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Egyptian Journal of Petroleum: S.T. Keera, S.M. El Sabagh, A.R. Taman

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Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 27 (2018) 979–984

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Full Length Article

Castor oil biodiesel production and optimization

S.T. Keera ⇑, S.M. El Sabagh, A.R. Taman
Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 1 Ahmed El-Zomor Street, El-Zohour Region, Nasr City, Cairo 11727, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Biodiesel is evolving to be one of the most employed biofuels for partial replacement of petroleum based
Received 20 November 2017 diesel fuel, especially in recent years. The most widely used feedstocks for biodiesel production are
Revised 7 February 2018 vegetable oils. In this work, biodiesel production from castor oil has been synthesized by homogenous
Accepted 22 February 2018
alkaline transesterification. The influence of catalyst concentration, methanol:oil molar ratio, reaction
Available online 7 May 2018
temperature and reaction time in the methyl ester content reached by castor oil transesterification have
been evaluated. A yield of 95 wt% biodiesel was achieved at 1 wt% KOH, 60 °C, 9:1 methanol:oil ratio and
30 min reaction time. Transesterification at temperature 30 °C gave a yield compatibles with that
Biodiesel fuel
Castor oil
obtained at 60 °C. The composition of the fatty acid methyl ester was determined by Gas
Transesterification Chromatography. The castor oil biodiesel produced was blended with different concentrations of petro-
Gas chromatography diesel to obtain B5, B10 and B20. The biodiesel properties and its blends were determined according to
Biodiesel properties the standard test methods of analysis. The results showed that Castor oil biodiesel in the blends could
lower the cloud point value, but simultaneously, increases the viscosity of the diesel–biodiesel blends.
Thus, castor oil biodiesel with its very low cloud and pour points is suitable for using in extreme winter
Ó 2018 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction The most widely used feedstocks for biodiesel production are
vegetable oils. Among them, castor oil has two interesting
The depletion of the petroleum reserves, high oil prices and to phenomena as biodiesel raw material; on one hand, it does not
limit greenhouse gas emissions make renewable energy sources compete with edible oils; on the other, its cultivation does not
more attractive [1]. One of the best ways to reduce our dependence need high inputs [8].
on petroleum reserves is to develop renewable fuels such as bio- Castor oil extracts from the seeds, usually contain 40–55% of oil,
diesel [2]. a very high potential as compared to most other commonly used
Biodiesel is receiving international attention because of its fuel oil crops (soybean: 15–20% (w/w), sunflower: 25–35% (w/w),
properties and compatibility [3]. It has better properties than that rapeseed: 38–46% (w/w), and palm: 30–60% (w/w) [9]. In addition,
of petrodiesel such as renewable, higher biodegradability than the cost of cultivation can be 50% of the cost of cultivation rapeseed
fossil fuels, non-toxic, excellent lubricity and essentially free of and 25% of the cost of cultivation jatropha. In addition, because
sulphur and aromatics. Biodiesel fuel has the potential to reduce castor bean is not suitable for human consumption, its use as
the level of pollutants and probable carcinogens [4]. It is an envi- energy source does not compete with food production.
ronmentally friendly fuel that can be used in any diesel engine Castor oil contains 80–90% of hydroxyl fatty acid, ricinoleic acid
without the need to redesign the current technology [5]. It has bet- (Scheme 1) and about10% non-hydroxylated fatty acids, mainly
ter quality exhaust gas emission since the organic carbon present oleic and linoleic acids. Such especial composition causes a disad-
in it is photosynthetic in origin. It does not contribute to increase vantage for its use for biodiesel production, since its viscosity is
the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and consequently about 7 times higher than the one of other vegetable oils [10]. To
to the greenhouse effect [6]. In spite of higher emission level of avoid this disadvantage, castor oil biodiesel when blends with pet-
NOx, the emission from biodiesel combustion contained lower rodiesel it has achieved effective specifications in standards [11].
amounts of CO, CO2, HC and smoke [7]. The presence of the hydroxyl group (–OH) attached to the hydro-
carbon chain in ricinoleic acid of the castor oil molecule makes
castor oil chemically quite different from the other oils; especially
Peer review under responsibility of Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute.
its elevated viscosity and polarity render it extremely valuable for
⇑ Corresponding author.
the industrial production of coatings, plastics and cosmetics [12].
E-mail address: (S.T. Keera).
1110-0621/Ó 2018 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
980 S.T. Keera et al. / Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 27 (2018) 979–984

reaction time 8 h and 65 °C. Results of biodiesel production from

castor oil were analyzed studying by Response Surface Methodol-
ogy and a quadratic polynomial model was achieved. About 97
wt% methyl ester content achieved in 18.8:1 methanol:oil molar
ratio (0.064 mol L1 of CH3OK), 45 °C and 10 min of reaction time
[35]. Castor oil biodiesel yield of 91% (w/w) was obtained at 50
min, 55 °C and 12:1 methanol/oil using 14 wt% iron (II) doped
Scheme 1. ZnO nanocatalyst [36]. Swaroopa et al., achieved optimum castor
biodiesel conversion of 93 wt% at 4 h, 1:250 oil:Me OH molar ratio,
1 wt% NaOH and 40◦C [37].
Increases the lubricity as compared to normal vegetable oils and The objective of this study was to report experimental data on
becomes effective as additive for diesel fuel [13]. Increase its solu- the production of fatty acid methyl esters from castor oil using
bility in alcohol, leads to a lower melting point [14] and better oxi- KOH as a catalyst and investigate the factors affecting the yield
dation stability [15]. It has excellent cold flow properties due to its of biodiesel production from castor oil.
high content of unsaturated fatty acid [16]. Due its very high solu-
bility in alcohol castor oil can be converted to biodiesel [17] even at
low temperature [18]. 2. Materials and methods
The high viscosity of vegetable oils as compared to petrodiesel
leads to unfavorable pumping and spray characteristics [19]. As a 2.1. Materials
result, vegetable oils can cause poor fuel atomization, incomplete
combustion, and carbon deposition on the injector and valve seats; Refined castor oil supplied by Morgan Company for Chemical
all resulting in serious engine fouling [20]. Consequently, to reduce Industry, was transesterified using anhydrous methanol and KOH
the viscosity of vegetable different ways have been studied, such as pellets.
blending with diesel [20], micro-emulsions [21], thermal cracking
[22], and transesterification [23]. The most common method is 2.2. Transesterification experiments
the transesterification of vegetable oils or animal fats. In this reac-
tion, triglycerides react in the presence of a catalyst with an alcohol Transesterification reactions were performed in a 250 ml batch
with short-chain [24,25] to produce diglycerides, and then diglyc- reactor equipped with a reflux condenser and a magnetic stirrer,
erides react to produce monoglycerides. Then, monoglycerides the reaction mixture containing castor oil, methanol and the cata-
react with alcohol to give ester and glycerol as a byproduct, as lyst (KOH). The oil is first loaded into the reactor, and the temper-
follows: ature adjusted to the desired value. Once the oil reached this value,
the alcohol catalyst mixture is added to the reactor and the reac-
TG þ ROH ƒƒƒ
ƒ!ƒ DGðdiglyceridesÞ þ RCO2 R ð1Þ tion mixture was continuously stirred at 400 rpm. The experiments
were carried out and adopted considering the variables, tempera-
DG þ ROH ƒƒƒ
ƒ!ƒ MGðmonogltceridesÞ þ RCO2 R ð2Þ tures (30 & 60 °C) and methanol:castor oil molar ratios (6:1–
24:1), catalyst concentrations (0.5–2 wt%) of castor oil; and
catalyst reaction time of (30–120) min. After an appropriate period of time,
MG þ ROH ƒƒƒ
ƒ!ƒ RCO2 RðesterÞ þ GLðglycerolÞ ð3Þ excess alcohol was evaporated at a mild temperature under mod-
The transesterification is usually carried out using primary and erate vacuum on a rotary evaporator. The mixture was transferred
secondary alcohols [26]. Methanol is the most used alcohol to a separating funnel, and then allowed to stand for phase
because it is the least expensive alcohol and it shows chemical separation.
advantages such as its shorter chain and its polar nature [27,28]. After phase separation the remaining mixture was neutralized
Besides it does not form zoetrope, so it is the easier in recovery and subsequently traces of catalyst and alcohol were washed out
than ethanol [29]. Transesterification can be carried out using acids from the ester mixture with distilled water until the water layer
(heterogeneous), alkalis (homogeneous), or enzymes as catalysts remains completely translucent. The methyl ester was heated at
for the reaction. 110 °C for 30 min followed by addition of anhydrous calcium chlo-
There is a lot of work of castor oil transesterification through ride to get rid of any water. All experiments were done in triplicate,
homogeneous catalysts. De Oliveira et al. [30] studied the influence and the average data are presented. Biodiesel from castor oil was
of NaOH concentration (0.5–1.5 wt%), ethanol:oil molar ratio (3:1– blended in different ratios with petroleum diesel to obtain B5,
9:1) and reaction temperature (30–70 °C) and time (1–3 h), 96.2% B10 and B20.
of conversion was reached under the optimal conditions (0.5 wt%
catalyst, 3:1 ethanol:oil, 70 °C and 3 h). Lima da Silva et al. [31] 2.3. Gas chromatography analysis
used RSM to optimize the transesterification reaction of castor oil
using ethanol as alcohol and sodium ethoxide as catalyst. The stud- The methyl ester was analyzed by using gas chromatography.
ied parameters were reaction temperature (30–80 °C), catalyst The analysis was carried out by using an Agilent 6890 plus
concentration (0.5–1.5 wt%) and ethanol:oil molar ratio (12:1– equipped with a HP50+ capillary column (0.53 mm  30 m, 0.5
20:1). The optimal yield (93.78 wt%) of ester content was reached lm films) and flame ionization detector. Pure nitrogen was used
at 30 °C with large catalyst content and lower ethanol:oil molar as a carrier gas. The oven temperature program varied from 60 to
ratio or with lower catalyst content and large alcohol percentage. 260 °C at a fixed rate of 4 °C/min. The temperature of the injector
Meneghetti et al. [32] studied a comparison of ethanolysis versus and detector was 300 °C.
methanolysis and reported that similar yields could be obtained The methyl ester was then subjected to characterization for
using both alcohols but reaction time for methanolysis was estimating its fuel properties using ASTM and IP Standard test
shorter. Canoira et al. [33] achieved total transesterification methods of analysis for petroleum products [38,39]. Blends of
conversion using 1 wt% CH3ONa, 5:1 methanol:oil molar ratio diesel–biodiesel up to 20% biodiesel are recommended because of
and 40 °C. Dias et al. [34] grew castor plants, extracted its oil and the improvement in performance and emissions comparing to
produced biodiesel. The optimal ester content was 83.41 wt% at petrodiesel [40].
S.T. Keera et al. / Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 27 (2018) 979–984 981

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Effect of variables

The influence of catalyst concentration, methanol:oil molar

ratio as well as temperature, on reaction yield, was investigated.

3.1.1. Effect of catalyst concentration

Fig. 1 represents the yield of methyl esters at different catalytic
concentrations (0.5–2 wt%), reaction time (30–120 min) while
maintaining the temperature and methanol:oil molar ratio con-
stant at 60 °C and 9:1, respectively. It is observed that the lower
catalyst concentration of 0.5% KOH is insufficient for completion
of the reaction; the yield of castor oil methyl ester, COME is 65%.
By increasing the catalyst concentration to 1%, the yield of COME
increases to 95%. Further increase in the catalyst concentration
produces a yield decrease. This behavior is due to the high concen-
tration of an alkaline catalyst which prevail the saponification Fig. 2. Yield of methyl ester at different molar ratios (6:1–24:1 M) as a function of
time, 60 °C temperature and 1 wt% catalyst concentration.
reaction which forms soaps in the presence of fatty acids resulting
in emulsion formation between soaps and water molecules [41].
Thus, 1 wt% catalyst concentration considered to be the optimum
catalyst concentration for our study.

3.1.2. Effect of molar ratio

The stoichiometry ratio of the transesterification reaction
requires 3 mol of methanol to yield 1 mol of glycerol and 3 mol of
methyl ester. Being a reversible reaction, excess methanol is used
to shift the reaction to the right. The reaction was carried out by
varying methanol:oil molar ratios from 6:1 to 24:1, reaction time
(30–120 min) while maintaining the reaction at 60 °C and 1 wt% cat-
alyst (Fig. 2). It is clear that, 6:1 methanol:oil molar ratio led to 75 wt
% methyl ester yield; however, this alcohol concentration did not
lead to spontaneous phase separation. Through increasing metha-
nol:oil molar ratio from 6:1 to 9:1 separation between the transes-
terification products became possible provides an increase of the
methyl ester yield to 95%. Then, the yield decreases from 95% to
45% with increasing molar ratio to 24:1, this is due to accumulation
of methanol and viscous nature of the fluid [42].

3.1.3. Effect of temperature Fig. 3. Yield of methyl ester at different temperatures (30 & 60 °C) as a function of
Reaction temperature is another important criterion that will time, 9:1 methanol:oil molar ratio and 1 wt% catalyst concentration.
affect the yield of biodiesel. An experiment was run at the optimal
condition, 1 wt% catalyst, 9:1 methanol:oil molar ratio, reaction
time (30–120 min) and temperature 30 °C as shown in Fig. 3. It is acid and methanol, providing an elevated miscibility of castor oil in
illustrated that, the steady state of the reaction is reached within this alcohol. This happened due to the high miscibility of castor oil
a short period of time (30 min) because of the polarity of ricinoleic in methanol at room temperature. But after 30 min of the reaction
this variable is not somewhat important. It is clear that the ester
yield between 30 °C and 60 °C changes by only 2% wt. Hence the
reaction to be occurs at 30 °C is very suitable.

3.2. Fatty acid profile of castor oil

The fatty acid composition of indigenous castor oil was

determined by means of gas chromatography as described in the
literature [43]. The results are reported in Table 1. The results

Table 1
Composition of biodiesel obtained by castor oil transesterification using GC.

Fatty acid Carbon number chain Wt, %

Ricinoleic C 18:1-OH 89.27
Linoleic C18:2 4.21
Oleic C 18:1 3.53
Stearic C 18:0 0.16
Palmitic C 16:0 0.92
Fig. 1. Yield of methyl ester at different catalyst concentrations 5–2.0 wt%) as a
Linolenic C 18:3 0.91
function of reaction time, 60 °C temperature and 9:1 methanol:oil molar ratio.
982 S.T. Keera et al. / Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 27 (2018) 979–984

Fig. 4. Fatty acid methyl esters of the castor oil.

Table 2
Physico-chemical properties of COME (B100) and Petrodiesel (B0) blends.

Specification Castor oil Diesel oil B5 B10 B20 B100

Density at 15.56 °C, g/cm3 0.9621 0.8379 0.8435 0.8491 0.8595 0.9461
T.A.N mg KOH/g 1.19 0.12 0.15 0.20 0. 26 0.63 40 °C, cSt 231.22 2.42 2.66 3.14 3.73 15.40
Pour point, °C 6 9 12 18 30
Cloud point, °C 3 6 9 18
Total Sulphur, wt% Nil 0.85 0. 15 0. 03 0. 01 Nil
Flash point, °C 228 69 79 85.9 89.1 194
Calorific value, MJ/kg 37.20 44 45.61 43.59 43.44 38.34
Water content, % 0.34 0.02 0.032 0.041 0.06 0.15
Cetane number 51 50.6 49.1 48.8 43.7

obtained are very much consistent with those reported in other fluid motion. Viscosity is the major reason why fats and oils are
research workers [44]. Just like other vegetable oils, castor oil is a transesterified to biodiesel. The viscosity of biodiesel is approxi-
triglyceride of various fatty acids and about 10% glycerin. The fatty mately an order of magnitude lower than that of the starting oil
acids consist of approximately 80–90% ricinoleic acid, 3–6% linoleic or fat. Table 2 shows that castor oil has a high viscosity (231.22
acid, 2–4% oleic acid and 1-5.5 saturated fatty acids. The high con- cSt at 40 °C). As a result, biodiesel produced from castor oil
tent of ricinoleic acid is the reason for the versatility of castor oil (B100) has extremely high viscosity value (15.40 cSt) exceeding
in technology [45,46]. Fig. 4 presents a typical chromatogram for by far the international standard limit. This has been attributed
the COME. One can see the formation of a major peak of methyl ester to the presence of OH groups in ricinoleic acid tend to form hydro-
that referrers to methyl ricinoleate, which the result of methanolysis gen bonds with other hydrogen atoms present in other molecules
of ricinoleic acid, the main component of castor oil. [16]. Consequently, it can be suggested to mix this COME with pet-
rodiesel in different proportions in order to reach the viscosity
3.3. Physico-chemical characterization of the COME and its blends specification. The lower the viscosity of the oil, the easier it is to
pump and atomize and achieve finer droplets. It is evident from
Six different volumes based blends were prepared from Diesel: Table 2 that there is an increase in viscosity with corresponding
COME mixtures [100:0 (B0), 95:5(B5), 90:10(B10), 80:20(B20) and increase in COME percentage in the blends. B5, B10 and B20 give
0:100(B100]. Properties of the blends were subjected to evaluation the viscosity values 2.66, 3.14 and 3.73 cSt respectively, which
according to standard test methods of analysis and were tabulated within the accepted standard range of viscosity. So COME treated
in Table 2. with petrodiesel oil will has better injection characteristics.

3.3.1. Viscosity 3.3.2. Density

Viscosity is a measure of the internal fluid friction or resistance Table 2 shows that the density of pure COME (0.9461) is out of
of oil to flow, which tends to oppose any dynamic change in the the range of international standard limit. The high density of this
S.T. Keera et al. / Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 27 (2018) 979–984 983

COME is a consequence of the presence of the hydroxyl group of high (0.15%) meanwhile that of petrodiesel is 0.02%. Water in the
the ricinoleic acid methyl ester. COME can be mixed with diesel biodiesel can promote microbial growth, lead to tank corrosion,
up to 20% without exceeding the standard accepted ratio for participate in the formation of emulsions, as well as cause
biodiesel density. The density improved with decreasing COME hydrolysis or hydrolytic oxidation. Hence to overcome such issues,
concentration in the blend. From Table 2, the respective values its blend with diesel has proven effective up 20% to comply with
for B20, B10 and B5 present 0.8595, 0.8491 and 0.8435 specifications in standards.
3.3.8. Total acid number
3.3.3. Cloud point and pour point The data (Table 2) reveal that 1.19 mg KOH/g is the total acid
The two important parameters for low temperature applica- number of castor oil. COME has 0.63 mg KOH/g which exceeds that
tions of a fuel are cloud point (CP) and pour point (PP). The CP is of diesel (0.12 mg KOH/g). Blend with concentration up to 20%
the temperature at which wax first becomes visible when the fuel COME could be acceptable. The total acid number decreases almost
is cooled. The PP is the temperature at which the amount of wax linearly with decreasing percentage of biodiesel in the blend and
out of solution is sufficient to gel the fuel, thus it is the lowest tem- B5 gives the best value (0.15 mg KOH/g).
perature at which the fuel can flow.
It is generally known that biodiesel has higher CP and PP com-
pared to conventional Diesel, meanwhile methyl esters of castor oil 3.3.9. Cetane number
has a very low cloud and pour points which make this biofuel con- CN is a measure of biodiesel ignition quality, which decreases
sidered to be a good alternative in winter conditions. So a blend of with decreasing chain length and increasing branching and unsat-
COME with petrodiesel (Table 2) shows good flow properties and uration. It is a measure of the fuel ignition delay, higher CN value
the properties improved with increasing COME concentration in indicating shorter time between initiation of fuel injection and
the blend. B5, B10 and B20 give, cloud point -3, -6, -9 and pour ignition. Table 2 present cetane number of petrodiesel is 51. Cetane
point -9, -12,-18 respectively. It indicates that castor oil biodiesel number of COME is lower, regarding to the consequence of the
also could be used as petroleum diesel additive for improving cold presence of the free hydroxyl group of castor oil molecule, besides
flow properties. the presence of the double bonds of the ricinoleic acid. Cetane
number of COME gives 43.7. This value is lower than that of stan-
3.3.4. Sulphur content dard. A possible solution to meet the standard 47 is the blending
It is clear that castor oil is sulphur free (Table 2). Consequently with petrodiesel. The results show that, B5, B10 and B20 give
COME (B100) is sulphur free. This is one of the major advantages of 50.6, 49.1 and 48.8 cetane numbers respectively.
this biodiesel. Blend of COME with petrodiesel shows a decrease in
sulphur content with increasing COME in the blend from B5 to B20 4. Conclusion
(0. 15–0. 01 wt%), while that of petrodiesel is 0.85 wt%. This low
sulphur has advantages both for the environment and the engine - Castor oil biodiesel fuel properties are within the recommended
life. Low sulphur is required to reduce exhaust emissions. standards of biodiesel fuel except the viscosity.
- Biodiesel obtained from castor oil has a very low cloud and pour
3.3.5. Flash point points which makes this biodiesel a good alternative in winter
Flash point is the temperature at which the fuel can ignite when conditions.
exposed to a heat source. It is important from the point of view of - Castor oil biodiesel could be used as petroleum diesel additive
safe handling, storage and transportation. It is known that high for improving both environmental and flow behavior of the
flash point ensures more safety in the handling and storage. It is mineral fuel.
clear from Table 2 that Castor Oil has its value 228 °C and after - Castor oil biodiesel has a lower cetane number value (43.7)
transesterification it is 194 °C which higher than that of diesel compared to petrodiesel (51).
(69 °C) and so why safe to store. It is noticed that the flash point - The blend B5 (biodiesel 5% to petrodiesel 95%) gave the best
increases with increase COME in the blend from, 79, 85.9 and cetane number value (50.6).
89.1 °C for B5, B10 and B20 respectively. Hence castor oil biodiesel
blend can be used as a flash point enhancing additive and can be
classified as a non-hazardous fuel.
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