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IE 45 - Waiting Line Problems PDF

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Rosales, Alexa Trixi L.

IE 45 – E

30. A large insurance company maintains a central computing system that contains a variety of
information about customer accounts. Insurance agents in a six-state area use telephone lines to
access the customer information database. Currently, the company’s central computer system allows three
users to access the central computer simultaneously. Agents who attempt to use the system when it is
full are denied access; no waiting is allowed. Management realizes that with its expanding business,
more requests will be made to the central information system. Being denied access to the system is
inefficient as well as annoying for agents. Access requests follow a Poisson probability distribution, with
a mean of 42 calls per hour. The service rate per line is 20 calls per hour.

a. What is the probability that 0, 1, 2, and 3 access lines will be in use? λ = 42 u = 20

b. What is the probability that an agent will be denied access to the system? 0.2254

c. What is the average number of access lines in use?

L = λ/u(1 - Pk) = 42/20 (1 - 0.2254) = 1.6267

d. In planning for the future, management wants to be able to handle λ = 50 calls per hour; in addition,
the probability that an agent will be denied access to the system should be no greater than the
value computed in part (b). How many access lines should this system have?
Probability of denied access = 0.1499. 4 lines are necessary.

31. Mid-West Publishing Company publishes college textbooks. The company operates an 800 telephone
number whereby potential adopters can ask questions about forthcoming texts, request examination
copies of texts, and place orders. Currently, two extension lines are used, with two representatives handling
the telephone inquiries. Calls occurring when both extension lines are being used receive a busy signal; no
waiting is allowed. Each representative can accommodate an average of 12 calls per hour. The arrival rate
is 20 calls per hour.

a. How many extension lines should be used if the company wants to handle 90% of the calls
immediately? λ = 20 u = 12
P2 = 0.3425 = 34.25%

b. What is the average number of extension lines that will be busy if your
recommendation in part (a) is used?
k = 3 P3 = 0.1598
k = 4 P4 = 0.0624; Must go to k = 4.
c. What percentage of calls receive a busy signal for the current telephone system with two
extension lines?
L = λ/u (1 - P4) = 20/12(1 - 0.0624) = 1.5626

32. City Cab, Inc., uses two dispatchers to handle requests for service and to dispatch the cabs. The
telephone calls that are made to City Cab use a common telephone number. When both dispatchers are
busy, the caller hears a busy signal; no waiting is allowed. Callers who receive a busy signal can call back
later or call another cab service. Assume that the arrival of calls follows a Poisson probability
distribution, with a mean of 40 calls per hour, and that each dispatcher can handle a mean of 30 calls
per hour.

a. What percentage of time are both dispatchers idle? λ = 40 u = 30

P0 = 1.0000/3.2221 = 0.3104 31.04%

b. What percentage of time are both dispatchers busy?

P2 = 0.8888/3.2221 = 0.2758
c. What is the probability that callers will receive a busy signal if two, three, or four dispatchers are

P2 = 0.2758
P3 = 0.3951/(3.2221 + 0.3951) = 0.1092
P4 = 0.1317/(3.2221 + 0.3951 + 0.1317) = 0.0351

d. If management wants no more than 12% of the callers to receive a busy signal, how many
dispatchers should be used?
k = 3 with 10.92% of calls receiving a busy signal.

33. Kolkmeyer Manufacturing Company is considering adding two machines to its manufacturing
operation. This addition will bring the number of machines to eight. The president of Kolkmeyer asked for
a study of the need to add a second employee to the repair operation. The arrival rate is 0.05 machines per
hour for each machine, and the service rate for each individual assigned to the repair operation is 0.50
machines per hour.
a. Compute the operating characteristics if the company retains the single-employee repair operation.
λ = 0.05 u = 0.50 λ/u = 0.10 N = 8

b. Compute the operating characteristics if a second employee is

added to the machine repair operation.
P0 = 0.4566
Lq = 0.0646
L = 0.7860
Wq = 0.1791 hours
W = 2.1791 hours

c. Each employee is paid $20 per hour. Machine downtime is valued at $80 per hour. From an
economic point of view, should one or two employees handle the machine repair operation? Explain
One Employee: Cost = 80L + 20 = 80(1.3832) + 20 = $130.65
Two Employees: Cost = 80L + 20(2) = 80(0.7860) + 40 = $102.88
Use two employees.

34. Five administrative assistants use an office copier. The average time between arrivals for each
assistant is 40 minutes, which is equivalent to an arrival rate of 1/40 5 0.025 arrivals per minute. The
mean time each assistant spends at the copier is 5 minutes, which is equivalent to a service rate of 1/5 5
0.20 per minute. Use the M/M/1 model with a finite calling population to determine the following:
N = 5 λ = 0.025 = 0.20 λ/ = 0.125

a. The probability that the copier is idle

P0 = 1/2.0877 = 0.4790

b. The average number of administrative assistants in the waiting line

c. The average number of administrative assistants at the copier
L = Lq + (1 - P0) = 0.3110 + (1 - 0.4790) = 0.8321

d. The average time an assistant spends waiting for the copier

e. The average time an assistant spends at the copier

f. During an 8-hour day, how many minutes does an assistant spend at the copier? How much
of this time is waiting time?

Trips/Days = (8 hours)(60 min/hour) (λ) = (8)(60)(0.025) = 12 trips

Time at Copier: 12 x 7.9854 = 95.8 minutes/day
Wait Time at Copier: 12 x 2.9854 = 35.8 minutes/day

g. Should management consider purchasing a second copier? Explain.

Yes. Five administrative assistants x 35.8 = 179 min. (3 hours/day)

3 hours per day are lost to waiting.
(35.8/480)(100) = 7.5% of each administrative assistant's day is spent waiting for the copier.

35. Schips Department Store operates a fleet of 10 trucks. The trucks arrive at random times
throughout the day at the store’s truck dock to be loaded with new deliveries or to have incoming shipments
from the regional warehouse unloaded. Each truck returns to the truck dock for service two times per 8-
hour day. Thus, the arrival rate per truck is 0.25 trucks per hour. The service rate is 4 trucks per hour.
Using the Poisson arrivals and exponential service times model with a finite calling population of 10
trucks, determine the following operating characteristics:
N = 10 λ = 0. 25 = 4 λ/ = 0.0625

a. The probability that no trucks are at the truck dock

P0 = 1/2.2698 = 0.4406

b. The average number of trucks waiting for loading/unloading

c. The average number of trucks in the truck dock area

L = Lq + (1 - P0) = 0.4895 + (1 - 0.4406) = 1.0490

d. The average waiting time before loading/unloading begins

e. The average waiting time in the system

f. What is the hourly cost of operation if the cost is $50 per hour for each truck and $30 per hour for
the truck dock?
TC = cwL + csk = 50 (1.0490) + 30 (1) = $82.45

g. Consider a two-server truck dock operation where the second server could be operated for an
additional $30 per hour. How much would the average number of trucks waiting for
loading/unloading have to be reduced to make the two-server truck dock economically feasible?
TC = cwL + csk = 50L + 30(2) = $82.45
50L = 22.45 L = 0.4490 or less.

h. Should the company consider expanding to the two-server truck dock? Explain.
Using The ManagementScientist with k = 2, L = 0.6237
TC = cwL + csk = 50 (1.6237) + 30 (2) = $91.18
The company should not expand to the two-channel truck dock.

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