
, 56 - 2our ship will sheer to star oard rathe...
,W)6 - The freFuenc/ of the incoming alternato...
,W"J - The infrared radiation and ultra$iolet...
,W#) - Bimetallic strips need time to cool dow...
,WJ, - Because /ou ma/ cut /our =ngers.
,W1C - The sur$e/or is chec<ing that the emer...
,WLC - %idships is gi$en  / B on the =gure
,W,5 - 7pper.
,W?" - G
,W55 - date of replacement of the  atter/
,6&& - The signal which is stated in the muste...
,6&) - All mentioned functions
,6E% - All com usti le materials
,6"E - ,one
,6T5 -  n the cargo tan< area all timeU
,2AJ - "or safet/ reasons to ensure that all...
,2BB - a disc aerial is used
,2B# - 5omewhere a! of the center of gra$it/...
,2"J - )ismantle the e>changer and chec< or re...
,2"L - +urging inertgas purging air inspect...
,25, - &orrect donning of life-ac<ets
,2WA - Cnformation related to =re =ghting eF...
,2WT - +ump out a small Fuantit/ from each tan...
 AE5 - An a  re$iation of American +etroleum Cn...
 A*& - #ot wor<
 AT5 - 800 nm and capacit/ for e$acuating more...
 B&W - "ire e>tinguishers eFuipped for powder...
 BE* - 8
 BJ, - The load connected to the switch oard
 BL2 -  nl/ if appro$ed  / the "lag 5tate
 B,5 - At the dec< le$el and near the  ulwar<...
 B, - Wrong installation will result in a ma...
 B+J - 383:
 B? - All the mentioned alternati$es.
 B2L - Em ar<ation ladder
 &E' - &entral cooling s/stem
 &JJ - chec< that we ha$e an open discharge li...
 &1' - a manuall/ controlled lamp =tted on th...
 &5% - two minutes
 &5 - J3E
 &21 - %etals
 )A' - An/ of the mentioned e>tinguishers
 )B" - Wire for pulling  urning ships oO the...
 )E# - All the answers are good
 )"# - access hatches which can  e closed wate...
 )% - The method of launching from within the...
 ),# - ma<e contact with an ?&&
 )T% - 8 - 3 
 EEC - westerl/ and northerl/ direction
 E*7 - "asten seat  elts
 E7A - Ct is more eas/ to gi$e correct pressur...
 E 7 - +rocedures according to instructions fo...
 E  - Bearing damage.
 EWT - A eam is de=ned as A on the =gure
 E6 - When the machiner/ spaces are in the ma...
 E6+ - ha$e self- ailing arrangements
 "B* - (800 litres of free air
 "'T - A! spring is de=ned as A on the =gur...
 "#5 - &lass B =re
 "LW - 5tarting and operating radio life-sa$in...
 "+ - &an not produce enough energ/ to ignite...
 "*T - 5eelonce )istress
 "5J - +ic< up for tachometer is wrongl/ adus...
 "6" - med M
 'EA - ,o
 'E -  utside the space which is to  e protec...
 '## - To neutraliNe the acids occurring in th...
 'L+ - To get rid of sludge in the water cham ...
 ',' - ma/da/ 9(> call-sign of ship in distr...
 ',# - There are three t/pes of independent ta...
 '+? - All the mentioned alternati$es U
 '*+ - +ushed  / su;cient force to accuratel...
 '6E -  lending L" R #" signals
 #&B - #eat the  all earing in oil and put it...
 #)B - +A,-+A,
 #)2 - Cn the "lag 5tate o;cial language wit...
 #E7 - (00 - 300 ++% &a& 3.
 #" - +arallel 5/stem
 #'% - +ainted red4/ellow4red with the red  an...
 #,6 - three tin-openers and a pair of scissor...
 #*" - A pharmac/ authorised or accepted  / th...
 #*# - To clarif/ circumstances and causes of...
 #52 - (0 - ( watt
 #TW - 30 - 300 %#N
 CBJ - 8 miles
 C)7 - The performance of the engine is reduce...
 C)W - &onstant Iow clean pro es and tempera...
 CE* - ,o
 C+L - 8( 
 C6* - Triac...
 JEL - (Q0G hours 7T& on the (:th of the month...
 JE% - ,o he is e>empt from signing
 J"' - Al<aline detergent 9strong.
 J#6 - month
 JLA - All of the mentioned alternati$es.
 J?A - (0 %ohm
 J?& -  
 J6+ - &
 1BC - (
 11' - on ships on short international $o/ages...
 1%B - Bringing the engine up to su;cient nu...
 17" - 5earch the engine room ma<e sure all p...
 1W - a testing program  uilt in for this pur...
 LB) - 5top the washing process and not resume...
 L#T - E$er/ three months.
 L1' - Anchor  all
 LL6 - ionisation la/ers
 L,7 - +re$ents the  ac<Iow of inert gasses i...
 LTC - =tted with water poc<ets of a highl/ $...
 L6* - The Act relating to hours of wor< and t...
 %&+ - The tan< shall  e mechanicall/ $entilat...
 %)J - The camsha! rotates with half the ?+%...
 %'? - 8
 %#* - Blow the  un<er hose to a$oid oil spill...
 %C+ - T&
 %6* -  nl/ %erchant 5hipping ,otices 9%5,s
 ,)1 - ,ot less than 80 changes per hour.
 ,"5 - To ma<e sure the o is done under cont...
 ,'T - "LEET,ET
 ,#, - The percentage of the L.E.L. in the am ...
 ,J' - &lose the $al$es on  oth  ottles =rst...
 ,1B - Cnmarsat-& eFuipment
 ,+W - #ow to release from launching appliance...
 ,*? - 5afet/ shoes or safet/  oots
 ,72 - ,o it is not
  A7 - +ower dissipation capa ilit/
  AW - B/ gi$ing the $essel a star oard turn
  #J - As< /our superior for ad$ice  efore att...
  1* - The master and the shipowner are respon...
  %J - 'oggles and shield.
  5W - 'i$e information on sur$i$al cra! capa...
  2E - Cn$estigating accidents4incidents and m...
 +,7 - All the mentioned alternati$es.
 ++ - The $essel will roll $iolentl/U
 +*, - The thermostat has one or more contacts...
 +?C -  ?oc<et parachute 4 G hand Iares 4 8...
 +5 - 'o$ernment Authorities of the "lag 5tat...
 +W) -  ne hose for each =re h/drant
 +WC -  regano
 *#J - "reFuenc/
 *C& - E$er/ three months
 *J* - heat the feed-water
 *1 - "uel inection ad$anced too far due to...
 *LL - ,otif/ the engine room of the procedure...

*5 - ( metre
*+L - e pro$ided with a painter s/stem with...
*75 - 30 litres pr. nautical mile
?)) - &ut it with the <nife contained in the...
?E+ - 5mo<ing is onl/ permitted in designated...
?"J - "at =sh
?#E - To relief pressure in a cran<case e>plo...
?CW - &95 P  \"
?%A - :0
?? - T6D 8(::.0 <#N?6D 8(::.0 <#N
?6& - (80 m3
5AC - Cmmediatel/ stop the discharging.
5A1 - +ortale =re e>tinguisher
5)* - +ersonnel authoriNed / the masterU
5)2 - The primar/ controller in a cascade con...
5E? - 2es.
5"J - two sea-anchors one eing spare
5"1 - 5trong al<aline solution.
5C - "(B
5,? - ?ead oO the compass and <eep her stea...
5+J - 2es in ship of :G m in length and long...
 5T1 - Just prior to reaching the water the l...
 TAE - %echanical and chemical.
 T)1 - ?elease gripes
 T"' - Cn the 5 LA5 con$ention.
 T'6 - a coa> ca le of proper impedance
 T*A - #igher temperature leads to lower liter...
 TT% - 80ppm
 T7' - )ischarge the washing to shore receptio...
 T7C - Cncrease dosage.
 T2" - The  ow ma/  e suc<ed against and the...
 7)L - pressed in during spea<ing onl/ to wor<...
 7%, - Ct is easier to damage a centrifugal pu...
 7 E - Transistor...
 7 J - Cnmarsat -B and -%
 7?T - Each $essel $apor connection Iange mus...
  )' - 3
  #? - +ale or gre/.
  1) - The o;cer in charge at the  arge or t...
  1W - ?eacti$e load 9< A?
  12 - "uel oil with poor com ustion propertie...
  LW - A $aria le electric signal.
  *5 - 8(8 <#N4 #" channel (G
  ?L - &op/ of crew agreement posted in a cons...
  ?% -  ne
  5# -  n the =re control plan
  7T - ,eutral to al<aline solution.
  72 - the calling station
   ? -  n CL 88
 WA7 - &otton
 WB? - 5ecure all  urners
 W)C - 5ur$i$al cra! distress p/rotechnic sig...
 W"T - water
 W"6 - A $essel ma/ proceed onl/ when it has r...
 W'L - 'rapes
 W', - Ct is how man/ degrees a ship continues...
 WL% - A garage tweendec< on a passenger ferr/...

WL* - (8(
WE - Too much comustion air
W*% - %ost attac<s ta<e place in territorial...
W?# - 8000
6A, - 3 long lasts repeatedl/
6A5 - To a$oid the compressor-oil to disappe...
6ET - )ecemer
6"7 - )irection-=nders to e installed on o...
61W - /ou must call on another wor<ing channe...

 6L? - That the strainer needs cleaning.

 626 - To ma>imiNe discharge outturnU
 2A% - 3 meters
 2%& - CtVs a product added into a cargo in or...
 2TW - %atch the siNe and capacit/ of the ship...
 2T6 - "rom the water space.
 26# - Ct will gi$e full  ac< Iow at the time...
 22* - (0 000 <J4person
+A," - 7se water e>tinguisher to put out the =...
+A 2 - #e is to help the other crew mem ers an...
+A*5 - &onsult with the instruction manual for...
+A* - All of the mentioned eFuipment.
+A72 - the use of 5A?T transponders
+B#' - G0 minutes
+BC" - A unit su ordinate to a rescue co-ordin...
+B1? - The sla$e controller recei$es the set-p...
+B1T - ,a$igate the $essel on ground as soon a...
+B*C - G
+B?1 - gi$e a  right red light during the enti...
+BTW - eFuall/ spaced not less than 300 mm or...
+B + - An/ of the others.
+&&" - The diameter will  e the same whate$er...
+&#A - +assenger ships carr/ing more than 3G p...
+&#" - "ats
+&## - Transducer
+&C - )istress call
+&J5 - The Ioor surface  ecomes cleaner.
+&J7 -  of the gas can  e discharged into t...
+& 7 - 5ee< ad$ice from /our superior  efore a...
+& C - &lass & =re
+)J6 - 3
+)+? - Wee<l/
+ET% - 80 - (00 meters.
+ET, - remo$e an/ oil or scum on water surface...
+E7L - "uel oil pipes or =lters are clogged.
+E 6 - ,othing for the =rst 8 hours then (4...
+EW2 - instructions for immediate action
+")? - +lace sterile dressing o$er the  urn an...
+")T - +rimar/ and secondar/ slop tan<.
+"1A - At the gangwa/.
+"1" - 5afet/ purposeU
+",* - the old mariphone must  e chec<ed out a...
+",7 - ,ear to the dec< crawl out <eeping /ou...
+" % - ,e$er.
+"+' - +or<
+"?) - To ta<e part in pu lic tra;c
+'"" - Blow down  oiler and reduce dosage.
+'#5 - )ispersement of chemicalsU...
+'#7 - As the second course.
+'CC - instructions or diagrams printed on its...
+'C1 -  entilation must  e capa le of  eing st...
+'1& - 5top the engine  efore meeting and app...
+',+ - 0
+'5L - Cnection pump failure.
+'6, - ?emaining on  oard.
+'6* - To get rid of sludge in the water cham ...
+#EC - 5il$erside
+#"B - To maintain a tan< at atmospheric or o$...
+#'5 - 'reas/ sludge from the compressor stic<...
+#LT - to deli$er a message  / telephone $ia a...
+# E - 1<<<
+#+E - not allowing undue ingress of water a!...
+CA - Eth/lene is the gas produced  / most fr...
+CB* - in urgent cases
+CCA - Ct is dou le acting oil free piston com...
+CT& - Total content of organic and inorganic...
+C7 - ma/ onl/  e present at the place as in...
+CW1 - An e;cient engine room watch with the...
+J&, - 2es if an emplo/ment agreement refers...
+JE7 - T6D (.0 <#N?6D 3G. <#N
+J1 - 5ection on Births and )eaths to  e comp...
+J** - M  U&
+J?* - +re-wash the tan<s with cold water =rs...
+J52 -  wner or master
+JT) - 7nloaded.
+JTT - E>haust gas  oiler fouled.
+J76 - The nearest coastal radio station
+1", - %a>imum =lling limit of cargo tan<s on...
+117 - "eed the pump from the sea water inlet...
+1+5 - To get the oil into the c/linder when t...
+1?" - "rom the stripping pumpKs deli$er/ side...
+15A - 5tart air suppl/
+17* - a num er which indicates the nationalit...
+17T -  ac<ground noise in recei$ing a wea< "%...
+L)6 - To ensure that the proper residuals of...
+LE - Transfer heat from one Iuid to another...
+L%2 - ( entrance =tted with a semi-rigid  oa...
+L 5 - a (0 cm radar.
+L 6 - %%5C-num er
+L?" - ,o.
+L 1 - &ompl/ with all the reFuirements listed...
+%B" - %il<
+%&W - The/ ha$e to  un<er fuel oil and diesel...
+%&6 - E$aluation of the situation rescue and...
+%&2 - ,o.8 generator trips on re$erse power
+%"? - 5alted and dried rac< of mutton mashed...
+% 5 - atmospheric line
+,AE -  
+,A" - To single up to one line and spring for...
+,B2 - All personnel on oard 9crew and passeng...
+, , - G
+,7J - Life oats shall  e stowed attached to l...
+,W? - The name of the person responsi le for...
+,2, -  e gi$en no receipt indu ita l/ too di...
+ A) - %easure the amount of e>plosi$e gases i...
+ A# - B/ showing the shipKs register
+ )C - E$er/ report or message must  e logged...
+ )J - Wilful misconduct gross negligence and...
+ E# - a one-sided transmission
+ J# - &lass B =re
+ LB -  rganiNe a loo<out s/stem and oin up w...
+ L7 - The water will e>plode into steam causi...
+ +& - The method and use of sea-anchors 9drog...
+ 51 - Bul<heads constructed of appro$ed non-c...
+ 5+ - E$er/ =!h /ear with a periodical sur$...
+ 7& - 5tart with intermittent =ring using s...
+  A - To monitor the ca le4wires for  rea<.
+  6 - )ue to temperature e>pansion.
+ WT - lifeac<et
++,J - Cn stairwa/s corridors and escape rout...
++,1 - A will ta<e (43 of the e>tra load. B wi...
++ C - 0
++T" - All ships co$ered  / &hapter C of 5 LA...
++2) - to as< for Kmaritime inFuiries
+*B, - 7sing nets
+*"E - B/ turning up the rope on the  itts =...
+*"7 - B class =re door self closing
+*CJ - This is the  est place to land
+*,1 - immersion suits for the num er of perso...
+*  - life oat
+*+& -  wners su mits deli$er/ certi=cate and...
+?B? -  ri=ce plate
+?)J - The dedicated hea$/ weather  allast tan...
+?)2 - The &hief  ;cer wants the (st Enginee...
+?E& - &alcium
+?EE - not alwa/s radiotele>
+?#' - +ressure
+?JE - ensuring that a suppl/ of  lan<ets is t...
+? " - The national )5&-call freFuencies of th...
+?*5 - +rotecti$e clothing safet/ shoes glo$...
+??L - &onduction con$ection and radiation
+5E6 - Water e>tinguisher.
+5CB - the freFuenc/ actuall/ used  / transmit...
+5,B -  $er oard discharge is stopped.
+57 - The &hief  ;cer
+56B - ?oc<et parachute Iares
+525 - 7se of  reathing apparatus
+T) - high4low power
+TE7 - freFuenc/ modulation is o!en applied i...
+T"1 - +rotect against corrosion
+TC6 -  nl/ one t/pe of launching and reco$er/...
+T, - 88:3(0
+T*# - D80 pm 9(:D80
+T*C - An area of de=ned dimensions within wh...
+T?) - %etals
+TT5 - )irt/ sca$enging air cooler on the air...
+T7 - 5hipKs captain
+TWE - ?9+t(00 P ?( - ?8
+7B& - The shipping compan/ and the master
+7#& - 5top the puri=er immediatel/. &hec< th...
+7+ - (( 00
+7*J - ?eport it immediatel/ to the chief engi...
+75? - Throw a life uo/ o$er  oard and report...
+77L - 7rgent call
+ '2 - Ena les sludge to  e discharged directl...
+ #A - %anuall/ operated call point
+ C? - ?educe speed temporaril/ and increase c...
+ 55 - At the =rst occurrence he would  e gi$...
+W)* - M8  ar
+WE, - on the  asis of a three minute minimum...
+W1# - can not  e adusted this is set  / the...
+W C - the captain
+W+) - ,eutral cleaners.
+W7B - When we ha$e a higher cargo tan< pressu...
+W 2 - Because the manometer units change with...
+W6* - Cnformation a out muster station on  oa...
+W2 - To secure the rope
+6)L - 7pper e>plosi$e limit.
+6#+ - G hors
+61" - Wearing and fastening of lifeac<ets an...
+6,% - 'i$es reference num er as per crew agre...
+6, - %elting heat.
+6T' -  seconds
+66' - 7se the winch. "orerunner and wire stop...
+2#% - When the  oiler is =ring on high rate....
+2# - &losing of watertight doors =re doors...
+2C# G
+2C1 Cncreased.
+21) - To deal with emergencies and safet/ of...
+21E Emergenc/ shut down.
+2+A E$er/ four months
+2* -  ne prolonged  last followed  / two sho...
+2?* 5tripping pump.
+2T" - To pre$ent serious damages on main comp...
+27A - %aintain a safe distance appl/ the e>t...
+2W% - A $essel engaged in =shing other than...
*AB) - permit the wearer to swim a short distan...
*AJ, &ast steel Cron Brass R BronNe.
*A1C At least one
*AL ,atural  ends at inter$alsU
*A%T #e wants the anchor secured thoroughl/
*A+C - &arr/ out a r ight or le! hand search a...
*A7& the water le$el
*B)C 
*BEJ - %utual agreement  etween participating...
*BEL 3: m8
*B'7 )rain the water into the sloptan<
*B# - The chemicals ma<e it di;cult to remo...
*BC% - C can =nd out from sea trials or test...
*B 5 -  ne self-contained air  reathing appara...
*B  - #e is supposed to paint the e$aporator...
*&&  il )etection %onitoring EFuipment.
*&)# "igure 3
*&,C alwa/s simple>
*&*+ 5top operationU
*)B+ E$er/ th /earU
*)"T lifera!
*)'L polar
*)C) - (00 of the complement if it can  e rea...
*),) - All  olts to  e in position and tighten...
*)?% - The person in charge must report the sp...
*)5# - the transmitting antenna has  ro<en dow...
*)7W 5tiOening of the thin metal sheet.
*)6J - #e is to help the other crew mem ers an...
*EAB an urgent call
*EA7 &logged e>haust gas s/stem.
*EC)  nce e$er/ month
*E%' 5top  un<ering
*E%C - %a<e it possi le to drain to shore the...
*E?" Electrodes
*E?' - 5witch o$er to the other pump and infor...
*E5) - one waterproof electric torch suita le...
*"B+ The shipKs safet/ plan.
*"#' The respirator/ organs.
*"J 5tart engine
*",6 - 5elf contained  reathing apparatus in a...
*"+1 - 5A?5AT-& 5+A5 E+C?B5
*"?B CT7
*"?' - recei$ed messages which arenKt intended...
*"7* ( minute
*'B& - +lace sterile dressing o$er the  urn an...
*'E, - ( 8 /ears.
*'E? - )eparture and arri$al  allast tan<s plu...
*'EW - Two prolonged  lasts followed  / one sh...
*'#& - The sea-trial tests ma/ tell me or els...
*'C - All the answers are good
*'+J - All pipelines or components which ma/  ...
*'+L - LiFue=ed gases is mostl/ a mi>ture of...
*'++ - Cn such locations that no point in the...
*'5A - ha$e a su;cient length of non-com ust...
*'T - instruction in the use of radio life-sa...
*'T* - +ressure4$acuum $al$e.
*'66 - 2es
*#E1 - 5E&7?CTE
*##7 - watertight receptacles containing 3l of...
*#1J - : <,
*#*C - +ump will o$erheat
*#?2 - +osition A
*#7' - All the mentioned alternati$es.
*#2* - Two $essels engaged in pair trawling
*CAE - Cnsert a  lan< Iange on the line  etwe...
*C"A - ,orwegian laws unless e>plicitl/ otherw...
*C'W - until it is manuall/ turned oO or is t...
*C L - %',Ks] %5,Ks and 5tatutor/ Cnstruments
*C C - either a manual s/stem or a power start...
*C6? - ,ear the entrance to that space
*J'W - A solute pressure is atmospheric pressu...
*JL6 - The shore-side of the cargo manifold $a...
*J%W - +lugging the scuppers
*J " - ?adar transponder
*J # - %a<ing the complete crane mo$e port and...
*JT' - +ac<ages of 00 g each
*1&7 - ?aise the feed water temperature.
*1'W - B/ reducing /our speed until $essel H)H...
*1#+ - The dec< for the life oats.
*1#? - the adustment of the cam4camsha! of t...
*1L - Air =lter to tur ocharger fouled or da...
*1LW - the  uild-in test facilities in the mod...
*1%, - 5tart engine
*1? - #e would inform master that ship was un...
*1 ? - life uo/ with line
*L"5 - ?egulations of the light on the ++C.
*L## - All of these mentioned must  e pro$ided...
*L1A - "or cooling and to maintain correct $is...
*L% - Cn the main section  C letter ".
*L?1 -  e a le to identif/ oneself 
*LT) - operation of da$its used for launching...
*%BL - Warm nutritious drin<s.
*%B, - #e wants all the lashings tightened and...
*%" - (8 pctU
*%12 - 
*%WE - release the lifera! at a depth of not...
*%W' - To chec< out if the rules of C5' TT &ha...
*%6A - #e is worried that oil will run through...
*%2& - #oriNontal
*,'% - Cnection $al$e opening pressure is too...
*, J - ,otif/ &hief Engineer =nd cause of le...
*, + - (0 of the num er of persons the lifera...
*,62 - must  e replaced when the seal is  ro<e...
* &) - At least e$er/ three months
* &" - 3
* ,7 - 1eep the Ioors and dec<s free from fat...
* ?A - A
* 5A - &all immediatel/ the person in charge.
* 5& - 3 /ears.
* T7 - +ump the oil to the incinerator tan<.
* 7+ - The %aster
*+B& - To a$oid  ac<Iow of gas to the engineU...
*+C* - 5tandard %arine ,a$igational  oca ular/...
*+JL - Cnner diameter of impeller is  igger du...
*+1" - &old drin<s and salt.
*+%T - "igure &
*+%2 - 7se a rope ladder close to the ra! to...
*++# - C% 'rain ?ulesU
*++C - "igure 
*+2? - ( ,4mm8
**BE - #e shall ha$e all the <nowledge as list...
**& - a whistle and a light
**EL - 5ur$i$al cra! porta le radio
**"C - highest possi le freFuenc/ that will  e...
**"L - E$er/ time the machine has  een used.
*?AA - &onstruction of all internal  ul<heads...
*?B& - (G or 88 %#N- and
*?1E - The methods of retrie$al
*?7" - 'as concentration measuring and e>amina...
*?  - to ump from a height of .m into the...
*?6 - Q 
*5BA - 'E&-%arconi
*5B7 - a o$e water escape for its occupants af...
*5*7 - That no solid  eam of fuel shall  e pre...
*5?, - A hea$il/ lea<ing starting air $al$e c...
*5?+ - Bod/ temperature  elow 3& 4 #eat the  ...
*5?5 - At three le$els for at least two places...
*57B - Line throwing appliance
*56% - ( <g4cmU
*56, - Cnform ?)?  / mail of the sale of the m...
*56+ - it stops the spreading of smo<e and Ia...
*52# - Engage the turning gear on the engine.
*TBT -  e prepared and appro$ed  / the Adminis...
*T)1 - A sorption drier gi$es the lowest dew p...
*T"E - &learing escape routes
*T#? - &amsha!
*TL? - "(B
*T " -  itamin E
*T5J - )raught is gi$en  / ) on the =gure
*T2E - the radiotelephon/ distress feFuenc/ in...
*7E6 - all the answers are good
*7E2 - )i romomethane.
*7L1 - 
*7L5 - Cn the meat freeNer
*7,# - Em ar<ation ladder
*7,C - To assist in dealing with crew cargo o...
*7 2 - Because serious structural damage and o...
*7*+ - That there is great concern and interes...
*77* - List of &all 5igns and ,umerical Cdenti...
*775 - LE5
* &, - Wait for a resuscitator to  e  rought f...
* E2 - Al<alinit/ of the lu ricating oil.
* "T - (0 ampere during 80 hours
* "7 - 3 White star roc<ets
* L' - has inherent  uo/anc/ of at least :0,
* ?B - The %aritime Act
* 52 - 8 houres
*WB% - Lu e oil cooler.
*WB - Cncrease in condenser pressure.
*WE* - All ships.
*W" - All of the mentioned alternati$es.
*WJ* - reporting to stations and preparing for...
*6A1 - E>tinguishing attempt is started immedi...
*6", - #eat e>changers that are utilised for c...
*6'# - The shipKs =re plan.
*6'L - ,ormal ac<et water temperature a!er t...
*6CB -  ne in which the atmosphere ma/ ha$e a...
*6LC - Cf the seaman  rings a case of unfair d...
*6%& - 'eneral emergenc/ alarm to  e tested da...
*66B - Within co$erage of the C,%A?5AT s/stem....
*2AC The use of helicopter rescue gear
*2A% 30 metres
*2B' - indicate on what freFuenc/ communicatio...
*2%A 5econdar/ means of escape
*2,7 - +re$ent air accumulation in the cooling...
*2 5 Throttling of deli$er/ $al$e
*2*B (000ppm
*2?W 2our assistance is no longer reFuired
*27) - #elmet safet/ shoes glo$es and protec...
?ABL +ush  utton for =re alarm
?A'' Line throwing appliance
?A#A - ?enew lu oil in the s/stem.
?A#B - ,ear the entrance to that space
?A11 - ?escue &o-ordination &entre
?AL - with the e>ception of the A( and A8 are...
?A%" - "our 9 da/s.
?A?A - B/ a telecom report followed  / a repor...
?A?& - Cnformation regarding ma>imum dec< carg...
?A?1 - The con=ned space alwa/s has si> sides...
?A C - ?escue  oats shall  e stowed attached t...
?B&W - The master or his Fuali=ed representat...
?B)T - %ust  e capa le of  eing stopped from a...
?&& - The &hief Engineer
?&"' - 2es
?&LB - ?eport to  ridge or dut/ o;cer actua...
?&L& - smothering and cooling
?&L2 - All the mentioned alternati$es U
?& # - ,o if this is done the lifetime of the...
?&T1 - +re$ent damage to sensiti$e electronic...
?&W" - 3
?&W? - The main diesel generator or sha! gene...
?&6T - Boneless  eef entrecote
?)BW - Cnternational  il +ollution +re$ention...
?)"A - Throughput too high.
?)"& - &hanging of =lter element would not in...
?)+& - The apparatus shall  e capa le of  eing...
?)?+ - :Q.8 <W
?)5, - White Iour
?)5+ - To reduce the free surface HsloshingH o...
?)W* - "(B
?E,? - "ull/ <nowledgea le of the content.
?E C - The current and wind are holding the $e...
?"B7 - '3E
?"" - Al<aline.
?"'W - Longer
?"#+ -  $erheating of the piston and oil co<e...
?"JB - )ismantle the rotor and assem le the se...
?"J) -  essel steering a few degrees oO weath...
?"12 - Arrange ment for rowing
?"+A - the distance tra$elled  / a radio $i ra...
?'A2 - 5uction $al$e open deli$er/ $al$e clos...
?'B? - Better linearit/ and increased accurac/...
?'&L - B-(
?'&+ -  nce e$er/ month.
?'E& - 0 - :
?'") - To the satisfaction of the administrati...
?'"7 - Cn all professions /ou ha$e to learn  e...
?''? - the use of %" and4or  #" ?4T
?'%J - ensuring that e$er/ passenger is pro$id...
?'** - #arness with a rope secured to a safe p...
?'  -  utside the colored None.
?' * - The product is  oth Iamma le and to>ic...
?'2& - Telephone
?#&" - The  er/ #igh "reFuenc/ 9 #"  and.
?#"+ - send a )5& distress alert rela/
?#' - A $essel is aground
?#17 - We mean ma>imum allowed relie$e $al$e s...
?#W1 - The diOerence  etween ma>imum and mini...
?#W+ - ,o the turning diameter will  e increa...
?#6) - 5tart air suppl/
?#26 - B/ audi le and $isual signals at the co...
?C" - Cn a secure and sheltered position and...
?C'# - &
?C#E - %eans of access wor<ing en$ironment w...
?CCT - M8  ar
?C + - 'ood radio communication facilities 9pr...
?C+ - Cn conunction with the senior watch<ee...
?C?' - A descri ed 7%5-mode chec< shall alwa/s...
?C?J -  essel with a high  loc< coe;cient
?CT* - At all times
?C7L - Either  il =tting eFuipment  or  il/-...
?C + - the use of %" )5&
?CW" - childKs lifeac<et
?J#& - &h.(3
?JWB - Woodward regulator will regulate $er/ s...
?1"1 - ?eport to and discuss with the %aster.
?1#2 - While at sea the installation shall  e...
?1C? - A out (0 
?1C6 - Within range of  #" coast radio station...
?1J+ - Waterline corresponding to deepest allo...
?11& - immersion suit
?1L) - +A, +A,
?1%T - The diOuser ring is damaged.
?1% - ,o high-le$el alarms should  e a separ...
?1 C - 00 followed  / an %C)-num er and a stat...
?1+' - ,A TE6 and E'&-recei$er
?1+1 - +romptl/ locate the =re and raise the...
?1+% - 2es one if the ship is under 00  rt....
?1?A - A sur$e/or from one of the G societies...
?152 - +ut the rudder a out half wa/ to port t...
?1WT - ,ot at temperatures used for pre-heatin...
?1W7 - "oam is the main medium for tan< dec< f...
?LA% - &hec<ing that lifeac<ets are correctl/...
?L)L - ,o when the speed e>ceeds  <nots we h...
?LEC (. litre
?L"C Because /ou ma/ cut /our =ngers.
?L%B - (00 of the shipKs complement on each s...
?L+J &old drin<s and salt.
?L+1 &lass A
?L B - 7se of dedicated clean dr/ transfer eF...
?L ) All of the mentioned alternati$es.
?L2 &ast steel Cron Brass R BronNe.
?%#T 5E&  n tan<ers o$er (0 /ears old
?%C, - Where possi le the master shall pro$ide...
?%,J - 80 minutes if there is inert gas] 30 mi...
?%+& "luorine and4or  romine
?%T" - &lose the $al$es on  oth  ottles =rst...
?%T# -  Q0 &entigrades.
?%7B - Cnstruction for emergenc/ repair of =r...
?%7C At room temperature.
?%72  apour at low pressure.
?%6' - The anchor to  e all wa/ in the hawsepi...
?%6L - %eans shall  e a$aila le to pre$ent an/...
?,&5 - until all crew mem ers and passengers h...
?,E' the height
?,"B -  erif/ that the sefarer has  een gi$en...
?,"T - reporting to stations and preparing for...
?,"6 5cru  er.
?, ) - Cntegrator...
?, E "ire alarm panel
?, ' - The method of release from launching ap...
?,+W - Cnform the  ridge a out the reason for...
?,5+ - "ast "W) and A"T in center lead to pull...
?,T2 - ,o. 8
?,7) childKs lifeac<et
? %L - 8( o>/gen  / $olume and 0 h/drocar on...
? ,J 0 enclosed spaces
? 5) instructions on how to sur$i$e
?  T All o$er the world
?+B1 - #e must instigate an in$estigation. #e...
?+#" - The controller will not react on a proc...
?+CE - To a$oid an e>plosion in case of oil ha...
?+C' #e is to notif/ the &hief  ;cer
?+J5 - To <now speci=cl/ where to clean e$er/...
?+L% Late>U
?+5& 5ierra #otel Cndia +apa
?+7A - ensuring that passengers and crew are m...
?+7T Bro<en water seal.
?*)A - When an/thing unusual happens and 30 m...
?*)) M4- 0 U&
?*)E a %"4#"-antenna
?*1 a 0  hm resistance coa> ca le
?*?1 ,o the/ are not compati le.
??E, e$acuation slide
??L1 A eam is de=ned as A on the =gure
???) - At the gangwa/.
???' - +lan for safet/ preparedness
??W) - 7sing sin<ing agents
??2* - 2es
?5"L - &ollect rain water
?5#B - The $essel is proceeding at : <nots or...
?556 - 5top the engine immediatel/ and <eep th...
?TLE - A!er use
?T%2 - ?adiation  urns.
?T 1 - Both master and shipping compan/.
?T+" - As< /our superior for ad$ise  efore att...
?T*E - E>tinguishing attempt is started immedi...
?TT* - Cnform the master
?7EJ - &hec< for proper air $ent of the e>chan...
?7*2 - Cnter-ship channel
?7TJ - Bowl opens unintentionall/ during opera...
?72L - )isposed of in an ashtra/ and ensuring...
? A - "(B
? BW - 2es freon reacts with open Iame to a...
? E) - &losing must  e possi le from outside t...
? '7 - 5tart engine
? #% - "orward is gi$en  / & on the =gure
? 2E - %a<ing the complete crane mo$e fore and...
?W', - per minute or parts of it
?W'6 - To pre$ent forming a potential Iamma l...
?W1T - 2es transit passage through 75 waters...
?W7 - #e should ta<e the padloc< inside the r...
?WW* - Ct depends on the installation
?6&L - +ut the rudder (0 degrees to star oard
?6"? - lifera!
?61T - This is =reNones which can  e di$ided...
?6 A - e$er/ wee<
?6?E - 'i$e a <ic< ahead
?6?% - "irst wash and then rinse with fresh wa...
?6? - Acti$ate  ridge watch<eeping recei$ers...
?6?* - 5top pumps - report - clean upU
?6TB - one  u o/ant rescue Fuoit attached to n...
?6TW - Because these metals ha$e a $er/ low th...
?6W' - Cncreased tur ocharger re$olutions.
?2)" -  
?2J - Legs  ent  ac< straight using leg mus...
?2%L - Acti$ate the nearest =re alarm  utton...
?2%% - A calculation e>ample showing the use o...
?2,A - a searchlight which can wor< continuous...
?2 ? - )irt/ sca$enging air cooler on the air...
?2 6 - All of these.
?27T - the height of the aerial
?2WE - The use of all sur$i$al eFuipment

?222 - 0 m
5A'% - )isposed of in an ashtra/ ensuring that...
5A'* - the freFuenc/ chosen
5A#1 - The shipKs safet/ plan
5A#L - 5tern line is gi$en / A on the =gure
5A#% - To a$oid liFuid coming ac< to the comp...
5A#, - 5eparation of two insolule liFuids wit...
5A% - 2es if engaged / the owner.
5A) - 80 ,autical %iles
5A+6 - The emplo/er.
5BBT - The oiler e allowed to cool down / i...
5B&L - "igure (.

5B&% - Cn J3E mode - on simple>  asis 5B'* - Cmpossi le to sa/

5B%C - 5T&W deals with minimum recommendation... 5B ? - onl/ necessar/ radio con$ersations are...
5B 5 - )ue to suction the two ships will  e s... 5B6E - 5itting on a chair leaning forward wi... 5B6" - The go$ernor
5B62 - 5wing the load in the direction of the... 5&BL - &lass(
5&&# - E$er/ G months 5&)2 - (3
5&J7 - Tur ocharger
5&+, - (000 000 000 #N
5&*? - Acti$ate the alarm e$acuate the area a... 5&7T - The regulations are a part of the ,orwe... 5&6B - 5ound the =re alarm signal
5))6 - ?educed heat capacit/ of the heater 5) 7 - Wire ta<es Q  of the e>tra load. ?ope... 5)+, - 5 LA5
5)+ - 3. to . mtrs.
5)5A - Air Breathing &irculation.
5)75 - 8 on new- uilds onl/.  ld ships ha$e to... 5)25 - Lima  scar Bra$o Cndia Tango #otel... 5EB& - The shore-side of the cargo manifold $a... 5ELB - 5mall diameter line
5EL) - &hange operation to the third generator... 5E*1 - one waterproof electric torch suita le... 5E?) - perform all duties associated with a an... 5E25 - 5eparation of solid contamina
5"C - (004ampli=cation
5'BA - #e wants the  5 to train as helmsman to... 5'BB - &entral gas e>tinguishing s/stem and4or... 5'C1 - should e>ceed (  of the life oat len...
5'+1 - Wrong if the $al$e is wrongl/ set 5'W5 -  il Transfer +rocedures %anual
5'2J - windows on  oth sides which can  e clos... 5'2, - Worn scrapper and piston rings.
5#)C - 2es within thirt/ 930 minutes 5#EL - %uster station
5#"" - "oam.
5##* - B/ carr/ing out a ris< assessment 5#,, - (
5#?5 - &hec< list for periodic inspections
5#5J - 5ound the =re alarm signal and send th... 5CA6 - the choice o f the inmarsat-region
5CC# - To ta<e reasona le care of himself and... 5C,L - 5ur$i$al cra! porta le radio
5C B - A o$e 800 deg &
5C7A - &hec< the position onl/
5CWL - to guarantee reception of ,A TE6-report... 5C6C - 8(: <#N
5J#, -  minutes
5JC# - call the engineer on watch
5JCJ - 5ur$i$al cra! distress p/rotechnic sig... 5J1T - +ic< up a life ac<et
5JL5 - ,one of the alternati$es.
5JL7 - chec< that we ha$e an open discharge li... 5J B - The/ must  e fa ricated of non-com usti... 5J ' - +u lic &orrespondence 5tation.
5JTA - life uo/ with light 5J7T - Life oat
51&L - (1#Z
51)C - Lu e oil cooler
51"5 - Ct shall  e properl/ stored and prepare... 51"6 - All of the alternati$es
51', - Where the sills of the sidescuttles are... 51#) - )ismantle the rotor and assem le the se... 511+ - &ause o>idation which increase $iscosit... 51L5 - a sur$i$al manual
51+% - 5E5 or an E'& recei$er
5L&& - 2es the li! force will  e dramaticall...
5L'# - An/ ship of 00 gross tonnage and upwar... 5L'L - a call for account of the recei$er
5L'% - (3008(0
5L#" - &lose them to pre$ent the spread of =r... 5L## - Within 800 nm of 75 waters including '... 5L1? - Low-pressure switch is ammed closed 5L2 - The e>haust gas recei$er
5%B' - send a +), if the message has arri$ed... 5%"1 - Life sa$ing
5%#' - Both the suction and spill $al$es are c...
5%1% - &ode of 5afe Wor<ing +ractice for %erch...
5%+, - #e is informed  / the ship4agent rela/... 5%5W - To <eep the oil protecti$e =lm  etween... 5%7C - +roceed at highest speed to the distres... 5%7, - E>haust gas lea<ing int
5%62 - 7nder <eel clearance is gi$en  / & on t... 5,71 - e$acuation slide
5,6? - use the intercom to inform crew and pas... 5 A# - "(B
5 1' - The water le$el is  etween the water co... 5 1# - %aritime in$estigators The Telecommuni... 5 %W - All o;cers who ta<es part in the oper...
5  , - #eating coils are to  e pressure tested... 5 5* - Ct is a pu lic record and is admissi le...
5 W - 8( o>/gen  / $olume and 0 h/drocar on... 5+A' - the wea< lin<
5+BW - (00 dB
5+E# - &ompletel/ loose its share of the load... 5+"& - ?esistance sensor +t(00
5+'A - (( shac<les
5+#* - A certi=cate with information regardin... 5+LA - an area within the radiotelephone co$er... 5+  -  rganic chemistr/ are su stances that c... 5+W7 - 2es on all ships that com
5*#* - AL& G
5*J1 - The ,orwegian %aritime )irectorate. 5*5* - B/ as<ing diOerent crew mem ers specif... 5*7E - Cn$erter...
5*2A - 'rind the $al$e against the $al$e seat... 5?A7 - ha$e a Ioor capa le of  eing su;cien... 5?B+ -  98 P 0 
5?B7 - Acid detergent. 5?&, - ( litre
5?EE - ( June (Q:.
5? ) - Cn an/ countr/  / an %&A %arine  ;cer... 5?+A - 8 men
5??, - "oam
5?5" - 5tern is gi$en  / & on the =gure
5?T& - ?estrictions regarding length and  read... 5?T# - All the measurements mentioned must  e... 5?  - +ort Fuarter is gi$en  / ) on the =gur...
5?6# - 5idereal hour angle
55', - Ct <eeps the  oat alongside the em ar<a... 55#% - A unit which automaticall/ releases the... 55%' - %easuring distance from cargo le$el to... 55 A - +osted or a$aila le w
55+* - mg4m3
55+6 - &hief coo< and second coo< wor< togethe... 5551 - (8.000 hours.
55W1 - The Iue gas plant
5TB, - All of the mentioned eFuipment.
5TJ7 - su;cient num er of pumps and  ailers 5T%' - (.8 timesU
5T*J - 8 digit code tele> ser$ices 5T*L - )igital 5electi$e &all
5T?E - To minimise oil losses and pre$ent the... 5T7* - &harge air pressure is too low.
5T2A - When it is =tted with a guard or simil... 57&A - Large fenders meant for Ioating  etwee... 57"L - 5tart water-spra/
57"* - B/ use of ca le stopper  ac<ed up  /  r... 571 - not less than 3 metres
57+J - The pressure control $al$e will automat... 5757 - %anning of =re parties assigned to dea... 5 A+ - 5ector 5/stem
5 B' -  f low e>pansion $iscous and solid ea... 5 E* - 8(: <hN
5 CW - E$er/ three months 5 5? - .  ar
5 7+ -  oltmeter and s/nchroscope
5 2 - An/ remaining grinding paste will corro... 5WAC - childKs lifeac<et
5W&T - Lower than or eFual to G( U&
5WCT - A product with Iashpoint  elow G0 U&....
5W%? &onducti$it/ test.
5W*& #e wants the heating coils inspected
5W*C "igure (
5W?& - ?ight if the immersion depth is smaller...
5W?+ - To  ring the remaininig oil to the stri...
5W? When the life oat is Iooded
5W 6 - Bro<en water seal oil outside the top...
5W2L 2es
56AC soot would  e swept toward the upta<es
56AJ 5 LA5
56#* - 5mall changes in temperature can cause...
56JJ "igure (.
56+A - #e wants two spring lines four stern l...
56?7 - #e should ta<e the padloc< inside the r...
56? - The num er of persons should  e clearl/...
56TE - The heading will most li<el/ change  /...
56T# - the use of #" )5& and 5A?5AT & 5+A5 Epi...
52A) To remo$e solids water and sludge.
52AC - 'ate $al$es glo e $al$es and  utterI/...
52CE - B/ audi le and $isual signals at the co...
52C+ - Ensuring that all persons a$oid smo<ing...
52,+ "asten seat  elts
52+' the testing function of the de$ice
52+2 - &ontinue with manual operated engine ro...
525 - (0 <,
52W5 B/ control of liFuid Iow
526? - "or safet/ reasons to ensure that all...
522L ?eect the oOerU
TA") 80 U&
TA'& - The location of the  eacon is determine...
TA#A - one 9two for a (3 person accommodation...
TAC+  /ears
TA1# A tan<erman certi=cate
TA1J -  n all short international $o/ages mus...
TAL" T6D 8(::.0 <#N?6D 8(::.0 <#N
TA*# - To ensure safe and e;cient operation....
TA5? - This tan< must  e inerted if carr/ing a...
TA B ?eect itU
TA6, +ut on /our life ac<et.
TBA2 a  uo/ant  ailer and two  uc<ets
TB'7 That the 5eamenKs Act applies in full
TB5L - That all $esselKs water tight ramps and...
TB72 - A!er the separator shell has warmed up...
TB W - 'reater than the pressure in the lu ric...
TB67 A period not e>ceeding 8 months
T&"W - To control the tan< atmosphere  / intro...
T&' - (8 (G times per minute
T&*W +ut the rudder full star oard.
T&*6 - To the master according to his instruct...
T&7) E$er/ th /ear.
T&2E 0G.0 %#N &ospas-5arsat E+C?B
T)J# +rior to sailing
T)16 (00 Tons.
T)+6 - 5ame powers as %arine o;cers in that...
T) + - Cts alwa/s possi le to put the turning...
T) ? alerting
T)W - The con=ned space alwa/s has si> sides...
TE)& %idships is gi$en  / B on the =gure
TEE2 )rill press
TE"*  perate $al$es graduall/
TE"5 All of the mentioned alternati$es.
TECE - The  uo/ ma/ not  e in its charted posi...
TEJW )raught is gi$en  / ) on the =gure
TETA at the  eginning of e$er/ watch
T")6 - Enclosed 5pace Entr/ +ermit and &old Wo...
T"' Lle uo/ with light and smo<e
T"1 T6D 8(:. <#N?6D 8(:. <#N
T'B1 (0 minutes
T'E? - That the &BA e>pressl/ states that it a... T'#E - The rele$ant regulationsK 5ection .
T',& - 'eneral %undial )istress and 5afet/ 5/s... T'W) - all the answers are correct
T'6W - &lose the $entilation s/stem and other... T#A, - alwa/s immediatel/ detected  / the sate... T#BE - to regulate the light
T# 5 - E+C?B
T#*B - %eans shall  e a$aila le to pre$ent an/... T#65 - The use of on oard communication s/stem... T#6 - in A5&CC
TC"E - (80 mm a o$e the water 9in calm water TCJL - Cf we ha$e a sudden drop in pressure af...
TC1J - Bad management and poorl/ maintained ol... TC%W - The side from the wind.
TC+# - As stated  / shipperU TC*A - one whistle or eFui$alent TCT - (3
TC6 - C6
TJ&% - #eating of the feed-water
TJE - )ischarge to a shore facilit/ onl/ TJJC - ha$e self- ailing arrangements TJ1B - )istress rela/ call
TJ*W - "ire control plans.
T1AB - for radiotele>-tra;c in the %"4#"  an... T1B7 - Cn stairwa/s and corridors
T1E) - Cnternational %aritime  rganiNation 9C%... T1"6 - to enhance the safet/ of li$es at sea
T1'& - access hatches capa le of  eing opened... T1'? - Cncrease c/linder oil consumption dete... T1L) -  nce a month
T1?, - )r/ e>tinguishing remed/.
T1TC - Within 8 hours or within ( da/s in r... TL)L - G
TLE" - 2es if the cargo compartment is designe... TL1" - Ta le (( and (3.
TL,, - The CT7 List of &oast 5tations TL+T - &T8 WT8 port WT8 star oard.
TL+ - 000m34h at (80 meter liFuid column. 9d... TL? - ?emo$e an/ contaminated clothing and I... TL?+ - According to the speci=c eductorVs per...
TLTC - +lace the heel of one hand two =nger... T%EE - Ct depends on the installation
T%"& - Ct is important that the rotation direc... T%%% - )istri ution and weight of the containe... T%*1 - Total weight in tons of cargo eFuipmen... T%?E - Tins of 0 g each
T%5) - "att/ =sh T,A7 - Wood
T,B5 - &ut it with the safet/ <nife stowed on... T,J - continuousl/ a!er ha$ing  een immersed... T,L1 - Because the &aptain e>pects fog earl/ i...
T,L% - Behind oneVs  ac< and o$er one of the s... T, ) - ,o
T, 6 - )e$elopment of nitrous gasesU
T,+ - an area e>cluding sea areas A( and A8 w... T &E - The main suppl/ line to  e  lan<ed oO...
T #1 - The/ are not normall/ used for pumping... T C6 - Bloc<ed condenser.
T +% - 
T ?A - The master shall notif/ ne>t of <in4 ,... T T7 - centre alternatel/ towards each end T  L - &hec<ing that life ac<ets are correctl/... T+&A - 5tart air suppl/
T+)7 - Zero-point is accurate  ut (00 input... T+) - A le to eOect a complete change of air... T+E - ( to 8
T+'C - Cncrease the ac<et cooling water tempe... T+#& - a =rst-aid outfit in a waterproof case...
T+L& - 800 meters
T+LE -  ne for each person on  oard who is not... T+,T - The ,orwegian &onsulate
T+6* - Cncomplete com ustion owing to wrong mi... T*&W - 8 men
T*L2 - %a<e it possi le to drain to shore the... T*TJ - #eat le$el rises
T*W2 - Wear protecti$e goggles glo$es co$era... T?AE - The seaman signs in section   of the a... T?A" - ,otif/ the %aster )ec< o;cer on dut/... T?"B - G0 minutes
T?*A - Weight of the ship including =>ed and... T5E% - &lose all air $entilators and other ope... T5J' - The pressure drop across the =lter.
T51A - Because the ship is lea$ing a!er sunse... T51B - recei$ed messages  which arenKt intende... T5L7 - To enhance safet/ in general
T5L - 8 hours
T5%7 - All of the alternati$es together.
TTBT - E>cessi$e heating caused  / o$er tighte... TT'T - #e has disengaged the windlass and put... TT'W - 5top the puri=er immediatel/. &hec< th... TT#L - 0: candelas 9a out 0
T71T - Ct is a gas containing insu;cient o>/... T7,' - *C is an authorised indi$idual situate... T751 - When the machiner/ spaces are in the ma... T #C - to ha$e the correct position in c
T 5C - the time of da/ in relation to propagat... T TB - 5top all ". . transfers immediatel/ an... T T& - the da/4night situation
T W1 - #e wants all the lashings tightened and... T W, - (80 U&
T 6B - All these actions are reFuired
T 2 - #elps <eep accommodation Ioors clean l... TWC2 -  minutes
TW,) - Cn case of an o$er=lling. TW B - 30 litters per nautical mile
TW+5 - +ropeller disengaged and ahead or aster... TW?# - Cn main $ertical Nones
TW?C - 1eep a low pressure in the tan<s at all... TW5' - si> hand Iares
TW52 - a license must  e issued TWT* - Q mtrs
TW L - to enhance safet/
T6CB - Le$el in the tan< to  e reduced as much... T6J2 - All cargo tan<s pump rooms and coOerd...

T61L - Cf the face mas< has a lea< to>ic fumes...

T6LC - )isposed of in an ashtra/ and ensuring...
T6%) - (800 litres
T6,& -
geostationar/ T6TT -
8(: <hN
T67? - The main diOerence is that deep well p...
T2)? - That the/ are <ept under constant sur$e...
T2E* - (m4s
T2"C - ?aise the oom.
T2#B - &T8 WT8 port WT8 staroard. T2#W
- ?is< for pollution
T2CT - &hec< that the painter is made fast to...

T2C - Tug towing line is gi$en  / ) on the =... T2+E - To>ic su stances
T2*' - The o>/gen content shall  e measured to... T2?" - +ropane Butane Cso utane Ammonia and... T26A - Wet pipe s/stem
7AB# - %achiner/ and  oilers out of operation d... 7A&B - 5alt
7A)A - )air/ products
7A'L - 5ierra Alfa Tango &harlie scar %i... 7A#" - 7se a proper torch
7AC" - Ct depends on wear and tear  ut appro>...
7A,& - Bloc<ed condenser.
7A6" - An/ of the listed alternati$es.
7A6 - Transmitter and recei$er to  e tested w... 7B#E - The haNards of e>posure and the need fo... 7B1+ - ?otar/ positi$e displacement 9mono t/pe... 7B*J - All of the listed alterna
7B57 - Too little gas in the s/stem.
7B ' - To assist in the e;cient and safe wat... 7B2W - The %aster
7&)7 - %ultipurpose powder
7&WT - &rude oil and re=ned products.
7)A) - All prescri ed life-sa$ing appliances s... 7)"B - Bandpass =lter...
7)#5 - 5he will most li<el/ sheer to star oard... 7)JL - )o not repl/ to an/ Fuestions from outs... 7)1E -  n 5cene &ommander
7)L& - 0 l if the de-salting apparatus is ca... 7)%6 - handholds or a  uo/ant lifeline  ec<ete... 7) C - two  uo/ant smo<e signals
7)*B - operation of da$its used for launching... 7)5 - $essels of a certain shipping-compan/ 7)57 - & 8...
7)WT - 5aturated h/drocar ons are colourless a... 7)2 - 5ame num er as  eds in the ca in
7EAJ - 5top the puri=er immediatel/. &hec< th... 7E%? - life uo/ with light and smo<e
7E?, - Al<anes has onl/ single  ond  etween th... 7ETJ - The  perator should immediatel/ set con... 7"AB - %a<e two round turns fast on the leadin... 7"B& -  ne hose for each 30 m
7"JC - Entries regarding the seafarerKs ser$ic... 7"7& - A thic< rope to tie up the ship
7" T - A!er the separator shell has warmed up... 7'&5 - (G and 8
7'E& - The master or owner if the master pre$e... 7'EE - Cn Act 3 June (Q:: relating to hours of...
7'+6 - %easure the speci=c gra$it/ of the ele... 7'*5 - ?egularl/ when preparing for sea and e... 7'5C - At least two sets
7'TA - Let go star oard anchor ( - ( shac<le... 7'T) - (8 miles
7' T - Landing here is highl/ dangerous
7#)# - To <eep constant sur$eillance of machin... 7#C' - 5ecured $ia a wea< lin< to a secure par... 7#J6 - Cmpro$e the scaling surface function i...
7#1* - 00 cm
7#15 - 5 P 9A or B and &
7#L5 - %inimiNe corrosion pre$ent deposits an... 7#+ - A!  reast line is de=ned as B on the...
7#+6 - The e>haust gas recei$er.
7#*T -  essel should  e underwa/ minimum : <n... 7#?C -  e constructed of inherentl/  uo/ant ma...
7C'* - the condition and results of tests of t... 7C#J - There is two t/pes of mem rane tan< s/s... 7C%E - ?educe the ser$ice inter$al.
7C%' - 7pper "lamma le Le$el 4 Lower "lamma le... 7C 2 - the freFuenc/ used
7C?) - "uel pump timing changed.
7C5B - a tra;c list with the call-sign of th... 7C5& - Tr/ing to ignite  urner from hot  ric<w... 7C5) - *ue ec 7niform Cndia &harlie 1ilo 7C  - The water le$el
7JBJ - 00 <#N
7J&J - The smallest diameter piston is the sta... 7J)) - The  ow will  e pushed awa/ from the  a... 7JET - The water can  e applied in a =ne spra...
7J'# - one rustproof graduated drin<ing $essel... 7J'% - All life- uo/s shall  e placed in holde...
7JCW - A ship recei$ing this call must set wat... 7J%' - (  #" ?T M )5&M )5& watch recei$er - (...
7J,W - A command as dirtl>YM can  e gi$en
71A+ - To <eep the life oat stead/ against the... 71E - a  uo/ant  ailer
71*" -  / cooling smothering com usti le sup... 71?& - Bloc<ing inducti$e <ic< from the soleno... 71W) - The %aster has no o ligations to assist... 71WE - ?aise the feed wa
712% - ,o welding or hot wor< on  oard ships c... 7LBE - %a>imum $olume percent o>/gen must not... 7L&& - Cndirect cargo cooling plant is utilise...
7LC -  pen when pressure in the  oiler is in... 7LLE - channels 0G 0 :8 et ::
7L " - All winches  e le! with the manual  ra... 7LW& - ,o speci=c word will precede a routine... 7L67 - a  oarding ladder that can  e used at a... 7%#W - "oam monitor gun
7%JJ - B
7%1# - #/steresis
7%% - not later than ( month 7%,T - "igure (
7%  - *uadruple
7% & - T6D 8(Q. <#N?6D 8(::.0 <#N
7%WW - which o;cers are assigned to ensure t... 7,A' - As shown in =gure (.
7,&* - Cdentif/ the haNards Fuantif/ the ris<... 7,&? - %onthl/
7,#% - a freFuenc/
7,C1 - 2ou are seen - assistance will  e gi$en... 7,CL - G0 U&
7,JE -  minutes
7,1' - A material that neither  urns nor emits... 7,%% - Bun<ering of  ul< lu ricating oil.
7,,1 - :0
7,*5 - To indi$idual emplo/ment agreements for... 7,* - The appointed life oat commander.
7,W - 8.0  ar
7 #5 - To pro$e that the $essel has had the of... 7 J# - 5tar oard  ow is gi$en  / A on the =gu... 7 7 -  litres 4 m84 min
7+A - 5tart air suppl/ 7+&J -  er/ #igh "reFuenc/
7+EB - &apstan is gi$en  / A on the =gure
7+'+ - (. <#N and on at least one of the f... 7+L+ - Cn the "ire and 5afet/ instruction manu... 7+ & - All passengers that will reFuire some f... 7+ * - the detonating gas ca
7+26 - Too much lu oil in one or more c/linde... 7*A* - the use of 5A?T transponders
7*EW - 5eagoing ser$ice
7*'% - The transmitting mode is not compati le... 7*L1 - 2ou will get harmed  / the fumes  efore... 7*%# - The/ ma/ reFuire him to ma<e a safet/ i... 7*,E -  hours a da/U
7*,C - Ct adheres to the  oiler tu es and redu... 7*7? - 5tart an additional au>iliar/ engine 7*7T - The ,orwegian %aritime )irectorate
7*6" - 5CLE,&C,' )C5T?E55 followed  / the sile... 7*2 - "orecastle head manifolds maindec<U 7?%# - A large temperature drop across the dri... 7? 5 - #ea$/ seas from  ehin
7?*L - E$er/ life uo/ shall  e constructed of... 7?*% - E>haust gas lea<ing into the oil cham e... 7?5 - 80.000 tons
7? - adust the noise threshold of the marip... 75*# - when Ioating in the in$erted position... 75*C - with wea< incoming signals distortion i... 7T * - A certi=cate issued / the
77A% - All the mentioned alternati$es.
77B# - &hange in output signal di$ided / chan... 77&2 - L95 P ( #...
77#7 - ,o$emer Alfa ictor Tango Echo 6-...
77J - Ct will e discolored and turn pin<. 776? - +ressure
772% - 5peed go$ernor and $oltage regulator 7A& - Lower than -(  U&
7B - diOers for each countr/
7B2 - The/ must wear the protecti$e eFuipment... 7&* - the two lifeuo/s of the Fuic<-release...
7JL - The passengers get familiar with emerge... 7W? - All olts to e in position and tighten... 7W)' - 5egregated allast tan<er.
7WL5 - &op/ of the =re control plans4folders... 7WL6 - for ship-shore telephone-tra;c on the... 7W*+ - $erhaul the unit to determine faults s... 7W*7 - 7lsan 1orea
76&% - +ush shore line content to shore tan< o... 76)1 - 5ound three lasts in succession namel... 76E" - ( compressions followed / 8 full $ent... 76B - Cnternational &on$en
76T' - 2es and as listed in the %aritime Act....
767E - ne control oo< for special medicines...
72&L - +lace the inured part under slowl/ run...
72'? . meters
72#+ Appro>imatel/  dr/.
72,# - &ertain sections of the Act 3 June (Q::...
AB5 - All passenger ships all cargo ships of...
AEE - The purpose of the priming unit on cent...
AEJ - closing of watertight doors =re doors...
A"" store R forward messages
A1) - The position ensures that an open airwa...
AT' ,o
ATC - The person ma/ e $er/ pale and pulse...
A5 0 U&
B#L $erhaul the compressor unit.
B,& Lower the oom raise the load.
B,E ?eport to rele$ant authorities.
BE - That the wires are ust ao$e the water...
B?J 08 ohm at 80 U&
B5E The/ are going to weigh the anchor
B7 All these actions are reFuired.
&E2 - A non-emulsif/ing agent with self split...
&CB Line-throwing appliance
&JW L8330
&,# - According to the nomograms 2ou select a...
&5) 30 m
&T5 - +assenger ships carr/ing more than 3G p...
&TT Wee<l/
&W1 G <nots for 8 hours
)&J muster station
))) - The tug was made fast at the centre lea...
)E7 - The wheels of hatchco$er ,o. : came oO...
)"6 - the/ should prepare sur$i$al cra!s and...
)#L a rustproof dipper with lan/ard
),# - The compan/ responsile for the operati...
)+, ( mtr
)*1 J3E
)% - Where the =re rea<s out how man/ =r...
E)7 - B/ putting the $essel mooring ropes as...
EE5 8800 ohm
E'' - A comined scouring and polishing machi...
EC? AL& (c
ECW a =rst-aid outfit
E1, - lowering of at least one lifeoat a!er...
E%B simple>
E, - Cn case of an emergenc/ situation the...
EE %ultistage centrifugal.
E25 - 2es it will gi$e the stern a li! forc...
"AC 800 mm wgU
")2 ?"-'ain
""1 That people a re well trained
"7% A cascade controller.
"2T - 5tern is gi$en / & on the =gure
'A" - e pre$ented from pressure e>ceeding tw...
'A# - highest point of the steam and water dr...
'B" - another channel is chosen
'& - 5ur$i$al cra! portale radio
'%5 - Lower the oom.
'%7 - 00 
', - Annuall/.
'55 - Accounting Authorit/ Cdenti=cation &od...
'T+ - To neutraliNe the acids occurring in th...
'W - 
'2, - A document which together with the nat...
##7 - %a<e a old alteration to staroard and...
#1) - Cnhiition and smothering
#LB - Ensure adeFuate circulation in all cond...
#, - use a proper torch
#6+ -  
#6* - A =>ed sprin<ler s/stem at the cargo m...
#2L - low-e>pansion foam
CB? - Cn the =re control plans or oo<let th...
C)L - Boarding launching and clearing of sur...
C'B - 5ecure the wire all wa/ a! to pre$ent...
C'5 - "or 3 minutes starting on the hour and...
C'7 - Aout same position as the center of gr...
C#, - "or all $essels.
C# - The stripping capacit/ has to e 8 mo...
C%* - / muster lists e>hiited in conspicuou...
C? - length P 0 mm readth P (( mm dept...
C51 - #e is to chec< the heater for the h/dra...
CW% - When a particular wor< acti$it/ ma/ ca...
JB+ - &orrect Iow pressure and temperature...
J)% - ( l
J#L - 
JJ# - lifera!
JL+ - %uster and emar<ation stations shall ...
JL5 - 2es
J2& - ?educe the ?+% to reduce the sca$enge a...
1,' - G
1?1 - To oser$e tra;c mo$ement in the Engl...
15' - Air draught is gi$en / & on the =gure...
175 - A remed/ to which the mooring lines are...
16C -  / $olume.
LB1 - a moc< search and rescue of passengers...
LE? - &onstruction of all internal di$isional...
LB - All of the mentioned
L2 - B/ entering the alarm instruction with...
L+T - B/ doule lan< Ianges with a drain e...
L+6 - clim up and down a $ertical ladder of...
LT2 - That people are well trained.
%'# - Where the mooring lines lead.
%J+ - 5prin<ler horn
%1T - Blue
%L% - Either of the mentioned elements
%?& - All 5LA5 %A?+L and Loadline con$enti...
%5E - independent of the destination
%2A - To gas free a cargo tan< means that we...
%26 - The three most common energ/ forms are...
,AJ - G0 
,)7 - A earing is damaged.
,E+ - 5top
,"" - To e$acuate air and water out of the s/...
,"1 - The piston clearance is too large. Worn...
,CW - the use of %" and4or #" ?4T
,J? - To pre$ent serious damages on the plate...
,JT - As in e>ample 8
,%W - immersion suit
,,6 - distress
, - Cmmersion suit
,?E - 8 houres
,WE - All of the mentioned eFuipment.
"# - is eFuipped with a poc<et for a portal...
%W - the length of the ship
?* - The/ are not normall/ used for pumping...
+#? - A dec< o;cer or certi=cated person s...
+#5 - +ower-dri$en $essel ma<ing wa/ on port...
+L - E$er/ 71 ship e>cept =shing $essels an...
+% - 5earch for missing persons. &ontinue to...
+?7 - 2ou inform the ,&5 that the 5E5 is a$ai...
+5J - Wait three minutes and if no ac<nowledg...
+5L - 5tainless steelU
+T, - &old drin<s and salt.
+7B - n 5cene &ommander
+7# - 5tart water-spra/
+W - all entrances =tted with rigid oardin...
+W* - %aster &hief Engineer R &hief ;cer....
+W5 - unit which automaticall/ releases the l...
+65 A cut of $eal topside.
*' - 7se water e>tinguisher to put out the f...
*#+ - &ut it with the safet/ <nife stowed on...
*1& The CT7 List of 5hip 5tations
*LA (min
*,J - )ose with coagulent and low down the ...
**B - must e replaced efore the e>pir/ date...
*?+ - +ut the rudder hard to port to reduce t...
*TJ Q '#N
*T %A2)A2
?"B - 5eeing that the passengers are suitale...
?"2 - According to the nomograms 2ou select a...
?'5 - A! of the forecastle secured with the...
?'W Whene$er the gangwa/ is rigged.
?J5 - "ire e>tinguishers eFuipped for powder...
?1W The turine rotor is not alanced
?16 A decrease in strength of 80 
?) J3E
5'* Water contamination.
5'? E>haust $al$e
5JW To wash all lines and pumps properl/.
5%" - Ct reduces the $isiilit/ pro$o<es pan...
5%, safet/
5*, - Cnternational %aritime 5atellite rgani...
5W, &hannel :0 )5&.
TA% - All full/ olted e>cept those actuall/...
TA7 - 5olution of potassium h/dro>ide 91# a...
TB+ - nl/ during da/ time when $isiilit/ t...
T& - 'eneration of caronic acid causes the...
TC2 immersion suit
TL? All the mentioned alternati$es
T%L The use of all sur$i$al eFuipment
T) - Transfer it to the sloptan< and later...
7&2 #" channel (G
7ET - =>ed sign on the mast plus signs on ea...
7"+ ne month
77, - +ressure-reducing regulator....
77+ +os. 
&& - not less than half the total numer of...
)7 - the tan<s should e =tted with audile...
1* E$er/ month
* - B/ smothering and also pro$iding some c...
++ - %aintain course and speed with caution...
*C - %a<e the pipes capale to mo$e ac< and...
?A +ressure surge and liFuid pressure.
WJ1 - The atmosphere in the tan< where hot wo...
W*& 'as carriers and chemical carriers
WW6 8 watt
6&B - Cf the face mas< has a lea< to>ic fumes...
6"E - #e is worried that oil will run through...
6JJ The secondar/ controller
6+E - 2es in regulations on medical e>aminat...
6*) All the mentioned alternati$es
66W - A dedicated set of pages in the ;cia...
2B5 - 5ound the 'eneral Alarm - carr/ out eme...
2E, four roc<et parachute Iares
2"W Beef 
2' Wee<l/
2J) - An e;cient and reliale ser$ice
2LW - shipKs radio log
26, S )ispersant
WA&& - Cnert gas is utilised on oard gas carri... WA)B - (( times 0(: 5)?
WA) - All answers WACW - (0 to ((
WAC2 - &o$er the spillage with a la/er of foam... WA+' - Ear muOs
WA? - Before the tan< is entered lifeline r... WA7) - The cargo tan<s are to e washed that o... WA7# - Warm clothes lan<ets and life$ests.
WA" - )iamond shape WAJ - &95 P ( \" WA2 - Y..
WBB) - two uo/ant smo<e signals
WB&A - Just prior to reaching the water the l... WB"J - A no>ious liFuid with melting points le... WBLW - 5ur$i$al cra! portale radio
WB' - &ommence sounding the fog signal engin... WB5T - permission for a$ailailit/ installati...
WB67 - distress W&"& - 5train gauge
W&"W - #otter due to increased current
W&C1 - #e needed to get acFuainted with the of... W&12 -  e>tra
W&?* - 5impli=es the o$er$iew W)B? - Blue
W)& - an omni-directional aerial W)E) - Low o>/gen alarm
W)E2 - (
W)") - Lifeuo/ with light and smo<e
W)L2 - &entral gas e>tinguishing s/stem and4or... W)? - Two $al$es segregation.
WE'1 - duple>
WE'% - ecause the $olume adustment of the sp... WEL, - The go$ernor
WEA - Cnner diameter of impeller is igger du... WE5J - C am manoeu$ring with di;cult/ - 1eep... WE6L - &entrifugal force
W"AW - watertight loc<ers or compartments W"T6 - Cn the meat loc<er
W"T2 - )o a 80480 degrees Nig-Nag manoeu$re W"7? - All independent tan<s are self-supporte... W"22 - All the mentioned alternati$es
W'JB - &hec< for presence of h/drocaron gas u... W'L - 5ecure hatches
W',A - Engine ?oom
W'2 - )i;cult to seal plates ao$e this pre... W'?" - Wee<l/
W'?L - Cnterface towards center. W'7% - e$acuation slide
W'5 -  /ears
W#CT - it lessens the sur$i$orKs heat escape W#L& - All ships.
W#,2 - acti$ating the 5A?T and chec<ing the ef... W#+% - 5LA5 A +A&1 or 5LA5 B +A&1 according... W#?B - pre$ent e>cessi$e furnace heat losses W#?L -  miles
W#WE - The appointed lifeoat commander. WCA% - A reduction in strength of (0  to (  ... WCA, - A signal will sound in the crew accommo... WCB" - A $essel without ordinar/
WC"' - in the e$ent of capsiNing it will autom... WC"1 - n area A( this function is ased on th... WCJ% - &hapter 30
WCJ - reduced heat capacit/ of the heater WC1E - ?adiotelephon/ - +hase modulation WC1, - location of emar<ation ladder WC%E - is not =ne-tuned
WC - ,otif/ nearest ,orwegian &onsulate
WC*A - Bro<en water seal oil outside the top... WC7% - M (.0 ar
WC2L - perational ampli=er...
WC2? - Allow for increase in water $olume WJBE - To determine if there is an/ danger of...
WJ&W - The pumpKs deli$er/ $al$e 9discharging... WJ"# - the captain4 master
WJC7 - All the mentioned alternati$es. WJ% - &a$itation.
WJ+ - Cf pac<ing fails the pump can e <ept r... WJ+" - Cncrease.
WJ7" - 5eawater
WJ21 - nl/ in conunction with paper charts W1&? - 3 sets. ,ew- uilds from "e ruar/ (QQ8 ... W1JJ - +late
W11A - According to the nomograms /ou select a... W155 - Adustale wrench
WLE# - "amiliariNation and other drills ident... WLC1 - +erson in charge
WL*7 - +laice
WLA - To e$er/one engaged in wor< on oard e... WL6 - The route to musterstation how to put... W%E) - "igure 3.
W%E" - The ma>imum possile percentage of oil... W%C1 - ,? gate
W%% - date when last ser$iced W%' - A"-'ain
W,)B - Before eing emplo/ed W,' - ?95P  ohm
W,J - the use of #" )5&
W,L - The crew memers emraced / the Act 3... W,L7 -  miles
W,LW - call sign
W&# - Wire for pulling urning ships oO the... WC" - raise the water le$el a couple of inche... WTT - C am dragging m/ anchor
WW' - A license gi$en / or on ehalf of the... W6B - The master and department heads.
W6E - To detect oil mist 9e>plosi$e atmospher... W62 - ?aise the oom hold the load.
W22 - 5tart engine
W+E? - ,o there could e a conIict of intere... W+CT - 2es
W+W - "ormula ( W+2 - G
W+*# - (.0mU
W+5E - The tug ma/ e turned across /our ow w... W+7 - %andator/.
W+WE - To a$oid high wear down of chain and ch... W*E+ - With gi$en densit/ at oser$ed temperat... W*" - 5e$en short lasts followed / one prol... W*1' - +osition A
W*? - n all areas this function is ased on... W*6T - A?*-s/stem
W*2 - &harge air temperature is too high. W?B6 - #igh deli$er/ pressure
W?C5 - )uring na$igation etween ports
W?1" - e capale of operation from =re stati... W?*" - 7nder the forecastle.
W?T - nce e$er/ month
W?7# - the =rst digit of the identi=cation W?2% - Ct is easier to damage a centrifugal pu... W?2  - Q  &elsius
W5B& - 8 U& a!er a period of G h immersion in... W5)* - That the strainer needs cleaning.
W5EL - the space where the atteries are store... W5' - %eans of escape - escape routes
W5L) - That the collecti$e wage agreement stat... W5%A - 5E&7?CTE 93>
WTJ# - The use of radio life-sa$ing appliances... WT7) - Electrodes
WTT - M (.0 ar
WTW? - Appro$ed training WTW - %onthl/
W7AA - Cn the main 5ection numered CC W7"& - Lowers o>/gen content in the tan< W7"W - "asten seat elts
W7C# - A pulication which contain all informa... W7C% - 'as dangerous areas onoard gas carrier... W7C - il )etection %onitoring EFuipment.
W7?% - The same as suction pressure.
W7?? - That the pump is stopped in time to a$o... W77& - To ta<e part in pu lic tra;c
W7? - a uo/ant lifeline uc<eted around the... W7WJ - The %edium "reFuenc/ 9%" and.
W7W, - %"-transmitters
W)# - The/ ha$e to un<er fuel oil and diesel... W"5 - Less than  min
W#L - 00 U& W15 -  sec
WLL - Emergenc/ diesel and atteries
WL* - The wind and sea should e from ahead o... W%1 - To reduce danger of =re and the ris<s...
W%% - )iOerential ampli=er... W,& - 88 <, 0 <,
W* - )amage to piston and liner. WW' - Wee<l/
WW1T - %a<es the meat ta<e on a reddish colour... WWLL - "orecastle is gi$en / B on the =gure WW%E - #e will =nd a luricating chart in the...
WW,) - rganic pero>ides.
WW,# - ?adiotelephon/ - +hase modulation WW6 - %&A onl/
WWT6 - All safet/ sur$e/s e>cept +assenger &er... WW25 - 7nco$ered manila rope.
W6&) - emit smo<e of a highl/ $isile colour W6)B - $olt > hours
W6E7 - The/ turn /ellow W6"+ - +A, +A, 93>
W6"? - 8 min
W6J? - The clearance etween the roc<er arm an... W2&J - si> hand Iares
W2"# - 2es as per the 'eneral &i$il +enal &od... W25A - +ulic announcement s/stem to e used f... W27 - ,ormall/ use it as free or dissol$ed c...
W2W& - To pro$e there is no liFuid in the c/li... W26A - )iesel oil.
W26W - egetale 4 "ish il W227 - the safet/ certi=cate 95.&.
6AAT - All ships carr/ing Iammale cargoes mus... 6AA - #ighest point of the steam and water dr... 6AB? - The interface mo$es outwards
6A15 - ,ot recommended at all 6AL, - # P - 0.(:
6A%L - Low diOerential pressures
6A%, - The alternators are not generating the... 6A+L - The secondar/ controller in a cascade c... 6A+T - &entre line is gi$en / A on the =gure...
6A*1 - 'rease was loc<ing the grease pipe 6A*5 - ?95 P 8 ohm
6AT6 - To reduce the general ris< of =re in a... 6AC - 8m
6BEW - 8
6B" - 8
6BCB - +utting in auto order when on stand-/... 6B*C - M  U&
6B*J - ?egister of 5hipping and 5eamen
6B5& - a wor<ing channel of the nearest shore-... 6B5) - lifeuo/ with light and smo<e
6B5E - This concerns a moile station
6BT+ - ( #" ?T M )5&M )5& watch recei$er - (... 6BTW - All alternati$es
6&AC - Cf the hot wor< is to e carried out at...
6&"C - "(B4J8B
6&"J - ?educe the rate of Iow and topping up... 6&#) - a license
6&, - ?adiotelephon/ - "reFuenc/ modulation 6)A? - )5& has full/ ta<en o$er watch-<eeping... 6)'& - All mentioned.
6)'E - )e$elopment of to>ic gasesU 6)C, - Life uo/ with line
6)CW - To disconnect the power source 6)+C -  
6)2T - "reFuenc/ in an Alternating &urrent 9A&... 6EA& - )ischarge the slop tan< completel/ =rs... 6E&W - da$it launched lifera!
6EE' - this message is stored in the memor/ un... 6E"B - Cn C&5 Tan<er safet/ guide
6E57 - The control $al$e for the cooling wate... 6ET, - 5tarting achie$ed within 8 min of comme... 6E7) - Treat and reassure the casualt/ and sta... 6"#+ - When he is properl/ relie$ed.
6"C, - &BTs cargo tan<s are also used for all... 6"%2 - e$er/ month
6"# - Q
6"C - no entr/ with na<ed light and4or Iame 6"* - 3 <g
6"?7 - The Ioor of the ra! has a second la/e... 6"7) - %ooring uo/ is gi$en / B on the =gur... 6"21 - E$er/ four months
6'#L - %E?5A?
6'#* - $erhaul the compressor unit. 6'CJ - 5charnow Turn
6#&J - ?educe the sea water Iow through the c... 6#)E - ?oc<et line
6#EB - "rom the s/stem pipeline. 6#'T - a AAC&
6#J" - Lower than 83 U&
6#J' - %ooring uo/ is gi$en / B on the =gur... 6#JC - Bridge is gi$en / A on the =gure
6CA2 - Cn the &aptainKs o;ce
6CEB - This call will normall/ e followed /... 6C#, - 7se large Fuantities of water as soon a...
6C+W - The shipKs management team must organis... 6CC - 'enerator o$erload due to man/ motors s...
6CWC - The rags ma/ e caught / a re$ol$ing s... 6CWJ - &apacitor...
6C2A - "igure 8.
6J&& - listen on the radio-telephone distress... 6JEW - this message is the Gth message in the... 6J'J - We are not allowed to load ammonia on i... 6JCB - The percentage of the L.E.L. in

6J*1 - pen and closed circuit apparatus 6JL

- C%)'
6J% - utside the ship itself 
6J - The recogniNed classi=cation societ/...
6J67 - two hatchets
6J2W - ?eFuest lower loading rateU
61,B - Warm clothes lan<ets and life$ests.
61 - ?esistance temperature sensor...
61+, - &logged air inlet =lter
61*C - A part of the ,orwegian %aritime
)irect... 6165 - Life uo/ with line.
612T - A5&CC

6L - Cnsu;cient air suppl/

6L56- -%a<ing use ofin
To persons ?is< Assessment
certi=cated as a mean...
positions as...6L)W - "(B
6LCT - Aout 80
6L2, - /es pro$ided that he has a &erti=cate...
6%&2 - 'auge pressure
6%"E - ?adar transponder
6%#? - &orrect water le$el is otained / re=...
6%C+ - ,othing for the =rst 8 hours then (4...
6%1J - +roducts with users instructions tellin...
6%1L - Q '#N
6%+# - use of communication eFuipment
6%+L - The Cnternational %aritime rganiNation... 6,A# - nl/ licensed o;cers
6,BA - #eight of liFuid in the tan< 6,") - Le$el control
6,'2 - "lag state
6,C+ - /ou must wait 3 minutes minimum efore... 6,%W - ,ot less than (0000 <J
6,+' - comustile o>/gen heat and chain rea... 6,?+ - Be constructed of inherentl/ uo/ant ma... 6,W - To a$oid cold cargo to came in contact... 6,2% - ?esistance sensors
6B6 - seeing that passengers are suital/ cla... 6&* - tl>..M
6") - personal call
6JC - a solid 9cardoard or woodY 61) - (3.0 mmU
6T) - the seasons
6? - Lifera!s shall e stowed with its pain... 6WT - the use of #" ?4T
62" - #e has disengaged the windlass and put... 6+)" - (0 ar.
6+L? - lowering all lifeoats 6+,& - ne /ear.
6+,# - ?escuing of life
6+,C - Ta<e separation of the two $essels into... 6+J - n 5cene &ommander
6++ - All of the mentioned must e performed 6++2 - ,atural ends at inter$alsU
6+?J - compensate the mo$ements of the $essel 6+77 - one set of =shing tac<le
6+6# - &hec<ing that life-ac<ets are correctl... 6+2A - at least 8 distri uted on oth sides o... 6*&L - & 8 plant.
6*J# - Lea$e the engine room as Fuic<l/ as pos... 6*JW - The patient placed in a Hface -to-the-f... 6*1* - 5udden crushing $ice-li<e pain in the... 6*1W - &all an hospital for professio
6*," - "i>ed &8 =re-e>tinguisher s/stem 6*,C - handholds on the underside of the hull 6**% - one whistle or eFui$alent
6?A - A series of tests run / the computer a... 6?B+ - Cts readiness to perform as speci=ed.
6?'' - f o P ( 4 98 sFrt 9L4&  6?', - il ?ecord Boo<.
6?17 - the use of #" )5&
6?+ - perate the engine room on manual mode... 6??" - the )5&-watch recei$er
6??# - J8B 4 "(B
6?1 - +re$ent contamination if lea<s a re de$e... 65B, - The/ are economical to operate
65&2 - The release mechanism shall e of an au... 65E5 - Ct is possile to predict the control m...
65'1 - in$ersel/ proportional to the freFuenc/... 65C6 - s</ wa$e
65W - &onstant Iow clean proes and tempera... 65+ - When the pro$isions and 4or water is un... 65+? - The CT7 List of &oast 5tations
65?" - Authorised radio sur$e/ors emplo/ed /... 65L - ,otif/ the 75 &oast 'uard
6TE* - an area e>cluding sea area A( within th... 6T'C - ,o
6T#E - The acidit/ 9ph of the cargo should ... 6TL1 - )i;cult to seal plates ao$e this pre... 6T%6 - 5tart water-spra/
6TT? -  m
6T7% - All mentioned.
6T# - To <eep constant sur$eillance of machin... 67"# - nl/ cargoes included in one of the cat... 67C - that need not meet an/ of the reFuireme...
67, - Cntermittent signals on the shipKs alar...
67? - Cf it is decided that wor< shall e car... 67WB - e ta<en / the crew to the rescue-oat... 676 - on the date of replacing the atter/
672L - All the other mentioned alternati$es ac... 6 AJ - A s/stem thatKs displa/ing the wa/ to t... 6 BW - All of these cargoes are incompati le.
6C% - 5tand ehind the casualt/. &lench /our... 6J, - When 7nder 1eel &learance is 0 or les... 6%A - Ct will e much shorter
6%2 - onl/ e gi$en receipt if the master ha... 6+E - telephone countr/ codes
6TJ - The hours of wor< Act and the ,C5 Act.
66+ - We =nd  anne>es in %A?+L :34: and a... 6WE, - &oordinated &ra
6W%? - isual and radar oser$ations
6W,% - )ail/ cleaning in cains messrooms ga... 6W5C - $er time we got more e>perience with p... 6WW7 - Cnhiitor is used to pre$ent pol/merisa... 66B+ - ,otif/ &h.Eng. =
66BT - al<aline.
66&, - 'o to /our lifeoat station 66& - n the na$igation ridge
662E - Electricall/ isolated / special isolat... 62"7 - da$it launched lifera!
62"2 - The ,orwegian %aritime )irectorate
62'W - %anoeu$ring le$ers4wheels for mechanial... 62+7 -  
62+2 - ?emote le$el controller with indicator 62*5 - Cn 0  sectionD Two lamps right. Cn... 626" - name of the ship in distress
2A) - The entr/ is le! as it is. An additiona... 2A#* - %erchant 5hipping ,otices 9%5,s %arin... 2AJ) - 7nder <eel clearance is gi$en / & on t...
2A1E - The shipKs o;cer in charge of the oil... 2A+A - The sla$e controller with the master co... 2A+E - two sponges
2A?% - will conduct electricit/ with $er/ high... 2AT1 - all $essels in the cean ?egion concern... 2A6 - Turn the rudder towards midship ut no... 2AW? - #e should e aware of the s
2B'W - &entrifugal pump. 2B#7 - C&E-method.
2BJ& - The/ are to let go of the stern lines 2B?* - 300 - 3000 <#N
2BT" - %a>imum al lowale wor<ing pressure 2&A5 - Both in a conspicuous place in each mac... 2&)B - The tug ma/ e suc<ed into /our stern w... 2&)" - QG hours
2&E2 - At an/ time pro$ided he is con=dent t... 2&CJ - ,eutral to Al<aline solution.
2&1T - ?adiotelephon/ - +hase modulation 2&L% - Cf at sea the master shall immediatel/... 2&L? - pressed in constantl/ to wor< duple> 2&?J - the o>idising agent in the presenc
2&?, - Ct would e determined / ris< assessme... 2)A - &hapter CC-8
2)T& - Q U&
2)7, - Tell the person to sit down and lean fo... 2)L - )uring crossing ports on the car dec<... 2)WL - ,ot allow the clothes to e hung an/whe... 2E)2 - To compl/ with %A?+L reFu
2ECA - &lass & =re
2E52 - &hange the lue oil. 2E25 - +irac/ is increasing 2"BB - A liFuid change to gas.
2"B1 - )e$elopment of to>ic gasesU 2"1% - "rom the condenser.
2"1+ - 
2"+% - +rinted &ircuit Board 2"*C - Telephone
2"65 - ,eutral.
2"2% - 5oot would e swept toward the upta<es 2''" - Water can e remo$ed in the separator ... 2'J - swim through the water at least 8m and... 2'%6 - #as to contain a wor<-f
2',T - lifeac<et 2'# - 2es.
2#A1 - Total pressure head 2#), - 'reen
2#"J - can e unpac<ed and donned without assi... 2#J+ - 8 min
2#*E - That the separation ma/ cause spar<s th... 2CE# - 300.000 <ilometres per second
2C#T - the freFuenc/ actuall/ used / transmit... 2CC - Cn stairwa/s and corridors
2C1' - 2es /ou must attend to a course held ... 2C+C - Ensure the $al$es are of the correct di... 2C5% - 8 
2CT' - 'i$e the coating time to Hweather outH... 2CB - Cn  of full scale
2C6% - recei$ed messages which arenKt intende... 2J&% - amplitude is $ariale and freFuenc/ of... 2J'* - 8D 8( ,8D : #8D traces &8D tra...
2JC% - The heat gi$en to or gi$en up from a su... 2J%J - 2es must e cooled to 8 )egr. &.
2J,1 - E$er/ da/.
2JA - The 5te$edore compan/U
2J?1 - To pre$ent the circulating oil in the c... 2JTC - the numer of persons the lifera! is p... 2J7B - "asten seat elts
21)" - Water with less than ( ppm $itiation o... 21CE - Large fenders meant for Ioating etwee... 211 - ,ot less than (0000 <J
2116 - All of the other alternati$es.
21%1 - A wheel with which the ship is steered....
21,& - 7se the intercom to inform crew and pas...
21*? - Cn '3E mode on simple> asis
21+ to suppress noise
2L)& +ortale foam applicator
2LEB "ouled cooling water s/stem.
2L" - Cn a clari=er solids are remo$ed from...
2LCC - +ut the plates in water with Fuali=ed...
2L1 - A ship which carries more than (8 passe...
2LLJ (0 to ((
2LLL - "orward reast line is gi$en / & on th...
2L,B onl/ the master
2L,& ?elease falls
2L+ - A ,orwegian &onsulate has alread/ dutie...
2L*T LA+*
2L?) an indication of aerial prolems
2%B, - 7ncertaint/ - Alert )istress
2%&& - 5pherical cargo tan<s are used on all t...
2%"J Bow4stem is gi$en / B on the =gure
2%15 "eed-chec< $al$e
2%2A 5eelonce ma/da/
2,B, 2ou set watch on channel (G
2,)B - time 9in 7T& whereupon the tele> for t...
2,)2 - call-signs of ships for which a radio-t...
2,E  <nots
2,ET All alternati$es
2,1* - "ull/-refrigerated gas carrier can e d...
2,15  hours a da/U
2,+, - pen steam $al$e $er/ slowl/ consideri...
2,?' Emergenc/ =re pump
2,?# e$er/  months
2,7, - %essage concerning an important na$igat...
2,7 To pre$ent oil spills in 75 watersU
2,C - "uel tan<s should e topped oO with no...
2,6B - That no solid eam of fuel shall e pre...
2,27 Warm clothes lan<ets and life$ests.
2A% - a telephone con$ersation with a person...
2,W 5prin<ler section $al$e
21 Cncrease in condenser pressure.
2+ - ne short last one prolonged last o... 2?2 -  sec
25? - &ircle the $essel.
27+ - is mar<ed that it must e worn in conu... 2W7 - An o ser$ed situation where o ecti$e e... 2 2  - automaticall/ send a non-deli$er/ notif... 2+A# - A whistle and
2+&7 - At a place easil/ accessile from the s... 2+&6 - All the mentioned alternati$esU
2++E - the use of %" and4or #" ?4T
2+5 - automatic self-righting ailities when... 2*"W - Line currentsD 0 A (0 A (0 A. Trip... 2*'7 - 5hips can use their own oats if the/ c... 2*' - 5ilicon controlled recti=er
2*#5 - %idwinter
2*CL - To pre$ent too much shrin<age. 2*C% - 'eneral cargo holds
2*) - neither for Y
2*+A - 30 months efore the e>pir/ date- M4-VG... 2*+6 - The Iash point for an oil or liFue=ed...
2*T1 - +ut on the life ac<et 2?"W - A! of the manifold. 2?"6 - egetales
2??% - Blue
2?? - Enclosed 5pace Entr/ +ermit and &old Wo... 25'L - the name of each inoccupants 9passenger... 25J& - J3E
255E - 2es the Fuic< closing de$ices shall e... 25T2 -  - (0 )egr. &.
257B - An/ of the elow.
257) - Water lea<ing into the comustion cham... 2575 - E+C?B
25* - (. litre
252B - Cf a sudden drop in pressure appears af... 252' - This call is an all station call
2T12 - At least one memer of the crew shall h... 2T*1 - three tin-openers
2T** - %i>ing of D Cncompatile cargoes Anne>... 2T5" - The '+5 s/stem gi$es information aout... 2TT) - Length o$erall is gi$en / B on the =g...
2T25 - The welder shall ha$e een instructed i... 271? - 30. U& ETU
27," - &lose the $al$es o>/gen =rst. 27,2 - 3 - 3Q
27W - ?oller fairlead is gi$en / B on the =... 27TT - an area e>cluding sea areas A( and A8 w... 27L - the use of #" )5&
27, - To e riefed aout what to e>pect and... 2726 - ne /ear.
2"L - The lower speed the higher ratio of oil... 2'1 - The point where the sidewa/s motion of... 2'L - ?eturned to the 5hip &ontrol $ia a ,orw... 2JT - 8 +5C ao$e 4 0 +5C 
2JW - A con$erter that con$erts an analogue s... 2, - one drain $al$e =tted near the lowest... 2*C - %aritime in$estigators The ship &ontro... 2T5 - %easure o>/gen conte
2WB" - The 5eaworthiness Act
2WE - )ilute the remains / (0 times with wat... 2WE+ - At least one porta le foam applicator u... 2W"# - Electrostatic haNardsU
2WC2 - A 5hipoard il +ollution Emergenc/ +la... 2W%B - pressed in during transmitting onl/ to... 2W, - the wa/ radio wa$es are propagated 26&5 - to swim a short distance th
26E, - 30 miles
26) - The manoeu$ring $essel presents her por... 26W - At least two ets of water not emanatin... 26WW - #e is steering the ship.
262L - At aout (4G of the shipKs length from...

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