ET301 Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications
ET301 Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications
ET301 Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications
Contents deal with the basic concepts of operational amplifier, linear & non-linear application of
OP-AMP. It covers design and analysis of frequency selective and tuning circuits like
oscillators, active filters, PLL and its use for communication applications. Along with switching
applications like that of comparators, course content finds a due scope to learn IC based design
of voltage regulators.
Knowledge of basic electronics engineering, electronic circuits and applications
cOUrsE OBjEcTIvEs:
The objectives of offering this course are to impart strong foundation of IC based design of
circuits used in the area of:-
1. Power management
2. Signal conditioning
3. Analog and digital communication
On the successful completion of this course; student shall
1. Understand and design the basic circuits using op-amp and perform operations and their
2. Analyze the responses of IC based designed circuits in the area of power management, signal
conditioning, analog and digital communication
3. Develop IC based project kits in above areas according to specifications
PO PO Level of
No. co-relation
b Design and conduct experiments on electronics industrial set up, as 3
well as analyze and interpret the resulting data.
c Design a component, system or process to meet the specifications and 2
requirements within pragmatic constraints
Operational Amplifier:
Block schematic of Op-amp and its characteristics, in-depth understanding of differential,
intermediate and output stages, data sheet interpretation of op-amp IC 741, operational amplifier
parameters, offset null techniques of op-amp features, measurement of op-amp parameters,
effects of real operational amplifier parameters on circuit performance, frequency response and
stability, frequency and phase compensation techniques.
Voltage Regulators:
Block schematic of a voltage regulated supply, series regulator using op-amp, voltage regulator
IC 723 and its applications as positive/negative and fixed/adjustable voltage regulators, three
terminal voltage regulators as positive/negative and fixed/adjustable voltage regulators, dual
tracking regulators, switching regulator schematic.
Text Books:
1. Op-amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, R. Gayakwad, Prentice Hall of India, 4th
edition, 2008.
2. Linear Integrated Circuits, D. Choudhari, S. Jain, New Age International (P) limited, 4th
edition, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Design with operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits, S. Franco, Tata
McGraw Hill, 3rd edition, 2002.
2. Op-amp and Linear Integrated Circuits Theory and Applications, J. Fiore, Delmar
Thompson Learning, 1st edition, 2001.
3. Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits, R. Coughlin, F. Driscoll, PHI,
6th edition, 2001.
4. Integrated Circuits, K.R. Botkar, Khanna Publishers, 10th edition, 2010.
ET305 Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications Lab
Minimum twelve experiments shall be performed to cover entire curriculum of course ET301.
The list given below is just a guideline.
1. Op-amp parameter measurement: input bias current, input offset current, Input offset
voltage, slew rate of op-amp 741.
2. Implement inverting and non-inverting amplifier for a specific gain and observe input output
waveforms. Measure practical gain and compare the same with theoretical.
3. Implement a unity gain voltage follower and observe input and output waveforms for
different input signals.
4. Design and test active integrator and differentiator circuits for given Frequency. Apply
different input signals & observe the output waveform.
5. Study the operation of half wave and full wave precision rectifier. Observe the input and
output waveforms for both the circuits.
6. Design and test positive and negative clamper. Observe input and output waveforms for
both the circuits.
7. Design and test Schmitt trigger circuit for given hysteresis. Measure the hysteresis voltage.
8. Design and test of square wave or triangular wave generator using Op-amp for given
frequency. Observe the O/P waveforms. Measure the O/P frequency of the circuits.
9. Design and test timer using IC 555 in monostable and astable mode. Observe the o/p
waveforms. Measure the o/p frequency of the circuits.
10. Design and test 555 in bistable mode. State its applications.
11. Design and test VCO using IC 566. Observe the o/p waveforms. Measure the frequency of
the o/p waveforms.
12. Design and test PLL using IC 565 PLL for given lock and capture range. Observe the o/p
waveforms. Measure the lock & capture range.
13. Design and test a zero crossing detector using IC 710. Plot input and output waveforms.
14. Design and test second order Butterworth LP or HP filter. Plot the frequency response.
15. Design and test BP Butterworth filter. Plot the frequency response.
16. Design and test any one RC oscillator using op-amp. Observe the output frequency and
compare the same with theoretical.
Teaching Scheme: 03L+ 00 T; Total: 03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 ISE1 + 15 ISE2 + 10 ISA + 60 ESE Total Marks: 100
ESE Duration: 3 Hrs.
This course is designed to lay the foundation for further studies in areas such as communication,
signal processing and power electronics systems etc. This course will explore the basic concepts
of control system engineering. Students will understand and learn types of control system and
their components, mathematical modelling of physical system using transfer function. Time and
frequency response and design of the system, state space approach, controllers. In this course,
more emphasis is given on analysis and design of system in continuous time.
Knowledge of basic mathematics, electrical and electronics engineering, electric and magnetic
circuits concepts, electric machines fundamentals.
cOUrsE OBjEcTIvEs:
The objectives of offering this course are
1. to learn and understand the need of automation of system.
2. to make strong foundation in types of feedback used in control System and its application.
3. to strengthen ability of students to analyze and design control systems.
4. to make students familiar with applications controllers in other areas of control system.
On the successful completion of this course; student shall
1. understand open loop and closed loop feedback systems.
2. analyze control systems in time and frequency domain.
3. use of compensation techniques to stabilize control systems.
4. understand concept of state, state variables and state model.
Case Studies:
Cement plant: Objectives of automation system, automation strategies, raw mill automation, kiln
automation, packing and dispatch automation, distributed control system, central control room,
local control room, system architecture.
Irrigation canal management: monitoring, automation strategies, measurements, control and
communication, decision support system at central computer.
Text Books:
1. Control System Engineering, I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, New Age International
Publisher, 5th Edition, 2014.
2. Modern Control engineering, Katsuhiko Ogata, PHI, 5th edition, 2010.
3. Nise’s Control System Engineering, Dr. Rajiv Gupta, Willey India Publication, 2011.
4. Computer Based Industrial Control, Krishant Kant, PHI, 2nd edition, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Automatic Control Systems, B. C. Kuo, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 4th edition.
2. Control systems, Samarajit Ghosh, Pearson publishers, 2nd edition, First Impression,
3. Schaum’s Outline, Control System, Joshph J, Distefano III, Allen R. Stubberud, Ivan J.
Williams, TMH, 3rd edition, 2012.
4. Control Systems Engineering, S. Palani, TMH, 2nd Edition, 4th reprint 2012.
5. Digital Control and State Variable Methods, M. Gopal, TMH, 4th edition, 2012.
6. MATLAB and Simulink for Engineers, Agam Kumar Tyagi, Oxford University Press, 1st
edition, 2012.
Teaching Scheme: 02P; Total: 02 Credit: 01
Evaluation Scheme: 50 ICA Total Marks: 50
Minimum twelve experiments (6 from each group A and B) shall be performed to cover entire
curriculum of course ET302 using simulation software like MATLAB/Scilab, PSpice, etc. The
list given below is just a guideline.
Group A (Minimum 6 Experiments)
1. Synchros to observe angular displacement.
2. Determination transient response of RLC electrical network.
3. Stepper motor.
4. Motor speed and input characteristics.
5. Bidirectional motor speed control.
6. Tacho-generator.
7. Motor control using PWM method.
8. Position control of DC servo motor.
9. DC motor control in open loop.
10. DC motor control in close loop.
ICA – Internal Continuous Assessment shall support for regular performance of practical and
its regular assessment. In addition; it shall be based on knowledge/skill acquired and record
submitted by student (journal) based on practical performed by him/her. The performance
shall be assessed experiment wise using internal continuous assessment format (S 10).
Teaching Scheme: 03L+00 T; Total: 03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 ISE1 + 15 ISE2 + 10 ISA + 60 ESE Total Marks: 100
ESE Duration: 3 Hrs.
This course is designed to introduce students to fundamental principles and techniques for
analysis of discrete signals and systems. Students will understand and learn representation of
discrete signal and system in time and frequency domain using DTFT, DFT and Z transform. In
addition, students will understand and learn design of FIR and IIR filters. This course also
introduces students to architecture of DSP processor and basics of implementation of discrete
systems on DSP processor.
Knowledge of Signals and Systems and fundamentals of complex numbers.
cOUrsE OBjEcTIvEs:
The objectives of offering this course are
1. to make strong foundation of discrete time signals and discrete systems.
2. to strengthen ability of students to analyze discrete time signals and discrete systems in
time domain and frequency domain
3. to make students familiar with design of digital filters and its implementation on DSP
On the successful completion of this course; student shall
1. Represent and analyse discrete systems in time domain.
2. Analyze discrete signals and discrete systems in frequency domain using DTFT, DFT and
Z transform
3. Design FIR and IIR filters and realize them in Direct form, cascade form and parallel form.
4. Understand architecture of DSP processor and its applications.
5. Simulate and implement various DSP techniques covered under this course while
completing ET 307 Digital Signal Processing Lab.
PO PO Level of
No. co-relation
b Design and conduct experiments on electronics industrial set up, as well 2
as analyze and interpret the resulting data.
c Design a component, system or process to meet the specifications and 3
requirements within pragmatic constraints.
d Solve problems related to electronics engineering in interdisciplinary 1
l Assist in research and development activities. 1
Introduction to DSP:
Basic elements of DSP and its requirements, advantages of digital over analog signal processing,
sampling of analog signals, concept of frequency in CT and DT sinusoids, mapping between
analog frequencies to digital frequency, analytical treatment with examples, sampling theorem in
time domain and its frequency domain implication (concept only), analysis of DT system using
convolution sum, representation of discrete systems using difference equations, concept of non-
recursive and recursive systems, solution of difference equations using direct method.
FIR filters:
Introduction to digital filters – definition, types (FIR and IIR), choice between FIR and IIR
filters, frequency response of ideal and practical filters.
FIR filters –linear phase response and its implications, types of linear phase FIR filters, design of
FIR filters using rectangular Window, limitations of rectangular window &Gibb’s Phenomenon,
other important window functions – triangular, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman & their
comparison, frequency sampling method of FIR filter design (type I and type II).
Text Books:
1. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, algorithms and applications, John G. Proakis, Dimitris
G. Manolakis, Pearson Prentice Hall, 4th edition, 2007.
2. Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing, Lonnie C Ludeman, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 1st
edition, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Digital Signal processing: Practical approach, Ifaeachor E.C, Jervis B. W., Pearson
Education, 2nd edition, 2012
2. Digital Signal Processing, Dr.Shaila Apte, Wiley India Publication, second edition,2009
3. Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals and applications, Li Tan, Jean Jiang, Academic
press,2nd edition, 2013
4. Digital Signal Processing, A.Nagoor Kani, McGraw Hill Education, 2nd edition, 2012.
Teaching Scheme: 02P; Total: 02 Credit: 01
Evaluation Scheme:25 ICA + 25 ESE Total Marks:50
Minimum twelve experiments (six from each group) shall be performed to cover entire
curriculum of course ET303 using simulation software like MATLAB/Scilab/Octave/C. The list
given below is just a guideline.
Group A (Minimum 6 Experiments)
1. Implement the sampling theorem and aliasing effects by sampling an analog signal with
various sampling frequencies.
2. Analysis of LTI system using convolution sum (without using standard function).
3. Spectral analysis of discrete signal using DFT.
4. To verify the properties of DFT. (Any two)
5. To study the circular convolution for calculation of linear convolution and aliasing effect.
(Take two sequences of length 4. Write a program to find 4 point circular convolution and
compare the result with 8 point circular convolution to study aliasing in time domain. )
6. To implement radix-2 FFT algorithm (DIT /DIF).
7. To plot the poles and zeros of a transfer function when the coefficients of the transfer
function are given, study stability of different transfer functions.
8. To solve the difference equation and find the system response using Z transform (for non-
relaxed LTI system).
Group B (Minimum 6 Experiments, out of which experiment no. 14 mandatory and any
one is mandatory from experiment no. 15 and 16)
9. Design and testing of FIR filter using different windows. (Minimum 2 window functions)
10. Design and testing of FIR filter using frequency sampling method (type I /type II) .
11. Design and testing of IIR filter (Butterworth Approximation).
12. Design and testing of IIR filter (Chebyshev Approximation)
13. Effect of coefficient quantization on the impulse response of the filter using direct form I
and II realization and cascade realization.(theory assignment)
14. To interface DSP processor kit with CRO/DSO and function generator.
15. To implement FIR filter on DSP processor kit.
16. To implement IIR filter on DSP processor kit.
ICA –Internal Continuous Assessment shall support for regular performance of practical and
its regular assessment. In addition; it shall be based on knowledge/skill acquired and record
submitted by student (journal) based on practical performed by him/her. The performance
shall be assessed experiment wise using internal continuous assessment format (S 10).
ESE – The End Semester Examination (ESE) for this laboratory course shall be based on
performance in one of the experiments performed by student in the semester followed by
sample questions to judge the depth of understanding/knowledge or skill acquired by the
student. It shall be evaluated by two examiners out of which one examiner shall be out of
Teaching Scheme: 03L+00 T; Total: 03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 ISE1 + 15 ISE2 + 10 ISA + 60 ESE Total Marks: 100
ESE Duration: 3 Hrs.
This course will explore the basic concepts of communication systems. In this course, more
emphasis is given on analysis of performance of communication system with coding and
modulation. This course is designed to lay the foundation for further studies in areas such as
advanced communication systems.
Knowledge of basic electronics engineering, probability theorems and fundamentals of
communication systems.
cOUrsE OBjEcTIvEs:
The objectives of offering this course are
1. to prepare mathematical background for communication signal analysis. understand and analyze the signal flow in a digital communication system. analyze error performance of a digital communication system in presence of noise and
other interferences. understand information theoretic behavior of a communication system.
On the successful completion of this course; student shall
1.perform the time and frequency domain analysis of the signals in a digital
communication system.
2.perform information theoretic analysis of communication system.
3.evaluate performance of a communication system.
Random Processes:
Mathematical definition of a random process, stationary processes, mean, correlation and
covariance functions, ergodic processes, CDF and PDF transmission of a random process
through a linear time invariant filter, power spectral density, probability models-binomial and
Poisson distribution, Gaussian distribution, Rayleigh distribution, central limit theorem,
Parseval’s theorem/Rayleigh energy theorem.
Continuous-Wave Modulation
AM, linear modulation schemes, frequency translation, FDM, angle modulation, frequency
modulation, non-linear effects in FM systems, super-heterodyne receiver, noise in CW
modulation systems, noise in linear receivers using coherent detection, noise in AM receivers
using envelope detection, noise in FM receivers.
Pulse Modulation
PAM, other forms of pulse modulation, quantization process, PCM, noise considerations in
PCM systems, linear prediction, differential pulse code modulation, adaptive DPCM, TDM,
delta modulation
Signal-Space Analysis
Geometric representation of signals, conversion of continuous, AWGN channel into a vector
channel, likelihood functions, coherent detection of signals in noise: maximum likelihood
decoding, correlation receiver, probability of error.
Text Books:
1. Communications Systems, Haykin S, 4th edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2001.
2. Principles of Communication Systems, Taub H. and Schilling D.L, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2nd edition , 2001.
Reference Books:
1. Communication Systems Engineering, Proakis J. G. and Salehi M, Pearson Education, 2nd
edition, 2002.
2. Communications Systems, A.Bruce Carlson, Mc Graw Hills, 4th edition, 2001
3. Digital and Analog Communication Systems, K.Sam Shanmugam, 4th edition, Wiley India
4. Communications Systems , Dr.Sanjay Sharma, S.K.Kataria and Sons, 5th Edition.
SH301 Industrial Management and Operation Research
Teaching Scheme: 03L; Total: 03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 ISE 1 + 15 ISE 2 +10 ISA +60 ESE Total Marks: 100
Duration of ESE: 03 Hrs
The course is intended to provide understanding of management and its application in industry.
This course introduces the student to the building blocks of management process. Students will
analyze the various components of an organizational system. Students will learn to design
organization structures keeping in view strategy, size, technology and environment. Students
will study the fundamentals of linear programming. Students will understand the complex nature
of operations research, define the problem, formulate and solve the model and to perform the
follow-up procedures.
Knowledge of human resources.
cOUrsE OBjEcTIvEs:
The objectives of offering this course are
To understand the building blocks of Management process such as planning, organizing,
staffing, leading and controlling of business activities.
To enable students to analyze the various components of an organizational system
To enable them apply the principles learnt to design organization structures keeping in
view strategy, size, technology and environment
To enable them to compare and evaluate management processes of different
To study the fundamentals of linear programming, game theory, queuing models.
To understand the complex nature of operations research, problem, define the problem,
formulate and solve the model and to perform the follow-up procedures.
On the successful completion of this course; student shall
1. understand the Globalization process and its impact on the management of business
2. improve ability to utilize the principles taught in the course to decipher and understand
the business systems, structure and processes
3. increase interest and ability to design and evaluate managerial structures, systems and
4. appreciate the wide applicability of operations research technology from agriculture to
defence, covering almost all domains of science, arts, commerce and technology.
5. build the optimum solution for numerous problems of operations research by systematic
defining, formulating, analyzing, developing an optimum solution and further refining
the solution.
Introduction to Management:
Definition and purpose, Contributions of F.W. Taylor and Henry Fayol to management theory,
Systems approach to operation management, Functions of managers, Management and Society:
Social responsibility of managers, Ethics of managing.
Definition, purpose, types and steps in planning. Objectives- Nature of objectives. Concept in
Management By Objectives (MBO), Process of MBO, Benefits and weakness of MBO and
Some Recommendations, MBO in the Indian Context. Strategies, Policies and Planning
Premises: Nature and Purpose of Strategies and Policies, Strategic planning process.
Decision making:
Importance and limitations of rational decision making, Rationality in decision making,
Evaluation of alternatives, Selecting an alternative- three approaches, Programmed and Non-
programmed decisions.
Organizing: The nature and purpose of organizing, formal and informal organization.
Organization levels and Span of management, principle of span of management and the factors
determining an effective span. The structure and process of organizing, matrix organization,
authority and power, line & staff concepts, functional authority, benefits and limitations of staff,
decentralization of authority, delegation of authority.
Controlling: Basic control process, Critical control points and standards, Control as a feedback
system, Feed forward control, Requirements for effective controls, Control techniques: Budget
and Non-budgetary control devices.
Linear Programming:
Definition, mathematical formulation, standard form, Solution space, solution – feasible, basic
feasible, optimal, infeasible, multiple, optimal, Redundancy, Degeneracy. Linear Programming:
Simplex method, variants of simplex algorithm – artificial basis techniques, duality, economic
interpretation of dual, solution of LPP using duality concept, dual simplex method.
Non-Linear Programming:
Introduction, types, constrained and unconstrained optimization method, one variable and
multivariable, steepest descent method, quadratic programming.
Queuing Theory: Queuing system and their characteristics, The M/M/I Queuing system, Steady
state performance analyzing of M/M/1 queuing model.
Text Books:
1. Principles of Management, Harold Koontz, H. Weihrich, and A.R. Aryasri, Tata McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Operation Research an Introduction, Taha H A , Pearson India, 9th edition, 2014.
3. Operations Research Principles and practice, Ravindran, Philips and Soleberg , John Wiley &
Sons, 2nd edition 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Essentials of Management, Harold Koontz and H. Weihrich, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, New Delhi,
2. Management of Organizational Behaviour, Hersy, Paul and Kenneth Blanchard, PHI, 2003.
3. Introduction to Operation Research, Hiller and Libermann, McGraw Hill, 5th edition, 2000
4. Operations Research Theory and Application, J K Sharma, Pearson Education Pvt Ltd, 2nd
edition, 2006
Teaching Scheme: 01L + 04P, Total: 05 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 50 ICA + 50 ESE Total Marks: 100
Duration of ESE: 03Hrs
This course explores concepts of C++ programming language and enable the students to apply
them in the context of object oriented programming.
Knowledge of basic C programming,.
cOUrsE OBjEcTIvEs:
The objectives of this course are to
1. introduce the students to the concepts of object oriented programming using C++ .
2. build object oriented programming application using C++.
On the successful completion of this course; student shall
1. understand the philosophy of object-oriented design and the concepts of encapsulation,
abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism.
2. design, implement, test, and debug simple programs in an object-oriented programming
3. demonstrate the class mechanism encapsulation and information hiding.
4. design, implement, and test “is-a” relationships among objects using a class hierarchy and
5. able to develop the overloading and overriding methods in an object-oriented language.
Classes and Objects: Defining a class, data members and methods, public, private and protected
members, static data members, static member, constructors, destructors, friend function, and
array of objects.
Operator Overloading: Need of operator overloading, overloading binary and unary operators,
overloading using friends, Function Overloading, Dynamic memory allocation using new and
delete operators.
Inheritance and Polymorphism: Concept and need, base and derived classes, friend classes,
types of inheritance, static class virtual base class, polymorphism, virtual functions.
Files and Streams: Concept of a file, file operations, streams, opening and closing a file,
detecting end-of-file, file modes, file pointer.
Laboratory Content:
Minimum eighteen experiments (Ten experiments from Group-A and eight experiments from
Group-B) shall be performed to cover entire theory content of this course. The list given below
is just a guideline.
1. Write s simple C++ program for object and class.
2. Write a C++ program for Arithmetic Operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication
and Division.
3. Write a C++ program to display student information.
4. Write a C++ Program to Demonstrate the use parameterized constructor by passing
different types of parameters to the constructor
5. Write a C++ program to calculate factorial of a given number using copy constructor.
6. Demonstrate the concept of overloading constructor functions using class and object
7. Write a C++ program to display the information of 10 employee using array of object.
8. Write a C++ program to overload unary operator using member function.
9. Write a C++ program to overload binary operator using member function.
10. Write a C++ program to overload unary operator using friend function.
11. Write a C++ program to overload binary + operator using friend function to calculate two
complex numbers.
12. Write a C++ program to find the area of rectangle, triangle and sphere using function
1. Write a C++ program for run time polymorphism using virtual functions.
2. Write a C++ program to implement singly linked list using dynamic memory
3. Write a C++ program to implement doubly linked list and provide insertion, deletion and
display operations.
4. Write a user defined function in C++ to read the content from a text file. Count and
display number of blank spaces present in it.
5. Write a user defined function in C++ to count the number of lines present in a text file.
6. Write a C++ program to count number of character in a FILE.
7. Create a file having records of person with name, age, city and occupation. Write a C++
program to search a particular record of a person from file.
8. Consider a class Number having a function to accept and print a roll_no. , a class Marks
having function to accept and print marks of two subjects; and a class Student having
function to display total of two subjects. Write a C++ program to calculate total of 2
subjects for a student using multilevel inheritance.
9. Consider base classes Area having function to calculate area and Perimeter having a
function to calculate perimeter; and derived class Rectangle. Use multiple inheritance to
calculate area and parameter of rectangle.
10. Write a C++ program using single inheritance, multiple inheritance and hierarchical
Text Books:
1. Object Oriented Programming With C++ , E Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw-Hill , 4th
edition, 2008.
2. C++ The Complete Reference, Herbert Schildt, McGraw-Hill Education,5th edition,
3. Object-Oriented Programming in C++, Robert Lafore, Pearson Education India , 4th
Edition, 2002.
Reference books:
1. Object-Oriented Programming with ANSI and Turbo C++, Ashok N. Kamthane, Pearson
Education,7th impression, 2009
2. Let us C++, Yashvant Kanetkar , BPB Publications, 2nd edition, 2015.
ICA –Internal Continuous Assessment shall support for regular performance of practical and
its regular assessment. In addition; it shall be based on knowledge/skill acquired and record
submitted by student (journal) based on practical performed by him/her. The performance
shall be assessed experiment wise using internal continuous assessment format (S 10).
ESE – The End Semester Examination (ESE) for this laboratory course shall be based on
performance in one of the experiments performed by student in the semester followed by
sample questions to judge the depth of understanding/knowledge or skill acquired by the
student. It shall be evaluated by two examiners out of which one examiner shall be out of
Teaching Scheme: 03L+ 00 T; Total: 03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 ISE1 + 15 ISE2 + 10 ISA + 60 ESE Total Marks: 100
ESE Duration: 3 Hrs.
This course is designed to lay the foundation for studies in areas such as microwave
communication, antenna and wave propagation etc. This course will explore the basic concepts
of electromagnetic fields and vector algebra. Students will learn and understand cartesian,
cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. They will learn to visualize in a three dimensional
coordinate system. . In this course, more emphasis is given on understanding basics, visualizing
the system and solving a large number of numerical problems.
Knowledge of basic mathematics, vector algebra, visualization skills, and an aptitude to solve
cOUrsE OBjEcTIvEs:
The objectives of offering this course are
1. to make strong foundation of electromagnetic engineering and microwave communication.
2. to strengthen ability of students to visualize a system in three dimensions and develop a
problem solving attitude.
3. to make students familiar with concepts and applications of electromagnetic engineering.
On the successful completion of this course; student shall
1. Understand the basics of electromagnetic fields and be able to apply these basics in a variety
of applications.
2. Develop visualization along three axes and develop thinking capability.
3. Develop the skill of understanding hidden messages in any mathematical equation.
4. Understand different laws such as faraday’s law, biot –sovart law, understand Maxwell’s
equations and apply all these.
Biot – Savart’s law and its vector form, magnetic field due to infinitely long current carrying
conductor, ampere’s circuital law, curl , Stoke’s theorem, magnetic flux and magnetic flux
density, scalar and vector magnetic potential , faraday’s law, Maxwell’s equations(in point form
and integral form),uniform plane waves, representation of wave motion in free space, perfect
dielectrics and lossy dielectrics(wave equations), Poynting theorem and power density,
propagation in good conductor :skin effect, reflection of uniform plane waves, standing wave
Parallel plane waveguide: transverse electric (TE)mode, transverse magnetic (TM) mode, cut off
frequency, phase velocity and dispersion, transverse electromagnetic (TEM) mode, analysis of
waveguide –general approach, rectangular waveguides, modes in rectangular waveguides,
boundary conditions .
Radiation resistance ,radiation pattern, calculation of radiation resistance for short dipole, short
monopole, half wave dipole and quarter wave monopole antennas, Directivity, Reciprocity
between transmitting and receiving antennas, Hertzian dipole ,near field , far field ,total power
radiated by hertz dipole, folded dipole antenna, Yagi-uda antenna.
Text Books:
1. Engineering Electromagnetics, William H.Hayt,Jr and John A.Buck.Tata McGraw-Hill, 7th
edition, 2006.
2. Antenna and Wave Propagation, K. D. Prasad, Satya Prakashan, Tech Publications, 3rd
edition, 2001.
3. Microwave Devices and Circuits, Samuel Y. Liao, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd edition, 1996.
4. Electromagnetism problem with solutions, Ashutosh Pramanik, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd
edition, 2012.
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Electromagnetics, Nathan Ida, Springer, 3rd edition, 2015.
2. Engineering Electromagnetics, Narayana Rao, Prentice Hall, 6th edition, 2004.
Foundations for Microwave Engineering, R.E. Collin, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition, 1992.
4. Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Fields, A.U.Tinguria, Denett Publication, 1st edition
Teaching Scheme: 03L+ 00 T; Total: 03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 ISE1 + 15 ISE2 + 10 ISA + 60 ESE Total Marks: 100
ESE Duration: 3 Hrs.
This course is designed to explore fundamental principles and practical aspects of audio and
video engineering. Students will learn and understand basic concept of sound recording and
reproduction, monochrome and color television. Students will get comprehensive coverage of
advanced TV system like HDTV, digital TV and different advanced broadcasting systems.
Student will learn the connectivity in telecommunication networks by using switching systems.
Knowledge of basic concepts of analog and digital communication.
cOUrsE OBjEcTIvEs:
The objectives of offering this course are
1. to provide students with a strong understanding of the fundamental principles and practical
applications of audio and video engineering with latest updates.
2. to learn and understand the working of real life video system and the different elements of
video system with encoding/decoding techniques.
3. to implement fundamentals of Audio systems and basics Acoustics.
4. to learn switching in telephony.
On the successful completion of this course; student shall
1. Understand the concept of basic television signal processing and telecommunication switching
2. Identify globally accepted colour TV standards.
3. Demonstrate the need of audio and video compression techniques in real life.
4. Acquire knowledge of latest digital TV systems and applications.
5. Describe the attributes of acoustics, sound engineering and storage media. Use the latest
techniques, skills, and modern tools necessary for engineering practices.
PO PO Level of
No. co-relation
c Design a component, system or process to meet the specifications and 2
requirements within pragmatic constraints.
k Manage the project under execution effectively and professionally using the 1
techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
Introduction to fax, videophone, satphone, video conferencing. Electronic space division
switching-stored program control, centralised SPC, distributed SPC
Text Books:
1. TV and video Engineering, A. M. Dhake, McGraw Hill, 2nd edition, 2007
2. Modern Television Practise, R. R. Gulati, McGraw Hill, 2nd edition, 2002
3. Audio and Video Systems, R. G .Gupta, McGraw Hill, 2nd edition, 2010
4. Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks, Thiagarajan Viswanathan, PHI
Learning Private Limited, 36th printing, New Delhi, June 2012
Reference Books:
1. Television Engineering and Video Systems, R.G.Gupta, Gupta, McGraw Hill, 2nd edition,
2. Basics Television and Video Systems, Bernard Grob, McGraw Hill , 5th Edition, 1998.
Teaching Scheme: 02P; Total: 02 Credit: 01
Evaluation Scheme: 50 ICA Total Marks: 50
Minimum twelve experiments (6 from group A and 6 from group B) shall be performed to cover
entire curriculum of course ET352 and ET251. The list given below is just a guideline.
Group A
1. Study of colour TV receiver.
2. Voltage and waveform analysis for colour TV.
3. Alignment and fault finding of colour TV using pattern generator .
4. Study of HDTV.
5. Study of digital TV.
6. Visit to TV transmitter/Studio.
7. Study of DTH and set top box.
8. Study of CD/DVD players.
9. Study of PA system with cordless microphone.
10. Study of FAX .
11. Visit to telephone exchange.
Group B
ICA – Internal Continuous Assessment shall support for regular performance of practical and
its regular assessment. In addition; it shall be based on knowledge/skill acquired and record
submitted by student (journal) based on practical performed by him/her. The performance
shall be assessed experiment wise using internal continuous assessment format (S 10).
Teaching Scheme: 03L+00 T; Total: 03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 ISE1 + 15 ISE2 + 10 ISA + 60 ESE Total Marks: 100
ESE Duration: 3 Hrs.
This course is designed to lay the foundation for further studies of the various measuring
instruments. It includes analog instruments, digital instruments, generators, analyzers, and
C.R.O.& data acquisition system. This course will explore the basic concepts of electronic
measuring instruments specification and their applications. Students will understand and learn
how to handle measuring instrument.
Knowledge of Basic Electronics Engineering and Component Devices and Instrumentation
cOUrsE OBjEcTIvEs:
The objectives of offering this course are
1. to make strong fundamental of electronic measurement principles.
2. to strengthen ability of students to analyze signals in time domain and frequency domain by
using different measuring instruments.
3. to make students familiar with applications of electronic measuring instruments in the world
of work.
On the successful completion of this course; student shall
1. understand the basic concept of measurement.
2. analyze the various parameters with the help of DSO and CRO.
3. analyze and measure the spectrum purity of multiplex signals.
4. analyze and measure total harmonic power present in test waves, temperature, pressure,
humidity, wind speed, variation in light.
5.analyze the reflected light energy in fiber installation to determine the existence and
location of breaks in the fiber, losses at spices and connector, and the total loss of the system.
PO PO Level of
No. co-relation
b Design and conduct experiments on electronics industrial set up, as well 3
as analyze and interpret the resulting data.
Internal circuit of CRO, vertical amplifier, horizontal deflecting systems, triggered sweep and
trigger pulse circuit, delay line and its types, dual beams CRO, dual trace CRO, sampling (VHF)
oscilloscope, storage oscilloscope and digital read out oscilloscope, probes for CRO, digital
storage oscilloscope
Text books
1. Electronics Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, W. D. Cooper and A. D.
Helfrick, Pearson education, 3rd edition 2014.
2. Elements of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement, Joseph J. Carr, Pearson
education , 4th impression 2011.
Reference Books
1. A course in Electrical & Electronics Measurements &Instrumentation , A.K.Sawhney,
Dhanpat Rai& Sons, 19th edition, 2014.
2. Electronic Instrumentation, H. S. Kalsi, TMH, 3rd edition, 2012.
Teaching Scheme: 03L+00 T; Total: 03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 ISE1 + 15 ISE2 + 10 ISA + 60 ESE Total Marks: 100
ESE Duration: 3 Hrs.
This course is designed to lay the foundation for further studies in areas such as power
electronics, its applications and advanced electric drives etc. This course will explore the basic
concepts of semiconductor devices, its switching characteristics. Students will understand and
learn various types of semiconductor devices, their switching characteristics, circuits, protection
and applications. In this course, more emphasis is given on analysis and design of drives.
Knowledge of basic electrical engineering, electric and magnetic circuits concepts, electric
machines fundamentals.
cOUrsE OBjEcTIvEs:
The objectives of offering this course are
1. to make strong foundation of semiconductor power devices and its application in drives.
2. to strengthen ability of students to analyze and design power electronic circuits.
3. to make students familiar with applications of semiconductor power devices in other areas of
electric power control.
On the successful completion of this course; student shall
1. Understand the switching characteristics of diodes, thyristors, BJTs, MOSFETS, IGBTs
2. Understand thyristor triggering, commutation, protection circuits.
3. Understand rectifiers, choppers, inverters, converters circuits.
4. Understand working, analysis and design of DC drives.
5. Understand working , analysis and design of AC drives.
DC Chopper:
Basic chopper classification, control strategies – time ratio control and current limit control,
operating principle of step down, step up chopper, step up/down chopper, chopper
configuration– first quadrant, second quadrant, third quadrant and fourth quadrant operations.
Thyristor chopper circuits – voltage and current commutated choppers. Jones chopper, Morgan
Introduction, classification of inverters, basic series and parallel inverters, single phase half and
full bridge inverters with R and R–L load and their analysis, square wave, quasi-square wave
and sinusoidal PWM switching, selection of frequency modulation ratio and amplitude
modulation ratio. Harmonic reduction techniques using single pulse-width modulation,
transformer connection, multiple commutations and harmonic filters. 3–Phase Bridge inverter –
with balanced star resistive load, 120 degree and 180 degree conduction mode waveforms for
line and phase voltages.
Concept of electric drive, DC drives basic performance equations of dc motors. Single phase AC
drives: single phase half wave converter drive, single phase semi converter drive, single phase
full wave converter drive, single phase dual converter drive. AC drives, induction motor drives,
speed control of induction motor.
Text Books:
1. Power Electronics, M. D. Singh and Khanchandani, TMH Publication, 2nd edition, 2007.
2. Power electronics, M. S. Jamil Asgher, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi,1st
edition, 2005.
3. Power Electronics, P. S. Bhimbhra, Khanna Publishers Delhi, 4th edition, 3rd reprint,
Reference Books:
1. Power electronics, P. C. Sen, Tata McGraw Hill, 1st edition, 30th reprint, 2008.
2. Modern Power Electronics and AC drives, B K Bose, PHI, 1st edition, 2013.
3. Power electronics: circuits, devices and applications, M.H. Rashid, Pearson, 3rd edition,
4. MATLAB and Simulink for Engineers, Agam Kumar Tyagi, Oxford University Press,
1st edition, 2012.
5. Modeling and simulation using MATLAB- Simulink, Dr. Shailendra Jain, Wiley India
Pvt Ltd.
Teaching Scheme: 02P; Total: 02 Credit: 01
Evaluation Scheme: 25 ICA + 25 ESE Total Marks:50
Minimum twelve experiments (8 from group A and 4 from group B) shall be performed to cover
entire curriculum of courseET354 using simulation software like MATLAB SIMULINK,
PSCAD, PSpice, ORCAD etc. The list given below is just a guideline.
Group A (Minimum 8 Experiments / Minimum 8 turns)
1. V-I characteristics of MOSFET / SCR / TRIAC / IGBT.
2. SCR triggering methods R, RC, UJT and output waveforms for different firing angles.
3. Thyristor commutation methods.
4. Semi controlled rectifiers with R, RL load, input output waveforms and average output
voltage verses firing angles.
5. Full controlled rectifiers with R, RL load, input output waveforms and average output
voltage verses firing angles.
6. Step down chopper with output voltage verses duty cycle and frequency.
7. Step up chopper with output voltage verses duty cycle and frequency.
8. Series inverter with input output waveforms and efficiency.
9. Parallel inverter with input output waveforms and efficiency.
10. Bridge inverter with input output waveforms and efficiency.
11. AC voltage controllers with input output waveforms.
12. Cyclo-converters with input output waveforms.
13. DC drives.
14. AC Induction motor drives.
15. AC synchronous motor drive.
ICA –Internal Continuous Assessment shall support for regular performance of practical and
its regular assessment. In addition; it shall be based on knowledge/skill acquired and record
submitted by student (journal) based on practical performed by him/her. The performance
shall be assessed experiment wise using internal continuous assessment format (S 10).
ESE –End semester examination will be based on performing one of the experiments given
and oral based on curriculum of ET354.
Teaching Scheme: 03L+ 00 T; Total: 03 Credits: 03
Evaluation Scheme: 15 ISE1 + 15 ISE2 + 10 ISA + 60 ESE Total Marks: 100
ESE Duration: 3 Hrs.
This course will explore the basic concepts of digital communication. Students will understand
and learn various concepts of digital communication systems and information theory. In this
course, more emphasis is given on analysis of performance of communication systems with coding
and modulation. This course is designed to lay the foundation for further studies in areas such as
advanced communication systems.
Knowledge of analog communication, probability theorems and fundamentals of
communication systems theory.
cOUrsE OBjEcTIvEs:
The objectives of offering this course are to
1. understand building blocks of digital communication systems.
2. analyze error performance of a digital communication systems in presence of noise and
other interferences.
3. understand theoretic behaviour of a communication systems.
4. understand various source coding techniques for data compression
5. understand various channel coding techniques and their capability.
On the successful completion of this course; student shall
1. perform information theoretic analysis of communication system.
2. design a data compression scheme using suitable source coding technique.
3. design a channel coding scheme for a communication system.
4. evaluate performance of a communication system.
PO PO Level of
No. co-relation
a apply knowledge of basic sciences, mathematics and basic engineering 3
courses as appropriate to the field of electronics and
telecommunication engineering.
e solve industrial problems related to electronics, communication 2
engineering, networking and maintenance of engineering systems
employing electronic sub-system.
Carrier Modulation:
Introduction to carrier modulation, classification of digital modulation , coherent and non
coherent detection, amplitude shift keying (ASK) and frequency shift keying (FSK)
modulations, binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation, DPSK, QAM, M-ary systems
quaternary phase shift keying QPSK, minimum shift keying (MSK) modulation.
Information Theory :
Introduction to information theory, entropy and its properties, source coding theorem, Huffman
coding, Shannon-Fano coding, run length encoding, discrete memory less channel, mutual
information, examples of source coding-audio and video compression.
Convolution Codes:
Encoder, practical convolution encoder, the code tree, the code trellis and state diagram.
Decoding method-Viterbi algorithm, distance bounds for convolution codes, calculation of free
distance using transfer function.
Text Books:
1. Analog and Digital Communication System, Taub & Schilling, McGraw Hill
Publication, 2nd edition, New Delhi, 1991.
2. Analog and Digital Communication, B.P. Lathi, McGraw Publication, 2nd Hill edition,
New Delhi, 1997.
3. Information Theory coding and Cryptography, Ranjan Bose, 2nd edition McGraw-Hill
Publication, New Delhi,1998
Reference Books:
1. An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications, Simon Haykin, John Wiley and
Sons 2nd edition, 1989
2. Digital Communications – Theory and Lab Practice, K. N. Hari Bhat and D. Ganesh
Rao, Pearson Education, 3rd edition 2010
3. Communication Systems, V. Chandra Sekar, Oxford University Press, 1st edition. 2012
4. Communication Systems- Analog and Digital, S.D. Sapre and R. P. Singh, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2nd edition, , New Delhi, 1995.
Teaching Scheme: 02P; Total: 02 Credit: 01
Evaluation Scheme: 25 ICA+25 ESE Total Marks: 50
ESE Duration: 3 Hrs
Minimum six experiments shall be performed from each group A and B to cover entire
curriculum of course ET355 out of which minimum two experiments are mandatory from Sr.
No. 11 to 14. Experiment number 2 to 10 may be performed using hardware or using
software/simulator. The list given below is just a guideline.
Group A
1. Perform line codes and draw output for given data for different line codes.
2. Perform Amplitude shift keying (ASK), plot output waveform for given data sequence.
3. Perform frequency shift keying (FSK) , observe change in frequency in the carrier by applying
4. Perform binary phase shift keying (BPSK) , show change in phase in the carrier and plot it.
5. Perform differential phase shift keying (DPSK),draw waveform of different stages.
6. Perform quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), draw constellation diagram, draw waveform
of different stages.
7. Perform quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), observe change phase and amplitude in the
carrier by applying data.
Group B
ICA –Internal Continuous Assessment shall support for regular performance of practical and
its regular assessment. In addition; it shall be based on knowledge/skill acquired and record
submitted by student (journal) based on practical performed by him/her. The performance
shall be assessed experiment wise using internal continuous assessment format(S 10).
ESE – The End Semester Examination (ESE) for this laboratory course shall be based on
performance in one of the experiments performed by student in the semester followed by
sample questions to judge the depth of understanding/knowledge or skill acquired by the
student. It shall be evaluated by two examiners out of which one examiner shall be out of
Teaching Scheme:02P; Total: 02 Credit: 01
Evaluation Scheme:25 ICA + 25 ESE Total Marks:50
ESE Duration: 3 Hrs.
This laboratory course emphasizes the understanding of the open source Electronics Design
Automation (EDA) tools like Oscad. There are many EDA tools but only Oscad is capable of
doing circuit design, simulation and layout design together. Oscad is free and open source EDA
tool and that can be installed on Ubuntu 12.04 / 12.10 or windows operating system.
Knowledge of Electronic Devices and Circuits, Electronic circuits and Applications, Linear
Integrated Circuits
cOUrsE OBjEcTIvEs:
The objectives of offering this course are
1. to make students capable of developing circuit schematic, analyzing the results on open
source circuit simulator like Oscad
2. to enable the students to design PCB layout on Oscad.
3. to enable the students to implement designed circuit on hardware.
On the successful completion of this course; student shall be able to
1. compare open source and licensed operating systems and understand open source
simulation tools.
2. develop circuit schematic in Oscad consisting of discrete components and integrated
3. analyze the results of these circuits in Oscad.
4. design PCB layout of such circuits in Oscad.
5. implement such circuits on hardware.
Group A
(Minimum four experiments from this group, out of which Experiment no. 2 is mandatory)
1. Installation of Oscad on Ubuntu 12.04 /12.10 and windows.
a. Compare open source, free version and license version operating system.
b. Find the steps to install Open source Oscad on Ubuntu 12.04 / 12.10 andwindows
operating system.
a. Describe the steps to use Oscad in schematic creation, simulation and PCB
design on Ubuntu or on windows operating system.
b. Describe the procedure of AC and DC analysis.
7. Simulation and PCB design of typical circuit using Op-Amp 741 IC.
a. Identify the Op-Amp 741 pin configuration and its use.
b. Draw Inverting or Non-Inverting amplifier using IC 741.
c. Find out the output voltage and gain of Op-Amp.
d. Compare the simulated and theoretical calculated values.
e. Create PCB layout.
8. Simulation and PCB design of typical circuit using 74xx series IC.
a. Describe various IC available in 74xx series
b. Draw the circuit using 74xx series and verify the truth table.
c. Create PCB layout.
9. Simulation and PCB design of typical circuit using two stage amplifiers.
a. Describe operation and construction of simple two stage transistor amplifier
b. Simulate the circuit and find IB, IC, IE, and VCE.
c. Find the AC analysis and compare input and output wave form.
d. Compare simulated result of IB, IC, IE, and VCE of each transistor with theoretical
calculated values.
e. Create PCB layout.
10. Simulation and PCB design of simple DC power supply. (DC power supply circuit
include transformer- rectifier-filter- regulator 2 turns)
a. Draw and describe circuit diagram of simple DC power supply.
b. Describe the use of DC power supply.
c. Measure the voltage and current at each stage of circuit.
d. Create PCB layout.
11. Hardware Implementation of any of the one circuit from Group B. (Two turns)
Text Book:
1. Oscad- An open source EDA tool for circuit design, simulation, analysis and PCB
Design, Kannan M. Moudgalya , Shroff Publication and distributors Pvt. Ltd, May 2013.
ICA –Internal Continuous Assessment shall support for regular performance of practical and
its regular assessment. In addition; it shall be based on knowledge/skill acquired and record
submitted by student (journal) based on practical performed by him/her. The performance
shall be assessed experiment wise using internal continuous assessment format (S 10).
ESE – The End Semester Examination (ESE) for this laboratory course shall be based on
performance in one of the experiments performed by student in the semester followed by
sample questions to judge the depth of understanding/knowledge or skill acquired by the
student. It shall be evaluated by two examiners out of which one examiner shall be out of
Teaching Scheme: 02 PR; Total: 02 Credits: 02
Evaluation Scheme: 25 ICA + 25 ESE Total Marks: 50
The mini project is one of the most important single piece of work in the degree
programme. It is introduced in curriculum to put into practice some of the techniques that have
been taught to students in earlier years. It also provides the opportunity to students to
demonstrate independence and originality, to plan and organise a large project over a long
period. The mini-project topic should be selected to ensure the satisfaction of the need to
establish a direct link between the techniques they learnt and productivity. Thus it should reduce
the gap between the world of work and the world of study.
Knowledge of concepts, principles and techniques studied in all earlier courses.
cOUrsE OBjEcTIvEs:
The objectives of offering this course are
to develop ability to synthesize knowledge and skills previously gained and to put some
of them into practice.
to make students capable to select from different methodologies, methods and forms of
analysis studied to produce a suitable system or sub-system.
to inculcate ability to present the findings of their technical solution in a written report.
to plan and organise a large project over a long period.
On successful completion of this course students shall
1. be able to apply the knowledge and skills previously gained into practice.
2. take appropriate decision wrt various parameters related to production of a system or
3. demonstrate the leadership quality along with ability to work in a group.
4. prove the ability to present the findings in a written report or oral presentation.
PO PO Level of
No. co-relation
b. design and conduct experiments on electronics industrial set up, as well as 3
analyze and interpret the resulting data.
c. design a component, system or process to meet the specifications and 3
requirements within pragmatic constraints.
d solve problems related to electronics engineering in interdisciplinary 2
e solve industrial problems related to electronics, communication 2
engineering, networking and maintenance of engineering systems
employing electronic sub-system.
1-Weakly correlated 2 – Moderately correlated 3 – Strongly correlated
The mini project shall be carried out in-house i.e. in the department’s laboratories/centres by
a group 2 – 4 students. In any case the group shall not consist of more than four students.
The mini project shall consist of design and implementation of any suitable electronic system,
sub system or circuit based on knowledge and skills previously gained.
The mini project outline (a brief or condensed information giving a general view of mini
project topic) on the selected topic should be submitted to the course coordinator for approval
within one weeks from the commencement of the term.
Student is expected to detail out specifications, methodology, resources required, critical
issues involved in design and implementation.
Mini project deliverables: A mini project report as per the specified format (available on in
the department and institutes website), developed system in the form of hardware and/or
software. In addition, student shall maintain a record of attendance and continuous progress
(log book in appropriate format available on institute/department’s web site) duly signed by
course coordinator and present as mini project deliverable along with report.
It includes Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA) and End Semester Examination (ESE).
Guidelines for ICA and ESE are given bellow.
The End Semester Examination for this course shall be based on demonstration of the system
or sub system developed by the group of students, deliverables of mini project and depth of
understanding (oral examination). It shall be evaluated by two examiners out of which one
examiner shall be out of institute.
Teaching Scheme: 01 L; Total: 01 Credit: NA
Evaluation Scheme: NA Total Marks: NA
This course reflects on the importance of acquaintanceships and the interchange of needed
information between practicing engineers in industry and students in educational institutions.
There is a criticism, especially from practicing engineers, that existing engineering education is
too theoretical and numerical with less orientation toward practical aspects. This course is
designed to overcome this criticism. This course is intended to generate such interaction directly,
through expert lectures by outstanding practicing engineers. This course will prove helpful to
denote and understand the relations among the employers, employees, and other organisations.
Listening, understanding and analysing ability along with the knowledge of concepts, principles
and techniques studied earlier.
cOUrsE OBjEcTIvEs:
The objectives of offering this course are
1. to make students familiar with industrial environment i.e. to provide appropriate
exposure to world of work.
2. to know and understand the industrial experience, attitudes, needs, and viewpoints of
industrial expert to students.
3. to denote and understand the role of various parties’ viz., employers, employees, and
state in maintaining industrial relations..
4. to improve industry institute interaction.
On successful completion of this course students shall
1. become familiar with industrial environment/ world of work.
2. understand expectations of industry wrt expertise, attitude and viewpoint.
3. demonstrate the good inter personnel relations.
4. be able to work in industrial environment either as employee or self employed
(entrepreneur) with comfort.
PO PO Level of
No. co-relation
e solve industrial problems related to electronics, communication 2
engineering, networking and maintenance of engineering systems
employing electronic sub-system.
h understand and apply contextual knowledge to assess and solve social, 1
health, safety, legal cultural and environmental issues related to
engineering practices in general and electronics engineering practices in
i recognize the need for and have the ability to engage in, perpetual 2
learning by working on projects for which they have no prior
experience and by adapting latest advancement in technology and
j interpret and update with contemporary issues affecting engineering 2
k manage the project under execution effectively and professionally using 3
the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
1-Weakly correlated 2 – Moderately correlated 3 – Strongly correlated
There shall be minimum 6 lectures of 60 -90 minutes duration.
The lecture shall include presentation, informal discussions with students and faculty,
and laboratory tours (if required).
Topics of Industrial Lectures shall be technical in nature and should not be the specific or
extended part of the curriculum.
Typically speakers should talk about:
i. Their own career following (and sometimes including) university.
ii. Interesting jobs/projects they have had worked on.
iii. The areas of work they are currently involved in.
iv. The type of work engineering graduates can expect.
v. Current job opportunities that may be available for engineering graduates in
general and electronics and telecommunication engineering graduates in particular.
vi. Any suggestions for students with regard to job hunting / CV writing / interviews
vii. Latest technology used in the industry which is not the part of curriculum or routine
training programmes.
viii. Any other suitable topic/information which provides industrial exposure and
improves entrepreneurship quality/ employability of the students.
Course coordinator shall discuss with students on the content of lecture and may conduct
oral or give written assignments to judge the depth of understanding of students.
Students shall submit the report based on minimum six lectures giving summary of the
lecture delivered.
The summary should contain brief resume of the expert, brief information of his
organization and brief summary of the lecture in the format provided by
Industrial Lecture deliverables: An industrial lecture report as per the specified format
(available on the department and institute’s website) and assignments given by course
coordinator (if any).
It includes Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA). Guidelines for ICA are given bellow.
Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA)