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Eating Habits: - (Monologue)

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First of all, I would like to start with this sentence "we are what we eat". Personally, I
think THIS STATEMENT's true, because, eating is the base not only for our health but
ALSO FOR our life.

Next, I'm going to talk about my personal diet. I'm a healthy person. I take care of my
diet and I do exercise three times a week. Besides, I couldn’t live without follow a
varied diet. I usually have vegetables, meat, chicken, fish, rice, pasta, eggs, brown
bread, flakes, dairy products and fruit.

In this line, I am really keen on Mediterranean diet because is full of vitamins,

minerals, and good fats and of course full of wonderfully delicious meals. My favourite
dish is “Paella”. It is a typical Valencian dish made with rice, vegetables and chicken.

About the dishes that I cook, I usually cook grilled or roasted chicken, fish and meat.
On the other hand, I prefer to cook / COOKING boiled vegetables, rice or pasta with a
little olive oil.
Moreover, I always try to eat home-made food and when I don’t have enough time to
cook I prepare healthy fast food such as salads with grilled fish or meat. I don’t
usually eat out but when I do, I prefer to going out to Italian and Vegetarian restaurants
because their food is healthier than the others.

About my MEALS, I usually have five meals per day. For breakfast, I have an orange
juice, a cup of coffee with milk, and flakes or a toast. At mid-morning, I usually have a
YOGURT or a piece of fruit. For lunch, I have pasta or rice twice a week and the other
days I have vegetables, fish or meat. I always have a piece of fruit before the meal
because nutritionists recommend EATING FRUIT before lunch. For snack, In the
afternoon, I usually have a cup of coffee, or sometimes tea. And for dinner, I usually
have a light dinner -- grilled fish or chicken, or an omelette with fresh cheese.

On the properties of food, food experts say that brain is affected by what you eat and
drink. For example: Food which is high in carbohydrates can make us more relaxed and
happy (when you’re feeling a bit down). Food which is rich in protein makes us feel
awake and focused. (before doing sport, exercise and exam)

Finally I want to talk about young people eating habits. Children and teenagers have
really bad eating habits. Most of them don’t get enough food at breakfast or don’t have
breakfast. They also love sweets and bakery which are full of sugar and saturated fats.
When they eat out with friends they usually go to fast food restaurants like McDonalds
and Burger King because they consider this type of food very tasty and cheaper. In
general, they don’t like fruits and vegetables so that’s why it is so important to teach
them to eat healthily from an earlier age.

(1) In conclusion, I like to take care of what I eat, because my health and my mind will
be better if I eat healthy and I do exercise regularly / IF I FOLLOW A HEALTHY
(2) Anyway, for concluding, I’d like to point out that everybody should be worry about
their diet not only to have a good appearance but also to feel good and healthy. If we
keep an eye on what we eat and follow a balance diet, we’ll live longer and happier.
1. Are you saver or spender?

Normally, I’m saver because I try to buy only those products that I need. When I want
to buy something more expensive. I plan to safe money for a couple of weeks /months.
In that way, I avoid taking money from the bank and I can manage my salary better

2. Ever borrowed or lend money?

I don't mind lending money to a friend when he really needs it, I think we live in an
increasingly selfish society and the concept of "today for you, tomorrow for me" is
being lost. For this reason, I believe that helping others is the best way to improve and
grow as a person.

3. Do you ever waste money?

Normally, I usually compare the price of each product before buying them, to save
money, however, some years ago, I bought a gamer pc in an online store and I didn’t
pay attention to their system requirements, so when I received the pc at home, I realized
that its graphic card was outdated and I had to request a new one more modern with an
additional cost. It was a disaster!

4. Shopping things you like buying?

In this line, the products that I buy the most are food and technology, but I prefer to buy
them online instead of going to a traditional store. Because it causes me less stress, I can
choose each product with a simple click and I do not need to pay in cash, only with a
credit card.
Solidarity must be one of the basic principles that moves the world if we want to
achieve a certain quality of life for people regardless of the country where they are
located and their wealth.

In this line, there are several charities like UNICEF or The Red Cross, which are formed
by volunteers and looking to raise money and resources to help the countries and people
that need it most.

Personally, I have participated in numerous campaigns such as: an annual Save of the
Children street market or charity careers where all the benefits are destined for
investment in developing countries or raising funds for the study and treatment of
diseases weird.

In this line, I think it is clear that charities are the best way to coordinate volunteers and
resources efficiently so that they can reach the places that need it most. Likewise, the
fact that there are several branches of each organization in different countries,
contributes to promote awareness campaigns among people

About if I have ever participated as a volunteer, I have to say that my family works as a
volunteer at our local food bank. And once a year, I collaborate in the Christmas
campaign to collect food that is made by the town's supermarkets.

Finally I would like to reflect on about if it is better to give time or money, I believe that
both options are valid because we can’t always go directly to the places where it is most
needed. In this line I believe that the main priority of any solidarity organization should
be to improve the infrastructure of the country at risk of poverty, through the provision
of resources and the training of native staff
Before starting the monologue, I think that it is important to define what we
understand for stereotypes. Stereotypes are generalizations or assumptions that people
make about the characteristics of a group, based on an image about what people in that
group are like. They are often wrong .

Next I am going to examine examples of stereotypes assigned to different nationalities:

*Spanish people always take a nap in the afternoon, they wear bullfighter outfit and
they are lazy people. As Spaniard who has lived in different cities of Spain, I can assure
you that these stereotypes are not true .
Spanish people can't be considered lazy, in fact Spain is one of the western countries
where it is worked more hours annually. In that area it is likely that Spaniards need to
be more efficient .
On the other hand Spanish people are accused of speaking loud and being impolite than
British people. That is probably true.

*British people are hooligans and they drink a lot. In my opinion we have this image of
english people due to english football fans and english tourists .
When football fans come to Spain, they are always in the news, because they are used to
making vandalism when the football game is over.
On the other hand, when english young tourists visit Spain, they drink a lot.
In both cases, I think english people come to Spain and they do things they wouldn't do
in UK. They are aware they are in a foreign country out of sight of their parents,
neighbors and so on. For this reason, they take advantage.

*French people are said to be arrogant and patriotic. I don't know many french people,
but they aren't arrogant or patriotic, on the contrary, they are very friendly and gentle
However, I do believe that France is a country that extols patriotism. For instance I can
remember when they celebrated their national holiday last year, an important French
actress was dressed with French flag and she was singing the marseillaise in champs
elysses in Paris. Another example, when their politicians make a speech, they are
always remembering they are the best country in the world, they have contributed to the
social and moral progress of humanity, and so on.

I could continue with examples of other countries stereotypes, but it would be very

To conclude with the monologue, I would like to add that stereotypes can be true or
false, but they are important because they help to define our group identity against other
Often, we have people in our lives who are a role model on what we would like to be
and how we would like to act.

If I had to give an example about someone I really admired, I would possibly choose
Korah, he has 36 years old and he is a famous dubber and Youtuber who had to
combine, from a very early age, his High School studies with his work as a voice actor,
it was a bit of a gamble but finally he was able to combine them . The reasons are
obvious, he is a tenacious person who always follows his dreams and has worked very
hard to get them, without losing his sense of humor. Besides this, he has proved to be an
excellent professional because he does his work efficiently and makes people laugh.

About the era of celebrities from reality TV, youtube and other social media, I can
say that most are an effervescent product whose fame is only temporary. Social
networks contribute a lot to determine if you are a famous person or not, depending on
your number of followers. There are many companies that take advantage of the boom
of new technologies among young people to hire "influencers", people who have a large
number of followers and they know how to promote their products through their profiles
in different social networks.

Another issue that we must consider is that instant fame entails a whole series of
advantages and disadvantages.

The best thing about being famous, like an actor or a footballer, is the money you
make. People always stop you and ask you for your autograph and to have their picture
taken with you. You can get a seat at the best restaurants wherever you go and at any
time and sometimes without even booking. Sometimes you can get clothes for free from
top designers. If you are rich and famous, you can afford ( te puedes permitir ) a
luxurious house. You also get to meet other famous people. If you are lucky and you
make lots of money, you can retire in an early age.

The disadvantages of being famous are having to go everywhere with bodyguards.

Reporters and photographers follow you twenty four hours day and print false stories to
try to damage your reputation. Sometimes people want to be your friend but you don´t
know if it´s because you are famous or because they truly like you or they just want
your money.

Finally if you ask me if I would like to be a celebrity or not, I would say absolutely not,
because famous people can never live in peace and protect their privacy

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