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Creating A Vector Logo

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Creating a techfest logo
1. Begin by opening a new 700x400 image with a white raster background. Set
the foreground/stroke to null and make the background/ fill a solid colour of
your choice. This will be the colour for the logo but, because of the nature of
vector graphics, you get to change your mind about this at any point along the

2. Activate the Preset Shape tool, uncheck Retain style so your colour of choice
will be applied, and

3. Select the Ellipse shape from the Shape list and drag out an ellipse
approximately 300x150 pixels. An easy way to do this is to keep an eye on the
cursor coordinates at the bottom-right of the task bar. Start your drag at about
x: 200, y: 100, and drag downward and to the right to x: 500, y: 250. Absolute
accuracy isn’t necessary, so don’t be too fiddly about this.

4. After you’ve laid down the ellipse, switch to the Object Selection tool and
click the Centre on canvas button in the Position on canvas area of the Tool
Options palette. This may be a good time to make sure you’ve checked the All
tools box in the Materials palette. This ensures that your colour choice is
maintained, whatever tool you use.

5. Deselect the ellipse by clicking an empty part of the canvas with the Object
Selection tool.
6. Activate the Text tool. Because different fonts can require different settings
to make this project work, start off using the same font and settings we use
and later, once you get the method down, experiment with more personalized
choices to exercise your own creativity. In the Create as field, choose Vector;
set Size to 32, Stroke width to 0, Font to Arial, and Font Style to bold; and
centre the alignment. Leave Kerning at 0 and set Leading to –350.

7. Place the cursor over the top centre of the ellipse (approximately x: 350, y:
125). The cursor
8. Type in a few words made up of 10 to 12 characters. The text is centred on
the top and follows the path of the ellipse, but it’s sunk about halfway down
into it because of the leading value you used. If you chose a different font, you
may have to adjust the leading value and/or the font size to get the same
effect. By highlighting the text in the Text Entry dialog box, you can adjust
these settings if needed and the canvas will update to let you know if you have
it right. Click Apply in the Text Entry dialog box when you’re satisfied. When
you apply the text, it should be selected. If it isn’t, activate the Object Selection
tool and select it.

9. Go to Objects > Convert Text to Curves > As Single Shape to combine all the
characters into one vector object.

10. Now you want to combine your text with the ellipse to create a single
object. Ensure the text is still selected and activate the Pen tool in Edit mode.
You should now see the text with its nodes.

11. Select all the nodes in the text, either by drag selecting or choosing Edit >
Select All from the right-click context menu. Right-click again and choose Edit >
Cut. This copies the nodes to the clipboard and removes them from the canvas.

12.Although there’s nothing visible, the object still exists in the Layer palette so,
for the sake of neatness, you may want to delete it by expanding the Vector 1
layer, right-clicking the layer containing the text, and selecting Clear. Now
you’ll combine the copied text with the ellipse.
13. Click the ellipse using the Object Selection tool and then activate the Pen
tool, again in Edit mode. Right-click the ellipse and choose Edit > Paste. Your
text reappears, but this time as part of the same object as the ellipse.
Unfortunately, when you paste nodes into an object in Paint Shop Pro, it offsets
them 10 pixels to the right and below the original position, so you have to
nudge them back to where they should be. This is easily accomplished by using
the arrow keys while holding down the CTRL key. This combination nudges the
selected nodes 10 pixels in the direction of the arrow key used. Nodes Pasted
out of Position

14. Press CTRL+ up arrow key and CRTL+ left arrow key to relocate the text to its
original position. (Pressing the arrow keys without holding down the C TRL key
will nudge the selected node by 1 pixel at a time.) Though that’s all fine and
dandy, it doesn’t appear to be any different from what you had a couple of
steps ago.

15. To remedy this, simply select any node in the ellipse contour, right-click, and
choose Edit > Reverse Contour. Deselect the ellipse and now your overlapping
text area is cancelled out.

1. Go back to the Text tool and change the font size to 12 and Leading back to
0. In the Materials palette, change the fill color to something that will contrast
against the ellipse color. While holding down the ALT key to prevent text on a
path, click somewhere just above and left of center and enter two or three lines
of text. Go to the Object Selection tool and move the text to a better position if

2. with the text selected, right-click and choose Convert Text to Curves > As
Single Shape.

3. With the Pen tool selected right-click and choose Edit > Select All.

4. Now right-click the text and choose Edit > Cut.

5. Use the Object Selection tool to select the ellipse.

6. With the Pen tool, right-click and choose Edit > Paste.
7. Use CTRL+ up arrow key and CTRL+ left arrow key to nudge it back into

8. Activate the Preset Shape tool and select a suitable single object shape.
These are all black in Paint Shop Pro—the multicolour shapes are made up of
object groups and aren’t suitable for this procedure.

9. Choose a suitable shape and lay it down where you want it. You’ll have to
start the drag outside the ellipse, as the Preset Shape tool won’t start an object
inside another. If you can’t locate it just where you want it, switch to the Object
Selection tool and move it as needed. Now you need to go through the cut,
copy, and paste procedure again. It may or may not be necessary to reverse the
contour depending on the shape you used. When you paste the nodes into the
ellipse, if it’s already cut out, don’t reverse the contour. As a reminder, here’s
the process again:

Select the shape with the Object Selection tool. Activate the Pen tool. Right-
click the shape and choose Edit > Select All. Right-click again and choose Edit >
Cut. Select the ellipse with the Object Selection tool. Activate the Pen tool,
right-click, and choose Edit > Paste. Nudge the shape back with the CTRL+ up
and left arrow keys. Reverse the contour if necessary.

10. Finally, you can add some additional text, such as a name and a web
page URL.

2) Creating a shiny techfest second logo

1. Open Corel DRAW. Select text tool and type the text. Use thick font to get
proper line effect. We have used Impact font. Fill it with desired colour.

Note: It is expected that you have finished with the beginners projects when you
start with intermediate, as we do not repeat the small instructions.

2. Drag the guide line and using it draw vertical straight line with Bazier Tool.

3. Make it thicker using Outline Tool.

4. Double click on the line and drag the centre of rotation to the bottom.

5. Change the line colour to white by selecting the line and right clicking on the
white colour in the palette. Keep the line selected.

6. Arrange > Transformation > Rotation

7. Keep angle 12 deg and start pressing "Apply to Duplicate" till you get the
complete ray effect.
3) Creating a techfest third logo

1. Open Corel DRAW. Draw perfect circle with the help of Ellipse Tool and
CTRL key.

2. With Shift and Drag method, make a copy of the circle inside the main
circle and right click to get the copy.

3. Select both the circles

Arrange > Combine

4. Select Interactive Fill Tool. Drag the pointer on the object. Select Radial
Fountain Fill from property bar.

5. With the proper combination of two colors create the ring effect. White is
chosen as a mid color in the following ring.

6. How to entangle the rings? Make another copy of the ring. Place is over

7. Draw the shape which you want to remove to get entangled effect on the
top cross section of the rings.

8. Select the newly drawn shape.

Arrange > Shaping > Trim

9. Click on the top circle to trim. Delete the shape after trimming.

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