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Digital Marketing SEO & Sem

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Dear to :

HR Recruitment

Based on the information I get for the opportunity to work for your company, I intend to apply for a job
and be willing to participate in the selection process on your company as Digital Marketing (SEO
Specialist, SEM & SMO). Here is a brief data from me

Name : Syukur Tabara

Date of Birth : Ujung Pandang, 28 Februari 1988

Last Education : S1 Tehnik Informatika

Contact Number : +62813 1563 6488

Email :

Gender : Man

Marital Status : Singel

Based on the experience I have gained from some of the work I have completed from previous
companies, I really hope to get the opportunity to join the selection process of employee acceptance in
order to join your company with maximum contribution to your company. I attach complete data from
me as your consideration. So this work request letter, thank you for the opportunity and attention.

Best Regards,

Syukur Tabara
SEO, SEM & Web Management

In the last 6 years I work in the field of IT in some

private companies in the field of Information Systems
with job responsibilities SEO Specialist front end
programmers, web development, system analyst,
design layout, documentation and mentor in the use
of the system. I am very enthusiastic about
+62 81315 6364 88 information systems and technology because it can reach almost all areas of business ranging from
WhatApp - 081315636488 SMEs to government agencies. In the development of
information systems can be seen that the information
system began to become a necessity that supports
the running of a work process, so I really want to
become one of the pioneers of development,
information systems can be a solution for every
business field in improving the quality and efficiency
of work performance. In my journey as an IT
Consultant I have contributed to building information
systems from several companies.

Google Ads
Google Analytics
Keyword Planer
Link Building
Off Page
On Page
Link Building

0 20 40 60 80 100


Design Grafis
Angular JS
Angular UI
J Query
Boostrap Value
Video Maker

0 20 40 60 80 100

60 East

B2B B2C 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

25% 22%

Sketchup Photo Shop

Corel Draw Illustrator 26%


25% 28%


Presta Shop

2017 – Present MPO TECH Digital System

2017 – 2017 Rresent Darta Corp as SEO Strategy
2016 – 2017 Triputra Guna Nusa as Senior IT Consultant
2015 – 2016 MNC Bank as General Affair
2012 – 2015 Web Indonesia as Programer Front End (UI & UX Design)
2010 – 2012 PTIQ Jakarta as Staff Tata Usaha (Administration &Projek Management System)
2009 – 2010 PT Moda Nusantara as Marketing Store
2008 – 2009 PT TalkindoSelaksaAnugrah as Warehouse Administration


2011 - 2015 University Indraprasta Jakarta of Information Technology

2003 – 2006 SMA Negeri 12 Makassar
2000 – 2003 SLTP Negeri 23 Makassar
1994 – 2000 SD InpresPerumnasAntang 1/I Makassar


MPO -TECH Digital System

2017 - Now as SEO & Marrketing Campaign, design templates and implement templates based on design and
as a CMS Implementation Funnel Marketing for crawl leads

Darta Institute

2017 as Web Development & Strategy SEO, design templates and implement templates based on design and as
a CMS trainer for content management and CMS usage.

Darta Forwarding & Cargo

2017 as Web Development & Strategy SEO, design templates and implement templates based on design and as
a CMS trainer for content management and CMS usage.

Darta Agribusiness

2017 as Web Development & Strategy SEO, design templates and implement templates based on design and as
a CMS trainer for content management and CMS usage.
Darta Consulting

2017 as Web Development & Strategy SEO, design templates and implement templates based on design and as
a CMS trainer for content management and CMS usage.

Niena Andryani Boutique

2016 as Web Development & design features, design templates and implements tempalte based design,
as CMS trainer for content management and CMS usage.


2015 as system analyst to design feature & design template, in making TMS (Ticketing Management System)
which is used to assist the process of Daikin Award 2015

Atamora Teknik Makmur

2015 as system analyst design feature & design template, as ERP trainer held training for application usage
and as UI & UX Design.

Moores Rowlan Indonesia

2014 as system analyst design website feature & design template, as CMS Trainer by conducting training for
content management, as SEO team do process campagin to increase website popularity and as UI & UX
Design based from design.


2014 as system analyst design website feature & design template, as CMS Trainer by conducting training for
content management, as SEO team do process campagin to increase website popularity and as UI & UX
Design based from design.


2014 as system analyst design website feature & design template, as CMS Trainer by conducting training for
content management, as SEO team do process campagin to increase website popularity and as UI & UX
Design based from design.

2013 - 2014 as an expert staff with job responsibilities as system analyst designing feature & system design, as
trainer of application usage and as UI & UX Design performs tempalte implementation based on design.

SQP (Service Quality Partners)

2014 as system analyst design website feature & design template, as CMS Trainer by conducting training
for content management and as UI & UX Design based from design.

GSM (Gusti Sakti Mandiri) Indonesia

2014 as system analyst design website feature & design template, as CMS Trainer by conducting training
for content management and as UI & UX Design based from design.

Asia Trans

2014 as system analyst design website feature & design template, as CMS Trainer by conducting training
for content management and as UI & UX Design based from design.

Web Indonesia

2013 - 2014 as system analyst design feature of application, as UI & UX Design, as CMS trainer by
conducting training for use of content management services and as IT consultant System

Nama : SyukurTabara
Alamat : Jl.Bangka 8 Rt 06/012 No.60B PelaMampang, MampangPrapatan
No. HP : +63 916 593 3094
WhatsApp : 081315636488
Tempat&TanggalLahir : Ujung Pandang, 28 February 1988
GolonganDarah : AB
Suku : Bugis Makassar
Warga Negara : Indonesia
Email :
Kesukaan : Basket, Traveling ,Berenang, Baca Berita


2006 Antariksa Collage (Office Aplication)

2011 KEMKOMINFO BPRTIK (Database MySql), Android World
2012 IGRA (Technology Information), Mobile Apps Camp
2013 Technopreneurship, Primagama (MerakitKomputer Tingkat Mahir)

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