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2 A.I. Introduction History 04 Dec 2018reference Material I - Lec01 - Intro

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COMP 590: Artificial Intelligence

• Course overview
• What is AI?
• State of the art in AI today
• Topics covered in the course
Who is this course for?
• An introductory survey of AI techniques for
students who have not previously had an
exposure to this subject
• Juniors, seniors, beginning graduate students

• Prerequisites: solid programming skills,

algorithms, calculus
• Exposure to linear algebra and probability a plus

• Credit: 3 units
Basic Info
• Instructor: Svetlana Lazebnik (
Office hours: email me

• Textbook: S. Russell and P. Norvig, Artificial

Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, 2nd or
3rd ed.

• Class webpage:
Course Requirements
• Participation: 20%
• Come to class!
• Ask questions
• Answer questions
• Participate in discussions
• Assignments: 50%
• Written and programming
• Programming assignments: you can use whatever language
you wish. The focus is on problem solving, not specific
programming skills.
• Midterm/final: 30%
• No book, no notes, no calculator, no collaboration
• Not meant to be scary
• Mainly straightforward questions testing comprehension
Academic integrity policy
• Feel free to discuss assignments with each
other, but coding must be done individually

• Feel free to incorporate code or tips you find

on the Web, provided this doesn’t make the
assignment trivial and you explicitly
acknowledge your sources

• Remember: I can Google as well as you can

What is AI?
Some possible definitions from the textbook:

• Thinking humanly
• Acting humanly
• Thinking rationally
• Acting rationally
Thinking humanly
• Cognitive science: the brain as an information
processing machine
• Requires scientific theories of how the brain works
• How to understand cognition as a
computational process?
• Introspection: try to think about how we think
• Predict and test behavior of human subjects
• Image the brain, examine neurological data
• The latter two methodologies are the domains
of cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience
Acting humanly
• Turing (1950) "Computing machinery and intelligence"
• The Turing Test

• What capabilities would a computer need to have to pass

the Turing Test?
• Natural language processing
• Knowledge representation
• Automated reasoning
• Machine learning
• Turing predicted that by the year 2000, machines would
be able to fool 30% of human judges for five minutes
Turing Test: Criticism
• What are some potential problems with the Turing Test?
• Some human behavior is not intelligent
• Some intelligent behavior may not be human
• Human observers may be easy to fool
• A lot depends on expectations
• Anthropomorphic fallacy
• Chatbots, e.g., ELIZA
• Chinese room argument: one may simulate intelligence without
having true intelligence (more of a philosophical objection)
• Is passing the Turing test a good scientific goal?
• Not a good way to solve practical problems
• Can create intelligent agents without trying to imitate humans
Thinking rationally
• Idealized or “right” way of thinking
• Logic: patterns of argument that always yield correct
conclusions when supplied with correct premises
• “Socrates is a man; all men are mortal; therefore Socrates is mortal.”
• Beginning with Aristotle, philosophers and mathematicians
have attempted to formalize the rules of logical thought
• Logicist approach to AI: describe problem in formal logical
notation and apply general deduction procedures to solve it
• Problems with the logicist approach
• Computational complexity of finding the solution
• Describing real-world problems and knowledge in logical notation
• A lot of intelligent or “rational” behavior has nothing to do with logic
Acting rationally: Rational agent
• A rational agent is one that acts to achieve the best
expected outcome
• Goals are application-dependent and are expressed in terms
of the utility of outcomes
• Being rational means maximizing your expected utility
• In practice, utility optimization is subject to the agent’s
computational constraints (bounded rationality or bounded
• This definition of rationality only concerns the
decisions/actions that are made, not the cognitive
process behind them
Acting rationally: Rational agent
• Advantages of the “utility maximization” formulation
• Generality: goes beyond explicit reasoning, and even human
cognition altogether
• Practicality: can be adapted to many real-world problems
• Amenable to good scientific and engineering methodology
• Avoids philosophy and psychology
• Any disadvantages?
AI Connections
Philosophy logic, methods of reasoning, mind vs. matter,
foundations of learning and knowledge

Mathematics logic, probability, optimization

Economics utility, decision theory

Neuroscience biological basis of intelligence

Cognitive science computational models of human intelligence

Linguistics rules of language, language acquisition

Machine learning design of systems that use experience to

improve performance

Control theory design of dynamical systems that use a

controller to achieve desired behavior

Computer engineering, mechanical engineering, robotics, …

Where is AI today?
Logistics, scheduling, planning
• During the 1991 Gulf War, US forces
deployed an AI logistics planning and
scheduling program that involved up to
50,000 vehicles, cargo, and people
• NASA’s Remote Agent software operated the
Deep Space 1 spacecraft during two
experiments in May 1999
• In 2004, NASA introduced the MAPGEN
system to plan the daily operations for the
Mars Exploration Rovers
Math, games, puzzles
• In 1996, a computer program written by researchers
at Argonne National Laboratory proved a
mathematical conjecture (Robbins conjecture)
unsolved for decades
• NY Times story: “[The proof] would have been called
creative if a human had thought of it”
• IBM’s Deep Blue defeated the reigning world chess
champion Garry Kasparov in 1997
• 1996: Kasparov Beats Deep Blue
“I could feel --- I could smell --- a new kind
of intelligence across the table.”
• 1997: Deep Blue Beats Kasparov
“Deep Blue hasn't proven anything.”
• In 2007, checkers was “solved” --- a computer
system that never loses was developed
• Science article
Natural Language
• Speech technologies
• Automatic speech recognition
• Google voice search
• Text-to-speech synthesis
• Dialog systems
• Machine translation
• Comparison of several translation systems
Question answering: IBM Watson

• NY Times article
• Trivia demo
• YouTube video
Information agents
• Search engines
• Recommendation systems
• Spam filtering
• Automated helpdesks
• Medical diagnosis systems
• Fraud detection
• Automated trading
• OCR, handwriting recognition
• Face detection/recognition: many consumer
cameras, Apple iPhoto
• Visual search: Google Goggles
• Vehicle safety systems: Mobileye
• Mars rovers
• Autonomous vehicles
• DARPA Grand Challenge
• Autonomous helicopters
• Robot soccer
• RoboCup
• Personal robotics
• Humanoid robots
• Robotic pets
• Personal assistants?
Towel-folding robot

YouTube Video

J. Maitin-Shepard, M. Cusumano-Towner, J. Lei and P. Abbeel,

“Cloth Grasp Point Detection based on Multiple-View Geometric
Cues with Application to Robotic Towel Folding,” ICRA 2010
Course Topics
• Search
• Uninformed search, informed search
• Adversarial search: minimax
• Constraint satisfaction problems
• Planning
• Logic
• Probability
• Basic laws of probability
• Bayes networks
• Hidden Markov Models
• Learning
• Decision trees
• Linear classifiers: neural nets, support vector machines
• Reinforcement learning
Course Topics (cont.)
• Applications (depending on time and interest)
• Natural language
• Speech
• Vision
• Robotics

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