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Iot Enabled Soil Testing: P. Sindhu and G. Indirani

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Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology

ISSN: 2249-0701 Vol.7 No.S1, 2018, pp. 54-57

© The Research Publication,

IoT Enabled Soil Testing

P. Sindhu1 and G. Indirani2
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science, Mahatma Gandhi Government Arts College, Mahe, Maharashtra, India
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract - Agriculture is the main occupation of our country the nutrient requirement of crops. It also includes testing of
and it plays a vital role in our country. Using too much of soils for other properties like texture, structure, pH, Cation
fertilizers may lead to the inferior quality of the crop Exchange Capacity, water holding capacity, electrical
production. So the measurement of soil nutrients is greatly conductivity and parameters for amelioration of chemically
required for better plant growth. Determining the amount of
deteriorated soils for recommending soil amendments, such
nutrients in the soil is the key function. pH value is also one of
the most important and informative soil parameter to detect as gypsum for alkali soil and lime for acid soil. There are
the soil fertility and it is measured to identify the soil fertility. mainly two types of soil testing methods.
In the proposed system, it determines the crops which are
suitable for the particular soil type. It will analyze moisture A. Soil testing in laboratory
content, temperature and humidity in soil at real time and it B. Mobile soil testing
will also suggest the crops based on determined PH of soil. This
system is proposed to help the farmers to increase the A. Soil Testing In Laboratory
production and the suggestions are made through the mobile
This method involves soil testing in laboratory. It may take
Keywords: Internet of Things, Soil Testing
weeks or days to test the soil. The people take soil samples
I. INTRODUCTION and give them to the laboratories for soil testing. [2] They
detect the NPK values of soil by using chemical analysis.
Watering fields; cultivating crops with required fertilizers
etc. are the farming activities involved in conventional B. Mobile Soil Testing
farming. These practices are performed manually. [1] Crop
production mainly depends on the soil and properties of In this type people do the test and give suggestions on the
plant interaction. The farmer uses this as a valuable tool. tests regarding, the fertilizers and it is done once per crop.
This determines the soil fertility for better and economical So this method is not suitable for effective crop production
crop production. Soil test helps to decide the nature of the and it does not give the accurate results. The following three
soil whether it is acid or base and which crops will give methods are used for detecting the soil fertility. They are
maximum productivity. Depending upon the minerals
available in the soil, we can estimate the plant rate of 1. Spectroscopy
nutrients absorption. There is degradation in the production 2. Conductivity and
of crops because of insufficient rate of nutrients. Macro 3. Electro chemical sensor methods.
nutrients are the major requirement of the nutrients These are cost effective and will not give the accurate
necessary for plant growth. Correct usage of fertilizer is results. [3]
required for better growth. Over usage of fertilizer leads to
the reduction in harvest production rate. Manual III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
fertilization is still followed in some parts of India. This
type of manual fertilization makes the soil condition error The main component of this system is microcontroller. The
prone. The demand of food production is increasing Node MCU with ESP8266 Wi-Fi shield is the micro -
rapidly. The quantity will be decided depending on the type controller, sensors like temperature, soil moisture and light
of crop and] growth of plants. The farmers measure the intensity are used for the proposed system. The system is
nutrients concentration present in the soil to get the soil cost effective and easy to handle. The data is collected from
nutrients to be provided and select the suitable crop for sensors and it is uploaded to server and by using data the
multiple times of cropping in the farmland. graph is drawn. We can make use of this system in multiple
purposes by connecting different devices like, water pump
II. THE EXISTING SYSTEM and we can control it by using our mobile phone with
internet connectivity.
Soil testing refers to the chemical analysis of soils and is
well recognized as a scientific means for quick The microcontroller used for this system is Node MCU 1.0
characterization of the fertility status of soils and predicting (ESP826612E) WiFi module and the various types of

AJCST Vol.7 No.S1 November 2018 54

IoT Enabled Soil Testing

sensors otherwise the output is at low level. By using this sensor

1. Soil moisture sensor one can automatically water the flower plant, or any other
2. PH Meter plants requiring automatic watering technique. Module has
3. Humidity Sensor. triple output mode, digital output is simple, analog output is
more accurate and serial output with exact readings [11].
The system is low power consuming and easy to operate.
The data is monitored with accurate date and time. The C. Soil pH Meter
system is designed in such a way that we can communicate
with our proposed system in real time and give suggestions It is 2 in 1 pH Meter for soil. It will give Soil Moisture and
to the farmers at any time. pH of the soil. Two in one pH meter and soil tester is a
perfect tool for every farmer and gardener. This handy tool
A. Node MCU 1.0 (ESP8266 12E WiFi module) facilitates easy reading of the pH of the soil as well as its
moisture content. This tool depicts a clear outline when to
It is an integrated version of the popular Esp8266 WiFi water the soil and keep the water content optimal which is
system on a chip that operates first on a system. The essential for its healthy plant growth, The main
Esp8266 EX is integrated with a 32-bit Tensilica processor characteristic of this tool is that it can be used to measure
standard digital peripheral interface, antenna, switches, RF the pH of the soil. Different plants require different pH for
balun, power amplifiers, filters and power management their fast and healthy growth. This tool analyses pH and
modules. It achieves extra low power consumption and helps you to provide fertilizers as required.
reaches a clock speed of 160MHZ. It has power saving
architecture with three modes of operation, sleep mode,
active mode and deep sleep mode. The real time operating
system (RTOS) and WiFi stack about 80% of the processing
power to be available for user application programming and

Fig. 3 Soil pH Meter

D. Temperature and Humidity Sensor – DHT11

The DHT11 is an ultra-low-cost and basic digital

Fig. 1 Node MCU 1.0(ESP8266 12-E wiFi)
temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a thermistor to
measure the surrounding air, a capacitive humidity sensor
B. Soil Moisture Sensor-YL-38 + YL-69
and spits out a digital signal (no need of analog input
pinspin. This sensor is simple to use, but requires some time
to grab the data. The only downside of the DHT11 sensor is
for every 2 seconds only we can get new data from it, shown
we using the libraries, readings of sensor can be up to 2
seconds old. [9].

Fig. 2 Soil Moisture Sensor

The soil moisture sensor measure the volumetric water

content indirectly by using some other property of the soil
such as electrical resistance, dielectric or indirect with
neutrons as a proxy for the moisture content. This sensor Fig. 4 DHT11 Sensor
can be used to test the moisture of soil, when the soil is
having water shortage; the module output is at high level

55 AJCST Vol.7 No.S1 November 2018

P. Sindhu and G. Indirani


A. Architecture of the System The system consists of pH Meter, Humidity Sensor, Soil
moisture sensor, Node MCU (Esp8266) WiFi shield. In this
system the pH Meter measures the pH value of the soil and
soil moisture level and if the pH value is below 7 acidic and
above 7 is basic and value is 7 means neutral and it is ideal
for many plant Based on the pH value we can give
instruction to the farmers which vegetable can give high
productivity in that particular soil. The data read from
sensor is send to the IoT Cloud Server ( In
this cloud server we can create a channel either publicly or
privately on which data can be displayed with correct time
and date. A Temperature, Humidity, soil moisture level
graph can be drawn here. Arduino IDE is used for writing
the entire code. [7]


The IoT enabled Soil Testing system, pH value and soil

moisture of soil is reliable and capable for monitoring
Fig. 5 Architecture of the system agricultural parameters. The output can be viewed in serial
monitor of the Arduino IDE as well as login to
B. Block Diagram of the System Cloudserver. The graphs plotted in Thing
speak server is shown in the below given fig.8, fig. 9, fig. 10
and fig. 11 shows the prototype of the system.

Fig. 6 Block Diagram

Fig. 8 Graphs drawn in Cloud server-Thingspeak

C. Connection diagram

Fig. 9 Graphs drawn in Cloud server-Thingspeak

Fig. 7 Connection diagram

AJCST Vol.7 No.S1 November 2018 56

IoT Enabled Soil Testing

with the cloud. The data is stored successfully and can be

accessed remotely. All observations and experimental set up
proves that this is a complete solution to test the soil health
parameter. User can have access to the data and can know if
there are any deviations with respect to pH value and soil
moisture. Implementing this system will allow users like
farmers to monitor and improve the productivity of the
vegetables. The coding is done by using Arduino IDE, and
for storing the sensor data in cloud server called by using WiFi. This work can be extended
by adding advanced engineering technologies provided new
approaches for soil testing with cost effective manner.


[1] Anchit Garg, Priyamitra Munoth and Rohit Goyal, “Application of

Soil Moisture Sensors in Agriculture: A Review”, Proc. Hydraulics,
Fig. 10 Graphs drawn in Cloud server-Thingspeak
Vol. 21, pp. 1662-1672, 2016.
[2] [Online] Available at: http://soil
[3] P. Sukumar, Dr. T. Kavitha, and V. Jashanavi, “Real Time soil
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[4] J. Jayaprahas, S. Sivachandran, K. Navin, and K. Balakrishnan, “Real
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[5] Abdullah Ahmad, Ekram Khan, and WilliamIssac, “An Iot Based
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[6] R. Sujatha, and R. Anitha Nithya, “A Survey on Soil Monitoring and
Testing In Smart Farming Using IoT And Cloud Platform”, Vol. 7,
No.pp. 55- 59, Nov. 2017.
[7] Komal Bodake, Rutuja Ghate, Himanshi Dashy, Piranha Judah and
BalasahebTarle, “Soil based Fertilizer Recommendation System
using Internet of Things”, Vol. 1, No.1, pp.13-19, June 2018.
[8] A. NavyaSai Sri, and P. Ammi Reddy, “A Smart Framework for
Agriculture Production Improvement using Web of Things”, Vol. 50,
No.5, pp.251-259 August 2017.
[9] M. Joshi, P.PS.S. Kanade, “Wireless Sensors and Agriculture
Fig. 11 Prototype of the System Parameter Monitoring: Experimental Investigation”, Vol. 3, pp 06-13,
May 2017.
VI. CONCLUSION [10] C. Kishore Kumar, and Veeramuth Venkatesh, “Cloud Based Soil
Monitoring and Smart Irrigation System Using IoT and Precision
Farming”, Vol. 119, pp. 2011-2020, 2018.
In this “IoT Enabled Soil Testing” system, takes readings [11] Dr. N. Suma, Sandra Rhea Samson, S. Saranya, G. Shanmugapriya,
from soil moisture sensor and humidity sensor and store it and R. Subhashri, “IoT Based Smart Agriculture Monitoring
in a cloud server and graph is drawn as per the variations in System”, Vol. 5, pp177-181, Feb. 2017.
soil moisture, temperature and humidity level of the soil.
The sensors and microcontroller are successfully interfaced

57 AJCST Vol.7 No.S1 November 2018

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