Summer Training at PPCL
Summer Training at PPCL
Summer Training at PPCL
Introduction Of Organization……………………………………………………..….7-10
Pragati Power Station………………………………………………………………………7
Rajghat Power Station……………………………………………………………………..8
Gas Turbine Power Station……………………………………………………….……..9
Indraprastha Power Station……………………………………………….…………….10
Plant Layout Details………………………………………………………………….…11-12
Product/service details………………………………………………………………….13-33
Cooling Towers………………………………………………………………………………..13-14
Water Tube Boiler…………………………………………………………………………...18-19
Boiler Operation ……………………………………………………………………………..20-22
Boiler Draught………………………………………………………………………………….23-24
Boiler Steam Drum…………………………………………………………………………..24-26
Heat Recovery System (HRSG)………………………………………………………….26-27
Details of Production and Maintenance ………………………………………………34-37
Salient Features……………………………………………………………………………………34-35
Emission Control…………………………………………………………………………………..36
Conclusion of Training ……………………………….……………………………………38-39
Future plans of organisation ……………………………………………………………40-41
New Project of This Plant………………………………………………………………40-41
To bridge the gap between demand and supply and to have reliable supply to
the Capital City, a 330 MW combined cycle Gas Turbine Power Project was set
up on fast track basis. This plant consists of 2 x 104 MW Frame 9-E Gas Turbine
Units commissioned in 2002 – 03 and 1 x 122 MW STG Unit commissioned in
2003 – 04. Gas supply has been tied up with GAIL through HBJ Pipeline. The
station is performing satisfactorily meeting the targets set by DERC and CEA.
Due to paucity of water this plant was designed to operate on treated sewage
water which is being supplied from Sen nursing Home and Delhi Gate Sewage
Treatment plants,
The present available capacity of this Station is 247.5 MW. Since it is a coal-
based station, Deshelled coal having ash contents less than 34% is being
procured from NCL, Bina. New ESPs have been commissioned recently on all
the units at a total cost of Rs.35 crores approx. to restrict the particulate
emission below 50mg/NM3.
All these units are quite old and need major R&M to remain in operating
condition for which certain schemes have been prepared.
PPCL combine cycle power plant uses both steam and gas to generate power.
These combine cycle plants produced higher energy conversion efficiency than
gas or steam alone plants. In PPCL a gas turbine generator generates electricity
and waste heat is used to make the steam to make additional electricity via
steam turbine, the last step enhances the efficiency of electricity generator.
Typically, combine cycle power plants utilizes heat from the gas turbine to
generate steam. In combine cycle power plant, the heat of the gas turbine
exhaust is used to generate steam by passing it through heat recovery steam
generate (HRSG) with live temperature between 420 degree C and 580-degree
C. In case of gas turbine Brayton cycle is used and Rankine cycle is used in case
of steam turbine.
Electronic mark-5 processor is used in case of both GT-1 and GT-2.
oil refineries, chemical plants, power stations and building cooling. The
towers vary in size from small roof-top units to very large
hyperboloid structures (as in Image 1) that can be up to 200 meters tall and
100 meters in diameter, or rectangular structures (as in Image 2) that can be
over 40 meters tall and 80 meters long. Smaller towers are normally factory-
built, while larger ones are constructed on site. Total 9 cooling tower are
available in this power plant.
The boiler is a rectangular furnace about 50 ft on a side and 130 ft tall. Its walls
are made of a web of high-pressure steel pressure tubes about 2.3 inches in
diameter. Pulverized coal is air blown into the furnace from fuel nozzle at the
four corners and it rapidly burns, forming a large fire ball at the centre. The
thermal radiation of the fire ball heats the water that circulates through the
boiler tubes near the boiler perimeter. The water circulation rate in the boiler
is three to four times the through put and is typically driven by pumps. As the
water in the boiler circulates it absorbs heat and changes into steam at 700˚F
(370˚C) and 3200 psi (22.1 Mpa). It is separated from the water inside a drum
at the top of the furnace. The saturated steam is introduced into superheat
pendant tubes that hang in the hottest part of the combustion gases as they
exit the furnace. Here the steam is superheated to 1000˚F (540˚C) to prepare it
for the turbine. Proper treatment of boiler feed water is an important part of
operating and maintaining a boiler system. As steam is produced, dissolved
solids become concentrated and form deposits inside the boiler. This leads to
poor heat transfer and reduces the efficiency of the boiler.
Boiler operation
3.6 HRSG:
HRSG is an energy recovery heat exchanger that recovers heat from a hot gas
stream. It produces steam that can be used in a process or used to drive a
steam turbine. This combination produces electricity more efficiently than
either the gas turbine or steam turbine alone. The HRSG is also an important
component in cogeneration plants. Cogeneration plants typically have a higher
overall efficiency in comparison to a combined cycle plant. This is due to the
loss of energy associated with the steam turbine The HRSG at PPCL,
Fig 3.6 HRSG at PPCL
Fig combined cycle of utility HRSG
Evaporator Section:
Superheater Section:
The Superheater Section of the HRSG is used to dry the saturated vapour
being separated in the steam drum. In some units it may only be heated to
little above the saturation point where in other units it may be superheated to
a significant temperature for additional energy storage. The Superheater
Section is normally located in the hotter gas stream, in front of the evaporator.
Economizer Section:
rotate in the currents caused by the hot water vapour. They form part of
a closed water cycle in which water condenses and is then heated until it
evaporates again. Steam turbines therefore do not come into contact
with the fuel deployed and work at temperatures between 500 and 650
°C. Several steam turbines are often arranged in a row so that –
configured for high, medium and low pressure – they are able to
optimally convert the respective steam pressure into rotational
A steam turbine is a mechanical device that extracts thermal energy
from pressurized steam, and converts it into useful mechanical work.
The available heat energy of the steam first is converted into kinetic
energy by the expansion of the steam in suitably shaped passage, or
nozzle, from which it issues as a jet, at a proper angle, against curved
blades mounted on a revolving disk or cylinder and by the reaction of
the jet itself as it leaves the curved passage. The pressure on the blades,
causing rotary motion, is solely due to the change of momentum of the
steam jet during its passage through these blades. The steam energy is
converted mechanical work by expansion through the turbine. The
expansion takes place through a series of fixed blades (nozzles) and
moving blades each row of fixed blades and moving blades is called a
stage. The moving blades rotate on the central turbine rotor and the
fixed blades are concentrically arranged within the circular turbine
casing which is substantially designed to withstand the steam pressure.
On large output turbines the duty too large for one turbine and a
number of turbine casing/rotor units are combined to achieve the duty.
These are generally arranged on a common centre line (tandem
mounted) but parallel systems can be used called cross compound
Working Cycle:
The steam turbine works on Rankine cycle, the Rankine cycle is a
thermodynamic cycle which converts heat into work. The heat is
supplied externally to a closed loop, which usually uses steam as the
working fluid. A Rankine cycle describes a model of the operation of
steam heat engines most commonly found in power generation plants.
Common heat sources for power plants using the Rankine cycle are coal,
natural gas, oil, and nuclear
Working cycle of steam turbine
Process 1-2: The Working fluid pumped from low to high pressure.
Process 2-3: The high-pressure liquid enters a boiler where it is heated at
constant pressure by an external heat source to become a dry saturated
Process 3-4: The dry saturated vapour expands through a turbine,
generating power.
Process 4-1: The wet vapor then enters into a condenser where it is
cooled at a constant pressure and temperature to become a saturated
Constructional Features:
H.P turbine:
The H.P turbine is of single flow, double shell construction with
horizontally split casings allowance is made for thermal movement of
the inner casing within the outer casing. The main steam enters the
inner casing from top and bottom.
L.P turbine:
The casing of the double flow L.P turbine is of three shell design. The
shells are of horizontally split welded construction. The inner casing
which carries the first rows of stationary blades is supported on the
outer casing so as to allow for thermal expansion.
The entire turbine is provided with reaction blading. The moving blades
of H.P turbine and the initial rows of L.P turbine with inverted T roots
and integral shrouding are machined from solid rectangular bar.
The H.P rotor is supported on two bearings a combined journal and
thrust bearing at its front and a journal bearing close to the coupling
with L.P motor. The L.P rotor has a journal bearing at its end. The
combined journal and thrust bearing take up residual thrust from both
Technical specification:
H.P turbine: Single flow with 28 reaction stages.
L.P turbine: Double flow with 8 reaction stages.
Main stop and control valves: 2
L.P stop and control valves: 2
Speed: -
Rated Speed: 50.0/s
Max. Speed no time limitation: 51.5/s
Min speed no time limitation: 47.5/s
on the other hand, rotate directly in the hot combustion gases. With
temperatures up to 1500 °C, these gases are much hotter than those in
steam turbines. For this reason, the blades are cooled with air that flows
out of small openings and creates a “protective film” between the
exhaust gases and the blades. Without cooling, the blade material would
quickly wear out A gas turbine, also called a combustion turbine, is a
rotary engine that extracts energy from a flow of combustion gas. It has
an upstream compressor coupled to a downstream turbine, and a
combustion chamber in-between. (Gas turbine may also refer to just the
turbine element.) Energy is added to the gas stream in the combustor,
where air is mixed with fuel and ignited. Combustion increases the
temperature, velocity and volume of the gas flow. This is directed
through a nozzle over the turbine's blades, spinning the turbine and
powering the compressor. Energy is extracted in the form of shaft
power, compressed air and thrust, in any combination, and used to
power aircraft, trains, ships, generators, and even tanks. Gas turbines
are described thermodynamically by the Brayton cycle, in which air is
compressed Isentropically, combustion occurs at constant pressure, and
expansion over the turbine occurs Isentropically back to the starting
The term Brayton cycle has more recently been given to the gas turbine
engine. This also has three components:
1. A gas compressor
2. A burner (or combustion chamber)
3. An expansion turbine
Gas turbine
Generator coil
The stator winding is made up of insulated copper conductor bars
that are distributed around the inside diameter of the stator core,
commonly called the stator bore, in equally spaced slots in the core
to ensure symmetrical flux linkage with the field produced by the
rotor. Each slot contains two conductor bars, one on top of the other.
These are generally referred to as top and bottom bars. Top bars are
the ones the slot opening (just under the wedge) and the bottom
bars are the ones at the slot bottom. The core area between slots is
generally called a core tooth.
The rotor winding is installed in the slots machined in the forging
main body and is distributed symmetrically around the rotor
between the poles. The winding itself is made up of many turns of
copper to form the entire series connected winding. All of the turns
associated with a single slot are generally called a coil. The coils are
wound into the windings lots in the forging, concentrically in
corresponding positions on opposite sides of a pole. The series
connection essentially creates a single multi-turn coil overall, that
develops the total ampere turns of the rotor (which is the total
current flowing in the rotor winding times the total number of turns).
There are numerous copper-winding designs employed in generator
rotors, but all rotor windings function basically in the same way. They
are configured differently for different methods of heat removal
during operation.
Switch yard
To bridge the gap between demand and supply and to have reliable
supply to the Capital City, a 330 MW combined cycle Gas Turbine
Power Project was set up on fast track basis. This plant consists of 2 x
104 MW Frame 9-E Gas Turbine Units commissioned in 2002 – 03 and
1 x 122 MW STG Unit commissioned in 2003 – 04. Gas supply has
been tied up with GAIL through HBJ Pipeline. The station is
performing satisfactorily meeting the targets set by DERC and CEA.
Salient Features:
Due to paucity of water this plant was designed to operate on
treated sewage water which is being supplied from Sen Nursing
Home & Delhi Gate STPs.
Emission of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) has been limited to 35 PPM,
lowest in the country, for which special technology is used by
installing Dry Low NOx Combustors.
With the commissioning of Pragati Power Station, total capacity of
IPGCL & PPCL is 994.5MW and all our efforts are made to maximize
the generation.
Brief history:
A contract was signed with M/s BHEL for installation of 330MW gas-
based power plant in the vicinity of 220V, I.P. Extension, Switchyard
on 05.05.2003. The station is comprised of 2x104MW gas turbines of
GT Frame-9E and 1x122MW steam turbine. The Waste Heat
emanating from gas turbines is being utilized to generate 122MW
power through steam turbine. The hot gases of 560o centigrade with
a mass flow of approx. 14000 metric ton per hour is passed through
02 Nos. waste heat recovery boilers of generate steam. The
environmental friendly quality power generation through this station
is pumped to 220kV Sub Station of Delhi Transco Limited and the
entire power is being utilized by citizen of Delhi.
The primary fuel for gas turbine is natural gas being supplied by M/s
GAIL through HBJ pipe line. The gas is received at GAIL Terminal
installed in the vicinity of the power station. M/s GAIL is committed
to supply 1.75 MCMD of gas on daily basis. The caloric value of
natural gas being received for power generation is in the band of
8200-8500 kilocalories. The secondary fuel for gas turbine id
HSD/Naphtha, which is to be used only in case no gas supply is
available. Demineralized water is injected to control NOx. While
machine is operated on Liquid fuel i.e. HSD/Naphtha.
Raw water:
Emission control:
In order to make control on flue gas emission specifically NOx. & CO2
a special emphasises being given. To control NOx & CO2, State of art,
Dry Low NOx. (DLN) Burners have been installed on gas turbine while
on natural gas. While the machine is to run on HSD/Naphtha water
injection arrangement has been provided to control the NOx. & CO2.
at present the value of NOx. & CO2 is in order on 17-18 PPM and
4.22% respectively on base load while O2 is 15%. The allowable limit
of NOx. approved by DPCC (Delhi Pollution Control Committee) is 35
PPM, however, there is no cap on CO2 emission.
This is the first plant in India with a facility to control NOx. emission
and is an eco-friendly power station.
The plant is now fully stabilized and average plant load factor is 90+
during the month of August and September 2003. All efforts are
made to active higher plant load factor.
During the training we find out the this power plant capacity is
330MW of electricity with the help of steam and 2 gas turbine in
which gas turbine capacity is 104MW of electricity in each gas turbine
and steam turbine capacity is 122MW of electricity and I find out the
some merits and demerits which is given below:-
1. Low operation and maintenance cost of this plant
2. Less space is occupied in this plant
3. Less gas storage
4. Cheaper fuels like natural gas
5. This plant less polluted to our environment
1. Temperature of combustion chamber is too high, which results in
shorter life time.
2.Gas turbine has low thermal efficiency
3. Has starting problem
4. Efficient only in combined cycle
a) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)has been implemented in
IPGCL & PPCL and go live achieved in a short span of 8 months in
b) Following certifications acquired by all the three Power stations
Pragati Rajghat and Indraprastha Gas Turbine;
c) ISO-9001:2000 for Quality Management
d) ISO-14001:2004 for Environment Management.
e) OHSAS-18001:2007 for Occupational Health & Safety
f) Pragati Power Corporation Ltd, has paid dividend to the
government of NCT of Delhi consecutively for the 6th year since