Peoplesbank (1) New
Peoplesbank (1) New
Peoplesbank (1) New
Customer relationship management has become a vital part for modern business
organizations especially for the service sector. Customer relationship management is
“the overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by
delivering superior customer value and satisfaction”.
Peoples’ Bank has etched its presence indelibly for 47 years in the lives of Sri
Lankan people, working on the philosophy of always looking at the big picture of
overall development on a bottom- up approach. Its philosophy of development has
continuously evolved on a sustainable platform and considering that even in
challenging times. It has ensured a consistent growth curve that emulates every stake
holder of People’s Bank. They strongly believe that they are firmly journeying
towards meeting the goals of their overall vision.
Peoples’ bank was inaugurated on 1st July 1961. The first branch was opened at Duke
Street. During the year eight more branches were opened. Today the Bank is
consisting of 327 Branches and 341 Service Centers.
The Bank obtained an A-rating from Fitch Ratings Lanka Ltd. indicating progress
from its earlier Rating level. Being the driver in peoples’ development was once again
proved true when the bank won Peoples’ Awards throughout the years. Bank’s ever
increasing portfolio of eleven million customers made the prime choice for winning
the ‘Service Brand of the Year’ for first time and retaining the ‘Banking and
Financial Services Brand of the Year’ for the third consecutive year. Within the
year of 2008 number of customers has been increased by 8.2%.
With the rapid growth of globalization and increasing customer needs and demands,
today the biggest challenge is to prepare ICT platform to cater for tomorrows needs.
Bank’s IT team has taken keen steps to meet this requirement by way of establishing a
robust cost effective integrated ICT solution with proper ICT governance which
aligned with the bank’s future vision and mission.
Having already completed the Strategic Plan 2004 to 2008 successfully, the bank has
formulated a new Strategic Plan from 2009 to 2014 where the goals within this plan
are ambitious but achievable.
To be the Bank of the aspiring People of Sri Lanka: empowering People to become
value creating, competitive and self-reliant.
(Out of several business values we took only this one to our project which relates
Peoples’ Bank has hence been able to continue the consistent growth curve, even with
the intense competition from other commercial banks primarily due to understanding
the psyche of the people of Sri Lanka, with a closely knit customer relationship,
strengthened through the accessibility of the bank in all corners of the country, a team
that has ensured they ‘walk the talk’ and being able to match and sometimes exceed
the innovations prevalent in the industry.
In 1963 the bank commenced its pawning services for the benefit of their customers
and commenced a new Agriculture credit Scheme becoming the pioneer lender to
the small farm sector in 1967.
The ‘Athamaru’ Loan Scheme was introduced to finance economics activities of the
informal sector. The Investment Savings Scheme, a credit linked saving Scheme was
launched to attract regular savers.
The Bank initiated the ‘Ganu Denu’ practice, identifying itself with the traditions
of the Sinhala and Tamil New Year and encouraging customers to transact with the
bank at the auspicious time.
The Bank introduced a new Inland Bill Scheme for lending to the rural sector and
for financing agricultural activities in 1989. The People’s Visa Card was
introduced in association with Visa international and 24 branches were fully
computerized in 1990.
The 330 bank branches were operating throughout the country and 35 main branches
were fully automated. ‘Vanitha Vasana’, a savings scheme for women was
introduced in 1993.
‘Guru Setha’, a new deposit mobilization and loan scheme catering to government
teachers was launched in 1995 with the co-operation of the Ministry of Education.
In 1996 ‘Suwa Sevana’ a credit package for Government sector health personnel was
launched. ‘Sisu Udana’ a new deposit scheme for school children was introduced.
In 1999 bank launched ‘Isuru Udana’, a deposit scheme that encourages parents
and guardians to save for the benefit of their young charges. The ‘Jana Jaya’ savings
cum loan scheme was launched in 2000 and the newly introduced ‘Jaya Siri’ draw
offered attractive prizes for depositors.
In the year 2003 the bank introduced number of new services to their customers. The
Young Executive Saver’s (YES) Account was launched. And also the Housing Loan
product was repackaged and re-launched under the ‘Jaya Nivasa’ name. The new
Savings Scheme titled ‘Visrama Suvaya’ was launched for the pensioners. ‘The
first lesson in school’ was launched to inculcate savings habit among new students
entering year 1 classes where the initial deposit was matched one-to-one up to a
maximum of Rs. 500.
The on-line access to AMEX account was facilitated in 2006 enabling efficient
customer service by granting immediate credit on account incoming remittances.
‘Nidahase Upatha’ rewarded new life by giving Rs 500 to all babies born in the first
week of February.
People's Bank offers a varied range of globally accepted cards (Gold Credit Card,
Classic Credit Card) to suit customer requirements. It carries 51 days of interest free
credit and the lowest interest rate of 2.8% per month. Peoples’ bank offer free
supplementary card to Gold card holders.
Moving into an era of technology banking and bringing the anywhere anytime
banking to its customers, the bank launched its latest service offer of Palm Top
Banking to its customers in 2008.
Two new foreign currency deposit products were launched, viz., ‘Doo Daru
Ethera Isuru’ a foreign currency deposit product for children and ‘Special Foreign
Investment Deposit Account’ [SFIDA].
Peoples’ Bank mainly considers that direct relationships with the customers are the
best way of building a long term relationships. Therefore they have no online
customer relationship system and mainly cater the customers over the counters.
Website is used to inquire information not for transaction. This has resulted in
building a long-term relationship with the customers. They ensure that once the
customer opens an account they do not leave the organization.
• New customer does not mean a brand new customer. New customer could be
the same customer with a different need.
For an example, Mr. Pereira has a savings account in the bank for a long time.
One day he came to take a loan. He is the same customer but with a different
need. So from the point of view of the bank Mr. Pereira is a new customer.
• Direct interaction with the customers - member of the bank calls the
customers and inquire about any problem or suggestions
• Market research - Bank tries to get the qualitative responses from the
customers. This is conducted by a third party interview, so that customers
would have more freedom and this is done 5-6 times per year
• Customer get-togethers
• 80:20 Rule - Bank uses 80:20 rule where basic requirements are provided to all
the customers and profitable customers are given additional benefits such as;
gifts, diaries...etc. Normally the bank prints 600,000 calendars for their
customers every year (bank gives a calendar to each and every customer who
comes 1st January to the bank). And also for an example, when a customer
deposits a lump sum the managers talk with him and tries to build a good
• Having a complaint box - Complaint boxes are kept in each and every branch
to collect ideas from customers in order to improve the customer satisfaction.
Bank’s idea is that customer complaints are very important to them in order to
achieve their targets. And also they are having a online inquiry system for
• The bank is targeting to have an Active Bank Account for each and every Sri
Lankan. And also to make “SMS BANKING’’ a domestic brand.
The People’s Bank has a history of care for people and environment. The bank has
recognized the role within community and environment, which goes well beyond
being the bank of the people. The bank has made contributions to cultural and
religious activities, to the sectors of health and education and so much more. Through
these activities the bank has become even closer to the hearts of Sri Lankan people.
• Bank initiated projects to repair ten Provincial Hospitals and refurbish two
wards at the Cancer Hospital – Maharagama.
• 12 students who were placed among the first three in the Mathematics,
Science, Commerce and Arts streams in the GCE A/L examination were
presented scholarships worth Rs 75000/-. Rs 60000/-, and Rs 40000/-
Peoples’ Bank mainly divides its products and services into four areas;
1. Personal Banking
2. Corporate Banking
3. Treasury Services
4. Development Banking
1. Personal Banking
I. Savings Accounts
Personal Accounts
o Individual
o Joint
Business Accounts
o Sole Proprietorship
o Partnership
o Limited Liability Companies
o Statutory Bodies
IV. Loans
Some examples:
Purchase of vehicles
For education
Pensioners loan
Loans scheme for members of local govt. , employees abroad,
Telecom employees
Swarna Pradeepa
NRFC Accounts
RFC Accounts
RRFC Accounts
RNNFC Accounts
People’s e-Remittance
Credit Cards
Inter Branch
International Money Transfers
Inter Branch Money Transfers
2. Corporate Banking
3. Treasury Services
5. Development Banking
There are number of services provide by the bank. Following are some of
Athamaru Loan Scheme
Govi Sahanaya – forward sales agreement
“The Awakening North” Loan Scheme
Small and Medium Enterprise Loans
Micro Finance Loans
Skills Development
Industrial Loans
Smallholder Plantation Entrepreneurship Development programme
The main strength of People’s Bank is being close to the customer and having
direct relationships.
Having wide number of branches all over the country.
Having high concern for customers from top to bottom level of the
Bank does not have a formal module for CRM, despite this they have
performed well and was awarded the Best Brand of the Year.
No data base module
660 branches are not linked to the data warehouse. Therefore data mining is
not successful.
No formal custom service standards.
It would be easy to carry out their work to the Marketing Department if the
bank recruits Customer Relationship Managers. Because up to date the
Customer relationship Strategies are carry out by the Marketing Department
It would be helpful to the bank to come closer to the hearts of Sri Lankan
people more than they do today.