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Electrical Safety Data

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Electrical hazards can cause burns, shocks and electrocution (death).

 Assume that all overhead wires are energized at lethal voltages. Never assume that a wire is safe
to touch even if it is down or appears to be insulated.
 Never touch a fallen overhead power line. Call the electric utility company to report fallen electrical
 Stay at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from overhead wires during cleanup and other activities. If
working at heights or handling long objects, survey the area before starting work for the presence
of overhead wires.
 If an overhead wire falls across your vehicle while you are driving, stay inside the vehicle and
continue to drive away from the line. If the engine stalls, do not leave your vehicle. Warn people
not to touch the vehicle or the wire. Call or ask someone to call the local electric utility company
and emergency services.
 Never operate electrical equipment while you are standing in water.
 Never repair electrical cords or equipment unless qualified and authorized.
 Have a qualified electrician inspect electrical equipment that has gotten wet before energizing it.
 If working in damp locations, inspect electric cords and equipment to ensure that they are in good
condition and free of defects, and use a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI).
 Always use caution when working near electricity.

 Top 10 Rules for Electric Safety

 To play it safe around your home, just remember the rules for
using electricity the right way.

1. DON'T plug a bunch of stuff into one outlet or

extension cord.
It could damage the electrical system in your house or
even cause a fire.

2. DO ask grown-ups to put safety caps on all unused

electrical outlets.
Covering outlets will also help save energy by stopping cold

3. DON’T yank an electrical cord from the wall.

Pulling on a cord can damage the appliance, the plug or the
4. DO make sure all electric cords are tucked away,
neat and tidy.
Pets might chew on electrical cords, and people might trip
and fall.

5. DO ask a grown-up for help when you need to use

something that uses electricity.

6. DO look up and look out for power lines before you

climb a tree.
The electricity can go right through the tree branch - and
right through you!

7. DON'T ever climb the fence around an electrical

If a ball or pet gets inside the fence, ask a grown-up to call
the electric company - they'll come and get it out for you.

8. DO remind your mom or dad to watch out for

power lines when they're using a ladder, chainsaw or
other outdoor equipment.

9. DO keep electrical stuff far away from water.

Most electrical accidents around the house happen when
people use electricity near water.
10. DON’T fly a kite near power lines.
The kite and the string may conduct electricity – sending it
right through you to the ground.

5 electrical safety tips you should know for your home

 Replace or repair damaged power cords. Exposed wiring is a danger that cannot go
overlooked, the NFPA wrote. ...
 Don't overload your outlets. ...
 Avoid extension cords as much as possible. ...
 Keep electrical equipment or outlets away from water. ...
 Protect small children from hazards. ...
 Put us to the test!

The Importance of Electrical Safety. Almost everything in a workplace setting

today operates on electricity. ... This passage of electricity can cause great pain,
burns, and even fatalities. To protect workers, you should properly educate them and
ensure that your work environment is safe and free of electrical hazards.May 24, 2017

The main hazards of working with electricity are: electric shock and burns from contact
with live parts. injury from exposure to arcing, fire from faulty electricalequipment or

The main hazards with electricity are:

 contact with live parts causing shock and burns.
 faults which could cause fires;
 fire or explosion where electricity could be the source of ignition in a potentially
flammable or explosive atmosphere, e.g. in a spray paint booth.

Protective Equipment

 Nonconductive hard-hats, gloves, and foot protection or insulating mats.

 Eye and face protection whenever there is danger from electric arcs or flashes.
 Insulated tools or handling equipment.
 Protective shields and barriers to protect against electrical shock and burns.

Dangers of Electricity include a variety of hazards that include Electric Shock,

Psychological Damage, Physical Burns, Neurological Damage and Ventricular fibrillation
resulting in death. Any form of energy, when not properly controlled or harnessed, can result
in serious danger to those who use it.
The purpose of this program is to establish safe work practices that are intended to
prevent electric shock or other injuries resulting from either direct or
indirectelectrical contacts when work is performed near or on equipment or circuits which
are or may be energized and to comply with the HIOSH/OSHA Standard on

Workplace safety is very important for each and every employee in the industry because all
the workers desire to work in a safe and protected atmosphere. Health and safety is the key
factor for all the industries in order to promote the wellness of both employees and
An electrical risk is a risk to a person of death, shock or other injury caused directly or
indirectly by electricity. ... contact with exposed live parts causing electric shock and burns
(for example exposed leads or other electrical equipment coming into contact with metal
surfaces such as metal flooring or roofs)
There are four main types of injuries: electrocution (fatal), electric shock, burns, and falls.

Despite extensive research, to date there is no evidence to conclude that exposure to low
level electromagnetic fields is harmful to human health. The focus of international research
is the investigation of possible links between cancer and electromagnetic fields,
at power line and radiofrequencies.

Electrical safety devices. ... Because of this, it is extremely important to have

various safety devices to protect from fire and electrocution. Industrial electricityuse has
similar problems. This page examines these electrical safety devices. Namely, fuses,
circuit breakers, and ground fault circuit interrupters.
It's vitally important to take safety precautions when working with electricity. Safetymust
not be compromised and some ground rules need to be followed first. ... Avoid water at all
times when working with electricity. Never touch or try repairing anyelectrical equipment or
circuits with wet hands.

Depending on the job task to be performed, PPE for the electric power industry generally
includes safety glasses, face shields, hard hats, safety shoes, insulating (rubber) gloves
with leather protectors, insulating sleeves, and flame-resistant (FR) clothing.
PPE is equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work. It can
include items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility
clothing, safety footwear and safety harnesses. It also includes respiratory protective
equipment (RPE)

Stay safe after a hurricane, flood or other natural disaster

 NEVER touch a fallen power line.

 Do not drive through standing water if downed power lines are in the water.
 If you believe someone has had electric shock, call or have someone else call 911 or
emergency medical help.

On This Page

 Avoid electrical hazards both in your home and elsewhere

 If you believe someone has had electric shock take the following steps
Avoid electrical hazards both in your home and elsewhere:

 Never touch a fallen power line. Call the power company to report fallen power lines.
 Avoid contact with overhead power lines during cleanup and other activities.
 Do not drive through standing water if downed power lines are in the water.
 If a power line falls across your car while you are driving, stay inside the vehicle and continue
to drive away from the line. If the engine stalls, do not turn off the ignition. Warn people not
to touch the car or the line. Call or ask someone to call the local utility company and
emergency services. Do not allow anyone other than emergency personnel to approach your
 If electrical circuits and electrical equipment have gotten wet or are in or near water, turn
off the power at the main breaker or fuse on the service panel. Do not enter standing water
to access the main power switch. Call an electrician to turn it off.
 Never turn power on or off yourself or use an electric tool or appliance while standing in
water. Do not turn the power back on until electrical equipment has been inspected by a
qualified electrician. All electrical equipment and appliances must be completely dry before
returning them to service. Have a certified electrician check these items if there is any
 If you see frayed wiring or sparks when you restore power, or if there is an odor of
something burning but no visible fire, you should immediately shut off the electrical system
at the main circuit breaker.
 Consult your utility company about using electrical equipment, including power generators.
Do not connect generators to your home’s electrical circuits without the approved,
automatic-interrupt devices. If a generator is on line when electrical service is restored, it
can become a major fire hazard and it may endanger line workers helping to restore power
in your area.

Top of Page
If you believe someone has had electric shock take the following steps:

1. Look first. Don’t touch. The person may still be in contact with the
electrical source. Touching the person may pass the current through
2. Call or have someone else call 911 or emergency medical help.
3. Turn off the source of electricity if possible. If not, move the source away
from you and the affected person using a non-conducting object made
of cardboard, plastic or wood.
4. Once the person is free of the source of electricity, check the person’s
breathing and pulse. If either has stopped or seems dangerously slow or
shallow, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately.
5. If the person is faint or pale or shows other signs of shock, lay him or
her down with the head slightly lower than the trunk of the body and
the legs elevated.
6. Don’t touch burns, break blisters, or remove burned clothing. Electrical
shock may cause burns inside the body, so be sure the person is taken
to a doctor.

Electrical Safety
Electrically powered equipment can pose a significant hazard to workers,
particularly when mishandled or not maintained. Many electrical devices have
high voltage or high power requirements, carrying even more risk.

Electrical Shock Hazards

The major hazards associated with electricity are electrical shock, fire and arc
flash. Electrical shock occurs when the body becomes part of the electric circuit,
either when an individual comes in contact with both wires of an electrical circuit,
one wire of an energized circuit and the ground, or a metallic part that has become
energized by contact with an electrical conductor.

The severity and effects of an electrical shock depend on a number of factors, such
as the pathway through the body, the amount of current, the length of time of the
exposure, and whether the skin is wet or dry. Water is a great conductor of
electricity, allowing current to flow more easily in wet conditions and through wet

The effect of the shock may range from a slight tingle to severe burns to cardiac
arrest. The chart below shows the general relationship between the degree of
injury and amount of current for a 60-cycle hand-to-foot path of one second's
duration of shock. While reading this chart, keep in mind that most electrical
circuits can provide, under normal conditions, up to 20,000 milliamperes of current

Current Reaction
1 Milliampere Perception level
5 Milliamperes Slight shock felt; not painful but disturbing
6-30 Milliamperes Painful shock; “let-go” range
50-150 Milliamperes Extreme pain, respiratory arrest, severe muscular contraction
1000-4,300 Milliamperes Ventricular fibrillation
10,000+ Milliamperes Cardiac arrest, severe burns and probable death

In addition to the electrical shock hazards, sparks from electrical equipment can
serve as an ignition source for flammable or explosive vapors.

Arc Flash

A hazardous arc flash can occur in any electrical device, regardless of voltage, in
which the energy is high enough to sustain an arc. Potential places where this can
happen include:

 Panel boards and switchboards

 Motor control centers
 Metal clad switch gear
 Transformers
 Motor starters and drive cabinets
 Fused disconnects
 Any place that can have equipment failure

In an arc flash incident, an enormous amount of concentrated radiant energy

explodes outward from electrical equipment. The explosion creates pressure
waves that can damage a person’s hearing, a high-intensity flash that can damage
their eyesight and a superheated ball of gas that can severely burn a worker’s body
and melt metal.

Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices

Only qualified workers who have been trained in the avoidance of electrical
hazards are permitted to work on or near exposed energized parts. Safety related
work practices are employed to prevent electric shock or other injuries resulting
from either direct or indirect electrical contact when work is performed near or on
equipment or circuits which are or may be energized. The specific safety-related
work practices must be consistent with the nature and extent of the associated
electrical hazards.
Qualified Personnel vs. Unqualified Personnel

For the purposes of electrical safety related work practices, there are two types of
employees in the work place that may come in contact with electrical equipment on
a jobsite: qualified and unqualified. A Qualified employee is defined as a worker

 Has been trained to avoid electrical hazards when working on or near

exposed energized parts.
 Is familiar with the safety related work practices as required by OSHA
 Is able to distinguish exposed live parts of electrical equipment.
 Is knowledgeable of the skills and techniques used to determine the
nominal voltages of exposed parts and components.

An Unqualified employee is defined as a worker who has little or no training

regarding electrical hazards. Even though unqualified persons should not be
exposed to energized parts, they should be provided with information and training
necessary to perform their job in a safe manner and understand the following:

 Be familiar with any electrical hazards in the workplace.

 Understand procedures to follow and to protect themselves when they
work around electricity.
 Understand which tasks that can only be performed by qualified workers
(e.g. maintenance and repairs).
 Know when and how to report electrical problems.
 Know what to do in the event of emergency involving electricity.
 Know how to inspect electrical tools and equipment before use to make
sure insulation and wiring are in good condition.

Live parts to which an employee may be exposed must be deenergized before the
employee works on or near them unless deenergizing the parts introduces
additional or increased hazards or is unfeasible due to equipment design or
operational limitations. Examples of increased or additional hazards include
interruption of life support equipment, deactivation of emergency alarm systems,
shutdown of hazardous location ventilation equipment, or removal of illumination
for an area. Live parts that operate at less than 50 volts to ground need not be
deenergized if there are no increased exposures to electrical burns or to explosions
due to electric arcs

Working On or Near Energized Circuits

Live parts to which an employee may be exposed must be deenergized before the
employee works on or near them unless deenergizing the parts introduces
additional or increased hazards or is unfeasible due to equipment design or
operational limitations. Examples of increased or additional hazards include
interruption of life support equipment, deactivation of emergency alarm systems,
shutdown of hazardous location ventilation equipment, or removal of illumination
for an area. Live parts that operate at less than 50 volts to ground need not be
deenergized if there are no increased exposures to electrical burns or to explosions
due to electric arcs.

Deenergized Parts

When employees work on deenergized parts or near enough to them to expose the
employees to any electrical hazard they present, the following safety related work
practices must be followed:

 Treat as energized any conductors and parts of electrical equipment that

have been deenergized, but have not been properly locked out or tagged.
 While any employee is exposed to contact with parts of fixed electric
equipment or circuits which have been deenergized, the circuits energizing
the parts shall be locked out or tagged or both. In addition, electrical
hazards must be controlled; a qualified person must test the circuit to
verify deenergization from all voltage sources.
 Safe procedures for deenergizing circuits and equipment must be
determined before circuits or equipment are deenergized. All electric
energy sources must be disconnected. Control circuit devices, such as push
buttons, electric switches, and interlocks must not be used as the sole
means of deenergizing circuits or equipment. Interlocks must not be used
as a substitute for lockout and tagging procedures.

Energized Parts

Employees are considered working on or near exposed energized parts when

working on exposed live parts either by direct contact or contact be means of tools
or materials or when working near enough to energized parts to be exposed to any
hazard they present. Only qualified persons are permitted to work on electric
circuit parts or equipment that have not been deenergized (lockout/tag
out). Qualified persons are capable of working safely on energized circuits and are
familiar with the proper use of special precautionary techniques, personal
protective equipment, insulating and shielding materials, and insulated tools.

Approach distances for qualified person to alternating current

Voltage Range (Phase to Phase) Minimum Approach Distance
300V and less Avoid contact
Over 300V, not over 750V 1 foot
Over 750V, not over 2kV 1 ft. 6 in.
Over 2kV, not over 15kV 2 feet
Over 15kV, not over 37kV 3 feet
Over 37kV, not over 87.5kV 3 ft. 6 in.
Over 87.5kV, not over 121kV 4 feet

Overhead Lines

When work is to be performed near overhead lines, the lines must be deenergized
and grounded, or other protective measures taken before the work is started. Such
protective measures, such as guarding, isolating or insulating, shall prevent the
qualified person performing the work from contacting the lines with any part of
their body or indirectly through conductive material, tools, or equipment.

Unqualified persons working in an elevated location near overhead lines are not
allowed to come closer or to handle the conductive objects which may contact or
come closer to any unguarded, energized overhead line than the following

Voltage to Ground Distance

50kV or below 10 feet
Over 50kV 10 feet (plus 4 in. for each 10kV over 50kV)

Unqualified persons working on the ground in the vicinity of overhead lines are not
allowed to bring a conductive object or any insulated object which does not have
the proper insulating rating closer to unguarded, energized overhead lines that the
distance specified above.

Qualified persons working in the vicinity of overhead lines, whether in an elevated

position or on the ground, are not allowed to approach or take any conductive
object without an approved insulating handle closer to exposed energized parts that
in the table above, Approach Distance for Qualified Persons, unless a.) The person
is insulated from the energized part by using the proper gloves, with sleeves if
necessary, rated for the voltage involved, or b.) The energized part is insulated
from all the person, or c.) The person is insulated from all conductive objects at
the potential different from the energized part.

Electrical Safety Protective Methods

Use of Protective Equipment

Employees working in areas where there are potential electrical hazards must be
provided with and use electrical protective equipment appropriate for the parts of
the body to be protected and the work performed. Protective equipment must be
maintained in a safe, reliable condition and be periodically inspected or tested as
required by 29 CFR 1910.137, Electrical Protective Devices. Where the insulating
capability of protective equipment is subject to damage during use, the insulating
material must be protected by covering with leather or other appropriate materials.
Nonconductive head protection must be worn wherever there is danger of head
injury from electrical shock or burns due to contact with exposed energized parts.
Protective equipment for the eyes must be worn where there is danger of eye
and/or face injury from electric arcs and flashes or flying objects resulting from

General Protective Equipment and Tools

Insulated tools and handling equipment must be used by employees working near
exposed energized conductors or circuit parts if the tools and/or equipment may
make contact with the conductors or parts. The insulating material of tools and
equipment must be protected where it is subject to damage. Fuse handling
equipment, insulated for the circuit voltage, must be used to remove or install fuses
when the fuse terminals are energized. All ropes and hand lines used near exposed
energized parts must be nonconductive. Protective shields, protective barriers, or
insulating material must be used to protect employees from shock, burns, or other
electrical related injuries while employees are working near exposed energized
parts which might be contacted or where dangerous electric heating or arcing
might occur. When normal enclosed live parts are exposed for maintenance or
repair, the parts must be guarded to protect unqualified persons from contact with
the live parts.

Alerting Techniques

Alerting techniques must be used to warn and protect employees from electrical
shock hazards, burns, or failure of electric equipment parts. Safety signs, safety
symbols, or accident prevention tags must be used where necessary to warn
employees about electrical hazards which may endanger them. Barricades should
be used in conjunction with safety signs where necessary to prevent or limit
employee access to work areas exposing employees to un-insulated energized
conductors or circuit parts. Conductive barricades must not be used where they
might cause an electrical contact hazard. An attendant should be stationed to warn
and protect employees where signs and barricades do not provide sufficient
warning and protection.
Arc Flash Personal Protective Equipment
This Personal Protective Equipment provides protection after an arc flash incident
has occurred and should be viewed as the last line of protection. Selection of the
appropriate PPE for the task to be performed is based upon hazard categories found
in NFPA 70E – 2004, which should appear on labeled electrical panels and

The following table is provided as a quick reference. Workers must ensure that
they have reviewed all appropriate safety requirements before work begins.

Personal Protective Equipment Requirements for Arc Flash Protection

Category PPE Requirements
0 ≤2 cal/cm² Non-melting or untreated natural fiber
1 4 cal/cm² Fire Resistant (FR) shirt and pants
2 8 cal/cm² Fire Resistant shirt and pants, cotton underwear
3 25 cal/cm² Two layers Fire Resistant clothing, cotton underwear
Fire Resistant shirt and pants, multilayer flash suit, cotton
4 40 cal/cm²

Face protection includes face shield and/or safety glasses. Hand protection includes
leather over rubber for arc flash protection. Leather work boots above 4 cal/cm².

Working Outdoors and Extension Cords

Working Outdoors

Electrical hazards on construction or renovation sites or work performed outdoors

must be controlled through the use of Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs).

 All 120-volt, single-phase, 15 or 20 ampere receptacles that are not part of

permanent wiring must be protected by GFCIs. (Receptacles on smaller
generators are exempt under certain situations. Consult with your
supervisor or EHS with any questions.).
 Light bulbs used for general illumination must be protected from breakage.
 Temporary lights must not be suspended by their cords, unless so
 Portable lights or tools used in wet or conductive locations must be
protected by GFCIs or operate at 12 volts or less.
Extension Cords

 Workers must visually inspect extension cords and cord and plug
connected equipment daily before use. Damaged extension cords must be
removed from service and destroyed. Damaged or defective equipment
must be removed from service and destroyed or repaired by a qualified
 Extension cords must be three-wire type. Extension cords or flexible cords
used for lighting must be designed for hard or extra hard usage (e.g., types
S, ST, SO)
 Flexible cords must be connected to devices and fittings so that strain relief
is provided and prevents pull from being directly transmitted to joints or
terminal screws

Page 1 of 3 Electrical Safety Doc. No. IITB/ISG/02/Rev.0 Introduction All systems which use electrical
energy have the potential to cause serious harm. Injuries caused by electric current Electric current
can pass through the body when the body becomes part of the electric circuit. Electric current
flowing through the body can cause:  electric shock  electrocution  burns caused by electric
current and arc flash The severity of the injury depends on:  Amount of current flowing through the
body.  Path of the current through the body.  Length of time the body is in the circuit.  The
voltage of the current. The following table contains details of the effect of alternating electric
current during a hand-tofoot shock of one second duration: Current level (milliamperes) Probable
Effect on Human Body 1 mA Perception level. Slight tingling sensation. 5 mA Slight shock felt; not
painful but disturbing. Average individual can let go. 6 – 16 mA Painful shock. Loss of muscular
control. Commonly referred to as the freezing current or "let-go" range. 17 – 99 mA Extreme pain,
respiratory arrest, severe muscular contractions. Individual cannot let go the source in contact with.
Can cause ventricular fibrillation. 100 – 2000 mA Ventricular fibrillation (uneven pumping of the
heart.) Muscular contraction and nerve damage begins to occur. Death likely. Page 2 of 3 Electrical
Safety Doc. No. IITB/ISG/02/Rev.0 > 2,000 mA Cardiac arrest, internal organ damage, and severe
burns. Death probable. A person receiving a shock caused by grabbing a bare conductor can
generally release himself when the current passing through his body is less than 15 mA. The high
resistance of a dry skin is rapidly broken down by a high voltage. High voltages can cause violent
muscular contraction, often so severe that the victim is thrown clear. An electric shock may injure
the human body in several ways:  Contraction of chest muscles causing interference with breathing,
leading to asphyxiation.  Temporary paralysis of the nerve center leading to breathing failure. 
Ventricular fibrillation which is an irregular movement of heart muscles leading to failure of blood
circulation. The heart cannot spontaneously recover, causing death.  Hemorrhage and destruction
of nerves, tissues and muscles, caused mainly by heat.  When electricity passes through the body, it
can interfere with the normal electrical signals between the brain and other body systems.  Arc
flashes result in intense heat causing burns or ignition of other materials.  Contact with high voltage
can cause burns in internal tissues. Precautions to be taken while working with electricity  Check for
damage on power plugs, wire and other electrical fittings. If found damaged, repair or replace
damaged equipment immediately.  Keep electrical wires of equipment away from hot surfaces to
prevent damage of the insulation.  Do not lay electric wires along passage. It can be a trip hazard.
Further contact with sharp edges can cause damage to insulation leading to short circuit.  Know the
location of switches/circuit breaker boxes for use in case of an emergency.  All circuit breakers in
the switch board must be clearly labelled for easy identification.  Access to circuit breakers must
not be blocked. Page 3 of 3 Electrical Safety Doc. No. IITB/ISG/02/Rev.0  Extension cords must be
used only to supply power temporarily.  Do not handle electrical equipment when hands, feet or
body are wet or perspiring, or when standing on a wet floor.  Consider all floors as conductive
unless covered with insulating matting of suitable type for electrical work.  Whenever possible, use
only one hand when working on circuits or control devices.  Do not wear rings, metallic
watchbands, chains etc. when working with electrical equipment. Precautions to be taken while
using power tools  Before connecting the tool to the power supply, switch the tool OFF. 
Disconnect power supply before making adjustments.  The tool must be properly grounded with a
3-wire cord with a 3-prong plug. Use double insulated tools wherever possible.  Do not use
electrical tools in wet conditions or damp locations unless the tool is connected to an Earth Leakage
Circuit Breaker.

Electrical safety standards

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Electrical safety is a system of organizational measures and technical means to prevent harmful
and dangerous effects on workers from electric current, electric arc, electromagnetic
field and static electricity.


 1History
 2Lightning and Earthing protection
o 2.1Earthing protection systems
o 2.2Lightning protection systems
 3Physiological Effects of Electricity
 4Electrical safety standards
 5Lightning protection standards
 6Electronics and Communications
o 6.1Electronic products safety standards
o 6.2Communication and high frequency safety standards
 7See also
 8Gallery
 9References

The electrical safety develops with the technical progress. In 1989 OSHA[1] promulgated a much-
needed regulation in the General Industry Regulations. Several standards are defined for control
of hazardous energy, or lockout/tagout. In 1995 OSHA was successful in promulgation of
regulations for utility.[2] In 1994 were established Electrical Safety Foundation
International non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to promoting electrical safety at home
and in the workplace.[3]

 Standard 29 CFR 1910.269 - for electric power generation, transmission, and distribution,
contained comprehensive regulations and addressed control of hazardous energy sources
for power plant locations
Standards are compared with those of IEEE and NFPA(National Fire Protection Association).[4]

Lightning and Earthing protection[edit]

Lightning and Earthing protection systems are essential for the protection
of humans, structures,protecting buildings from mechanical destruction caused by lightning
effects and the associated risk of fire, Transmission lines, and electrical equipment from electric
shock and Overcurrent.[5]
Earthing protection systems[edit]

TT earthing system

 TT system
 TN system
 IT system[6]
Lightning protection systems[edit]

 lightning rod (simple rod or with triggering system)

 lightning rod with taut wires.
 lightning conductor with meshed cage (Faraday cage)

Physiological Effects of Electricity[edit]

Electrical shocks on humans can lead to permanent disabilities or death. Size, frequency and
duration of the electrical current affect the damage.[7] The effects from electric shock can be:
stopping the heart beating properly, preventing the person from breathing, causing muscle
spasms. The skin features also affect the consequences of electric shock.[8]

Electric shock graph

 Indirect contact - can be avoided by automatic disconnection for TT system, automatic

disconnection for TN systems, automatic disconnection on a second fault in an IT system,
measures of protection against direct or indirect contact without automatic disconnection of
 Direct contact - can be avoided by protection by the insulation of live parts, protection by
means of barriers or enclosures, partial measures of protection, particular measures of

Electrical safety standards[edit]

 Australia (AUS) AS(Australian Standards) - Australia - AS/NZS 3000:2007,AS/NZS
3012:2010,AS/NZS 3017:2007,AS/NZS 3760:2010,AS/NZS 4836:2011[10]
 Bulgaria (BUL) БДС(Български Държавен Стандарт) - (On English:Bulgarian state
standard) - БДС 12.2.096:1986 Bulgaria[11]
 Brazil (BRA) BNR(Brazilian National Regulation) - NR10 Brazil[12]
 China (CHN) GB/CCC - China GB4943,GB17625,GB9254[13]
 Germany (GER) IEEE/TÜV - Germany NSR Niederspannungsrichtlinie 2014/35/EU [14]
 France (FRA) NF(La norme français) C 15-100 - Aspects de la norme d’installation
électrique France[15]
 Great Britain (GBR) BS(British standard) - United Kingdom[16] BS EN 61439,BS 5266,BS
5839,BS 6423,BS 6626,BS EN 62305,BS EN 60529
 India (IND) IS(India Standardization) - India - IS-5216,IS-5571,IS-6665[17]
 Poland (POL) PN(Polska Norma) - Poland - PN-EN 61010-2-201:2013-12E[18]
 Russia (RUS) ГОСТ - ГОСТ,ГОСТ Р МЭК 61140-2000,ГОСТ
75,ГОСТ Р 52726-2007 Russia|[19]
 United States (USA) NFPA,IEEE STD 80,IEEE STD 80 - United States[20]
NFPA 496,NFPA 70

Lightning protection standards[edit]

 United States (USA) NFPA 780, IEC 62305
 Russia (RUS) СТО 083-004-2010,ГОСТ Р МЭК 62561.2-2014
 Bulgaria (BUL) БДС EN 62305-1:2011
 France (FRA) Norme NF C 15-100
 Germany (GER) DIN EN 62305-1
 Poland (POL) PN-EN 62305
 Great Britain (GBR) BS-EN 62305
 Spain (ESP) UNE 21186. Protección contra el rayo
 India (IND) IS 2309
 China (CHN) GB/T 36490-2018

Electronics and Communications[edit]

Electronic products safety standards[edit]
The manufacturers of electronic tools must be taken into account with a several standard for
electronic safety and protect the health of the humans and animals.

 ANSI C95.3:1972 - Techniques & instrumentation for measurement of

potentially hazardous electromagnetic radiation at microwave frequencies.[21]

 Argentina (ARG) CNC-St2-44.01 V02.1.1 [22]

 Mexico (MEX) NOM-152
 Israel (ISR) MET MOC 023/96
Communication and high frequency safety standards[edit]
Few standard were introduced for the harmful impact from high frequency, Canada (CAN) CB-
02 Radio Equipment[23]

 ANSI/IEEE 1.2 mW/Cm for antennas 1800-2000 MHz range.[24]

 Radio Communication safety United States (USA) ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992,[25]
Russia (RUS) ГОСТ Р 50829-95
 Mobile Communication safety 73/23/EEC and 91/263/EEC[26]

See also[edit]
 Extra-low voltage
 Electrical safety testing

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