Interviw Question & Answers
Interviw Question & Answers
Interviw Question & Answers
1) Pump head:
2) Pressure head is a term used in fluid mechanics to represent the internal energy of a fluid due to
the pressure exerted on its container. It may also be called static pressure head or simply static
is pressure head (Length, typically in units of m);
is fluid pressure (force per unit area, often as Pa units); and
is the specific weight (force per unit volume, typically N/m3 units)
is the density of the fluid (mass per unit volume, typically kg/m3)
is acceleration due to gravity (rate of change of velocity, given in m/s2)
Note that in this equation, the pressure term is gauge pressure, not absolute pressure.
Pr = L x (f/100)
Where Fr = Friction loss = 0.1
L= length
Pr = Pressure head
*Duct Static Pressure = Total Friction loss (L/D*0.0195*VP) + Dynamic loss (Dinamic loss
cofficient*VP) {note l & d are in feet & VP = (velocity/4005)^2}
4) 1 psi = 6894.7 Pa = 0.0689 bar ; 1 bar = 100,000 Pa =29 inhg = 401 inh2o .
5) How to find pipe dia = GPM * Velocity (FPM) {you will get friction and pipe size from the graph}
6) Isolating valve = Ball valve = gate valve = Butterfly valve.
7) Check valve = non return valve
8) Pressure reducing valve - Whenever pressure increases the limit, it will regulate pressure and it is
connected to BMS system.
9) Double check valve = Back flow preventer
10) What are the fittings of faucet drainage etc., - Mixer, valves, flexible connecting pipes, etc..
11) How to determine stack sizes and how many types are there. – Vent stack, Waste stack, Soil
stack. Varies with load on each floor.
12) What are the normal codes followed for drainage and plumbing in ksa.
1) NPC = National plumbing Code.
13) What are the software used for calculating the pipe sizes and hot water cal etc.,:- epipesizer, elite
pipe, pocketpipe, s-pipe, PP calculator, Etc.
14) What is use of U-Trap and where it is used? It is used in Drain connection as water seals/smell.
15) What should be the max distance between sewer line & portable water line? 3 meter.
16) How much size of clean out is provided for sewer pipe below 10" dia? 6"
17) What are the different pipe material used in plumbing installation?
CI,Acid resistant CI,Bituminous fiber pipe,virtified clay pipe,Lead pipe,Galvanized steel pipe,
Galvanized wrought iron pipe,brass pipe,copper pipe,Plastic & synthetic pipe, UPVC, CPVC.
18) What are the impotant factor to consider while installing waste pipe?
Selection of right kind of material,
Conservative use of fittings.
Right location of cleanouts.
Right pitch or slop of pipe line.
Manner of joining the pipe.
19) What should be the distance between manholes? 15 m.
20) What are the different materials used for underground water supply? uPVC (Cold water), cPVC
(Hot water), ..
21) How to find friction in pipes? There is a graph on which if you know two values you can find the
others … the graph copy is attached.
22) Stiffness of GRP Pipes: 2500 N/m2 (this class of pipe can be used for the earth load(truck load+
earth load) depth that is 2 m to 4m which will not exceed the long term deflection of 5%), 5000,
( this class of pipe can be used for the pipes in trench depth (or depth of cover) of 7m), and
10000 N/m2 ( this class is used for the pipes with depth of cover of more than 7m like for 10 m).
23) 1N/m2 = 1Pa.
24) Pipe Spool: - The term "pipe spool" or "spool piece" refers to a prefabricated section of a piping
system that includes the pipe, fittings and flanges that are pre-assembled in the fabrication
facility and then transported to the field. The reason for pre-assembly is that hoists, gauges,
material and tools are available for the assembly in a controlled environment. The size of the
spool pieces is limited by factors related to transportation to the site and ability to handle the
spool piece at the site during assembly.
25) Efficiency of Pump = GPMxTotal Headx100/Input HPx3960.
26) Tank to Pump – Service connection details (shown in the ‘Plumbing Notes file’).
27) Class of water supply pipes upvc pvc cpvc pipes? – (Shown in ‘Plumbing Notes file’)
1) CFM = Velocity(usually 1500) * Area in sqft {(d/2)^2*3.1416/144}
2) 1 ton = 12000 BTU/hr = 3.516 KW.
3) Heat Transfer Coefficient (U):
1 (Btu/hr. sqft . *f) = 5.6782 (watt/m^2 . Calvin)
Thermal Conductivity (K):
1 (Btu/hr.ft.*f) = 1.73 (watt/m. calvin)
4) What is CFM = Cubic feet minute, it is the unit of air flow.
5) What is Aspect Ratio = it is the ratio between ht n length of the duct generally we take 1:2 can
vary with space and size uptill 1:4.
6) What is Collar Length = it is the strip left at the joining of duct and machine.
7) What are the important things to be considered before selecting devices like AHUs and Chillers:
For AHU/FCU for chilled water system = CFM, Static pressure, Ton (capacity), Air Temp, water
flow (gpm).
For AHU/FCU for direct system = CFM, Static Pressure, Ton, Sensible.
For Chiller: Ton, outside air temp, GPM,
(Sensible/3.4 = heating capacity.)
Static pressure to be considered to make fan selection.
1GPM = 2.4 Ton ( we need gpm in finding pipe dia)
8) Pumps supply fittings: Thermometer, Shutoff valve, pressure gauge, strainer, test point, drain
cock, union flexible connector, and Eccentric reducer.
9) Pumps return fittings: Eccentric reducer, flexible connector, union test point, check valve,
strainer, gate valve, check valve, temp sensors,
10) CFM distribution wrt the given floor plan. Use ductulator.
11) Calculating loads wrt any plan by using software. Use Hap-4.32 or any to find the loads.
12) Type of Fire dampers = Butterfly damper, Non Return Damper, Motorised Damper, Fire damper,
Smoke damper, Gravity damper.
13) Types of motorized damper = Motorized volume damper, Motorized fire and smoke damper.
14) Types of grills and diffusers = 2-way, 3-way, 4-way, 1-way, jet diffusers with fan.
15) What is VFD = Variable frequency drive-it is use to control the speed of motor by controlling the
frequency applied to it. It is used with Chillers,AHU etc. (use to control the RPM of pumps)
16) How do you control or balance the chilled water = Double regulating valve in main line return
(usually controlled from return using drv)
17) How do you control the noise or vibration in the duct = lining (nc-35) and Rainforcement.
Fire Fighting:-
1) What are the types of pump sets used and why in fire fighting?
Jockey pump – used when there is a pressure drop of 1 bar.
Diesel pump – used in case of power shut down.
Electric pump – Main pump starts instantly in case of fire and will cutoff @ 7 bar.
OS&Y valve - Outside screw & Yoke – is used in fire system mains and is used for easy knowing
whether it is in open position or closed as we cannot know from a typical gate valve or ball
Tamper switch - It is a supervisory device located on the control valves of a fire protection
system. The tamper switch is a device which, when connected to an alarm panel or sounder,
signals a disturbance (opening or closing) at the control valves of the system.
Pressure Switch - These critical components sense the activation of the system and then
electrically secure the ventilation systems operating in the protected space.
12) What is the use of strainer? It is installed before the cooling coil to protect dirt & foreign material
entering into the cooling coil /evaporator.
13) What is the use of staircase pressurization?
To provide fresh & clean air in the staircase when fire occurs in the floor. The pressurized air
keeps the smoke away from the stair wall. It is used for creating positive pressure.
14) Name some fine controlled Valves? Needle valve,Spindle valve, regulating valve, motorized
valved etc.
15) What should be height of fire cabinet from floor level? 1 m.
16) What are the different types of sprinkler heads used in fire protection system?
Upright sprinkler, Pendent sprinkler, Side wall sprinkler, Pendent Recessed sprinkler, extended
side wall sprinkler, extended coverage etc.,
17) What is the test pressure for firefighting pipe network? 1.5 times working pressure.
18) What is the temperature rating for firefighting sprinkler head? 170°F or 76°c.
19) What is the fire department connection known as? Siamese.
20) Name the different types of fire extinguisher? Portable type CO2, Portable type Dry Powder &
21) What are the different types of Valve used in fire protection system? Alarm valve, Zonal valve
22) What the pipe material used for underground fire piping? UPVC, MDPA, RTR.
23) What is zone control valve?
It is used in ff system on every floor … it consist of OS & Y Gate valve with tamper switch, Check
Valve, pressure gauge, Drain point, Flow meter & Sight glass. “Check FF Notes”.
24) What is the standard length of hose in a hose reel cabinet? 30m.
25) Pipe material used in FF system and which class? ‘Check FF Notes’.
26) Floor Control Valve Assembly? ‘Check FF Notes’.
27) Name the pipe materials used in Water supply? ‘Check FF Notes’.