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Philippine History Reviewer

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HISTORY  ITSTORY  Non-collared shirt – red : datu,

blue or black : lower classes

 HISTORIA  Sources o Bahag
 INQUIRY and INVESTIGATION  Written – Common and
 Sequential record of events from Uncommon
human past o Putong
 Unwritten – remains, artifacts,
 HISTORY (types) and oral traditions  Headgear – red : killed a one
 WRITTEN HISTORY o Primary Sources person in a war, embroidered :
 ORAL HISTORY  Based on the actual event killed several people (7)
 Historian  Eyewitness account  Women
 Objective History  Autobiography and records of o Baro
 THUCYDIDES persons involved in an event o Saya - Tagalog
o It is an inquiry and investigation  Remains and artifacts o Patadyong – Visayan
to past events o Secondary Sources o Tapis
o “Takes no side and honest only  Based on primary sources o pusod
to truth and real events” verify its authenticity  Body Ornaments
o Witness  Pag-aaral sa Kasaysayan ng o Jewelry
 LEOPOLD VON RANKE Pilipinas mababatid lamang sa  Kalumbiga – armlets
o Gives no importance to the pamamagitan ng mga labi (buto at  Aretes – earrings
Historian’s own perspective and bungo) at artipakto (kagamitan at o Human Body
interpretation of the events kasangkapan)  Pintado
o “Father of Scientific History”  Taong Tabon – unang tao sa Pilipinas  Vanity
 Modern History nabuhay sa Panahon ng Lumang  War Record
 Objective History does not exist Bato may sinaunang sistema ng  House
 BENEDETTO CROCE pagsulat  Wood, Bamboo, and Nipa Palm
o CHRONOLOGY – Sequential  Chinese Annals – pinagmulan ng  Built separately
record of events from human ilang tala hinggil sa sinaunang  Removable stairs
past Pilipinas  Batalan – Bathroom
o Historian’s own perspective and  Room – stockroom of household
interpretation of the events Pre-Colonial Philippines things
 RENATO CONSTANTINO  Matong – big storage for rice
 Clothing
 SAYSAY  Silong
 Men
 HISTORY  Social Classes
o Kanggan
 Datu – Gat or Lakan (Gat Maitan o  Canonay – Panay  Community
Lakan Dula)  Mother of Rajah Matanda  Balangay – 30 – 100 families
 Mahadlika or maharlika  Uray – granddaughter of Rajah  Law – trial by ordeal
 Timawa Katunaw or Sikatuna of Bohol  Bultong
 Alipin  U – Leader, Ray o Raya –  Alaw
o Namamahay – with own family Kingdom  Umaluhokan
o Saguigilid – no personal  Ladyangbata at Siyangpuno –  Council of Elders o Agorang
properties granddaughters of Rajah Matanda  Religious beliefs
 Babaylan (Bisaya) o Catalonan  Immortality of the soul
(In Vizayas)
(Tagalog)  Life after death
o Tumataban – served when  Courting and marriage  Animism
needed  LOVE  Bathala
o Tumarampuk – served for a day  Arranged Marriage o Idiyanale – agriculture
o Ayuey – served for three days o Dowry or Dote – bigay kaya o Sidapa – death
 Classes of Alipin o Panghimuyat – payment for the o Agni – fire…
 Ganap na alipin – both parents are parents for nursing all day, o Tigmamanukin and Crow
alipin morning and evening o Crocodile and Old Trees
 Kalahating alipin – one parent is a o Bigay-suso – payment for the o Anitos – Tagalog
alipin, the other is maharlika nanny for breastfeeding o Diwata – Visayan
 Mala-alipin – one parent is o Himaraw – payment for the  Languages
Kalahating alipin, the other is mother for breastfeeding  Austronesian – origin
maharlika  Stages of Marriage  Malayo-Polynesian – modern
 Women Status o Tawaran origin
 Equality for men and women o Pamumulungan o pamamalae o Similarities of words and
 Women can hold positions as high  Mixed Marriage meaning…
as datu o Mother – alipin, Father –  Alibata – a Sanskrit or Arabic
 Regio Feminarium – Kingdom of mahadlika provenance
Women o Gansal o nones (odd) – sa ama o 17 characters (3 vowels, 14
 Prinsesa Urduja – great ruler, o Pares (even) – sa ina consonants)
intelligent, able to speak many o Bugtong – kalahating alipin,  COPPER PLATE
language kalahating mahadlika  Literature
 Reyna Sima – Cotabato o Gansal ang dulo – kalahating  Sawikain – saying
 Reyna Maniwantiwan – Panay alipin, kalahating mahadlika ang  Bugtong – riddle
 Reyna Maniwantiwan – Panay huli
 Musika o 462 islands (exceeded the size  Mt. Mayon, Mt. Pinatubo, Taal
 Sayaw of 1km sq.) Volcano…
 Luzon o Valley
Geographical Setting  Mindanao o Plateau
 Philippines  Samar o River Systems
 Archipelago – 7,107 Islands (+/-)  Negros  Luzon
 Asia  Palawan  Rio Grande de Cagayan
 Southeast Asia  Panay  Agno Grande
 Northern Hemisphere  Mindoro  Abra River System
 Between Equator and Tropic of  Cebu  Rio Grande de Pampanga
Cancer (4°23’ at 21°25’ – north  Bohol  Mindanao
latitude) (116° at 127° – east  Size  Rio Grande de Mindanao
longitude) o 300, 000 km sq. (waters not  Agusan River System
 Insular or Maritime – surrounded included) o Coastline (Bay)
by bodies of water o Elongated and fragmented o Lake
 Boundaries o 1, 857 km (north – south)  Laguna de Bay – largest
o 1, 107 km (west – east)  Lake Buhi and Lake Bato
o 1, 800, 000 km sq. (total size)  sinarapan (tabyos)
 Physical Features o Falls
o Mountain Systems o Hot Springs
 Luzon o Strait
 Caraballo del Sur  Origin
 Caraballos Occidentales o Pacific Theory
 Neighboring Countries  Sierra Madre  Philippines has been formed
 Visayas when one huge continent in
 Negros Range the Pacific submerged
 Panay Range  Lemuria o Mu
 Mindanao  Philippines, Celebes,
 Surigao Range Moluccas, Java, Borneo,
 Butuan Range Hawaii, Samoa, and other
 Central Western Range islands in the Pacific
 Islands
 Western Range o Theory of Volcanism
o 7, 107 islands (big and small)
o Volcanoes and Earthquakes  Philippines has been formed
through the eruption of the
volcanoes under water, molten  The Filipino  First Sultan of Mindanao
rocks exploded upward, island  Mixture of races  Relations with the Orang
were formed, cooled and  Believed to belong in Malay Race!? Dampuans
resided.  Blend of East and West characters o Southern Annam
 Circum Pacific Chain of  Negroid, Mongoloid, Caucasoid… o Orang Dampuan (Men from
Fire/Circum Pacific Belt/Pacific (Australoid) Champa) – not politically minded
Ring of Fire  Regional Traits and had no intention of
o Theory of Diastrophism  Ilokano (Samtoy) – frugal dominating the people of Sulu
 Philippines has been formed  Tagalog – superior o Buranun – natives of Sulu
through tectonic activity, the  Bicolano – equanimity  Angered and jealous,
force inside the earth which  Visayan – hedonist massacred some Orang
cause its movement and the  Muslim – lover of freedom Dampuans which in turn
movement of its crust.  Peopling of the Philippines revenge and went home
 Faulting (defect in land)  Professor H. Otley Beyer  Relations with Banjarmasin
 Folding (formation of o Product of migration of Malayan o Northern Borneo, Banjarmasin,
highlands) Culture Brunei
o Theory of Diastrophism  F. Landa Jocano  Regular trade relations
 Diastrophism is the folding and o Product of own origin as proved between Buranuns and Banjars
faulting of earth’s crust by Taong Tabon  Banjarmasin
o Theory of Erosion  Introduction of Islam  Looked upon with suspiscion
 Earth has been formed  Arab traders (Mudum) – spread  Diplomatic
through the erosion of Islam in Old Malaysia  Power of beautiful women to
highlands due to air, rain, heat  Sulu soften the heart of hostile
of the sun, waves, and glacier o Rajah Baguinda – from rulers
o Land Bridge Theory Menangkabaw, Sumatra arrived  Sulu came under the
 Philippines has been formed and converted natives of Sulu influence of the Banjars
by the connected lands of Asia o Abu Bakr – established Sultanate  The union developed
through the Land Bridge. of Sulu emporium and trading ships
 Pleistocene Era  Married Paramisuli  Relations with China
 Sunda Shelf  First Sultan of Sulu o Commercial relations with the
 Sahul Shelf o Serif Kabungsuan – arrived and neighboring countries…China
converted natives of Johore o Arab mediated the trading
Foreign Influences between the Philippines and
 Married influential family
China first
o Sung Dynasty – trading flow in  They later on settled to different o Silver (spices)
continuous stream parts of the country o Swords (slaves)
 Colonies were founded in the  To maintain close family  Ways of Evangelization
coastal towns relations they conformed to a  Spirit
o Other countries in Asia became sort of political organization – o CROSS (Evangelization)
interested with the Philippines Confederation of Madyaas  Pueblo
o Ming Dynasty (Sumakwel – chieftain)  Grupo – regular, sekular
 Emperor Yung Lo sent a large  The Alledged Code of Kalantiyaw  Augustinian, Franciscan,
fleet to regain the control  Datu Kalantiyaw Dominican, Jesuit, Recoletos
 Admiral Cheng Ho headed the o Trial by Ordeal  Wika - Arsopispado ng Maynila
sixty vessel  Influences (Tagalog), Nueva Segovia
 Kochalao – Chinese governor  Chinese (Ilokano), Nueva Caceres (Bikol),
 Ended when Emperor Yung Lo  Indian Cebu (Cebuano, Ilongo, Waray)
died  Plaza Complex - epekto

 The Ten Bornean Datus

o Settlement in Panay is told in  Ways of Colonization
Maragtas (legendary) Spanish Colonization  SWORD (Military Campaign)
o In escaped of Sultan Makatunaw  Colonial Regulations
mistreatment ten chieftains reach  Objectives
o Centralization
Panay  3 G’s
o Patronization
 Puti, Bangkaya, Dumalugdog, o GOD
 Utilization of Native Culture
Sumakwel, Lubay, Paiburong,  Religious Factors
Dumangsil, Balensusa,  Muslim invaded Spain
Paduhinog, Dumangsol  Ferdinand and Isabella
o Panay was already inhabited by  Reconquista
Negritos (Atis) o GOLD
 Marikudo and Maniwantiwan  Economic Factors
o Aware of the suspection Datu Puti  Mercantilism
(leader) explained their intentions o GLORY
to just buy lands  Political Factor
 Payment – gold salakot and  Means (Ways of Evangelization)
necklace  3 S ’s
o Spirit
Spanish Colonization o First to use innovation in
seamanship and boatbuilding
 Ancient Trading in the East o First Navigational School
 Prince Enrique
o “The Navigator”
 Senegal, Africa – Gil Eanes
 Green Island – Denis Fernando
 Gulf of New Guinea – Luigi
 Cape of New Good Hope –
Bartolomeu Diaz
 Ancient Trading in the East  Calicut, India – Vasco de Gama
 Trading Routes (Portuguese Empire in the East)
o Gobernadorcillo, Cabeza de
o Northern Route (North China to  Brazil – Pedro Cabral
Barangay (O.D. Corpuz na
Constantinople)  America – Cristobal Colon
Political Shock Absorbers)
o Central Route (Malaka to  Pacific Ocean – Vasco Nuñez de
Constantinople) Balboa
o Southern Route (Malaka to Cairo)  Philippines – Fernando
 Hindrances of Spanish Colonization
 Seljuk Turks colonized and closed Magallanes
 infieles
the two routes  The World Divided
o Cordillera
o Muslim - Ummah  Portugal (East) vs. Spain
 Objectives (Americas)
 Pope Alejandro VI
3 G’s 3 S’s  Cape Verde (East – Portugal, West
 Maritime Discoveries
GOD Spirit  Factors that Influence Maritime – Spain)
Discoveries  Pope Alejandro Borgia (Borja)
GOLD Silver (spices)
o Growth of Commerce
GLORY Swords  Currency and Banking  Treaty of Tordesillas
(slaves) o Knowledge in Sailing  Cape Verde (East – Portugal, West
 Flat Earth vs. Round Earth – Spain)
o Renaissance  No trespassing
 Portugal  Return of ownership
 The Magellan Expedition
 East can only be travelled by  Lapulapu and Zula (chieftains)  Bohol – Rajah Si Katuna at Si
sailing eastward  Victoria – completed the voyage with Gala
 East can also be travelled by Sebastian del Cano  Tupas – hinder the entry of
sailing westward (Rejected)  From 170 only 18 survived Legazpi’s troop to Cebu
 Don Juan de Aranda (India House  The expedition was a test of human o Discovered the Sto. Niño image
of Trade) and his Father-in-Law – endurance…food, perennial  Establishment of Spanish Cities
he was able to talk to Carlos I problems  Kutang San Pedro
(Primero)  Importance of Magellan Expedition  Oton, Ilo-Ilo
 Cristobal de Jaro – lend him money  It proved that east can also be  Maynila
 Magellan sailed with Five Ships… travelled by sailing westward o Ayuntamiento
o San Antonio – Juan de Cartagena  It widened the knowledge about o Arabal
o Trinidad – Magallanes world geography…PHILIPPINES
o Concepcion – Gaspar de  The WORLD is ROUND
Quesada  The Villalobos Expedition
o Victoria – Luis de Mendoza  Ruy Lopez de Villalobos –
o Santiago – Juan Serrano Saranggani
 Antonio de Pigafetta  Bernardo dela Torre
 September 20, 1519 – formal start of o Capitan Calabaza
the expedition  Tandaya – Leyte
 Islas Ladrones – Island of Thieves  Makandala
 March 16, 1521 – they saw the  Las Phelipinas (Felipinas) – coined
highest peak of Samar mountains to call Leyte
(98 days)  The Legazpi Expedition
 Stopped in Homonhon and then to  Haring Felipe II
Limasawa  Viceroy Velasco – Mexico
 Rajah Kulambu and Rajah Si Agu  Father Andres de Urdaneta
 Enrique (interpreter) o Refused to accept the offer of
 March 31 (first mass (Limasawa: leading the team that would
San Lazaro) colonized Philippines
 Rajah Humabon (Carlos), Wife  San Lucas – Mindanao (went back
(Juana) to Mexico)
 April 1521 – Magellan was defeated  Miguel Lopez de Legazpi – Cebu
and killed in the Battle of Mactan (February 13, 1965)

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