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Problem and Its Setting

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Social media is the collective of online communication channels dedicated

to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.

Websites and application dedicated to forums, microblogging, social networking,

social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are among the different types of

social media. It is widely used primarily for communication, share information and

entertainment. It also allow the users to interact with each other in a fun and

creative way given the fact that we humans are depending on social interaction to

continue our existence. Social media has found its way from a simple telegraph to

electronic mail to personal messages through the invention and innovation of


The roots of social media stretch far deeper than you might imagine. The

earliest methods of communicating across great distances used correspondence

delivered by hand from one to another. The earliest postal service dates back to

550 B.C., and this primitive system would become more widespread and

streamlined in the future centuries. Then in 1972, the telegraph was invented but

later in 1890 and 1891, a big breakthrough in technology happened that change
the course of social media. That year, telephone and radio was invented.

Technology began to change rapidly in the 20th century, super computers were

created in the 1940s. Starting from that, the scientists and engineers began to

develop ways to create network between those computers. These continuous

advancement in technology bring too much change in social media platforms.

Social media has various significance in the society aside from being a

communication tool. There is a valuable knowledge to be gained through social

media such as analytics and insights on different topics or issues for study

purposes. This helps create better student training strategies and shapes student’s

culture through collaborative learning feature of social media. Teacher, professors

and instructors can reach their students off campus easily via social media

platforms where they can share and access information and ideas.

When it comes to social media and education, some parents and teachers

view these platforms as distractions that negatively influence students. But when

used in a right way, social media can enhance a student’s learning journey.

Research has shown how beneficial social media can be in terms of learning.

Through these platforms teachers can connect with the students and incorporate

social media into their lessons, making them more interesting, relatable and


However, getting addicted to it will cause negative effects such as lack of

sleep, eye strain, stress, and other health-related problems. These problems can

hinder student’s performance at school. And every time a student use social media
in academic purpose, he/she attempt to multitask by checking various media sites

while studying that can also reduce academic performance.

Ul Haq and Chand (2012) investigated the usage and popularity of famous

social media network (Facebook) among university students with special focus on

the gender based comparison and the impact of the selected medium on their

academic performance. The two researcher evaluate the pattern and frequency of

Facebook use among university students, 60% users agree that social medium has

adverse effects on their academic performance. In addition to the adverse effect

of social media on academic performance, there was also an opinion that Facebook

makes it hard for them to perform the best on their career performance. However,

the researcher feels that the later opinion is not very clear and needs further


Another researcher, Jennifer Walsh (2013), who published a journal titled

“Emerging Adulthood”, wrote that the students who spent the most time using

social media had “fewer academic behaviours, such as completing homework and

attending class, lower academic confidence and more problems affecting their

school work, like lack of sleep and substance use. Though social media is made

for convenience and other good uses, we cannot just set aside the negative effects

that seems to be more than its positive effects.

This study will be conducted in the urge to weigh both positive and negative

effects of using social media on student’s academic performance. To evaluate the

level of academic performance of the students is one of the objectives of this

research. And also to find out the best possible and most effective solution

regarding this issue.

Conceptual Framework

Status of Social Media Usage

 Number of Social
Media Users
 Number of Social Performance of
media platform Grade 12 GAS
used students of Oriental
Mindoro National
High School
 Frequency

Figure 1: Relationship of Social Media Usage and the Academic

performance of Grade 12 GAS students of OMNHS

As shown in figure 1.0, there is significant relationship between the

dependent and independent variable as the status of social media usage exhibits

certain effects on the academic performance of Grade 12 GAS students of OMNHS.

Research Question

This study will attempt to determine the effect of social media in the

academic performance of Grade 12 GAS Argon. This study will try to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the status of social media usage in terms of:

1.1 Number of Social Media users

1.2 Number of Social Media platform/s used

1.3 Frequency

2. What is the level of academic performance of Grade 12 GAS students of OMNHS?

3. Is there a significant relationship between status social media usage and the

level of academic performance of Grade 12 GAS students of OMNHS?

Research Hypothesis

There is significant relationship between social media usage and academic

performance of Grade 12 GAS students of OMNHS.

Scope and Delimitation

In general, this study is focused on the effect of social media in the

academic performance of students. Grade 12 GAS Argon will be the target

respondents of the survey to be conducted.

This study will limit its coverage on Grade 12 GAS students of OMNHS. Its

main purpose is to identify the best possible solution regarding this problem.

This study will consider every aspect of social media that creates an impact

in the student’s academic performance. Each respondents will be given the same

questionnaires to answer. And this study will only focus on the current Grade 12

GAS students of OMNHS of the present school year, 2019–2020.

Significance of the Study

This study will be undertaken to find out the effects of social media on GAS

Argon students through their academic performance. Benefiting from the study

are various persons/sectors as follows

Students. The direct recipients of the output of this study are the GAS Argon

students. Any possible solution to the problem can pave way to a better academic

performance of the said students.

Teachers. This study will be very useful for the teachers to determine the status

and reasons of the students in a poor academic performance and devise a better

plan on how to help students to deal with this problem effectively.

Parents. The research benefits the parents of the students who is experiencing

the negative effect of using social media through the information and solutions

that will be given by this research. They can also be aware of the present problems

of their sons and daughters in their academic performances.

Administrators and staff. This study will help them to think and come up with

good programs and activities that will help the students become literate and

responsible social media users.

Future Researcher. This research will be a useful reference to the researchers

who would plan to make any related study of the social media and student’s

academic performance.

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance – It is the measurement of how well students meet

the standards set by an educational institution.

Breakthrough - A sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or

Curation - Collaborative sharing of web content organized around one or more

particular themes or topics.

Frequency – the number of times that something happens during a particular


Microblogging - The activity or practice of making short, frequent posts to a


Multitask - Deal with more than one task at the same time.

Primitive System - Undeveloped system

Social Media Platform – is a web-based technology that enables the

development, deployment and management of social media solutions and


Social Media User – someone who is engaging with social media via

computer, tablet or smartphone via web-based software or web application,

often utilized for communication purposes.

Streamlined - Something that works better because it’s been made more

efficient or modern.

Telegraph - A communication system in which information is transmitted over

a wire through a series of electric current.

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