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1.Your best friend

My close friend is Nguyet. We've known each other since our high school years. Back then, she was
the class president. In my eyes, she was a responsible, enthusiastic person, always eager to help
others.She has a unique personality, strong and always has her own opinions. Her way of thinking is
very different from others, very distinctive, and she always cares about everyone. In her work, she is
very serious, prepares everything meticulously, and always researches the issues beforehand.
Occasionally, she used to pick me up for school, and on the way back home, we would visit a few
favorite places like the bookstore, a bridge in the park,shopping mall or simply grab a drink and chat.
Currently, she is in Japan, gaining professional experience to build her career. In a little over 2 years,
she will return, and we will be able to meet again.

Unit 2
1.Factors of happiness
Happiness comes from a bunch of different things. One big part is having good relationships and
friends. When you feel connected and supported by the people around you, it makes you happy.
Doing things that you love and that give your life meaning is very important. For example, when you
follow your passions, achieve your goals, and do stuff that makes you happy, it really boosts your
mood. Feeling healthy, both in your body and mind, is another big factor. If you can find a balance
between work and fun stuff, be grateful for what you have, and stay positive even when things get
tough, it all adds up to a happier life. So, it's like a mix of friends, doing what you love, staying healthy,
and keeping a good attitude that.

2.Things you enjoy doing in your free time

I love my free time because it’s time to relax and refresh myself There are many thing I want
to do in my free timebut the time is limited .For example,I love going out with my friend to
the coffee shop and I will take photos.We can talk and share our experiences.Then,we also
have a delicious meal in familiar restaurant.I am a foodie so I enjoy it.Besides I love going for
a walk in the park,taking a deep breath and enjoy the fresh air .It’s make me feel relaxed and
calm.It refreshes my soul and helps me have more energy.And sometimes,I just want to stay
at home and do something for example cooking ,cleaning,…
( I love watching movies,especially romantic and comedy movies.It allows me to
entertainment after a long day.It allows me to entertain after a long day.I’m learning E these
day,so sometimes I choose to watch some English movies.I can also learn a lot of through
this way.It help me stay away from bored in learing.
I also love taking photos when I go out with my friend.You know,there are days when we
really love life.And talking pictures is a good way to save that moment.They will remind that
how beautiful and happy we were at time.We usually forget many things because of busy
life.So it’s a great way to keep my memories.
And there is another hobby that is cooking .Cooking allows me to create new dishes
following my taste.Moreover,it helps me to maintain a healthy lifestyle.I can take good care
of myself .So I really enjoy doing it.)

3.Ideas or opinion of a perfect day

In my opinion, a perfect day is one where I wake up to the gentle warmth of the sun's rays, with a
sense of tranquility in the air. I'd start with a delicious breakfast and a good book, followed by a
leisurely walk in a beautiful park. Spending quality time with loved ones, sharing laughter and stories,
would be essential. A perfect day would also include pursuing a hobby, perhaps painting or playing a
musical instrument. The day will culminate with a stunning sunset and a quiet moment of reflection.
Such a day brings a sense of contentment and fills the heart with joy.

A perfect day, to me, is a day filled with moments of good fortune and achieving personal goals. It's a
day where I wake up with a sense of purpose, and everything seems to fall into place. It's not
necessarily a day without challenges but a day when I overcome them with determination. A perfect
day is also about helping others, making a positive impact, and working diligently towards my dreams.
It's a day where I feel fulfilled and grateful for the opportunities that come my way, making it truly

4.What makes a good neighbor

A good neighbor is someone who is friendly, helpful, and respectful. They are always willing
to lend a hand when you need it, whether it's borrowing a cup of sugar or helping with a
household task. A good neighbor also keeps noise levels in check and takes care of their
property, creating a pleasant environment for everyone. Communication is key, and a good
neighbor is approachable and open to resolving any issues that may arise. In essence, being
a good neighbor is about kindness, consideration, and being part of a supportive community.
To me,a mature neighbor will try to understand the differences between you and me rather
than exacerbating any issues or misunderstandings.A lot of problems can be easily solved if
handled with maturity .Moreover, a good neighbor respects others' privacy while also being
open to building connections within the community. In summary, a good neighbor is a
valuable part of the community, contributing to a harmonious and enjoyable living space.

1.A news story that interests you
The story I want to tell you today.It’s titled” Steve Jobs A Story of Overcoming Obstacles”
Steve Jobs faced numerous challenges throughout his life, starting with his birth to a young,
unmarried graduate student who chose to put him up for adoption. Initially rejected by a
couple due to their lack of college education, Steve was eventually adopted under the
condition that he would attend college in the future.
Despite this agreement, Jobs encountered his first major obstacle as a young adult when he
dropped out of college, unsure of his life's direction. Living on friends' floors and surviving by
returning Coke bottles for deposits, he attended calligraphy classes out of interest,
unknowingly laying the groundwork for the customizable fonts and spacing on the
Macintosh computer.
Later, Steve co-founded a company in his garage, which grew to a value of over $2 billion in
ten years. However, he experienced a significant setback when he was unexpectedly fired
from the company he had founded. This event, although initially shocking, turned out to be
a pivotal moment that shaped the rest of his life
In 2004, health challenges arose with a diagnosis of supposedly incurable cancer, giving him
only three to six months to live. Despite this grim prognosis, Steve defied the odds,
undergoing a liver transplant in 2009. Unfortunately, in 2011, he succumbed to a respiratory
arrest caused by a recurrence of pancreatic cancer. Throughout these struggles, Steve Jobs
demonstrated resilience, creativity, and an indomitable spirit that left a lasting impact on the
(Steve Jobs faced significant challenges from birth, being put up for adoption by his young,
unwed mother. Adopted by a couple on the condition he'd attend college, Jobs dropped out,
facing financial struggles. Despite hardships, attending calligraphy classes unexpectedly
influenced his later work at Apple.
Co-founding a company in his garage, it grew to over $2 billion in a decade. However, Jobs
was fired, a pivotal moment in his life. Health issues followed, including a supposedly
incurable cancer diagnosis in 2004. Despite grim predictions, he underwent a successful liver
transplant in 2009. Unfortunately, Jobs passed away in 2011 due to a recurrence of
pancreatic cancer. His journey reflects resilience and an enduring impact on technology and

2.Updating news (Ways you keep up to date with what’s happening

in the world, what topics interest you)
To stay updated on what's happening in the world, I often check the news on my phone or computer.
I like to read short articles about current events and follow news apps on social media. This way, I can
quickly get information about things that interest me, such as technology, sports, and entertainment.
It's a simple and convenient way for me to stay informed and engaged with the world around me. In
addition to browsing news websites and social media, I also enjoy watching news segments on
television. It helps me get a more comprehensive understanding of important events. Sometimes, I
listen to podcasts where experts discuss various topics, providing in-depth insights. This way, I can
explore different perspectives and gain a more well-rounded view of current affairs. Overall, staying
updated is essential to me, and I find these methods both accessible and interesting.

1.Your favorite restaurant
One of my favorite places to eat is a humble pho restaurant along the street. It's a traditional family-
run pho spot, where the flavors of the broth have been passed down through two generations. Even
though there's a slight difference in taste between the generations, the essence of the pho remains
distinctive and special. I have fond memories of going to this pho place since I was a child. Often, I
would visit with my grandfather, and occasionally my mother would bring pho home. The aroma of
the simmering broth and the blend of herbs and spices create a comforting atmosphere that takes
me back to my childhood. The simplicity of the setting, combined with the rich flavors of the pho,
makes it a go-to place for me. It's not just about the food; it's about the memories and the sense of
tradition that this place holds. Whether it's a quick bowl on the go or a shared meal with family, this
pho restaurant is a special part of my culinary journey.

2.Ways to become healthy

To stay healthy, you can start by eating balanced meals with lots of fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, and proteins. Avoid too much sugar, fatty foods, and salty snacks to lower the risk of
heart disease and diabetes. Next, make sure to get regular physical activity. Whether it's
walking, exercising, or just simple workouts, staying active helps your heart, controls weight,
and boosts your mood. Don't forget to get enough sleep. Good sleep is important for your
body to recover, improve brain function, and reduce stress. Quit smoking and limit alcohol
intake to keep your h ealth on track. Stay positive, find a balance between work and leisure,
and take small steps to reduce stress in your daily life. These simple habits contribute to
maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Eating out
Eating out has become a popular and convenient choice for many in today's fast-paced world.
Whether it's a quick bite at a neighborhood diner or a special occasion at an upscale restaurant,
dining out offers a break from the routine of cooking at home. It's an opportunity to savor diverse
cuisines, explore new flavors, and socialize with friends and family. The experience of eating out can
vary from grabbing a fast-food meal on the go to indulging in an elaborate, multi-course feast at a
gourmet establishment. The restaurant industry caters to a wide range of tastes and preferences,
making it an integral part of modern culinary and social culture. It provides a convenient escape from
home cooking, allowing us to savor simple, familiar flavors while on the move.

1.Your future dreams
In the future, I envision achieving success in a high-paying job that will afford me the ability
to indulge in the things I truly enjoy. I dream of owning a comfortable home and a reliable
car, fulfilling not just my needs but also my desires. Moreover, I look forward to embarking
on wonderful travel adventures with my family, creating lasting memories together. These
aspirations serve as powerful motivations, compelling me to work diligently towards a
prosperous and fulfilling future. In my future dreams, I hope to become a better me and
achieve success in my job. I imagine working hard to reach my goals, gaining new chances,
and making a meaningful impact in my career. These dreams inspire me to keep improving
myself and my work as I move forward

2.Your plans for this weekend

This weekend, my plans are quite simple and relaxing. Firstly, I'll take a moment to plan for
the upcoming week, setting goals and tasks to accomplish. Afterward, I'll dedicate some
time to do my homework, enhancing my knowledge and skills.
On Saturday, I plan to spend a bit of time tidying up my house. It's a good opportunity for
me to create a clean and organized living space, which helps improve my overall well-being.
In the evening, after completing my tasks, I'm thinking about heading over to Hà Đông to
visit my grandparents. It's been a while since I last saw them, and I want to spend some
quality time with them. Perhaps we can share stories and enjoy each other's company.
Sunday will be a more leisurely day for me. I'm thinking of catching up on a recent popular
movie. It's a great way to unwind and be entertained after a productive weekend. Overall,
I'm looking forward to a balanced and fulfilling weekend.

1.Your hometown
2.Your favourite city
Nam Dinh, my beloved city, is a charming blend of modernity and simplicity. The landscape is dotted
with tall buildings standing shoulder to shoulder, creating a skyline that reflects progress without
losing the city's down-to-earth vibe. Wander through the city center, and you'll find a mix of urban
excitement and peaceful retreats. Amidst the busy streets, you can still catch glimpses of the natural
beauty – open fields, meandering rivers, and more. What sets Nam Dinh apart is its ability to
embrace change while holding onto its roots. The city pulses with energy, yet it's not too busy to
appreciate the simplicity of nature. Whether it's a stroll in a local park or a view of the countryside,
the city seamlessly weaves together the urban and the rural. But beyond the scenic views, what
makes Nam Dinh truly special is the sense of community. Here, you're not just a resident; you're part
of a family that includes friends, neighbors, and familiar faces. It's a place where connections matter,
and the warmth of close relationships adds a unique touch to everyday life. In Nam Dinh, each street
tells a story, and every corner holds a memory. It's a city that resonates with a feeling of belonging, a
celebration of the simple joys of life. Amidst the changing world, Nam Dinh remains a haven where
tradition and modernity coexist harmoniously, creating a home that feels both familiar and exciting.

Steve Jobs was a business magnate and a widely successful innovator in his time. He is
widely known as the man who achieved so much in his lifetime and pioneered the computer,
personal device and phone industry as the CEO and co-founder of the first company to be
worth over $1 trillion with Apple. He is a great leader who can motivate his team to do
amazing things they haven't done before. For example, he had a clear idea about the future,
loved the company and its people, and could inspire others. He didn't just have a vision; he
made sure everyone in the company believed in it. This gave the company a higher purpose
that excited Apple employees. His love for the company and its products is well known. Jobs
once said, "I want to put a ding in the universe," and he certainly did more than just a ding.
He started the personal computer revolution, began the trend of smartphones, changed
computer animation, and made technology popular and easy for everyone.

Unit 8
1.Factors of an ideal family
Fistly,Eating dinner together as a family has many good things. Research says that kids who
often eat with their parents do better in school, feel better about themselves, and are less
likely to be overweight. Talking during dinner regularly also helps kids and parents talk more
openly with each other.
Secondly, When the whole family is involved in planning fun activities, you'll have more
opportunities to experience special moments.Sometime, You can set the budget and suggest
a geographically convenient location but let your kids research attractions, coordinate travel
times, and check the weather forecast
Another key factor to consider is Developing strong problem solving skills. Parents should
model positive ways to handle life's challenges and allow children some autonomy
( independence) to solve their own problems, especially when things are hard. Sometimes,
you might need to help with your child's problems, but letting them try on their own helps
them learn important skills for their whole life.
Moreover, Individual accountability is essential for a ideal family . In a strong family,
everyone should do what they say they will and won't do. Trust is crucial, and it's hard when
someone doesn't keep their word. Also, it's important to help family members when they're
having a tough time, as it brings the family closer together.

2.Your favorite sport

Badminton is my favourite sport because there are always new learning strategies, and I can
work harder than other sports. For me, badminton is the perfect mixture of skill, speed and
endurance. I love to play badminton with my friends and family. It is a fast-paced game that
people of all fitness levels can play. It doesn’t require any specialised equipment and can be
played in many different places. Badminton is fun to play. I also like it because we must have
a lot of skill and concentration to play this sport, and it can be tricky sometimes. Badminton
is a sport that I enjoy playing. Moreover, this game is different from other games. It is a
game where you have to hit the shuttlecock with your arm, and one needs strong hand
muscles. Badminton is a sport that improves physical and cognitive skills. It helps individuals
to become more flexible. Besides, the game improves our mood and concentration.

3.Advice to improve English learning

To enhance your English language skills, it's essential to engage in consistent and effective
learning practices. First and foremost, yourself in the language as much as possible. This
means reading English books, newspapers, or websites, and watching English-language films,
TV shows, and documentaries. Listening to podcasts and music in English can also be
beneficial for improving your listening skills. Additionally, practice speaking and writing in
English regularly. Consider finding a language partner or tutor to have conversations with.
Online language exchange programs and language learning apps can be valuable resources.
Setting achievable language learning goals and tracking your progress is also a great way to
stay motivated. Remember, patience and perseverance are key to becoming proficient in
English, so don't be discouraged by any initial challenges. Keep pushing yourself to learn and
improve, and over time, you'll see significant progress in your English language abilities.

Things to wear (what are smart clothes, what are casual clothes,
what should we wear in winter and in summer; what should we wear
for a job interview, for a party, for a beach holiday and going to
The choice of clothing often depends on specific situations and personal style. In everyday
life, there's a clear distinction between smart clothes and casual attire. Smart clothes are
typically reserved for formal or important occasions, featuring sophisticated outfits like dress
shirts, suits, and dresses. Conversely, casual wear is more versatile and comfortable,
including items like jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers.
While winter demands warmth with layered clothing, summer calls for light and breathable
fabrics such as cotton and linen, featuring items like shirts, sundresses, and sandals.
When attending a crucial job interview, dressing professionally is key, with suits and ties for
men or business attire for women, often in neutral colors. In contrast, for parties, you have
the flexibility to showcase your personal style with a wide range of outfit choices suitable for
different types of gatherings.
During a beach holiday, swimwear is a necessity, along with wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses,
and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun's rays. As for school attire, it's crucial to
adhere to the school's dress code. In many cases, comfortable clothing like jeans and t-shirts
is appropriate."
I hope this helps connect the clothing-related ideas

Your last book you read
A book that I have read and re-read so many times now it’s titled Rich Dad and Poor Dad. I’m pretty
sure you’ve you’ve heard of it

It is an engrossing book and there are many key take aways from the book that I found extremely
useful when it comes to building and managing my wealth. The book basically claims that most
people nowadays are going to be stuck in that rat race. No matter how they hard they work or try to
stash all of their hard-earned money away wonder the mattress. This is mainly because the central
bank prints trillion of dollars every year. Out of their air causing in flation at a much faster pace
compared to the bank’s interest rates. The main advice of the book that I still remember vividly is
that people should purchase assets not liabilities if you were to buy a house of piece of land today.
It’s likely to increase in value in the next 10 years doubling of even tripling its original value. On the
other hand liabilities are the things that are going to take money out of your pocket. Let’s say if you
were to purchase an expensive car. It’s value is going to go dove 50% right after you drive it out of
the car leadership

So if you want to achieve financial freedom, you should make wise financial decisions over the
course of your life and this doesn’t include depositing all of your money into a bank account

One of your favourite movies

I want to talk about a movie that I watched recently and that has given me a profound
insight into how to lead a life of happiness and fulfilment .The movie is also a reminder to
everyone to always remmber to cherish moments you spend with your familes,friends and
loved ones. About Time" is a delightful blend of romance, comedy, and a touch of science
fiction. The film tells the story of Tim, played by Domhnall Gleeson, who possesses the
extraordinary ability to manipulate time in his life. He uses this unique gift to make positive
changes in his life and relationships. The film explores the profound impact that small
choices and moments can have on our overall happiness and the importance of cherishing
the time we have with loved ones. With charming performances, especially by Rachel
McAdams, "About Time" is a heartwarming and thought-provoking movie that reminds us to
make the most of every moment in our lives. It's a feel-good film that will leave you with a
smile on your face and a warm feeling in your heart

A story you can remember from your childhood

This is the first and only time I have been picked up grandfather after school, so this will be a
cherished memory like never before. When I was in first grade, there was a time during
dinner when my whole family was discussing who would pick me up from school, and
everyone was busy and unable to do so. To my surprise, the next day, when school ended, I
saw my grandfather waiting to pick me up. It was the first time he had ever picked me up
from school. Every day, my grandfather would stay at home and prepare meals, and engage
in his favorite activities such as watching the news and listening to the radio. He rarely went
outside, except for grocery shopping and having breakfast nearby. My grandfather faced
some difficulty in mobility due to a leg pain condition, and he couldn't use a motorbike; he
could only walk or ride a bicycle. That day, he took me home on his bicycle, and it was a very
special day for me."

Pros and cons of social networking sites like Facebook or Instagram,

Social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram have both advantages and
disadvantages. On the positive side, these platforms help people connect with friends and
family regardless of geographical distances. It's a convenient way to share updates, photos,
and life events, fostering a sense of community .Moreover, social media allows users to stay
in formed about current events and trends, making it a quick source of news. Businesses
also benefit from these platforms as they can reach a wide audience for promotion and
customer engagement.
However, there are drawbacks too. Spending too much time on social media may lead to
reduced face-to-face interactions, impacting real-life relationships. Additionally, there are
concerns about privacy and security, as personal information shared online can be
vulnerable to misuse. In conclusion, while social networking sites offer various benefits in
terms of connection and information, it's essential to use them mindfully, balancing the
positive aspects with potential drawbacks.

2.Pros and cons of using mobile phone

Nowdays,the mobile phone plays a major role in our life,which bring many benefits to us
but also contain some drawback
Mobile phones have become a lifeline of human being.Frist of all,the mobile is considered
the quickest mean of communication in our daily life, we can contact easily with our friends
and our relative wherever by calling or texting Second,the mobile phone is also a means of
entertainment for some people.We can listen to music and play games on mobile phone.We
can access to the internet to watch the lastest film.
Final,if we have a smart phone inhand,ourstudying becomes more effective such as look
up dictionary, find out many source of reference on internet.
On the other hand , the mobile phone is also many disadvantages. Frist , telephone user
become to addicticted their mobile phone if they are too depends on it.The use of mobile
phone waste a lot of time , it’s not only influence on study results , makes students
distraction. Final,we shouldn’t use mobile phone while we are living because it can lead
to traffic accidents
In conclusion, mobile phone is necessary for our modern life.It will be better if we use it
true purpose
3.The most important invention
One of the most significant inventions in history is the telephone. The telephone allows
people to talk to each other over long distances. It was invented by Alexander Graham Bell
in 1876. Before the telephone, communication was much slower, relying on written letters
and messengers. The telephone changed all that, making it possible for people to connect
instantly. Nowadays, phones have become even more advanced, with features like texting,
internet browsing, and video calls. The invention of the telephone has transformed the way
we communicate and has brought the world closer together. It remains a crucial part of our
daily lives, connecting us with friends, family, and the world around us. The convenience of
the telephone extends beyond just talking. With the advent of smartphones, we now have a
powerful tool at our fingertips. We can capture and share moments instantly through photos
and videos. Additionally, the internet connectivity on phones allows us to access a vast
amount of information, making it a versatile device for learning and staying informed. Social
media apps on phones enable us to connect with people globally, fostering relationships and
cultural exchange. The evolution of the telephone into a multifunctional device highlights its
enduring impact on communication and its pivotal role in shaping the way we live our lives
The person I want to meet again is my close friend, Nguyet. We've known each other since
our high school years. Back then, she was the class president. In my eyes, she was a
responsible, enthusiastic person, always eager to help others.She has a unique personality,
strong and always has her own opinions. Her way of thinking is very different from others,
very distinctive, and she always cares about everyone. In her work, she is very serious,
prepares everything meticulously, and always researches the issues beforehand.
Occasionally, she used to pick me up for school, and on the way back home, we would visit a
few favorite places like the bookstore, a bridge in the park, or simply grab a drink and chat.
Currently, she is in Japan, gaining professional experience to build her career. In a little over
2 years, she will return, and we will be able to meet again.

Studying English
Studying English has been a lengthy and intriguing journey for me. I have been learning
English for many years, and I find speaking to be the most fascinating skill. It's how I can
communicate with others, connect with people from different cultures, and express myself
Learning English comes with numerous benefits. It opens up many career opportunities as
many multinational companies use English as their primary language. Proficiency in English
can enhance job prospects and income potential. Furthermore, it provides access to a vast
wealth of knowledge, as much of the world's academic and scientific literature is written in
To improve English skills, there are effective strategies. Regular practice through reading
books, articles, and news in English can enhance vocabulary and understanding. Engaging in
conversations with native English speakers or fellow English learners through language
exchange programs or language learning apps can improve speaking and listening skills.
Writing essays, journals, or maintaining a blog in English can boost writing proficiency. Lastly,
enrolling in online or offline English courses can provide structured learning and specific
In conclusion, my journey of learning English has been ongoing for years, and I find speaking
to be the most fascinating skill as it enables effective communication. Mastering English
brings numerous benefits, including career opportunities and global knowledge access. To
improve English skills, consistent practice, interactions with native speakers, writing, and
course enrollment are effective strategies. Embark on this journey, and you will discover the
rewards are boundless.

UNIT 12:
1. An interesting experience you have ever had
This is the first and only time I have been picked up by him after school, so this will be a
cherished memory like never before. When I was in first grade, there was a time during
dinner when my whole family was discussing who would pick me up from school, and
everyone was busy and unable to do so. To my surprise, the next day, when school ended, I
saw my grandfather waiting to pick me up. It was the first time he had ever picked me up
from school. Every day, my grandfather would stay at home and prepare meals, and engage
in his favorite activities such as watching the news and listening to the radio. He rarely went
outside, except for grocery shopping and having breakfast nearby. My grandfather faced
some difficulty in mobility due to a leg pain condition, and he couldn't use a motorbike; he
could only walk or ride a bicycle. That day, he took me home on his bicycle, and it was a
very special day for me."

2.Your plans after leaving university

After completing my university education, my plans are centered around launching my
career in the field of marketing. I have always been passionate about understanding
consumer behavior and creating impactful marketing campaigns. My immediate goal is to
secure an entry-level position at a dynamic marketing firm, where I can apply the knowledge
and skills I've gained during my studies. I also aspire to continue learning and growing in my
profession, which might include pursuing a master's degree in marketing down the road.
Additionally, I hope to explore opportunities for international experience, whether through
work or travel, to broaden my horizons and gain a global perspective. Ultimately, I am
excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and am committed to working hard to
achieve my career goals.

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