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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

Experience Communication 1st Edition Child

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Chapter 07
Mediated Communication and Social Media

True / False Questions

1. When a person transmits a message through a communication tool, including an electronic

or digital one, it is most accurately described as interpersonal communication.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Mediated communication

2. If you learn more about mediated communication, you can improve your mediated

Blooms: Understanding
Topic: Mediated communication

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

3. The text explains that intrapersonal communication is a key element in computer-mediated


Blooms: Understanding
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

4. Social science research has demonstrated that people who are exposed to a great deal of
media violence frequently demonstrate aggressive or violent behavior.

Blooms: Understanding
Topic: Mass media

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

5. Your friend Inga reads a number of beauty magazines. The women pictured in them tend to
be very slender, and they wear the latest fashions. Inga routinely complains about her weight,
and she sometimes diets and exercises to excess. This is an example of the way media
consumption can affect body image.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Mass media

6. Philip and Che watch the evening news together every night, and they routinely view
television programs that deal with events all over the world. It is likely that they will be more
sensitive to other cultures.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Mass media

7. Early television programs that included African Americans cast them in secondary roles,
with white middle-class men and women in the primary roles. These depictions tended to
perpetuate stereotypes.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Mass media

8. Your roommate watches violent television, plays violent videogames, and is interested in
websites that talk about illegal and dangerous activities. You worry about his heavy use of
media because of potential cultivation effects.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Mass media

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

9. Monique and Jill are in your communication class. When the topic of the media is
discussed, both women are highly critical of information they read, see, and hear. These
fellow students are demonstrating low media literacy.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Mass media

10. Your parents tend to call you when they know you're at work and they leave voice-mail
messages. Sometimes they e-mail you instead. They rarely talk to you when you call, and they
do not like to send text messages. We may conclude that they prefer synchronous

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

11. You love being around people, talking to them, hearing what they have to say. When you
go to stay with your grandmother, you can still connect with all your friends through social
media, and you spend a lot of time online. Your grandmother, who is on the shy side, has an
e-mail account but would never consider having a Facebook account. She says it would make
her feel too exposed. The differences between you and your grandmother illustrate the uses
and gratifications theory.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

12. Uses and gratifications theorists view social media as negative.


Blooms: Understanding
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

13. Since so much information about health issues is available on the Internet, you no longer
need to seek a physician's opinion on medical problems that you encounter.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

14. In part because of communication technology and the social media, intercultural
communication is more important today than it was 30 years ago.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

15. It is highly unlikely that anyone on a social media site would adopt a false identity.

Blooms: Understanding
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

16. Your friend Janie provides a great deal of information on her Facebook page and places
no restrictions on who may view it. She even includes her phone number, address, and other
information about where she works and what her daily schedule is. Janie might be considered
a high self-monitor.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

17. Goffman suggests that we are all actors in a play and that we have to consider both
backstage and onstage issues.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Protect and present yourself

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

18. A friend of your mother recently lost her husband. She misses the companionship of a
close relationship and wants to begin dating. Because online dating is basically an impersonal
experience, it would not likely meet her needs.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

19. CMC relationships develop more slowly than do face-to-face relationships.


Blooms: Understanding
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

20. People are more likely to use social media to seek out new relationships than to maintain
current relationships.

Blooms: Understanding
Topic: Social media

Multiple Choice Questions

21. Which item below is NOT a form of mediated communication?

A. Television
B. Newspapers
C. E-mail
D. Face-to-face

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Mediated communication

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

22. Which item below is NOT a reason cited for studying mediated communication?
A. To help you understand how the messages that surround us influence behavior and shape
B. To teach you how to control others through mediated messages
C. To improve your own mediated interactions
D. To help you become a more critical consumer of the mediated messages you encounter

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Mediated communication

23. The distinguishing feature of computer-mediated communication (CMC) is that it relies

A. networked computer environments.
B. newspapers and magazines to distribute information.
C. airwaves to convey messages on TV and radio.
D. cable to distribute information.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Mediated communication

24. All of the following are examples of media convergence EXCEPT

A. newspapers establishing an online version.
B. TV programs inviting the public to vote by tweeting.
C. news reporters posting stories on blogs while also reporting them on radio.
D. political commentators who hold opposite views debating an issue.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Mediated communication

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

25. The striking result of a 2012 Nielsen report on mass media use in the United States was
that Americans spend as much time
A. watching TV as they do working at their jobs.
B. texting as they do driving.
C. reading and writing as they do watching TV.
D. on their smartphones as they do sleeping.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Mass media

26. A study on media violence cited in Chapter 7 hypothesizes that TV, films, and
A. can make nonviolent people more tolerant of violence.
B. desensitize viewers to violence.
C. have little impact on behavior.
D. are a good outlet for people who might otherwise become violent.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Mass media

27. Which statement about media effects is NOT supported by research reported in Chapter
A. Individuals who consume great amounts of mass media become dissatisfied with how they
B. Individuals who consume great amounts of mass media become more likely to develop
eating disorders.
C. Adults who watch a variety of programming are more fearful than those who watch the
news only.
D. Children who consume great amounts of mass media have higher IQs.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Mass media

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

28. Gatekeeping is the process of

A. determining what news, information, or entertainment will reach a mass audience.
B. shaping the way topics are presented.
C. telling us what we ought to be thinking.
D. persuading an audience to buy one product and reject another.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Mass media

29. With its portrayal of an extensively stereotyped group, TV has effectively changed the
way Americans think of
A. poor people.
B. undocumented immigrants.
C. people from the Caribbean.
D. people who are gay.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Mass media

30. According to Chapter 7, when Sixty Minutes runs an exposé about the sloppiness of the
organizations that determine your credit rating, that programming is an example of
A. gatekeeping.
B. agenda-setting.
C. challenging norms.
D. perpetuating stereotypes.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Mass media

31. Which is the best explanation of the cultivation effect?

A. People who watch a lot of TV violence tend to perceive the world as a dangerous place.
B. People with limited access to media tend to have a distorted view of reality.
C. Exposure to TV news shows cultivates a balanced view of current events.
D. Even light TV and media use can cultivate an attitude of indifference about current events.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Mass media

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

32. Media literacy refers to the ability to

A. think critically about mediated messages and how they influence us.
B. explain how media functions in our society.
C. participate actively with a wide variety of computer-mediated methods.
D. work in mass media as on-air talent or in production.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Mediated communication

33. Which item below is NOT an example of critical thinking mentioned in Chapter 7?
A. Awareness of how camera angles, lighting designs, editing techniques, and camera
movements can create certain impressions
B. Awareness of the pressure those in media are under to attract audiences and advertisers,
and the impact that pressure has on how they present complex issues
C. Awareness of who the sponsor of a program is, and who has something to gain from the
D. Awareness of the high standards of journalistic ethics and how they shape the presentation
of news

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Mediated communication

34. Which statement about media is FALSE?

A. Because the technology used to produce media messages has become less expensive,
almost anyone can produce mass media content.
B. Citizen journalists are required to meet the same high ethical standards for news production
as professional journalists.
C. Citizen journalists produce some of the most popular Internet videos, accessed by
thousands of people each day on YouTube and Vimeo.
D. The large volume of messages disseminated on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other
message boards makes the task of finding accurate, unbiased information all the more

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Mediated communication

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

35. Which of the following is an example of asynchronous communication?

A. Instant messaging
B. Online chat
C. Social media websites
D. Cell phone conversations

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

36. Since 2009 the most popular social media site is

A. YouTube.
B. Facebook.
C. Google.
D. Vimeo.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

37. Which of the following is NOT a social media fact presented in Chapter 7?
A. Over half of Internet users have their own social networking site profile.
B. In 2011-2012 the fastest-growing group to establish profiles were members over 45 years
of age.
C. Facebook was originally designed exclusively for college students.
D. Most YouTube users are middle-aged citizen journalists.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

38. Social media are called "boundary-crossing media" because they

A. span communication contexts.
B. cross intercultural borders.
C. are used by both young and old.
D. are a bridge from the old media to the new media.

Blooms: Understanding
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

39. Twitter is the

A. most popular microblogging venue.
B. most popular place where vlogging occurs.
C. most popular social networking website.
D. best way to keep in touch with friends.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

40.,,,, and are all

examples of
A. vlogs.
B. microblogs.
C. blogs.
D. chat rooms.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

41. Which of the following is a disadvantage of social media?

A. Real-time updates are difficult to provide.
B. Limited numbers of devices are available for sending and receiving.
C. Most people find the sites difficult to navigate.
D. Messages sometimes are distributed to a broader audience than the user intended.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Computer-medicated communication

42. The uses and gratifications theory hypothesizes that people

A. use social media primarily for sexual pleasure.
B. who are socially anxious avoid social media entirely.
C. use social media to satisfy their own needs and desires.
D. who are extroverted find limited gratification in social media.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

43. Which behavior would you expect from a low self-monitor when using social media?
A. This person would be very concerned about privacy.
B. This person would think deeply about the messages he or she sends.
C. This person would likely overdisclose.
D. This person would closely monitor the time he or she spends on social media.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

44. Which social media users are most driven by personal gain?
A. Protective users
B. Self-centered users
C. Unworried users
D. Sharing users

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

45. Utilitarian users

A. have a purpose for everything they post.
B. share information freely to connect with others.
C. use caution not to reveal too much about themselves.
D. try to anticipate all possible consequences before posting anything.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

46. Early opinions about CMC suggested that it was an impersonal and unrewarding way to
develop a relationship. Joseph Walther debunked this early opinion with his
A. hyperpersonal perspective.
B. self-fulfilling prophecy perspective.
C. uses and gratifications perspective.
D. protective-user perspective.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

47. If you blog about your eating disorder and visit websites where you offer support to others
with the same malady, you are using social media as a means of
A. global communication.
B. public relations communication.
C. health communication.
D. organizational communication.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

48. Which of the following statements about the relationship between CMC and interpersonal
communication is FALSE?
A. Many young adults connect with their parents through social media.
B. CMC establishes stronger friendships than does traditional face-to-face contact.
C. New mothers are more likely than new fathers to turn to social media to share the
experience of transitioning to parenthood.
D. In families that tend toward secretiveness, children tend to reject parental requests for
Facebook access.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

49. According to Chapter 7, companies have been known to use Facebook in all the following
A. to check you out and see if your profile is consistent with your answers in the interview.
B. to fire you when you make a negative crack about the company or a supervisor.
C. to encourage teamwork on a company project.
D. to edit out negative comments others make about the company's products.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Protect and present yourself

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

Fill in the Blank Questions

50. __________ is communication that does not occur face-to-face but rather is transmitted
through digital, electronic, or print media.
Mediated communication

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Mediated communication

51. __________ refers to the ways that different technologies have changed to produce
similar outcomes or perform similar tasks.
Media convergence

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Mediated communication

52. Some people complain that certain cable networks are decidedly left of center while others
are clearly right of center. Further, they complain that the point of view of these networks
determines what news they will and won't cover. This observation points to the __________
function of these networks.

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Mass media

53. When the New York Times chooses which stories will appear on the front page and which
will appear further back (or not at all), the editors are demonstrating their __________

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Mass media

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

54. Some television programs perpetuate stereotypes. In contrast, the more progressive ones
challenge norms

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Mass media

55. If you send an e-mail to your friend in the morning, and she doesn't respond until the
evening, you are engaging in __________.
asynchronous communication

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

56. The term __________ refers to the wide variety of websites available that allow you to
regularly interact with family, friends, and associates all over the world.
social media

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

57. The __________ offers an explanation for why your grandmother prefers to use the
telephone to talk with you, your mother prefers to use e-mail, and your friends like to text,
tweet, or use Facebook. Similarly it explains why some of your friends use social media more
intensively than others, and why some are more careful about what they disclose than others.
uses and gratifications theory

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

58. Because Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO, has been an activist in bringing
the Internet to people around the globe, and because you and many of your age-group cohorts
believe that Internet access is crucial, you seek out Zuckerberg's opinions. We might conclude
that for you and your contemporaries Zuckerberg is a(n) __________.
opinion leader

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Social media

59. The __________ is concerned with how people decide what they will reveal and conceal
on social media.
communication privacy management theory

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Protect and present yourself

60. __________ occurs when someone has violated the rules you have established for
managing your private information.
Privacy turbulence

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Protect and present yourself

61. The theory related to __________ suggests that we are all actors in a play, and we act
certain parts depending on where we find ourselves—at home, at work, in the classroom, or at
a party.

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Protect and present yourself

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

62. The __________ suggests that CMC can in some ways be superior to face-to-face
interactions because, for example, CMC allows people to better control their self-
hyperpersonal perspective

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Computer-mediated communication

63. __________ involves the use of print and electronic technology by professionals to share
messages over great distances for large audiences.
Mass communication

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Mass communication

64. You set up a social networking group to discuss a problem you have witnessed on
campus. You make it clear to the people you invite to the group, however, that you want them
to keep your exchanges private until you have clarified your thoughts and decided how you
want to approach the administration. By setting these guidelines, you are establishing
co-ownership rules

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Protect and present yourself

65. You are concerned about a friend because he seems extremely withdrawn and depressed,
and he has stopped going to class. You discuss your concerns with his brother and two other
friends, but you ask them not to mention this exchange to him until together you decide how
best to help him. By setting this guideline, you are establishing __________.
linkage rules

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Protect and present yourself

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Chapter 07 - Mediated Communication and Social Media

66. Those who are able to think critically about media messages and evaluate their impact are
said to be high in __________.
media literacy

Blooms: Remembering
Topic: Mediated communication

67. If you ask the people in your social network not to discuss what they are doing on New
Year's Eve because the topic makes you uncomfortable, you are managing your privacy by
establishing a(n) __________.
permeability rule

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Protect and present yourself

68. Judith and Deborah are very committed to their friendship, and they invest substantial
time and energy in maintaining that friendship even though they live in different states and
have multiple commitments. We can say that they have a(n) __________.
strong tie

Blooms: Applying
Topic: Social media

69. When a social media campaign becomes extremely popular, and people forward the
message and related links broadly to their networks and discuss it among themselves, we say
that campaign has gone __________.

Blooms: Understanding
Topic: Social media

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