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Formulation and Evaluation of Home Made Poly Herba

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Formulation and Evaluation of Home Made Poly Herbal Liquid Mosquito


Article · January 2010

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Kishore Reddy
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur


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Hindustan Abdul Ahad et al/JITPS 2010, Vol.1 (2), 98–105

Research Article
Available online at

Formulation and Evaluation of Home Made Poly Herbal Liquid

Mosquito Repellent
Hindustan Abdul Ahad1*, Kishore Kumar Reddy. B1, Chitta Suresh Kumar1,
Krishna Prasad. U1, Ravindra. B.V1, Chandra Sekhar. K1, Anil Kumar. G1 and
Vamsi Mohan G1
College of pharmacy, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India
*Corresponding author: E-mail:

Mosquitoes are wide spread in the world. To tackle them many mosquito repellents are
emerged in the market. But, the mosquitoes became resistant to them. Not only this, the
consumers are getting many known and unknown ill effects with them. So, an attempt has
been made by developing a poly herbal mosquito repellent based on traditional practices and
species available in kitchen and garden to provide a reliable, prolonged and complete
protection from mosquito bites by killing them. The formulated repellents were evaluated for
their action. The results shown that the formulated repellents were effective, cheaper and non
poisonous than the presently available chemical based marketed mosquito repellents.

Keywords: Mosquitoes, poly herbal mosquito repellent, traditional herbs, economical.


1. INTRODUCTION in flight emit a distinctive high-pitched

The worldwide threat of popular mosquito buzz, which can interrupt sleep [9].
transmitted diseases viz. yellow fever, Female mosquitoes inject saliva and anti-
dengue hemorrhagic fever, epidemic poly coagulants [10]. The human body's
arthritis, encephalitis and malaria- a immune system develops antibodies and a
disease that according to the World Health bite becomes inflamed and itchy within
Organization (WHO) causes more than 3 minutes, while others can become
million deaths annually [1-4]. Except for hypersensitive with bites causing
Antarctica and France, mosquitoes are blistering, bruising and large inflammatory
found all over the world. Mosquitoes reactions [11]. Visible, irritating bites are
transmit disease to more than 700 million due to an immune reaction i.e.,
people each year and can be blamed for 1 hypersensitivity. This hypersensitivity is a
in 17 deaths [5-7]. Male mosquitoes prefer reaction of IgG and IgE antibodies to
flower nectar, where as the females need a antigens in the mosquito's saliva. The
blood meal (from either animals or morbidity and mortality, underscores the
humans) to produce eggs [8]. Mosquitoes need for effective insect repellents.

Hindustan Abdul Ahad et al/JITPS 2010, Vol.1 (2), 98–105

Multiple chemical and alternative repellent antihistamines like Diphenhydramine,

products are marketed to consumers. We topical corticosteroids such as
sought to determine which natural hydrocortisone and Triamcinolone can
repellents provide reliable and prolonged help with more severe or inopportunely
complete protection from mosquito bites. placed bites.
By keeping in view the draw backs of 1.3 METHODS TO GET RID OF
mosquito repellents we formulated a MOSQUITOES
mosquito repellent from our garden plants SOURCE REDUCTION: Many
based on traditional practices and species mosquitoes breed in standing water. It is a
which are available in kitchen to provide simplest way to stop the production of
reliable and prolonged complete protection mosquitoes. Eliminate mosquito breeding
from mosquito bites by killing them. It is grounds by removing unused plastic pools,
effective, cheaper and non-poisonous than old tires and buckets etc. By clearing
presently chemical based mosquito clogged gutters, repairing leaks around
repellents available in the market which faucets and by changing water in bird
contain some harmful and chemicals like baths. Eliminating such mosquito breeding
Pallethrin, Allethrin. areas can be an extremely effective and
1.1 MOSQUITO ATTRACTANTS permanent way to reduce mosquito
Many mosquitoes are attracted to the populations without resorting to
slightly cooler temperatures of the insecticides [12].
extremities. Lactic Acid, excreted from our REPELLENTS: Pyrethroids insecticides
body while exercising or after eating are heat stable and used in the treatment of
certain foods (e.g., salty foods, high- mats, coils and vaporizers, e.g. Allethrin
potassium foods). Mosquitoes are also and Bioallethrin 4%w/w; d-Allethrin 0.2 to
having affinity towards dark & dirty cloths 0.3% w/w; d-trans Allethrin 0.1 to 0.15%
and air rich in CO2 comes after expiration w/w; s-bioallethrin 1.9%w/w, etc. On
of lungs. Mosquitoes also attract towards heating or burning of mats and liquids,
floral or fruity fragrances from soaps and these compounds vaporize without
perfumes. decomposition at temperatures up to 40°C
1.2 TREATMENT TO MOSQUITO and produce repellent action on the
BITES mosquitoes [13].
Apply calamine lotion, which may have a DEAD SPORES OF BTI: Dead spores
soothing effect, (although its effectiveness of varieties of the natural soil bacteria
is not medically proven). Use of Bacillus thuringiensis, especially Bt

Hindustan Abdul Ahad et al/JITPS 2010, Vol.1 (2), 98–105

israelensis (BTI). BTI is used to interfere UTN: Untreated mosquito nets are less
in the digestion systems of larvae. It can be expensive and they are effective in
dispersed by hand or dropped by protecting humans when the nets do not
helicopter in large areas. BTI is no longer have any holes and are tightly sealed
effective after the larvae turn into pupae, around the edges. [15].
because they stop eating [13]. ITN: The most effective solution for
BIRDS, BATS, DRAGONFLIES AND malaria control is by using mosquito nets.
FROGS: Some public agencies also Mosquito nets treated with insecticide
employ other predators such as birds, bats, (often Permethrin) and
dragonflies and frogs, but evidence of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT).
effectiveness of these agents is only Nets are treated with insecticide because
anecdotal. In particular, there is no mosquitoes can sometimes get past an
documented study that establishes that bats imperfect net. Insecticide treated nets
or purple martins consume enough (ITN) are estimated to be twice as
mosquitoes to significantly control effective as untreated nets in preventing
mosquito populations. [14]. mosquito bites. The role of DDT
LARVICIDING OILS: Oils such as mosquitoes got resistant and reduces the
Golden Bear can be used which increase effectiveness of this chemical.
the water tension until the pupae and ELECTRIC BUG ZAPPERS: Electric
larvae cannot break the surface to obtain bug zappers do attract and kill thousands
air and therefore drown [14]. of insects within 24-hour period. Only half
METHOPRENE: It is considered as of the mosquitoes killed were females - the
slightly toxic to larger animals, which ones that bite humans [16].
mimics and interferes with natural growth ELECTRONIC BUZZERS: Numerous
hormones in mosquito larvae, preventing scientific studies have also shown that
development. Methoprene is frequently electric devices that emit high-frequency
distributed in time-release briquette form sounds have not been proven to
in breeding areas [14]. significantly reduce exposure to mosquito
ULV OF MALATHION: Ultra low bites [16].
volume (ULV) spraying of Malathion has FISHES: Effective biocontrol agents
been used in metropolitan areas to include predatory fish that feed on
decrease the mosquito population and mosquito larvae such as Gambusia affinis
prevent the spread of West Nile Virus and other minnows and killifish [17-20].

Hindustan Abdul Ahad et al/JITPS 2010, Vol.1 (2), 98–105


Table-1: The herbs and species used in home made poly herbal mosquito repellent

Ingredients Botanical name/ Family Active constituents

Garlic bulb Allium sativum (Lilliaceae) Sulphur, Allicin, Alliin

Basil leaves Ocimum sanctum (labiatae) Eugenol, Carvacrol

Neem leaves Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae) Nimbin, Nimbidin, Nimbinin

Ajowan seeds Trychyspermum ammi (Apiaceae) Thymol, p-Cymine,Terpene

Lemon peel Citrus limonis (Rutaceae) Limonene, Citral, Terpineol

Mentha leaves Mentha piperita (labiatae) l-Menthol, Menthone,

Cinnamon oil Cinnamonam zylanicum(Lauraceae) Cinnamonic acid

Gold flower Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium Pyrethrum

Castor oil Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae) Ricinoleic acid

The above traditional herbs already proved Cinnamon bark were taken according to
mosquito repellant properties [21-30]. the ratios mentioned in table-2, grinded
In this work we selected kerosene as a and soaked in kerosene overnight. Add
base because it also has little mosquito Castor oil as shown in table-2 and add 1 g
repellent actions which have been used by of common salt as a preservative and
villagers of Anantapur (Andhra Pradesh, mixed well. Filter the above mixture
India). through cloth. Transfer this preparation
2.2. METHODS into an empty refill. Now the refill is ready
PREPARATION OF POLY HERBAL to use. Various formulae of homemade
MOSQUITO REPELLENT poly herbal mosquito repellents were
Grind Garlic bulb, Basil leaves, Neem shown in table 2.
leaves, Ajowan seeds, Lemon peel,
Mentha leaves, Gold flower petals,

Hindustan Abdul Ahad et al/JITPS 2010, Vol.1 (2), 98–105

Table 2: Various formulae of homemade poly herbal mosquito repellents

Formulations/ Quantity (g)

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
Garlic bulbs 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 -
Basil leaves 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -
Neem leaves 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -
Ajowan seeds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -
Lemon peel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -
Mentha leaves 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -
Gold flower petals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -
Cinnamon bark 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -
Castor oil 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -
Common salt (NaCl) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Kerosene up to(ml) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

3. EVALUATION [30] group of mosquitoes for 2 h. Each group

The evaluation of above formulations were consists of 15-20 mosquitoes were
done by testing on 20±2 mosquitoes in subjected for exposure to mosquito
different days with time duration of 2 repellant. Each formulation is tested for its
hours by placing mosquitoes in a mosquito efficacy on each day till all the eight
net of size 6 X4 ft. ( Closed room size = formulations were tested on 8 consecutive
10 X 9 ft). The liquid mosquito repellent days. The effectiveness of formulations
was kept inside the net. The results were was performed on the basis of number of
showed in table-3. mosquitoes which changed place, fell
NOTE: The mosquitoes were collected by down and with no action were determined.
attracting them towards used socks and It was found that among all the
cloths which were kept under the net. formulations, F7 showed better activity as
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION it had resulted in fell down of 52.63% of
The different formulations of poly herbal mosquitoes, 42.1% of mosquitoes changed
mosquito repellants were evaluated by their place and with only 5.26% of them
keeping them inside the net containing a showed no response for the formulation.
The activities of all the formulations on
mosquitoes were listed in the Table 3.

Hindustan Abdul Ahad et al/JITPS 2010, Vol.1 (2), 98–105

Table-3: Observed report of home made poly herbal mosquito repellent.

No. of mosquitoes
No action Place changed Fell down
Formulae collected
No % No % No % No %
F1 17 100 12 70.5 5 29.5 0 00.00
F2 15 100 9 60.0 6 40.0 0 00.00
F3 16 100 7 43.7 8 50.0 1 06.60
F4 20 100 6 30.0 8 40.0 6 30.00
F5 17 100 4 23.5 5 29.4 8 47.05
F6 19 100 2 10.5 8 42.1 9 47.36
F7 19 100 1 05.3 8 42.1 10 52.63
F8 17 100 13 76.4 4 23.5 0 00.00


It was concluded that the formulated poly The authors are very much thankful to the
herbal mosquito repellent is effective,
management of RIPER and SK University,
cheaper and non poisonous than the
Anantapur for providing environment and
presently available chemical based
marketed mosquito repellents and required materials to complete the work
maintains mosquito free healthy
environment for the society.
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