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April 30, 2019

Mr. Ashutosh Dwivedi
Padhwa Nasirpur Gaura
Raniganj Pratapgarh
Pratapgarh- 230301
Uttar Pradesh

Dear Ashutosh Dwivedi,

Welcome to Wipro Limited (Company/Wipro’) and congratulations on your appointment as Project Engineer.
The terms of your employment with the Company is listed below. Please be informed that the terms may be
modified pursuant to changes in the Company policy updated from time to time.
1. Appointment Details:

a. The date of appointment is effective from the date of joining , unless otherwise communicated in writing
by the Company.
b. You will be on probation for a period of 12 months from the date of your appointment. On completion of
the probation period, your appointment shall be confirmed at the discretion of the Company based on
your performance and other criteria as applicable to your band and stream. Unless confirmation is
communicated in writing, your probation period shall be deemed to have been extended.

c. The retirement age is 58 years.

d. You may be transferred to any other location, department, function, establishment, or branch of the
Company or subsidiary, associate or affiliate company ,in such capacity as the Company may from
time to time determine. In such a case, you will be governed by the terms and conditions of service
applicable to the new assignment including compensation, working hours, holidays, leave, people
policies, etc.
e. We provide support to our global customers through various Company locations in India to suit
customer requirements by operating 24x7. You would be operating from any of these locations and in
any of the shifts, including night shift, as may be decided by the Company, keeping in mind the
business needs and deliverables to customers.

f. This offer of appointment is subject to your successful completion of all curricular requirements as laid
down by the University/Institution for award of the degree/diploma and the requirements, including
aggregate, specified by the Company for your role, and any other criteria specified by the Company in
terms of your educational qualifications on/before the date of appointment.
g. The copy of this letter duly signed by you, has to be mandatorily submitted on the date of joining,

Page 1

2. Compensation:

You will be eligible for:

a. Compensation and benefits in accordance with Annexure III - Salary Offer Sheet.
b. Variable Pay - The details of this component are listed in Annexure V. The Variable Pay program may
be changed or modified in part or full thereof from time to time, at the sole discretion of the Company.

c. Other compensation and benefits in accordance with Company policy as modified and intimated to you
from time to time.

d. Your salary will be reviewed periodically as per Company policy.

e. Changes in your compensation are at the Company’s discretion and will be subject to and on the basis
of your effective performance and the performance results of the Company during your period of
employment and other relevant criteria.

3. Other Benefits:
You will also be eligible for:
a. Leave, holidays and working hours as applicable to your stream and location of posting.
b. Perquisites, if any, as applicable to your band and stream and / or based on functional requirements as
determined by the Company.

c. Participation in the Company’s Provident Fund Scheme (PF) as per the policies applicable to your
band and stream.
d. Leave Travel Assistance (LTA) as per the Company’s policy.
e. Wipro Medical Assistance Scheme (MAS) provided you are not covered under the purview of the ESI
Act. Contributory Medical Insurance for your band.
f. Employee Benefits Program sponsored and administered by the Company for management
employees, comprising of pension plan or gratuity plan, survivor benefit plan and industrial injury
g. Please refer to the detailed policies in the Company’s intranet portal i.e.

4. Responsibilities:

a. In view of your position and office, you would be expected to perform all responsibilities effectively,
diligently and to the best of your ability and ensure results. There may be times when you will be
expected to work extra hours to achieve the above when the job so requires. At all times, you are
required not to engage in activities that have or will have an adverse impact on the reputation / image
and business of the Company, whether directly or indirectly.
b. You may be required to undertake travel for business purposes for which you will be eligible for
reimbursement of travel expenses as per the Company policy applicable to you.
c. We are committed to ensure 'Integrity' in all aspects of the Company’s functioning. You are expected to
comply with all the applicable policies of the Company including the Code of Business Conduct and
Ethics (‘Policies’) as they form an integral part of the terms of your employment with Wipro.

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Consequently, you are required to understand the scope and intent behind these policies and to
comply with the same. These Policies are updated / modified on a periodic basis and new policies may
be introduced and notified to employees from time to time and you will be required to comply with the
d. Consistent with (c) above, any matter or situation or incident that may arise that could potentially result,
or has resulted, in any violation of the Policies or the terms of your employment, shall immediately be
brought to the notice of your Business Unit Head and appropriate disciplinary action will be initiated.
5. Conflict of Interest:

a. You are required to engage yourself exclusively in the work assigned by Wipro and you shall not take up
any independent or individual assignments (whether part time or full time, in an advisory capacity or
otherwise) directly or indirectly without the express written consent of your Business Unit Head.
b. You shall ensure that you shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in any activity or have any interest in, or
perform any services for any person who is involved in activities, which are or shall be in conflict with the
interests of Wipro.
c. The Conflict of Interest Policy also refers to the need on your part, during your employment and for a
period of one year from the cessation of your employment with the Company (irrespective of the
circumstances of, or the reasons for, the cessation) not to solicit, induce or encourage:
i. Any employee of the Company to terminate their employment with the Company or to accept
employment with any competitor, supplier or any customer with whom you have a connection
pursuant to your employment with the Company.
ii. Any customer or vendor of the Company to move his existing business with the Company to a third
party or to terminate his business relationship with the Company.
iii. Any existing employee to become associated with, or perform services of any type for any third
d. In case of any conflict or doubt, please discuss the matter with your Business Unit Head, to understand
the Company's position on this and resolve the conflict.

6. Confidentiality:
a. In consideration of the opportunities, training and access to new techniques and know-how that will be
made available to you, you will be required to comply with the Confidentiality Policy of the Company.
Therefore, please maintain all Confidential Information as defined from time to time in the
Confidentiality Policy of the Company, as secret and confidential and do not use or disclose any such
Confidential Information except as may be required under obligation of law or as may be required by
the Company and in the course of your employment. This covenant shall endure during your
employment and beyond the cessation of your employment with the Company (irrespective of the
circumstances of, or the reasons for, the cessation).

b. In your work for Wipro, you will be expected not to use or disclose any confidential information,
including trade secrets, of any former employer or other person with whom you have an obligation of
confidentiality and by signing below you affirm that you have no conflicting obligations or non-compete
agreements that would prevent you from working without limitation for the Company.

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7. Assignment of Intellectual Property

In connection with your employment and during the term of your employment, upon conception or creation, you
shall disclose and assign to Wipro as its exclusive property, all inventions, ideas, concepts, discoveries,
techniques, and improvements (including, without limitation, legal documents, training materials, computer
software and associated materials) developed or conceived by you solely or jointly with others (whether or not
during business hours), and shall comply with the Policies of Wipro in relation to Intellectual Property.

8. Non-Compete

In the course of your employment with the Company you will be providing services to customers or clients of
the Company during which process you will be handling sensitive information including but not limited to key
customers of the Company, competitor information, customer sensitive information (‘Confidential Information’).
You acknowledge and recognize that Confidential Information available to you, if leaked, would cause
irreparable harm to the Company and its protection is of utmost importance to the Company. You confirm that
for a period of six (6) months after separation of your employment from the Company (irrespective of the
circumstances of or the reason for the separation), you will not accept any offer of employment from a
customer or client with whom you have interacted or worked in a professional capacity representing the
Company during the six (6) months preceding the date of separation.

9. General:

This offer of appointment is subject to the precondition that you have not provided us with any false declaration
and/or documentation or willfully suppressed any material information. If at any point of time, it is brought to our
notice that you have submitted fabricated documentation or made false representation or willfully suppressed
material information, you shall be liable to be removed from service with immediate effect and the Company
reserves its right to initiate appropriate action as per applicable policy and /or enforce remedies available to
us under law.

Please note that you are required to inform us if there are any agreements, oral or written, which you have
entered into and which may relate to or affect your commitments under this employment contract.

a. You acknowledge that you have understood the terms of this employment contract and that
you are aware that the specific performance of the terms of this employment contract may be
enforced legally, if required. In this connection, if any of the provisions of this letter of
appointment are declared or found to be void or unenforceable due to any reason whatsoever,
the remaining provisions of this letter shall continue in full force and effect.

b. These employment terms supersede and replace any existing agreement or understanding, if
any, between the Company and you on the same subject matter.

c. You warrant that you are not prevented by any court or by any other administrative or judicial
authority or order from providing the services required under this employment contract. In the
event that you are not a citizen of the country of posting, you should have a valid work permit
to work in the country of posting.

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d. Your appointment shall be treated as withdrawn in case:

i. You have not scored minimum aggregate marks of 60% in your 10 th Standard or
equivalent education.
ii. You have not scored minimum aggregate marks of 60% in your 12th Standard or
equivalent education.
iii. For Graduates: You have not scored minimum aggregate marks of 60% in your
iv. For Post Graduates: You have not scored minimum aggregate marks of 60% in your
graduation and 60% in post-graduation.
v. You have any pending backlogs/ arrears on the date of appointment.

10. Training Agreement:

As part of your smooth transition from campus to corporate, the Company shall be providing you
extensive training through learning interventions from the time of your selection to on-boarding. You
shall be provided an opportunity to learn in Pre-Joining programs, Self-directed learning modules,
MOOCs, in-classroom learning, on-the-job training, Top Gear modules, and / or customer specific tools
and technology learning. Through this extensive training the Company makes significant investment for
your project readiness and successful journey in the projects. In consideration of the Company
reposing confidence in you and providing you with the opportunity to undergo the training as detailed
above and in consideration of the company bearing all the costs in connection with the training besides
paying you normal salary and benefits, you solemnly agree to complete the training and continue your
employment with the company for a period of atleast 12 months commencing from the date of your
joining. In case you choose to leave the Company before the expiration of the said period or if your
services are terminated before the expiration of the said period, for any reason whatsoever, you shall
be liable to pay to the Company liquidated damages of upto Rs. 75,000/-(Rupees Seventy Five
Thousand only) in the manner defined in the training agreement, signed by you with the Company.

11. Notice Period & Termination:

Your employment with the Company shall be terminable, without reasons, by either party giving one-month
notice during probationary period and three months’ notice on confirmation. The Company reserves the right to
pay or recover salary in lieu of notice period. Further, the Company may at its discretion relieve you from such
date as it may deem fit even prior to the expiry of the notice period. However, if the Company desires you to
continue the employment during the notice period you shall do so. Notice period and termination of
employment contract shall be governed by the applicable internal policies of the Company as updated from
time to time.
On acceptance of separation notice, you will immediately hand over to the Company before you are relieved,
all correspondence, specifications, formulae, books, documents, cost data, market data, literature, drawings,
effects and comply with all the relieving formalities required by the Company. Further, you shall not make or
retain any copies of these items.

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12. Pre Joining Program (PJP):

During the time period between your offer and onboarding, the Company will provide you an online, self-
directed learning opportunity through a Pre Joining Program(PJP). You will be given a specific technology
track to learn and we urge you to utilize this opportunity to gain hands-on experience so as to enable you to
obtain a suitable project.

Please confirm that the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you and that you accept the appointment
by submitting a signed copy of this letter of appointment with your original signature on the date of joining.

Yours sincerely,
For Wipro Limited,

I have read, understood and agree to accept the employment on the terms and conditions herein.
I shall be reporting for duty on __ /__ /____
Name: _____________________
Signature: _____________________ Date: __ /__ /____
Place: _______________________

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Wipro Limited has adopted a conflict of interest policy in respect of its employees. This policy is intended to
avoid conflict between the personal interest of an employee and the interest of the company in dealings with
suppliers, customers and all other organizations or individuals doing or seeking to do business with the

Noted below are a few examples of conflict of interest:

a. For an employee or any dependent member of his family to have an interest in any organization, which
has business dealings with the company where there is an opportunity for preferential treatment to be
given or received, except where such an interest comprises of securities in widely held corporations
which are quoted and sold in the open market or the interest is not material.

b. For an employee or any dependent member of his family to buy, sell or lease any kind of property,
facilities or equipment from or to the company or any affiliate or to any company, firm or individual who
is or is seeking to become a contractor, supplier or customer, except with the knowledge and consent
of top management.

c. For an employee to serve as an officer, director or in any other management capacity or as a

consultant of another company or organization doing or seeking to do business with the company or an
affiliate except with the knowledge and consent of top management.

d. For an employee to use or release to a third party any data on decisions, plans, competitive bids or
any other information concerning the company, which might be prejudicial to the interest of the

e. For an employee or any dependent member of his family to accept commission, a share in profits or
other payments, loans (other than with established banking or financial institutions), services excessive
entertainment and travel or gifts of more than nominal value from any individual or organization doing
or seeking to do business with the company.

I have read the above mentioned 'Conflict of Interest' policy and I declare that there is no 'Conflict of Interest' in
my employment. If in future any conflict arises, I will immediately inform my supervisor and notify the top


Date: __/___/_____ Signature:.....................……………….

Page 7

Compliance to Company’s Code of Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and
Report Trading (Code) by Insiders

Insider Trading is prohibited by both Law as well as by Wipro Limited’s (hereinafter to as the “Company”)
internal policy. Insider trading generally involves the act of subscribing/buying/ selling or dealing in the
Company’s Securities, while in possession of any Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (hereinafter referred
to as “UPSI”) about the Company. It also involves disclosing or procuring any UPSI about the Company to/from
others who could subscribe or buy or sell or deal in the Company’s Securities.
As an employee of the Company you are considered as an Insider and accordingly advised as below:
1. Trading when in possession of UPSI: Employees are strictly prohibited from trading in the Securities of
the Company when in possession of UPSI concerning the Company. Trading in securities of the Company is
also prohibited for certain designated employees when the trading window is closed. For details please

2. Communication or procurement of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (UPSI): Employee shall

seek, communicate, provide or allow access to “UPSI of the Company to others only for legitimate purposes,
performance of duties and discharge of legal obligations and strictly on a need-to-know basis. Employees are
strictly prohibited from the following:

a) Counseling or disclosing or communicating UPSI to any other person including spouse and/or
relatives, except on a need to know basis.

b) Counseling as well as expressing opinions or making any recommendations to any person on the
Securities of the Company when in possession of any UPSI.

c) Unauthorized disclosure or communication of UPSI.

d) Procuring any UPSI from others

3. Individual and Personal Responsibility: As per the Code, Company can take appropriate actions like
wage freeze, suspension, termination of employment on employees involved in Insider Trading. Insider trading
also attracts severe civil and criminal penalties not only on the Insider but also on the Company in certain
circumstances. The penalties levied on the employee will not be borne by the Company and the employee
individually is responsible.

4. Disclosure requirements: Every employee of the Company and their Immediate Relatives shall
disclose to the Company the number of securities acquired or disposed of within two trading days of the
transaction if the value of the securities traded, whether in one transaction or a series of transactions over any
calendar quarter, aggregates to a traded value in excess of ten lakh rupees.

For more details on procedures and guidelines, employees are requested to refer the Company’s Code of
Conduct to Regulate, Monitor and Report Trading by Insiders. Or write to

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I --------------------------, confirm that I am voluntarily sharing my Personal Information including documents with
Wipro Limited (‘Wipro’) for the following purposes:

a. validating my Curriculum Vitae and retaining records on the same for any future reference/verification;

a. processing my job application including background verification checks;

b. employment-related actions including record keeping, processing compensation and benefits and any
action required in the context of my employment with Wipro.

In this context, I also agree to the retention of such Personal Information including documents by Wipro for any
future reference/verification and authorize Wipro to transfer the same to a third party.
I understand that ‘Personal Information’ means any information including documents, relating to me that is
available with Wipro and is capable of identifying me.”


Date: __/__/____

Page 9



Name : Ashutosh Dwivedi

Position: Project Engineer Career Group: TRB - II

You shall receive salary as detailed below.


Basic 11,667
HRA 5,834
Bonus 2,333
Wipro Benefits Plan (WBP) 4,854
Total Fixed Cash 24,688
PF (Employer Contribution) 1,800
Gratuity (5.31% of Basic) 620
Total Fixed Compensation 27,108
Other Compensation Benefits
Health benefit (Medical) 600
Variable Pay
Target Variable Pay (5% of CTC) 1,459
Target Cost to Company per month 29,167
Total Cost to Company per annum 3,50,004

*Notional sum indicating contribution of 5.31 % of your basic towards provision of Gratuity. Employees will be
eligible for payment of gratuity as per the Wipro Policy for the same.

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Apart from the standard salary components, Project Engineers are also entitled to the following unique
Company Benefits to help you manage during exigency.

a. Interest free loan of Rs.20,000/- towards housing deposits or towards purchase of two wheeler
b. Contingency loan of Rs.50,000/- towards housing deposits or illness, death in immediate family or
c. Medical assistance of Rs.15,000 per annum for employees who are not covered under the ESI
d. Medical Insurance Coverage up to Rs 2lac per annum.
Date: __/___/_____ Signature:....................……………….

Page 11


I hereby confirm that I shall submit the required academic certificates including but not limited to mark sheet
and Provisional or Convocation Degree Certificate within 3 months from my date of joining. I understand that
my employment is subject to my aggregate meeting the Company’s eligibility criteria and submission of the
above mentioned documents.

I hereby declare that all the particulars mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge. In the event of
my failure to submit the above mentioned documents or in case of any discrepancy, I shall be liable for
immediate termination of my employment with the Company.


Date: __/___/_____ Signature:.....................……………….

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Variable Pay Policy Summary & Computation:

Variable Pay is a variable component in your salary stack which would be paid out on a quarterly basis. It
would be linked to the following parameters:

a. Individual linked parameter: Based on number of days billed in a quarter. This factor is applicable
only for employees joining in billable roles in Bands Team Rainbow, A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3.
This would comprise of 100% of your Variable Pay amount. (for employees joining in these Bands
in Support roles and central functions 100% of Variable Pay would be linked to revenue and OM as
mentioned in (b) and (c) below)

b. Revenue achievement linked parameter: Based on the Revenue achievement of your Business Unit
/ Vertical / Service Line. This would be linked to 50% of your Variable Pay payout. This is applicable
only for employees in Bands Team Rainbow, A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3 joining in Support roles.

c. OM linked parameter: Based on Operating Margin achievement of your Business Unit. This would be
linked to 50% of your Variable Pay payout. This is applicable only for employees in Bands Team
Rainbow, A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3 joining in Support roles.

The Variable Pay payout amount is liable to vary as per the performance on the above parameters.

The Variable Pay program may be changed / altered or modified in part or full thereof from time to time, at the
sole discretion of the management. It is mandatory for you to complete the quarter for which the Variable Pay
applies i.e. you should be on the rolls of the Company on the last working day of the quarter to be eligible for
payout under the program.

For more details please refer to the policy hosted on myWipro à My Information Source à My Policies à View
All Policies à (Select Country) à My Financials à Compensation à Variable Pay.

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Basic, Additional Allowance and Bonus:

This are fixed monthly components of your salary and are taxable. They do not vary every month, and are fixed
for a particular period.

House Rental Allowance:

HRA is given to the extent of 50% of your Basic. HRA exemption is applicable as per IT rules on submission of
rent receipts.

Wipro Benefit Plan (WBP):

Wipro Benefits Plan (WBP) is basket of various allowances/ expenses considered for Income Tax exemption.
Under WBP, you will be granted Leave Travel Allowance and Education Allowance. Benefits regarding the use
of Telephone/Mobile phone, Non-transferable Meal card can also be availed under the Plan. The actual
expenses incurred towards these components are eligible for exemption as per the prescribed Income Tax
rules applicable. Thus, you will be subjected to tax for the portion of the allowances that is not exempt. The
Income Tax exemption for benefits availed are subject to submission of proofs or other conditions as may be
prescribed in this policy. Wipro will grant a Group Allowance, which will be computed after reducing the
aggregate cost of allowances/benefits availed under WBP and related recovery of Perquisite Tax and
associated charges. Following are your WBP Entitlements:

1. Leave Travel Allowance:

New employees are eligible for LTA provided leave is taken as per the rules of Wipro. For details on
Income Tax exemption please refer to myWipro on joining. The maximum LTA that can be considered
for IT exemption is Rs 50,000.

2. Telephone/Mobile Phone Allowances:

The amounts paid by you towards telephone rentals (both landline and mobile) rentals are also
towards broadband/ modem hub/ routers/ GPRS etc. for internet usage plans are eligible for IT
exception up to Rs. 19,800 per annum under WBP as per prescribed limit in the policy. No expenses in
respect of rentals or other charges for pre-paid connections will be eligible under this head.

3. Non-transferable Meal card:

An amount of Rs. 1100 / 2,750 per month towards purchase of Non-Transferable Meal
card is eligible for IT exemption under WBP.

4. Education Allowance:
An amount of Rs.100 (additional 300 in case of child in hostel) per child per month up to a maximum of
2 children is eligible for IT exemption under WBP.

Page 14

5. New Pension System:
You can contribute between 5% up to 10% of your Basic towards NPS and declare it under WBP. This
will be over and above Sec 80C investments.

Retirement Benefits:

It consists of:

a. Provident fund- Where basic is higher than INR 15,000- 12% of your Basic towards Provident
Fund. In cases where basic is lower than INR 15,000- Minimum of 12% of (Basic + WBP +
Additional (Where applicable) or INR 1800 pm

a. Notional sum indicating contribution of 5.31 % of your basic towards provision for gratuity.

Employees will be eligible for payment of gratuity as per the Wipro policy on the same.

Accommodation, Food & Other Miscellaneous Expenses

a. You would be entitled for Rs.1000 per day for 8 days (total amount of Rs.8,000) from the date of
appointment. You may utilize this amount towards accommodation, food & other miscellaneous
expenses. This would be paid as a lump sum amount and you would not need to submit bills towards
usage of this amount.

b. If your posting location (the location where you would be based out of after training) is different from
the training location (location where you undergo initial training), you would be entitled for the following:

i. Settlement and Miscellaneous Expenses: Rs.1200 per day for 7 days (total amount of Rs.
8,400) from the date of reporting to the posting location. You may utilize this amount towards
boarding, lodging, conveyance & other miscellaneous expenses.

c. Campus joiners would not be eligible for accommodation at the Wipro guest houses.

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1. Medical Assistance Program (MAS): This is a medical scheme covering you, your spouse and your
children to the extent of Rs.15000 per annum. This scheme is not applicable for employees
covered under the Employee State Insurance Act (ESI). This limit will be prorated based on your
joining and exiting months in a financial year. The amount mentioned as Medical allowance in your
salary stack is a notional figure and it indicates average outflow per month and per employee towards
MAS. Medical is a reimbursable amount, i.e., it will be paid at actuals on making a claim.

2. Mediclaim: You are eligible for a floater coverage of Rs 2,00,000 per annum for family (self, spouse &
children) towards hospitalization. There will be a deduction from your monthly payroll which will vary
based on your marital/family status, the floater sum insured as per your job grade and any top-up plan
opted by you. 10% of the claim amount has to be borne by you.

If you wish to enhance the coverage, Top up cover options are also available for a highly negotiated
premium. More details on the policy are available on My Policies Section in myWipro which is
accessible on joining.

3. Annual Health check: Company paid Annual health check-up program is available for employees
above 40 years of age.

Page 16

Gratuity Benefit: Up to Rs. 20,00,000

This provides you a lump sum benefit upon separation after completion of 5 years of service or on retirement
or when deceased. Your gratuity is computed as: Last drawn Basic Salary * No. of years served * 15/26.

Survivor Benefit Pension Program:

The Survivor Benefit Plan's objective is to provide a monthly income to the surviving spouse and children of an
employee, in the unfortunate event of death while in service. The pension payable is based on last drawn
basic salary at the time of death, number of years till retirement, number and age of surviving members.
E.g. If an employee is in Grade B3 with basic of Rs. 15,000 per month and the remaining period before
retirement at time of his death is 20 years and he has a surviving spouse and two eligible children, the
supplementary Pension payable per month would be as follows: Basic * No of years to Retirement * Grade
Factor * % based on number and age of surviving members.
I.e. 15,000 x 20 x 2.7%* x 80% = Rs. 6,480 per month as supplementary pension payable. *Grade Factor is a
band specific pre-defined pension Accrual rate.


Interest Free Loan: An interest free loan of Rs. 20,000 as per policy is available to facilitate your settling down.
The amount is primarily intended to cover housing deposit/assistance towards purchase of two wheeler. This is
recovered in 10 equal installments.

Contingency Loan: An Interest free contingency loan of Rs. 50,000 or two months monthly gross whichever is
lower as per policy can be availed in case of contingency. This would be recovered in 20 equal installments.
Any loan taken above Rs. 20,000 will be liable to tax on the notional interest cost as per CBDT rules.

Page 17

1. Your Life and Accident Cover:

a. Group Personal Accident Insurance (GPAI) Program: Rs. 12,00,000 Through GPAI you are covered by
way of round-the-clock risk coverage against any accidents occurring while at work or outside of work
resulting in partial or total disablement or casualty. Even on temporary disability due to Accident you get
compensated for loss of wages on account of leave due to Accident of upto Rs. 5,000 per week. In case of
Death due to accident, your total cover would be 26 lacs (12 Lacs + 14 Lacs). Employees can also get an
extra coverage for a nominal and highly negotiated premium.
b. Group Life Insurance Program: Rs. 14,00,000 In the unfortunate event of death on account of either
accidents or natural causes, your surviving family members would be eligible for an insurance cover.
Employees can also get an extra coverage for a nominal and highly negotiated premium.
Please note: More details on the above mentioned policies are available on My Policies Section in My
Wipro accessible on joining. Access through My Wipro -> My Policies ->India > My Financials -> Group Life
Insurance/ Personal Accident
The policies mentioned here are policies of the Company as on date, this is subject to change in future as per
policies of the Company from time to time.
1. Voluntary Superannuation Policy (VSS)

Wipro Voluntary Superannuation Plan offers an easy and convenient way to help you lead a happy and tension
free life by planning your retirement. Starting contribution to pension plan at an early age gives you enough
time to contribute towards building your retirement corpus and leverage the compounding interest earned by
the corpus year on year. You simply have to choose the scheme that suits your investment horizon and risk

A voluntary defined contribution Plan wherein you will have an option to enroll and choose your Pension
Service Provider (PSP) within 30 days from the date of joining the company.
We currently have tie-ups with two leading PSPs to manage the superannuation funds. LIC & ICICI offer a
superannuation scheme which offers interest on accumulated balance every year. ICICI Prudential also has an
Unit Linked Superannuation scheme which offers you a market linked return, range of fund options to suit your
risk appetite & transparent fund management.

The enrollment option can be exercised only once in the service with the organization and cannot be reversed
once made. VSS enrollment window period will, also, be available once every financial year.The Company, on
behalf of the member employee, shall contribute 15% of basic salary, towards the scheme selected by the
member. In case 15% of basic exceeds Rs.1,50,000 per annum, member employee will have an option to
restrict the contribution to Rs.1,50,000 per annum to avoid perquisite tax (perquisite tax is applicable on
contributions exceeding Rs.1,50,000 every year).
Annual pension contribution amount is re-adjusted from fixed cash component and will reflect under ‘Pension’
component in the salary stack of the enrolled member. The accumulated contribution amount and the interest
earned (or the corpus) can be utilized to avail the retirement benefits.
For further clarity, please refer the Policy on My Wipro -> My Information Sources > India -> My Financials->
Deferred Benefits-> Voluntary Superannuation Scheme. After reviewing the related documents if you wish to
enroll into VSS, please log onto My Wipro-> My data->My Financials-> Pension, and exercise the option within
30 days of joining the Company. In case you miss enrolling into VSS in this window period, you can do the
same in the window period that is available for all employees once every financial year.

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