Bank 1
Bank 1
Bank 1
1.1 Introduction
Chapter one is about introduction of report. As a part of requirement of BBA degree six
week internship is necessary for student. This chapter includes background, purpose, scope,
objectives and methodology of the study. It also include introduction of organization.
1.3 Purpose
Internship is the capstone experience that provides me with hands-on, real-world experience in a
work setting. Ideally, internship will enable internees to:
➢ Use my knowledge and skills get from the classroom.
➢ Discover where further competence is needed.
➢ Convert the bookish knowledge into practical life, and
➢ Become better acquainted with the types of work settings in which such Competence can be
1.4 Scope
This study will facilitate to me regarding the working of Banking sector of Pakistan because most
of the teachers during their lectures use the examples of Banks like ASKARI, Students should
study about the functioning of such Banks. It will help full for me in future.
1.5 Limitation of the Study:
The study is done with the sole purpose of doing the best work but there were certain limitation
faced during the internship period. The most important limitation from which the study suffers is
the non-availability of information in a manner required for analysis and the secrecy of the bank.
Another important limitation of the study is time and space constraint.
1.6 Objectives:
I worked as an internee in ASKARI Bank (3370) Branch Saddar, Hyderabad. The main objectives
to study in ASKARI were:
➢ To get some experience in working with well reputed organization.
➢ To gain knowledge about the professional environment of the bank.
➢ To know about the technology utilized in the banks.
➢ To deal and manage with the situation of stress.
1.7 Methodology:
There are mainly two methods that are used for the collection of data.
✓ Primary Data ✓
Secondary Data (A) Primary Data:
➢ Observation of functions of Branch operations on the spot.
➢ Observation of different processes of Branch on the spot.
Since inception, the bank has concentrated on growth through improving service quality,
investment in technology and people, utilizing its extensive branch network which includes Islamic
and agricultural banking.
Askari Bank has since expanded into a network of 261 branches / sub branches, including
34 dedicated Islamic banking branches, and a wholesale bank branch in Bahrain. A shared network
of 5,903 online ATMs covering all major cities in Pakistan supports the delivery channels for
customer service. As at December 31, 2012, the Bank had equity of Rs. 19.7 billion and total assets
of Rs. 353 billion, with 907,984 banking customers, serviced by our 5,597 employees. Askari
Investment Management Limited and Askari Securities Limited are subsidiaries of Askari Bank
engaged in managing mutual funds and share brokerage, respectively.
Our vision to be the bank of first choice in the region demands continuous strive for creation
of business opportunities with innovation while maintaining our core values to meet our
commitment to all our stakeholders. The range of our products aims to serve our diverse customer
base that comprises of corporate, SMEs, individual savers, households and, farmers. At the same
time, our people are constantly engaged in assessing customer needs and market dynamics to
realign our products and priorities to attain brand recognition and competitive edge. We are
continuously reviewing and reshaping our portfolio of businesses by investing in higher growth
areas, extending and developing our core competencies and moving out of weak and non–core
segments. Technology has played a pivotal role in meeting customer expectations, particularly
with respect to speed.
As ASKARI is a banking company listed in stock exchange therefore it follows all the legalities,
which are imposed by concerned statutes. MR. Manzoor Ahmed is chairman of the company with
a team of to help in the business control and strategy making for the company.
✓ Providing innovative
✓ Efficient financial solutions
✓ Long-term relationships with our customers ✓ Shareholders invest with confidence
Our Values:
Integrity is the most valued standard in whatever we do. We understand that our
commitment to satisfy customers’ needs must be fulfilled within a professional and ethical
framework. We subscribe to a culture of high ethical standards, based on the development of right
attitudes. The intrinsic values, which are the corner stone’s of our corporate behavior, are.
• Commitment
• Integrity
• Fairness
• Teamwork
• Service
We respect our customer’s values, beliefs, culture and history. We value the equality of gender and
diversity of experience and education that our employees bring with them. We create an
environment where each individual is enabled to succeed.
We take personal responsibility for our role as leaders in the pursuit of excellence. We are a
performance driven, result oriented organization where merit is the only criterion for reward.
Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We thrive on the challenge of understanding
their needs and aspirations, both realized and unrealized. We make every effort to exceed customer
expectations through superior services and solutions.
We encourage and reward people who challenge the status quo and think beyond the boundaries
of the conventional. Our teams work together for the smooth and efficient implementation of ideas
and initiatives. ASKARI soon earned the reputation of a solid and conservative financial institution
managed by expatriate executives.
The Bank has a customer base of approximately 4 million, a nationwide distribution network of
over 1,000 branches and over 450 ATMs in the market.
During the last fifteen years, the Bank has concentrated on growth through improving service
quality, investment in technology and people, utilizing its extensive branch network, developing a
large and stable deposit base.
• “The Best Annual Report Award for the year 2011“ by ICAP & ICMAP
• “Best Presented Annual Report Award and SAARC Anniversary Awards for Corporate
Governance Disclosures 2011“ ” by South Asian Federation of Accountants “Best Retail
Bank in Pakistan” by The Asian Banker.
• “The Best Bank in Pakistan” by Global Finance magazine – 2001 and 2002
• “Best Consumer Internet Bank” Global Finance magazine – 2002 and 2003
• “Best Presented Annual Accounts” by (ICAP) and (ICAMP) – 2000, 2001 and 2002
• “The Best Consumer Banking Award 2006” by the Consumer Association of Pakistan
• “The Best Retail Banking Award 2008” by Pakistan Guarantee Export Corporation Ltd –
• “Best Corporate Report Award for the year 2008” by ICAP & ICMAP – 2008
• “The Best Annual Report Award for the year 2010” by ICAP & ICMAP
• “The Best Presented Accounts Award 2010 – 2nd Runner Up-Joint” by South Asian
Federation of Accountants
3.1 Accounts
Following are the types of account in ASKARI
➢ The account is opened with a minimum initial deposit of Rs.1000.
➢ BBA is a Rupee Current Account (non-remunerative account).
➢ There is no minimum balance requirement, and hence no monthly account maintenance
charges apply.
➢ In case where balance in BBA remains “ZERO” for a continuous 06 month period, the
account will be closed automatically.
➢ Each month the account holder is allowed 02 deposits transactions (either cash or clearing)
and 02 withdrawals (cash or clearing). All customer initiated transactions over and above
this limit will be charged Rs. 25 per transaction
➢ All ATM transactions conducted through electronic channels (i.e. ATM, Debit Card POS
machine, Virtual Banking) are exempted of transaction fee. Hence the customer is allowed
unlimited transactions through these channels.
➢ ATM cards are issued to all BBA account holders in on-line branches. Card issuance and
annual fee will be recovered as per Schedule of Bank Charges.
➢ ATM transaction charges on balance enquiry / mini statement and on usage of non-
ASKARI ATM’s will apply as per Schedule of Bank Charges.
➢ Statement of account to be mailed as per existing policy of the Bank. Charges for duplicate
statement will apply as per Schedule of Bank Charges. Eligibility
✓ Low income individuals are eligible for opening BBA with single or joint account type.
✓ Existing individual account holders can also convert their regular Savings or current
account into Basic Banking Account.
✓ This facility is not offered to non-individuals
➢ The profit is calculated only on minimum deposit balance between Rs. 10,000/- and Rs.
300,000/- during a month, irrespective of the balance available in the account (as per
prescribed slabs). This range can be changed by the Bank any time without giving prior
notice to the customer (as and when required).
➢ Profit is calculated monthly, based on the minimum balance of the account during the
month. In case minimum balance exceeds the ceiling of Rs. 300,000/- in a month, profit
would only be paid on Rs. 300,000/-
➢ ASKARI Smart Savings account can be merged with the regular PLS Savings account any
time by giving 3 months notice to the customers at the discretion of the Bank.
➢ The profit rates are estimated/provisional and subject to change any time at the discretion
of the Bank.
➢ Service charges would be applicable as per Bank policy if the balance goes down below
the prescribed minimum balance.
➢ Cheque book would not be issued to the account holder. ATM Card would be issued to the
customer for cash withdrawals.
➢ A customer can open only one ASKARI Smart Savings Account in the Bank, in case a
customer is found to have more than one Smart Savings Account, the Bank reserves the
right not to give the profit or recover profit if already paid to the customer on their
➢ Zakat is deducted as per the policy. Withholding Tax is also deducted from profit (where
applicable) as per Income Tax Laws.
Up to RS.199, 999 5%
Rs.200, 000 – 299,999 7%
More than Rs.300, 000 5%
Profit Calculation:
Profit will be calculated on a monthly basis, based on the minimum balance maintained by the
customer during that month.
✓ Only Individuals (Single or Joint) are eligible to open PLS Smart Savings Account.
✓ Non-Individuals like Proprietors Company, Partnership, Trading, Collection accounts
etc are not eligible.
Less than 10 Million 5%
Rs.10 Million to less than 25 Million 6%
Rs.25 Million to less than 50 Million 6.5%
Rs.50 Million to less than 100 Million 7%
Rs.100 Million to less than 250 Million 7.5%
Rs.250 Million to less than Rs.500 Million 8%
Rs.500 Million and above 8.25%
Individuals and institutions can open the account.
➢ Higher the balance the higher the number of free transactions.
➢ Open a Business Account with Rs.50, 000 only.
➢ Unlimited free cash deposit and withdrawal facility at hundreds of branches nationwide.
When you maintain average monthly balance of Rs.100, 000 or above ➢
Demand Drafts/Pay Orders.
➢ Cancellation for Demand Drafts/Pay Orders.
➢ Cheque Book.
➢ International ATM Gold Card.
This deposit can be used as a security / collateral and the depositor can avail up to 75% of the
principal amount upfront. The depositor also has the option of increasing the financing limit up to
90% of the principal amount, upon obtaining the necessary approvals from the relevant authority.
The tenor of the financing facility should be within the maturity date of the deposit.
In case of premature encashment, the depositor will bear the tax expense Profit
payment frequency:
Profit on the special TD is paid on the date of maturity of deposit for 3 and 6 months tenor. Deposits
booked for 1, 3 and 5 years tenor is paid profit on a quarterly basis. Hence the depositor gets the
opportunity of investing for a long term without compromising on cash flows.
Payment of profit:
➢ Profit amount will be credited into the depositor’s linked/ specified current or Savings account. ➢
Cash payment of profit amount will not be allowed.
➢ Branch is required to maintain maturity date and profit payment dates for each account so
that there is no delay in payment of profit to the depositor.
(Existing Account Holders) Individuals, Firms and Companies
Existing Account Holders (Individuals, Firms and Companies)
➢ The minimum amount to be placed under this product is USD $ 10,000.
➢ Interest rates are offered based on the amount of deposit.
➢ Free Lockers Facility
➢ Free of Charge Bank Statement & Smart Cards
➢ Discount (Up to 50%) on processing charges of Personal Loans & Car Financing.
➢ Preferential rates on consumer loans.
➢ Interest on the smart foreign currency fixed deposits is paid on the date of maturity of deposit
for 3 and 6 months tenor. Deposits booked for 1 year is paid interest on a half yearly basis.
➢ Cash payment of Interest amount is not allowed.
➢ Minimum retention period is 01 month, irrespective of the tenor for which the deposit is
booked. In case depositor wishes to encash the deposit before completion of one month,
only principal amount will be paid to the customer. If customer wishes to encash the deposit
after one month but before maturity, the branch will pay interest at the Savings ➢ Rate for
the number of days completed.
In case of any change in the above features, prescribed procedure by RBG will be applicable.
This covers the services and products that Bank offers to its customers for Funds Transfer.
Currently Bank is offering following Products & Services for Fund Transfer: (Locally &
➢ Payment Order
➢ Demand Draft (Local & Foreign Currency)
➢ Telegraphic Transfer (Local & Foreign Currency)
➢ Mail Transfer (Local Currency)
Issuing Branch Drawee Branch
3.9 Clearing
“Fund transfer between two banks and branches is called clearing”
There are two types of clearing
➢ Outward clearing
➢ Inward clearing
Outward clearing
“Outward clearing is to send the cheques to other branch”
There are three types of outward clearing
1. Same day clearing
2. Normal clearing
3. Inter city clearing
1. Same day clearing
In same day clearing send the cheque in the morning and receive the payment in the evening,
There are two conditions in the same day clearing
• Cheque will be 500000 or above
• Member of the same day
2. Normal clearing
In normal clearing send the cheque today and receive the payment next day. No condition will
impose in normal clearing like same day clearing.
3. Inter city clearing
Clearing between two cities is called intercity clearing. In intercity clearing cheque will clear in
two or three days.
To understand the process of clearing we first need to understand and comprehend the workings
and the purpose of the state banks institution called NIFT.
3.10 Lockers
Basically it is a facility which is provided by the bank to its customers in order to secure there
money gold important property documents etc. before this locker concept people are very much
worried about the loss of their money, gold and important documents so now the people are very
much relax because now they use this facility quite frequently.
Personal Observation
➢ Dressing (Suiting)
➢ Regularity
➢ Punctuality
➢ Account Opening
➢ Account Closing
➢ Account activation
➢ Stop Payment
➢ Interaction with peoples & professional
➢ Issuance of Cheque Book
➢ Remittance
➢ Clearing
➢ Counter services
➢ Symbols software
➢ Facing stress environment
Represented by:
Share capital 5,463,276 6,282,768 15%
Reserves 24,662,426 34,000,638 38%
Unappropriateed profit 5,530,973 5,130,750 -7%
Bills payable 7,089,679 17.4% 19.0% 10,479,058
Borrowings 23,943,476 58.6% 71.5% 39,406,831
Deposits and Other accounts 257,461,838 630.3% 529.9% 292,098,066
Sub-ordinated loans 1,597,440 3.9% 0.9% 479,232
Represented by:
As on 31st December
2021 vertical 2022 vertical
2021 2022
Profit After Tax 15,265,562 12,142,398
Equity Capital 45,414,156 35,656,675
Ratio (%) 33.61% 34.05%
2021 2022
Fixed Deposits 43,578,126 42,589,457
Total Deposits 292,098,066 257,461,838
Ratio (%) 14.9% 16.5%
2021 2022
Admin Expenses 5,022,416 6,482,592
Deposit 292,098,066 257,461,838
Ratio (%) 1.71% 2.51%
➢ ASKARI Bank is Successive and Market oriented.
➢ ASKARI Bank investing huge sums on HR development and training.
➢ Customer default rate is lower as compared to other banks.
➢ ASKARI Bank has the largest ATM network in the country.
➢ Meeting the challenges of latest Technology by introducing Smart card remit express,
mobile banking etc.
➢ One of the major strengths of ASKARI Bank is that it has very stable deposit base.
➢ ASKARI Bank is largest private bank in Pakistan with around 261 branches, which cover
almost every part of Pakistan.
➢ The bank enjoys competitive advantage over other banks in Pakistan.
➢ The bank enjoys competitive profitability in the industry.
➢ ASKARI Bank has captured majority of potential customers in Pakistan.
➢ ASKARI Bank has the accounts of big organizations like OGDCL, PTCL, EFU, PTC etc.
➢ Low motivational level
➢ Employees, dissatisfaction due to ill treatment and improper reward system.
➢ Favoritism and Nepotism in recruitment.
➢ High Employees Turnover.
➢ Decision making process is very slow.
➢ It is not having greater no. of branches abroad.
➢ Though ATM network is the largest in Pakistan, still some potential areas don’t have the ATM. ➢
ASKARI Bank RTC is useable only in Pakistan.
➢ Some management positrons needed are not professional.
➢ Although most of the branches are computerized now, still some important branches don’t
have computers.
➢ Less efficiency of SYMBOL System due to disconnectivity
➢ Leasing sector is growing in Pakistan for the last two to three years which provides
opportunity to ASKARI Bank to go ahead in this area as well.
➢ ASKARI Bank is providing Consumer Finances at comparatively lower rates which paves
a way to grab more customers
➢ Financing to small/medium cottage industries will definitely increase its advances and
profitability as well.
➢ Islamic Trading Based Banking can enhance the business of the bank.
➢ Overseas Operations.
➢ Launch the more effective and modern banking online system.
➢ For the last of many years, Pakistan is facing economic and political instability which is a
big threat.
➢ Afghan war and Iraq war has a deep effect on the economy of Pakistan, which may affect
➢ Foreign banks are flourishing in field of consumer financing.
➢ People don’t prefer banking culture. They mostly prefer cash transactions
At the completion of the business internship the internee draws the following:
3. It seems that the promotions are not given in the due time.
4. It appears that large amount paid on administration cost.
7. It seems that there shall be a great the rush days for the customers as well as for the staff
members if the no of counter are limited or very few.
8. It might not be possible for every borrower to repay the money in due time.
1. It is suggestion that the process should be short in order in save time money energy and
stationary etc.
2. It is proposed that proper training be provided to the staff members that will ultimately increase
the performance of Bank over all.
3. It is advised that promotion be given in due time because of interest to work satisfactory.
4. It is consulted that bank should reduce its large expenses in order to increase the value of bank.
5. It is suggested that reasonable steps should be taken to recover all absolute advances.
6. The ASKARI should introduce the use of computers in order to confront with the hectic business
activities. It will also help to reduce the extra load of manual work.
7. Extra counters should be brought in order to facilitate during the rush days the difficulties faced
by the bank staff as well as the customers.
9.1 References
• Introduction:
• Internship Activities: