Dishwasher Cycle Chart - Condensation Dry System: Fast Track Troubleshooting
Dishwasher Cycle Chart - Condensation Dry System: Fast Track Troubleshooting
Dishwasher Cycle Chart - Condensation Dry System: Fast Track Troubleshooting
IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE – ―For Technicians Only‖ This service data sheet is
intended for use by persons having electrical, electronic, and mechanical experience
Models: and knowledge at a level generally considered acceptable in the appliance repair trade.
DMR57***/XAA Any attempt to repair a major appliance may result in personal injury and property
DMR77***/XAA damage. The manufacturer or seller cannot be responsible, nor assume any liability for
DMR78***/XAA injury or damage of any kind arising from the use of this data sheet.
Publication # tsDMR57 Revision Date 03/03/2011
Training — Plus One Which Detergent Ingredients Give Best D/W Performance Detergent with a separate rinse additive in the dispenser gives better dry-
ing performance. For tough baked on soils an Enzyme detergent is better
clientPortals/samsung/ at hydration of the food soils.
Help — GSPN http:// For staining such as tomato, coffee and tea, a detergent with Chlorine bleach will work on the stains much better than an Enzyme based deter-
Samsung Product Support TV gent. Now that phosphate content in dishwasher detergent has plummeted to
0.5 percent from as high as 8.7 percent, conditioned (soft) water is even
spstv/howto.jsp more critical. The reduction of phosphates may cause spots and film on
Customer information videos and chat dishes that can form when the minerals and food bits combine during the
programs. Programs for Fridges, wash.
Laundry, Ranges & D/W It is important to test water hardness for washability complaints..
1-Power Relay Driver
2-Heater Relay Driver CN1 PBA Power
PCB before 5-1-2009
3-Half Load Sensor 1 120vac
DMR77 only 3 120vac CN2 LED Driver
4-Trubidity Sensor
5-Trubidity Transmitter
7-6 5vdc CN4 Disp LED Driver
8-Rinse Aid Sensor DMR77 only
9-6 12vdc
t2 Circulation Motor Nozzle does 1. Press the Delay Start key to start or Place some cups on
not spray stop the pump. racks and run circu-
2. If a low water level is detected, water lation pump to verify
is supplied again and the operation water distribution in
continues. tub.
t3 Circulation HE error 1. Press the Delay Start key to start or After temp increases
Motor, Heater, Ther- stop heater and circulation pump. 2 degrees C, time is
mistor 2. If a low water level is sensed, water about 50 seconds
is supplied again and the operation for each degree C
continues. increase
3. The current temperature is shown on
the display.
4. It operates up to 70ºC.
t4 Fan Motor Fan Motor not Press the Delay Start key to start or Listen for fan run-
working stop the fan motor. ning
t5 Drain Pump, 5E error 1. Press the Delay Start key to start the pump out is approxi-
Low Level 2 parts. mately 30 seconds
Sensor 2. ―t5‖ starts blinking while water is be-
ing drained.
3. When draining is finished, ―t5‖ is dis-
played without blinking.
t8 Synchronous Motor, PE Error 1. If you press the Delay Start key, the ON 8 seconds, OFF
Micro S/W parts operate just once. 4 seconds
2. There is no stop function.
3. While the synchronous motor is op-
erating, its sensing state is displayed
as On/OFF on the 88 segment display.
4. When the synchronous motor stops,
the sensing state (On/OFF) of the micro
switch is displayed.