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The First Voyage 1

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Bicol University

College of Arts and Letters (CAL)

Bachelor in Arts of Literature
First Year: First Sem
Readings in Philippine History
(Almonte, S.A, Barrera, J.M, Ghaderpoor, C.E, Montorio, J.N.)

❖ Pre-Voyage:
➢ The Age of Exploration
➢ The Treaty of Tordesillas
❖ Voyage:
➢ Antonio Pigafetta and Ferdinand Magellan.
➢ The Route and Discoveries.
➢ Embarking in the Philippines.
❖ Post-Voyage:
➢ The Return to the Philippines.
➢ Rise of Colonialism.



Marked a time where Europe and Asia ➢ As Christians, Europeans viewed it as their
intensified trade relations. Interest in exploration obligation to spread faith through their
outside of Europe was largely credited to The Travels colonies. And so, the European mission to
of Marco Polo (*Marco Polo was an Italian merchant, monopolize the spice trade changed the entire
explorer and writer from the Republic of Venice who course of the world.
traveled through Asia along the Silk Road between
The Age of Exploration was governed by these In 1493, after Christopher Columbus’
three fundamental concepts: discoveries (one of his greatest discoveries was
❖ GOLD America in 1493) had reached them, the Spanish rulers
➢ Contrary to what you might initially assume, King Ferdinand and Isabella, enlisted papal support for
the exploration’s primary goal wasn’t land nor their claims to the New World (which is, America) in
precious metal; it was the spices that were order to inhibit/restrain the Portuguese and other
native to other continents. possible rival claimants. Spanish born Pope Alexander
What Makes Spices so precious? VI issued a line of demarcation (Is a geopolitical
1. Non-European Origin. border, often agreed upon as part of a ceasefire) from
2. Role in Food Preservation. pole to pole 100 leagues (or 320 miles) west of the
3. Made bland stale food tastes great! Cape Verde Islands. Dividing Spain to the West, and
So, Europe sought to control the spice trade, with Portugal to the east, giving both countries exclusive
its two main players being the countries from rights to their respective sides of the demarcation line.
the Iberian Peninsula (*Most of Spain's But because King John II of Portugal was dissatisfied
national territory is located on the Iberian because Portugal’s rights in the New World were
Peninsula (which it shares with Portugal and insufficiently affirmed, the Portuguese would not even
Andorra) situated in the southwest corner of have sufficient room at sea for their African voyages.
Europe.Part of the Iberian Peninsula is Meeting at Tordesillas, in northwestern Spain, Spanish
mountainous and rugged, with the Pyrenees and Portuguese ambassadors reaffirmed the papal
creating a natural border between Spain and division, but the line itself was moved to 370 leagues
France.), Spain and Portugal. (1,185 miles) west of the Cape Verde Islands, or about
❖ GLORY 46°30′ W of Greenwich
➢ More Trading = More Land = More Power =
More Influence.


ANTONIO PIGAFETTA AND FERDINAND which was commanded by explorer Ferdinand

MAGELLAN Magellan.
Antonio Pigafetta Throughout the journey, Pigafetta assisted
Italian scholar and explorer Antonio Pigafetta Ferdinand Magellan.He kept a journal throughout the
was from the Republic of Venice. He was born in 1491 trip, which enabled him to translate Cebuano, a
in the Italian province of Vicenza. Pigafetta was also language spoken in the Philippines. The
referred to as Francisco Antonio Pigafetta or Antonio aforementioned journal was the very first recorded
Lombardo. He was a geographer and sailor. He joined document for this language. Only one ship with a few
the Spanish King Charles’ expedition to the Indies, men, including Pigafetta, one of the few survivors,

returned to Spain in the year following Magellan’s SANTIAGO (Spanish for 'St. James')
death in 1521. Captain: Juan Rodriguez Serrano (João Rodrigues
The extensive travelogs written by Antonio Serrão in Portuguese)
Pigafetta describing his voyage around the world were No. of original Crewmen: 33
found in 1987. It is presently regarded as one of the Fate: wrecked at sea; the first wrecked/ lost ship of
most significant historical documents pertaining to Magellan
geographic discoveries, sometimes known as the “First
Voyage” in English—Pigafetta’s most significant SAN ANTONIO (Spanish for ‘St. Anthony’)
historical contribution. Captain/s: Juan de Cartagena (marooned with Padre
Sánchez de la Reina who blessed the mutiny) succeeded
Ferdinand Magellan by Estevan Gomez
The first mission to round the globe was No. of original Crewmen: 55
headed by Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer Fate: abandoned the expedition; returned to Spain in
also known by the names Fernão de Magalhães, disgrace via mutiny and without circumnavigating the
Fernando de Magallanes, and Hernando de Magallanes. world.
He was born in Portugal in 1480. He came from a
family of nobility. Magellan's family in Porto was of VICTORIA (spanish for ‘Victory’)
Portuguese minor or secondary level nobility. His Captain/s: Luis de Mendoza (mutilated) succeeded by:
father, Rodrigo de Magalhaes, served as an esteemed Afonzo de Gois, and later by Juan Sebastian Elcano
chamberlain of the king. No. of original Crewmen: 46
He was born in 1480 in Portugal. He came Fate: the only ship that successfully returned to Spain
from a family of nobility. Magellan’s family in Porto with 18 men and 3 Indonesians, after their 3 year long
was circumnavigation of the world.
of Portuguese minor or secondary level nobility. His
father, Rodrigo de Magalhães, served as a TIMELINE OF THE VOYAGE:
much-respected chamberlain of the king. Magellan
sought the support of his king for an exploratory September 20, 1519: departure from Seville, Spain.
expedition to seek a After loading the things needed for the voyage,
new water route to the Spice islands. King Charles V Magellan and his fleet left the port of Spain with a total
granted its support to Ferdinand Magellan. of 240 crewmen (however several accounts say that the
On September 20, 1519, consisting of five fleet has a total of 270 crewmen). The fleet made stops
ships, an expedition headed by Magellan left the port of at the Canary Islands and Monterose on 26th of
San Lucas de Barrameda. And on April 27, 1521, September and 1st of October respectively. On these
Magellan perished on the island of Mactan when a Islands they made provisions and supplied their ships
poisoned arrow was shot at him during the battle with with another set of necessities before they continued the
Lapu Lapu's troops. expedition.

The ROUTE and the DISCOVERIES of the October 3, 1519: departure from Tenerife.
First Voyage Around the World by Ferdinand The fleet has now entered the ocean. Along the
Magellan way, they passed by Cape Verde Islands. And soon
King Charles I granted Ferdinand Magellan after, they reached the Antarctic Pole where they met
(Fernando de Magalhanes) 5 ships to join the the Patagonian Giants.
expedition. The whole fleet was called Armada del
Maluco (or Armada de Moluccas) named after the March 31, 1520: arrival at Port St. Julian.
Indonesian name for the Spice Islands. Their main goal The fleet stayed here for 5 months. This is the
is to bypass India to reach the Spice Islands using the stop where 30 of his crewmen along with 3 captains
western route, while protecting Spain’s Treaty with (Gaspar De Quesada, Juan de Cartegana, and Luis
Portugal. Mendoza) and a priest (Padre Sánchez de la Reina)
mutinied against the captain-general, Magellan.
The names of the ships and so are the informations The mutineers sent a letter to Magellan from
about them are as follows: the ship of Concepcion to tell him that he is no longer
in control of the three ships- the Conception, the San
TRINIDAD (spanish for ‘Trinity’) Antonio, and the Trinidad- and that he must surrender
Captain/s: Ferdinand Magellan (flagship) succeeded by to them.
Juan Lopez Carvalho and later by Gomez de Espinosa. Magellan on the other hand, accepted the letter
No. of original Crewmen: 61 calmly and answered them by sending a letter via
Prominent names aboard: Anthony Pigaffeta (the messenger who is also a secret assassin- Duarte
chronicler), Duterte Barbosa (his brother-in-law), and Barbosa (his brother-in-law). Barbosa charged at one of
Enrique of Malacca (slave and interpreter of Ferdinand the captains and the rest of the crewmen (the ones who
Magellan) are loyal to Magellan) who were also waiting secretly
Fate: captured by the Portuguese and Wrecked by below the ship charged all at once. They captured many
Storm men who were part of the mutiny and they chained and
caged them. 2 of the captains were killed; Quesada and
CONCEPCION (spanish for ‘Conception’) Mendoza were beheaded and mutilated, while
Captain/s: Gaspar de Quesada (beheaded for treason; Cartagena with Padre de la Reina (the priest who
mutilated) succeeded by Juan Rodriguez Serrano, then blessed the mutiny) was marooned at the port.
by João Lopes Carvalho. Upon reaching Port St. Julian on 31st March,
No. of original Crewmen: 45 1520, Magellan ordered the captain of the Santiago
Prominent names aboard: Portuguese pilot, João Lopes Ship to explore the route ahead as he dealt with the
Carvalho; and a master of Basque origin named Juan mutiny caused by Quesada, Cartagena, and Mendoza.
Sebastián Elcano. However, on May 22, 1520, the ship failed to return
Fate: burned by the crew at Bohol due to worm because it was shipwrecked by the storm. Luckily,
infestation and lack of crewmen because of Serrano’s expertise, he managed to navigate
the ship close to the sand. They continued to hike over

rough terrain to find a way towards the estuary, where
they sent “two young crewmen” on a trek to call the March 31, 1521: first mass in the Philippines was
rest of the crew, which took them 2 weeks to reach held.
Puerto San Juan. Before leaving the island, a mass was
After the mutiny Serrano, Gomes, Goi became conducted ashore by father Pedro Vallderama.
the captain of Concepcion, San Antonio, and Victoria.
April 3, 1521: the fleet sails to Cebu.
Rajah Kolambu offered to guide Magellan's
fleet towards the island.
October 18, 1520: exploring the river of Santa Cruz.
Magellan sent the San Antonio and Apr 7, 1521: arrival at Cebu.
Concepcion to discover the river and look for a passage The Cebuanos tried to resist the Spaniards at
towards an ocean, while the ships Victoria and Trinidad first. Fortunately, Magellan's interpreter Enrique of
waited at bay. Molluca understands their language, which helped them
eventually win the Cebuanos over. Magellan then
October 21, 1520: entrance to the strait of Magellan. formed a compact as a sign of friendship with Raja
According to Pigaffeta, they were not Houmalbhar (today known as Raja Humabon).
expecting the return of the 2 ships after a heavy storm Magellan also succeeded in converting the people there
passed. However, they rejoiced upon seeing the return as Christians.
of the ships, not only because they survived but also
because they found a mouth to the strait. April 14, 1521: baptism of the King and Queen.
When Magellan and the fleet approached the The Spaniards baptized Raja Humabon and his
said strait they discovered another 2 mouths; the wife Hara Humamay along with 800 persons of their
SIROCCO on the south east, and the GARBON on the people that day. Raja Humabon was then named as Don
south west. Again, Magellan ordered the San Antonio Charles (after the emperor Charles the V) and his wife
and Conception to explore the south east, while was named Jahanne (after the emperor's mom). In 8
Trinidad and the Victoria explored the south west to see days, they have already baptized all of Cebu.
which one leads to the Pacific Ocean.
However, the San Antonio did not want to wait April 21, 1521: the cross was planted.
any longer as the men inside the ships wanted to sail To mark the start of Christianity in the
home already. They never finished the voyage and Philippines, Magellan told Raja Humabon that they will
reached Seville, Spain in May 1521. On the other hand, place a cross on the land, so that if any of their men
Magellan and his crew took the south west Garbon (Spaniards) would visit the place they would not do
because it was the strait that led to the Pacific. "The them any harm.
strait, originally named Estrecho de Todos los Santos
(Strait of All Saints) by Magellan, and it was renamed April 26, 1521: expedition to Matan (known as
the Strait of Magellan by the Spanish king in the fallen Mactan today).
explorer's honor."- Haley Crum, 2007 Magellan wants to spread Christianity to the
rest of the Philippines as well, so he asked Raja
November 28, 1520: the fleet enters the Pacific. Humabon to spread the news. However, the chief of
Matan (as written in Pigaffeta's account, but is already
What the crew thought would be an easy and known as Mactan today) Cilapulapu (or Lapu-lapu) did
quick sailing took them 3 months and 20 days before not agree with communism. He refused to obey the king
they saw an island. Magellan named the sea "mar/mare of Spain because he wanted to preserve their beliefs.
pacifico" because Pigaffeta said that the ocean was Magellan gave him a choice: if they obey they'd
unusually quiet and peaceful during their voyage. become friends, otherwise they would be enemies,
Lapu-lapu chose the latter. With this, Magellan and 60
March 6, 1521: Ladrones Islands: the land of the of his men went to fight Lapu-lapu along with Raja
thieves. Humabon's men that was divided to 20 to 30 balangai
Finally after 100 days, they saw an island. (also spelt as balangay; known as balanghai. These are
Magellan wanted to stop there but the people from the boats used during the colonial era).
island stole from them, which pissed him off. So, he
and 40 of his armed men went on shore and burned 40 April 27, 1521: the battle of Mactan.
to 50 houses and killed 7 mens from the island. Magellan, Raja Humabon, and the rest of their
men reached Mactan at midnight. As it was still dark,
March 16, 1521: arrives at Humuno (known as they waited until daylight to attack. Pigaffeta estimated
'Homonhon' today). Lapu-lapu's men to be around 1500 men, divided in 3
Magellan arrived in the Philippine archipelago. squadrons.
While they anchored on shore, they were visited by the Magellan was overconfident to fight, because
kings; the principal chiefs of Suluan. Fortunately, they had guns with them. However, they never
Magellan's slave Enrique of Molluca (an Indian slave anticipated all of the poisoned arrows, spears, javelins,
he bought) could understand the language of the kings, and machetes Lapu-lapu and his men prepared for the
so he officially became Magellan's interpreter. battle. Magellan's men were unfortunately
March 25, 1521: sails to Limasawa Island. Lapu-lapu and his people focused on the legs
When they reached the Island they met 2 of their opponent because it was the unprotected part of
Chieftains, Raja Colambu (Kolambu) and Raja Ciagu. their bodies. Magellan was hit with a poisonous arrow
The two chieftains reside at Butuan and Cagayan of on the right leg. They also hit him with a spear twice in
Mindanao respectively, and according to Pigaffeta, the the head, and a javelin wounded him in the right arm.
two are just visiting the island at that time. However, Magellan's men were severely wounded and
Magellan and the crew had trouble finding food in this outnumbered so they retreated as quickly as possible to
place so the natives directed them to an Island called save themselves. Magellan did everything he could to
Zebu in Pigaffeta's account and Zugbo in other writings slow down the enemies so that his men could escape.
(but is known as Cebu now)

After the remaining men returned to Cebu,
Duarte Barbosa and Juan Serrano were elected to take January 25, 1522: Victoria reached Timore
charge of the fleet after Magellan died. Enrique of Some of Elcano's crew ran from the ship and
Molluca Magellan's interpreter and slave. Was named went inside the island where they never returned.
Henry after he was baptized.
When Magellan died, it was written in his will April 6, 1522: Trinidad sails its last sail from
that Enrique should be freed. But Barbosa refused to Moluccas taking the east route.
honor the dead captain's wishes. Enrique resented Under the command of Espinosa the crew
Duarte Barbosa because of the way he treated him. This headed east. However, after a few weeks they decided
resentment made Enrique go straight to Raja Humabon to return to Moluccas where they were unfortunately
to brainwash him. He told the Raja that if he captured by Portuguese ships. The Trinidad ship was
(Humabon) would follow his (Enrique) advice, he eventually ruined at sea because of a great storm. It
(Humabon) would become the master of their goods. never made it home.
With this, the two agreed to conspiracy.
May 19, 1522: the Victoria ship rounded the Cape of
May 1, 1521: the treachery of Humabon. Good Hope.
The Raja invited magellan's crew for a This place is a property of the Portuguese.
banquet. The ship's commanders Duarte Barbosa and Sick crewmen wanted to make a stop, many already
Juan Serrano, along with other 27 sailors attended. died due to illness. And some died due to hunger, for
They never anticipated an ambush. Juan Serrano tried they only have rice for food and water for a drink. But
to escape but his efforts were to no avail. He shouted as Elcano did not want to take the risk.
loud as he could to stop the ships from firing because
Humabon's men would kill him. He pleaded for the July 9, 1522: Victoria reaches Cape Verde.
crew to give ransom for him but Juan Carvalho- his The island is still part of the ownership of
closest friend- refused to do it because of the fear of Portugal, but since they badly needed to take provisions
another treachery. So they departed from Cebu as and replenish their supplies they took the risk and made
quickly as they could, leaving Serrano behind. the stop. They never mentioned that they came from the
Enrique's life was spared by Humabon and the crew Moluccas or that they are the only remaining ship from
never heard about him again. João Lopes Carvalho was Magellan's fleet. However, the Portuguese eventually
elected to take charge of the three remaining ships. found out and captured 12 of Elcano's men. They
quickly set sail leaving the 12 behind the moment they
May 2, 1521: the burning of Concepcion. knew that their cover was already blown.
Due to the lack of men, and worm infestations
of the ship, Pigaffeta and the crew decided to burn the September 6, 1522: home at last!
Concepcion when they made a stop at Bohol. Juan The victoria entered the bay of San Lucar de
Sebastian Elcano was elected as the new Barrameda, Spain. Elcano's men were 60 when they left
Captain-general and the new captain of victory, while Moluccas but only 18 made it home, along with 3
Gomez de Espinosa was declared as the new captain of Mulukars. Many died of hunger and illness, some ran
trinidad. They stopped at the island of Palawan (written away at the island of Timor, and some were held
as Paragua and Palaoan on Pigaffeta's account) where captive during their stop at Cape Verde. Victoria was at
they replenished their supplies and foods. home at last after 3 years.
Palawan saved them from dying of starvation;
that's why Pigaffeta named the Palawan as "la terra de Even though San Antonio made it home. The
missione" or the promised land. Victoria was considered as the only successful ship to
Carrying many supplies and foods with them return home after they circumnavigated the world and
they left Palawan ang went on with expeditions. brought 381 sacks of cloves which is worth more than
the Spain's expenses for the voyage.
The Philippines was referred to as the "archipelago of
St. Lazarus" or "islas de poniente" which means "island EMBARKING IN THE PHILIPPINES
of the west" before being officially called Filipinas In March 1521, Ferdinand Magellan navigated
(after Prince Philip; later became King Philip II) by to the west and landed on Homonhon island where he
Ruy Lopez de Villalobos in 1543. came in contact with its inhabitants. The Filipinos were
open to interacting with the Spaniards since they were
November 6, 1521: the fleet sighted the Moluccas. accustomed to doing so. They were graciously
welcomed by the locals. The Spanish provided several
November 8, 1521: Land ho! tools in return for this courtesy, including a comb, a
The fleet finally reached the Spice Islands, mirror, and little bells.
where they befriended its King Raja Sultan Manzor. A tacit political agreement between Spain and
They gave him presents and the king gave them the Philippines was signed by Magellan and Rajah
presents as well. Elcano and his crew stayed here for Kolambu, an agent of the King of Limasawa, an island
over a month to restore their health and replenish their off the coast of southern Leyte, by a "kasikasi" (blood
goods. And they bought lots of cloves from the island. compact). In the blood compact, Magellan and the
Rajah drank each other's blood mingled with the local
December 21, 1521: departure of Victoria taking the wine, Atuba.
west route. Magellan's crew rested for a brief while before
Elcano decided to depart from Moluccas and setting sail once more and arriving at Limasawa Island.
head home. However, the Trinidad ship needs to stay After two days, on Easter Sunday, March 31, 1521,
there until after repair because of the ship's leakage. Father Valderama celebrated a Christian mass at
Victoria set sail carrying 381 sacks of cloves with them Limasawa Beach as Magellan’s order as a declaration
(which is originally 900+ they had to remove 600kg of of his claim to these Philippine islands. On this island
cloves because of the fear that the ship might collapse.) was also constructed the cross that was used in the first
The victoria sailed through the Sundra Strait and across mass, marking the foundation of Christianity in the
the Indian Ocean towards the Cape of Good Hope. Philippines. Magellan gave the island the name,

“Archipelago of San Lazaro” or “Las islas de San possessed a huge amount of power. A conflict between
Lázaro” in recognition of the San Lazaro festival, Rajah Sula and Lapu Lapu arose while Magellan was in
which fell on the same day as their arrival in Limasawa. Cebu. Rajah Sula promptly left for Cebu to petition
Magellan for assistance, bringing word that Lapulapu
The cross used in the first mass was also built had refused to submit to Spanish rule. After receiving
on the island, as a sign of the beginning of Christianity this information, Magellan's crew made the decision to
in the Philippines. As a symbol of the start of travel to Mactan.
Christianity in the Philippines, the cross that was used When Magellan reached Mactan on April 27,
at the first mass was also constructed on the island. 1521, he once more informed Lapu Lapu that the
Because of their alliance, the indigenous leader: Rajah refusal to recognize Spanish rule and the refusal to pay
Kolambu, ruler of Limasawa, and his brother, Rajah tribute might prompt Magellan to attack Mactan.
Siagu, ruler of Butuan, participated in the mass. Along Despite this, Lapulapu steadfastly refused to
with Magellan's crew, they both kissed the cross and acknowledge the Spanish dominance in Mactan.
prayed. A dispute started after Magellan threatened to
Magellan then made his way to Sugbu (now use violence if Lapulapu refused to comply with
called Cebu). At midday on April 7, 1521, they found Spanish requests. They assaulted Lapulapo's troops,
the opening of the Cebu cove known as Mandawe. The believing that they could defeat him since they
expedition arrived in Sugbu with Rajah Kolambu. possessed more advanced military hardware and greater
Magellan encountered Rajah or Datu warring expertise. According to Pigafetta's log, hit by a
Humabon/Hamabar, the monarch of Sugbo. Rajah poisoned arrow, Ferdinand Magellan died in this battle,
Humabon, its chief, became a friend of Magellan and and several other crew members also perished.
his crew here. Later, in a custom known as sandugo Fewer than half of the original crew remained
("one blood"), the two swore a blood oath to protect after Rajah Humabon poisoned a group of some of the
their bond. The friendship was the catalyst for the first expedition's highest-ranking members during a feast in
baptism to take place in the islands and for Queen Juana retaliation for the newcomer’s death.
of Cebu, Humabon's wife, to receive the image of the The remaining group members sailed away,
Santo Niño de Cebu, Humabon's bride. This friendship seeking refuge in the sea. The Concepción was scuttled
was so strong that Rajah Humabon and his wife, as well on May 2, 1521, and the crew was split between the
as the villagers, were baptized into Christianity. The Trinidad and Victoria, the surviving two ships. The
Cross, a representation of Christianity, was erected here triumph of Lapu Lapu in the battle at Mactan can be
by the Spanish. considered the beginning of the Filipino people's
On the other side, Lapulapu, the leader of successful struggle against the foreign invader.
Mactan Island, did not see any justification for
submitting to the Spanish Crown. He was fearless and

THE RISE OF COLONIALISM The voyage returned to Cebu and landed on
With the foundation of Manila in 1571, Spain April 27, 1565. Rajah Tupas challenged the Spaniards,
finally succeeded in gaining a footing in the Philippines but were defeated. The Spaniards founded a colony and
after only 50 years. named the town, "Villa del Santísimo Nombre de Jesús"
Legazpi was given the go-ahead by Spain to (City of the Most Holy Name of Jesus) after a picture of
embark on an expedition in 1564, more than 40 years Sto. Niño in one of the indigenous dwellings. Hearing
after Ferdinand Magellan lost his life in the Battle of of the riches of Manila, an expedition of 300 men led
Mactan in Cebu, with the goal of establishing colonies by Martin de Goiti set out for the city. On May 8, 1570,
and capturing a rich spice trade. King Philip II, for Goiti arrived in Manila. The indigenous first welcomed
whom the islands are called, sent out Miguel López de them and forged an alliance with Rajah Sulayman, their
Legazpi following the failure of three additional Muslim king. However, as the people realized the
missions. Spaniards' actual intentions, a confrontation between
The Legazpi expedition arrived in the Suliman's forces and the Spaniards ensued. The
Philippines after nearly a year of sailing, landing Spaniards were able to seize Manila because they were
initially on the island of Cibaobao (present-day Samar) better armed. Soon after, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
but failing to settle. He and his comrades set out to sail came to Manila to join Goiti. Legazpi formed alliances
south towards Mindanao, but due to the weather, his and reached agreements with Rajahs Suliman,
ship was forced to return to the Visayas. Catuna, the Lakandula, and Matanda.
chief of Bohol Island, provided information to Miguel López de Legazpi signed a peace treaty in
Lopez of Cebu and accompanied Lopez as a guide. On Manila with the native councils and the local kings,
February 13, 1565, López de Legazpi’s expedition Tariq Suleiman and Lakan Dula. Both factions decided
anchored off the Indianized Rajahnate of Cebu, but did to form a municipal council composed of two mayors,
not land due to native opposition. twelve councilors, and a secretary. On June 24, 1571,
The expedition arrived on the island of Samar Lopez de Legazpi founded a settlement there and
on February 22, 1565, and established a blood compact ordered the construction of the walled city of
with Datu Urrao. The Spaniards next traveled to Intramuros. He declared the town the capital of the
Limasawa, where they were welcomed by Datu island and the headquarters of the Spanish authority in
Bankaw. Legazpi landed on the coasts of Bohol, but the East Indies. Manila became a city under Spanish
they were met with hostility by the Boholanos, who control on June 24, 1571. That control, however, was
thought them for Portuguese plunderers and killers. based on the backing of Chinese and local
Legazpi was able to explain to Datu Sikatuna of Bohol intermediaries — traders, contractors, and principales
and Datu Sigala of Loboc, with the assistance of his (native leaders) — for the expansion of Catholicism and
Malay pilot, that they were not Portuguese and had the colony's economic foundation. Legazpi served as
come to give peace. Legazpi and Datu Sikatuna signed the first governor of the Philippines, from 1565 until his
a blood compact on March 16. death.

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