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Academic Handbook

B.Tech. Programme

Academic Affairs


Academic Hand Book

I year B.Tech Programme

Department of Humanities and Sciences

National Institute of Technology Goa
Farmagudi, Ponda, Goa - 403 401

Semester-wise Credit Distribution

Semester Total Credits

I 24
II 23+1*
Total Credits 47+1*

* Physical Education


I Semester Details

Sl. Sub. Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 MA100 Mathematics-I 4-0-0 4
2 PH100 Physics 3-0-0 3
3 ME100 Engineering Mechanics 3-0-0 3
4 CS100 Computer Programming and Problem solving 2-0-3 4
5 HU100 Professional Communication 2-0-2 3
6 ME101 Engineering Drawing 1-0-3 3
7 PH101 Physics Laboratory 0-0-3 2
Total Credits 22

II Semester Details
Sl. Sub. Subjects L-T- P Credits
No Code
1 MA150 Mathematics-II 4-0-0 4
2 PH150 Material Science 3-0-0 3
3 CY150 Chemistry 3-0-0 3
4 ME150 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 2-0-0 2
5 EE151 Basic electrical science 3-0-0 3
6 ME151 Workshop Practices 0-0-3 2
7 CY151 Chemistry- Laboratory 0-0-3 2
8 EE152 Basic electrical scienceLab 0-0-3 2
9 PE150 Physical Education 1-0-0 1
Total Credits 22

Detailed Syllabi of Courses
Subject Code Mathematics-I Credits: 4 (4-0-0)

MA 100 Total hours: 56

Course 10+2 level Mathematics
Course This course provides requisite and relevant background necessary to understand
Objectives the other important engineering mathematics courses offered for Engineers and
Scientists. Important topics of applied mathematics, namely differential calculus,
integral calculus, sequence and series and vector calculus.
Course At the end of this course the students are expected to learn,
Importance of Mean value theorems and its applications, evaluation of
multiple integrals, the powerful language of Vector calculus with
physical understanding to deal with subjects such as Fluid Dynamics and
Electromagnetic fields, convergence of sequence and series and Fourier
Module 1 Differential Calculus 12 hours
Review of limits, continuity and differentiability; Mean value theorems, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s
theorems, Partial Differentiation, Total Differentiation, Euler’s theorem and generalization,
maxima and minima of functions of several variable, Lagrange’s method of Multipliers; Change of
variables – Jacobians.
Module 2 Integral Calculus 10 hours
Fundamental theorem of Calculus, Improper integrals, applications to area, volume. Double and
Triple integrals
Module 3 Vector Calculus 14
Scalar and Vector fields; Vector Differentiation; directional derivative - Gradient of scalar
field; Divergence and Curl of a vector field - Laplacian - Line and surface integrals; Green’s
theorem in plane; Gauss Divergence theorem; Stokes’ theorem.
Module 4 Sequences and Series 10 hours
Convergence of sequences and series, power series.
Module 5 Fourier series and Fourier Transforms 10 hours
Fourier series: Periodic functions, Euler’s formulae, Dirichlet’s condition, Even and odd
functions, Half Range Series, Parseval’s identity. Fourier Transform

1. G. B. Thomas and R. L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic Geometry (9th

Texts/References Edition), ISE Reprint, Addison-Wesley, 1998.

2. E. Kreyszig, Advanced engineering mathematics (8th Edition), John

Wiley (1999).

Subject Code Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
PH 100
Physics Total hours: 45
Course 10+2
Course To refurbish the understanding of fundamental physics and provide concepts of
Objective s applied modern and advanced physics for equipping the student for a sound learning
of engineering and technology principles.
Course 1. Understanding basic concepts in Physics
Outcome 2. Sound knowledge of the application aspects of modern physics in
Module 1 Dual nature of particle and waves 8 hours
Representation of a wave, Phase and Group velocities, Black body radiation, Electromagnetic
radiation, Dual nature of light and photoelectric effect, Properties of photons, X-Rays and X-Ray
Diffraction, Compton effect, Matter waves, de-Broglie principles, Davisson and Germer experiment
(basic ideas) to show the existence of matter waves,
Module 2 Quantum Mechanics 12 hours
Limitations of classical mechanics, The wave equation, State functions, Normalization of wave
functions, Schrödinger equation, Time dependent form, operators and expectation values, Time
independent Schrödinger equation, Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions, Applications of Schrödinger
equation- Particle in a box, Finite potential well, Potential barrier and tunneling, Harmonic oscillator,
Uncertainty principle, Energy and time form of uncertainty principle, explanation of zero point
Module 3 Statistical Mechanics 5 hours
Statistical analysis: Maxwell-Boltzman distribution function, Bose-Einstein distribution function,
Fermi-Dirac distribution function, Quantum free electrons theory of metals
Module 4 Lasers, Fiber optics and Semiconductor photonic devices 10 hours
Basics principles and action, Types of lasers, Characteristics of laser light. Fiber optics, Structure of
an optical fiber, Principle of optical fiber communication. Semiconductor photonic devices: LED and
Solar Cells
Module 5 Modern Energy sources 10 hours
Nuclear reactions, Nuclear fission and fusion; Nuclear reactors, Breeder and fusion reactors.
Superconductivity, Basic principles, Messiner effect, Magnetic levitation, Applications of
superconductivity, Levitating trains. Solar energy, Wind and wave as energy resource. Elementary
particles and their interaction, Leptons and Hardons, Quraks, History of Universe.
Course Code Physics Laboratory Credits-2 (0-0-3)
PH101 3 hours for week
List of Experiments
1. Hall Effect
2. Photoelectric Effect
3. Helmholtz Resonator
4. Newton’s Rings Experiment
5. Determination of Wavelength of He-Ne Laser
6. Determine the width of single slit based on Diffraction pattern
7. Determination of dispersive power of prism
8. Determination of Optical absorption coefficient of materials using lasers
9. Determination of Numerical aperture of an optical fiber
Text 1. Franks S. Crawford, Waves, Tata Mc Graw Hills Publication
Books 2. David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Walker Jearl, “Fundamentals Of Physics”
Wiley India Pvt Ltd
3. S Rai Choudhury, Shobhit Mahajan, Arthur Beiser, Concepts of Modern
Physics, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw - Hill Education (2009)
4. A. Goel, Wave Mechancs, Discovery Publishing House,
5. Optoelectronics and Photonics-Principles and Practices, Safa O.Kasap, Pearson
6. John W. Jewett, Raymond A. Serrway, “Physics for Scientists and
Engineers”Brooks/Cole publisher.
7. Ajoy Ghatak, Optics, 5th Edition, Mc Graw Hills Publication
8. David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Walker Jearl PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS,
Willey India pvt. Ltd.
9. Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman,A. Lewis Ford , University Physics with
Modern Physics, Willey India Pvt. Ltd.
10. Elements of Solid state physics, M. Ali Omar : Pearson Publication
11. M. N. Avadhanulu, P. G. Krish Sagar, “Engineering Physics”S. Chand
12. V. Rajendran, A. Marikani ,Materials Science, Publisher Tata McGraw - Hill
Education Publishers.

Subject Engineering Mechanics Credits: 3
Code Total hours: 44
ME 100
Course 10+2
Course To provide the students with a clear and thorough understanding of the theory
Objectives and application of engineering mechanics covering both statics and dynamics

Unit 1 Fundamentals of mechanics 6 hours

Idealizations of mechanics, vector and scalar quantities, equality and equivalence of vectors, laws of
mechanics, Elements of vector algebra.Systems of forces: Position vector, moment of a force about a
point, moment of a force about an axis, the couple and couple moment, couple moment as a free
vector, moment of a couple about a line.Equivalent force systems:Translation of a force to a parallel
position, resultant of a force system, simplest resultant of special force systems, distributed force
Unit 2 Equations of equilibrium 6 hours
Free body diagram, free bodies involving interior sections, general equations of equilibrium,
problems of equilibrium, static indeterminacy.
Properties of surfaces: First moment, centroid, second moments and the product of a plane area,
transfer theorems, rotation of axes and polar moment of area, principal axes and concept of second
order tensor transformation.
Unit 3 Kinematics of a particle 8 hours
Introduction, general notions, differentiation of a vector with respect to time, velocity and
acceleration calculations, rectangular components, velocity and acceleration in terms of cylindrical
coordinates, simple kinematical relations and applications.
Unit 4 Particle Dynamics 8 hours
Introduction, rectangular coordinates, rectilinear translation, Newton’s law for rectangular
coordinates, rectilinear translation, cylindrical coordinates, Newton’s law for cylindrical coordinates.
Unit 5 Kinetics of Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies 8 hours
Moment of momentum equations, Pure rotation of a rigid body of revolution about its axis, Pure
rotation of slablike bodies. General plane motion of rigid bodies
Unit 6 Energy and momentum methods for a particle 8 hours
Analysis for a single particle, conservative force field, conservation of mechanical energy,
alternative form of work-energy equation, Linear momentum, impulse and momentum relations,
moment of momentum, Method of momentum for particles.
Text Books 1. Irving H. Shames, Engineering Mechanics Statics And Dynamics,
Reference 1. Beer & Johnston, Mechanics for Engineers, McGraw – Hill, 2009.
Books 2. Timoshenko, S.P., Young, D.H., Rao, J. V. Engineering Mechanics,
McGraw-Hill, 2006.
3. Merian, J.L, Kraige, L.G. Engineering Mechanics – Statics, Wiley
Publishers, 2002.

Subject Computer Programming and Problem Credits: 2 (2-0-
Code: 0)
CS 100 Solving Total hours: 28
Course Basic Mathematical Knowledge and logical thinking
Course The course is to make the students learn problem solving by writing algorithms, flow
Objective charts and coding the min C language. The course helps the students to write programs
s for solve Mathematical and Engineering problems.
Course Enabling Knowledge: Students will develop knowledge and experience with the use of
Outcome the standard C programming language, good programming style, standards and
practices in programming.
Problem Solving and Critical Analysis: Students will further develop their capacity to
analyze and solve computing problems; develop suitable algorithmic solutions which are
the ncoded in the C programming language.
Module 1 10 hours
Getting Started: Problem solving techniques, C standards. What is C, Getting Started with C, The C
Character Set, Constants, Variables and Keywords, Types of C Constants, Rules for Constructing
Integer, Real and Character Constants. Types of C Variables, Rules for Constructing Variable Names,
C Keywords. The First C Program: Compilation and Execution, Receiving Input. Algorithms and flow
charts. C Instructions: Type Declaration Instruction, Arithmetic Instruction, Integer and Float
Conversions, Type Conversion in Assignments, Hierarchy of Operations, Associativity of Operators,
Control Instructions in C.
The Decision Control Structure: Decisions! Decisions! : The if Statement, The if-else Statement,
Nested if-elses, Forms of if. Use of Logical Operators: The else if Clause, The ! Operator, the
Conditional Operators.
The Loop Control Structure: Loops: while Loop, for Loop, break statement, continue statement,
do-while Loop.
The Case Control Structure: Decisions using switch, switch versus if-else Ladder, The goto
Module 2 6 hours
Functions & Pointers: Basics of Functions, Value Passing, Scope rules of Functions, calling
convention, Advanced Features of Functions. Introduction to Pointers, Pointer Notation, Recursion,
Recursion and Stack, Pointers to Functions, Functions returning pointers, Functions with variable
number of arguments.
Data Types Re-examine: Integers- long, short, signed, unsigned. Chars-signed, unsigned. Floats &
Doubles. Storage Classes in C.
The C Preprocessor: Features of C Preprocessors, Macro Expansion, File Inclusion,
Conditional Compilation, #if and #elif Directives, The Build Process.
Module 3 6 hours
Arrays: Basics of Arrays, Pointers & Arrays, Two Dimensional Arrays, Array of Pointers, Three
Dimensional Arrays.
Strings: Basics of Strings, Pointers & Strings, Standard Library String Functions, Dynamic
Allocation of memory, Two Dimensional Array of Characters, Array of pointers & Strings.
Structures & Unions: Basics, Declaration and Usage.

Console Input and Output: Formatting output for functions in the printf () family, Formatting input
for functions in the scanf () family, Escape sequences.
Module 4 6hours
File Processing: Opening and closing files, reading and writing sequential files, Using argc and argv
Operations on Bits: Bitwise Operators, Hexadecimal Numbering System, Relation between Binary
and Hex. Mixed Features: Enumerated Data type, Typedef, Typecasting, Bit Fields, The volatile
Text 1. Joyce Farrell, A guide to Programming Logic & Design, Course Technology,
Books Thomson learning, 2003.
2. Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language,
Prentice Hall Inc., 2001.
3. C Programming: A Modern Approach by K.N. King, 2nd Edition, W. W. Norton
& Company
Reference 1. Byron S. Gottfried, Program with C, Schaum’s Outline series.
Books 2. Yashavanth Kanetkar, Let us C, BPB Publications.
3. Balagurusamy, C Programming – TMH, 2002

Subject Code Computer Programming and Problem Credits: 2 (0-0-3)
CS 101 Total hours: 42
Solving (Lab)
Course To enable students in developing programming skills using C language. To improve
Objectives their logical ability and to apply these skills for solving problems in scientific,
mathematical and business applications.
List of experiments
1. Practice of DOS Commands,Exposure to Windows environment, practice of UNIX commands
and vi editor.
2. Programs to demonstrate standard I/O functions
3. Practice of writing simple programs like arithmetic operations, simple, compound interests etc.
4. Programs to demonstrate decision, loop & case control structures, use of break and continue,etc.
5. Programs involving arrays
6. Programs involving pointers.
7. Programs involving functions, recursion,use of arrays with subscripts and pointers.
8. Programs using structures in C
9. Exercise on file handling
Reference 1. Joyce Farrell, “A guide to Programming Logic & Design, Course
books Technology”, Thomson learning, 2003.
2. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, “The C Programming Language”,
Prentice Hall Inc., 2001.
3. K.N. King, “C Programming: A Modern Approach”, 2nd Edition, W. W.
Norton & Company
4. Byron S. Gottfried, “ Schaum’s Outline Series on Programming with C”
5. YashavanthKanetkar, “Let us C”, BPB Publications.

Subject Professional Communication-I Credits: 3 (3-0-2)
Code: Total hours: 45
HU 100
Course Basic Knowledge of English (10+2 level)
Course This course aims at developing the four skills of Language Learning: Reading, Writing,
Objectives Listening and Speaking. Also it inculcates the power of effective communication among
the students.
Course At the end of this course, the students are expected to communicate effectively in English:
Outcome be it written or be it oral.

Module 1 Principles of Communication 12 hours

a.Verbal Communication: Oral, Written, Visual and Audio-Visual, b. Non-Verbal Communication:
Kinesics, Proxemics, Chronemics, Chromatics and Haptics. C. Types of Written Communication, d.
Channels, Process and Network of communication, e. Feedback-Types, f. Noise-Types, g. Listening-
Types, h. Speaking-Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Stress Pattern i. Comprehension, j. Professional
Module 2 Listening and Speaking 8 hours
Pronunciation, Word and Sentence Stress and Professional Presentation
Module 3 Elements of Effective Writing 8 hours
Words, Phrases, Sentences, Paragraphs, Reading Comprehension, Precis
Module 4 Report Writing and Presentation 10 hours
Types of Report: different topics will be given to students to prepare Business Reports and then they
will be asked deliver verbal presentation based on the reports followed by question answer session
Module 5 Business Letters and Correspondences 7 hours
Sales Letter, Letter of Enquiry, Letter of Order, Letter of Claim Adjustment, Letter of Recommendation,
Letter of Promotion, Good News and Bad News Letter, Legal Letter, Application, Notice, Memo,
Agenda, Minutes, (followed by tutorials)

Text Books 1. Kaul, Asha. Effective Business Communication, New Delhi: Prentice Hall Pvt
Ltd, 2007
2. Raman,Meenaakshi and Sangeeta Sharma, Technical Communication, IInd
Ed,2012, New Delhi, OUP (with Video CD)
3. Krishna Mohan and Meenakshi Raman,Advanced Communicative English, 2011,
New Delhi: TataMcGraw Hill.
4. Wren and Martin. High School English Grammar and Composition, New Delhi:
S. Chand, 2011

Reference 1. Rizvi, A.M. Effective Technical Communication, New Delhi: Tata Mc-Graw Hill,
Books 2005
2. English Dailies, Periodicals: India Today, Outlook and Reader’s Digest

Subject Engineering Drawing Credits: 3 (1-0-3)
ME 101
Course 10+2
Course  To express the novel ideas through an engineering language.
Objectives  To improve the visualization skills.
 Learn basic Auto Cad skills.
Unit 1 Introduction to Engineering Graphics 4 hours
Drawing instruments and their use – Different types of lines - Lettering & dimensioning. Projection
of points.
Unit 2 Orthographic Projections 8 hours
Introduction to orthographic projections- Horizontal, vertical and profile planes – First angle and
third angle projections.
Unit 3 Projection of lines 8 hours
Projections of lines inclined to one of the reference planes. Projections of lines inclined to both the
planes – True lengths of the lines and their angles of inclination with the reference planes – Traces
of lines.
Unit 4 Projection of planes 8 hours
Projection of plane lamina of geometric shapes inclined to one of the reference planes – inclined to
both the planes, Traces of planes
Unit 5 Projection of solids 8 hours
Projection of solids with axis parallel to one of the planes and parallel or perpendicular to the other
plane-Projections with the axis inclined to one of the planes. Projections of solids with axis inclined
to both the planes. Isometric projection.
Unit 6 Sections of Solids 8 hours
Sections of cylinders, Sections of prisms.

Unit 7 Computer Aided Drafting. 8 hours

Introduction to Auto CAD, Basic 2-D drawing, editing and viewing tools, Dimensioning.
Orthographic and Isometric Projections.
Text Books 1. Bhatt N D., Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publication, 2006.
Reference 2. Gopalkrishna K R, Engineering Graphics (Ist angle projection), Subhas
Books Publication, 2002.
3. Engineering Drawing and Design – Cencil Jensen, Jay D. Helsel, and
Dennis R. Short, Tata McGraw Hills Publication, 2010.

Subject Code Mathematics-II Credits: 4 (4-0-0)
MA 150 Total hours: 56
Course Mathematics-I
Course This Mathematics course provides requisite and relevant background necessary to
Objectives understand the other important engineering mathematics courses offered for Engineers
and Scientists. Important topics of applied mathematics, namely the linear algebra,
ordinary differential equations, laplace transforms and Z transforms.
Course At the end of this course the students are expected to learn,
Outcome 1. To acquire necessary background in matrix methods and Eigenvalue problems
so as to appreciate their importance to engineering systems.
2. Basic skills in handling ordinary differential equations analytically and an
understanding of how such equations are used in modeling. Students shall
learn to solve systems of linear ordinary differential equations and using
Laplace transforms and some basics of Z-transforms.
Module 1 Linear Algebra 22 hours
Matrices: matrix operations -Addition, Scalar Multiplication, Multiplication, Transpose, Adjoint and their
properties; System of linear equations and Gaussian Elimination, Determinants and their properties,
Cramer's rule Vector Space: Subspaces, Linear Dependence/Independence, Basis dimension,
Standard Basis of R^n,linear transformations, matrix of a linear transformation, change of basis and
similarity, rank-nullity theorem. Inner product spaces, Gram-Schmidt process, and orthonormal bases,
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, characteristic polynomials, eigenvalues of special matrices (orthogonal,
unitary, hermitian, symmetric, skewsymmetric, normal). algebraic and geometric multiplicity,
diagonalization by similarity transformations, spectral theorem for real symmetric matrices, application
to quadratic forms.
Module 2 Ordinary Differential Equations 20 hours
Introduction and Motivation to Differential Equations, First Order ODE y'=f(x,y)- geometrical
Interpretation of solution, Equations reducible to separable form, Exact Equations, Integrating factor,
Linear Equations and variation of constant, Orthogonal trajectories, Picard’s Theorem for IVP (without
proof) , examples on nonuniqueness. Second Order Linear differential equations: Linear dependence and
Wronskians, Abel-Liouville formula. Linear ODE's with constant coefficients, the characteristic
equations. Cauchy-Euler equations. Method of undetermined coefficients. Method of variation of
Module 3 Laplace Transformations and Z-Transforms 14 hours
Laplace transform - Inverse Laplace transform - properties of Laplace transforms - Laplace transforms
of unit step function, impulse function and periodic function - convolution theorem - Solution of
ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients and system of linear differential equations
with constant coefficients using Laplace transform and basic theory of Z-Transforms.
Text/Reference 1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced engineering mathematics (8th Edition), John
Wiley (1999).
2. W. E. Boyce and R. DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations (8th
Edition), John Wiley (2005).
3. G. Strang, Linear algebra and its applications (4th Edition), Thomson(
4. R. K Jain and S.R.K. Iyengar, Advanced Engineering Mathematics,3rd edition,
Narosa publications (2007)

Subject Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Code Material Science Total hours: 46
Course Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry
Course Understanding the nature, properties and applications of materials.
Module 1 Structure of Materials 6 hours
Atomic structure and chemical bonding, Classification of solids, Periodicity in crystals, Crystal
structure, Bravas lattices, Crystal systems, Crystallographic planes and Miller indices, Crystal
structure analysis, Structure determination by X-ray diffraction, The Bragg law of X-ray
diffraction, Crystal defects.
Module 2 Conductors and Resistors 4 hours
The resisistivity range, The free electron theory, Conduction by free electrons, Conductor and
resistor materials, Superconducting materials.
Module 3 Semiconductors and Dielectrics 12 hours
Semiconductors: Energy gap in solids, Intrinsic semiconductor, Extrinsic semiconductors,
Semiconductor materials, Fabrication of integrated circuits, Semiconductor devices, p-n Junction
diode theory, Bipolar junction transistor. Dielectrics: Dielectric constant, Polarization, Field
vector, Clussius-Mossotti equation, ferro-electric materials, Electrostriction, Piezoelectric effect,
dielectric loss.
Module 4 Magnetic Materials 6 hours
Magnetic materials, Diamagnetic materials, Paramagnetic materials, Ferromagnetic materials,
Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism, Antiferromagnetism, Ferrimagnetism, Soft &
Hard Magnetic material and applications.
Module 5 Superconductivity 6 hours
Superconductivity, Meissner effect, London penetration depth, Isotope effect, The BCS theory,
Type-I superconductor, Type-II superconductors, Josephson effect and applications
Module 6 Advanced materials 12 hours
Nanomaterials, Conducting Polymers, Meta materials, Fluorescent Materials. Principles of
mesoscopic physics-size effect, Quantum confinement, and Coulomb blockade, Optical effects,
Surface plasmon effects. Characterization techniques for nano size-SEM, AFM, TEM.
Text/ 1. William D. Callister, Jr, Materials science and engineering an introduction, John
Reference Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2007
Books 2. V. Rajendran, A. Marikani ,Materials Science, Publisher Tata McGraw - Hill
ducation Publishers.
3. S.L Kakani, Amit Kakani “Material Science” New age international Limited
4. Brain S. Mitchell “An Introduction to Materials for Engineering and science” Willey
5. R. Balasubramanian, Materials Science and Engineering, Willey Interscience.
6. V. Raghavan, “Material Science and Engineering ” PHI Publication.
7. Edward M Purcell, “Electricity and Magnetism”
8. Julius Adams Stratton, “Electromagnetic Theory” Tata McGraw - Hill Education
9. Ali Omar, “Elements of Solid State Physics” Addition Wesley,2000
10. Frederick J. Milford, John R. Reitz, Robert W. Christy, “Foundations of
Electromagnetic Theory” Addison Wesley Longman Publishers.
11. John W. Jewett, Raymond A. Serway, “Physics for Scientists and
Engineers”Brooks/Cole publishers.
12. T. Pradeep, “A Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, Tata McGraw
Hill Education
13. Hans-Eckhardt Schaefer, “Nanoscience: The Science of the Small in Physics,
Engineering, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine” Springer

Subject Chemistry Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

Code Total hours: 42
Course 1. To understand the basic concepts in chemistry in compliance with the
Objectives requirements for undergraduate engineering programme
2. To get familiarised with analytical instruments
3. To develop awareness on the basics and chemistry involved in
electrochemical cells
4. To learn the methods for the development and characterization of polymers
Module 1 Organic Chemistry 7 hours
Substitution reactions- SN1, SN2 reaction mechanisms, Factors affecting SN1 and SN2 reactions
and stereochemistry, Elimination reactions- E1, E2 reaction mechanisms and factors affecting
them, Stereo-selectivity of E1 and E2 reactions, Competition between substitutions and
Module 2 Chemical Bonding 9 hours
Ionic and covalent bonds; Valence bond theory (V.B.T) of covalency, VSEPR theory, Shapes of
simple molecules, Molecular Orbital Theory (M.O.T), Non-covalent interactions- van der Waals
and hydrogen bonding; Co-ordinate bond, Metallic bond, Crystal field theory-splitting of d orbital
in tetrahedral, octahedral, and square planer complexes

Module 3 Instrumental Methods of 8 hours

Colorimetry, UV-visible spectroscopy, Infra-red spectroscopy, Magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Conductometry and Potentiometry
Module 4 Water Technology 4 hours
Hardness of water, Boiler troubles, Internal and external treatments, Desalination, Sewage water
analysis- Dissolved oxygen (OD), Biological oxygen demand, Chemical oxygen demand and their
determination, Sewage water treatment
Module 5 Electrochemical Cells 8 hours
Nernst Equation, Energetics of cell reaction, Types of electrodes and their applications,
Concentration cells, Primary and secondary cells, Fuel cells. Electroplating- Theory, Polarization,
Decomposition potential, Overvoltage, Electroplating and Electroless plating of copper – PCB
Module 6 High Polymers 6 hours
Addition, Condensation and Coordination polymerization, Copolymerisation, Molecular weights
and their determinations, Methods of polymerization, Tg & Tm and factors affecting them, Teflon,
Ref 1) P. Y. Bruice, Organic Chemistry, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003
ere 2) W. R. Robinson, J. D. Odom, H. F. Holtzclaw , General Chemistry, 10th Edition,
nce AITBS Publishers, 2000
3) R. D. Madan, Modern Inorganic Chemistry, S. Chand & Company Ltd., 2012
4) G. Chatwal, S. Anand, Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, S. D.
ks Himalaya Publishing House, 2003
5) P. C. Jain, M. Jain, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 15th edition,

6) V. R. Gowariker, N. V. Viswanathan, J. Sreedhar, Polymer Science, New Age
International (P) Limited, 2005
7) O. G. Palanna, Engineering Chemistry, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
8) B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, Vishal
Publishing Co., 41st edition 2004
9) S. Rattan, Comprehensive Engineering Chemistry, S.K. Kataria & Sons, Delhi,

Subject Chemistry Laboratory Credits: 2 (0-0-3)

1. Estimation of Iron in hematite
2. Estimation of copper in brass
3. Determination of pKa and Ka of weak acid
4. Conductometric titration of strong acids with Strong base
5. Estimation of total chromium by colorimetry
6. Verification of Nernst Equation
7. Determination of coefficient of viscosity of a liquid
8. Determination of COD in a given water sample
9. Estimation of total hardness of water
10. Estimation of chloride content in water
11. Determination of percentage of composition by using Abbe’s refractometer
12. Preparation of alkyl chloride from alcohol

Note: Any 8 experiments have to be done

Ref 1) A. I. Vogel, Text book of quantitative chemical analysis, Prentice Hall, 2000
ere 2) A. I. Vogel, Text book of practical organic chemistry, 5th edition, Prentice
nce Hall ,1996
boo 3) S. Rattan, Experiments in applied chemistry, 3rd edition, S. K. Kataria &
ks Sons, 2011.

Subject Elements of Mechanical Engineering Credits: 2(2-0-

Code 0)
Course 10+2
Course  To be able to use the Laws of Thermodynamics to estimate the
Objectives efficiency of different components of power generating systems
 To teach the basic mechanical
Unit 1 Introduction to Thermodynamics 8 hours
Thermodynamics: Introduction and Basic Concepts, Application Areas of Thermodynamics,
Systems and Control Volumes, Properties of a System, State and Equilibrium, Processes and
Cycles, Temperature and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Pressure.

Energy Conversion and General Energy Analysis: Forms of Energy, Energy Transfer by Heat,
Energy Transfer by Work, the First Law of Thermodynamics.
Unit 2 Energy Analysis of Closed Systems 8 hours
Moving Boundary Work, Energy Balance for Closed Systems, Specific Heats, Internal Energy,
Enthalpy, and Specific Heats of Ideal Gases, Solids and Liquids.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Thermal Energy Reservoirs, Heat Engines, Refrigerators
and Heat Pumps, Perpetual-Motion Machines, Reversible and Irreversible Processes, the Carnot
Unit 3 Basics of Solid Mechanics 8 hours
Stress-Strain relationship, Shear force and Bending Moment Diagrams.

Unit 4 Manufacturing Process 6 hours

Welding, Brazing and Soldering. Introduction to machine tools lathe and drilling machines.
Text Books 1. Michael A. Boles, Yunus A. Cengel, Thermodynamics: An Engineering
Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.
2. P. K. Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.
Reference 1. Frank P. Incropera and David P. DeWitt, Fundamentals of Heat and
Books Mass Transfer, Wiley Publication, 2006.
2. Ferdinand L. Singer, Strength of Materials, Harper and Row.
3. Elements of Workshop Technology, S. K. Hajra Choudhary, S. K. Bose,
A. K. Hajra Choudhary, Media promoters and publishers pvt. ltd., 2007

Subject Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

Code Basic Electrical Science Total hours: 45
Course To expose students to basic electric devices and components characteristics and
Objectives techniques of analyzing them.
Module 1 DC circuit Analysis 12 hours
Review of circuit elements, Voltage sources, Current sources, Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Laws,
Mesh and Node analysis of DC circuits,Source transformation, Star-Delta Transformation,
Network theorems, Time domain analysis of RC, RL, RLC with DC excitation.
Module 2 Magnetic circuit Analysis and AC circuit Analysis 12 hours
Electromagnetic Induction, Self and mutual inductances, Magnetic circuits. Fundamentals of
A.C, Average and RMS values, Form and Peak factor, Concept of Phasors, Complex operator,
Network theorems, Basic concepts of three phase circuits.
Module 3 Semiconductor Devices and Circuits 14 hours
P-Njunction diode, Characteristics, Diode approximations, DC load line, AC equivalent circuits,
Zener diodes Half-wave diode rectifier and Full-wave diode rectifier, Shunt capacitor filter,
Ripple factor - Approximate analysis of capacitor filters, Power supply performance, Voltage
regulators; Bipolar Junction transistor, Characteristics, DC Load line and Bias Point, Biasing
circuit design, Amplifiers.
Module 4 Elements of Digital Electronics 7 hours
Analog and Digital Signals, Introduction to Digital Electronics, Digital Logic Gates. Introduction
to memory elements, SRAM, DRAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM.
Text 1. Del Toro, Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, Pearson Education, 2002.
Books 2. R.J. Smith, Circuits, Devices and Systems: A First Course in Electrical
Engineering, Wiley-5th edition
3. William H. Hayt Jr., Jack E. Kemmerly, Steven M. Durbin, Engineering
Circuit Analysis, TMH, 2002.

Reference 1. A.S. Sedra& K.C Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford Univ. Press
Books 1999.

Subjec Credits: 2 (0-0-3)

t Code Basic Electrical Science(Lab) Total hours: 45
Course To have hands on experience on principle of basic electronic passive and active
Object components and their analysis.
List of Experiments
1. Verification of KVL and KCL circuit laws.
2. Designing and AC, Transient analysis of series and parallel RC,LC and RLC circuits .
3. Clipping , Clamping circuits & voltage multipliers with diodes.
4. Rectifiers with C, LC & CLC filters - half wave, full wave & Bridge.
5. Network Theorem - Superposition, Thevenin, Norton and Maximum Power Transfer
6. Phasor Analysis of series and parallel RC,LC and RLC circuits.
7. BJT and JFET Characteristics.
8. Transistor as an Amplifier.
9. Digital Combinational Logic gates.
10. Memory Elements.
11. Soldering and PCB design practice.

Subject Workshop Practices Credits:

Code 2(0-0-3)
ME 151
Course 10+2
Course To impart knowledge and technical skills on basic manufacturing methods
Module 1 Mechanical Workshop 36 hours
Carpentry: Demonstration of wood cutting machines, tools, and equipments, planning, chiseling,
marking and sawing practice, Different joints
Fitting: Demonstration of various tools and equipments used in fitting shop, chipping, filing, cutting,
tapping, male and female joints, stepped joints
Welding: Demonstration of various welding machines and equipments, Butt joint and Lap joint
using electric arc welding
Turning: Demonstration of lathe, drilling machines, grinding machines, milling machines.
Reference 1. Elements of Workshop Technology, S. K. Hajra Choudhary, S. K. Bose, A.
Books K. Hajra Choudhary, Media promoters and publishers pvt. ltd., 2007

Subject Credits: 1 (0-0-0)

Code-PE Physical Education
150 Total Hours: 16

Objective: The particular topics will give an idea of minimum physical fitness required for
maintain mental and physical health to become healthy in society. The contents will give
relax and stress free from the hectic schedule of studies and job of students. The practical
session of relaxation techniques will make students very fresh and active in daily life. Based
on the topics, students will be ready for doing physical activity to maintain their health for
better life without any kind of hypokinetic disease or lifestyle diseases presently seen in

Module 1 FITNESS 4 hours

Definition and meaning of Physical fitness, Role and scope of physical fitness, Components of
physical fitness, Types of physical fitness, Health related physical fitness, Skill related
physical fitness, General and specific warming up. (Practical)
Relaxing techniques, Stress management, Sports for relax, Benefits of Exercise-
Psychological and Physiological aspects, Self Confidence and Motivation.


Basic anatomy, Exercise physiology, Body type, Sports Injury and prevention and their

Diet, Heart attack, Blood pressure, Cholesterol, Obesity, Stress

1. Mood, D, Musker, F and Rink, J. (1999). Sports and recreational activities. Boston: McGraw-
2. Rink, J.E. (1998). Teaching physical education for learning (3rd Ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
3. Dey Swapan Kumar (2012). A Textbook of Sports and Exercise Physiology, New Delhi: Jaypee
Brothers Medical Publications.ISBN: 9789350258736.
4. Nick Draper and Helen Marshall. (2013)Exercise Physiology: For Health and Sports
Performance, Harlow/GB: Pearson Education Publication Limited. ISBN 13: 9780273778721
ISBN 10: 0273778722.
5. William D. McArdle, Frank I. Katch, Victor L. Katch. (2009)Exercise Physiology: Nutrition,
Energy andHuman Performance. United States: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ISBN:
6. Robert Weinberg and Daniel (2010) Gould Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology. USA:
Human Kinetics ISBN: 0736083235.
7. Aidan.P.Moran (2012), Sport and Exercise Psychology A Critical Introduction, 2nd Edition, New
york:Routledge, ISBN: 978041543430.

Academic Hand Book

Bachelor of Technology Programme


Computer Science and Engineering

National Institute of Technology Goa

Farmagudi, Ponda, Goa - 403 401

Semester-wise Credit Distribution

Semester Total Credits

I 22
II 21+1
III 21
IV 20+1
V 21+3
VI 21
VII 21
Total Credits 170

I Semester Details

Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 MA100 Mathematics-I 4-0-0 4
2 PH100 Physics 3-0-0 3
3 ME100 Engineering Mechanics 3-0-0 3
4 CS100 Computer Programming andProblem Solving 2-0-3 4
5 HU100 Professional Communication 2-0-2 3
6 ME101 Engineering Drawing 1-0-3 3
7 PH101 Physics Laboratory 0-0-3 2
Total Credits 22

II Semester Details

Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 MA150 Mathematics-II 4-0-0 4
2 PH150 Material Science 3-0-0 3
3 CY150 Chemistry 3-0-0 3
4 ME150 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 2-0-0 2
5 EE151 Basic Electrical Science 3-0-0 3
6 ME151 Workshop Practices 0-0-3 2
7 CY151 Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-3 2
8 EE152 Basic Electrical Science Lab 0-0-3 2
9 PE150 Physical Education 1-0-0 1
Total Credits 22

III Semester Details

Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 CS200 Principles of Data Communications 3-1-0 4
2 CS201 Data Structures 3-1-0 4
3 CS202 Computer Organization and Architecture 3-1-0 4
4 CS203 Discrete Mathematics 3-1-0 4
5 MA200 Mathematics-III 3-0-0 3
6 CS204 Data Structures Laboratory 0-0-3 2
Total Credits 21

IV Semester Details

Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 CS250 Digital Systems Design 3-0-0 3
2 HS250 Economics 3-0-0 3
3 CS251 Systems Programming 3-1-0 4
4 CS252 Object Oriented Programming 3-0-0 3
5 MA250 Mathematics-IV 3-0-0 3
6 CS253 Object Oriented Programming Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 CS254 Digital Systems Laboratory 0-0-3 2
8 VE200 Value Education 1-0-0 1
Total Credits 21

V Semester Details

Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 CS300 Operating Systems 3-1-0 4
2 CS301 Database Systems 3-1-0 4
3 CS302 Microprocessor and Microcontrollers 3-0-0 3
4 CS303 Theory of Computation 3-1-0 4
5 ES300 Environmental Studies 3-0-0 3
6 CS304 Operating Systems Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 CS305 Database Systems Laboratory 0-0-3 2
8 CS306 Microprocessor and Microcontrollers Laboratory 0-0-3 2
Total Credits 24

VI Semester Details
Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits
1 CS350 Compiler Design 3-1-0 4
2 CS351 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3-0-0 3
3 CS352 Software Engineering 3-0-0 3
4 CS353 Computer Networks 3-0-0 3
5 CS5** Elective-I 3-0-0 3
and HU502
6 CS354 Compiler Design Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 CS355 Networks Laboratory 0-0-3 2
8 CS356 Mini Project/Industrial training 0-0-3 1
Total Credits 21

VII Semester Details

Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 CS400 Foundations of cryptography 3-1-0 4
2 CS401 Introduction to Machine Learning 3-0-0 3
3 CS5** Elective-II 3-0-0 3
4 HS400 Management 3-0-0 3
5 CS402 Seminar 0-0-2 2
6 CS403 Security Laboratory 0-0-3 2
7 CS449 Major Project-I 0-0-4 4
Total Credits 21

VIII Semester Details

Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 CS5** Elective-III 3-0-0 3
2 CS5** Elective- IV 3-0-0 3
3 CS5** Elective- V 3-0-0 3
4 CS5** Elective- VI 3-0-0 3
5 CS499 Major Project – II 0-0-6 6
Total Credits 18

Subject Code Principles of Data Communication(PDC) Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
CS 200 Total hours:56

Course This course provides an introduction to the field of data communications. The
Objectives course covers the principles of data communications, transmission fundamentals:
Signals, media, encoding and modulation, multiplexing, devices, error detection
and correction, data link control and protocols, data transmission over networks -
switching techniques and Local Area Network.
Module 1 12 Hours
Introduction to communication signals, message, data, signal, mathematical models for basic
communication, Fourier series, Fourier transform and signals, information spectrum, energy type and
power type signals, Parseval's theorem, basic of analog filters.
Module 2 12 Hours
Introduction to modulation, types of modulation, channel and noise effects in time domain and
frequency domain, signals and spectra in amplitude, phase and frequency modulation; basic block
diagram and analysis of AM/FM/PM demodulation/detection system.
Module 3 10 Hours
Introduction to Information Theory and concepts in Digital data representation, sampling, Nyquist
sampling theorem, filtering, pass band need for quantization, aliasing, and reconstruction filter,
problem of quantization, quantizer design and noise.
Module 4 8 Hours
Introduction to source coding, Shannon's first coding theorem, optimality of entropy based
representation, Search for uniquely decodable code book and the kraft inequality, fixed vs. variable
length codebook, Huffman coding, some other source coding algorithms - run length, Shannon-Fano,
and introduction to Ziv–Lempel coding.
Module 5 10 Hours
Errors in transmission/storage, need for forward error detection and control, need for feedback error
detection and control, field, group and algebra of error control coding, minimum distance and distance
distribution for error detection and correction, code word design using hamming algorithm, decoding
and error detection - correction using syndrome, CRC and cyclic code.
Module 6 4 Hours
Digital modulation concepts, architectures for receivers, communication network models, LAN,
ethernet and IEEE 802.11 standards, resource allocation and performance issues in wired/wireless
Reference (1) William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communications and Networking”, 2nd
books Edition, TMH, 2002.
(2) Behrouz A Forouzan, “Data Communications and Networking”, 2nd edition,
TMH, 2002.
(3) Leon, Garcia and Widjaja , “ Communication Networks”, TMH, 2002.

Subject Code Data Structures (DS) Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
CS 201 Total hours:56
Course Following this course, students will be able to: 1) Assess how the choice of data
Objectives structures and algorithm design methods impacts the performance of programs. 2)
Choose the appropriate data structure and algorithm design method for a
specified application. 3) Solve problems using data structures such as linear lists,
stacks, queues, hash tables, binary trees, heaps, tournament trees, binary search
trees, and graphs and writing programs for these solutions. 4) Solve problems
using algorithm design methods such as the greedy method, divide and conquer,
dynamic programming, backtracking, branch and bound and writing programs for
these solutions.
Module 1 6 Hours
Introduction to data structures and objectives, basic concepts Arrays: one dimensional, multi-
dimensional, Elementary Operations.

Module 2 8 Hours
Stacks: Representation, elementary operations and applications such as infix to postfix, postfix
evaluation, parenthesis matching, Queues: Simple queue, circular queue, dequeue, elementary
operations and applications.

Module 3 10 Hours
Linked lists: Linear, circular and doubly linked lists, elementary operations and applications such as
polynomial manipulation.

Module 4 12 Hours
Trees: Binary tree representation, tree traversal, complete binary tree, heap, binary search tree, height
balanced trees like AVL tree and 2-3 tree and other operations and applications of trees.

Module 5 20 Hours
Graphs: Representation, adjacency list, graph traversal, path matrix, spanning tree; introduction to
algorithm analysis and design techniques, algorithms on sorting: Selection sort, bubble sort, quick
sort, merge sort, heap sort, searching, linear and binary search.

Reference (1) Alfred V Aho, John E Hopcroft, Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Data structures &
books algorithms”, Addison Wesley. 2003
(2) Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni and Dinesh Mehta, “Fundamentals of data
structures and algorithms using C++”, 2nd edition, Galgotia publications, 2006
(3) Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, “Data Structures and algorithms in
Java”, 4thEdition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010
(4) Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L.Rivest, Clifford Stein,
“Introduction to algorithms”, 2nd ed. MIT Press, 2003

Subject Code Computer Organization and Architecture Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

CS 202 (COA) Total hours:56

Course The course explores the hardware aspects of a computer system design.

Module 1 8 Hours
Overview of Computer Architecture & Organization, contrast between computer architecture &
organization, logical organization of computers; basic operational concepts, bus structures,
performance, processor clock, basic performance equation, clock rate, performance measurement,
Von Neumann machine, instruction format, execution cycle; instruction types and addressing modes.
Module 2 10 Hours
Computer Arithmetic: representation of integers and real numbers, fixed point arithmetic, arithmetic
and logical unit design, addition and subtraction of signed numbers, design of fast adders,
multiplication of positive numbers, signed operand multiplication, fast multiplication, integer division,
floating-point numbers and operations.
Module 3 8 Hours
Basic Concepts of Memory System: Semiconductor RAM memories, ROM memories, speed, size,
and cost, cache memories mapping functions, replacement algorithms, performance considerations,
virtual memories, secondary storage.
Module 4 15 Hours
Control Unit Design: Instruction sequencing, instruction interpretation, control memory, hardwired
control, micro programmed control and micro programmed computers. I/O organization, bus control,
Serial I/O (study of asynchronous and synchronous modes, USART & VART), parallel data transfer
Program controlled: asynchronous, synchronous & interrupt driven modes, DMA mode, interrupt
controller and DMA controller.
Module 5 15 Hours
Organization of CPU: Single vs. multiple data path, ISA, control unit, instruction pipelining, trends in
computer architecture, CISC, RISC, VLIW, introduction to ILP, pipeline hazards: structural, data and
control, reducing the effects of hazards.
Reference (1) Carl Hamacher, ZvonkoVranesic and SafwatZaky, “Computer organization”,
books 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
(2) J. P. Hayes, “Computer architecture and organization”, 3rd Edition, McGraw
Hill, 1998.
(3) Patterson and Hennessy, “Computer architecture: A quantitative approach”,
Morgan Kaufmann, 2000.
(4) Hwang and Briggs, “Computer architecture and parallel processing”, McGraw
Hill, 1985.
(5) David A. Patterson& John L. Hennessy, “Computer organization and design”,
Morgan Kaufmann, 4th edition, 2012.

Subject Code Discrete Mathematics (DM) Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

CS 203 Total hours:56

Course This course introduces basic concepts of combinatory, notion of proofs, concept
Objectives of generating functions, recurrence relations.

Module 1 15 Hours
Sets and Subsets, set operations and the laws of set theory, counting and Venn diagrams, a first word
on probability, countable and uncountable sets. Fundamentals of Logic: Basic Connectives and truth
tables, logic equivalence, the laws of logic, logical implication, rules of inference, proportional and
predicate calculus the use of quantifiers, quantifiers, definitions and the proofs of theorems, normal
forms, applications to artificial intelligence.
Module 2 10 Hours
Properties of the Integers: Mathematical Induction, the well ordering principle, recursive definition.

Module 3 15 Hours
Relations and Functions: Cartesian Products and Relations, functions, plain and one-to-one, onto
functions, sterling numbers of the second kind, special functions, the pigeon-hole principle, function
composition and inverse functions, properties of relations, computer recognition zero, one matrices
and directed graphs, partial orders, Hasse diagrams, equivalence relations and partitions.
Module 4 10 Hours
Groups: Definitions, examples, elementary properties, costs, normal subgroups, permutation groups,
homeomorphisms, isomorphism, and cyclic groups, cosets and Lagrange’s Theorem. Burnside’s
Theorem and simple applications.
Module 5 6 Hours
Introduction to graph theory, trees, planarity, connectivity, traversability, shortest path and spanning
tree, algorithms.
Reference (1) J.P. Tremblay & R. Manohar, “Discrete mathematical structures with
books applications to computer science”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
(2) C.L.Liu, “Elements of Discrete mathematics”, 3rd ed. McGraw Hill, 2008
(3) Kenneth Rosen, “Discrete mathematics and its applications”, TMH, 2011.
(4) Jean Gallier, “Discrete mathematics”, Springer, 2011.
(5) Ralph P. Grimaldi, “Discrete and combinatorial mathematics: An applied
introduction”, Pearson, 2003.

Subject Code Mathematics-III Credits: 3

MA 200 Total hours 42

Course Prerequisites Mathematics-I & II
Objectives This Mathematics course provides requisite and relevant background necessary to
understand the other important engineering mathematics courses offered for
Engineers and Scientists. Important topics of applied mathematics, namely
complex analysis, power series solutions, Fourier series and transforms and
partial differential equations.
Module 1 Complex Analysis 18 hours
Complex Numbers, geometric representation, powers and roots of complex numbers, Functions of a
complex variable, Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations; elementary functions, Conformal
mapping (for linear transformation); Contours and contour integration, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy integral
formula; Power Series and properties, Taylor series, Laurent series, Zeros, singularities, poles, essential
singularities, Residue theorem, Evaluation of real integrals and improper integrals.
Module 2 Power Series Solutions 9 hours
Differential Equations Power Series Method - application to Legendre equation, Legendre Polynomials,
Frobenious Method, Bessel equation, Properties of Bessel functions, Sturm- Liouville BVPs, Orthogonal
Module 3 Partial Differential Equations 15 hours
Introduction to PDE, basic concepts, second order PDE and classification, D’Alemberts formula and
Duhamel’s principle for one dimensional wave equation, Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations, Laplace,
Wave, and Heat equations using separation of variables. Vibration of a circular membrane. Heat equation
in the half space.
Texts/References 1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced engineering mathematics (8th Edition), John
Wiley (1999).
2. W. E. Boyce and R. DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations (8th
Edition), John Wiley (2005).
3. R. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown, Complex variables and applications
(7th Edition), McGraw-Hill (2003).

Subject Code Data Structures Laboratory Credits: 2 (0-0-3)

CS 204 Total hours: 42

Course Objectives The course provides practical knowledge in implementing the standard data
structures in C

List of Experiments
(1) Implementation of array operations, Structures & Unions.
(2) Stacks, Queues, Circular Queues, Priority Queues, Multiple stacks and queues.
(3) Infix to postfix expression using stack
(4) Implementation of linked lists: stacks, queues, single linked lists.
(5) Implementation of polynomial operations. Doubly linked lists.
(6) Tree traversal: AVL tree implementation, application of trees.
(7) Implementation of Hash Table.
(8) Searching and sorting.
(9) Traversal of graph
Reference (1) Mark Allen Weiss, “Algorithms data structures and problem solving with C++”,
books Addison Wesley, 1996.
(2) Seymour Lipschutz, G A VijayalalashmiPai, “Data structure”, Schaum’s
outlines,TMH, 1986
(3) O.G. Kakde&P.S. Deshpandey, “Data structures and algorithms”,
ISTE/EXCEL books, 2004.
(4) Aho Alfred V., Hopperoft John E., UIlman Jeffrey D., “Data Structures and
Algorithms”,Addison Wesley, 1983.

Subject Code Digital Systems Design (DSD) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 250 Total hours:45
Course Objectives To understand the working of digital systems. Hardware components of the
computer can be studied in greater depth.
Module 1 10 Hours
Number Systems And Boolean Algebra: Review of binary, octal & hexadecimal number systems,
representation of signed numbers, floating point number representation BCD, ASCII, EBCDIC,
excess 3 codes, gray code-error detecting & correcting codes. Boolean algebra: Postulates & theorems
of boolean algebra, canonical forms, simplification of logic functions using Karnaugh map, Quine
McCaskey method.
Module 2 8 Hours
Combinational Logic Design: Logic gates, implementation of combinational logic functions, encoders
& decoders, multiplexers &demultiplexers, code converters, comparator, half adder, full adder,
parallel adder, binary adder, parity generator/checker, implementation of logical functions using
Module 3 11 Hours
Sequential Logic Design-I : RS, JK, JK master, slave, D&T flip flops, level triggering and edge
triggering, excitation tables, asynchronous & synchronous counters, modulus counters, shift register ,
Johnson counter, ring counter, timing waveforms, counter applications.
Module 4 8 Hours
Sequential Logic Design-II: Basic models of sequential machines, concept of state table, state
diagram, state reduction through partitioning & implementation of synchronous sequential circuits,
Introduction to asynchronous sequential logic design.
Module 5 8 Hours
Programmable Logic Devices: Semicustom design, introduction to PLD’s, ROM, PAL, PLA, FPGA
Architecture of PLD’s: PAL 22V10, PLS 100/101, implementation of digital functions. Logic
Families: RTL, DTL, TTL families, Schottky, clamped TTL, Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL),
Integrated Injection Logic (IIL), MOS inverters, CMOS inverters, comparison of performance of
various logic families.
Reference (1) Alan B.Marcovitz, “Introduction to logic design”, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill
books Professional, 2009.
(2) Giovanni De Micheli, “Synthesis and optimization of digital circuits”, Tata
McGraw-Hill Education 2003.
(3) Zvi Kohavi, Niraj K. Jha, “Switching and finite automata theory”, 3rdEdition
Cambridge University Press, 2011.
(4) Douglas A. Pucknell &Kamran Shrayhian, “Basic VLSI design systems and
circuits”, Prentice Hall 2000.
(5) ParagK.Lala, “Fault tolerant & fault testable hardware design”, B.S
publications, 2002.

Subject Code Economics Credits: 3(3-0-0)
HS 250 Total hours: 45
Course Outcome The fundamental objective of this course aims at providing a comprehensive perspective in
the broad area of economics and its scenario. The course aspires to bring the students into
the light of economic decision makings, and facilitates tohave grip in economic issues.
Module 1 Introduction to Economics 2 hours
Constructing a Model, Optimization and Equilibrium in market demand and supply, Comparative statistics and
asset allocation.
Module 2 Utility, Choice, Budget Constraint and Consumer Preference 6 hours
Cardinal Utility, Constructing a Utility Function, Budget constraint in case of two goods, Shifting of budget line
and impact of Taxes, Subsidies, and Rationing. Indifference curve, Marginal Rate of Substitution, Cardinal utility
and utility function, Indifference curve from utility functions, Marginal Utility vs MRS
Module 3 Demand, Revealed Preference & Slutsky Equation 6 hours
Normal and Inferior Goods, Income Offer Curves and Engel Curves, Perfect Substitute, complement and Cobb-
Douglas Preferences, The Idea of Revealed Preference, From Revealed Preference to reference,Recovering
Preferences, The Substitution Effect, The Income Effect, Rate of Change and change of Demand.
Module 4 Consumer Surplus, Market Demand & Equilibrium 6 hours
Demand for a Discrete Good, Constructing Utility from DemandFrom, Change inConsumer’s Surplus, Individual
to Market Demand, The Inverse Demand Function, The Extensive and the Intensive Margin, Elasticity, Elasticity
and Demand, Market Supply, Market equilibrium, Inverse Demand and Supply Curves
Module 5 Technology and Profit Maximization 3 hours
Inputs and Outputs, Describing Technological Constraints, Properties of Technology, The Technical Rate of
Substitution, Diminishing Technical Rate of Substitution, Returns to Scale, Profits, The Organization of Firms,
The Organization of Firms, Short-Run Profit Maximization, Profit Maximization in the Long Run, Profit
Maximization and Returns to Scale
Module 6 National Income Accounting 2 hours
National Income and Related concepts, Nominal or real GDP, Methods of measuring NI.
Module 7 Determinants of Equilibrium Output and IS – LM Model 8 hours
Aggregate demand and Equilibrium output, Consumption function and aggregate demand, Multiplier, Govt.
sector, Budget and Full employment, Asset and Goods Market, Equilibrium and adjustment to equilibrium in IS –
LM model
Module 8 Money and Fiscal policy and International Linkages 8 hours
Monetary and fiscal policy, crowding out, composition of output and policy mix, Balance of Payment and
Exchange rate, Balance of Trade and capital mobility, Mundell-Fleming model, Capital Mobility and fixed
exchange rates
Module 9 Aggregate Demand, Supply and Growth 4 hours
Aggregate demand and policies, Aggregate Supply, Fiscal and monetary policy under Alternative supply
Assumption, The quantity theory and neutrality of Money.
Text Varian, Hal R.: Intermediate Microeconomics, W.W. Norton & Co., New work (ISBN: 0393978303)
Books Koutsoyiannis, A.: Modern Microeconomics, 2 ELBS/Palgrave Macmillan, London Rudiger
Dornbusch and Stanley Fisher: Macroeconomics, McGraw Hill
Barro Robert J. “Macroeconomics, New York, John Wiley

Subject Code Systems Programming (SP) Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

CS 251 Total hours:56

Course Objectives To understand the relationship between system software and machine
architecture to design and implement assemblers, linkers and loaders.
Module 1 10 Hours
Components of a programming system: Assemblers, loaders, macros, compilers, machine Structure:
Memory, registers, data, instructions. Machine language: Address modification using instructions as
data, address modification using index registers, looping Assembly language.
Module 2 15Hours
Assemblers: Basic assembler functions with an example assembler, assembler algorithm and data
structures, machine dependent assembler features, machine independent assembler features, one-pass
assemblers, multi-pass assemblers, implementation example. Table processing: Searching and sorting.

Module 3 15 Hours
Loaders and Linkers: Basic loader functions, design of an absolute loader, a simple bootstrap loader,
machine dependent loader features, program linking, algorithms and data structures for lining,
machine independent loader features, automatic library search, loader design options, dynamic linking
and an implementation example.

Module 4 10 Hours
Macro processors: Basic macro processor functions, macro definition and expansion, macro processor
data structures and algorithms, implementation example, discussion of ANSI C macro language.

Module 5 6 Hours
System Software Tools: Text editors, overview of the editing process, user interface, editor structure,
interactive debugging systems, debugging functions and capabilities, relationship with other parts of
the system.
Reference (1) John J. Donovan, “Systems Programming”, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 2009.
books (2) Leland L. Beck, D. Manjula, “System software: An introduction to systems
programming”, Pearson education, 3rded, 2007.
(3) D.M. Dhamdhere, “Introduction to system software”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publications, 2002.
(4) John R. Levine, “Linkers & Loaders”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2000.

Subject Code Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 252 Total hours:45
Course This course focuses on principles of object oriented programming paradigm. The
Objectives course also includes practice of writing programs in C++ and Java.
Module 1 10 Hours
Principles of OOP: Programming paradigms, basic concepts, benefits of OOP, applications of OOP
Introduction to C++: History of C++, structure of C++, basic data types, type casting, type modifiers,
operators and control structures, input and output statements in C++. Classes and objects: class
specification, member function specification, scope resolution operator, access qualifiers, instance
creation .Functions: Function prototyping, function components, passing parameters, call by
reference, return by reference, inline functions, default arguments, overloaded function. Pointers:
Array of objects, pointers to objects, this pointer, dynamic allocation operators, dynamic objects.
Module 2 10Hours
Constructors: Constructors, parameterized constructors, overloaded constructors, constructors with
default arguments, copy constructors, static class members and static objects. Operator overloading:
Overloading unary and binary operator, overloading the operator using friend function, stream
operator overloading and data conversion.
Module 3 8 Hours
Inheritance: Defining derived classes, single inheritance, protected data with private inheritance,
multiple inheritance, multi-level inheritance, hierarchical inheritance, hybrid inheritance, multi path
inheritance, constructors in derived and base class, abstract classes, virtual function and dynamic
polymorphism, virtual destructor.
Module 4 7 Hours
Exception Handling: Principle of Exception handling, exception handling mechanism, multiple catch,
nested try, rethrowing the exception. Streams in C++: Stream classes, formatted and unformatted data,
manipulators, user defined manipulators, file streams, file pointer manipulation, file open and close.
Templates: Template functions and Template classes.
Module 5 10 Hours
Object oriented programming using Java: Introduction to Java, bytecode, virtual machines, basic data
types, operators, control structures, classes and objects, using Javadoc, packages, arrays, strings,
inheritance, interfaces, exception handling, multithreaded programming, Java streams, developing
user interfaces in Java.
Reference (1) BJarne Stroustrup, "The C++ Programming Language", Addison Wesley, 2004.
books (2) Stanley B Lippman, "The C++ Primer", Addison Wesley, 2005.
(3) Ira Pohl, “Object oriented programming using C++”, 2nded, Pearson Education
India, 2003.
(4) Patrick Naughton and Herbert Schildt, "Java 2: The Complete Reference",
Fourth ed, McGraw Hill Professional 2001.
(5) Paul. Deitel, Harvey Deitel, “Java: How to program”, 8thEdition, PHI private
limited, 2010.

Subject Code Mathematics-IV Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

MA 250 Total hours: 45

Course This is a one semester course that covers elements of linear algebra from notion
Objectives of vector spaces, norm, and basic topology and views the signal space model
useful to model most real world observations. It aims at developing
probabilistic models for Information processing and systems.

Module 1 15 Hours
Signal Modeling: Review of vector spaces, linear data models, Eigen-decomposition & matrices,
Fourier series and transforms, Some other transforms and applications to data representation.

Module2 10 Hours
Motivating probability via measure theory and Borel-Field, Kolmogorov axioms, Bayes’ theorem
and applications, random variable, properties of CDF/PDF, inequalities & bounds, moment
generating function & probability generating functions.

Module 3 10 Hours
One function of one random variable, discrete and continuous random variables, Bernoulli, binomial,
Poisson, geometric, uniform, exponential, Gaussian, statistical tests on surveys and sampling as

Module 4 10 Hours
Computational models using randomness, information theory, pattern recognition, random
sequences, random processes, measurements with random processes, types of random processes,
detection and estimation (statistical inference models), Markov chains and discrete random
processes, examples from communication networks

Reference (1) Athanasios Papoulis, U. S. Unnikrishnan Pillai, “Probability, random variables

books and Stochastic processes”, 4th ed, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 2002
(2) Vijay K. Rohatgi, A. K. Md. Ehsanes Saleh “An introduction to probability
and statistics”, 2nd edition, Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1976.
(3) Gilbert Strang, “Introduction to linear algebra”, 3rd edition, Wellesley-
Cambridge Press, 2005.
(4) Sheldon M. Ross, “Stochastic Processes”, 2nd edition, Wiley India Pvt.
Limited, 2008.
(5) Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas, “Elements of information theory”, 2nd
edition, Wiley-Interscience, 2006.

Subject Code Object Oriented Programming Credits: 2 (0-0-3)

CS 253 Laboratory Total hours: 42

Course Objectives To understand the basic object oriented programming concepts (objects, classes
and subclasses, methods) using C++ and Java.
List of experiments
(1) Simple programs in C++
(2) Matrix multiplication in C++
(3) Operator overloading exercises
(4) Matrix manipulation using dynamic memory allocation
(5) Overloading dynamic memory allocation operators
(6) Practice on templates
(7) Implementation of linked list using templates
(8) Implementation of sorting algorithms using templates
(9) Implementation of stack and queue using exception handling
(10) Inheritance based exercise
(11) File handling using streams
(12) Practice of Java programming
(13) File handling using Java streams
(14) Multithreaded programming using Java
(15) Developing graphical user interfaces using Java

Reference (1) BJarne Stroustrup, "The C++ Programming Language", Addison Wesley, 2004.
books (2) Stanley B Lippman, "The C++ Primer", Addison Wesley, 2005.
(3) Ira Pohl, “Object oriented programming using C++”, 2nd ed., Pearson
Education India, 2003
(4) John R.Hubbard, “Schaum’s Outline of Programming with C++”, McGraw
Hill Professional, 2003
(5) K.R.Venugopal, RajKumar Buyya, T.Ravishankar, "Mastering C++", Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2006
(6) E. Balagurusamy, “Object Oriented Programming with C++”, Tata McGraw-
Hill, 4th ed., 2008
(7) Patrick Naughton and Herbert Schildt, "Java 2: The Complete Reference", 4th
ed., McGraw Hill Professional 2001
(8) Paul.Deitel, Harvey Deitel, “Java: How to program”, 8th ed., Prentice Hall of
India private limited, 2010

Subject Code Digital Systems Laboratory Credits: 2 (0-0-3)

CS 254 Total hours: 42

Course Objectives The course provides practical knowledge in designing the digital systems

List of Experiments
(1) Simplification, realization of boolean expressions using logic gates/universal gates
(2) Realization of half/full adder & half/full subtractors using logic gates
(3) Realization of parallel adder/subtractors using 7483 chip, BCD to Excess-3code conversion &
vice versa
(4) Realization of binary to gray code conversion & vice versa
(5) MUX/DEMUX – use of 74153,74139 for arithmetic circuits & code converter
(6) Realization of one/two bit comparator and study of 7485 magnitude comparator
(7) Use of a) Decoder chip to drive LED display & b) Priority encoder
(8) Truth table verification of flip-flops: i) JK Master Slave ii) T type iii) D type
(9) Realization of 3 bit counters as a sequential circuit & MOD-N counter design
(10) Writing & testing of sequence generator
Reference (1) J. Bhasker, “A VHDL primer”, 3rd edition, Addison Wesley Longmen, 1999.
books (2) Douglas Perry, “VHDL: Programming by example”, 4th ed. McGraw Hill
International, 2002.
(3) Peter Ashenden, “The Designer Guide to VHDL”,Morgan Kaufmann, 1998

Subject Code: Value Education Credits: 1 (1-0-0)
VE200 Total hours: 14

Course Prerequisite General Awareness of the Society/ Environment we live in

Course Objectives It aims at Holistic Development
Course Outcome At the end, the students should be a complete human being in every respect

Module 1 Ethics in Engineering 4 hours

Concepts of Values and Ethics, History and Purposes, Utilitarianism, Duties, Rights, Responsibility,
Virtue, Honesty, Moral Autonomy, Obligations of Engineering Profession and moral Propriety
Module 2 Engineer’s Moral responsibility 3 hours
Engineer’s Moral responsibility for Safety and Human Rights, Risk Assessment and Communication,
Product Liability, Engineers-Employers Liaison, Whistle-Blowing and Its Moral Justification
Module 3 Computer Ethics 3 hours
Social Impact of Computer, Gender-Issues and Privacy, Cyber Crime, Ethical use of Software
Module 4 Intellectual property 4 hours
Definition, Types, Rights and Functions, Patents, Trademark, Grant of Patent in India, Surrender and
Revocation of Patents, Compulsory Licensing, Acquisition of Inventions by the Government, Contents of
draft application of Patents, WTO
Texts: 1. Vinod V. Sople, Managing Intellectual Property: The Strategic Imperative,
2. Govindarajan, Natarajan & Senthil Kumar, Engineering Ethics, PHI
3. Robin Attfield, A Theory of Value and Obligation, London: Croomhelm,
4. Jones and barlett, “ Cyber Ethics: Morality and Law in Cyber Space”

Reference Case Studies from Newspapers

Subject Code Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
CS 300 Operating Systems (OS) Total hours: 56

Course This course covers the objectives and functions of operating systems which
Objectives include process management, memory management, disk scheduling, security
and File Systems. At the end of the course student should be able to write
application keeping concurrency and synchronization semaphores/monitors,
shared memory, mutual exclusion Process scheduling services of an OS.
Module 1 10 Hours
Introduction to OS, batch processing, multi-programming, interrupts, CPU scheduling, real time
scheduling, concurrent processes, threads, multi-threading, inter process communication.
Module 2 10 Hours
Mutual exclusion, Software solution, hardware solutions, atomic test and set, LL, swap instructions,
monitors, deadlocks, avoidance, prevention and detection algorithms.
Module 3 14 Hours
Memory management, fixed and variable paging, segmentation, virtual memory, virtual memory
concept, demand paging, page replacement algorithms, trashing, and strategies to control trashing.
Module 4 12 Hours
File Systems, disk scheduling algorithms, LOOK, C-LOOK, SCAN, C-SCAN, I/O Hardware, I/O
buffering, RAID, performance evaluation.
Module 5 10 Hours
Operating system security & protection, breaches, solutions, mechanisms, Inside attacks, outside
attacks, case studies - the UNIX kernel and Microsoft Windows NT.
Reference 1) Peter B. Galvin, “Operating System Concepts”, 8th Ed., TMH, 2012.
books 2) Andrew.S.Tanenbaum, “Modern Operating Systems”, 3rd ed., PHI Learning,
3) Silberschartz& Galvin, Operating System Concepts, Addison Wesley, 5th ed.,
4) MelinMilenkovic, “Operating Systems: Concepts and Design”, McGraw Hill,
New York, 2000.

Subject Code Database Systems (DS) Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
CS 301 Total hours: 56
Course This course covers the relational database systems RDBS - the predominant
Objectives system for business, scientific and engineering applications at present. The
topics are reinforced using tools such as Oracle server in labs. The course
includes entity-relation model, normalization, relational model, relational
algebra, and data access queries as well as an introduction to SQL.
Module 1 12 Hours
Introduction: An overview of database management system, database system vs file system, database
system concept and architecture, data model schema and instances, data independence and database
language and interfaces,(DDL,DML,DCL), overall database structure, database users. Data modeling
using the Entity Relationship model: ER model concepts, notation for ER diagram, mapping
constraints, keys, specialization, generalization, aggregation, reduction of an ER diagrams to tables,
extended ER model, relationship of higher degree.
Module 2 14 Hours
Relational data Model and Language: Relational data model concepts, integrity constraints, entity
integrity, referential integrity, key constraints, domain constraints, relational algebra, relational
calculus, tuple and domain calculus.Introduction on SQL: Characteristics of SQL, advantage of SQL,
SQL data type and literals, types of SQL commands, SQL operators and their procedure, tables, views
and indexes, queries and sub queries, aggregate functions, insert, update and delete operations, joins,
unions, intersection, minus, cursors, triggers, procedures in SQL/PL SQL.
Module 3 18 Hours
Data Base Design & Normalization: Functional dependencies, primary key, foreign key, candidate
key, super key, normal forms, first, second, third normal forms, BCNF, 4th Normal form,5th normal
form, loss less join decompositions, canonical cover, redundant cover, synthesis the set of relation ,
MVD, and JDs,inclusion dependence, transaction processing concept, transaction system, testing
ofserializability, serializability of schedules, conflict & view serializable schedule, recoverability,
Recovery from transaction failures, log based recovery, deadlock handling.
Module 4 12 Hours
Concurrency Control Techniques: Concurrency control, locking techniques for concurrency control,
2PL, time stamping protocols for concurrency control, validation based protocol, multiple granularity,
multi version schemes and recovery with concurrent transaction. Storage: Introduction, secondary
storage devices, tertiary storage, buffering of blocks, structure of files, file organization, indexing and
hashing, types of single level ordered indexes, multilevel indexes, dynamics multilevel indexes using
B-trees and B+- Trees, database security.
Reference (1) Korth, Silberschatz, “Database System Concepts”, 4th ed., TMH, 2003.
books (2) Elmsari and Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, 4th ed., A.
Wesley, 2004
(3) Raghu Ramakrishnan , Johannes Gehrke, “ Database Management Systems”,
3rd Edition, McGraw- Hill, 2003.
(4) J D Ullman, “Principles of database systems”, Computer Science Press, 2001.

Subject Code Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Credits: 3(3-0-0)

CS302 (MPMC) Total hours:45

Course To introduce the student with knowledge about architecture, interfacing and
Objectives programming with 8086 microprocessors and 8051 microcontrollers. It gives a
brief introduction to ARM 7 and ARM 9 micro controllers. After studying this
subject, the student should be able to design microprocessor/controller based
Module 1 12 Hours
Introduction: History of microprocessors, basics of computer architecture, computer languages, CISC
and RISC, 8085 programming model, architecture.
Module2 10 Hours
Software architecture of the 8086 microprocessors, address space, data organization, registers,
memory segmentation and addressing, stack, I/O space, Assembly language programming and
program development, 8086 microprocessor architecture, min/max mode, coprocessor and
multiprocessor configuration , hardware organization of address space, control signals and I/O
Module 3 10 Hours
Programmable interfacing devices, 8255A programmable parallel interface, 8279 programmable
keyboard/display interface, 8254 programmable interval timer, 8259A programmable interrupt
controller, direct memory access (DMA), 8237 DMA controller, serial I/O and data communication,
standards in serial I/Os, serial I/O lines, 8251A programmable communication interfacing.
Module 4 13 Hours
Intel 8051 microcontroller, CPU operation, memory space, software overview, peripheral overview,
interrupt, timers parallel port inputs and outputs, serial port, low power special modes of operation,
introduction to ARM processors , features of ARM 7 and 9 processors.
Reference (1) Hall D.V., “Microprocessors and Interfacing”, McGraw Hill, 1974.
books (2) Triebal W A & Singh A., “The 8088 and 8086 microprocessors”, McGraw
Hill, 2007.
(3) Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi and Rolin D Mckinlay,“The
8051 microcontroller and embedded systems”, 2nd edition, Pearson education,
(4) Ramesh Gaonkar, “Microprocessor architecture programming and applications
with 8085”, 5th edition, Penram International Publishing, 2002

Subject Code Theory of Computation (TOC) Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
CS 303 Total hours: 56

Course This course introduces models of computation: Regular languages models,

Objectives Recursive and recursively enumerable sets models and context-free languages
Module 1 10 Hours
Models of computation, classification, properties and equivalences, automata: Introduction to formal
proof, additional forms of proof, inductive proofs, finite automata (FA), deterministic finite automata
(DFA), non-deterministic finite automata (NFA), Finite Automata with Epsilon transitions.
Module 2 10Hours
Regular expression and languages: Introduction to regular expression, building regular expression,
converting DFA to a regular expression, converting regular expression to DFA, pumping lemma and
its applications to prove languages not to be regular, closure properties of regular languages,
minimization of automata.
Module 3 15 Hours
Context free grammars (CFG) and languages: Definition, derivations, parse trees, ambiguity in
grammars and languages, pushdown automata (PDA): Definition, Graphical notation, deterministic
and nondeterministic, instantaneous descriptions of PDAs, language acceptance by final states and by
empty stack, equivalence of the CFG and PDAs, pumping lemma for CFLs, closure properties of
CFLs, decision problems for CFLs.
Module 4 15 Hours
Turing machines: Introduction to Turing machines, instantaneous descriptions, language acceptance
by Turing machines, Turing machine transition diagrams, Church-Turing hypothesis, Chomsky
hierarchy, recursively enumerable sets, existence of non-recursively enumerable notion of undecidable
problems, universality of Turing machine, separation of recursive and recursively enumerable classes,
notion of reduction, undecidable problems of Turing machines.
Module 5 6 Hours
Intractability: Notion of tractability/feasibility, the classes NP and co-NP, polynomial time many-one
reduction, completeness under this reduction, NP-completeness of propositional satisfiability, other
variants of satisfiability, NP-complete problems from other domains: graphs (clique, vertex cover,
independent sets, Hamiltonian cycle), number problem (partition), set cover.
Reference (1) J.E. Hopcroft and J.D. Ullman. “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages
books of Computations”, Addison-Wesley, 1979.
(2) C. Papadimitriou and C. L. Lewis. “Elements of Theory of Computation”,
Prentice-Hall, 1981.
(3) John. C. Martin, "Introduction to languages and the theory of computation",
3rdedition, TMH, 2003.
(4) Peter Linz, "An introduction to formal language and automata", 3rd edition,
Narosa publishing house, 2002.
(5) John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani and Jeffery D. Ullman “Automata Theory,
Languages, and Computation”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.
(6) Michael Sipser, “Introduction to the Theory of Computation”, Books/Cole
Thomson Learning, 2001.

Subject Code Operating Systems Laboratory Credits: 2(0-0-3)

CS 304 Total hours: 42

Course Objectives To understand the implementation of an operating system.

List of experiments
(1) Linux based exercises to practice/simulate: scheduling, memory management algorithms.
(2) Implementation of various CPU scheduling algorithms (FCFS, SJF, Priority).
(3) Implementation of various page replacement algorithms (FIFO, Optimal, LRU).
(4) Concurrent programming; use of threads and processes, system calls (fork and v-fork).
(5) Implementation of Producer-Consumer problem, Bankers algorithm
(6) To simulate concept of semaphores.
(7) To simulate concept of inter process communication.
(8) Implementation of various memory allocation algorithms, (First fit, Best fit and Worst fit),
Disk Scheduling algorithms (FCFS, SCAN, SSTF, C-SCAN)
(9) Kernel reconfiguration, devicone drivers and systems administration of different operating
(10) Writing utilities and OS performance tuning.
Reference (1) Peter B. Galvin, “Operating System Concepts”, 8th ed., TMH, 2012.
books (2) Andrew.S.Tanenbaum, “Modern Operating Systems”, 3rd ed., PHI Learning,
(3) Silberschartz& Galvin, “Operating System Concepts”, Addison Wesley, 5th ed.,
(4) MelinMilenkovic, “Operating Systems: Concepts and Design”, McGraw Hill,
New York, 2000.

Subject Code Database Systems Laboratory Credits: 2 (0-0-3)

CS 305 Total hours:42

Course Objectives To obtain working knowledge of a database management system and

developing applications using the databases.
List of experiments
(1) Defining schemas for applications.
(2) Creating tables, Renaming tables, Data constraints (Primary key, Foreign key, Not Null), Data
insertion into a table.
(3) Grouping data, aggregate functions, Oracle functions (mathematical, character functions).
(4) Sub-queries, Set operations, Joins.
(5) Creation of databases, writing SQL and PL/SQL queries to retrieve information from the
(6) Triggers & Cursors.
(7) Assignment in Design and Implementation of Database systems or packages for applications
such as office automation, hotel management, hospital management;
(8) Deployment of Forms, Reports Normalization, Query Processing Algorithms in the above
application project;
(9) Distributed data base Management, creating webpage interfaces for database applications
using servlets.
Reference 1) Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B Navathe, “Fundamentals of database systems”,
books 5th ed., 2003.
2) Avi Silberschatz, Henry korth and S. Sudarshan, “Database Systems
Concepts”, 5th Edition, TMH, 2005.

Subject Code Microprocessor and Microcontroller Credits: 2 (0-0-3)

CS 306 Laboratory Total hours: 42

Course Objectives To practice writing programs using microprocessor.

List of experiments
(1) 8085 and 8086 kit familiarization and basic experiments
(2) Arithmetic operation of 16 bit binary numbers
(3) Programming exercise : sorting ,searching and string
(4) Interfacing with A/D and D/A converters
(5) Interfacing with stepper motors
(6) keyboard interfacing to 8086
(7) 8255 interface to 8086
(8) Assembly language programming of 8051
(9) Timer programming of 8051,using interrupts
(10) LCD interfacing to 8051 –project

Reference (1) ROM-BIOS service summary- Programmer’s Guide to the IBM PC.

Subject Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Code Environmental Studies Total hours: 45
Understanding environment, its constituents, importance for living, ecosystem,
human developmental activities vs environment, climate change, national and
Objective international environment related developments, need for public awareness, its
protection and conservation activities.
Module 1 Hours : 2
Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies: Definition, scope and importance, Need
for public awareness.
Module 2 Hours : 8
Renewable and non-renewable Natural resources : Natural resources and associated
problems; Forest resources : Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies, Timber
extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forest and tribal people; Water resources : Use
and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-
benefits and problems; Mineral resources : Use and exploitation, environmental effects of
extracting and using mineral resources, case studies; Food resources : World food problems,
changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-
pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies; Energy resources : Growing energy
needs, renewable and non renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources, Case
studies; Land resources : Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil
erosion and desertification; Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources;
Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.
Module 3 Hours : 10
Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem, Structure and function of an ecosystem, Producers,
consumers and decomposers, Energy flow in the ecosystem, Ecological succession, Food
chains, food webs and ecological pyramids, Introduction, types, characteristic features,
structure and function of the Following ecosystem, Forest ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem,
Desert ecosystem, Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries).
Module 4 Hours : 12
Biodiversity and its conservation: Introduction – Definition : genetic, species and ecosystem
diversity, Bio geographical classification of India, Value of biodiversity : consumptive use,
productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values, Biodiversity at global, National
and local levels, India as a mega-diversity nation, Hot-sports of biodiversity, Threats to
biodiversity : habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts, Endangered and
endemic species of India, Conservation of biodiversity : In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of
biodiversity, Eco-cultural heritage of India-various festivals related to Environment,
Tradition of community conserved areas-Sacred forests, sacred tanks, sacred mountains,
sacred rivers.
Module 5 Hours : 12
National and International Environment related developments
Environmental ethics : Issues and possible solutions, Climate change, global warming, acid
rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear, accidents and holocaust, Environment related Acts,
Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation, Public awareness, Wasteland
reclamation, Consumerism and waste products, UN Frame Convention Climate Change,
Kyoto protocol, concept of carbon credits, latest CoP meet Agenda; Filed Work(equal to 5
lecture hours): Visit to a local area to document environmental assets
river/forest/grassland/hill/mountain/sacred groves/sacred forests, Visit to a local polluted
site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural, Study of common plants, insects, birds, Study of
simple ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes, etc.
1. Textbook for Environmental Studies For Undergraduate Courses of all
Branches of Higher Education (online book -UGC Website), Erach
Bharucha,University Grants Commission , India.
2. Anil Agarwal, Dying Wisdom, Publisher: Centre for Science and
Environment, Edi:1st,1997
ISBN-13 9788186906200; ISBN-10 8186906207
3. R. Rajagopalan, Environmental Studies from Crisis to Cure, Oxford IBH
Pub., 2005.
Reference 4. Benny Joseph, Environmental Science and Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill,
books 2006.
5. Erach Bharucha, Text Book for Environmental Studies, Pub., Universities
Press, 2005.
6. Masters, Gilbert M., Introduction to Environmental Engineering and
Sciences, Prentice
Hall India, 1991

Subject Code Compiler Design (CD) Credits: 4 (3-1-
CS 350
Total hours: 56

Course Describe the steps and algorithms used by language translators, Recognize the
Objectives underlying formal models such as finite state automata, push-down automata and
their connection to language definition through regular expressions and
grammars, Discuss the effectiveness of optimization.
Module 1 10 Hours
Introduction to compiler design, Model of a Compilers, Translators, Interpreters, Assemblers,
Languages, Computer Architecture vs Compiler Design, Lexical analyzer, Regular expressions and
finite automata.
Module2 8 Hours
Introduction to context free grammars, BNF notation, Syntax Analysis.
Module 3 14 Hours
Parsing Techniques: Top-down parsing and Bottom-up parsing, general parsing strategies, brute force
approach, recursive descent parser and algorithms, simple LL(1) grammar, bottom-up parsing-handle
of a right sentential form, shift reduce parsers, operator precedence parsers, LR, SLR, Canonical LR,
LALR grammar and parsers, error recover strategies for different parsing techniques.
Module 4 14 Hours
Symbol table, syntax-directed translation schemes, intermediate code generation, translation schemes
for programming language constructs, runtime storage allocation.
Module 5 10 Hours
Code generation and instruction selection: Issues, basic blocks and flow graphs, register allocation,
DAG representation of programs, code generation from DAG, peep hole optimization, code generator
generators, specifications of machine. Code optimization, source of optimizations, optimization of
basic blocks, loops, global dataflow analysis, solution to iterative dataflow equations.
Reference 1) Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi & Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Compilers; Principles,
books Techniques & Tools”, Addison- Wesley Publication, 2001.
2) William A. Barrett, “Compiler Construction, Theory and Practice”,
Galgotia 2000
3) Holub A.I., “Compiler Design in C”, Prentice Hall India.2000.

Subject Code Design and Analysis of Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

CS 351 Algorithms (DAA) Total hours: 45

Course To study paradigms and approaches used to analyze and design algorithms and to
Objectives appreciate the impact of algorithm design in practice.

Module 1 10 Hours
Models of computation, RAM model, big Oh, big Omega, asymptotic analysis, recurrence relations,
probabilistic analysis, linearity of expectations, worst and average case analysis of sorting and
searching algorithms, hashing algorithms, lower bound proofs for the above problems, amortized
analysis, aggregate, accounting and potential methods, analysis of Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithms,
amortized weight balanced trees.
Module2 11 Hours
Problem Solving, Divide & Conquer, Strassens algorithm, O(n)_ median finding algorithm, dynamic
programming, combinatorial search, matrix chain multiplication, optimal binary search trees, Floyd
Warshall algorithm, CYK algorithm, Greedy, set of intervals, Huffman coding, Knapsack, Kruskal&
Prims algorithm for MST, back tracking, branch & bound, traveling salesman problem
Module 3 8 Hours
Computing Algorithms, Simple Numerical algorithms, B trees, Fibonacci Heaps, Data Structure for
disjoint sets.
Module 4 8 Hours
Efficient Graph algorithms based on DFS, BFS, topological sort, pattern matching & string/ text
algorithms, shortest path, flow, cuts. Efficient algorithms for matrix inversion and LUP
decomposition, Modular arithmetic.
Module 5 8 Hours
Complexity classes, P, NP, Co-NP, NP Hard & NP complete problems. Search / decision, SAT, Cooks
theorem, NP Completeness for clique, vertex cover, TSP, set covering &subset sum, approximation
Reference (1) Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman “The design and analysis of Computer Algorithms”,
books Addison Weseley.
(2) Horowitz and Sahni, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”, Galgotia
Publications, 2000.
(3) Baase S., “Computer Algorithms: Introduction to Design and Analysis”,
Addison Wesley. 2000
(4) Donald E. Knuth, “Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental
Algorithms”, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2000
(5) Corman, Leiserson and Rivest “ Introduction to Algorithm”, Prentice Hall
India, 3rd Edition, 2010
(6) AnanyLevtin, “Introduction to Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, Pearson,

Subject Code Software Engineering (SE) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

CS 352 Total hours: 45

Course Following this course, students will be able to: 1) Define software engineering
Objectives and explain its importance, 2) Discuss the concepts of software products and
software processes, 3) Explain the importance of process visibility, 4) Introduce
the notion of professional responsibility. This course covers the basic concepts
of software engineering, life cycle models and system engineering, concepts &
principles of software coding, design and testing. Improvement in design
languages & reusable code. Participatory design & debugging. Specification of
interface & mock up to confirm specifications. To introduce ethical &
Professional issues & to explain why they are of concern to software engineers
& experience working in a team.
Module 1 6 Hours
Introduction to software engineering and its objectives, S/W myths, generic view of process, S/W
engineering paradigm, verification, validation.
Module 2 11 Hours
Life cycle models, system engineering, requirements engineering, business process engineering,
analysis concepts, design process and concepts, modular design, design heuristic, architectural design,
data design, user interface designs, real time software design, data acquisition system, monitoring and
control system.

Module 3 14 Hours
Taxonomy of software testing, types of S/W test, black box testing, testing boundary conditions,
structural testing, test coverage criteria based on data flow mechanisms, regression testing, unit
testing, integration testing, validation testing, system testing and debugging.

Module 4 14 Hours
Software implementation techniques measures and measurements, software cost estimation, function
point models, COCOMO model, error tracking, software configuration management, program
evolution dynamics, software maintenance, project planning, risk management, CASE tools.

Reference (1) R.S. Pressman, “Software Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, 2002

books (2) PankajJalote, “An Integrated Approach to software Engineering”, Narosa Pub.,
(3) Ian Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, 5th ed., Addison-Wesley Publication
House, 1997.
(4) Bell Morry and Pugh. “Software Engineering Approach”, Prentice Hall. 2001
(5) K. C. Shet, “Software Engineering & Quality Assurance”, BPB Publications,
New Delhi.
(6) Waman S. Jawadekar, “Software Engineering, Principles and Practice”, Tata
McGraw Hill.

Subject Code Computer Networks (CN) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

CS 353 Total hours: 45

Course This course focuses on understanding the design of computer networks,

Objectives assimilating hubs into a personal network.

Module 1 6 Hours
Introduction to Computer Networks,Overview of OSI reference model. Topology design,Problems and
protocols, Practical local area network design and implementation. IEEE LAN Standards, Logical
Link Control protocols, HDLC, ALOHA, SLOTTED ALOHA, FDDI, Client Server model and related
softwares. Computer Networks and Internet, Network edge, network core, Network Access, Delay and
Module 2 17 Hours
Transport layer services, UDP, TCP, New transport layer protocols, congestion control and resource
allocation, new versions of TCP, network layer services, routing, IP, routing in internet, router, IPV6,
multicast routing.
Module 3 9 Hours
Link layer services, error detection and correction, multiple access protocols, ARP, Ethernet, hubs,
bridges, switches, wireless links, mobility, PPP, ATM, MPLS, VLAN.
Module 4 13 Hours
Multimedia networking, streaming stored audio and video, real-time protocols, security,
Cryptography, authentication, integrity, key distribution, network management, Firewalls, Brief
functioning of upper layers, E-mail and other application.
Reference (1) J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross, “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach
books Featuring Internet”, 3/e, Pearson Education, 2005.
(2) Peterson L.L. & Davie B.S., “Computer Networks, A systems approach”, 3/E,
Harcourt Asia, 2003.
(3) Andrew. S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Prentice Hall of India, 5th Edn,
(4) Fred Halsall, “Data Communications, Computer networking on OSI”, Addison
Wesley Publishing Co., 2nd Edition, 2002.
(5) William Stallings, “Data & Computer Communications”, 2nd Edition,
Maxwell, MacMillan International Edn. 2003.
(6) Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Communications & Networks”, third edition, Tata
McGraw Hill.

Subject Code Compiler Design Laboratory Credits: 2(0-0-3)

CS 354 Total hours: 42

Course Objectives To obtain the practice of writing compilers.

List of experiments
(1) Introduction to Flex/Lex& Bison/Yacc tools, Lexing and tokenizing Programs
(2) Implementing an alternative grammars for infix expressions
(3) Parsing and parse trees
(4) Type checking
(5) Intermediate code generation
(6) Simple optimization (constant folding, etc.)
(7) Relations
(8) Control flow
(9) Functions
(10) Building a minicompiler (possibly subsets of Standard Compilers like PASCAL or other
languages) and executing Simple problems to demonstrate the Compiler capabilities

Reference 1) Holub A.I., “Compiler Design in C”, Prentice Hall India.2000.

books 2) W. Appel, “Modern Compiler Implementation in C” , Cambridge University
Press, 1998.
3) V. Aho, M. S. Lam, R. Sethi, J. D. Ullman, “Compilers- Principles,
Techniques & Tools”, 2/e, Pearson Education, 2007.

Subject Code Networks Laboratory Credits: 2 (0-0-3)

CS 355 Total hours: 42

Course Objectives To provide students with a theoretical and practical base in computer networks
List of experiments
(1) Implementation of basic Client Server program using TCP and UDP Socket
(2) Exercises comprising simulation of various protocols and performance study
(3) TCP/IP Level Programming Problems
(4) Implementing fully concurrent application with a TCP server acting as a directory server and
client programs allowing concurrent connection and message transfer (Eg. Chat sytem).
(5) Routing Algorithms and internetworking
(6) Experiments with open source firewall/proxy packages like iptables,ufw, squid etc
(7) Experiments with Emulator like Netkit, Emulabetc
(8) Experiments with Simulator like NS2, NCTU NS etc

Reference 1) W. Richard Stevens, Bill Fenner and Andrew M. Rudoff, “UNIX Network
books Programming”, PHI.
2) Kris Jamsa, Ken Cope, “Internet Programming”, Galgotia
3) Elliotte Rusty Harold, “Java Network Programming”, 3rd Edition, O’Reilly,

Subject Code Mini Project/Industrial Training Credits: 1(0-0-2)

CS 356

Course Objectives Students are expected to undergo hands on training on a real problem under
the guidance of a faculty/ an expert from industry. The problem domain should
be relevant to Computer Science and Engineering applications.

Subject Code Foundation of Cryptography Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
CS 400 Total hours: 56
Course Objectives The purpose of the course is to familiarize the students to the arithmetic
topics that have been at the centre of interest in applications of number
theory, particularly in cryptography. It also includes familiarizing the
students with cryptography, cryptographic protocols and the latest elliptic
curve systems.
Module 1 13 Hours
Mathematical preliminaries: Number theory and algebra, finite fields.
Module 2 9 Hours
Symmetric key encryption: Stream ciphers and block ciphers.
Module 3 12 Hours
Public key cryptography, digital signatures, attacks, hash functions, authentication schemes, key
exchange algorithm, public key infrastructure.
Module 4 10 Hours
Identification schemes, interactive proofs, commitment protocols, zero knowledge proofs, non-
interactive proofs.
Module 5 12 Hours
Secret sharing schemes, digital cash, electronic voting, elliptic curve, elliptic curve cryptosystems,
identity based encryption.
(1)Neal Koblitz, “Number theory and cryptography”, Springer, 2007.
(2)Hans Delfs, Helmut Knebl, “Introduction to Cryptography: Principles and
Reference books Applications”, Springer.
(3)Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone, “Handbook of
Applied Cryptography”, CRC Press, 1996.
(4)Stinson Douglas R, “Cryptography Theory and Practice”, CRC press, 2005.
(5)Rudolf Lidl, Herald Niederreiter, “Introduction to Finite Fields and their
Applications”, Cambridge University Press.
(6)Ivan Niven, Herbert S. Zukerman, Hugh L.Montgomery, “An Introduction
to the Theory of Numbers”, John Wiley, 1991.
(7)Husten, “Topics in Algebra”, John Wiley, 1975.
(8)Lide and Niderriten, “Finite Fields”, Cambridge University press, 1984.
(9)Birchoff and Maclan, “Modern Algebra”.
(10) Relevant Research Papers

Subject Code Introduction to Machine Learning Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

CS 401 (IML) Total hours: 45

Course To develop framework for representation, classification and processing of

Objectives information using various mathematical approaches with real architectures based
in statistics, and modern algorithms [Genetic, Neural networks]
Module 1 8 Hours
Basic test on Linear algebra and review of algorithms, Introduction to pattern classification, learning
theory, Lloyd-max algorithm and quantization with Kraft inequality, entropy as minimum word length

Module 2 15 Hours
Bayesian decision theory, classifiers, discriminant functions, decision surfaces. Error probabilities in
statistical decision, non-parametric techniques in pattern classification, order statistics, windowing,
Module 3 15 Hours
KNN, linear discriminants, non-metric methods, grammar based methods, dictionary and the Lempel-
Ziv estimation, mixtures, clusters data description and clustering, component analysis – PCA, ICA,
architectures and performance analysis of pattern classification
Module 4 7 Hours
Database systems, search & complexity, distributed, parallel and randomized processing
environments, selected topics and research papers from PAMI, PY, KBS, IFS, for seminar and
Reference (1) Luciano Da Costa, Roberto Cesar Jr. – “Shape analysis and classification:
books theory and practice ”, CRC Press, 2001
(2) T Hastie, R Tibshirani, J Friedman – “The elements of statistical learning: Data
mining, Inference and Prediction”, Springer-verlag, 2009
(3) K. Fukunaga – “Introduction to statistical pattern recognition”, Academic press
(4) Yu Xinjie, Mitsuo Gen – “Introduction to Evolutionary Algorithms”, Springer
(5) Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart and David G. Stork “Pattern Classification” ,
Wiley, 2007
(6) Christopher M. Bishop “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”, Springer,

Subject Code Management Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
HS 400 Total hours: 45
Course Outcome Develops the ability to understand and analyze the broad aspect of management
and its financial dynamism

Module 1 Principles of Accounting 5 hours

Accounting Cycle, Assumptions, Classifications of Accounts- Journal, Cash Book, Ledger, Final
Accounts-Manufacturing Account, Trading Account, P & L Account, Balance Sheet.
Module 2 Financial Statement Analysis 5 hours
Balance sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Economic vs Accounting Profit, Changes in Financial Position,
Funds flow and cash flow statement.
Module 3 Ratio Analysis 6 hours
Nature of Ratio Analysis, Liquidity Ratio, Leverage Ratio, Activity Ratio, Profitability Ratio, DuPont
Analysis, Comparative statement and Trend Analysis, Inter-firm Analysis.
Module 4 Working Capital 6 hours
Concept of working Capital, Operating and Cash conversion Cycle, Permanent and Variable working
Capital, Balance working capital position and Issues.
Module 5 Time Value of Money 5 hours
Time preference for money, Future value, Annuity, Perpetuity, Sinking fund factor, Present value,
Annuity, Perpetuity, capital recovery factor, Multiple period Compounding.
Module 6 Capital Budgeting 8 hours
Nature and type of Investment decision, Net Present value, (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback
period, Profitability Index, Nature and Behavior of Cost, Breakeven point, multiple products analysis,
decision points.
Module 7 Financial System 6 hours
Introduction to Indian Financial System, Financial Institutions and Financial Markets.
Module 8 Industrial Engineering & Project Management 4 hours
Work Study, Time Study, Industrial Psychology, Project Management (PERT, CPM)

Text Books I.M Pandey, Financial Management, 10th edition, Vikish Publication
Brealey Y Myers, Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill
Rajiv and Anil: Financial Management, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press
L.M Bhole: Financial Institutions and Markets, Tata McGrow-hill

Subject Code
CS 402 Seminar Credits: 2 (0-0-2)
Course Objectives Students will have to choose a topic in Computer Science and related areas,
current trends or industry practices, prepare a write up, and present it along
with a suitable demonstration.

Subject Code Security Laboratory Credits: 2 (0-0-3)

CS 403 Total hours: 42

Course Objectives To study the number-theoretic and cryptographic algorithms. To have practical
hands on experience with the number theoretic algorithms and cryptographic
algorithms. To learn the usage of the number theoretic library packages in
supplement with the C programming language.

List of experiments
1. Euclidean algorithm for finding the Greatest Common Divisor of two large integers.
2. Extended Euclidean algorithm for finding the GCD of two large integers.
3. Binary Euclidean algorithm to find the GCD of two large integers.
4. Computing the Multiplicative inverses in Zn. Zn is defined as the integers modulo n.Zn = {0,
1,2,...,n-1}. Given a ϵ Zn. Find the multiplicative inverse of a.
5. Write a program to find the modular inverse of the matrix if it exists.
6. Repeated square and multiply algorithm for modular exponentiation in Zn.
7. Determining the order of a group element.
8. Finding a generator of a cyclic group.
9. Chinese remainder method
10. Pollard’s rho algorithm for factoring integers.
11. Pollard’s p-1 algorithm for factoring integers.
12. Fermat's factorization method
13. Congruence of squares. Finding a congruence of squares modulo n to factor n.
14. Fermat primality test
15. Solovay-Strassen probabilistic primality test
16. Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test
17. Lucas-Lehmer primality test for Mersenne numbers
18. AKS primality test
19. DES Symmetric key algorithm
20. RSA public key algorithm, Elgamal Cryptosystem, Subset sum, Secret Sharing scheme.

Reference books (1) Hand Book of Applied Cryptography by Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van
Oorschot and Scott A. Vanstone
(2) (It is freely available: One of the source links: )
(3) PARI C Library:
(4) The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie
(5) Any Library packages for multi-precision arithmetic.

Elective Subjects
Subject Code Object Oriented Analysis and Design Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

CS 500
(OOAD) Total hours: 45

Course To apply an iterative process such as the Unified Process & Analyze software
Objectives requirements and document them using Use Cases. Perform software analysis
and record the results using UML notation. Discuss how object oriented
software development affects testing and quality.
Module 1 8 Hours
An overview of object oriented systems development, object basics, object oriented systems
development life cycle.
Module 2 13 Hours
Rumbaugh methodology , Booch methodology , Jacobson methodology , patterns, frameworks,
unified approach, unified modeling language , use case , class diagram , interactive diagram ,
package diagram , collaboration diagram , state diagram , activity diagram.
Module 3 12 Hours
Identifying use cases, object analysis, classification, identifying object relationships, attributes and
methods, design axioms, designing classes, access layer, object storage, and object interoperability.
Module 4 12 Hours
Designing interface objects, software quality assurance, system usability, measuring, user
satisfaction, mini project.
Reference (1) Ali Bah rami, “Object Oriented Systems Development”, Tata McGraw-Hill,
books 1999.
(2) Martin Fowler, “UML Distilled”, 2nd ed., PHI/Pearson Education, 2002.
(3) Stephen R. Schach, “Introduction to Object Oriented Analysis and Design”,
Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.
(4) James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch “The Unified Modeling
Language Reference Manual”, Addison Wesley, 1999.
(5) Hans-Erik Eriksson, Magnus Penker, Brain Lyons, David Fado, “UML
Toolkit”, OMG Press Wiley Publishing Inc., 2004.

Subject Code Advanced Data Structures (ADS) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 501 Total hours: 45

Course Advanced Data Structures is about using mathematical objects like trees and
Objectives graphs to represent computational problems. It aims at the usage of some
sophisticated algorithms and methods of analysis.
Module 1 9 Hours
Introduction: Algorithms, algorithms as a technology, analyzing algorithms, designing algorithms,
asymptotic notations, standard notations, common functions, recurrences, substitution method, master
method. Sorting and order statistics: Merge sort, quick sort, heap sort, sorting in linear time, Median
and order statistics.
Module 2 9 Hours
Data structures: Elementary data structures, linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, direct address
tables, hash tables, hash functions, open addressing, search trees , binary search trees, red-black Trees,
splay trees. Advanced Data structures: B – Trees, binomial heaps, fibonacci heaps, data structures for
disjoint sets. Suffix Trees-Tries-Text compression, text similarity testing-range trees, priority search
trees, quad trees and k-d trees.
Module 3 9 Hours
Graph Algorithms: Elementary graph algorithms, representation of graphs, BFS, DFS, topological
sort, strongly connected components, minimum spanning trees, the algorithms of Kruskal and Prim’s.
Single-source shortest paths: Bellman-ford algorithm, single source shortest paths in DAG’s,
Dijkstra’s algorithm, all-pair shortest paths, matrix multiplication, Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
Maximum flow: Flow networks, the Ford-Fulkerson method, maximum bipartite matching.
Module 4 9 Hours
Advanced design and analysis techniques: Greedy algorithms, an activity, selection problem, elements
of greedy strategy, Huffman codes. Dynamic programming: Matrix chain multiplication, elements of
dynamic programming, optimal binary search trees.
Module 5 9 Hours
String Matching: The naïve string matching algorithm, Rabin-Karp algorithm, Knuth-Morris-Pratt
algorithm. NP-Completeness: Polynomial time, Verification, NP-Completeness and reducibility, NP-
Completeness proofs, NP-Complete problems.
(1) Thomas Cormen, Charles E Leiserson and Ronald D River, “Introduction to
Algorithms”, PHI, 2001.
Reference (2) Mark Allen Weiss, Algorithms, “Data Structures and Problem Solving with
books C++”, Addison Wesley, 2002.
(3) M.T.Goodrich and R.Tomassia,”Algorithm design: Foundations,analysis and
internet examples”, John Wiley and sons.
(4) EllisHorowitz, Satraj Sahni and S.Rajasekaran, “Fundamentals of computer
algorithms”,Galgotia publications pvt. Ltd.
(5) R.C.T.Lee, S.S.Tseng, R.C.Chang and T.Tsai, “Introduction to design and
analysis of algorithms: A strategic approach”, McGraw Hill.

Subject Code Advanced Computer Architecture (ACA) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 502 Total hours: 45

Course To understand concepts of parallel processing and design choices of

Objectives implementing parallel execution within a single processor (pipeline, VLIW, and
superscalar) and multiprocessor systems. To gain knowledge of the state of the
art research topics on advanced computing systems
Module 1 9 Hours
Parallel Computer Models: The state of computing, classification of parallel computers,
multiprocessors and multicomputer, multi vector and SIMD computers. Program and network
properties: Conditions of parallelism, data and resource dependences, hardware and software
parallelism, program partitioning and scheduling, grain size and latency, program flow mechanisms,
control flow versus inter connects, hierarchical bus systems, crossbar switch and multiport memory,
multistage and combining network.
Module 2 9 Hours
Advanced Processors: Advanced processor technology, instruction-set architectures, CISC scalar
processors, RISC scalar processors, superscalar processors, VLIW architectures, vector and symbolic
Module 3 9 Hours
Pipelining: Linear pipeline processor, nonlinear pipeline processor, instruction pipeline design,
mechanisms for instruction pipelining, dynamic instruction scheduling, branch handling techniques,
branch prediction, arithmetic pipeline design, computer arithmetic principles, static arithmetic
pipeline, multifunctional arithmetic pipelining
Module 4 9 Hours
Multi Processors: Multiprocessor system interconnect, cache coherence and synchronization
mechanisms, message-passing mechanism, scalable, multi-threaded and dataflow architectures:
latency-hiding techniques, principles of multithreading, scalable and multithreaded architecture,
dataflow and hybrid architectures.
Module 5 9 Hours
Parallel Models, languages and compilers: Latency-Hiding techniques environment, synchronization
and multiprocessing modes, shared variable program structures, message passing programming
(1) Dezso Sima, Terence Fountain, Peter Kacsuk, “Advanced computer
architectures: A design space approach” , Addison Wesley.
Reference (2) K.Hwang and F.A. Briggs, “Computer architecture and parallel processing”,
books McGraw Hill Publications
(3) K. Hwang, “Advanced computer architecture-parallelism, scalability,
programmability” , McGraw Hill.
(4) J. Hennesy and D. Patterson, “Computer architecture –A quantitative
approach”, Morgan Kaufmann, 200.3

Subject Code Advanced Microprocessors (AMP) Credits:3 ( 3-0-0)

CS503 Total hours:45

Course Objectives To thoroughly understand the internal operation, layout and underlying design
principles of modern systems containing advanced microprocessors.
Throughout the semester, the Intel family of microprocessors will be the
baseline used to illustrate the particular concepts.
Module 1 9 Hours
80186 Architecture, enhancements of 80186,80286 architecture, real and virtual addressing modes,
80386 architecture, special registers, memory management, memory paging mechanism, 80486
architecture, enhancements, cache memory, comparison of microprocessors (8086, 80186, 80286,
80386, 80486).
Module 2 10 Hours
Pentium microprocessor architecture, special Pentium registers, Pentium memory management, new
Pentium instructions, Pentium pro microprocessor architecture, special features, Pentium II
microprocessor architecture, Pentium II microprocessor architecture, Pentium III architecture,
Pentium IV architecture, comparison of Pentium processors.
Module 3 10 Hours
PowerPC620, Instruction fetching, branch prediction, fetching, speculation, instruction dispatching
dispatch stalls, instruction execution, issue stalls, execution parallelism, instruction completion,
Basics of P6 micro architecture, Pipelining, out of order core pipeline, Memory subsystem.
Module 4 8 Hours
Intel I960, Intel IA32, MIPS R8000, MIPS R10000 , Motorola 88110, Ultra SPARC processor-
SPARC version 8 , SPARC version, DSP processors.
Module 5 8 Hours
Functional Units & Interconnection, new generation mother boards 286 to Pentium 4bus interface-
ISA- EISA- VESA- PCI- PCIX, peripheral interfaces and controller, memory and I/O port addresses.
Reference (1) B.B.Brey, “The Intel Microprocessor 8086/8088 /80186/80188, 80286,
books 80386, 80486 Pentium, Pentium Pro, PII, PIII & IV Archietecture,
Programming & Interfacing”, Pearson Education , 2004.
(2) John Paul Shen, Mikko H.Lipasti, “Modern Processor Design”, Tata
Mcgraw Hill,2006
(3) Douglas V.Hall, “Microprocessors and Interfacing”, Tata McGraw Hill,
IIEdition 2006
(4) Mohamed Rafiquzzaman, “Microprocessors and Microcomputer
BasedSystem Design”, II Edition, CRC Press, 2007

Subject Code Principles of Programming Languages Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

CS 504 (PPL) Total hours:45

Course The basic thrust of this course will be on learning the distinctive techniques in
Objectives the different paradigms and what semantic and compiling issues come up in the
various languages considered. The course introduces Imperative Languages,
functional programming, declarative programming and semantics of object-
oriented programming.
Module 1 12 Hours
Imperative and object-oriented programming, role of types, static and dynamic type checking, scope
rules, grouping data and operations, information hiding and abstract data types, objects, inheritance,
polymorphism, templates.
Module 2 12 Hours
Functional programming, expressions and lists, evaluation, types, type systems, values and operations,
function declarations, lexical scope, lists and programming with lists, polymorphic functions, higher
order and curried functions, abstract data types.
Module 3 12 Hours
Logic programming, review of predicate logic, clausal-form logic, logic as a programming language,
unification algorithm, abstract interpreter for logic programs, semantics of logic programs,
programming in prolog.
Module 4 9 Hours
Lambda calculus and semantic environment and rules.

Reference (1) Kenneth C. Louden, “Programming Languages: Principles and Practice”, 2nd
books ed., Thomson 2003.
(2) Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayeri, “Programming Language Concepts”, 3rd ed.,
John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
(3) Ravi Sethi, “Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs”, 2nd ed.,
Pearson Education Asia.

Subject Code Data Warehousing and Data Mining Credits: 3 ( 3-0-0)

CS505 (DWDM) Total hours:45

Course Objectives Following this course, students will be able to 1) Learn the concepts of
database technology, 2) Understand data mining principles and techniques, 3)
Discover interesting patterns from large amounts of data to analyze and
extract patterns to solve problems, make predictions of outcomes. 4) Evaluate
systematically supervised and unsupervised models and algorithms with
respect to their accuracy, 5) Design and implement of a data-mining
application using sample, realistic data sets and modern tools.
Module 1 9 Hours
Introduction to data warehousing, building a data warehouse, mapping the data warehouse to a
multiprocessor architecture, OLAP technology for data mining, data warehouse, multidimensional
data model, data warehouse architecture, data warehouse implementation, OLAP guidelines,
multidimensional versus multi relational OLAP, categories of tools, DBMS schemas for decision
support data extraction, cleanup and transformation tools for metadata, development of data cube
technology, from data warehousing to data mining, data generalization, efficient methods for data
cube computation, further development of data cube and OLAP Technology, attribute-oriented
Module 2 12 Hours
Introduction to data mining tasks, objectives (classification, clustering, association rules, sequential
patterns, regression, deviation detection).
Module 3 8 Hours
Data and preprocessing (data cleaning, feature selection, dimensionality reduction).
Module 4 8 Hours
Classification (decision-tree based approach, rule-based approach, instance-based classifiers,
Bayesian Approach: Naive and Bayesian networks, classification model evaluation).
Module 5 8 Hours
Clustering (partitional methods, hierarchical methods, graph-based methods, density-based methods,
cluster validation methods), anomaly/outlier detection (introduction to various types of outliers,
statistical-based, density-based and other methods for outlier detection).
Reference (1) Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, “Data mining: Concepts and
books techniques”, 2nd ed.,
Morgan Kaufmann publishers.
(2) Raph Kimball,” Data warehouse toolkit”, John Wiley & Sons Publications
(3) Michael. J. Berry, Gordon Linoff, “Data mining techniques: Marketing,
sales, customer support”, John Wiley & Sons.

Subject Code Advanced Database Systems (ADBS) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 506 Total hours: 45

Course To develop an appreciation of emerging database trends as they apply to semi-

Objectives structured data, the internet, and object-oriented databases. To explain the
process of DB Query processing and evaluation.
Module 1 11 Hours
Distributed database concepts, overview of client-server architecture and its relationship to
distributed databases, concurrency control heterogeneity issues, persistent programming languages,
object identity and its implementation, clustering, indexing, client server object bases, cache
Module 2 11 Hours
Parallel databases: Parallel architectures, performance measures, shared nothing/shared disk/shared
memory based architectures, data partitioning, intra-operator parallelism, pipelining, scheduling, load
balancing, query processing- index based, query optimization: cost estimation, query optimization:
algorithms, online query processing and optimization, XML, DTD, XPath, XML indexing, adaptive
query processing.
Module 3 11 Hours
Advanced transaction models: Save points, sagas, nested transactions, multi-level transactions,
Recovery, multilevel recovery, shared disk systems, distributed systems 2PC, 3PC, replication and
hot spares, data storage, security and privacy- multidimensional k- anonymity, data stream
Module 4 12 Hours
Models of spatial data: Conceptual data models for spatial databases (e.g. pictogram enhanced
ERDs), logical data models for spatial databases: raster model (map algebra), vector model, spatial
query languages, need for spatial operators and relations, SQL3 and ADT. spatial operators, OGIS
(1) AviSilberschatz, Henry Korth, and S. Sudarshan, “ Database system concepts”,
5th ed., McGraw Hill, 2005.
Reference (2) S. Shekhar and S. Chawla, “Spatial databases: A tour, Prentice Hall”, 2003.
books (3) Ralf HartmutGuting, Markus Schneider, “Moving objects databases”, Morgan
Kaufman, 2005.
(4) R. Elmasri and S. Navathe, “Fundamentals of database systems”, Benjamin-
Cummings,5th ed., 2007.
(5) Raghu Ramakrishnan, “Database management systems”, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
(6) Ceri S and Pelagatti G, “Distributed databases principles and systems”, 2nd ed.,
Mc-Graw Hill, 1999.

Subject Code Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 507 E-Commerce (EC) Total hours: 45

Course To provide principles of e-commerce from a business perspective.

Module 1 12 Hours
Infrastructure and tools for e-commerce, current trends in e-commerce applications development, the
business of internet commerce, enterprise level e-commerce.
Module 2 12 Hours
Security and encryption, electronic payment systems, search engines, intelligent agents in e-
commerce, on-line auctions, data mining for e-commerce.
Module 3 12 Hours
Web metrics, recommended systems, knowledge management, mobile e-commerce, legal, ethical and
social issues.
Module 4 9 Hours
Seminars and mini projects.
(1) Henry Chan et al., “E-Commerce-Fundamental and applications”, John Wiley
& Sons 2002..
Reference (2) G. Winfield Treese and Lawrence C.S., “Designing Systems for Internet
books Commerce”, Pearson Education, LPE, 2002
(3) Fensel, Dieter, Brodie M.L., “Ontologies: A Silver Bullet for Knowledge
Management and ECommerce”, Allied Publishers, 2004
(4) Zimmermann, Olaf Tomlinson, Mark R.: Peuser, Stefan, “Perspectives on Web
Services”, Allied Publilshers, 2004

Subject Code Advanced Operating Systems (AOS) Credits: 3(3-0-0)
CS 508 Total hours: 45

Course To provide comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the major developments

Objectives in distributed operating system, multi-processor operating system and database
operating system.
Module 1 9 Hours
Architectures of distributed systems , system architecture types, issues in distributed OS,
communication networks, primitives, theoretical foundations, inherent limitations of a distributed
system, lamp ports logical clocks, vector clocks, casual ordering of messages, global state, cuts of a
distributed computation, termination detection, distributed mutual exclusion.
Module 2 9 Hours
Distributed deadlock detection, introduction, deadlock handling strategies in distributed systems,
issues in deadlock detection and resolution, control organizations for distributed deadlock detection,
centralized, distributed and hierarchical deadlock detection algorithms , agreement protocols.
Module 3 12Hours
Distributed shared memory, architecture, algorithms for implementing DSM, memory coherence and
protocols, design issues, distributed scheduling, issues in load distributing, components of a load
distributing algorithm, stability, load distributing algorithm, performance comparison, selecting a
suitable load sharing algorithm, requirements for load distributing, task migration and associated
issues. Failure recovery and Fault tolerance: Introduction, basic concepts, classification of failures,
backward and forward error recovery, recovery in concurrent systems, consistent set of check points,
synchronous and asynchronous check pointing and recovery, check pointing for distributed database
systems, recovery in replicated distributed databases.
Module 4 8 Hours
Protection and security, preliminaries, the access matrix model and its implementations, safety in
matrix model, advanced models of protection. Cryptography basics,multiple encryption and
authentication in distributed systems.
Module 5 7 Hours
Multiprocessor OS, database OS, database systems, a concurrency control model, problem,
serializability theory, distributed database systems, concurrency control algorithms.
(1) MukeshSinghal Niranjan, Shivorothri G., “Advanced Concepts in Operating
(2) Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Distributed Operating systems”
(3) Doreen L. Galli, “Distributed operating systems - concepts and practice”,
Reference Prentice-Hall 2000.
books (4) A Silberschatz, “Applied Operating systems Concepts”, Wiley 2000
(5) Lubemir F. Bic& Alan C. Shaw, “Operating systems Principles”, Pearson
Education, 2003.

Subject Code Cyber Laws & Intellectual Property Credits:3 (3-0-0)
CS 509 Total hours: 45
Right (CLIPR)

Course To introduce the cyber world, intellectual property law and cyber law in general
Objectives to explain about the various facets of cyber-crimes, to enhance the
understanding of problems arising out of online transactions and provoke them
to find solutions, to clarify the Intellectual Property issues in the cyber space and
the growth and development of the law in this regard and to educate about the
regulation of cyber space at national and international level.
Module 1 12 Hours
Cyber laws and IT act; the rights the various parties have with respect to creating, modifying,
using, and distribution, storing and copying digital data..
Module 2 12 Hours
Concurrent responsibilities and potential liabilities, intellectual property issues connected with use
and management of digital data, the similar act of other countries.
Module 3 12 Hours
Computer crime, computer fraud, hacking.
Module 4 9 Hours
Unauthorized modification of information, privacy, computer pornography harassment.
(1) D. Brainbridge, “Introduction to computer law”, 5thed., Pearson
Reference (2) P. Duggal, “Cyber law: the Indian perspective”, 2005.

Subject Code Information Theory (IT) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 510 Total hours: 45
Course This course aims at developing contents from Information theory formulating its
Objectives mathematical structure towards design, representation and performance limits
associated with the problems in information systems.

Module 1 15 Hours
Over view of probability theory & statistics, analysis and discrete mathematics, measure of
information using probability, digitization and Shannon’s model for information storage/transmission
Module 2 10 Hours
Discrete entropy and the law of large numbers, bounds on typicality, properties of entropy – rate
characterization, conditional, relative, joint entropy, mutual information, source coding theorem (loss
less for DMS), existence of minimum information, entropy as divergence, entropy rates of various
families, entropy rate of Markov sources, comments on complexity
Module 3 10 Hours
Source coding for DMS: Existence of good source codes, optimality criterion, Huffman coding and
competitive optimality, greedy algorithm via min-max constraint, Shannon-Fano coding, run length
coding, rate-distortion function and data compression of speech or image (case study), dictionary and
entropy rates

Module 4 10 Hours
Entropy rate for reliability analysis, Burg’s theorem and entropy maximization, error and information
rates for unreliable communication, Shannon-McMillan-Brieman theorem, information theory and
betting, stock market ( the log-optimal portfolio), special topics : algorithms in database development,
learning theory, distributed processing/source coding, information theory in machine learning

Reference (1) T. Cover, J Thomas, “Elements of information theory”, Wiley Press

books (2) R. G. Gallager, “Information theory and reliable communication”, Cambridge
(3) A Rohatgi, MdEhsanes Saleh, “Introduction to probability, statistics”, Wiley
(4) Relevant Literature pointed in the Class from IEEE Transactions Information

Subject Code Optimization Techniques in Computing Credits: 3 ( 3-0-0)

CS511 (OT) Total hours:45

Course Objectives The main goal of this course is to provide the students with a background,
foundation, and insight into the several dimensions of Optimization
Module 1 15 Hours
Basic OR techniques, requirements, networks, design, role and methods, unconstrained optimization
methods- Newton like methods, conjugate direction methods.
Module 2 15 Hours
Constrained optimization: Linear programming, theory of constrained optimization, Non-linear
programming. Databases, compilers, optimization and performance in web computing, internet
Module 3 15 Hours
Performance measurement tools, case studies, Implementation of an optimization technique for
Computer Science applications
Reference (1) K Kanth, “Introduction to computer system performance evaluation”, McGraw
books Hill, 1992
(2) David K Smith, “Network optimization in practice”, ellise, Horrwood
publications, 1982
(3) R. Fletcher, “Practical methods of optimization”, 2nd Edition, Wiley.2000.

Subject Code Soft Computing (SC) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 512 Total hours: 45

Course The course explores the soft computing approaches to consider uncertainty that
Objectives is inherent in pattern analysis tasks.
Module 1 8 Hours
Biological neuron, nerve structure and synapse, artificial neuron and its model, activation functions,
Neural network architecture: single layer and multilayer feed forward networks, recurrent networks.
Various learning techniques; perception and convergence rule, Auto-associative and hetro-associative
Module 2 8 Hours
Architecture: Perceptron model, solution, single layer artificial neural network, multilayer perception
model; back propagation learning methods, effect of learning rule co-efficient, back propagation
algorithm, factors affecting back propagation training, applications.
Module 3 10 Hours
Basic concepts of fuzzy logic, fuzzy sets and crisp sets, fuzzy set theory and operations, properties of
fuzzy sets, fuzzy and crisp relations, fuzzy to crisp conversion.
Module 4 9 Hours
Membership functions, interference in fuzzy logic, fuzzy if-then rules, fuzzy implications and fuzzy
algorithms, fuzzyfication and defuzzificataion, fuzzy controller, industrial applications
Module 5 10 Hours
Genetic algorithm(GA):Basic concepts, working principle, procedures of GA, flow chart of GA,
genetic representations(encoding), initialization and selection, genetic operators, mutation,
generational cycle, applications.
Reference (1) Satish Kumar, “Neural networks: A classroom approach” , III edition
books (2) J. S. R. Lang, C. T. Sun and E. Mizutaju “Neuro-Fuzzy and soft computing”,
Pearson Education
(3) C. -T. Liu and C.S. George Lee “Neural fuzzy System: A neuro fuzzy synergism
to intelligent system”, PH 1996
(4) V. Kecman “Learning and soft computing” MIT press 2001
(5) A Ghosh, S. Dehuri and S. Ghosh(eds), “Multi-objective evolutionary
algorithms for knowledge discovery from databases”, Springer 2008
(6) S. Bandyopadhyay and S.K. Pal, “Classification and learning using genetic
algorithms: applications in bioinformatics and web intelligence”, , Springer-
Verlag, 2007
(7) S. Rajsekaran& G.A. VijayalakshmiPai, “Neural networks, fuzzy logic and
genetic algorithm:synthesis and applications” Prentice Hall of India, 2003

Subject Code Applied Algorithms (AA) Credits: 3 ( 3-0-0)

CS513 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives The course provides an overview of some of the essential numerical techniques
which are commonly used in the scientific enterprise.

Module 1 15 Hours
Sequential algorithms: Algorithm design techniques; stable marriage problem, stable matching
problem analysis and representative problems. greedy algorithms, interval scheduling, scheduling with
deadlines and profits, 1/2 approximation for knapsack. Data compression: Huffman code, (KT4.8)
LZ77, gzip.
Module 2 11 Hours
String Matching algorithms: Rabin-Karp algorithm, Knuth Morris pratt algorithm. Parallel algorithms:
Designing parallel algorithms; combinatorial algorithms.
Module 3 10 Hours
Network flows: Bellman ford algorithm. divide-and-conquer, closest points problem. external memory
algorithms, online algorithms.
Module 4 9 Hours
Graph Algorithms, internet algorithms and security- cryptography algorithms. basics of randomized
algorithms. basics of approximation algorithms.
Reference (1) Alfred V Aho, John E Hopcroft, Jeffery D Ullman, “Data structure and
books algorithms”, Addison Wesley , 1993
(2) J. Kleinberg, E. Tardos, “Algorithm design”. Pearson Education, Addison
Wesley, 2006."
(3) Michael Jay Quinn, “Designing efficient algorithms for parallel computers”,
McGraw Hill 1997.
(4) Rajeev Motwani, PrabhakarRaghavan, “Randomized algorithms”, Cambridge
University Press,1995.
(5) R. E. Tarjan, “Data structures and network algorithms”, SIAM, 1983.
(6) Vijay V. Vazirani, “Approximation algorithms”, Springer, 2001.

Subject Code Network Management(NM) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS514 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To appreciate the need for interoperable network management, understand
general concepts and architecture behind standards based network management.
Understand advanced information processing techniques such as distributed
object technologies, software agents and internet technologies used for network
Module 1 11 Hours
Data communications and network management overview: Goals, architecture and perspectives, review of
information network and technology.
Module 2 11 Hours
SNMP and network management- basic foundations: Standards, models and languages, network
management organization and information models, communication and functional models.
Module 3 11 Hours
Network Management tools, systems and engineering and applications, management of heterogeneous
network with intelligent agents, network security management, internet management (IEEE
communication May, Oct.03).
Module 4 12 Hours
Broadband network management, wired and optical networks management, QoS in IP network, basic
methods & theory for survivable network design & operation, network planning, network management
(1) M. Subramanian, “Network management: principles and practice”, Adison-
Wesley, 2000.
(2) James F. Kurose and Keith W. Rose, “Computer networking”, Pearson
Education, LPE, 2003
Reference books (3) J. Burke, “Network management concepts and practice, A Hands-on approach”,
Pearson Education, 2000.
(4) Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie, “Computer networks, a system
approach”, 3rd edition, Elsevier.

Subject Code Software Architecture (SA) Credits: 3 ( 3-0-0)

CS515 Total hours:45

Course Objectives Complex software systems require abstraction and analysis at an architectural
level of abstraction. In this course we study, typical software system structures.

Module 1 15 Hours
Typical software system structures (architectural styles), techniques for designing and implementing
these structures.
Module 2 10 Hours
Models for characterizing and reasoning about architectures, and tools architectural modelling. Role of
architecture in Software engineering;
Module 3 10 Hours
Enterprise Architectures, Zachman's Framework; Architectural Styles, Design Patterns;
Module 4 10 Hours
Architecture Description Languages; Product-line architectures; Component based development.
Reference (1) Frank Buschmann, RegineMeunier, Hans Rohnert, Peter Sommerlad,
books MiachelStal, Douglas Schmidt, “Pattern oriented software architecture”,
Volumes 1 &2, Wiley
(2) Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Katzman, Ken Bass, “Software architecture in
practice”.2nd ed. Addison-Wesley Professional 2003
(3) George T. Heineman, William T. Councill, “Component based software
engineering”, Addison-Wesley, 2001
(4) Kurt Wallnau, Scott Hissam and Robert Seacord, “Building systems from
commercial components”, Addison-Wesley 2002

Subject Code Cyber Laws & Security Standards(CLSS) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 516 Total hours: 45

Course To acquire critical understanding in cyber law, the emerging social & intellectual
Objectives property issues explore legal & policy developments in various countries to
regulate cyber space & to develop competencies for dealing fraud & deceptions
using cyber space.
Module 1 15 Hours
Perimeter barrier standards, cyber laws, cyber security issues, FGIB cyber security proposals.
Module 2 15 Hours
NRIC cyber security recovery best practices, creation of new practices.
Module 3 15 Hours
NRIC physical security practices.
Reference (1) www.
books (2) Hacking exposed scambrey mcclure, kartz tata-mcgrawhill

Subject Code Wireless Networks & Systems (WNS) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 517 Total hours: 45

To provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to securely design,
Course deploy and manage enterprise-wide wireless local area networks and to test the
Objectives security of wireless networks for weaknesses.
Module 1 11 Hours
Introduction to network resilience problems and solutions, wireless beyond 3G, performance
modeling of (wireless) networks and formal methods.
Module 2 11 Hours
Network design algorithms & network design using network processors, wireless ad-hoc networks,
security issues in control, management, routing and other areas of networks
Module 3 11 Hours
Distributed control in (wireless) network and middleware, distributed mobile computing.
Module 4 12 Hours
Embedded systems in mobile/wireless/network systems, hardware & software design/development
issues, standardization in wireless/mobile network systems.
Reference (1) Theodore S. Rappaport, “wireless communications – principles &
books practices”,2nded, Pearson Education, 2002
(2) Boucher N., “Cellular radio handbook”, Quantum Publishing, 1991
(3) Feng& Leonidas, “Wireless sensor networks”, Elsevier India, 2005

Subject Code Web Engineering(WE) Credits: 3(3-0-0)
CS 518 Total hours: 45

Course To apply the concepts, principles, and methods of Web engineering to Web
Objectives applications development
Module 1 10 Hours
Web Engineering Fundamentals: Requirements specification and analysis, web-based systems
development methodologies and techniques, migration of legacy systems to web environments.
Module 2 10 Hours
Web-application development: Web-based real-time applications development, testing, verification
and validation, quality assessment, control and assurance, configuration and project management.
Module 3 10 Hours
Web metrics: generating metrics for estimation of development efforts, performance specification and
evaluation, update and maintenance.
Module 4 15 Hours
User-centric development: Development models, teams, staffing, integration with legacy systems,
human and cultural aspects, user-centric development, user modeling and user involvement and
feedback, end-user application development.
Reference (1) Journal of Web Engineering, Rinton Press, IEEE & ACM Publications
books (2) Cato and John, “ User centered web design”, Pearson Education, 2001

Subject Code Software Project Management (SPM) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 519 Total hours: 45

Course This course introduces project management as it relates to the software life
Objectives cycle. Different software life cycle models and the project management
activities in each phase of the life cycle are studied. Project planning activities
are introduced, including effort estimation & the use of software metrics. Risk
analysis and resource allocation and project scheduling. The course concludes
with a project monitoring & control, project contracts & team organization.
Module 1 11 Hours
Introduction, project definition, contract management, activities covered by software project
Module 2 11 Hours
Overview of Project planning, stepwise project planning, life cycle phases, artifacts of the process,
model based software architectures, workflows of the process, check points of the process.
Module 3 11 Hours
Software management disciplines, iterative process planning, project organizations & responsibilities,
process automation, project control & process instrumentation, tailoring the process.
Module 4 12Hours
Modern project profiles, next generation software economics, modern process transitions, the state of
practice in software project management, the COCOMO cost estimation model, change of metrics
Reference (1) K. Conway, “Software project management: From concept to development”,
books IDG Books, 2001.
(2) I. Jacobson, G.Booch, J.Rumbaugh, “The unified software development”
Process, Addison Wesley, 1999.
(3) Stephan H.Kin, “Metric and models in software quality engineering”,
Addison Wesley 1995.
(4) Walker Royce, “Software Project Management”, Addison Wesley,1998.
(5) Pankaj Jalote, “Software Project Management in Practice”, Pearson Education
Inc. Delhi, 2002

Subject Code Advanced Compilers (AC) Credits: 3 ( 3-0-0)
CS520 Total hours:45
Course Complex software systems require abstraction and analysis at an architectural
Objectives level of abstraction. In this course we study, typical software system structures.

Module 1 10Hours
Overview of compiler design, optimizing compilers, graph structures for control flow analysis of
programs, data flow analysis of programs, static single assignment form, data dependence of program,
program dependence graph.
Module 2 10 Hours
Scalar optimization, loop optimizations,register allocation, instruction scheduling, local methods,
graph colouring, code scheduling software pipelining, inter procedural dataflow analysis, optimizing
for memory hierarchies.
Module 3 9Hours
High performance systems, scalar, vector, multiprocessor, SIMD, message passing architectures.
sequential and parallel loops, data dependence use-def chains.
Module 4 16Hours
Dependence system, GCD test, Banerjee's Inequality, exact algorithm, vectorization,
concurrentization, array region analysis, loop restructuring transformations
Reference (1) Robert “Building an Optimizing Compiler Morgan”,Digital Press, 1998.
books (2) M. Wolfe, “High Performance Compilers for Parallel Computing”, Addison-
Wesley, 1996.
(3) Steven S. Muchnick, “Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation”,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1997.
(4) R. Allen and K. Kennedy, “Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures”,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2003.
(5) A. Appel,Press, “Modern Compiler Implementation in C”, 1998.
(6) A. Aho, M. Lam, R. Sethi and J. Ullman "Compilers: Principles, Techniques,
and Tools", 2007.
(7) Steven S. Muchnick, “Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation”,
Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier Science, 2003
(8) Michael Wolfe, “High Performance Compilers for Parallel Computing”,
Addison Wesley, 1995.

Subject Code Computer Vision (CV) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 521 Total hours: 45

Course The objective of this course is to understand the basic issues in computer vision
Objectives and major approaches that address them. Even though Computer Vision is
being used for many practical applications today, it is still not a solved problem.
Hence, definitive solutions are available only rarely.
Module 1 11 Hours
Introduction and overview, pinhole cameras, radiometry terminology. Sources, shadows and shading:
Local shading models- point, line and area sources; photometric stereo. Color: Physics of color;
human color perception, Representing color; A model for image color; surface color from image
Module 2 12 Hours
Linear filters: Linear filters and convolution; shift invariant linear systems- discrete convolution,
continuous convolution, edge effects in discrete convolution; Spatial frequency and Fourier
transforms; Sampling and aliasing; filters as templates; Normalized correlations and finding patterns.
Edge detection: Noise; estimating derivatives; detecting edges. Texture: Representing texture;
Analysis using oriented pyramid; Applications; Shape from texture. The geometry and views: Two
Module 3 11 Hours
Stereopsis: Reconstruction; human stereo; Binocular fusion; using color camera.
Module 4 11 Hours
Segmentation by clustering: Human vision, applications, segmentation by graph theoretic clustering.
Segmentation by fitting a model, Hough transform; fitting lines, fitting curves;
(1) David A Forsynth and Jean Ponce, “Computer vision- A modern approach”,
Pearson education series, 2003.
Reference (2) Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac and Roger Boyle , “Digital image processing and
books computer vision”, Cengagelearning, 2008.
(3) Schalkoff R. J., “Digital image processing and computer vision”, John Wiley,
(4) Sonka M., Hlavac V., Boyle R., “Image processing analysis and machine
design”. PWS Publishers
(5) Ballard D., Brown C., “Computer vision”, Prentice Hall

Subject Code Artificial Intelligence (AI) Credits: 3 ( 3-0-0)

CS522 Total hours:45

Course Objectives The course objective is to introduce problems in search, logic, and game
playing, more complex problems in first-order predicate logic, inference,
knowledge bases, planning, and reasoning systems.
Module 1 15 Hours
Introduction to artificial intelligence,architecture of AI & KBCS systems, design issues and AI
techniques; problem solving, knowledge based reasoning, logic, inference, knowledge based systems,
reasoning with uncertain information; state space search, heuristic search.
Module 2 10 Hours
Planning and making decisions, learning, distributed AI, communication, web based agents.
introduction &design of expert systems, various applications;

Module 3 10 Hours
Negotiating agents, artificial intelligence applications and programming. introduction to fuzzy logic
systems, natural language processing;
Module 4 10 Hours
Heuristic search techniques, knowledge based systems. problem solving by search; uninformed search,
informed ("heuristic") search, constrained satisfaction problems, adversarial search,
Reference (1) Nilson, “Artificial intelligence : A new synthesis”, Morgan Kaufmann
books Publishers, 2001.
(2) Charniak and Mcdermott, “Introduction to artificial intelligence”, Addison-
Wesley, 1985.
(3) S. Russel and P. Norvig, “Artificial intelligence - A modern approach”, Prentice
Hall, 1995.
(4) Deepak Khemani, “A first course in artificial intelligence”, Tata McGraw
(5) Ginsburg, “Essentials of artificial intelligence”, Morgan Kaufmann, 1993.
(6) George F. Luger, “Artificial intelligence”, Pearson Education, 2001.
(7) Edwin wise, “Hands on AI with Java”, McGraw Hill, 2004

subject Code Multimedia & Virtual Reality (MVR) Credits: 3 ( 3-0-0)

CS523 Total hours:45

Course To provide basic knowledge of multimedia and overview of the tools &
Objectives taxonomy of multimedia authoring, including data representation for images,
video & audio. To understand data compression & multimedia communication &
Module 1 11Hours
Introduction to multimedia technology and its applications, multimedia hardware and software
essentials. multimedia graphics fundamentals. multimedia audio - sound card fundamentals
Module 2 12Hours
MIDI fundamentals: digital video production techniques, image processing - digital image
fundamentals, digital image development and editing, computer animation techniques, animation
software. multimedia file formats – growth pace of multimedia in IT industry.
Module 3 11Hours
Concepts of virtual reality and its effectiveness in real time applications, virtual reality tools,
introduction to scientific visualization and virtual reality, hardware requirements, sound, animation
techniques, VR on flight simulation.
Module 4 11Hours

VR on CAD / CAM processing : Virtual banks, compression and decompression techniques, CASE
study of multimedia workstations
Reference (1) The Winn L. Rosch “Multimedia Bibble”, SAMS Publishing
books (2) D. P. Kothari & Anshu, “Hypermedia: From multimedia to V. R.” , PHI, 2004.

Subject Code Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Credits: 3 ( 3-0-0)

CS524 Total hours:45

Course Objectives The course will introduce the basics of software quality assurance. Further,
the issues, processes, and techniques in software quality assurance are
discussed. The course will train the students to apply quality assurance
techniques in different activities of software development and maintenance.
Module 1 15 Hours
Introduction to software quality, software defects, reasons of poor quality, quality laggards, project
management approaches, cost and economics of SQA, quality measurements, evaluation, role,
maturity in development, life cycle, models, maintenance issues, specification.
Module 2 10 Hours
Software requirements and SQA, requirements defects, writing quality requirements, quality attributes
of requirements document, software design model and software design defects
Module 3 10 Hours
Quality design concepts, programming and SQA, SQA reviews, software inspections, software
testing: WBT techniques, BBT techniques, testing strategies, debugging, test planning, automated
software testing, test cases, responsibilities of testers
Module 4 10 Hours
SQA and SCM, SCM plan and SQA plan, process assurance, process management and improvement,
introduction to quality metrics, a process model of software quality assurance.testing, mechanisms,
verification and validation.cost estimation, tools, debugging, simulators, ISO 9000 standards, quality
Reference (1) Capers Jones, “Software quality: Analysis and guidelines for success”,
books International Thomson Computer Press. 1997.
(2) Capers Jones, “Software assessments, benchmarks, and best practices”,
Addison-Wesley Professional, 2000.
(3) Pankaj Jalote, “An integrated approach to software engineering”, Narosa
Publication, 1995.
(4) John J Marciniack, (Ed), “Encyclopedia of software engineering”, John Wiley
and Sons,1994.
(5) Isabel Evans, “Achieving software quality through team work”, Allied
Publishers, 2004.
(6) Mordechai Ben, Menachem, Garry S. Marliss, “Software quality producing
practical, consistent software”, Thomson Learning.
(7) James F. Peters, Witold Pedrycz, “Software engineering, an engineering
approach” WSE, Wiley.

Subject Code Protocol Engineering(PE) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 525 Total hours: 45

Course Characterize protocol engineering. Compare and contrast various Internet

Objectives protocols such as TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, LDAP, and IPsec.
Module 1 11 Hours
Review of Communication Network: Overview of computer network protocol, OSI reference model,
Basic design concept: Protocol as a system, life cycle model, architectural design phase,top down
approach ,bottom up approach ,separation of concern.
Module 2 11 Hours
Requirement specification: service specification service data unit service elements, communication
mode, Protocol architecture:Basic protocol concept, protocol layer, protocol entity, protocol element
protocol data unit.
Module 3 11 Hours
Protocol structuring, design and specification protocol structuring, the users of pdu service
structuring, generic protocol function, five elements of protocol specification, rules of design,
specification language, message sequence chart, petri net finite state machine
Module 4 12 Hours
Protocol Data Format: Abstract Syntax format design principles, ASN.1, ASN.1 record structure
ASN.1 encoding rule, XML Syntax, DTD and XML schemas example, Case of protocol data format
customer information: XML-based customer information, ASN.1 binary-encoded based XML schema
and ASN.1 cooperation.
Reference (1) Web sites, IEEE, ISO and ITU-T sites.
books (2) P. Venkatram & S. S. Manavi, “Protocol Engineering”, PHI, 2004.

Subject Code Software Testing (ST) Credits: 3(3-0-0)
CS 526 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To discuss the distinctions between validation tests and defect testing. To
describe strategies for generating system test cases.To gain the techniques and
skills on how to use modern software testing tools to support software testing
Module 1 9 Hours
Testing as an engineering activity, role of process in software quality, testing as aprocess, basic
definitions, software testing principles, the tester’s role in asoftware development organization,
origins of defects, defect classes, the defectrepository and test design, defect examples, developer /
tester support fordeveloping a defect repository.
Module 2 9 Hours
Introduction to testing design strategies, the smarter tester, test case designstrategies, using black box
approach to test case design, random testing, equivalence class partitioning, boundary value analysis,
other black box testdesign approaches, black box testing and cots, using white box approach to
testdesign, test adequacy criteria, coverage and control flow graphs, covering codelogic, paths, their
role in white box based test design – additional white box test
design approaches, evaluating test adequacy criteria.
Module 3 9 Hours
The need for levels of testing, unit test, unit test planning, designing the unittests, the class as a
testable unit, the test harness, running the unit tests andrecording results,integration tests, designing
integration tests, integration testplanning, system test, the different types, regression testing, alpha,
beta andacceptance tests.
Module 4 9 Hours
Basic concepts, testing and debugging goals and policies, test planning, testplan components, test plan
attachments, locating test items, reporting testresults, the role of three groups in test planning and
policy development, processand the engineering disciplines, introducing the test specialist, skills
needed by atest specialist, building a testing group.
Module 5 9 Hours
Defining terms, measurements and milestones for controlling and monitoring, status meetings, reports
and control issues, criteria for test completion, scm, types of reviews, developing a review program,
components of review plans, reporting review results.
Reference (1) Glenford J. Myers, “The art of software testing”, John Wiley & Sons, 1979.
books (2) Boris Beizer, Black “Testing: Techniques for functional testing of software and
systems”, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
(3) William Perry, “Software testing: Effective methods for software testing”, John
Wiley, 1995.
(4) Cem Kaner, Jack Falk, Hung Quoc Nguyen, “Testing computer software”, 2nd
Ed, Intl. Thomson Computer Press, 1993.
(5) Ilene Burnstein, “Practical software testing”, Springer International

Subject Code Mobile Communications (MC) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 527 Total hours: 45

Course To understand the issues involved in mobile communication system design &
Objectives analysis.
Module 1 8 Hours
Introduction to cellular mobile systems: A basic cellular system, performance criteria, uniqueness of
mobile radio environment, operation of cellular systems, planning and cellular systems, analog &
digital cellular systems.
Module 2 8 Hours
Elements of cellular radio system design:General description of the problem, concept of frequency
channels, co-channel interference reduction factor, desired c/i from a normal case in an
omnidirectional antenna system, cell splitting, consideration of the components of cellular systems.
Module 3 10 Hours
Interference:Introduction to Co-channel interference, real time Co-channel interference, Co-
channelmeasurement, design of antenna system, antenna parameters and their effects, diversity
receiver, non Co-channel interference - different types.
Module 4 9 Hours
Cell coverage for signal and traffic:General introduction, obtaining the mobile point- to - point model,
propagation over water or flat open area, foliage loss, propagation in near in distance, long distance
propagation, point - to - point predication model - characteristics, cell site, antenna heights and signal
coverage cells, mobile - to - mobile propagation.
Module 5 10 Hours
Mobile communications by satellite service systems in operation, INMARSAT, MSAT, LEO mobile
satellite services
Reference (1)Lee W.C.Y., "Mobile cellular telecommunications", McGraw Hill, 1995.
books (2) Mazda F., "Telecommunications engineering" Reference book, Butterworth,
(3) Gibson J.D., "Mobile communication hand book", CRC press, U.S.A., 1996.
(4)Macario R.C.V., "Cellular radio", Macmillan, 1993.
(5) Bud Bates, "Wireless networked Communication", McGraw Hill, 1991.
(6)Dr. KamiloFeher, “Wireless digital communication”, PHI.

Subject Code Information Security(IS) Credits: 3 ( 3-0-0)
CS528 Total hours:45
Course To provide extensive, detailed and critical understanding of the concepts, issues,
Objectives principles and theories of computer network security. also the course focuses on
application and operating system security , web security
mobile application security.

Module 1 9Hours

Security properties, threat models, examples; control hijacking attacks and defences.
Module 2 9 Hours

Tools for robust code, exploitation techniques and fuzzing, dealing with legacy code, least privilege,
access control
Module 3 9 Hours

Operating system security, cryptography overview, basic web security model

Module 4 9 Hours

Web application security; session management and user authentication, HTTPS: goals and pitfalls

Module 5 9 Hours
Mobile platform security models: Android, iOS, mobile threats and malware, the trusted computing
Reference (1) Matt Bishop, “Computer security, arts & science”, Pearson Education, 2003.
books (2) Pceprzyk “Fundamentals of computer security”, Allied Publishers, 2004.
(3) Derek Atkins and 9 others, “Internet security” Techmedia 2nd edition, 1997.
(4) Michael Howard and David LeBlane, “Writing Secure Code, Microsoft, WP
(5) Dave Aitel, “How hackers look for bugs”
(6) Charlie Miller, “Real world fuzzing”

Subject Code Network Security(NS) Credits: 3 ( 3-0-0)

CS529 Total hours:45

Course Objectives To provide extensive, detailed and critical understanding of the concepts,
issues, principles and theories of network security.

Module 1 15 Hours
Introduction to network security and associated techniques, Firewall design principles: Packet
filtering, Gateways: Circuit-level gateways; application-level gateways,
Module 2 10 Hours
Firewall Configurations, Intrusion Control: Detection; Anomaly-Based IDS Intrusion Recovery;
Vulnerability Scanners; Login, Audit, and Sniffers,
Module 3 10 Hours

Communication Security Network Access Layer;- Internet Layer - Transport Layer;

Module 4 10 Hours
Application Layer - Message Security Risk Analysis, Policies, Procedures and Enforcement. Special
Topics : DOS Mitigation ,VPNs Special Topics: Viruses, SPAM. Network protocols and
vulnerabilities, Network defenses, Denial of service attacks, Malware,
Reference (1) C. Kaufman, R. Perlman, M. Speciner, “Network security: Private
books communication in a public world”, Prentice Hall, 2002.
(2) William Stallings, “Network security essentials”, 2/e, Pearson Education, 2003.

Subject Code Parallel Algorithms (PA) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 530 Total hours: 45

Course To introduce techniques for the design of efficient parallel algorithms and their
Objectives implementation.
Module 1 10 Hours
Parallel processing, parallel models, performance of parallel algorithms, complexity measure for
parallel algorithms.
Module 2 11Hours
Techniques for designing parallel algorithms, pointer jumping technique, divide and conquer,
partitioning strategy, pipelining, accelerated cascading, symmetry breaking.
Module 3 12Hours
Lists and trees, list ranking, Euler-tour technique, Tree contraction, computation of tree functions,
merging, parallel sorting algorithms. parallel combinatorial algorithms: permutations with and without
repetitions combinations, derangements. parallel searching algorithms: maximum/minimum, median,
K-th largest/smallest element.
Module 4 12Hours
Parallel graph algorithms, parallel graph search &, tree traversal algorithms, parallel algorithms for
connectivity problems, parallel algorithms for path problems., Ear decomposition, Polynomial and
matrix computations, General dense matrices.
Reference (1) Jaja, J. “An introduction to parallel algorithms”, Addison- Wesley, Reading,
books MA, 1992.
(2) Gibbons A., W.Rytter, “Efficient parallel algorithms”, Cambridge university
Press; Cambridge, 1988
(3) H. Sparkias and A. Gibbon, “Lecture notes on parallel computation”,
Cambridge University Press, 1993.
(4) K. Hwang and F. A. Briggs, “Computer architecture and parallel processing”,
McGraw Hill Inc., 1985.
(5) S. Akl., “Design and analysis of parallel algorithms”, Prentice Hall Inc, 1992.

Subject Code Distributed Algorithms(DA) Credits: 3 ( 3-0-0)

CS531 Total hours:45

Course Objectives To introduce the main algorithmic techniques in the framework of distributed
models of computing; to define the most significant complexity parameters and
the computational limits of parallelism and concurrency.

Module 1 9 Hours

Distributed Algorithms: models and complexity measures. Modeling: Synchronous network model,
asynchronous system model,asynchronous shared memory model, asynchronous network model.
partially synchronous system model.
Module 2 9 Hours

Leader election in synchronous ring: Basic algorithm, non-comparison based algorithm, time slice and
variablespeeds algorithm. Lower bounds on the algorithms. Leader election in a general network.
Module 3 9 Hours

Distributed consensus with process failures: Algorithms for stopping failures, algorithms for byzantine
failures. approximate agreement.
Module 4 9 Hours

Consensus: Agreement using read/write shared memory. Basic asynchronous network algorithms:
Leader election in a ring algorithms, leader election in arbitrary network.
Module 5 9 Hours
Synchonizers, safe synchronizer implementations. algorithm tolerating process failures. adding logical
time to asynchronous networks. applications. termination detection for diffusing algorithms. The
chandylamport algorithms, mutual exclusion , general resource allocation algorithms .
Reference 1. Nancy & Lynch, Distributed Algorithms, Harcour Asia, 2001.

Subject Code Web Services & Cloud Computing Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
CS 532 Total hours: 45
To standardize a framework applications to communicate over the internet & to
get a general idea about the models of web services. To understand the emerging
area of "cloud computing" and how it relates to traditional models of computing.
Course To understand how well-known algorithms such as Page Rank and inverted
Objectives index construction can be expressed in the Map-Reduce framework. To gain
competence in Ajax as a vehicle for delivering highly-interactive Web
Module 1 11 Hours
Basic concepts, enabling infrastructure, core functionality and standards.
Module 2 12 Hours
Service semantics, web service composition, service development and recent research trends.
Module 3 11 Hours
Introduction to cloud computing, cloud computing delivery models.
Module 4 11 Hours
Open Source and Industry case Studies of cloud, Map Reduce, Apache VCL, Amazon, IBM and
Eucalyptus, Hadoop, Security issues in cloud
(1) Rajkumar Buyya, Christian Vecchiola, and Thamarai Selvi, Mastering Cloud
Computing, International Edition: Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
(2) AlonsoG.,Casati F., Kuno H., Machiraju V., “Web Services – Concepts,
Architectures and Applications Series: Data- Centric Systems and
Reference Applications”PHI 2004.
books (3) SanjivaWeerawarana, Francisco Curbera, Frank Leymann et al, “Web Services
Platform Architecture: SOAP, WSDL, WS-Policy, WS-Addressing, WS-BPEL,
WS-Reliable Messaging and more”, Prentice Hall Publication, 2005.
(4) Thomas Erl, “Service oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology and
Design”, Prentice Hall Publication, 2005.
(5) R. Allen Wyke et-al, “XML Programming”, WR Publishers,
(6) Richard Monson-Haefel , “Web Services”, , Pearson (LPE), 2005.
(7) “Cloud Application Architectures” by George Reese, O’Reilly Publications,
(8) “Cloud Security and Privacy”, Tim Mather, SubraKumaraswamy, O’Reilly,
(9) The Hadoop – Definitive Guide, Tom White, O’Reilly, 2009.

Subject Code Computer Security Audit and Assurance Credits: 3 ( 3-0-0)

CS533 (CSAA) Total hours:45

Course Objectives To introduce students to the concepts of Information Assurance and how to
secure such information using appropriate systems and technologies, presenting
introductory aspects on computer audit including auditing information systems
auditing computerized systems, auditing applications etc. Also, to introduce
students to the key management and Public Key Infrastructure.
Module 1 10 Hours
Security policy frameworks;practices and procedures, business practice disclosures. Information
Systems in Global Context · Threats to Information Systems · Security Considerations in Mobile and
Wireless Computing · Information Security Management in Organizations · Building Blocks of
Information Security · Information Security Risk Analysis · Overview of Physical Security for
Information Systems · Perimeter Security for Physical Protection · Biometrics Controls for Security ·
Biometrics-based Security: Issues and Challenges · Network Security in Perspective.
Module 2 15 Hours
·Networking and Digital Communication Fundamentals · Cryptography and Encryption · Intrusion
Detection for Securing the Networks · Firewalls for Network Protection · Virtual Private Networks for
Security · Security of Wireless Networks · Business Applications Security: An EAI Perspective ·
Security of Electronic Mail Systems · Security of Databases · Security of Operating Systems · Security
Models, Frameworks, Standards and Methodologies · ISO 17799/ISO 27001 · Systems Security
Engineering Capability Maturity Model - The SSE-CMM · COBIT, COSO-ERM and SAS 70.
Module 3 10 Hours
· Information Security: Other Models and Methodologies · Laws and Legal Framework for
Information Security · Security Metrics · Privacy - Fundamental Concepts and Principles · Privacy -
Business Challenges · Privacy - Technological Impacts · Web Services and Privacy · Staffing the
Security Function · Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning. Policy authority and
practices, information security practices, personal and physical security practices, operation
management practices .
Module 4 10 Hours
· Auditing for Security · Privacy Best Practices in Organizations · Asset Management · Ethical Issues
and Intellectual Property Concerns for InfoSec Professionals. PKI's and key management
schemes, key generation, key storage, backup, recovery and distribution. XML frameworks for
security policy specification, certificate management life cycle.
Reference books (1)W K Brotby, Information security management metrics, CRC press 2009.
(2)Nina Godbole, Information systems security: security management, metrics,
frameworks and best practices, John Wiley and sons Ltd. 2009.

Subject Code Big Data Analysis (BDA) Credits: 3(3-0-0)

CS534 Total hours: 45

Course This course covers the object oriented programming concepts using C++.

Module 1 15 Hours

Overview of big data, stages of analytical evolution, state of the practice in analytics, the data
Module 2 10Hours

Big data analytics in industry verticals, data analytics lifecycle, operationalizing basic data analytic
methods using R, advanced analytics - analytics for unstructured data - map reduce and Hadoop, the
Hadoop ecosystem, in-database analytics.

Module 3 10 Hours

Data Visualization Techniques, Stream Computing Challenges, Systems architecture, Main memory
data management techniques, energy-efficient data processing, benchmarking.

Module 4 10 Hours

Security and Privacy, Failover and reliability.

Reference (1) Bill Franks, Taming, “The big data tidal wave”, 1st ed., Wiley, 2012
books (2)Frank J. Ohlhorst, “Big data analytics”, 1st ed., Wiley, 2012.

Subject Code Credits: 3 ( 3-0-0)
Business Intelligence (BI)
CS 535 Total hours:45
Course Objectives Explore the concepts of business intelligence/business analytics through readings,
creation of Wikis and Blogs relevant to the course. To develop and apply critical
thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills .

Module 1 15 Hours

Overview of managerial, strategic and technical issues associated with business

intelligence and data warehouse, analytics and DSS.
Module 2 15 Hours

Design, implementation and utilization, data as the basis for decision making, business
reporting and visualization.
Module 3 15 Hours

Data warehouse architecture, OLAP, data cubes, Reporting tools, Balance Scorecard, dash board
design, and implementation. Case studies.

Reference books (1) Efraim Turban, Ramesh Sharda, Jay Aronson, David King, “Decision support
and business intelligence systems”, 9th ed., Pearson Education, 2009.
(2) David Loshin, “Business Intelligence - The Savy Manager's Guide Getting
Onboard with Emerging IT”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2009.

Subject Code Credits: 3 ( 3-0-0)
CS 536 Secure Software Engineering
Total hours: 45
Course Objectives This course focuses on secure software engineering process and details the secure
programming and software security.

Module 1 15Hours

Definition of software security, threats and vulnerabilities, risk management, security

Module 2 10Hours

Principles of secure design and patterns, secure programming, validation of the data.

Module 3 10Hours

Secure usage of cryptography, code reviews and static analysis.

Module 4 10Hours

Secure testing, creating a software security programs.

Reference books (1) Julia H Allen, Sean J Barnum, Robert J Ellison, Gary McGraw, Nancy M Read,
“Software Security Engineering: A Guide to Project Managers”, Addison
Wesley, 2008.
(2) Ross J Anderson, “Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable
Distributed Systems”, Wiley, 2008.
(3) Howard M and LeBlanc D, “Writing Secure Code”, Microsoft Press, 2003.

Subject Code Computer Graphics (CG) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

CS 537 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To have an introduction to computer graphics to develop abilities to

comprehend contemporary issues and address them.
Module 1 6 Hours
Introduction to graphics hardware devices, display devices, primitive operations, the display-file
interpreter, display file structure, and graphics file formats. text mode graphics function, graphic mode
graphics functions shapes, colors, co-ordinate systems, applications of computer graphics.

Module 2 11 Hours
Basic concepts in line drawing, line drawing algorithms: DDAalgorithms, Bresenham’s algorithm
Circle generating algorithms: DDA circle drawing algorithm, Bresenham’s circle drawing algorithm,
midpoint circle algorithm, polygons, types of polygons, polygon representation, entering polygons,
inside –outside test, polygon filling: Flood fill, scan-line algorithm.

Module 3 13 Hours
2D transformation: scaling, Reflection, shearing, Rotation, Translation, Rotation about an arbitrary
point. 3D Transformation: scaling, rotation, translation, rotation about arbitrary axis. Viewing
transformation, normalization, transformation. Line clipping: Cohen-Sutherland, Line clipping
algorithm, midpoint subdivision algorithm Polygon clipping: Sutherland–Hodgeman Polygon clipping

Module 4 15 Hours
Curve generation: arc generation using DDA algorithm. Interpolation, B-Spline, Bezier curves.
Fractals: Hilbert’s Curve, Koch curve, Fractal lines, Fractal Surfaces. Raster scan display, Random
scan display Need for graphics standards, Graphics standards, Advantages of Graphics standards,
Hazards of Graphics standards. Graphical user interface Open GL: What is Open GL, How OpenGL
works, Open GL and animation, Graphical processors: GPUs.

Reference (1) Ronald Hearn &MPauline Baker, “Computer graphics”, 2nd ed., PES, 2003.
books (2) James D. Foley, Andrews van Dam, Steven K Feimer, John F Hughes,
“Computer graphics principles and practice”, 2nd ed., Addison Wesley, 1996.
(3) William Newman and Robert Sproull, “Principles of Interactive Computer
Graphics”, Tata McGraw-Hill,1973.

Subject Code Graph Theory (GT) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

CS 538 Total hours: 45

Course This is an introductory course about properties and applications of graphs. It

Objectives aims at the usage of graph theoretic methods for modeling problems and proofs
in discrete mathematics.

Module 1 12 Hours
Definitions, pictorial representation of a graph, isomorphic graphs, sub graphs, matrix
representations of graphs, degree of a vertex, special graphs, complements, larger graphs from
smaller graphs, connected graphs and shortest paths, walks, trails, paths, cycles, connected graphs,
cut-vertices and cut-edges, blocks, connectivity, weighted graphs and shortest paths, weighted
graphs, Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm, Floyd-Warshall shortest path algorithm.
Module2 12 Hours
Trees, Definitions and characterizations, number of trees, Cayley’s formula, minimum spanning
trees, Kruskal’s algorithm, Prim’s algorithm, bipartite graphs, Eulerian graphs, Fleury’s algorithm,
Chinese Postman problem.

Module 3 12 Hours
Hamilton Graphs, necessary conditions and sufficient conditions, independent sets, coverings and
matchings, matchings in bipartite graphs, Hall’s theorem, Konig’s theorem, perfect matching’s in
graphs, vertex Colorings, basic definitions, cliques and chromatic number, greedy coloring

Module 4 9 Hours
Edge colorings, Gupta-Vizing theorem, class-1 and class-2 graphs, edge-coloring of bipartite,
graphs, planar graphs, basic concepts, Euler’s formula and its consequences, characterizations of
planar graphs, 5-color-theorem, directed graphs, directed walks, paths and cycles, Eulerian and
Hamilton digraphs.

Reference (1) Adrian Bondy, U. S. R. Murty, “Graph Theory”, Springer, 2008.

books (2) Reinhard Diestel, “Graph Theory”, 3rd edition, Springer, 2000.
(3) Douglas B. West, “Introduction to Graph Theory”, Prentice Hall, 1996
(4) Jonathon L. Gross, “Combinatorial methods with computer applications”,
Chapman & Hall /CRC press, 2008

Subject Code Distributed Computing Systems (DCS) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

CS 539 Total hours: 45

Course This course covers abstractions and implementation techniques for the design of
Objectives distributed systems. It focuses on server design, network programming, naming,
storage systems, security, and fault tolerance.
Module 1 9 Hours
Introduction Distributed Systems and applications, Distributed vs parallel systems, models of
distributed systems, Message Passing mechanisms IPC and RPC.
Module2 11 Hours
Clock synchronization, physical & logical clocks, vector clocks, verifying clock algorithms, mutual
exclusion using time stamp, election algorithms, Distributed mutual exclusion using time stamps,
token & quorums, centralized & distributed algorithms, proof of correctness & complexity, drinking
philosophers problem, Implementation & performance evaluation of DME Algorithms.
Module 3 13 Hours
Leader election algorithms, global states, global predicates, termination detection, Control of
distributed computation, disjunctive predicates, performance evaluation of leader election algorithms
on simulated environments.
Module 4 12 Hours
Distributed File Systems and Services, Shared data, Synchronization Transaction and Concurrency
Control. Distributed databases, Name service, Timing & Coordination, Replication, Security and Fault
Reference (1) Vijay K Garg “Elements of Distributed Computing”, Wiley & Sons, 2002
books (2) Pradeep Sinha, “Distributed Operating Systems- Concepts and Design”,
(3) A.S. Tanenbaum and M.V. Steen, “Distributed Systems – Principles and
Paradigms”, PHI.2003
(4) George Couloris, Jean Dollimore & Time Kindberg, “Distributed Systems:
Concepts & Design”, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley 2003.
(5) V. Rajaraman, C. Siva Ram Murthy, “Parallel, Computers Architecture &
Programming”, PHI.
(6) Khemkalyani and Singal, “Distributed Computing”
(7) Nancy Lynch , “Distributed Algorithm”
(8) Singal and Shivaratri, “Ditributed OS”

Subject Code: Professional Communication-II and Credits: 4 (2-0-3)
HU 501& HU 502 Total hours: 56
Language Lab
Course Prerequisite Knowledge of English
Course Objectives This course aims at Personality Development
Course Outcome At the end, the students should possess a Saleable Image with employability skills

Module 1 Principles of Soft Skills and Practice 12 hours

Definition of Soft Skills and Personality, Attitude, Dress Code, Body Language, Individual and Group
Behaviour, Personality Test, C.V Writing and the difference between CV & Resume
Module 2 Group Discussion, Extempore, JAM and Survey 16 hours
Topics: Is Cloning Ethical, Shopping Mall vs Retailer, Should Animals be used for Drug-Test, Effects of
Advertisement on Youth, Google vs Social Networking Sites, Newspaper is the thing of Past, Diversity in
Indian Culture, Gender Discrimination, Who is Smarter: Human Beings or Computer and so on

Module 3 Interview 14 hours

Types of Interview, Interview Ethics, Questions and Mock-Interview Sessions
Module 4 Business Presentation and Seminars 14 hours
Business Presentation and Students’ Seminar
Texts: 1.W.B. Martin, Ethics in Engineering Tata McGraw Hill, India
2. Patnaik,Priyadarshi, Group Discussion and Interview Skills, New Delhi: CUP,
(Video CD)
3..Downes, Colm, Cambridge English for Job Hunting,2009, New Delhi,CUP (2
Audio CDs)
TV News (Headlines Today, ND TV and BBC), Chat-Shows on TV, Magazines
Reference like India Today, Outlook, The Week and English Dailies. Reader’s Digest for
Expressive Skill, English Films & English Comics

Academic Hand Book

Bachelor of Technology Programme


Electronics and Communication Engineering

National Institute of Technology Goa

Farmagudi, Ponda, Goa - 403 401

Programme Structure Summary

Institute-wide Categories of the Courses

The Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) program at National Institute of Technology Goa (NIT Goa) will
have 170 credits as the lower limit for the award of degree. These courses are grouped in a number of
categories as shown below:

S.N. Category Credits Remarks

1. Basic Sciences (BS) 27 Mathematics - 14 Credits
Physics - 8 Credits
Chemistry - 5 Credits
2. Basic Engineering Sciences (ES) 14 Engineering Mechanics - 3 Credits
Mechanical Engineering - 2 Credits
Basic Electrical Science - 5 Credits
Computer Programming - 4 Credits
3. Humanities and Languages (HL) 9 Professional Communication - 3 Credits
Economics - 3 Credits
Management - 3 Credits
4. Technical Arts (TA) 5 Engineering Drawing - 3 Credits
Workshop - 2 Credits
5. Professional Theory and 110
Practice (PT)
6. Others (*Not counted for final 5* Environmental Studies - 3 Credits
CGPA) Physical Education - 1 Credits
Value Education - 1 Credits
Total Credits 170 165 credits are counted for CGPA

Semester-wise Distribution of the Courses

Semester I (Structure Common to All Branches)

Course SI. Credits Credits
Code No. Course Name (L-T-P)
MA100 1 Mathematics-I* 4(4-0-0) 4
PH100 2 Physics* 3(3-0-0) 3
ME100 3 Engineering Mechanics* 3(3-0-0) 3
CS100 4 Computer Programming and Problem Solving 4(2-0-3) 4
HU100 5 Professional Communication* 3(2-0-2) 3
ME101 6 Engineering Drawing* 3(1-0-3) 3
PH101 7 Physics Laboratory* 2(0-0-3) 2
Total Credits 22

Semester II (Structure Common to All Branches)

Course SI. Credits Credits
Code No. Course Name (L-T-P)
MA150 1 Mathematics-II* 4(4-0-0) 4
PH150 2 Material Science* 3(3-0-0) 3
CY150 3 Chemistry* 3(3-0-0) 3
ME150 4 Elements of Mechanical Engineering * 2(2-0-0) 2
EE150 5 Basic Electrical Science 3(3-0-0) 3
ME151 6 Workshop Practices* 2(0-0-3) 2
CY151 7 Chemistry- Laboratory* 2(0-0-3) 2
EE151 8 Basic Electrical Science Laboratory 2(0-0-3) 2
PE150 9 Physical Education 1(1-0-0) 1
Total Credits 22
*The course contents can be found under syllabus details of First year B. Tech programme.

Semester III
Course SI. Credits Credits
Code No. Course Name (L-T-P)
EC201 1 Analog Electronics 3(3-0-0) 3
EC202 2 Signals and Systems 4(3-1-0) 4
EC203 3 Network Theory and Synthesis 4(3-1-0) 4
EC204 4 Electromagnetic Theory 4(3-1-0) 4
MA200 5 Mathematics –III 3(3-0-0) 3
EC205 6 Analog Electronics Laboratory 2(0-0-3) 2
EC206 7 Signals and Systems Laboratory 2(0-0-3) 2
Total Credits 22

Semester IV
Course SI. Credits Credits
Code No. Course Name (L-T-P)
EC251 1 Digital Electronics 3(3-0-0) 3
EC252 2 Communication Engineering 4(3-1-0) 4
EC253 3 Devices 4(3-1-0) 4
HU250 4 Economics 3(3-0-0) 3
Mathematics-IV (Probability, Statistics and Random
MA250 5 Processes) 3(3-0-0) 3
EC254 6 Digital Electronics Laboratory 2(0-0-3) 2
EC255 7 Communication Engineering Laboratory 2(0-0-3) 2
VE200 8 Value Education 1(0-0-2) 1
Total Credits 22

Semester V
Course SI. Credits Credits
Code No. Course Name (L-T-P)
ES300 1 Environmental Studies 3(3-0-0) 3
EC301 2 Data Structures and Algorithm 4(3-1-0) 4
EC302 3 Control System 4(3-1-0) 4
EC303 4 Digital Signal Processing 4(3-1-0) 4
EC304 5 Microprocessor and Microcontroller 3(3-0-0) 3
EC305 6 Digital Signal Processing Laboratory 2(0-0-3) 2
EC306 7 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory 2(0-0-3) 2
Total Credits 22

Semester VI
Course SI. Credits Credits
Code No. Course Name (L-T-P)
EC351 1 Wireless Communication 4(3-1-0) 4
EC352 2 Linear Integrated Circuits 3(3-0-0) 3
EC353 3 Digital Communication 4(3-1-0) 4
EC354 4 Communication Network 3(3-0-0) 3
EC4XX 5 Elective I 3(3-0-0) 3
EC355 6 Linear Integrated Circuits Laboratory 2(0-0-3) 2
EC356 7 Digital Communication Laboratory 2(0-0-3) 2
EC399 8 Mini Project/Industrial Training 1(0-0-2) 1
Total Credits 22

Semester VII
Course SI. Credits Credits
Code No. Course Name (L-T-P)
EC401 1 VLSI Circuit Design 3(3-0-0) 3
HS400 2 Management 3(3-0-0) 3
EC402 3 Information Theory and Coding 3(3-0-0) 3
EC4XX 4 Elective II 3(3-0-0) 3
EC403 5 VLSI Design Laboratory 2(0-0-3) 2
EC448 6 Seminar 2(0-0-3) 2
EC449 7 Major Project 4(0-0-6) 4
Total Credits 20

Semester VIII
Course SI. Credits Credits
Code No. Course Name (L-T-P)
EC4XX 1 Elective III 3(3-0-0) 3
EC4XX 2 Elective IV 3(3-0-0) 3
EC4XX 3 Elective V 3(3-0-0) 3
EC4XX 4 Elective VI 3(3-0-0) 3
EC499 5 Major Project 6(0-0-9) 6
Total Credits 18

Note: A student has to choose 12 credits as Program Electives and 6 credits as Open Electives. Open
Electives are courses which students can take from any department.

List of Electives
Program Electives
Course SI. Credits
Code No. Course Name (L-T-P) Credits
EC404 1 Electronic Instrumentation 3(3-0-0) 3
EC405 2 Digital System Design 3(3-0-0) 3
EC406 3 Computer Architecture and Organization 3(3-0-0) 3
EC407 4 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3(3-0-0) 3
EC408 5 Statistical Signal Processing 3(3-0-0) 3
EC409 6 DSP Algorithm and Architecture 3(3-0-0) 3
EC410 7 Speech and Audio Processing 3(3-0-0) 3
EC411 8 Image and Video Processing 3(3-0-0) 3
EC412 9 Biomedical Signal Processing 3(3-0-0) 3
EC413 10 Error Control Coding 3(3-0-0) 3
EC414 11 Spread Spectrum Communication 3(3-0-0) 3
EC415 12 Optical Communication 3(3-0-0) 3
EC416 13 AdHoc and Sensor Networks 3(3-0-0) 3
EC417 14 Antennas and Propagation 3(3-0-0) 3
EC418 15 Satellite Communication 3(3-0-0) 3
EC419 16 Microwave Engineering 3(3-0-0) 3
EC420 17 Radar and Navigation Systems 3(3-0-0) 3
EC421 18 Digital Image Processing 3(3-0-0) 3
EC422 19 Active Filters and Data Converters 3(3-0-0) 3
EC423 20 Embedded Systems 3(3-0-0) 3
EC424 21 Low-Power VLSI Circuit Design. 3(3-0-0) 3
EC425 22 Logic Synthesis and Optimization 3(3-0-0) 3
HU401 23 Professional Communication - II and Language Lab 4(2-0-3) 4

First Year Course Contents

Subject Code Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

Basic Electrical Science
EE151/EC151 Total hours: 45

Course To expose students to basic electric devices and components characteristics and
Objectives techniques of analyzing them.

Module 1 DC circuit Analysis 12 hours

Review of circuit elements, Voltage sources, Current sources, Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Laws, Mesh and
Node analysis of DC circuits,Source transformation, Star-Delta Transformation, Network theorems,
Time domain analysis of RC, RL, RLC with DC excitation.

Module 2 Magnetic circuit Analysis and AC circuit Analysis 12 hours

Electromagnetic Induction, Self and mutual inductances, Magnetic circuits. Fundamentals of A.C,
Average and RMS values, Form and Peak factor, Concept of Phasors, Complex operator, Network
theorems, Basic concepts of three phase circuits.

Module 3 Semiconductor Devices and Circuits 14 hours

P-Njunction diode, Characteristics, Diode approximations, DC load line, AC equivalent circuits, Zener
diodes Half-wave diode rectifier and Full-wave diode rectifier, Shunt capacitor filter, Ripple factor -
Approximate analysis of capacitor filters, Power supply performance, Voltage regulators; Bipolar
Junction transistor, Characteristics, DC Load line and Bias Point, Biasing circuit design, Amplifiers.

Module 4 Elements of Digital Electronics 7 hours

Analog and Digital Signals, Introduction to Digital Electronics, Digital Logic Gates. Introduction to
memory elements, SRAM, DRAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM.

Text Books 3. Del Toro, Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, Pearson Education, 2002.
4. R.J. Smith, Circuits, Devices and Systems: A First Course in Electrical
Engineering, Wiley-5th edition
4. William H. Hayt Jr., Jack E. Kemmerly, Steven M. Durbin, Engineering
Circuit Analysis, TMH, 2002.

Reference 2. A.S. Sedra & K.C Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford Univ. Press
Books 1999.

Subject Credits: 2 (0-0-3)
Code Basic Electrical Science Total hours: 45
EE152/EC Laboratory

Course To have hands on experience on principle of basic electronic passive and active
Objectives components and their analysis.

List of Experiments

12. Verification of KVL and KCL circuit laws.

13. Designing and AC, Transient analysis of series and parallel RC, LC and RLC circuits .
14. Clipping , Clamping circuits & voltage multipliers with diodes.
15. Rectifiers with C, LC & CLC filters - half wave, full wave & Bridge.
16. Network Theorem - Superposition, Thevenin, Norton and Maximum Power Transfer
17. Phasor Analysis of series and parallel RC,LC and RLC circuits.
18. BJT and JFET Characteristics.
19. Transistor as an Amplifier.
20. Digital Combinational Logic gates.
21. Memory Elements.
22. Soldering and PCB design practice.

Second Year Course Contents
Subject Code Analog Electronics Credits: 3(3-0-0)

EC201 Total hours:45

Course Objectives To develop the skill of analysis and design of various Analog circuit building
blocks like Current Mirrors, Amplifiers, Differential Amplifiers using BJT and
To understand the concept of Negative and Positive feedback.

Module 1 Hours 13

Amplifiers: Introduction, Input and output impedance, Operating point analysis and design, Biasing schemes;
Load line and Bias stability, Analyses and design of CC, CE and CB configurations; RC coupled and
transformer coupled multistage Amplifiers; Thermal runaway in BJT Amplifiers.
MOSFET Amplifier: Analysis and Design of Common Source, Common Drain and Common Gate Amplifier
configurations – Thermal runaway in MOS Amplifiers.

Module2 Hours 12

Cascode stages and Current Mirrors: MOS Current Mirrors, Types of Current Mirrors, Simple, Cascade type.
Differential Amplifiers: MOS Differential pair, Small and Large Signal analysis, Common Mode Rejection,
Differential pair with Active loads.

Power amplifiers: Push pull stage, Heat dissipation, Class A, B, AB, C, D, E& S Power Amplifiers - Harmonic
distortion – Conversion efficiency and Relative performance.

Module 3 Hours 08

Frequency response of Amplifiers: Hybrid π equivalent circuit of BJT, Low and High Frequency
BJT/MOSFET Model, Miller effect.
Noise in Amplifiers: Types of Noise, Noise representation, Noise in different circuits.
Module 4 Hours 12

Feedback and Stability: Introduction to Negative feedback – Basic feedback concepts; Ideal Feedback
Topologies - Voltage shunt, Voltage series, Current series and Current shunt Feedback Configurations; Loop
gain – Stability of feedback circuit, Nyquist stability criterion, Phase and Gain margins; Oscillators : Basic
principles of Oscillators, Analysis of RC Phase Shift, Wein bridge, Colpitts, Hartley and Crystal Oscillators.

Reference books 1. A S Sedra& K C Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University Press.1998.

2. BehzadRazavi, “Fundamentals of Microelectronics”, John Wiley & Sons .2008.
3. Robert Boylestad & Louis Nashelsky ,” Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory”, PHI.,

Subject Code Signals And Systems Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

EC202 Total hours: 56

Course Objectives The objective of the course is to introduce the undergraduate students to concepts of
continuous and discrete time signal and systems. In this regards emphasis is on
developing and describing general principle. We will develop mathematical tolls for
describing the signals and systems. After attending this course they are expected to
analyze and design any signal processing system with ease.

Module 1 6 hours

Motivation and introduction to the course, Basic concepts of signals and systems, signal transformations,
continuous and discrete time systems, basic systems properties.

Module2 8 hours

Linear time invariant (LTI) systems: Discrete and continuous – time LTI systems, convolution, properties
of LTI systems, system described by differential and difference equations.

Module 3 10 hours

Fourier representation of periodic signals: Representation of continuous time periodic signals and their
properties, representation of discrete time periodic signals and their properties, Fourier series and LTI
systems, filtering.
Module 4 14 hours

Fourier Transform of aperiodic signals: Continuous and discrete time Fourier transform, properties of
transforms, convolution and multiplication property, duality, time-frequency characterization, sampling.

Module 5 14 hours

Laplace and z- transform: The Laplace and z-transform, region of convergence, properties, analysis and
characterization of LTI system using Laplace and z – transform, realization of LTI system using Laplace
and z – transform.

Reference 1. Oppenheim, Willisky and Hamid Nawab, “Signals and Systems”, Prentice Hall, 2nd ed.
books 2. S. Haykin and B. V. Veen, et al , “ Signals and Systems”, Willey India Edition, 2nd ed.

Subject Code Network Theory and Synthesis Credits: 4(3-1-0)

EC203 Total hours: 56

Course Objectives  To expose the students to the basic concepts of Electric circuits and their
analysis in Time and Frequency domain
 To Introduce the techniques of Network Synthesis
Module 1 Hours 16

Fourier Analysis: Evaluation of Fourier Coefficients, Waveforms Symmetry related to Fourier coefficients.
Conventions for describing the Networks: Network equations, Number of network Equations, Source
transformations, Loop variable analysis and Node variable analysis, Duality. First-order differential equations:
General and Particular solutions, Time Constants, Initial conditions in networks, Second-order Differential

Module2 Hours 14

The Laplace Transformation: Basic Theorems for the Laplace Transformation, Examples of the Solutions of
Problem with Laplace Transformations, Partial Fraction Expansion, Transforms of other Signal Waveforms,
Shifted Unit Step, Ramp, Impulse Functions, Waveform Synthesis, Impedance Functions; Network functions:
Poles and Zeros, Restrictions on Pole and Zero Locations for driving point Impedance. Stability of Active

Module 3 Hours 12

Two-Port Parameters: Short-Circuit Admittance and Open-Circuit Impedance Parameters, Transmission and
Hybrid Parameters, Relationship between Parameter sets. Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis: The Sinusoidal
Steady State, Phasor Diagrams.

Module 4 Hours 14

Network Synthesis: Elements of Realizability theory, Causality and Stability, Hurwitz polynomial, Positive
Real Functions. Synthesis of One-port Network with two kinds of Elements- Properties of L-C Immittance
functions, Synthesis of L-C Driving point Immittance functions, Properties of R-C Driving point Impedance
function, Synthesis of R-C Driving point Impedance function, Properties of R-L Impedance and R-C
Admittance function, Synthesis of R-L Impedance and R-C Admittance function. Properties of RC network
functions - Foster and Cauer forms of RC and RL networks.

Reference books 1. Van Valkenberg, “Network Analysis”, Prentice Hall of India.

2. Franklin F. Kuo, “Network Analysis and Synthesis”, Wiley International Edition
3. Roy Choudhary, “Network and Systems”, Wiley Eastern, 2 Ed., 1988.

Subject Code Electromagnetic Theory Credits: 4(3-1-0)

EC204 Total hours: 56

Course Objectives To impart the knowledge of electric, magnetic fields and the equations governing
them as well as time varying field. To develop understanding about guided waves
& transmission lines.

Module 1 18 hours

Static Electric & Magnetic field: Electrical scalar potential, Different types of potential distribution,
Potential gradient, Energy stored in electric field, Boundary conditions Capacitance, Steady current and
current density in a conductor, Equation of continuity; Energy stored in magnetic fields, Magnetic dipole-
Electric and Magnetic boundary conditions, Vector Magnetic potential, Magnetic field intensity.

Module 2 14 hours

Maxwell’s equations and travelling waves: Conduction current and Displacement current, Electromotive
force, Maxwell’s equations, Plane waves, Poynting theorem, Plane electromagnetic waves - Solution for free
space condition, Uniform plane wave-wave equation for conducting medium, Wave polarization, Poisson’s
and Laplace equations.

Module 3 14 hours

Guided waves between parallel planes, Transverse electric and transverse magnetic waves and its
characteristics, Linear Elliptical and Circular Polarization, Wave equations for conducting medium, Wave
propagation in conductors and dielectric, Depth of penetration , Reflection and Refraction of plane waves by
conductor and dielectric, Poynting Vector and flow of power.

Module 4 10 hours

Transmission Lines and Waveguides: Transmission line equations, transmission line parameters, Skin effect,
VSWR, Characteristic impedance; Theory of waveguide transmission, Rectangular waveguides- TE modes-
TM modes.
Reference 1. W.H. Hayt, “Engineering Electromagnetics”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Edition, 5th
books Edition
2. David J. Griffithe, “Introduction to Electrodynamics”, Prentice Hall India, 3rd
3. E. C. Jordan, “Electromagnetic waves and radiating systems”, Prentice Hall
India,2nd edition.

Subject Code Mathematics-III Credits: 3
MA 200 Total hours 42
Course Mathematics-I & II
Objectives This Mathematics course provides requisite and relevant background necessary to
understand the other important engineering mathematics courses offered for Engineers
and Scientists. Important topics of applied mathematics, namely complex analysis,
power series solutions and partial differential equations.
Course Outcome At the end of this course the students are expected to learn,
Understand the statement of Cauchy's Theorem and compute the Taylor and Laurent
expansions of simple functions, determining the nature of the singularities and
calculating residues, series solution of the differential equations and solution of partial
differential equations.
Module 1 Complex Analysis 18 hours
Complex Numbers, geometric representation, powers and roots of complex numbers, Functions of a complex
variable, Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations; elementary functions, Conformal mapping (for
linear transformation); Contours and contour integration, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy integral formula; Power
Series and properties, Taylor series, Laurrent series, Zeros, singularities, poles, essential
singularities, Residue theorem, Evaluation of real integrals and improper integrals.
Module 2 Power Series Solutions 9 hours
Differential Equations Power Series Method - application to Legendre equation, Legendre Polynomials,
Frobenious Method, Bessel equation, Properties of Bessel functions, Sturm- Liouville BVPs, Orthogonal
Module 3 Partial Differential Equations 15 hours
Introduction to PDE, basic concepts, second order PDE and classification, D’Alemberts formula and
Duhamel’s principle for one dimensional wave equation, Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations, Laplace,
Wave, and Heat equations using separation of variables. Vibration of a circular membrane. Heat equation in
the half space.
Texts/References 1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced engineering mathematics (8th Edition), John
Wiley (1999).
2. W. E. Boyce and R. DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations (8th
Edition), John Wiley (2005).
3. R. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown, Complex variables and applications
(7th Edition), McGraw-Hill (2003).

Subject Code Analog Electronics Laboratory Credits: 2(0-0-3)

EC205 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To provide experience on design, testing, and analysis of basic Analog Electronic
List of Experiments

Experiment No. 1
Logic gates using Diodes
Experiment No. 2
Diode as a clipper,
Experiment No. 3
Clipping and Clamping Circuit
Experiment No. 4
Full wave rectifier
Experiment No. 5
Regulated and Unregulated Power supply
Experiment No. 6
RC Circuit Analysis
Experiment No. 7
Biasing Circuits:
Experiment No. 8
Effect of Negative feedback
Experiment No. 9
RC couple amplifier using BJT
Experiment No. 10
Complementary Push-Pull amplifier using BJT and OP-Amp

Subject Code Signals and Systems Credits: 2 (0-0-3)

EC206 Laboratory Total hours: 45

Course Objectives This Laboratory course is offered in conjunction with lecture course “Signals and
Systems”. The aim of this course is to introduce students to simulate the theoretical
ideas about signals and systems representation and processing in the simulation

List of Experiments

Experiment No. 1Introduction to Signals and Matlab Software: Define the signals with certain characteristics
and Transformation of Signals. Plot these signals with requisite labels.

Experiment No. 2Convolution Operation and response to arbitrary signal.

Experiment No. 3Demonstration and verifying the properties of Systems.

Experiment No. 4Natural and Forced Response of Second order Systems.

Experiment No. 5Fourier Series analysis of periodic signals.

Experiment No. 6Fourier Transform analysis of aperiodic signals.

Experiment No. 7Time Frequency Analysis of First and Second order systems and Bode plot.

Experiment No. 8Sampling of continuous time signals and Aliasing

Experiment No. 9 Design of Frequency Selectivity filter with arbitrary central frequency.

Experiment No. 10Pole – Zero Analysis of Second order system for continuous time signals. Time and
Frequency Characteristics.

Experiment No. 11 Analysis of Second order system for discrete time signals.

Experiment No. 12 Feed Back System and their Characteristics.

Reference books 1. Oppenheim, Willisky and Hamid Nawab, “ Signals and Systems”, Prentice Hall, 2nd ed.
2. S. Haykin and B. V. Veen, et al , “ Signals and Systems”, Willey India Edition, 2nd ed.

Subject Code Digital Electronics Credits: 3-0-0 (3)

EC251 Total hours:45

Course Objectives  This subject exposes the students to Digital Fundamentals.

 After studying this subject the student will be able to Design, Analyze and
Interpret Combinational and Sequential Digital Circuits.
Module 1 Hours 12

Number Systems and Boolean Algebra, Simplification of functions using Karnaugh map and QuineMcCluskey
Method, Boolean Function Implementation, Minimization and Combinational Design, Examples of
Combinational Digital Circuits, Hazards in Combinational Circuits, Hazard free realization.

Module2 Hours 12

Introduction to Sequential circuits: Latches and Flip-Flops (RS, JK, D, T and Master Slave), Design of a
Clocked Flip-Flop, Flip-Flop conversion, Practical Clocking aspects concerning Flip-Flops.
Counters: Design of Single Mode and Multimode Counters, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counters, Shift
Registers, Shift Register Counters and Random Sequence Generators.
Module 3 Hours 12

Design and Analysis of Sequential Circuits: General model of Sequential Networks, State Diagram, Analysis
and Design of Synchronous Sequential Circuits; Finite Sate Machine, State Reduction, Minimization and
Design of the Next State Decoder. Asynchronous Sequential Logic: Analysis and Design, Race conditions and
Practical Design Aspects: Timing and Triggering considerations in the Design of Synchronous Circuits, Set up
time, Hold time, Clock skew.

Module 4 Hours 9

Logic Families: Fundamentals of ECL, TTL, CMOS Logic family, Transfer Characteristics, Input and Output
Characteristics, Tristate Logic, Wired Logic and Bus Oriented structure, Practical Aspects, MOS gates, MOS
Inverter, CMOS inverter, Rise and fall time in MOS and CMOS gates, Speed Power Product, Interfacing BJT
and CMOS gates.

Reference books 1. Wakerly J F, “Digital Design: Principles and Practices”, Prentice-Hall, 2nd Ed.,
2. Mano M. M., “Digital Logic Design”, Prentice Hall 1993.

Subject Code Communication Engineering Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

EC 252 Total hours: 56

Course Objectives To enable students to analyze and design analog communication systems and have
overview of how modern communication system works.

Module 1 12 Hours

Elements of electronic communication systems, Need for modulation, channel, noise, frequency spectrum,
time and frequency domains, Review of Fourier analysis, Review of Random Processes : Stationary
Processes, Power Spectral Density, Power and Bandwidth Calculations, Ergodicity.

Module2 11 Hours

Amplitude Modulation (AM), DSB-SC, SSB, VSB and ISB transmissions, modulators, mathematical
Analysis, modulation index, frequency spectrum, power requirement of these systems.

Module 3 13 Hours

Angle Modulation:Frequency Modulation (FM), mathematical Analysis, modulation index, frequency

spectrum, power requirement of FM, narrowband & wideband FM, noise triangle in FM, pre-emphasis and
de-emphasis techniques, phase modulation, power contents of the carrier & the sidebands in angle
modulation, noise reduction characteristics of angle modulation, generation of FM signals, comparison
between AM & FM

Module 4 12 Hours

Radio Receivers: Basic receiver (TRF), Super heterodyne receiver, performance parameters for receiver
such as sensitivity, selectivity, fidelity, image frequency rejection etc., AM demodulation, FM demodulation,
AGC technique, double-spotting effect, Performance Analysis of Amplitude and Angle Modulation Schemes
in the presence of Noise : Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) analysis.

Module 5 8 Hours

Television Systems: Operating principles, composite video signal, blanking & synchronizing pulses, block
schematic of TV transmitter & receiver, Color transmission & reception principles, TV standards such as

Reference 1. Haykin S.,"Communications Systems", John Wiley and Sons, 2001.
books 2. Proakis J. G. and Salehi M., "Communication Systems Engineering",Pearson
Education, 2002.
3. Taub H. and Schilling D.L., "Principles of Communication Systems",Tata McGraw
Hill, 2001.
4. R.R Gulati, “Monochrome and Colour Television”, New Age International, 2007.
5. H. Stark, J. W. Woods, Probability and Random Processes with Applications to Signal
Processing, Prentice-Hall, 2003.
6. Peyton Z. Peebles Jr., Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles,
4/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2002.

Subject Code Devices Credits: 3(3-1-0)

EC253 Total hours: 56

Course Objectives To understand the fundamental principles of various modern semiconductor

To understand and describe the impact of solid-state device capabilities and
limitation’s on electronic circuit performance .
Module 1 : Hours 14

Semiconductor materials: Periodic Structures, Crystal Lattices; Cubic Lattices - Planes and Directions,
The Diamond lattice; Crystal Properties and Growth of Semiconductors.
Energy Bands and Charge Carries in Semiconductors: Equilibrium Carrier concentration, Thermal
Equilibrium and wave particle duality; Intrinsic semiconductor - Bond and Band models; Extrinsic
semiconductor - Bond and Band models; Carrier transport, Random motion.
Excess Carriers in Semiconductors: Injection level, Lifetime, Direct and Indirect Semiconductors,
Diffusion and Drift of Carrier; Built-in Fields - Diffusion and Recombination, The Continuity Equation,
Steady State Carrier Injection.
Module2 Hours 13

P-N Junction: Device Structure, Equilibrium Picture, Band Diagram, DC Forward and Reverse
Characteristics, Small-signal Equivalent Circuit, Switching Characteristics; Zener Breakdown; Graded
Junctions, Metal -Semiconductor Junctions, Schottky Barriers, Rectifying contacts, Ohmic Contacts.

Other PN Junctions: Photodiodes, Solar cells, Photo detectors, Noise and Bandwidth of Photo detectors,
Light-Emitting Diode, Lasers, Semiconductor Lasers.

Module 3 Hours 13

Bipolar Junction Transistor: Device Structures, Band Diagram, Operation, Transistor action and
Amplification; Common Emitter DC characteristics, Small-signal Equivalent circuit; Ebers-Moll model,
SPICE model.

Module 4 Hours 16

MOS Junction: Band diagram, C-V characteristics, Threshold voltage, Body effect. Metal Oxide Field
Effect Transistor: Device Structures, Band Diagram, Operation, Common Source DC Characteristics,
Small-signal Equivalent of MOSFET, SPICE level-1 model. Secondary effects of MOSFET: Hot Electron
Effects, Drain-Induced Barrier Lowering, Short Channel Effect and Narrow Width Effect, Gate-Induced
Drain Leakage; Differences between a MOSFET and a BJT.
Reference books 1. Ben.G.Streetman & Sanjan Banerjee, “Solid State Electronic Devices”, 5th
Edition, PHI Private Ltd, 2003
2. NanditaDas Gupta & Aamitava Das Gupta, ”Semiconductor Devices;
Modeling and Technology”, PHI, 2004.
3. M.K. Achuthan and K.N.Bhat, “Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices”,
Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, First Print 2007

Subject Code Economics Credits: 3(3-0-0)
HS 250 Total hours: 45
Course Outcome The fundamental objective of this course aims at providing a comprehensive perspective in
the broad area of economics and its scenario. The course aspires to bring the students into
the light of economic decision makings, and facilitates tohave grip in economic issues.
Module 1 Introduction to Economics 2 hours
Constructing a Model, Optimization and Equilibrium in market demand and supply, Comparative statistics and
asset allocation.
Module 2 Utility, Choice, Budget Constraint and Consumer Preference 6 hours
Cardinal Utility, Constructing a Utility Function, Budget constraint in case of two goods, Shifting of budget line
and impact of Taxes, Subsidies, and Rationing. Indifference curve, Marginal Rate of Substitution, Cardinal utility
and utility function, Indifference curve from utility functions, Marginal Utility vs MRS
Module 3 Demand, Revealed Preference & Slutsky Equation 6 hours
Normal and Inferior Goods, Income Offer Curves and Engel Curves, Perfect Substitute, complement and Cobb-
Douglas Preferences, The Idea of Revealed Preference, From Revealed Preference to reference,Recovering
Preferences, The Substitution Effect, The Income Effect, Rate of Change and change of Demand.
Module 4 Consumer Surplus, Market Demand & Equilibrium 6 hours
Demand for a Discrete Good, Constructing Utility from DemandFrom, Change inConsumer’s Surplus, Individual
to Market Demand, The Inverse Demand Function, The Extensive and the Intensive Margin, Elasticity, Elasticity
and Demand, Market Supply, Market equilibrium, Inverse Demand and Supply Curves
Module 5 Technology and Profit Maximization 3 hours
Inputs and Outputs, Describing Technological Constraints, Properties of Technology, The Technical Rate of
Substitution, Diminishing Technical Rate of Substitution, Returns to Scale, Profits, The Organization of Firms,
The Organization of Firms, Short-Run Profit Maximization, Profit Maximization in the Long Run, Profit
Maximization and Returns to Scale
Module 6 National Income Accounting 2 hours
National Income and Related concepts, Nominal or real GDP, Methods of measuring NI.
Module 7 Determinants of Equilibrium Output and IS – LM Model 8 hours
Aggregate demand and Equilibrium output, Consumption function and aggregate demand, Multiplier, Govt.
sector, Budget and Full employment, Asset and Goods Market, Equilibrium and adjustment to equilibrium in IS –
LM model
Module 8 Money and Fiscal policy and International Linkages 8 hours
Monetary and fiscal policy, crowding out, composition of output and policy mix, Balance of Payment and
Exchange rate, Balance of Trade and capital mobility, Mundell-Fleming model, Capital Mobility and fixed
exchange rates
Module 9 Aggregate Demand, Supply and Growth 4 hours
Aggregate demand and policies, Aggregate Supply, Fiscal and monetary policy under Alternative supply
Assumption, The quantity theory and neutrality of Money.
Text Varian, Hal R.: Intermediate Microeconomics, W.W. Norton & Co., New work (ISBN: 0393978303)
Books Koutsoyiannis, A.: Modern Microeconomics, 2 ELBS/Palgrave Macmillan, London Rudiger
Dornbusch and Stanley Fisher: Macroeconomics, McGraw Hill
Barro Robert J. “Macroeconomics, New York, John Wiley

Subject Code Mathematics - IV (Probability, Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

MA 250 Statistics And Random Processes) Total hours: 45

Course This course provides mathematical foundation to describe phenomenon occurring

Objectives with chance. Students will be able to describe, analyze and draw inferences about
experiment with probabilistic measure.
Module 1 6 hours

Introduction to Probability: Relative frequency and notion of probability; Axiomatic definition; Sample
Space and Events; Combinatorics; Joint and Conditional Probabilities; Independence; Bayes’ Theorem
and application.
Module2 15 hours

Random Variables : Concept of Random Variables; Distribution and Density Function;; Jointly
Distributed Random of Variables; Conditional and Joint Density Distribution function; Function of
Random Variables; Expected Value: Mean, Variance and moments of random variable; Joint moments,
conditional expectation; covariance and correlation; independent, uncorrelated and orthogonal random
variables; Some special distributions: Uniform, Gaussian and Rayleigh distributions; Binomial, and
Poisson distributions; Multivariate Gaussian distribution;
Random vector: mean vector, covariance matrix and properties; Vector-space representation of random
variables and Schwarz Inequality; Moment-generating and characteristic functions and their
applications; Bounds and approximations
Module 3 6 hours

Sequence of Random Variables :Almost sure (a.s.) convergence and strong law of large numbers;
convergence in mean square sense; convergence in probability and convergence in distribution and
Limit Theorems.
Module 4 6 hours

Statistics :Elements of estimation theory: linear minimum mean-square error and Orthogonality
principle in estimation; Parameter Estimation.
Module 5 12 hours

Random process and ensemble; Mean, autocorrelation and autocovariance functions; Class of
Stationarity processes; Autocorrelation and cross-correlation function; Ergodicity; Spectral
representation of a real WSS process and analysis; Linear time-invariant system with input WSS
process; Spectral factorization theorem ;
Examples of random processes: white noise process and white noise sequence; Gaussian process;
Poisson process, Markov Process.
Reference 1. H. Stark, J W. Woods, “Probability and Random Processes with Applications to Signal
books Processing”, Third Edition, Pearson Education
2. A Papoulis, S. U. Pillai, “Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes”,
Fourth Edition, Tata Mc. Graw-Hill

Subject Code Digital Electronics Laboratory Credits: 2(0-0-3)

EC254 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To provide experience on design, testing, and analysis of digital electronic circuits.

List of Experiments

Experiment No. 1
Realization of logic gates using diodes and transistors.
Experiment No. 2
Transfer Characteristics, Measurement of Sinking and Sourcing currents etc. of TTL gates.
Experiment No. 3
Realization of logic gates using universal gates.
Experiment No. 4
Code converters using basic gates.
Experiment No. 5
Seven segment display.
Experiment No. 6
Realization of Mux, Decoder and Encoder using basic gates.
Experiment No. 7
Combinational logic design using Decoders and Multiplexers.
Experiment No. 8
Half and Full adders and Subtractors.
Experiment No. 9
4 Bit adder-subtractor IC & BCD adder circuit.
Experiment No. 10
Flip-Flop Circuit (RS Latch, JK, T, D and Master Slave) using basic gates.
Experiment No. 11
Asynchronous Counters.
Experiment No. 12
Johnson and Ring Counters.
Experiment No. 13
Synchronous counters.
Experiment No. 14
A Sequence Generator/Detector circuit.

Subject Code Communication Engineering Credits: 2 (0-0-3)

EC 255 Laboratory Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To introduce student to the experiments which demonstrate the theory learnt in the
EC 253 Communication Engineering course so that they know how to design and
implement important components used in analog communication systems.

List of Experiments

Experiment No. 1
Fourier Series and Waveform Synthesis – Analysis
Experiment No. 2
DSB AM System SC/FC , with noise and without noise
Experiment No. 3
SSB AM System SC/FC, with noise and without noise
Experiment No. 4
FM Modulation- demodulation using Foster Seeley Discriminator
Experiment No. 5
Diode Detector circuit for AM demodulation
Experiment No. 6
Study and measurement of modulation index, Study of Super-heterodyne receiver
Experiment No. 7
Sensitivity, Fidelity and Selectivity of AM Communication System.
Experiment No. 8
Basic Pulse modulation scheme : Generation and demodulation of PWM and PPM
Experiment No. 9
Phase locked loop characteristics and FM modulation and demodulation using PLL
Experiment No. 10
Noise figure and Noise measurements for Amplifier, detector blocks in AM system

Subject Value Education Credits: 1 (1-0-
Code: 0)
VE200 Total hours: 14

Course General Awareness of the Society/ Environment we live in

Course It aims at Holistic Development
Course At the end, the students should be a complete human being in every respect

Module 1 Ethics in Engineering 4 hours

Concepts of Values and Ethics, History and Purposes, Utilitarianism, Duties, Rights, Responsibility,
Virtue, Honesty, Moral Autonomy, Obligations of Engineering Profession and moral Propriety
Module 2 Engineer’s Moral responsibility 3 hours
Engineer’s Moral responsibility for Safety and Human Rights, Risk Assessment and Communication,
Product Liability, Engineers-Employers Liaison, Whistle-Blowing and Its Moral Justification
Module 3 Computer Ethics 3 hours
Social Impact of Computer, Gender-Issues and Privacy, Cyber Crime, Ethical use of Software
Module 4 Intellectual property 4 hours
Definition, Types, Rights and Functions, Patents, Trademark, Grant of Patent in India, Surrender and
Revocation of Patents, Compulsory Licensing, Acquisition of Inventions by the Government, Contents
of draft application of Patents, WTO
Texts: 1. Vinod V. Sople, Managing Intellectual Property: The Strategic Imperative,
2. Govindarajan, Natarajan & Senthil Kumar, Engineering Ethics, PHI
3. Robin Attfield, A Theory of Value and Obligation, London: Croomhelm, 1987
4. Jones and barlett, “ Cyber Ethics: Morality and Law in Cyber Space”

Reference Case Studies from Newspapers

Third Year Course Contents
Subject Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

Understanding environment, its constituents, importance for living, ecosystem,

human developmental activities vs environment, climate change, national and
international environment related developments, need for public awareness, its
protection and conservation activities.

Module 1 Hours : 2
Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies:Definition, scope and importance, Need for public

Module 2 Hours : 8
Renewable and non-renewable Natural resources : Natural resources and associated problems; Forest
resources : Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies, Timber extraction, mining, dams
and their effects on forest and tribal people; Water resources : Use and over-utilization of surface and
ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems; Mineral resources :
Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies;
Food resources : World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of
modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies; Energy
resources : Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy sources, use of alternate
energy sources, Case studies; Land resources : Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced
landslides, soil erosion and desertification; Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources;
Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.
Module 3 Hours : 10
Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem, Structure and function of an ecosystem, Producers, consumers
and decomposers, Energy flow in the ecosystem, Ecological succession, Food chains, food webs and
ecological pyramids, Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the
Following ecosystem, Forest ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Aquatic
ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries).

Module 4 Hours : 12
Biodiversity and its conservation: Introduction – Definition : genetic, species and ecosystem
diversity, Bio geographical classification of India, Value of biodiversity : consumptive use,
productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values, Biodiversity at global, National and local
levels, India as a mega-diversity nation, Hot-sports of biodiversity, Threats to biodiversity : habitat
loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts, Endangered and endemic species of India,
Conservation of biodiversity : In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity, Eco-cultural heritage
of India-various festivals related to Environment, Tradition of community conserved areas-Sacred
forests, sacred tanks, sacred mountains, sacred rivers.

Module 5 Hours : 12
National and International Environment related developments
Environmental ethics : Issues and possible solutions, Climate change, global warming, acid rain,
ozone layer depletion, nuclear, accidents and holocaust, Environment related Acts, Issues involved in
enforcement of environmental legislation, Public awareness, Wasteland reclamation, Consumerism
and waste products, UN Frame Convention Climate Change, Kyoto protocol, concept of carbon
credits, latest CoP meet Agenda; Filed Work(equal to 5 lecture hours): Visit to a local area to
document environmental assets river/forest/grassland/hill/mountain/sacred groves/sacred forests,
Visit to a local polluted site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural, Study of common plants, insects,
birds, Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes, etc.
1. Textbook for Environmental Studies For Undergraduate Courses of all Branches of
Higher Education (online book -UGC Website), Erach Bharucha,University Grants
Commission , India.
2. Anil Agarwal, Dying Wisdom, Publisher: Centre for Science and Environment,
ISBN-13 9788186906200; ISBN-10 8186906207
3. R. Rajagopalan, Environmental Studies from Crisis to Cure, Oxford IBH Pub., 2005.
Reference 4. Benny Joseph, Environmental Science and Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
5. Erach Bharucha, Text Book for Environmental Studies, Pub., Universities Press,

6. Masters, Gilbert M., Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Sciences,

Prentice Hall India, 1991

Subject Code Data Structures & Algorithm Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
EC 301 Total hours: 56
Course Objectives Following this course, students will be able to: 1) Assess how the choice of data
structures and algorithm design methods impacts the performance of programs.
2) Choose the appropriate data structure and algorithm design method for a
specified application. 3) Solve problems using data structures such as linear lists,
stacks, queues, hash tables, binary trees, heaps, tournament trees, binary search
trees, and graphs and writing programs for these solutions. 4) Solve problems
using algorithm design methods such as the greedy method, divide and conquer,
dynamic programming, backtracking, branch and bound and writing programs
for these solutions.
Module 1 6 Hours
Introduction to data structures and objectives, basic concepts Arrays: one dimensional, multi-dimensional,
Elementary Operations.

Module 2 8 Hours
Stacks: Representation, elementary operations and applications such as infix to postfix, postfix evaluation,
parenthesis matching, Queues: Simple queue, circular queue, dequeue, elementary operations and
Module 3 10 Hours
Linked lists: Linear, circular and doubly linked lists, elementary operations and applications such as
polynomial manipulation.

Module 4 12 Hours
Trees: Binary tree representation, tree traversal, complete binary tree, heap, binary search tree, height
balanced trees like AVL tree and 2-3 tree and other operations and applications of trees.

Module 5 20 Hours
Graphs: Representation, adjacency list, graph traversal, path matrix, spanning tree; introduction to algorithm
analysis and design techniques, algorithms on sorting: selection sort, bubble sort, quick sort, merge sort,
heap sort, searching, linear and binary search.

Reference books (5) Alfred V Aho, John E Hopcroft, Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Data structures & algorithms”,
Addison Wesley. 2003
(6) Horowitz and Sahni , “Data Structures and algorithms using C/C++”, 2003
(7) Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, “Data Structures and algorithms in Java”,
4thEdition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Subject Code Control Systems Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
EC 302 Total hours: 56

Course Objectives To be familiar with basic control configurations and also to be competent in
mathematic modelling of physical systems and analyze their time and
frequency response.

Module 1 Hours 12

Mathematical modelling: Introduction of Open loop and Closed loop systems, Mathematical modelling of
Physical systems, Mechanical and Electrical systems, Transfer functions, Block diagrams, Block diagram
reduction rules, Signal flow graphs, Mason’s Gain formula, Feedback characteristics of closed loop

Module 2 Hours 12

Time response Analysis: Standard test signals, Time response of First and Second order systems, Steady-
state Errors and Error constants and Dynamic Error coefficients, Effect of addition of poles and zeroes on
response of system, Response with P, PI and PID controllers, Performance Indices. Control system
components, Stepper motors, Tachogenerators, DC and AC Servomotors.

Module 3 Hours 10

Conceptof stability: Necessary conditions and Routh Criterion, Relative stability analysis, Concept of
Root Locus and Construction, Gain margin and Phase margin, Addition of poles and zeroes on root locus.

Module 4 Hours 12
Frequency domain Analysis: Frequency response specifications, Frequency and Time domain correlation,
Bode plot, Polar plot, Nyquist criterion, Closed loop frequency response from Open loop Transfer

Module 5 Hours 10
Compensation Techniques: Design of Lead, Lag, Lead-Lag Compensation. State variable Analysis:
Concept of State, State Variables and State Model, State representation of Continuous-time systems, State
equation, Solution of State equations, Concept of Controllability and Observability.

1. J. Nagrath M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age International, 4th
2. K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, PHI, 3rd Edition.
3. M. Gopal, “Control Systems, Principles and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition.

Subject Code Digital Signal Processing Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

EC 303 Total hours: 56

Course Objectives Students will be exposed to specifications and design of digital signal
processing algorithms. They will learn different design techniques and apply
different fast algorithms for filtering and other tasks.

Module 1 8 hours

Review of signals and systems: Motivation and introduction to the course, Basic concepts of signals and
systems, interconnection of the systems and filtering, Z – transform and the Region of convergence of
the system, Complex convolution theorem, system described by difference equations, Frequency
response of LTI systems and system functions.
Module2 15 hours

Structures for Discrete Time systems: Representation of system described by Linear Constant
Coefficient Difference Equations, digital filter structures, relation between magnitude and phase, All
pass systems, Minimum phase systems, Lattice Structures, Linear Systems with Generalized Linear
Module 3 16 hours

Filter Design Techniques: Design of IIR filters and different transformations, IIR filter design
techniques, FIR filter by windowing, FIR filter by the Kaiser window, and Optimum approximation of
FIR Filters.

Module 4 9 hours

The Discrete Fourier Transform and Computational Aspects: Orthogonal transform, discrete Fourier
transform (DFT), Relation between Fourier transform and DFT, Circular Convolution, DFT properties,
Computation of DFT, Linear Convolution using the DFT, Fast computation of DFT.

Module 5 8 hours

DSP Algorithm implementation and Finite Worldlength Effect: Number representation and overflow,
Quantization Process and Errors, fixed and floating point numbers, coefficient quantization, A/D
conversion noise analysis, Low sensitivity digital filters, Limit Cycle oscillations in IIR digital filters.

Reference books 1. Discrete time Signal Processing , 2nd Ed. – A. V. Oppenheim and Schafer
2. Digital Signal Processing, 3rd Ed. -- S. K. Mitra, Tata Mc-Graw Hill

Subject Code Microprocessors and Credits: 3(3-0-0)

EC304 Microcontrollers Total hours: 45

Course Objectives  To introduce the student with knowledge about architecture,

interfacing and
programming with 8086 microprocessors and 8051 microcontrollers. Also to
give a brief introduction to ARM 7 and ARM 9 micro controllers.
 After studying this subject, the student should be able to design
Microprocessor/Microcontroller based system.
Module 1 Hours 12

Introduction: History of Microprocessors, Basics of computer architecture, CISC and RISC; 8085
Microprocessor Family Overview, 8085 Architecture, Assembly Language Programming (ALP), and
Program development.
Module2 Hours 12

8086 Microprocessor: Main features, pin Diagram Description, Internal Architecture, 8086
Microcomputer System, Program development steps, Implementing Standard Program Structure in 8086
ALP, Strings, Procedures, Macros.

Module 3 Hours 11

Interfacing: Input and Output Modes and Interfacing, Interrupts, Hardware Interrupt Applications, 8254
Programmable Timer/Counter, 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface, 8259 Priority Interrupt
Controller, DMA controller, 8279 Programmable Keyboard/ Display Interface, ADC, DAC Interfacing.

Module 4 Hours 10

Intel 8051 Microcontroller: Architecture, Memory Space, Data Types and Directives, Register Banks
and Stack, Assembly Language Programming, Introduction to ARM processors –features of ARM 7 and
9 processors.

Reference books 1. Hall D.V., “Microprocessors and Interfacing”, McGraw Hill

2. Ramesh Gaonkar, “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and
Applications with 8085”, Penram International Publishing, Fifth edition
3. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi and Rolin D Mckinlay, “
8051 Microcontroller and Embedded systems”, Pearson Education.

Subject Code Digital Signal Processing Credits: 2 (0-0-3)

EC 305 Laboratory Total hours: 45

Course Objectives This Laboratory course is offered in conjunction with lecture course “Digital
Signal Processing”. The aim of this course is to introduce the design process of
digital signal processing systems in a simulation environment.

List of Experiments

Experiment No. 1Simulation of discrete time system

Experiment No. 2 Discrete Time Fourier Transform

Experiment No. 3 Transfer Function and Frequency Response and Stability Test.

Experiment No. 4Realization of FIR and IIR transfer function

Experiment No. 5 IIR Filter Design

Experiment No. 6 FIR Filter Design

Experiment No. 7Optimal FIR Filter Design

Experiment No. 8Simulation of FIR and IIR Filters

Experiment No. 9 Lattice Filter implementation and Stability Test.

Experiment No. 10 Analysis of Finite World Length Effect – Coefficient Quantization, Limit Cycle

Experiment No. 11 Implementation of Signal Processing tasks on DSP Processor.

Reference books 1. Discrete time Signal Processing , 2nd Ed. – A. V. Oppenheim and Schafer
2. Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 3rd Ed. -- S. K. Mitra

Subject Code Microprocessor and Credits: 2(0-0-3)
Microcontrollers Laboratory
EC306 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To give hands on experience on 8085/8086 and 8051 programming

List of Experiments

Experiment No. 1

8085 and 8086 kit familiarization and basic experiments

Experiment No. 2

Programming exercise : sorting ,searching and string

Experiment No. 3

Interfacing with A/D and D/A converters

Experiment No. 4

Interfacing with stepper motors

Experiment No. 5

keyboard interfacing to 8086

Experiment No. 6

8255 interface to 8086

Experiment No. 7

Assembly language programming of 8051

Experiment No. 8

Timer programming of 8051, using interrupts

Experiment No. 9

LCD interfacing to 8051

Experiment No. 10


Subject Code Wireless Communication Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC 351 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To enable students to understand concepts regarding wireless medium,

cellular systems of mobile communication and wireless networks.

Module 1 13 Hours

Mobile Radio propagation Large Scale Path Loss: Free Space Propagation Model, Ground Reflection
Model, Practical Link Budget Analysis : Log Normal Shadowing, Determination of Percentage of
Coverage Area. Small Scale Fading and Multipath : Impulse Response Model of a Multipath Channel,
Parameters of Mobile Multipath Channels: Time Dispersion Parameters, Coherence Bandwidth, Doppler
Spread and Coherence Time, Types of Small Scale Fading : Flat Fading, Frequency Selective Fading,
Fast Fading, Slow Fading. Level Crossing Rate and Average Fade Duration.

Module2 10 Hours

GSM system (FDM-TDMA): Description of GSM system block diagram, SIR analysis, Channel reuse
analysis : D/R ratio, N_reuse, Cell Sectorization, Spectrum Efficiency, Channel Allocation and Multicell
Erlang Models, Call Blocking Analysis, Handovers – Techniques, Models and Analysis.

Module 3 10 Hours

Diversity, Realization of Independent Paths, Diversity System Model, Selection Combining, Threshold
Combining, Maximal Ratio Combining, Equal Gain Combining, Moment Generating Functions in
Diversity Analysis, Transmitter Diversity.

Module 4 12 Hours

Fundamental Concepts of Spread Spectrum Systems, Pseudo Noise Sequence, Performance of

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Systems, Analysis of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
Systems , The Processing Gain and Anti Jamming Margin, Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum
Systems , Time Hopped Spread Spectrum Systems, Synchronization of Spread Spectrum Systems,
RAKE receiver

Reference 1. Theodore Rappaport,”Wireless Communications : Principles and Practice”,

books Second Edition, Pearson 2010.
2. Anurag Kumar, D Manjunath, Joy Kuri, “Wireless Networking”, Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 2008
3. Simon Haykin, Michael Moher,“Modern Wireless Communication”, Prentice
Hall, 2005
4. Andrea Goldsmith, “Wireless Communications”, Cambridge University Press,

Subject Code Linear Integrated Circuits Credits: 3(3-0-0)

EC352 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives  To develop the skill of analysis and design of various circuits using
operational Amplifiers
 To develop design skills to design various circuits using different
data conversion Systems

Module 1 Hours 12

Operational Amplifier and its Linear application: Ideal Op Amp circuit Analysis, Inverting and Non-
Inverting Configuration, Differentiator, Integrator, The Negative resistance converter, Negative
Feedback, Feedback in Op Amp circuit, Loop gain. Circuits with Resistive Feedback: Current-to-
Voltage Converters, Voltage-to-Current converters, Current Amplifiers, Difference Amplifiers,
Instrumentation Amplifiers and Applications.

Module2 Hours 10

Active filters: First and Second order filter Transfer function, Butterworth response, Second-order
Passive filters (RC, RLC), Emulation of Inductor using Op-Amps-R-C, Salen-Key Biquad, Tow-Thomas
Biquad, Realization of higher order filters, All-pass filter.

Module 3 Hours 11

Nonlinear circuits: Voltage Comparators, Comparator Applications, Zero-crossing detector, Precision

rectifiers, Schmitt trigger (Inverting &Non Inverting), Astable Multivibrator, Triangular wave
generator. Non idealities of Op-Amps and their effects. NE555 Timer circuits: Internal architecture,
Schmitt trigger, Astable Multivibrator, Monostable Multivibrator, Saw-Tooth Wave generator.

Module 4 Hours 12

Digital to Analog (D/A) Converters: Types of D/A converters, Accuracy, Resolution and Conversion
speed, Offset error, Gain error, Integral and Differential Nonlinearity. Analog to digital (A/D)
converters: A/D conversion techniques and their Nonlinearity’s.
Phase Locked Loop: Block schematic and Analysis of PLL, Lock range and Capture range, Typical
applications of PLL, Basic Principles of operation of VCO and timer (555) and their applications.

Reference books 1. Sergio Franco, “Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated
Circuits”, McGraw Hill Book Company 1998.
3.Sedra A.S. & Smith K.C., “Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University Press
4.RamakanthGaykward, “Op Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits”,
Pearson Education, 1999.

Subject Code Digital Communication Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

EC 353 Total hours: 56

Course Objectives To enable students to understand and compare the performance of different digital
communication systems (BER, SNR etc).

Module 1 5 Hours

Review of Random Processes. Gaussian Process. Correlation Functions and Power Spectra.
Module2 16 Hours

Detection : Model of Digital Communication System, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure, Geometric

Interpretation of Signals, Response of Bank of Correlators to Nosiy Input, Detection of Known Signals in
Noise, Probability of Error, Correlation Receiver, Matched Filter Receiver, Detection of Signal with Unknown
Phase in Noise. Estimation : Concepts and Criteria, Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
Module 3 17 Hours

Sampling Theorem, Quadrature Sampling of Band-pass signals, Nyquist Criterion, Signal Distortion in
Sampling. Intersymbol Interference.

Waveform Coding Techniques : PCM, Channel Noise and Error probability, Quantization Noise and Signal to
Noise Ratio, Robust Quantization, DPCM, Delta Modulation
Module 4 18 Hours

Digital Modulation Techniques: Coherent Binary Modulation Techniques – PSK, FSK, Quadrature Amplitude
Modulation. Noncoherent Binary Modulation Techniques, Continuous Phase Modulation and Minimum Shift
Keying. Digital Modulation Tradeoffs.

Optimum demodulation of digital signals over bandlimited channels- Maximum likelihood sequence detection
(Viterbi receiver). Equalization techniques. Synchronization and Carrier Recovery for Digital modulation.

Reference 1. Wozencraft J. M. and Jacobs I. M., ``Principles of Communication Engineering'', John

books Wiley, 1965.
2. Proakis J.G., ``Digital Communications'', 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2000.
3. Simon Haykin, “Digital Communication Systems”, Wiley India Private Ltd.

Subject Code Communication Networks Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

EC 354 Total hours: 56

Course Objectives To enable students to understand layers of TCP/IP model, understand

different protocols and their use in network design and implementation.

Module 1 9 Hours

History of Computer Networking and the Internet, The Network Edge, The Network Core, Delay,
Loss and Throughput in Packet Switched Networks. Protocol Layers and Their Service Models.
Application Layer : Principles of Network Applications, The Web and HTTP, Electronics Mail in the
Internet, DNS, Peer to Peer Applications.

Module2 13 Hours

Transport Layer : Transport Layer Services, Multiplexing and Demultiplexing, Connectionless

Transport, UDP, Principles of Reliable Data Transfer, Connection Oriented Transport : TCP,
Principles of Congestion Control, TCP Congestion Control.

Module 3 12 Hours

Network Layer: Virtual Circuit and Datagram Networks, Router Architecture, IP Protocol :
Forwarding and Addressing in the Internet, Routing Algorithms: Link State Algorithm, Distance
Vector Algorithm, Routing in the Internet, Broadcast and Multicast Routing.

Module 4 13 Hours

Link Layer : Introduction and Services, Error Detection and Correction Techniques, Multiple Access
Protocols(ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA, CSMA/CA,CSMA/CD), Link Layer Addressing, Ethernet,
Link Layer Switches, PPP, Wireless networks : 802.11 Wireless LANs, Physical layer : Access
Networks and Physical Media.

Module 5 9 Hours

Multiplexing : Performance Measures and Engineering Issues, Stream Sessions In a Packet Network :
Delay Guarantees, Quality of Service (QoS) Objectives in Networks, Stream Sessions : Deterministic
Network Analysis, Weighted Fair Queueing, RSVP.

Reference 1. Kurose/Ross, “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the

books Internet”, Addison-Wesley, 3rd Edition, 2005.
2. Anurag Kumar, D Manjunath, Joy Kuri, “Communication Networking : An
Analytical Approach”, Morgan Kauffman Publishers (An imprint of

3. Dimitri Bertsekas, Robert Gallager, “Data Networks” (2nd edition), Prentice
4. Peterson, Davie, “Computer Networks : A Systems Approach”, 5 Edition,

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

Subject Code Linear Integrated Circuits Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC355 Laboratory Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To provide experience on design and analysis of various electronic

circuits using op-amp and other linear IC’s
List of Experiments

Experiment No. 1
Analysis of Inverting and non-Inverting amplifiers,
Experiment No. 2
Integrators and Differentiators - AC analysis, Transient analysis
Experiment No. 3
Negative Resistance Realization
Experiment No. 4
Design and Implementation of Comparators, Zero crossing Detector
Experiment No. 5
Design of Inverting and Non-Inverting Schmitt trigger.
Experiment No. 6
Single op-amp second order LFF and HPF - Sallen-Key configuration.
Experiment No. 7
Instrumentation amplifier-gain, CMRR & input impedance
Experiment No. 8
Astable and Monostable Multivibrators using IC 555
Experiment No. 9
Design of regulated power supply
Experiment No. 10


Subject Code Digital Communication Credits: 2 (0-0-3)

EC 356 Laboratory Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To introduce student to the experiments which demonstrate the theory learnt
in the EC301 Digital Communication course so that they know how to design
and implement important components used in Analog communication

List of Experiments

Experiment No. 1
Pulse code modulation and demodulation : PCM, Adaptive PCM, Differential PCM
Experiment No. 2
Companded PCM A Law and mu law
Experiment No. 3
Delta modulation and demodulation, slope overload distortion and granular noise
Experiment No. 4
Manchester encoder and timing recovery
Experiment No. 5
Sampling And Reconstruction
Experiment No. 6
ASK Modulation and Demodulation
Experiment No. 7
FSK Modulation and demodulation: Hardware Implementation
Experiment No. 8
BPSK Modem: Simulation and Error probability evaluation
Experiment No. 9
BPSK generation and detection: Hardware Implementation
Experiment No. 10
QPSK generation and detection.

Fourth Year Course Contents
Subject Code VLSI Circuit Design Credits: 3(3-0-0)

EC401 Total hours: 45

Course Prerequisites Analog Electronics and Digital Electronics

Course Objectives  To introduce the basic concepts of CMOS VLSI design, Simulation,
Layout preparation.
 To introduce the various steps in IC fabrication, starting from the raw
material to the finished product and to understand the physical principles
involved in these processes.
Module 1 Hours 08

A Historical Perspective: Issues in Digital Integrated Circuit Design, Quality Metrics of a Digital Design,
Overview of VLSI Design flow.
Performance of CMOS Inverter: The Static CMOS Inverter, Evaluating the Robustness of the CMOS
Inverter, The Static Behaviour, The Dynamic Behaviour, Power, Energy, and Energy-Delay, Technology
Scaling and its Impact on the Inverter Metrics,

Module2 Hours 14

Designing Combinational logic gates in CMOS: Static CMOS Design, Ratioed Logic, Pass-Transistor Logic,
Dynamic CMOS Design, Designing Logic for Reduced Supply Voltages, Stick diagrams. Designing
Sequential Logic Circuits: Static Latches and Registers, Dynamic Latches and Registers, Alternative
Register Styles, An approach to optimize Sequential Circuits, Stick diagrams, layout editors (Magic/Micro
Wind) and Circuit extraction.
Module 3 Hours 13

Cell Based Design: Standard cells and Data path cells, Logic and Arithmetic Circuits – Adders, Ripple carry,
Carry look ahead Adder and other high Speed Adders; Array and Tree multipliers, Logarithmic and Barrel
Shifters, 6-Transistor SRAM and DRAM cell design.
Driving large Capacitive loads: Wire Delay models, Lumped, RC and Distributed RC models, Delay
Calculation with Distributed Circuit Elements, Latch up and its prevention, Input and Output circuits,
Electro –Static Discharge (ESD) protection, Power Supply Noise, Supply Voltage scaling and its effect on
circuit parameters, Scaling and Short Channel effects.

Module 4 Hours 10

Wafer Processing: Wafer Preparation, Oxidation, Diffusion, Ion Implantation, Etching-Wet, Plasma and Ion
etching; Epitaxial Growth - Molecular Beam Epitaxy; Optical lithography- Optical Exposures; Photoresists
–Types of Photoresists, Positive and Negative PR.

Reference books 1. Jan M. Rabaey, “Digital Integrated Circuits- A Design Perspective”, Prentice Hall,
Second Edition, 2005
2. Sung –Mo Kang & Yusuf Leblebici, “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits- Analysis &
Designing”, MGH, Third Ed., 2003
3. John P Uyemura, “Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems”, Wiley India, 2006
4. S K Gandhi, “VLSI Fabrication Principle”, John Wiley.

Subject Code Management Credits: 3
HS 400 Total hours:
Course Outcome Develops the ability to understand and analyse the broad aspect of management and its
financial dynamism

Module 1 Principles of Accounting 5 hours

Accounting Cycle, Assumptions, Classifications of Accounts- Journal, Cash Book, Ledger, Final Accounts-
Manufacturing Account, Trading Account, P & L Account, Balance Sheet.
Module 2 Financial Statement Analysis 5 hours
Balance sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Economic vs Accounting Profit, Changes in Financial Position,
Funds flow and cash flow statement.

Module 3 Ratio Analysis 6 hours

Nature of Ratio Analysis, Liquidity Ratio, Leverage Ratio, Activity Ratio, Profitability Ratio, DuPont
Analysis, Comparative statement and Trend Analysis, Inter-firm Analysis.
Module 4 Working Capital 6 hours
Concept of working Capital, Operating and Cash conversion Cycle, Permanent and Variable working
Capital, Balance working capital position and Issues.
Module 5 Time Value of Money 5 hours
Time preference for money, Future value, Annuity, Perpetuity, Sinking fund factor, Present value, Annuity,
Perpetuity, capital recovery factor, Multiple period Compounding.
Module 6 Capital Budgeting 8 hours
Nature and type of Investment decision, Net Present value, (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback
period, Profitability Index, Nature and Behavior of Cost, Breakeven point, multiple products analysis,
decision points.
Module 7 Financial System 6 hours
Introduction to Indian Financial System, Financial Institutions and Financial Markets.
Module 8 Industrial Engineering & Project Management 4 hours
Work Study, Time Study, Industrial Psychology, Project Management (PERT, CPM)

Text Books I.M Pandey, Financial Management, 10th edition, Vikish Publication
Brealey Y Myers, Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill
Rajiv and Anil: Financial Management, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press
L.M Bhole: Financial Institutions and Markets, Tata McGrow-hill

Subject Code Information Theory and Credits: 4 (3-1-0)

EC 402 Coding Total hours: 56

Course Objectives To enable students to analyze fundamental parameters of information theory, to

explain source and channel coding and to find capacity for simple channels.

Module 1 9 Hours

Introduction to Communication Systems and Information Theory: Introduction, Source Models and Source
Coding, Channel Models and Channel Coding.A Measure of Information, Discrete Probability Review,
Definition of Mutual Information and Entropy, Average Mutual Information and Entropy, Probability and
Mutual Information for Continuous Ensembles.

Module2 8 Hours

Conditional Entropy, Relative Entropy, Relations between them, Chain rules of Entropy, Convex Functions,
Jensen’s Inequality, Log Sum Inequality, Data Processing Inequality, Differential Entropy.

Module 3 15 Hours

Coding for Discrete Source: Fixed Length Codes, Asymptotic Equipartition Property (AEP),Typical Set,
Variable Length Codes, Prefix Codes, Uniquely Decodable Codes, Kraft Inequality, A Source Coding
Theorem, An Optimum Variable Length Encoding Procedure, Huffman Codes, Lempel-Ziv Coding.

Module 4 15 Hours

Discrete Memoryless Channels and Capacity: Classification of Channels, Discrete Memoryless Channels,
Fano’s Inequality, Channel Coding Theorem and the converse, Examples of Channel Capacity : Noiseless
Binary Channel, Noisy Channel with Overlapping Outputs, Noisy typewriter, Binary Symmetric Channel,
Binary Erasure Channel, Symmetric Channels, Jointly Typical Sequences.

Module 5 9 Hours

Channel Coding : Introduction, Error detection and correction, Review of Vector Space, properties, Linear
block codes- Construction and decoding, Standard Array decoding, Distance properties, Hamming Code,
Convolution Codes.

Reference 1. Thomas Cover and Joy Thomas, “Elements of Information Theory”, John Wiley,
books Second Edition.
2. R. G. Gallager, “Information Theory and Reliable Communication”, Addison Wesley,
3. Shu Lin and Daniel J. Costello Jr., Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and
Applications, Prentice Hall, 2003
4. Blahut R. E, Theory and Practice of Error Control Codes, Addison Wesley, 1983.

Subject Code VLSI Design Laboratory Credits: 2(0-0-3)

EC403 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To provide the practical knowledge of designing the VLSI circuit and layout using
any of CAD tools like Spice/ MAGIC/ MIRCOWIND/Cadence.

List of Experiments

Experiment No. 1

P,N,CMOS - ID-VDS Characteristics – extraction of VT and body effect factor

Experiment No. 2

DC transfer characteristics of a CMOS inverter

Experiment No. 3

Design, Simulation and layout of CMOS NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR

Experiment No. 4

Design, Simulation and layout of AND, OR, NOT

Experiment No. 5

Design, Simulation and layout of basic digital blocks such as Adder, Subtractor, Decoder, Mux etc

Subject Code Electronic Instrumentation Credits: 3(3-0-0)

EC404 Total hours: 45

Course To understand the basic principles of instruments and measurements and various
Objectives practical issues related to measurement.

Module 1 Hours 12

Measurements and Measurement Systems; Characteristics of Instruments and Measurement System-

Static Characteristics and Dynamic Characteristics; Errors in measurement, Classification and working of
Transducers, Strain Gauges, Thermistors, LVDT.

Module2 Hours 10

Electronic Instruments: Electronic Voltmeters, Electronic Multimeters, Signal Analysers - Wave

Analysers, Harmonic Distortion Analysers, Spectrum Analysers.

Module 3 Hours 11

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: Cathode Ray Tube, Electrostatic Deflection, Measurement of Voltages and
Currents, Measurement of Phase and Frequency, Sampling Oscilloscopes, Storage Oscilloscopes.

Module 4 Hours 12

Biomedical Instrumentation: Bio-potential, ECG, Blood Pressure Measuring Instruments, Blood Flow
Measurement,Electromayograph (EMG),Spirometer.

Ref 1. A.K.Sawhney, “Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation”, Dhanpat Rai &
ere Co.
nce 2. Albert D. Helfrick, William D. Cooper, “Modern Electronic instrumentation and
Measurement Techniques”, PHI
3. Cromwell, Weibell, Pfeiffer , “Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements”, PHI.

Subject Code Digital System Design Credits: 3(3-0-0)

EC405 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives  After learning this subject students must be able to Simulate and Implement
typical Combinational and Sequential Digital Systems using VHDL.
 To impart the basic idea of Memory & System organisation and
Architecture of Computers.
Module 1 Hours 10

Asynchronous Sequential Circuits: Asynchronous behaviour, Analysis of Asynchronous Circuits, Synthesis of

Asynchronous Circuits, Race Condition, State reduction, State Assignment, Transition Diagrams, State
Assignment using Additional State Variables.
Module2 Hours 12

System Designing using VHDL: Behavioural, Data Flow and Structural Descriptions Identifiers, Data objects,
Data types and Attributes, Delay models, Delta Delays, VHDL codes for Simple Combinational and Sequential
Circuits, State Machine Design, Examples.
Module 3 Hours 11

Design with Programmable Devices: Programmable Logic Arrays, Programmable Array Logic, Combinational
PLDs (Eg: PAL14L4 &PAL12H6), Sequential PLDs (Eg: PAL16R4), Simple PLDs (Eg: 22V10), Complex
Programmable Logic Devices (Eg: XC9500), Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) (Eg: XC 4000 & FLEX

Module 4 Hours 12

Digital System Testing: Fault models, Fault Equivalence, Fault Location, Fault Dominance, Single and
Multiple Stuck Faults, Testing for Single Stuck-at Faults, Design for Testability, Testing Combinational Logic
and Sequential Logic, Scan Testing, Boundary Scan, Built –In- Self-Test(BIST).

Reference books 1. C.H. Roth, “Digital system design using VHDL”, PWS Publishing, 1998.
2. J. Bhasker, “A VHDL Synthesis Primer”, B.S. Publications, 2001.

Subject Code Computer Architecture and Credits: 3(3-0-0)

EC406 Organization Total hours: 45

Course Prerequisites Digital Electronics

Course Objectives  To understand and Implement the Basic Architecture of Computers.

Module 1 Hours 09

Basic Structure of Computers: Basic functional units , Bus structure, Software, Instruction set, CISC and RISC
Machine Instructions and Programs, Numbers, Arithmetic operations and characters, Memory Locations and
Address, Addressing Modes.
Module2 Hours 12

Datapath Design: Fixed point Arithmetic, Arithmetic-Logic Units (ALU), Floating point Arithmetic and
Pipelining. Control Design: Basic Concepts, Hardwired control, Microprogrammed Control, Pipeline Control,
Superscalar processing.
Module 3 Hours 12

Memory Organisation: Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, RAM and ROM, Memory Address Map, Memory
Connection to CPU, Hardware Organization, Read-Write Operation, Cache Memory, Associative Mapping,
Direct Mapping, Set Associative Mapping, Virtual Memory , Address Space and Memory Space, Address
Mapping Using Pages.
Module 4 Hours 10

ARM Instruction sets: Register, Memory Access and Data Transfer, Arithmetic and Logic Instruction, Branch
Instructions, Assembly languages, I/O operations, Subroutine, Program Examples.

Reference books 1. John P Hayes, “ Computer Architecture and Organization”, (Third Edition )
MCGraw Hill.
2. Carl Hamacher, Zvonkovranesic, Safat Z., “Computer Organization”, McGraw-

Subject Code Advanced Digital Signal Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC 407 Processing Total hours: 45

Course The students will be able to appreciate advance techniques of signal processing in
Objectives very specific areas and apply this to variety of applications and also appreciate the
current literature.
Module 1 1 hours

Motivation and Review of fundamental of DSP

Module 2 10 hours

Multirate Digital Signal Processing : Rate convertor and their time and frequency domain
characterization, decimator and interpolator, Noble identities, Rational Sampling rate convertor,
multistage design of Decimator and Interpolator, polyphase decomposition and applications,
Interpolation and splines, Nyquist filters and application, Applications of mutirate systems.
Module 3 12 hours

Filter Bank and Wavelets: Analysis and Synthesis filter bank, Uniform Filter Bank and efficient
implementation, Two Channel filter bank, Quadrature Mirror Filter Bank, Perfect Reconstruction Filter
Bank – Aliasing, Multiresolution Analysis and Filter Bank, Dyadic Wavelet, Orthinormal and
Biorthogonal Wavelets Design and their properties, Application to subband coding and
Module 4 12 hours

Nonparametric Power Estimation : Spectrum Analysis of Deterministic Signals; Estimation of the

autocorrelation of the stationary random signals; Estimation of Power Spectrum of Stationary Random
Signals; Joint Signal Analysis; Multitapper Power Spectrum Estimation.
Module 5 10 hours

Signal Modelling and Parametric Spectral Estimation :The modelling Process: theory and Practice;
Estimation of All-pole Models; Estimation of Pole-Zero Models; Application: Spectral Estimation,
Speech Modeling; Minimum Variance Spectrum Estimation; Harmonic Models and Frequency
Estimation Techniques: Harmonic Models, Pisarenko Harmonic Decomposition, MUSIC algorithm,
Minimum –Norm Method, ESPRIT Algorithm
Referenc 1. P. P. Vaidyanathan, “Multirate Systems and Filter Banks”, Prentice Hall,1993
e books 2. Stephane Mallat, “A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing : The Sparse Way”, Academic
Press, 2008
3. D. Manolakis, V Ingale, S Kogon, “Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing”,Artech
House, 2005.

Subject Code Statistical Signal Processing Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC 408 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives The students will be able to appreciate advance techniques in signal
processing in a non deterministic setting and apply this to variety of
applications and also appreciate the current literature.

Module 1 6 hours

Review of digital signal processing, representation of Narrow band signals, correlation analysis and
spectral density, minimum phase and system invertibility, spectral factorization, lattice filter realization.
Module2 12 hours

Statistical characterization and analysis of signals:Discrete time stochastic processes, Second Order
statistics, Stationarity, Ergodicity, Frequency domain description of stationary processes: autocorrelation,
power spectral density, white noise; Linear Systems with Stationarity random inputs and cross power
spectral density; Innovation Representation – Eigen Decomposition, K-L transform.

Module 3 4 hours

Linear Signal Models:Linear Non Parametric and parametric models, Mixed processes and the Wold
Decomposition ; All-Pole Models : Model Properties, All-pole modelling and Linear Prediction, AR
Models, Lower Order Models; All-Zero Models: Model properties, MA Models, Low order Models;
Pole-Zero Models: Model Properties, Autoregressive Moving-Average Models, The First -Order Pole-
Zero Model 1

Module 4 9 hours

optimal linear filtering:Optimum signal estimation, Linear Mean Square Estimation – Error performance
measure, Linear MMSE Estimator, Principal Component Analysis of the optimum Linear Estimator,
Geometric Interpretation and Principle of Orthogonality, Optimum FIR and IIR Filter design and
properties and application to filtering to additive noise, Linear Prediction.

Module 5 6 hours

The principle of least squares, Linear Least-Squares Error Estimation, Least Square filtering, Least
squares Signal Estimation, Least Square computations using SVD.

Module 6 6 hours

Principle and Typical Applications (Echo cancellation, Linear Predictive coding, Noise Cancellation),
Stability and Steady-State Performance of Adaptive filters; Methods of Steepest descent; Least-Mean-
Square Adaptive Filters – stability and steady state in Stationary Signal Operating Environment (SOE),
RLS Algorithm.

Module 7 2 hours

Fundamentals of Array processing and Beam forming.

Reference books (1) D. Manolakis, V Ingale, S Kogon, “Statistical and Adaptive Signal
Processing”,Artech House, 2005.
(2) S. Haykin, Adaptive Filter Theory, Pearson, 2002

Subject Code DSP Algorithm and Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC 409 Architecture Total hours: 45

Course The students will be able to optimally implement given algorithm on a DSP
Objectives programmable hardware and will be able to choose a DSP for given application..

Module 1 6 hours

Introduction to Digital Signal Prcessing System: Important DSP Algorithms; Representation of DSP
algorithms - block diagram, signal flow graph, data flow graph, dependence graph; DSP Hardware;
DSP System Design; Introduction to DSP development Tool.
Module2 3 hours

Numeric Representation and Arithmetic Operation: Fixed point and floating point representations;
Extended precision; Floating point emulation; Q notation; Fixed point and floating point arithmetic

Module 3 12 hours

Architecture of Programmable Digital Signal Processors: Central processing unit- Data and program
memory features; Peripheral interfacing; Instruction set; Execution control. Assembly and C
Language Programming.

Module 4 9 hours

Digital signal Processor specific Assembly language programming

Instruction types; Addressing modes. Assembly language programming for specific fixed / floating
points DSP processor; Pipelining.
Module 5 4 hours

DSP Algorithms: Algorithmic Considerations; Convolution; FIR and IIR systems and FFT; Methods
for generation of elementary functions; Pseudo-random number generation.

Module 6 12 hours

Analysis and Optimization of DSP Algorithms and Systems: Loop bound and iteration bound;
Retiming transformation; Unfolding transformation from data flow graph- folding transformation;
Fast Convolution; Optimization using pipelining and / or parallel processing; Power estimation;
Software optimization techniques for low power.

Refere (1) Digital Signal Processsors: Architectures, Implementations and Applications, S.M. Kuo
nce and and W S Gan, Pearson Prentice Hall, Second Edition, 2006..
books (2) VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems – Design and Implementation, Keshab K.
Parhi, A Wiley InterScience Publication.
(3) DSP Programmable Processor User Manual of Specific Processor

Subject Code Speech And Audio Processing Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC 410 Total hours: 45

Course After attending this course they will have sound understanding of speech production
Objectives and representation. They can apply this knowledge to advanced techniques for
implementation and research.

Module 1 12 hours

Speech Production, Speech Perception: Human hearing, auditory psychophysics, just noticeable
difference, pitch perception, masking, models of speech perception. Speech Analysis: Time domain
and frequency domain analysis of speech, parameter estimation, Introduction to Speech Synthesis and
Speech Recognition
Module2 9 hours

Audio Signal Processing:

Brief overview on sampling and quantization, Discrete Fourier transform, Filter Bank: Perfect
reconstruction and Quadrature mirror filter, Wavelet transform, Modified discrete cosine transform,
Stereo processing, Linear prediction (LP), Auditory filters, Auditory masking, Perceptual auditory
models (Johnston's model, MPEG models), Spectral band replication, Temporal noise shaping.
Module 3 9 hours

Speech Compression
Scalar and Vector quantization, Lossless coding, Waveform and parametric coding, Vocoders, Linear
Predictive coders, Analysis by Synthesis and Code excited LP codec, Adaptive multi-rate (AMR).
Module 4 12 hours

Audio Coding and Standard

Perceptual audio coders, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, Dolby AC, Sony, AMR-WB, Generic coding.
Module 5 3 hours

Evaluation of Audio and Speech coders:

Objective and Subjective evaluation techniques (PESQ, PEAQ; MOS, MUSHRA) and
Standardization (ITU).
Referen 1. Douglas O'Shaughnessy, Speech Communication, Human and Machine, IEEE Press,
ce 1999
books 2. Fundamentals of Speech Recogniotion, Lawrence Rabiner, B H Juang, Second Indian
Reprint, Pearson Education, 2005.
3. A. Spanias, Ted Painter, V Atti, Audio Signal Processing and Coding, Wiley, 2007

Subject Code Image And Video Processing Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC 411 Total hours: 45

Course After attending this course they can apply different image and video processing
Objectives application for representation, filtering, compression in various domains and would
be able to undertake advanced techniques for implementation and research. They
will also be in position to explore the multimedia standards in detail.
Module 1 2 hours

Representation of digital images and video; Need for compression, Human Visual System, Redundancy
– statistical and psycho visual; Basic image compression system; Video coder encoder.
Module2 5 hours

Lossless Image Compression

Image Compression; Elements of Source Coding; Huffman Coding; Arithmetic Coding; Arithmetic and
Lempel-Ziev Coding; Estimation of Source Probability.
Module 3 9 hours

2D transform and Wavelets

Two – Dimensional Orthogonal and Unitary Transforms; Two-Dimensional Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT); Discrete Cosine and Sine Transform; Hadamard Transform; KL Transform; Wavelet
Transform. Fast Algorithm for DCT and Wavelet Transform.
Module 4 12 hours

Lossy Image Compression

Quantization process and artifacts; Delta Modulation and DPCM; Transform Coding based on KL
Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform; Embedded Wavelet Coding – Zerotree Coding, SPIHT
algorithm, EBCOT algorithm; Image compression standard – JBIG and JPEG, JPEG 2000 -
Architecture, Features, Region of Interest Coding, Error Resiliency.
Module 5 17 hours

Digital Video Coding Methods and Standards

Video Formats and Quality; Video CODEC; Temporal Model – Motion, Block based Motion
Estimation and Compensation, sub-pixel Motion Compensation; Image Model – Predictive Coding,
Transform Coding, Quantization, Reordering and Zero Encoding; MPEG-4 and H.264 video coding
standards; High Efficiency Video Coding; Design and Performance issues.
Referenc 1. V. Bhaskaran and K. Konstantinides, “Image and Video Compression Standards:
e books Algorithms and Architecture,” Kluwer, 1997.
2. Iain E. Richardson, “H.264 Advanced Video Compression Standard”, Second Edition.
3. High Efficiency Video Coding – Literature will be provided.

Subject Code Biomedical Signal Processing Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC 412 Total hours: 45

Course Different theoretical measures of biomedical signals and an understanding of the

Objectives information these measures provide regarding the sources of signals and the
behaviors of their sources in response to natural or imposed perturbations.
After attending this course students will have appreciation of the biological signals
and their origin. They will understand the signal processing tool to model, analyze
and validate.
Module 1 9 hours

Introduction to human body and biomedical signals; Action potential, ECG, EEG and EMG signals,
their origin and applications in medical diagnosis. Motivation for treating Real – world biomedical
signals using stochastic approach.
Module2 6 hours

Review of Digital Signal Processing

Module 3 9 hours

Classical Spectral Estimation Techniques

Discrete Fourier transform and FFT algorithms; The Periodogram; The Blackman – Tukey Spectral
Estimation: Applications to Doppler Signals, Auditory Evoked Potentials (AEPs) and Heart Rate
Variability; Cepstrum Analysis: Power Cepstrum and Complex Cepstrum; Application to Analysis of
ECG signals, Diastolic Heart Sound.
Module 4 12 hours

Adaptive Filters
Principle of Adaptive Noise Cancelling; Adaptive Noise Cancellation with LMS and RLS Adaption
Algorithm; Application to ECG Monitoring, Enhance Fetal ECG Monitoring and Enhance
Electrogastric Mesurements; Adaptive Line Enhancer and its application to Diastolic Heart Sounds;
Adaptive Zero-Tracking Methods and applications for detecting Epileptic Patients, detecting Multiple
Sclerosis Patients.
Module 5 9 hours

Parametric Modeling Methods

Autoregressive (AR) Methods and Linear Prediction; Yule-Walker Method; Adaptive AR method;
Application to modelling of ECG signals, Knee Vibration Signals, Fetal Breathing Movement,
Arterial Blood Pressure, EEG modelling during Neurosurgical Operations, Surface EMG, Heart Rate
Variability, Lung Sound; The Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) method and their
applications to modelling of Somatosensory Evoked Potentials, Modeling of Diastolic Heart Sounds
and Modelling of Cutaneous Electrogastric Signals.
Referen 1. Metin Akay, “Biomedical Signal Processing”, Academic Press 1994
ce 2. L. Cromwell, F. Weibell, E. A. Pfiffer “Biomedical Instrument and Measurement”,
books Prentice Hall, 1980.

Subject Code Error Control Coding Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC 413 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To enable students to understand and use appropriately different error
control techniques.

Module 1 13 Hours

Coding for Reliable Digital Transmission and Storage: Types of Codes, Modulation and Coding,
Maximum Likelihood Decoding, Types of Errors, Error Control Strategies, Performance Measures.

Introduction to Algebra : Groups, Fields, Binary Field Arithmetic, Construction of Galois Field
GF(2m), Basic Properties of Galois Field GF(2m), Vector Spaces, Matrices.

Module2 9 Hours

Linear Block Codes : Introduction, Syndrome and Error Detection, The Minimum Distance of a Block
Code, Error Detecting and Error Correcting Capabilities of a Block Code, Standard Array and
Syndrome Decoding, Probability of an Undetected Error for Linear Codes over a BSC. Hamming
Codes, Reed Muller Codes, Golay Code.

Module 3 10 Hours

Cyclic Codes : Generator and Parity Check Matrices of Cyclic Codes, Encoding and Decoding of
Cyclic Codes, Syndrome Computation and Error Detection.

BCH Codes : Binary Primitive BCH Codes, Decoding of BCH Codes, Iterative Algorithms,
Corrections of Errors and Erasures.

Module 4 13 Hours

Reed Solomon Codes, Convolutional codes, Decoding algorithms for Convolutional codes,
Viterbi, Trellis coded modulation, Introduction to Space-Time codes and modern coding concepts
(soft decision decoding algorithms, iterative decoding algorithms).

Reference 1. Shu Lin and Daniel J. Costello Jr., “Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and
books Applications”, Prentice Hall, 2003.
2. S. B Wicker, “Error Control Systems for Digital Communication and Storage”,
Prentice Hall, 1995.
3. Blahut R. E, “Theory and Practice of Error Control Codes”, Addison Wesley,
4. Blahut R.E., “Algebraic codes for Data transmission”, Cambridge University
Press, 2003

Subject Code Spread Spectrum Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC 414 Communication Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To enable students to understand different spread spectrum techniques and
their commercial applications.

Module 1 14 Hours

Revision of Basic Digital Communications Concept : Detection of Binary Signals in Additive White
Gaussian Noise, Coherent and Non-coherent Modulation Schemes,

Introduction to Spread Spectrum Systems: Introduction, Pulse Noise Jamming, Low Probability of
Detection, Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum, Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum, Hybrid Direct Sequence/
Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum.

Module2 12 Hours

Binary Shift Register Sequences for Spread Spectrum Systems : Definitions, Mathematical Background
and Sequence Generator Fundamentals, Maximum Length Sequences, Gold Codes, Nonlinear Code

Code Tracking Loops: Optimum Tracking of Wideband Signals, Baseband Delay Lock Tracking Loop,
Code Tracking Loops for Frequency Hop Systems.

Module 3 11 Hours

Synchronization: Initial Synchronization of the Receiver Spreading Code, The Optimum Synchronizer,
Serial Search Synchronization Techniques, Generalized Analysis of Average Synchronization Time.

Jamming : Performance of Spread Spectrum Systems in Jamming Environments, Performance in AWGN

or Barrage Noise Jamming.

Module 4 8 Hours

Code Division Multiple Access Systems: Cellular Radio Concept, CDMA Digital Cellular Systems, IS 95.

Reference 1. R.L. Peterson, “Introduction to Spread spectrum Communication”, PH, 1995.

books 2. B.Sklar, “Digital Communications”, Pearson Education, 2001.
3. M.K.Simon, “Spread spectrum communications”, Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
4. J.S.Lee, “CDMA Systems Engineering handbook”, Artech House, 1998.

Subject Code Optical Communication Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC 415 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives The objective is to understand concepts related to optical components, links
and systems.

Module 1 14 Hours

Motivation for Light wave Communications, Key Elements of Optical Fibre Systems, Standards for
Optical Fibre Communication.

Optical Fibres (Structures, Wave guiding and Fabrication) : Fundamentals of Optical Laws and
Definitions, Optical Fibre Modes and Configurations, Mode Theory for Circular Waveguides, Single
Mode Fibres, Graded Index Fibre Structure. Signal Degradation in Optical Fibres, Attenuation, Losses,
Dispersion and Group Delay, Pulse Broadening in GI Fibres.

Module2 14 Hours

Optical Sources: Direct and Indirect band gap materials, LED and Laser Diodes – Principle of Operation ,
Concepts of Line Width, Phase Noise, Switching and Modulation Characteristics

Optical Detectors : PN detector, pin detector, Avalanche photodiode – Principles of operation,

concepts of responsivity, sensitivity and quantum efficiency, noise in detection, typical receiver
configurations (high impedance and trans Impedance receivers).

Module 3 9 Hours

Optical Amplifiers: Basic Applications and Types of Optical Amplifiers, Semiconductor Optical
Amplifiers, Erbium-Doped Fibre Amplifiers, Amplifier Noise, Optical SNR, Raman Amplifiers.

Module 4 8 Hours

Digital transmission system-point-to-point links, fibre splicing and connectors, link power
budget, rise-time budget, noise effects on system performance, operational principals of WDM and

Reference 1. Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fiber Communication”, McGraw-Hill International,

books Singapore, 2000 A Selvarajan, S.Kar, Optical Communications, TMH, 2006
2. Leonid Kazovsky, Sergio Benedetto and Alan Willner, “Optical Fiber
Communication Systems”, Artech House, 1996.
3. G.P.Agrawal, “Nonlinear Fiber Optics”, 3rd Ed; Academic Press, 2004.
4. G.P. Agrawal , “Fiber optic communication systems”, 3rd Ed; Wiley-Interscience,

Subject Code Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC 416 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To enable students to understand and to explain concepts of Ad hoc and Sensor
Networks and network architectures, protocol.

Module 1 4 Hours

Introduction to mobile ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks concepts and architectures. Wireless
LAN and PAN, IEEE 802.11 Standard, HIPERLAN, Bluetooth, Home-RF.

Module2 8 Hours

Routing Protocols for ad-hoc Network :Issues in Designing a Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless
Networks. Classifications of Routing Protocols. Table-Driven Routing Protocols. On-Demand Routing
Protocols. Hybrid Routing Protocols. Routing Protocols with Efficient Flooding Mechanisms. Hierarchical
Routing Protocols. Power-Aware Routing Protocols.

Module 3 11 Hours

MAC Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Issues in Designing a MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless
Networks. Design Goals of a MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Classifications of MAC
Protocols. Contention-Based Protocols. Contention-Based Protocols with Reservation Mechanisms.
Contention-Based MAC Protocols with Scheduling Mechanisms. MAC Protocols That Use Directional
Antennas. Other MAC Protocols.
Module 4 12 Hours

Transport Layer and Security Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Issues in Designing a Transport
Layer Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Design Goals of a Transport Layer Protocol for Ad Hoc
Wireless Networks. Classification of Transport Layer Solutions. TCP Over Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
Other Transport Layer Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Security in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
Network Security Requirements. Issues and Challenges in Security Provisioning. Network Security
Attacks. Key Management. Secure Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
Module 5 10 Hours

Wireless sensor networks architecture: hardware and software components of a sensor node, OS
for WSN, WSN MAC layer strategies; naming and addressing; Clock Synchronization;
Node Localization; WSN Routing.
Reference 1. C Sivarama Murthy and B S Manoj, “Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks, Architectures
books and Protocols”, PH, 2004.
2. Labiod. H, “Wireless Adhoc and Sensor Networks”, Wiley, 2008.
3. Li, X, “Wireless ad -hoc and sensor Networks: theory and applications”,
Cambridge University Press,2008.

Subject Code Antennasand Propagation Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC 417 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives To impart the basic concepts of radiating structures and their arrays.
To give idea about basic propagation.
Module 1 12 Hours

Antenna fundamentals and definitions: Types of Antennas, Radiation Mechanism Current distribution on
thin wire antenna, Fundamental Parameters of Antennas: Radiation Pattern, Radiation Power Density,
Radiation Intensity, Directivity, Gain, Antenna efficiency, Beam efficiency, Bandwidth, Polarization,
Input Impedance, radiation efficiency, Antenna Vector effective length, Friis Transmission equation,
Antenna Temperature.

Module2 11 Hours

Radiation integrals and Auxiliary potential functions: Duality, Reciprocity and Reaction theorems,
Inhomogeneous Wave Equation, Solution by potentials.

Linear Wire Antennas: Infinitesimal dipole, Small dipole, Region separation, Finite length dipole, half
wave dipole, Ground effects. Loop Antennas: Small Circular loop, Circular Loop of constant current,
Circular loop with non-uniform current.

Module 3 12 Hours

Array antennas: Linear Arrays, Two element array, N Element array, Uniform Amplitude and spacing,
Broadside and End fire array, Super directivity, Planar array, Design consideration;

Aperture Antennas, Horn Antennas, Micro strip Antennas, Reflector Antennas- Plane reflector, parabolic
reflector, Cassegrain reflectors.
Module 4 10 Hours

Factors involved in the propagation of radio waves: The ground wave-Reflection of radio waves by the
surface of the earth, Space Wave propagation, Considerations in Space Wave propagation-Atmospheric
effects in space wave propagation, Ionosphere and its effects on radio waves, Mechanism of ionosphere
propagation, Refraction and Reflection of sky waves by Ionosphere.
Reference 1. C.A Balanis , Antenna Theory, John Wiley, 1996.
books 2. Electromagnetic waves & Radiating Systems– Jordan & Balman, Prentice Hall

Subject Code Satellite Communication Credits:(3-0-0) 3

EC418 Total hours: 45

Course With this paper, the students should have thoroughly known about the principle of
Objectives earth station, satellite link, communication satellites, satellite orbits and different
types of channel accessing mechanisms.

Module 1 11hours

Satellite orbits, Solar day and Sidereal day ,Orbital parameters, Satellite trajectory, Period, Velocity
and Position of a satellite, Geostationary satellites, Non-geostationary constellations ,Launching of
geostationary satellites, Hohmann transfer, Effect of earth’s shape, Other heavenly bodies,
Atmospheric drag and Radiation pressure on the satellite’s orbit.

Module 2 10 hours

Communication satellites, Spacecraft subsystems, Payload, Repeater, Antenna, Attitude and Control
systems, Telemetry, Tracking and Command, Power sub system and Thermal control Earth stations,
Antenna and feed systems, Satellite tracking system, Amplifiers, Fixed and Mobile satellite service
earth stations.

Module 3 16 hours

Communication link design, Frequency bands used, Antenna parameters, Transmission Equations,
Noise considerations, Link design , Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT) - VSAT design issues.

Module 4 8 hours

Multiple access techniques, Frequency division multiple access , Time division multiple access , Code
division multiple access, Access protocols for data traffic Applicability of CDMA to commercial
systems, Demand access in the INTELSAT, TDMA system, SPADE, the INMARSAT system, Earth
station, Satellite television networks.

Reference (1) Richharia M., “Satellite Communication Systems”, Macmillan Press Ltd.
(2) Ha T.T., “Digital Satellite Communication”

(3)T. Pratt, “Satellite Communications”.

Subject Microwave Engineering Credits:(3-0-0) 3
Total hours: 45

Course To give the basic ideas about the characteristics and applications of Microwave
Objectives frequency bands
To understand the working of various Microwave passive and active devices and
Module 1 10 Hours

Characteristic, Features and Applications of Microwaves, Scattering matrix representation of

microwave networks, Properties of scattering matrices, Properties and S-matrices for typical
network such as section of uniform transmission line, 3-port networks (reciprocal and
nonreciprocal), T-junctions directional coupler, Magic tee, Ferrite devices, Isolator, Circulators.

Module 2 10 Hours

Generation of microwaves by tubes, Limitations of conventional tubes, Klystron amplifiers -

analysis, Reflex klystron oscillator-analysis, Magnetrons, Traveling wave tube (TWT),
Backward wave oscillator (BWO)-basic principles, Millimeter wave tubes-introduction.
Module 3 11 Hours

High frequency limitations of transistors, Microwave transistors, Varators, Manley Rowe

relations, Parametric Amplifiers and frequency multipliers, Tunnel diodes, Gunn effect, Gunn
Diode oscillators, Avalanche effect, IMPATT & TRAPATT diodes, PIN diodes and their
applications, Schottky barrier and backward diodes.
Module 4 11 Hours

Planer transmission lines such as Stripline, Microstrip line, Slotline, Technology of hybrid
MICs, Monolithis MICs. Comparison of both MICs; VSWR Measurement, microwave power
Measurement, Impedance measurement, Frequency measurement, Concept of microwave
communication - repeaters.
Reference 1. Liao S.Y.,”Microwave devices and Circuits”, Prentice Hall Of India,
books New Delhi, 3rd Ed. 2006
2. Collin. R.E, “Foundation of Microwave Engineering”, IEEE Press, 2004

Subject Radar & Navigation Systems Credits:(3-0-0) 3
Total hours: 45

Course To give the basic ideas about the working of radar and navigation systems

Module 1 15 hours

The nature of the radar, The Radar Equation, Frequency modulated CW Radar, multiple-frequency
CW Radar, Moving-target-indication (MTI) Radar, Pulse-Doppler Radar, Tracking radar.

Module 2 15 hours

Radar transmitters: Magnetron Oscillator, Klystron Amplifier, Traveling-wave-tube Amplifier

Grid-controlled Tubes ;

Radar Receivers: Super heterodyne Receiver, Receiver Noise, Detection of radar signals in noise,
Extraction of information from radar signals. Clutter and noise suppression, Propagation
characteristics over land and sea.

Module 3 15 hours

Electronic counter measure, Hyperbola system of navigation, Instrument landing system,

Microwave landing systems, Satellite navigation systems.

Reference (1) M.I.Skolnik, “Introduction to Radar Systems”, McGraw Hill, 1980

books (2) D.K.Barton, “Modern radar systems analysis”, Artech House, 1988.
(3) B Edde, “Radar: Principles, Technology, Applications”, Prentice Hall.

Subject Code Digital Image Processing Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC 421 Total hours: 45

Course After attending this course they can apply different image processing application in
Objectives various domains and would be able to undertake advanced techniques for
implementation and research.
Module 1 3 hours

Introduction and Motivation to Digital Image Processing; Human Visual System: Image formation in
the eye; Light and electromagnetic spectra; Image Processing Application; Image capturing, Sampling
and Quantization.
Module2 5 hours

Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain

Intensity transformation, Histogram Processing: Equalization, Matching and use in local and Global
Enhancement; Spatial Filtering- Filtering, Smoothening Filtering: Linear Filters, Order Statistics
Filters; Sharpening Filtering: Using Gradient and Laplacian.
Module 3 6 hours

Frequency Domain Filtering and Processing : Image Transformation, Discrete Fourier Transform,
FFT, K-L Transform, Convolution, Correlation, 2D Sampling, Discrete Cosine Transform, Frequency
domain filtering and filters and artifacts.
Module 4 5 hours

Image Restoration : Degradation due to know noise models; Restoration due to known filtering: Mean
filters, Order filters, Adaptive filters for noise removal, Restoration using frequency domain filtering;
Model of Degradation: Estimating Degradation Function, Inverse Filtering, Mean Square Error
(Wiener) Filtering, Constrained Least Square Filtering; Image Reconstruction from Projection.
Module 5 5 hours

2D transform and Wavelets : Two – Dimensional Orthogonal and Unitary Transforms; Two-
Dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT); Discrete Cosine and Sine Transform; Hadamard
Transform; KL Transform and Wavelet Transform.
Module 6 3 hours

Colour Image Processing : Colour Models: RGB Colour Model, HSI color Model; Pseudocolour Image
Processing: Intensity Slicing, Gray level to colour transformation, Full colour image processing; Colour
Module 7 8 hours

Image Compression: Statistical and Psychovisual Redundancy; Fidelity Criterion; Image compression
Models; Source coding theorem; Lossless Compression: Variable-Length coding, LZW Coding, Bit-
Plane Coding, Lossless Predictive Coding; Lossy Compression: Lossy Predictive Coding; Transform
Coding and Wavelet Based Coding; Image Compression Standards: Binary Image Compression
Standards, Continuous Tone Still Image Compression Standards.

Module 8 5 hours

Morphological Image Processing

Problems and Motivation; Basic Concepts from Set Theory; Basic Morphological Operation: Dilation
and Erosion, Opening and Closing, The Hit-or-Miss Transformation; Morphological Algorithm:
Boundary Extraction, Region Filling, Extraction of connected components, Convex Hull, Thinning,
Thickening, Skeletons, Pruning; Extension to Gray Scale Images.
Module 9 5hours

Image Segmentation
Introduction to segmentation problem: discontinuity and similarity; Detection of Discontinuity; Edge
Linking and Boundary Detection; Thresholding; Region Based Segmention; Segmentation by
Morphological Operations (Watersheds); Colour Segmentation.
Reference 1. Gonzalez R. C. And Woods R. E., “Digital Image Processing”, Second Edition,
books Pearson Education
2. Anil K. Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”

Subject Code Active Filters and Data Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EC 422 Converters Total hours: 45

Course Objectives  To understand the design and analysis of various active filters.
 To develop skills to design various circuits using different data conversion
Module 1 Hours 15

First order Filters: Biliner Transfer functions and Frequency response.

First order and second order function for low-pass, high-pass, band –pass, band-stop and all –pass filters.
Sallen-key LPF and HPF. Active filters: Filter transfer function, Butterworth and Chebyshev filters response
and pole locations. Inverse Chebyshev and Cauer Filter. Delay Filter.

Module2 Hours 15

LC ladder filter –prototype & synthesis; Frequency transformation of low-pass filter. Ladder Simulations by
Element Replacement, Impedance converters,.Gm-C filters: Elementary Transconductance Building blocks,
Switched capacitor filters: First-order building blocks, Second order sections.

Module 3 Hours 15

Digital-to- Analog Converter: General considerations, Static non-idealities and Dynamic non-idealities;
Current-steering DAC – Binary weighted DAC, Thermometer DAC, Design issues, Effect of Mismatches.
A/D converter : General considerations, static and dynamic non-Idealities. Flash ADC – Basic architecture,
Design issues, Comparator and Latch, Effect of non-idealities, Interpolative and Folding architectures.
Successive Approximation ADC; Pipeline ADC. Over sampling ADC – Noise shaping, Sigma-Delta modulator

Reference books 1. M.E. Van Valkenburg, Analog Filter Design, Oxford University Press, 1995.
2. Behzad Razavi, Principles of Data Conversion System Design, Wiley-IEEE Press,
3. Rudy J. van de Plassche, CMOS Integrated Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-
Analog Converters,Springer, 2003

Subject Code Embedded Systems Credits: 3(3-0-0)

EC 423 Total hours: 45

Course Objectives  To give ideas about Embedded Systems and System Development
 To Impart knowledge about Real Time Operating Systems and
Module 1 Hours 12

Introduction to Embedded systems: Processor Embedded into a system, Embedded hardware Units and Devices
in Systems, Embedded software, Examples, Embedded System on Chip (SOC) and VLSI Circuit Design
Technology, Design Process, Classification of Embedded Systems, Skills required for an Embedded System
Module2 Hours 11

8051 and Advanced Processor Architectures: Memory Organization and Real world Interfacing, Processor and
Memory Organization, Instruction level Parallelism, Performance Matrix.
Processor and Memory Selection, Devices and Communication Buses, IO Types, Serial Communication,
Parallel Device Ports, Wireless Device, Real Time Clock, Networked Embedded System.
Module 3 Hours 10

Real Time Operating Systems: OS Services, Process management, Timer and Event Functions, Memory
Management, Device, File and I/O Subsystems Management, Interrupt routine and RTOs Environment, Basic
Design using RTOs, Task Scheduling, Interrupt Latency, OS Security Issues.
Module 4 Hours 12

Embedded Software Development Tools: Host and Target Machines, Linker/Locators for Embedded Software,
Getting Embedded Software to the Target Systems, Debugging Techniques, Testing on your Host machines,
Instruction set Simulators, Laboratory Tools.
Reference books 1. David Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer”, Addison Wesley, 2000.
2. Raj Kamal, “Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programing and Design”, TMH.

Subject Code Low-Power VLSI Circuit Credits: 3(3-0-0)

EC 424 Design Total hours: 45

Course Objectives  To understand and design Low-power VLSI circuits for growing reliance
on battery-powered portable computing and wireless communications
 To understand the critical issue related to continued progress of high-
performance and reliable microelectronic systems.
Module 1 Hours 10

Introduction: Need for low power VLSI chips, Sources of power dissipation on Digital Integrated circuits,
Emerging Low power approaches. Device & Technology Impact on Low Power: Dynamic dissipation in
CMOS, Transistor sizing & gate oxide thickness, Impact of technology Scaling, Technology & Device
Module2 Hours 12

Simulation Power analysis: SPICE circuit simulators, gate level logic simulation, capacitive power estimation,
static state power, gate level capacitance estimation, architecture level analysis, data correlation
analysis in DSP systems, Monte Carlo simulation. Probabilistic power analysis: Random logic signals,
probability & frequency, probabilistic power analysis techniques, signal entropy.

Module 3 Hours 11

Low Power Circuit’s: Transistor and gate sizing, network restructuring and Reorganization, Special Flip Flops
& Latches design, high capacitance nodes, low power digital cells library. Logic level: Gate reorganization,
signal gating, logic encoding, state machine encoding, pre-computation logic.
Module 4 Hours 12

Low power Architecture & Systems: Power & performance management, switching activity reduction, parallel
architecture with voltage reduction, flow graph transformation, low power arithmetic components. Low power
Clock Distribution: Power dissipation in clock distribution, Single driver Vs Distributed buffers, Zero skew Vs
tolerable skew, chip & package co- design of clock network.
Reference books 1. Gary K. Yeap, “Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design”, KAP, 2002
2. Kaushik Roy, Sharat Prasad, “Low-Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design” Wiley,
3. Rabaey, Pedram, “Low Power Design Methodologies” Kluwer Academic

Subject Code Logic Synthesis and Credits: 3(3-0-0)

EC 425 Optimization Total hours: 45

Course Objectives  To learn about state-of-the-art techniques and algorithms for synthesis and
verification of digital systems.
 To understand the high-level and architectural synthesis, decision and
word-level diagrams, combinational logic optimization, and sequential
Module 1 Hours 12

Introduction: Microelectronic design style, Design of Microelectronic circuits, Computer aided Synthesis and
optimization. Background: Graphs, Graphs Optimization problems and Algorithms, Boolean Algebra and
Module2 Hours 14

Hardware Modelling: Hardware Modelling Languages, Abstract Models, Compilation and Behaviour
Optimization. Two level Combinational level Optimization. Sequential Logic Optimization.

Module 3 Hours 11

Architecture Level Synthesis and Optimization: Circuit Specification for Architecture Synthesis, Area and
Performance Estimation, Data Path Synthesis and Control Path Synthesis.
Module 4 Hours 08

Cell Library Binding: Problem Formulation and Analysis, Algorithms for Library Binding, Rule Based Library
Reference books 1. Giovanni De Micheli, “Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits”, McGraw
Hill, 1994.
2. S. Hassoun and T. Sasao, “Logic Synthesis and Verification”, Kluwer Academic
publishers, 2002.
3. Srinivas Devadas, Abhijith Ghosh and Kurt Keutzer, “Logic Synthesis”, Kluwer
Academic, 1998.

Subject Code: Professional Communication-II and Credits: 4 (2-0-3)
HU 401 & HU 402 Total hours: 56
Language Lab
Course Prerequisite Knowledge of English
Course Objectives This course aims at Personality Development
Course Outcome At the end, the students should possess a Saleable Image with employability skills

Module 1 Principles of Soft Skills and Practice 12 hours

Definition of Soft Skills and Personality, Attitude, Dress Code, Body Language, Individual and Group Behaviour,
Personality Test, C.V Writing and the difference between CV & Resume
Module 2 Group Discussion, Extempore, JAM and Survey 16 hours
Topics: Is Cloning Ethical, Shopping Mall vs Retailer, Should Animals be used for Drug-Test, Effects of
Advertisement on Youth, Google vs Social Networking Sites, Newspaper is the thing of Past, Diversity in Indian
Culture, Gender Discrimination, Who is Smarter: Human Beings or Computer and so on

Module 3 Interview 14 hours

Types of Interview, Interview Ethics, Questions and Mock-Interview Sessions
Module 4 Business Presentation and Seminars 14 hours
Business Presentation and Students’ Seminar
Texts: 1.W.B. Martin, Ethics in Engineering Tata McGraw Hill, India
2. Patnaik,Priyadarshi, Group Discussion and Interview Skills, New Delhi: CUP, (Video
3..Downes, Colm, Cambridge English for Job Hunting,2009, New Delhi,CUP (2 Audio
TV News (Headlines Today, ND TV and BBC), Chat-Shows on TV, Magazines like India
Reference Today, Outlook, The Week and English Dailies. Reader’s Digest for Expressive Skill,
English Films & English Comics

Academic Hand Book

Bachelor of Technology Programme


Electrical & Electronics Engineering

National Institute of Technology Goa

Farmagudi, Ponda, Goa - 403 401

Semester-wise Credit Distribution

Semester Total Credits

I 22
II 22
III 22
IV 21
V 22
VI 23
VII 20
Total Credits 170

I Semester Details

Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 MA100 Mathematics-I 4-0-0 4

2 PH100 Physics 3-0-0 3

3 ME100 Engineering Mechanics 3-0-0 3

4 CS100 Computer Programming and Problem solving 2-0-3 4

5 HU100 Professional Communication 2-0-2 3

6 ME101 Engineering Drawing 1-0-3 3

7 PH101 Physics Laboratory 0-0-3 2

Total Credits 22

II Semester Details

Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 MA150 Mathematics-II 4-0-0 4

2 PH150 Material Science 3-0-0 3

3 CY150 Chemistry 3-0-0 3

4 ME150 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 2-0-0 2

5 EE151 Basic Electrical Science 3-0-0 3

6 ME151 Workshop Practices 0-0-3 2

7 CY151 Chemistry- Laboratory 0-0-3 2

8 EE152 Basic Electrical Science Lab 0-0-3 2

9 PE150 Physical Education 1-0-0 1

Total Credits 22

III Semester Details

Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 MA200 Mathematics-III 3-0-0 3

2 EE200 Electromagnetic Theory 3-1-0 4

3 EE201 Analog Electronics 3-0-0 3

4 EE202 Circuit Theory 3-1-0 4

5 EE203 Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation 3-1-0 4

6 EE204 Circuit Theory Lab 0-0-3 2

7 EE205 Electrical Measurements and 0-0-3 2

Instrumentation Lab

Total Credits 22

IV Semester Details
Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 MA250 Numerical Methods (Maths 4) 3-0-0 3

2 EE250 Digital Electronics 3-0-0 3

3 EE251 Electrical Power Generation 3-0-0 3

4 EE252 Electrical Machines-I 3-1-0 4

5 HS250 Economics 3-0-0 3

6 EE253 Electrical Machines-I Lab 0-0-3 2

7 EE254 Analog and Digital Electronics Lab 0-0-3 2

8 VE200 Value Education 1-0-0 1


V Semester Details
Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credit

1 EE300 Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution 3-1-0 4

2 EE301 Electrical Machines-II 3-1-0 4

3 EE302 Control Systems 3-1-0 4

4 EE303 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3-0-0 3

5 EE304 Electrical Machines-II Lab 0-0-3 2

6 EE305 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab 0-0-3 2

7 ES300 Environmental Studies 3-0-0 3


VI Semester Details
Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 EE350 Switchgear and Protection 3-1-0 4

2 EE351 Power System Analysis 3-1-0 4

3 EE352 Power Electronics 3-1-0 4

4 EE353 Integrated circuits 3-0-0 3

5 EE5**/HU501 3-0-0 3
Elective – 1
and HU 502

6 EE354 Electrical Simulation Lab 0-0-3 2

7 EE355 Control Systems Lab 0-0-3 2

8 EE356 Mini Project/Training 1


VII Semester Details
Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 EE400 Electrical Drives 3-0-0 3

2 HS400 Management 3-0-0 3

3 EE5** Elective – 2 3-0-0 3

4 EE5** Elective – 3 3-0-0 3

5 EE401 Power Electronics & Drives Lab 0-0-3 2

6 EE402 Seminar 3-0-0 2

7 EE403 Programme Major Project-I 0-0-4 4


VIII Semester Details
Sl. No Sub. Code Subjects L-T- P Credits

1 EE450 Power System Operation and Control 3-0-0 3

2 EE5** Elective – 4 3-0-0 3

3 EE5** Elective – 5 3-0-0 3

4 EE5** Elective – 6 3-0-0 3

5 EE452 Programme Major Project-II 0-0-6 6


Subject Code Mathematics-III Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

MA 200 Total hours 42

Objectives This Mathematics course provides requisite and relevant background
necessary to understand the other important engineering mathematics courses
offered for Engineers and Scientists. Important topics of applied mathematics,
namely complex analysis, power series solutions, fourier series and transforms
and partial differential equations.

Module 1 Complex Analysis 18 hours

Complex Numbers, geometric representation, powers and roots of complex numbers, Functions of a
complex variable, Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations; elementary functions, Conformal
mapping (for linear transformation); Contours and contour integration, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy
integral formula; Power Series and properties, Taylor series, Laurrent series, Zeros, singularities,
poles, essential singularities, Residue theorem, Evaluation of real integrals and improper integrals.

Module 2 Power Series Solutions 9 hours

Differential Equations Power Series Method - application to Legendre equation, Legendre

Polynomials, Frobenious Method, Bessel equation, Properties of Bessel functions, Sturm- Liouville
BVPs, Orthogonal functions.

Module 3 Partial Differential Equations 15 hours

Introduction to PDE, basic concepts, second order PDE and classification, D’Alemberts formula and
Duhamel’s principle for one dimensional wave equation, Laplace’s and Poisson’s
equations, Laplace, Wave, and Heat equations using separation of variables. Vibration of a circular
membrane. Heat equation in the half space.

Texts/References 4. E. Kreyszig, Advanced engineering mathematics (8th Edition), John

Wiley (1999).
5. W. E. Boyce and R. DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations (8th
Edition), John Wiley (2005).
6. R. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown, Complex variables and
(7th Edition), McGraw-Hill (2003).

Subject Code Electromagnetic Theory Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
EE200 Total hours: 56

Course To understand the concepts of coordinate systems and realize the electromagnetic
Objective fields, charges and currents. To calculate electromagnetic field distribution and
impart knowledge on vector fields - electrostatic and magneto static fields,
electrodynamics and electromagnetic waves.

Module 1 20 hours

Introduction to Electric Fields: Coulomb’s law and Electric Field Intensity, Electric Flux density,
Gauss law, divergence theorem, definition of potential difference, potential gradient, dipole, Electric
field intensity due to various forms of uniformly distributed charges, point charge, infinite line, circular
ring, infinite plane sheet, dielectrics and capacitance, Poisson’s law; Introduction to Steady Magnetic
Fields: Charged particles in motion, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s Circuital law, curl, stokes theorem,
Magnetic flux and Magnetic flux density due to infinite line, sheet carrying current, Scalar and vector
Magnetic potentials, Lorentz force equation.

Module 2 12 hours

Time varying fields and Maxwell’s Equations: Faraday’s law, displacement current, Maxwell’s
equations in point form, in integral form, in derivative form, EMF equation, Uniform plane waves in
dielectrics and conductors, pointing theorem, skin effect.

Module 3 10 hours

Transmission lines: Transmission Line Equations, Solutions to equations in phasor form, loss less and
low-loss propagation, wave reflection at discontinuities, transmission lines of finite length, Smith chart.

Module 4 14 hours

Guided waves between parallel planes, Transverse electric and transverse magnetic waves and its
characteristics, Linear Elliptical and Circular Polarization, Wave equations for conducting medium,
Wave propagation in conductors and dielectric, Depth of penetration, Reflection and Refraction of
plane waves by conductor and dielectric, Poynting Vector and flow of power.
1. William H. Hayt Jr., JA Buck, “Engineering Electromagnetics” MGH, 7th
Edition, 2013.
2. Kraus, Fleisch, “Electromagnetics with Applications” MGH, 5th Edition, 2010.
3. Nannapaneni Narayan Rao, “Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics”
Pearson, 6th Edition, 2006.
4. Karl E. Lonngren, Savov and RJ Jost, “Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with
MATLAB” PHI, 2nd Edition, 2007.

Subject Code Analog Electronics Credits: 3(3-0-0)

EE201 Total hours:42

To develop the skill of analysis and design of various Analog circuit building blocks
Course like Current Mirrors, Amplifiers, Differential Amplifiers using BJT and MOSFET.
To understand the concept of Negative and Positive feedback.

Module 1 Hours 12

Amplifiers:Introduction, Input and output impedance, Operating point analysis and design, Biasing
schemes; Load line and Bias stability, Analyses and design of CC, CE and CB configurations; RC
coupled and transformer coupled multistage Amplifiers; Thermal runaway in BJT Amplifiers.

MOSFET Amplifier: Analysis and Design of Common Source, Common Drain and Common Gate
Amplifier configurations – Thermal runaway in MOS Amplifiers.

Module2 Hours 12

Cascode stages and Current Mirrors: MOS Current Mirrors, Types of Current Mirrors, Simple,
Cascade type. Differential Amplifiers: MOS Differential pair, Small and Large Signal analysis,
Common Mode Rejection, Differential pair with Active load. Power amplifiers:Push pull stage, Heat
dissipation, Class A, B, AB, C, D, E& S Power Amplifiers - Harmonic distortion – Conversion
efficiency and Relative performance.

Module 3 Hours 08

Frequency response of Amplifiers: Hybrid π equivalent circuit of BJT, Low and High Frequency
BJT/MOSFET Model, Miller effect.Noise in Amplifiers: Types of Noise, Noise representation, Noise
in different circuits.

Module 4 Hours 10

Feedback and Stability: Introduction to Negative feedback – Basic feedback concepts; Ideal Feedback
Topologies - Voltage shunt, Voltage series, Current series and Current shunt Feedback
Configurations; Loop gain – Stability of feedback circuit, Nyquist stability criterion, Phase and Gain
margins; Oscillators : Basic principles of Oscillators, Analysis of RC Phase Shift, Wein bridge,
Colpitts, Hartley and Crystal Oscillators.

1. A S Sedra& K C Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University Press.1998.

Reference 2. BehzadRazavi, “Fundamentals of Microelectronics”, John Wiley & Sons .2008.

3. Robert Boylestad& Louis Nashelsky ,” Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory”,
PHI., 1995.

Subject Code Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
Circuit Theory Total hours: 56
Course To develop an understanding of the fundamental elements of electric circuits. To
Objectives develop the ability to apply the basic theorems to analyze a DC and AC electric
circuit. Use mathematical methods such as Laplace and Fourier transforms and
some linear algebra techniques and differential equations to solve circuits problems.
Synthesize a network with stable condition.
Module 1 Hours : 10
Basic DC and AC circuits analysis:Kirchhoff’s laws (KCL and KVL), DC and AC Circuits, Mesh
current, node voltage method, super node and super mesh analysis for D.C and A.C. circuits. Source
transformation, star-delta conversion.Complex Waves: RMS and average value of complex waves,
circuit response to non-sinusoidal excitations.
Module 2 Hours : 12
Network Theorems and topology:Thevenin’stheorem, Norton’s theorem, Superposition theorem,
Maximum power transfer theorem, Millman’s theorem, Tellegen's theorem, Reciprocity theorem and
compensation theorem. Concepts of Graph theory- Cut set and Tie set using Network topology,
Network equilibrium equations, Duality.

Module 3 Hours : 12
Resonance in AC Circuits:Series and parallel resonance, frequency response, Quality factor and
Selectivity, Bandwidth, Characteristics, properties of resonance circuits, current locus diagrams.
Coupled Circuits:Self and mutual inductance, Coefficient of coupling, Tuned circuits, Single tuned
circuits. Dot convention, Analysis of coupled circuits.
Transients in Electric circuits: DC and AC transients in R-L, R-C and R-L-C circuits using
Differential equations and Laplace Transforms.
Module 4 Hours : 10
Two-port Networks: Two-port network concept, Representation in T and π Configuration, Z, Y, h
and ABCD parameters, image impedances, Interconnection of Two-port networks. Network
Functions: Natural frequency of a network variable and a network, Network functions with examples
and general properties, concept of complex frequency, poles, zeros and frequency response.
Module 5 Hours : 12
Network Realisation and synthesis: Concept of poles and zeros-Hurwitz polynomials-Routh’s
criterion of stability of network functions-Synthesis of one port LC networks-Foster and Cauer
methods-Synthesis of RL and RC one port networks-Foster and Cauer methods.
1. William H. Hayt, Jack E. Kemmerly, Steven M. Durbin, “Engineering Circuit
Analysis,” 6th Edition, TMH, 2002.
2. Charles A. Desoer, Ernest S. Kuh, “Basic Circuit Theory,”TMH, 1969.
3. M. E. Van Valkenberg, “Network analysis,” PHI, 1990.
4. DeCarlo& Lin, “Circuit Theory: Linear Circuit Analysis”, 2nd edition, Oxford
press, 2004.

Subject Code Electrical Measurements and Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
EE203 Total hours:56
Course Students will be able to understand about the operation of an indicating instrument
Objectives and use them for measurement of electrical quantities. To obtain adequate
knowledge of comparison methods of measurement and also various transducers
and data acquisition system.
Module 1 Hours:14
General principles of measurements, units, dimensions, standards and calibration of meters,
characteristics of instruments: qualities and errors of measurements and its analysis, principle,
construction, operation, torque equation, calibration and application of D’Arsonval Galvanometer.
Direct Deflecting Instruments: Moving coil, moving iron, dynamo meter, induction, thermal,
electrostatic and rectifier type meters, shunts and multipliers, various types of galvanometers.
(principle, construction, operation, torque equation and comparison).
Module2 Hours:12
Measurement of Current, Voltage and resistance, Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin double bridge, Carey
Foster slide wire bridge, bridge current limitations, insulation resistance, earth resistance, earth tester
localization of cable fault by Murray and Varley loop tests. measurement of power and energy:
dynamometer type wattmeter, error and compensation, ampere hour meter, single and three phase
energy meters (induction type), calibration, phantom loading, current transformer and potential
transformer: construction, theory operation, phasor diagram, characteristics, error elimination and its
application. Tri-vector meter, frequency meters, power factor meters.
Module 3 Hours: 10
DC Potentiometer: Crompton potentiometer, Vernier potentiometer, Diesselhorst potentiometer,
method of use, use of potentiometer for measurement of resistance, current and voltage and power.
applications of DC potentiometers. A.C. Potentiometers: applications of AC potentiometers, various
A.C. bridges and measurement of inductance & capacitance and frequency.
Module 4 Hours: 10
Magnetic Measurements: Classification, magnetometer measurement, ballistic galvanometer flux
meter, magnetic potentiometer, Hall effect devices, B.H. curve and permeability measurement,
hysteresis measurement, Hibbert’s magnetic standard, core loss measurement.Illumination: Laws of
Illumination, standards of luminous intensity, measurement of luminous intensity, distribution of
luminous intensity, MSI, Rousseau’s construction, integrating sphere, illumination photometers
Module 5 Hours:10
Cathode ray oscilloscope, theory and working, measurements using CRO, types of CRO, time base
generator circuit, applications.
1. A. K Sawhney, “Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation”,
Reference DhanpathRai& Co.,2012
books 2. E.W. Golding,“Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments”, 5 th Edition , Reem
3. W.D Cooper, “Modern Electronics Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques”,
Prentice Hall of India, 1st Edition,2011

Subject Code Credits: 2 (0-0-3)
Circuit Theory Lab
EE204 Total hours:45hr

Course Laboratory exercises and assignments based on experiments and PSPICE and/or
Objective MATLAB simulation to supplement EE200.

Experiments lists
1. Verification of Reciprocity and Milliman’s theorem.
2. Find Z and Y parameters for a given circuit.
3. ABCD parameters for a given circuit.
4. Series and parallel resonant circuits.
5. Measurement of Self and Mutual Inductance.
6. MATLAB Simulation model for DC, AC network transient analysis.
7. MATLAB Simulation model to plot poles and zeros of a network.
8. PSPICE simulation model to verify Mesh and Nodal analysis to find branch
voltages and currents
9. PSPICE Simulation model to find response for a network with DC, AC
voltage sources.
10. Modelling of electrical circuits

1. William H. Hayt, Jack E. Kemmerly, Steven M. Durbin, “Engineering Circuit

Analysis,” TMH, 6th Edition, 2002.
books 2. Muhammad H.Rashid, “Inroduction to PSPICE using ORCAD for Circuits
and Electronics”, PHI, 2008.

Subject Code Electrical Measurements and Credits: 2 (0-0-3)
EE205 Instrumentation Lab Total Hours:45 Hrs

Course Laboratory exercises and assignments to supplement EE253.

Experiments lists
1. Calibration of 1-ph Energy meter using phantom loading.
2. Measurement of low resistance using Kelvins Double bridge.
3. Measurement of low resistance using Wheatstone bridge
4. Measurement of self-inductance using Anderson- bridge
5. Measurement of capacitance using Schering bridge
6. Measurement of inductance using Maxwell- bridge
7. Measurement of pressure using Piezoresistive transducer.
8. Measurement of strain using Piezoresistive transducer
9. Calibration of power factor meter
10. Measurement of power using two wattmeter method
(1) A. K Sawhney, “Electrical and Electronic Measurements and
Reference Instrumentation”, DhanpathRai& Co.,2007
books (2) E.W. Golding,“Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments”, 5edition ,
Reem Publications,2009
(3) W.DCooper, “Modern Electronics Instrumentation”, Prentice Hall of India,

Subject Code Credits: 3(3-0-0)

MAT250 Numerical Methods Total

hours: 42

Course To get familiarized with the numerical solution of linear and non-linear
Objective systems, Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations and partial
differential equations.
Module 1 Hours : 10
Solution of linear system: Gauss elimination and Gauss-Jordan methods, LU decomposition
methods, Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iterative methods, sufficient conditions for convergence, power
method to find the dominant Eigen value and eigenvector.
Module 2 Hours : 12
Solution of nonlinear equation: Bisection method, Secant method, Regular-Falsi method,
Newton- Raphson method- order of convergence, interpolation curve fitting, method of least squares,
numerical differentiation and integration and numerical solution of ordinary differential equations.
Module 3 Hours : 11
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Euler's method, Euler's modified
method, Taylor's method and Runge-Kutta method for simultaneous equations and 2nd order
equations, multistep methods, Milne's and Adams’ methods.
Module 4 Hours : 12
Numerical solution of partial differential equations: Liebmann's method, solution of one
dimensional heat flow equation, Bender - Schmidt recurrence relation, Crank-Nicolson method,
solution of one dimensional wave equation
1. M.K. Jain, S. R. K Iyengar and R.K. Jain, “Numerical Methods for
Scientific and Engineering Computation,” New Age Publishers, 6th
Edition, 2012.
Reference Books 2. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics,” 8th Edition,
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. (Reprint 2010).
3. G.D Smith, “Numerical solution of Partial Differential Equations,”
Oxford University Press.
4. Peter V. ONeil, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics,” 5th Edition,
Thomson, Book/Cole. (2003).
5. B. S. Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics,” 42nd Edition. Khanna
Publications, 2013.

Subject Code Digital Electronics Credits: 3-0-0 (3)

EE250 Total hours:42

Course Objectives This subject exposes the students to Digital Fundamentals.After studying this
subject the student will be able to Design, Analyze and Interpret Combinational
and Sequential Digital Circuits.

Module 1 Hours 10

Number Systems and Boolean Algebra, Simplification of functions using Karnaugh map and
QuineMc-Cluskey Method, Boolean Function Implementation, Minimization and Combinational
Design, Examples of Combinational Digital Circuits, Hazards in Combinational Circuits, Hazard free
Module2 Hours 10

Introduction to Sequential circuits: Latches and Flip-Flops (RS, JK, D, T and Master Slave), Design of
a Clocked Flip-Flop, Flip-Flop conversion, Practical Clocking aspects concerning Flip-Flops.
Counters: Design of Single Mode and Multimode Counters, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counters,
Shift Registers, Shift Register Counters and Random Sequence Generators.
Module 3 Hours 12

Design and Analysis of Sequential Circuits: General model of Sequential Networks, State Diagram,
Analysis and Design of Synchronous Sequential Circuits; Finite Sate Machine, State Reduction,
Minimization and Design of the Next State Decoder. Asynchronous Sequential Logic: Analysis and
Design, Race conditions and Cycles.
Practical Design Aspects: Timing and Triggering considerations in the Design of Synchronous
Circuits, Set up time, Hold time, Clock skew.

Module 4 Hours 10

Logic Families: Fundamentals of ECL, TTL, CMOS Logic family, Transfer Characteristics, Input and
Output Characteristics,TristateLogic,Wired Logic and Bus Oriented structure, Practical Aspects, MOS
gates, MOS Inverter, CMOS inverter, Rise and fall time in MOS and CMOS gates, Speed Power
Product, Interfacing BJT and CMOS gates.
Reference 1. Wakerly J F, “Digital Design: Principles and Practices”, Prentice-Hall, 2nd
books Ed., 2002
2. Mano M. M., “Digital Logic Design”, Prentice Hall 1993.

Subject Code Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Electrical Power Generation
EE251 Total hours: 56

Electrical Power plays significant role in day to day life of entire mankind.
This course concerns the generation of power along with the economic
Course Objectives
aspects. Principle of operation, Performance of electric power generation
plants (Hydel, Thermal and nuclear).

Module 1 Hours : 9

Generation of electrical energy by conventional methods, Comparison of different sources of power.

Nonconventional sources of energy.
Hydro Electric Generation: Classification of hydro plant, Selection of site, Estimation of power
available, Selection of turbine and modelling of turbine. Plant layout, Governors and Hydro plant

Module 2 Hours : 9

Thermal Power Plant: Line diagram of the plant. Boilers: working and classification. Super-heaters,
Re-heaters, economizers, air-heaters, draft system, feed water heaters and evaporators, cooling water
supply and cooling towers. Speed governing and governors. Station auxiliaries. Generator cooling and

Module 3 Hours : 9

Nuclear Power Generation: Principle of energy production by nuclear fission, schematic of nuclear
power plant, nuclear fuels and fertile materials, nuclear reaction construction. Chain reaction,
Moderator, coolants, control of fission, Reactor operation, different types of reactors, Problem of
nuclear power plants.

Module 4 Hours : 9

Economics of Power Generation: Cost of electrical energy, Methods of determining depreciation,

straight line, diminishing value and sinking found method. Types of Tariffs influence of load and
power factor on tariff, economics of power factor improvement. Commissioning and Testing of
Transformers and Alternators: Transformer connections, arrangement of transformer, commissioning
and testing of transformers and alternators, supply system to station auxiliaries.

Module 5 Hours : 9

Problems with conventional energy, possible options for use as non-conventional sources. Solar
Energy: solar thermal & photovoltaic conversion of solar energy, applications of solar energy. Wind
energy: Betz limit, wind energy conversion devices: classification, characteristics, and applications.
Hybrid systems, safety and environmental aspects.

1) Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar and Chakrabarti, “A text book on Power Systems
Engineering,” DhanpatRai and Sons, New Delhi, 1997.
2) C.L.Wadhwa,“Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical
Energy,” Wiley Eastern Ltd, N.D.1992.
3) M.V. Deshpande, “Elements of Electrical Power station Design Pitman,”
NewDelhi, TMH , 1990.
4) G. D.Rai, “Non-conventional Energy Sources”, Khanna Publishers, New
Delhi, 2007.

Subject Code Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
EE 252
Electrical Machines-I Total hours: 56
Course Understand the basic concepts about the dc machines and transformers. Learn the
Objectives various tests for studying the performance of the machines. Learn about the various
tests on transformers and its performance.
Module 1 Hours 15
D.C. Generator- Construction, principle of operation, windings, emf equation, armature reaction,
methods of limiting effects of armature reaction, commutation process, methods of improving
commutation, operating characteristics of shunt, series, compound generator O.C.C, internal and
external characteristics, power flow diagram, testing of d.c generators applications.
Module 2 Hours 15
D.C Motor- Principle of operation, torque equation, characteristics of shunt, series, compound motors,
speed regulation, starters, speed control methods – voltage control, armature resistance control and
field control methods, braking – regenerative braking, rheostatic braking and plugging, testing of d.c
motors - brake test, Swinburne’s test, Hopkinson’s test, retardation test, fields test, applications.
Module 3 Hours 15
1-Ø transformers - construction, principle of operation, emf equation, no-load and on-load phasor
diagrams, equivalent circuit, losses, testing of transformers – load test, OC and SC test, separation of
core losses, efficiency, voltage regulation, all-day efficiency, parallel operation of transformers with
equal and unequal voltage ratios, sumpner test, auto transformers, pulse transformers, instrument
Module 4 Hours 11
3-Ø transformers –construction, operation, different connections of three phase transformers - v-v
connection, scott connection, on -load and off-load tap changers, different types of cooling.
1. A.E Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Stephen D Umans“Electrical Machinery” 6th
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. Clayton, Hancock, “Performance & Design Of DC Machines” CBS, 3rd Edition,
Reference 2001
books 3. S.J Chapman, “Electric Machinery Fundamentals” McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2010.
4. I.J.Nagarath, D.P Kothari, “Electric Machines” Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition,
5. P. S Bimbhra, “Electrical Machinery” 7th Edition, Khanna Publishers, 2008.

Subject Code Economics Credits: 3(3-0-0)
HS 250 Total hours: 45
Course Outcome The fundamental objective of this course aims at providing a comprehensive perspective in
the broad area of economics and its scenario. The course aspires to bring the students into
the light of economic decision makings, and facilitates tohave grip in economic issues.
Module 1 Introduction to Economics 2 hours
Constructing a Model, Optimization and Equilibrium in market demand and supply, Comparative statistics and
asset allocation.
Module 2 Utility, Choice, Budget Constraint and Consumer Preference 6 hours
Cardinal Utility, Constructing a Utility Function, Budget constraint in case of two goods, Shifting of budget line
and impact of Taxes, Subsidies, and Rationing. Indifference curve, Marginal Rate of Substitution, Cardinal utility
and utility function, Indifference curve from utility functions, Marginal Utility vs MRS
Module 3 Demand, Revealed Preference & Slutsky Equation 6 hours
Normal and Inferior Goods, Income Offer Curves and Engel Curves, Perfect Substitute, complement and Cobb-
Douglas Preferences, The Idea of Revealed Preference, From Revealed Preference to reference,Recovering
Preferences, The Substitution Effect, The Income Effect, Rate of Change and change of Demand.
Module 4 Consumer Surplus, Market Demand & Equilibrium 6 hours
Demand for a Discrete Good, Constructing Utility from DemandFrom, Change inConsumer’s Surplus, Individual
to Market Demand, The Inverse Demand Function, The Extensive and the Intensive Margin, Elasticity, Elasticity
and Demand, Market Supply, Market equilibrium, Inverse Demand and Supply Curves
Module 5 Technology and Profit Maximization 3 hours
Inputs and Outputs, Describing Technological Constraints, Properties of Technology, The Technical Rate of
Substitution, Diminishing Technical Rate of Substitution, Returns to Scale, Profits, The Organization of Firms,
The Organization of Firms, Short-Run Profit Maximization, Profit Maximization in the Long Run, Profit
Maximization and Returns to Scale
Module 6 National Income Accounting 2 hours
National Income and Related concepts, Nominal or real GDP, Methods of measuring NI.
Module 7 Determinants of Equilibrium Output and IS – LM Model 8 hours
Aggregate demand and Equilibrium output, Consumption function and aggregate demand, Multiplier, Govt.
sector, Budget and Full employment, Asset and Goods Market, Equilibrium and adjustment to equilibrium in IS –
LM model
Module 8 Money and Fiscal policy and International Linkages 8 hours
Monetary and fiscal policy, crowding out, composition of output and policy mix, Balance of Payment and
Exchange rate, Balance of Trade and capital mobility, Mundell-Fleming model, Capital Mobility and fixed
exchange rates
Module 9 Aggregate Demand, Supply and Growth 4 hours
Aggregate demand and policies, Aggregate Supply, Fiscal and monetary policy under Alternative supply
Assumption, The quantity theory and neutrality of Money.
Text Varian, Hal R.: Intermediate Microeconomics, W.W. Norton & Co., New work (ISBN: 0393978303)
Books Koutsoyiannis, A.: Modern Microeconomics, 2 ELBS/Palgrave Macmillan, London
Rudiger Dornbusch and Stanley Fisher: Macroeconomics, McGraw Hill.
Barro Robert J. “Macroeconomics, New York, John Wiley.

Subject Credits: 1 (1-0-0)
Value Education
Total hours: 14

Course It aims at Holistic Development


Module 1 Ethics in Engineering 4 hours

Concepts of Values and Ethics, History and Purposes, Utilitarianism, Duties, Rights, Responsibility,
Virtue, Honesty, Moral Autonomy, Obligations of Engineering Profession and moral Propriety
Module 2 Engineer’s Moral responsibility 3 hours

Engineer’s Moral responsibility for Safety and Human Rights, Risk Assessment and Communication,
Product Liability, Engineers-Employers Liaison, Whistle-Blowing and Its Moral Justification

Module 3 Computer Ethics 3 hours

Social Impact of Computer, Gender-Issues and Privacy, Cyber Crime, Ethical use of Software

Module 4 Intellectual property 4 hours

Definition, Types, Rights and Functions, Patents, Trademark, Grant of Patent in India, Surrender and
Revocation of Patents, Compulsory Licensing, Acquisition of Inventions by the Government, Contents of
draft application of Patents, WTO

Texts: 1. Vinod V. Sople, Managing Intellectual Property: The Strategic Imperative,

2. Govindarajan, Natarajan&Senthil Kumar, Engineering Ethics, PHI
3. Robin Attfield, A Theory of Value and Obligation, London: Croomhelm, 1987
4. Jones and barlett, “ Cyber Ethics: Morality and Law in Cyber Space
Case Studies from Newspapers


Subject Credits: 2 (0-0-3)
Code Electrical Machines- I Lab Total hours:45
EE 253

Course Laboratory exercises and assignments based on hardware to supplement EE205.


1. Open circuit and short circuit test on single phase transformer.

2. Direct load test on single phase transformer
3. Sumpner’s test on single phase transformer
4. Scott connection of two single-phase transformers
5. Parallel operation of two different KVA 1-phase transformers
6. Magnetization characteristics of dc shunt generator
7. Performance characteristics of dc shunt generator
8. Performance characteristics of dc compound generator
9. Performance characteristics of dc series generator
10. Swinburne's test on dc shuntmotor
11. Speed control of dc shunt motor
12. Load characteristics of dc shunt motor
13. Performance characteristics of dc compound motor
14. Retardation test on dc motor
15. Field test on dc series motor

1. A.E Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Stephen D Umans “Electrical Machinery” 6th

Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. Clayton, Hancock, “Performance & Design Of DC Machines” CBS, 3 rd Edition,
3. S.J Chapman, “Electric Machinery Fundamentals” McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2010.
Reference 4. I.J.Nagarath, D.P Kothari, “Electric Machines” Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition,
books 2010.

Subject Code Credits: 2 (0-0-3)
Analog and Digital Electronics Lab Total hours: 45
Course Laboratory exercises and assignments based on hardware and SPICE simulation to
Objectives supplement EE251 and EE252.
1. Testing of Diode clipping (Single/Double ended) circuits for peak clipping,
peak detection
2. Testing of Clamping circuits: positive clamping /negative clamping.
3. Testing of a transformer less Class – B push pull power amplifier and
determination of its conversion efficiency.
4. Testing of Half wave, Full wave and Bridge Rectifier circuits with and
without Capacitor filter. Determination of ripple factor, regulation and
5. Wiring and Testing for the performance of BJT-RC Phase shift Oscillator
for f0 ≤ 10 KHz
6. Testing for the performance of BJT – Hartley &Colpitts Oscillators for
RF range f0 ≥100KHz.
7. Testing for the performance of BJT -Crystal Oscillator for f0 > 100 KHz
8. Study of BASIC Gates
9. Study of Universal Gates
10. Study of Full & Half Adder &Subtractor using Gates
11. Study of Magnitude Comparator
12. Study of Multiplexer
13. Study of Demultiplexer
14. Implementation of Flip-Flops using NAND & Study of 7476
15. Study of Shift Register

1. M.Morris Mano, “Digital Electronics”, Prentice Hall PTR, New Jersey, 3rd
Reference Edition, 2001.
books 2. J.F. Wakerly, “Digital Design Principles and Practices”, PHI, 1999.
3. R.J.Tocci, “Digital Systems – Principles & Applications”, Prentice Hall India,
New Delhi, 10thEdition , 2008.
4. A S Sedra& K C Smith ,“Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University
5. Donald A. Neamen, “Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design”, MCGraw Hill
2003, 2nd Edition

Electrical Power Transmission Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
Subject Code
Total hours: 56
EE300 and Distribution
This course is an extension of electric power generation course. It deals
with basic theory of transmission lines modelling and their performance
Course Objectives
analysis. Also this course gives emphasis on mechanical design of
transmission lines, cables and insulators.
Module 1 Hours : 12
Basic structure of power system, transmission voltages, and bundled conductors, transmission line
parameters: resistance, inductance and capacitance calculations - single phase and three phase lines,
double circuit line, effect of earth on transmission line capacitance. performance of transmission
lines: representation of lines, classification of transmission lines, short transmission line, medium
(Nominal-T, Nominal-π, End condenser method) length transmission line, long transmission line,
evaluation of ABCD parameters, surge impedance and SIL of long lines, wave length and velocity of
propagation of waves, incident, reflected and refracted waves, representation of Long Lines -
Equivalent T and  models.
Module 2 Hours : 14
Mechanical design of overhead lines: general consideration, line supports, span conductor
configuration, spacing and clearances, sag and tension calculations with equal and unequal heights of
towers, effect of wind and ice on weight of conductor, stringing chart and sag template and its
applications. Skin effect, proximity effect, Ferranti effect, corona: The phenomenon of corona, corona
loss, factors and conditions affecting coronal loss, corona in bundled conductor lines. Interference
between power and communication lines. Overhead line insulators: insulator materials, types of
insulators, voltage distribution over insulator string, improvement of string efficiency, insulator
failure, testing of insulators. Capacitance grading and static shielding.
Module 3 Hours : 12
Underground cables: classification of cables, types of cables, construction, types of insulating
materials, calculations of insulation resistance and stress in insulation. Capacitance of single and 3-
core belted cables. Grading of cables - capacitance grading, description of inter-sheath
grading.Design of transmission lines: choice of voltage, selection of conductor size, choice of span,
number of circuit, conductor, configuration. Power system earthing.
Module 4 Hours : 10
Power system transients: circuit closing transient, sudden symmetrical short circuit of alternator,
recovery transient due to removal of short circuit, travelling or propagation of surges, attenuation,
distortion, reflection and refraction coefficients. Termination of lines with different types of
conditions, open circuited line, short circuited line, T-Junction, lumped reactive junctions. Bewley’s
lattice diagrams. Arcing grounds, line design based on direct strokes, surge arrestors insulation
coordination. Extra high voltage transmission: need for EHV transmission, use of bundled
conductors, radio noise from EHV lines, shunt compensation static-var systems, series compensation,
EHV systems in India.

Module 5 Hours : 8
Distribution: comparison of various distribution systems, voltage drop in distribution, Kelvin’s Law,
general design consideration, load estimation.
1) Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar and Chakrabarti, “A text book on Power Systems Engineering,”
DhanpatRai and Sons, New Delhi, 1997.
2) C.L.Wadhwa,“Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy,” Wiley
Eastern Ltd, N.D.1992.
3) W.D. Stevenson Jr., “Elements of Power System Analysis”, McGraw,Hill, 1968.

Subject Code Electrical Machines-II Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
EE 301 Total hours: 56
(Induction Machines &
Synchronous Machines)
Course To learn the basic concepts about the different types of induction and
Objectives synchronous machines. To understand the speed control and the starting
Module 1 Hours 15
Induction Machines- construction, principle of operation, types of induction motors, phasor diagram,
rotor MMF, rotor frequency, rotor current and production of torque, slip, equivalent circuit. torque-
slip characteristics, maximum torque, no-load and blocked rotor tests, losses and efficiency, circle
diagrams, starters, direct on line starters, star-delta and auto transformer starters.
Module 2 Hours 15
Slip ring induction motor, double cage induction motor, cogging and crawling, speed control of three
phase induction motors, induction generator. Single phase induction motors, double field revolving
theory, equivalent circuit, starting methods, applications.

Module 3 Hours 15
Alternators - construction, principle of operation, winding factors, generated emf, phasor diagram,
armature reaction, voltage regulation, methods of predetermination of regulation – EMF, MMF and
ZPF methods, two reaction theory, power-angle characteristics, synchronization and synchronizing
power, transient, sub transient and steady state reactance, parallel operation and load sharing, effect
of change in excitation and mechanical input.
Module 4 Hours 11
Synchronous motor -principle of operation , method of starting, equivalent circuit, effect of
increased load with constant excitation, effect of changing excitation with constant load. V curves
and inverted V curves, power developed, power circles, hunting, different starting methods.
1. A.E Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Stephen D Umans “Electrical Machinery” 6 th
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. Clayton, Hancock, “Performance & Design Of DC Machines” CBS, 3rd Edition,
Reference 3. S.J Chapman, “Electric Machinery Fundamentals” McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2010.
books 4. P. S Bimbhra, “Electrical Machinery” 7th Edition, Khanna Publishers, 2008.

Subject Code Control Systems Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
EE 302 Total hours: 42

Course To be familiar with basic control configurations and also to be competent in mathematic
Objectives modelling of physical systems and analyze their time and frequency response.

Module 1 Hours 12

Mathematical modelling: Introduction of Open loop and Closed loop systems, Mathematical modelling of
Physical systems, Mechanical and Electrical systems, Transfer functions, Block diagrams, Block diagram
reduction rules, Signal flow graphs, Mason’s Gain formula, Feedback characteristics of closed loop system.

Module 2 Hours 12

Time response Analysis: Standard test signals, Time response of First and Second order systems, Steady-state
Errors and Error constants and Dynamic Error coefficients, Effect of addition of poles and zeroes on response
of system, Response with P, PI and PID controllers, Performance Indices. Control system components,
Stepper motors, Tacho-generators, DC and AC Servomotors.

Module 3 Hours 10

Concept of stability: Necessary conditions and Routh Criterion, Relative stability analysis, Concept of Root
locus and Construction, Gain margin and Phase margin, Addition of poles and zeroes on root locus.

Module 4 Hours 12

Frequency domain Analysis:Frequency response specifications, Frequency and Time domain correlation,
Bode plot, Polar plot, Nyquist criterion, Closed loop frequency response from Open loop Transfer Functions.

Module 5 Hours 10
Compensation Techniques: Design of Lead, Lag, Lead-Lag Compensation.State variable Analysis: Concept
of State, State Variables and State Model, State representation of Continuous-time systems, State equation,
Solution of State equations, Concept of Controllability and Observability.

1. J. Nagrath M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age Int., 4th Edition.
2. K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, PHI, 3rd Edition.
3.M.Gopal, “Control Systems, Principles and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill,4th Edition.

Subject Code Microprocessors and Credits: 3(3-0-0)

EE303 Microcontrollers Total hours:42

Course To introduce the student with knowledge about architecture, interfacing andprogramming
Objectives with 8086 microprocessors and 8051 microcontrollers. Also to give a brief introduction to
ARM 7 and ARM 9 micro controllers.After studying this subject, the student should be
able to designMicroprocessor/Microcontroller based system.

Module 1 Hours 10

Introduction: History of Microprocessors, Basics of computer architecture, CISC and RISC; 8085
Microprocessor Family Overview, 8085 Architecture, Assembly Language Programming (ALP), and Program

Module2 Hours 12

8086 Microprocessor: Main features, pin Diagram Description, Internal Architecture, 8086 Microcomputer
System, Program development steps,Implementing Standard Program Structure in 8086 ALP, Strings,
Procedures, Macros.

Module 3 Hours 10

Interfacing: Input and Output Modes and Interfacing, Interrupts, Hardware Interrupt Applications, 8254
Programmable Timer/Counter, 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface, 8259 Priority Interrupt Controller,
DMA controller, 8279 Programmable Keyboard/ Display Interface, ADC, DAC Interfacing.

Module 4 Hours 10

Intel 8051 Microcontroller: Architecture, Memory Space, Data Types and Directives, Register Banks and
Stack, Assembly Language Programming, Introduction to ARM processors –features of ARM 7 and 9

1. Hall D.V., “Microprocessors and Interfacing”, McGraw Hill

2. Ramesh Gaonkar, “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications
with 8085”, Penram International Publishing, Fifth edition
Reference books 3. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice GillispieMazidi and Rolin D Mckinlay,“ 8051
Microcontroller and Embedded systems”, Pearson Education.

Subject Code Credits: 2 (0-0-3)
EE 304
Electrical Machines Lab-II Total hours: 45
Course Laboratory exercises and assignments based on hardware to supplement EE254.
1. Load characteristics of single phase capacitor start & run motor
2. Direct load test on 3phase squirrel cage induction motor
3. No load and block rotor test on three phase induction motor
4. Circle diagram of 3-phase induction motor- performance evaluation.
5. Voltage regulation of an alternator by emf and mmf method.
6. Synchronization of the alternator with infinite bus bar
7. Voltage regulation of an alternator by zpf method
8. V’ and inverted ‘V’ curves of a synchronous motor
1. A.E Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Stephen D Umans “Electrical Machinery” 6th
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. Clayton, Hancock, “Performance & Design Of DC Machines” CBS, 3rd Edition,
books 3. S.J Chapman, “Electric Machinery Fundamentals” McGraw Hill, 4th Edition,
4. I.J. Nagarath, D.P Kothari, “Electric Machines” Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition,

Subject Code Microprocessor and Credits: 2(0-0-3)

EE305 Microcontrollers Lab Total hours:3hrs/week

Course Objectives To give hands on experience on 8085/8086 and 8051 programming

List of Experiments

Experiment No. 1

8085 and 8086 kit familiarization and basic experiments

Experiment No. 2

Programming exercise : sorting ,searching and string

Experiment No. 3

Interfacing with A/D and D/A converters

Experiment No. 4

Interfacing with stepper motors

Experiment No. 5

keyboard interfacing to 8086

Experiment No. 6

8255 interface to 8086

Experiment No. 7

Assembly language programming of 8051

Experiment No. 8

Timer programming of 8051 ,using interrupts

Experiment No. 9

LCD interfacing to 8051

Experiment No. 10


Subject Code Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Environmental Studies
ES300 Total hours: 44
Understanding environment, its constituents, importance for living, ecosystem,
human developmental activities vs environment, climate change, national and
international environment related developments, need for public awareness, its
protection and conservation activities.

Module 1 Hours : 2
Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies:Definition, scope and importance, Need for public

Module 2 Hours : 8
Renewable and non-renewable Natural resources : Natural resources and associated problems; Forest
resources : Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies, Timber extraction, mining, dams
and their effects on forest and tribal people; Water resources : Use and over-utilization of surface and
ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems; Mineral resources :
Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies;
Food resources : World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of
modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies; Energy
resources : Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy sources, use of alternate
energy sources, Case studies; Land resources : Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced
landslides, soil erosion and desertification; Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources;
Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.

Module 3 Hours : 10
Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem, Structure and function of an ecosystem, Producers, consumers
and decomposers, Energy flow in the ecosystem, Ecological succession, Food chains, food webs and
ecological pyramids, Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the
Following ecosystem, Forest ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Aquatic
ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries).

Module 4 Hours : 12
Biodiversity and its conservation: Introduction – Definition : genetic, species and ecosystem
diversity, Bio geographical classification of India, Value of biodiversity : consumptive use,
productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values, Biodiversity at global, National and local
levels, India as a mega-diversity nation, Hot-sports of biodiversity, Threats to biodiversity : habitat
loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts, Endangered and endemic species of India,
Conservation of biodiversity : In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity, Eco-cultural heritage
of India-various festivals related to Environment, Tradition of community conserved areas-Sacred
forests, sacred tanks, sacred mountains, sacred rivers.

Module 5 Hours : 12
National and International Environment related developments

Environmental ethics : Issues and possible solutions, Climate change, global warming, acid rain,
ozone layer depletion, nuclear, accidents and holocaust, Environment related Acts, Issues involved in
enforcement of environmental legislation, Public awareness, Wasteland reclamation, Consumerism
and waste products, UN Frame Convention Climate Change, Kyoto protocol, concept of carbon
credits, latest CoP meet Agenda; Filed Work(equal to 5 lecture hours): Visit to a local area to
document environmental assets river/forest/grassland/hill/mountain/sacred groves/sacred forests,
Visit to a local polluted site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural, Study of common plants, insects,
birds, Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes, etc.

1. Textbook for Environmental Studies For Undergraduate Courses of all Branches of

Higher Education (online book -UGC Website), Erach Bharucha,University Grants
Commission , India.

2. Anil Agarwal, Dying Wisdom, Publisher: Centre for Science and Environment,

ISBN-13 9788186906200; ISBN-10 8186906207

3. R. Rajagopalan, Environmental Studies from Crisis to Cure, Oxford IBH Pub., 2005.

Reference 4. Benny Joseph, Environmental Science and Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
5. Erach Bharucha, Text Book for Environmental Studies, Pub., Universities Press,

6. Masters, Gilbert M., Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Sciences,


Hall India, 1991

Subject Code Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
Switchgear and Protection Total hours: 56
This course introduces all varieties of circuit breakers and relays for protection of
generators, transformers and feeder bus bars from over voltages and other hazards.
It emphasis on neutral grounding for overall protection.
Module 1 Hours : 10
Fuses: Types of fuses, application of HRC fuses. Neutral Grounding: grounded and un-grounded
neutral systems. effects of ungrounded neutral on system performance. Methods of neutral grounding:
solid, resistance, reactance and arc suppression coil or peterson coil. arcing grounds.
Module 2 Hours : 10
Circuit Breakers: Arcs, Interruption, RRRV, current chopping, interruption of capacitive current,
resistance switching. Types of circuit breakers (minimum and bulk oil circuit breakers, air blast
circuit breakers, vacuum and SF6 circuit breakers), Circuit Breaker ratings, Auto reclosure.
Module 3 Hours : 14
Protective relaying: Need for power system protection, evolution of protective relays, zones of
protection, protective relays and schemes. Electromagnetic relays, microprocessor based protective
relays. Over current protection, distance protection, auto re-closing. Pilot relaying schemes, bus zone
protection, protection of generators, static relays, microprocessor based relays, advantages, over
current relays, directional relays, distance relays.
Module 4 Hours : 12
Protection of generator: Protection against abnormal condition, stator and rotor protection. restricted
earth fault and inter-turn fault protection. Protection of transformers: Incipient fault,differential
protection, percentage differential protection, restricted earth fault protection, Buchholtz relay
Module 5 Hours : 10
Protection against over voltages: Causes of over voltage ground wires, surge absorbers and diverters,
insulation coordination:BIL, impulse ratio, standard impulse test wave, volt-time characteristics. Bus
bar protection: Frame leakage scheme, translay scheme, circulating current scheme introduction to
protection against surges.
1) Ravindranath, Chander, “Power System Protection and Switchgear,” Wiley
Eastern, 1994.
2) C. L. Wadhwa, “Electrical Power Systems,” 2nd Edition, PHI, 1993.
3) Arun G. Phadke, S H Horowitz, “Power System Relaying, 2nd Edition, John
Wiley, 1995.
4) Badriram, D. N. Vishwakarma, “Power System Protection and Switchgear,”
TMH, 1995.
e books
5) J. L. Blackburn and T. J. Domin, “Protective Relaying: Principles &
Applications,” CRC Press, 2006.
6) S. S. Rao, “Switch gear and protection,” Khanna publishers, 1997.
7) T. S. MadhavaRao, “Power system protection: Static Relays,” Tata McGraw Hill,
8) Y. G. Paithangar, “Fundamentals of power system protection,” PHI

Subject Code Credits: 4 (3-1-0)
EE 351
Power System Analysis Total hours: 56
Course To learn the fundamentals of power system for designing a system that meets
Objectives specific need. To analyse the phasor techniques in the analysis of power systems.
To know the necessity of load flow in a regulated system. To examine the need
of various analysis like fault analysis, short circuit analysis stability analysis,
steady state and transient analysis.
Module 1 Hours 10
Modelling of power system components: representation of power system components, single phase
representation of balanced three phase networks, single line diagram, per unit quantities, impedance
diagram, reactance diagram, steady state model of synchronous machine, power transformer,
representation of loads, formulation of bus impedance and admittance matrix.
Module 2 Hours 12
Power flow Analysis: Network model formulation, load flow problem, Gauss Seidel, Newton
Raphsonand fast decoupled methods, comparison of load flow methods, control of voltage profile:
excitation control, VAR generators, tap changing transformers, load flow for DC links.
Module 3 Hours 10
Symmetrical fault Analysis: Transients on a transmission line, Short circuit analysis of synchronous
machine, symmetrical fault analysis in the network, fault analysis through impedance matrix, circuit
breaker rating,selection of circuit breakers, current limiting reactors
Module 4 Hours 12
Unsymmetrical fault analysis: Symmetrical components, Concept of sequence impedances and
sequence networks of synchronous machine, transmission lines, transformers, power system, LG, LL,
LLG and open circuit faults analysis through sequence components, Digital methods for fault
Module 5 Hours 12
Stability Analysis Angle stability dynamics of a synchronous machine, swing equation, power angle
equation, steady state and transient stability, equal area criterion, numerical solution of swing
equation, multi machine stability analysis,
Voltage stability: Reactive power flow and voltage collapse, mathematical formulation of voltage
stability problem, voltage stability analysis.
1. D P Kothari,I J Nagrath, “Power System Engineering”, Tata Mc,Graw 2nd
2. C.L.Wadhwa,“Electrical Power Systems”,NewAge International Publishers,
6th Edition
3. W.D.Stevenson Jr. “Elements of Power System Analysis”, TMH, 1968.
4. I.J.Nagrath,D.P.Kothari, “Modern Power System Analysis”, TMH, 4th
Edition ,2011

Subject Code Power Electronics Credits: 4 (4-0-0)
EE 352 Total hours: 56
Learn the static and dynamic characteristics of power semiconductor devices.
Course Understand the principles of operation of power electronic converters. Study the
Objectives various control strategies of various power converters. Study the design
parameters for control circuitry requirement of various converters.
Module 1 Hours 12
Introduction- power diodes, types of power semiconductor switches and V-I characteristics,
Thyristors: structure, static and dynamic characteristics, device specifications and ratings, methods of
turning on (gate firing circuits), methods of turning off (commutation circuits), IGBTs- basic
structure and V-I characteristics. MOSFETs - basic structure and V-I characteristics.

Module 2 Hours 12
Phase Controlled Rectifiers: single phase, half wave rectifier with R, RL and RLE loads, full wave
half controlled and fully controlled converters with R, RL and RLE loads, input side harmonics and
power factor, effect of source inductance. Three phase-half wave rectifier with R and RL loads. Full
wave half controlled and fully controlled converters with R, RL loads, single-phase and three-phase
dual converters.
Module 3 Hours 10
A.C. Voltage controllers: operation of controllers for R, R-L loads, current and power factor. Cyclo-
converters: single phase mid-point and bridge configuration with R, R-L loads, circulating current
mode of operation
Module 4 Hours 12
Choppers: principle of operation, time ratio control and current limit control, step-up and step-down
choppers with R, RL and RLE loads. Switching regulators: buck regulators, boost regulators, buck-
boost regulators. Switched mode power supply: principle of operation and analysis.
Module 5 Hours 10
Inverters: principle of operation, series inverter, parallel inverter, single phase bridge inverters.
Three phase bridge inverters- 1200 and 1800 degrees mode of operation, single, multiple and
sinusoidal pulse width modulation.
1. M.H. Rashid, “Power Electronics - Circuits, Devices and Applications”,PHI, 3rd
Reference 2. Ned Mohan,Undelandand P Robin, “Power Electronics Converters, Applications
books and Design”, John Wiley & Sons,3rd Edition,2007
3. G.K.Dubey, “Thyristorised Power Controllers”, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1993.
4. .P.S.Bimbhra, “Power Electronics” , Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2002

Subject Code Integrated Circuits Credits: 3(3-0-0)

EE353 Total hours:42

To develop the skill of analysis and design of various circuits using operational
Course Objectives Amplifiers. To develop design skills to design various circuits using different data
conversion Systems.

Module 1 Hours 12

Operational Amplifier and its Linear application: Ideal Op Amp circuit Analysis, Inverting and Non-Inverting
Configuration, Differentiator, Integrator, The Negative resistance converter, Negative Feedback, Feedback in
Op Amp circuit, Loop gain. Circuits with Resistive Feedback: Current-to-Voltage Converters, Voltage-to-
Current converters, Current Amplifiers, Difference Amplifiers, Instrumentation Amplifiers and Applications.

Module2 Hours 08

Active filters: First and Second order filter Transfer function, Butterworth response, Second-order Passive
filters (RC, RLC), Emulation of Inductor using Op-Amps-R-C, Salen-Key Biquad, Tow-Thomas Biquad,
Realization of higher order filters, All-pass filter.

Module 3 Hours 10

Nonlinear circuits: Voltage Comparators, Comparator Applications, Zero-crossing detector, Precision rectifiers,
Schmitt trigger (Inverting &Non Inverting),AstableMultivibrator, Triangular wave generator. Non idealities of
Op-Amps and their effects. NE555 Timer circuits: Internal architecture, Schmitt trigger,
AstableMultivibrator,MonostableMultivibrator, Saw-Tooth Wave generator.

Module 4 Hours 12

Digital to Analog (D/A) Converters: Types of D/A converters, Accuracy, Resolution and Conversion speed,
Offset error, Gain error, Integral and Differential Nonlinearity. Analog to digital (A/D) converters: A/D
conversion techniques and their Nonlinearity’s.

Phase Locked Loop: Block schematic and Analysis of PLL, Lock range and Capture range, Typical
applications of PLL, Basic Principles of operation of VCO and timer (555) and their applications.

Reference books 1. Sergio Franco, “Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits”,
McGraw Hill Book Company 1998.

3.Sedra A.S. & Smith K.C., “Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University Press 1998

4.RamakanthGaykward, “Op Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits”,

Pearson Education, 1999.

Subject Code Credits: 2 (0-0-3)
Electrical Simulation Lab Total Hours:45 Hrs
Course Laboratory exercises and assignments based on hardware and MATLAB simulation
Objective to supplement EE352.
Experiments lists
1) Simulation of 1- Ф half wave controlled rectifier with R and R-L load using MATLAB.
2) Simulation of 1- Ф full wave controlled bridge rectifier and semi-controlled bridge rectifier with R
and R-L load.
3) Simulation of 3-Ф full wave controlled rectifier with R and R-L load.
4) Simulation of a basic series inverter.
5) Simulation of parallel inverter.
6) Simulation of dual converter.
7) Simulation of step down/buck chopper and step up/boost chopper.
8) Simulation of 120o and 180o modes of operation of inverter.
9) Simulation of sinusoidal pulse width modulation.
10) Simulation of hysteresis band pulse width modulation.
11). Simulation of speed control schemes for DC and AC motors.
12. Mathematical modeling of Power Electronic Systems.

1. M.H. Rashid, “Power Electronics - Circuits, Devices and Applications”,PHI, 3rd

2. Ned Mohan,Undelandand P Robin, “Power Electronics Converters, Applications
and Design”, John Wiley & Sons,3rd Edition,2007
3 .P.S.Bimbhra, “Power Electronics” , Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2002

Subject Code Credits: 2 (0-0-3)
Control Systems Lab Total Hours:45 Hrs
Course Laboratory exercises and assignments based on hardware and MATLAB simulation
Objective to supplement EE302.
Experiments lists
1. Determination and analysis of transfer function for Speed control characteristics of DC
2. Determination and analysis of transfer function of DC servo-motor
3. Determination and analysis of transfer function of AC servo-motor
4. Characteristics of Stepper motor
5. Characteristics of Synchrotransmitter / receiver
6. Design of PI and PID controller
7. Timeresponse analysis of first and second order systems using MATLAB/SIMULINK
8. Frequency response analysis of second order system using MATLAB/SIMULINK
9. Design of lag-lead compensator
10. Simulink model for servo system
11. Simulink model for speed control of motors
1. I.J. Nagrath, M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age International,
4th Edition
2. K. Ogata, “ Modern Control Engineering”, PHI, 3rd Edition.
Reference 3. M.Gopal, “Control Systems, Principles and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill,4th

Subject Code Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 400
Electrical Drives Total hours: 56
Course Understand the classification and characteristics of drives. Analyse the various
Objectives types and operations of DC drives. Analyse the various types and operations of
induction motor drives

Module 1 Hours 10
Introduction: Electrical drives, parts of electrical drives, selection of power rating for drives,
dynamics of electrical drives, fundamental torque equation, components of load torques, speed-
torque characteristics of various types of motors and loads, condition of steady state stability. DC
shunt motor and series motor speed-torque characteristics in different quadrants
Module 2 Hours 10
Controlled rectifier fed DC drives:1-phase fully and half controlled converter fed dc separately shunt
and dc series motor, mathematical analysis of 1-phase converter fed dc motors, 1-phase dual
converter- waveforms, operations with and without circulating current. Steady state analysis of three
phase fully and half controlled DC motor drive. Power factor considerations of converters, power
factor improvement of phase controlled converters.
Module 3 Hours 8
Chopper controlled fed DC drives: Single-quadrant chopper controlled drives, evaluation of
performance parameters for separately excited and series motor drives. Two quadrant and four
quadrant chopper controlled drives. Closed loop control of dc drives.
Module 4 Hours 10
Stator voltage control of 3-phase induction motors by AC voltage controllers. VSI fed induction
motor drives, constant v/f control, constant flux control, constant slip-speed control, torque pulsation,
effect of harmonics and its control, PWM control, flux weakening operation, Current Source Inverter
(CSI) fed induction motor drives.
Rotor side control of induction motors: static rotor resistance control, slip power recovery scheme,
static scherbius drive, static Kramer’s drive and their performance, speed- torque characteristics
Module 5 Hours 07
Control of synchronous motor: separate control &self-control of synchronous motor drive by VSI
and CSI. Load commutated CSI fed synchronous motor, speed torque characteristics, closed loop
control operation of synchronous motor drives, solar and battery powered drives.
1. G.K.Dubey, “Fundamentals of Electrical Drives”, Narosa Publications, 1995
2. M.H. Rashid, “Power Electronics - Circuits, Devices and Applications”, PHI, 2002.
3. G.K.Dubey, “Thyristorised Power Controllers”, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1993.

Subject Code Management Credits: 3
HS 400 Total hours:
Course Outcome Develops the ability to understand and analyse the broad aspect of management and its
financial dynamism

Module 1 Principles of Accounting 5 hours

Accounting Cycle, Assumptions, Classifications of Accounts- Journal, Cash Book, Ledger, Final Accounts-
Manufacturing Account, Trading Account, P & L Account, Balance Sheet.
Module 2 Financial Statement Analysis 5 hours
Balance sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Economic vs Accounting Profit, Changes in Financial Position,
Funds flow and cash flow statement.

Module 3 Ratio Analysis 6 hours

Nature of Ratio Analysis, Liquidity Ratio, Leverage Ratio, Activity Ratio, Profitability Ratio, DuPont
Analysis, Comparative statement and Trend Analysis, Inter-firm Analysis.
Module 4 Working Capital 6 hours
Concept of working Capital, Operating and Cash conversion Cycle, Permanent and Variable working
Capital, Balance working capital position and Issues.
Module 5 Time Value of Money 5 hours
Time preference for money, Future value, Annuity, Perpetuity, Sinking fund factor, Present value, Annuity,
Perpetuity, capital recovery factor, Multiple period Compounding.
Module 6 Capital Budgeting 8 hours
Nature and type of Investment decision, Net Present value, (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback
period, Profitability Index, Nature and Behavior of Cost, Breakeven point, multiple products analysis,
decision points.
Module 7 Financial System 6 hours
Introduction to Indian Financial System, Financial Institutions and Financial Markets.
Module 8 Industrial Engineering & Project Management 4 hours
Work Study, Time Study, Industrial Psychology, Project Management (PERT, CPM)

Text Books I.M Pandey, Financial Management, 10th edition, Vikish Publication
Brealey Y Myers, Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill
Rajiv and Anil: Financial Management, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press
L.M Bhole: Financial Institutions and Markets, Tata McGrow-hill

Subject Code Power Electronics and Credits: 2 (0-0-3)
EE401 Drives Lab Total Hours:45 Hrs

Course Laboratory exercises and assignments based on hardware and MATLAB simulation
Objective to supplement EE303.
Experiments lists
1. Static characteristics of SCR.
2. Static characteristics of MOSFET and IGBT
3. SCR turn - on circuit using synchronized UJT relaxation oscillator
4. SCR digital triggering circuit for a single – phase controlled rectifier and
AC voltage controller
5. Series inverterwith R & R L loads
6. Parallel inverter with R & R L loads
7. Buck Converter
8. Boost converter
9. Single – phase controlled full wave rectifier with R and R-L loads
10. AC voltage controller using TRIAC and DIAC
11. MOSFET or IGBT based single-phase full-bridge inverter connected to R
12. Speed control of universal motor using AC voltage controller
13. Speed control of a separately excited D.C.motor using an IGBT or
MOSFET chopper
14. Speed Control of D.C. motor using single semi converter
1. M.H. Rashid, “Power Electronics - Circuits, Devices and Applications”, PHI,
Reference 2. Mohan Undeland Robin, “Power Electronics - Converters, Applications and
books Design”, John Wiley & Sons,2002
3. P.S.Bimbhra, “Power Electronics” , Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2002.
4. G.K.Dubey, “Thyristorised Power Controllers”, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1993.

Power System Operation and Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Subject Code
Total hours: 45
EE 450 Control
To explain the performance of supervision and control systems of electric power
and describe their main functions. To acquaint students with the principles of
state estimation. To acquaint students with the problem of system control centre
and automatic control. To acquaint students with the performance of electronic
systems of control and equipment’s of electrical networks
Module 1 Hours 10
Economic Load Dispatch (ELD): Characteristics of power generation units, input output
characteristics, cost curves, incremental fuel cost curves, formulation of ELD problem, ELD
neglecting losses, ELD including losses, transmission loss coefficients in terms of real
power, concept of penalty factor, solution methods for ELD, Lambda iteration method, non
smooth cost functions, dynamic programming.
Module 2 Hours 07
Unit Commitment (UC): Problem formulation and constraints, UC solution methods, priority list
method, dynamic programming, reliability in optimal uc problems, security constraints.
Module 3 Hours 10
Load Frequency Control (LFC):LF problem, modelling of components of generating
systems, speed governing system, turbine, generator, load, LFC in single area and two area,
steady state and dynamic state analysis, analysis of integral control, tie line bias control,
AGC in a restructured power system.
Module 4 Hours 08
Power System Security (PSS): Factors affecting PSS, concept of system security,
contingency analysis, Lyapunov method, pattern recognition, security enhancement
Module 5 Hours 10
State estimation in power system and load forecasting: state estimation, least squares
estimation, maximum likelihood criterion, detection and identification of bad data, state
estimator linear model, load forecasting techniques, short term and long term load
forecasting techniques
1. D P Kothari,I J Nagrath , “Power System Engineering”, Tata Mc,Graw,
2nd Edition
2. C.L.Wadhwa,“Electrical Power Systems”, ,New Age International
Reference Publishers, 6th Edition
books 3. W.D. Stevenson Jr., “Elements of Power System Analysis”,
McGraw,Hill, 1968.
4. I.J.Nagrath ,D.P.Kothari, “Modern Power System Analysis”, Tata
Mc,Graw Hill, 4th Edition ,2011

Elective Subjects

Subject Code Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

EE 501
Data Structures and Algorithms Total hours:45
Following this course, students will be able to: Assess how the choice of data
structures and algorithm design methods impacts the performance of
Course programs. Choose the appropriate data structure and algorithm design
Objectives method for a specified application. Solve problems using data structures such
as linear lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, binary trees, heaps, tournament
trees, binary search trees, and graphs and writing programs for these
solutions. Solve problems using algorithm design methods such as the greedy
method, divide and conquer, dynamic programming, backtracking, branch
and bound and writing programs for these solutions.
Module 1 6 Hours
Introduction to data structures and objectives, basic concepts Arrays: one dimensional, multi-
dimensional, Elementary Operations
Module 2 7 Hours
Stacks: Representation, elementary operations and applications such as infix to postfix, postfix
evaluation, parenthesis matching; Queues: simple queue, circular queue, dequeue, elementary
operations and applications
Module 3 8 Hours
Linked lists: Linear, circular and doubly linked lists, elementary operations and applications such as
polynomial manipulation
Module 4 10 Hours
Trees: Binary tree representation, tree traversal, complete binary tree, heap, binary search tree, height
balanced trees like AVL tree and 2-3 tree, tries and other operations and applications of trees
Module 5 15 Hours
Graphs: Representation, adjacency list, graph traversal, path matrix, spanning tree; introduction to
algorithm analysis and design techniques, algorithms on sorting: selection sort, bubble sort, quick sort,
merge sort, heap sort, searching, linear and binary search
(8) Alfred V Aho, John E Hopcroft, Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Data structures &
Algorithms”, Addison Wesley. 2003
(9) Horowitz and Sahni , “Data Structures and Algorithms using C/C++”, 2003
(10) Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, “Data Structures and Algorithms in
Java”, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Subject Code Electronic Instrumentation Credits: 3(3-0-0)
EE502 Total hours:45
Course To understand the basic principles of instruments and measurements and various
Objectives practical issues related to measurement.
Module 1 Hours 14
Measurement of voltage, current, power, noise, resistance, capacitance, inductance, time, frequency,
charge and pulse energy
Module2 Hours 7
Designing for EMC: EMC regulations, typical noise path, methods of noise coupling, and methods
of reducing interference in electronic systems.

Module 3 Hours 10
Capacitive coupling, inductive coupling, effect of shield on capacitive and inductive coupling, effect
of shield on magnetic coupling, magnetic coupling between shield and inner conductor, shielding to
prevent magnetic radiation, shielding a receptor against magnetic fields, shielding properties of
various cable configurations, coaxial cable versus shielded twisted pair, braided shields, ribbon

Module 4 Hours 14
Safety grounds, signal grounds, single-point ground systems, multipoint-point ground systems,
hybrid grounds, functional ground layout, practical low frequency grounding, hardware grounds,
grounding of cable shields, ground loops, shield grounding at high frequencies, guarded instruments.
Protection Against Electrostatic Discharges: Static generation, human body model, static discharge,
ESD protection in equipment design.

1. Clyde F JrCoombs,“Electronic Instrument handbook”, Amazon, 1999

2. Joseph J. Carr,“Elements of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements”, 3rd
Reference Ed, Prentice Hall, 1995
books 3. Kim R. Fowler,“Electronic Instrument Design”, Oxford University Press, 1996.
4. Henry W.Ott,“Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems”, 2nd Ed;
John Wiley & Sons, 1988.

Subject Code Elements of Analog and Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 503 Total hours: 45
Digital Communication
Course Objectives To give a basic insight to Basic Communication Engineering

Module 1 Introduction to Analog and Digital Hours 12

Bandwidth and information capacity, transmission modes, signal analysis, noise considerations.
modulation and demodulation concepts (AM, FM, PM), TDM and FDM concepts, Classification of
amplifiers (Class A, B, and C), tuned amplifiers, oscillators, amplitude modulation, demodulation
circuits, mixer, TRF, super heterodyne and direct conversion receivers, monochrome TV transmitter
and receivers.

Module 2 Digital and data communication Hours 12

Sampling theorem, coding and decoding, pulse modulation, waveform coding techniques, pulse code
modulation, channel noise and error probability, quantisation noise, signal to noise ratio, FSK, PSK,

Module 3 Serial and parallel interface Hours 09

Computer network configurations and protocols, OSI reference model, Internet protocol, IP protocol:
forwarding and addressing in the internet, routing algorithms, packet switching.
Module 5 Satellite ,Mobile and optical fibre Hours 12
Orbital patterns, geostationary satellites, frequency band allocation, digital telephony, PSTN and
cellular telephony, Optical fibre communication: Mode of signal transmission, signal sources and
detectors, attenuators and channel capacity.

1. Wayne Tomasi, “Electronic Communication Systems”, Pearson

Education, 4th Edition, 2002
Reference books 2. Kennedy, “Communication Systems”, 4th edition.
3. Gary Miller, “Modern Electronic Communication”, 7th Edition.
4. Andrew S. TanenBaum, “Computer Networks”, 3rd Edition.
5. William C. Y. Lee, “Mobile Cellular Telecommunication”, 2nd Edition.

Subject Code Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 504
Digital Signal Processing Total hours: 56
Course Basic concepts of discrete time signals and systems, interconnection of the
Objectives systems and filtering. Transform analysis of LTI systems; system functions; All
pass systems, minimum phase systems, linear systems with generalized linear
phase; structures for discrete time systems, lattice structures; FIR and IIR filter
design techniques; The discrete fourier transform, computational aspects and fast
algorithms; miscellaneous topics.

Module 1 8 hours
Review of signals and systems: Motivation and introduction to the course, Basic concepts of signals
and systems, interconnection of the systems and filtering, Z – transform and the Region of
convergence of the system, Complex convolution theorem, and system described by difference
equations, Frequency response of LTI systems and system functions.

Module2 10 hours
Structures for Discrete Time systems: Representation of system described by Linear Constant
Coefficient Difference Equations, digital filter structures, relation between magnitude and phase, All
pass systems, Minimum phase systems, Lattice Structures, Linear Systems with Generalized Linear
Module 3 10 hours
Filter Design Techniques: Design of IIR filters and different transformations, IIR filter design
techniques, FIR filter by windowing, FIR filter by the Kaiser window, and Optimum approximation
of FIR Filters.

Module 4 9 hours
The Discrete Fourier Transform and Computational Aspects: Orthogonal transform, discrete Fourier
transform (DFT), Relation between Fourier transform and DFT, Circular Convolution, DFT
properties, Computation of DFT, Linear Convolution using the DFT, Fast computation of DFT.

Module 5 8 hours
DSP Algorithm implementation and Finite Wordlength Effect: Number representation and overflow,
Quantization Process and Errors, fixed and floating point numbers, coefficient quantization, A/D
conversion noise analysis, Low sensitivity digital filters, Limit Cycle oscillations in IIR digital

Reference 1. A. V. Oppenheim and Schafer, “Discrete time Signal processing,” 3rd

books Edition, PHI.
2. S. K. Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing,” 3rd Edition, TMH.

Subject Digital Computer Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Code Total hours:45
Organization and
Architecture (COA)
Course To develop an understanding of the nature and characteristics of the architecture
Objectives and design of the modern computer systems.

Module 1 6 Hours
Introduction to computer architecture and organization: digital components, Von Neumannmachine
architecture, Flynn classification register transfer language: micro operations, data transfer
operations, arithmetic, logic and shift micro operations and their hardware implementations as a
simple arithmetic and logic unit.

Module 2 13Hours
CPU Organization: Addressing techniques, instruction set design, example for zero address, one
address, two address and three address machines, stack, accumulator and general purpose register
organization. Arithmetic algorithms: Arithmetic and Logic Unit, adders, multiplication, add and
shift method, Booth's Multiplier, m -array multiplier, division, restoring and non restoring method.

Module 3 12 Hours
Pipelining: Pipeline structure, pipeline performance measures, pipeline types, memory
organization, memory device characteristics, RAM organization, virtual memory, paging and
segmentation, high speed memories.

Module 4 14 Hours
Control unit design, hardwired and micro programmed control unit design, implementation
techniques, memory hierarchies, input-output design, IO interface, bus structure, modes of data
transfer, interrupts, input output processor, serial communication.

1. J.L. Hennessy and D.A. Patterson, “Computer Architecture: A

Quantitative Approach”, 4th Edition, Elsevier.
Referenc 2. M. Morris Mano, “Computer System Architecture”, PHI.
e books 3. Carl Hamacher, “Computer Organization”, McGraw-Hill, 5th Ed.
4. J.P Hayes, Computer Architecture & Organization, McGraw-Hill.

Subject Code Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 506
Advanced Control Systems Total hours: 45

Course To incite a wide knowledge on the description and stability of non-linear system.
Objectives To examine the conventional technique of non-linear system analysis. To solve
the analysis discrete time systems using conventional techniques. To understand
the analysis of digital control system using state-space formulation. To look at the
formulation and analysis of multi input multi output (MIMO) system

Module 1 Hours 11
Discrete control system: Introduction to discrete time control system, block diagram of a digital
control system, sampling process, data reconstruction and hold circuits, zero and first order hold,
review of z- transforms and inverse z- transforms, solution of difference equations, pulse transfer
function, pulse transfer function with dead time, system time response, realization of pulse transfer
functions, stability studies.

Module 2 Hours 10
State variable analysis of discrete system: Concept of controllability and observability for a linear
time invariant discrete time control system, condition for controllability and observability, state
feedback, condition for arbitrary pole placement, design via pole placement, state observers.
Module 3 Hours 12
Non Linear system: Characteristics of non- linear systems, types of non-linearity, phase plane
analysis, construction of phase trajectory, Isocline method and delta method ,singular points and
classification, describing function analysis, basis of describing function approach, describing
functions of common non- linearity namely dead zone saturation, ideal relay, combined dead- zone
and saturation, relay with hysteresis
Module 4 Hours 12
Stability of non-linear systems: Liapunov Methods, Liapunov stability, definition of stability,
asymptotic stability and instability, quadratic forms and sign definiteness of scalar function,
Liapunov stability theorems, Liapunov stability analysis of LTI continuous and discrete time
systems methods of construction of Liapunov function for non- linear systems.

1. M.Gopal, “Control System Principles and Design”,TataMcGraw Hill,4th

Reference 2. I. J. Nagrath, M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering” New Age
books International, 4th Edition
3. K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, PHI, 3rd Edition
4. K. Ogata, “Discrete Time Control Systems”, Pearson Education, 2nd

Travelling Waves on Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Subject Code
Total hours: 45
EE507 Transmission System
Course To understand the various types of travelling waves on transmission system.
Module 1 Hours : 12
The line equations: The ideal (no-loss) line, the distortion-less line, line with small losses, exact
solution of the infinite line, line of finite length, attenuation and distortion of traveling waves.
Reflection of traveling waves: behaviour of a wave at a transition point, dissimilar voltage and
current waves, typical cases, current-limiting reactors. Successive reflections: the reflection
lattice, construction and use of the lattice-diagram, charging of a line from various sources,
reflection between a capacitor and a resistor, effect of short lengths of cable, effect of insulator

Module 2 Hours : 10
Traveling waves on multi conductor systems: The general differential equations of
traveling waves, transition points on multi conductor circuits, multi velocity waves,
surge tests on transmission lines, physical concept of multi velocity waves, two-
conductor system, multi conductor system.
Module 3 Hours : 10
Theory of ground-wires: Direct stroke to a tower, effect of reflections up and down the
tower, tower grounding. The counterpoise: Multi velocity waves on the counterpoise,
tests on the counterpoise, successive reflections on the insulated counterpoise.
Module 4 Hours : 13
Induced lightning surges: The field gradient, induced surges with ideal ground wires. Arcing
grounds: normal frequency arc extinction - single-phase and three-phase, oscillatory-frequency
arc extinction, high-frequency effects, interruption of line-charging currents, cancellation waves,
initiated waves, steady-state waves, recovery voltage, restriking phenomena.

1) L. V. Bewley, “Traveling Waves on Transmission Systems,” John

Wiley and Sons, 1951.
Reference 2) H. H. Skilling, “Electric Transmission Lines,” TMH, 1951.
books 3) F. Woodruff, “Principles of Electric Power Transmission,” John Wiley
and Sons, 1952 .

Subject Code Utilisation of Electrical Energy Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 508 Total hours:45
Course Understand concept of illumination systems, heating and welding systems. Learn
Objectives the requirements of traction systems.
Module 1 Hours 14
Electric traction: requirements of an ideal traction system, systems of traction, requirements of ideal
traction motors, comparison and control of traction motors, mechanics of train movement, tractive
effort for acceleration ,train resistance, gradient, coefficient of adhesion, speed time curves, specific
energy consumption.

Module 2 Hours 12
Electric heating: advantages, classification of heating equipment’s, methods of heat transfer,
resistance heating, design of heating element, induction heating, eddy current heating, dielectric

Module 3 Hours 12
Electric welding: resistance welding, arc welding. Electrolytic processes: Faraday’s laws of
electrolysis, calculation of current required and related definitions, factors governing the character
of deposits, preparation of work for electroplating, electro-extraction and refining of copper and

Module 4 Hours 7
Illumination: definition, illumination standards, laws of illumination, lighting calculations, polar
curves, Rousseau’s construction, illumination measuring devices, various illumination devices.

1. Partab , Art and Science of Utilization of Electrical Energy.

Reference 2. E. O. Taylor, Utilization of Electric Energy.
books 3. C. L Wadhwa , Generation ,Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy.

Subject Code Introduction to Database Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE509 Total hours: 45
management Systems
Course Objectives This course covers the relational database systems RDBS - the predominant
system for business, scientific and engineering applications at present.

Module 1 6 Hours
Introduction & need for database systems, views of data, data models, database system architecture,
database users and administrator.
Module 2 10 Hours
Entity relationship model (E-R model), E-R diagrams, introduction to relational databases, keys,
relational algebra,domain, relational calculus, tuple relational calculus.

Module 3 15 Hours
SQL: A relational database language, data definition in SQL. SQL queries: The form of a basic SQL
query, union, intersect, and except, aggregate operators, specifying constraints,view and joins in SQL,
specifying constraints, introduction to nested queries.

Module 4 14 Hours
Functional dependencies, non-loss decomposition, first, second, third normal forms, Boyce Codd normal
form, transaction concepts, transaction recovery, ACID properties, Concurrency.
Storage: overview of physical storage media, magnetic disks, RAID, tertiary storage,file organization,
organization of records in files, indexing and hashing, database security.

Reference (1) Korth, Silberschatz, “Database System Concepts”, 4th Ed., TMH, 2003.
books (2) Elmsari and Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, 4th Ed., A.
Wesley, 2004.
(3) Raghu Ramakrishnan , Johannes Gehrke, “ Database Management Systems”,
3rd Edition, , McGraw- Hill, 2003.
(4) J D Ullman, “Principles of database systems”, 2001.

Subject Code Computer Networks Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 510 Total hours: 45
Course Objectives This course focuses on understanding the design of computer networks,
assimilating hubs into a personal network.
Module 1 8 Hours
Introduction to computer networks, overview of OSI reference model. Topology design, problems and
protocols, practical local area network design and implementation. IEEE LAN standards, logical link
control protocols, HDLC, ALOHA, SLOTTED ALOHA, FDDI, client server model and related
softwares. Computer networks and internet, network edge, network core, network access, delay and loss.
Module 2 16 Hours
Transport layer services, UDP, TCP, new transport layer protocols, congestion control and resource
allocation, new versions of TCP, network layer services, routing, IP, routing in internet, router, IPV6,
multicast routing.
Module 3 10 Hours
Link layer services, error detection and correction, multiple access protocols, ARP, ethernet, hubs,
bridges, switches, wireless links, mobility, PPP, ATM, MPLS, VLAN.
Module 4 11 Hours
Multimedia networking, streaming stored audio and video, real-time protocols, security, Cryptography,
authentication, integrity, key distribution, network management, firewalls, brief functioning of upper
layers, e-mail and other application.
1. J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross, “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach
Featuring Internet”, 3/e, Pearson Education, 2005.
2. Peterson L.L. & Davie B.S., “Computer Networks, A systems approach”, 3/E,
Harcourt Asia, 2003.
Reference 3. Andrew. S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Prentice Hall of India, 5thEdn, 2002.
books 4. Fred Halsall, “Data Communications, Computer networking on OSI”, Addison
Wesley Publishing Co., 2nd Edition, 2002.
5. William Stallings, “Data & Computer Communications”, 2nd Edition, Maxwell,
MacMillan International Edn. 2003.
6. Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Communications & Networks”, 3rdEd., TMH.

Subject Code Credits: 3(3-0-0)
EE 511
Embedded Systems Total hours:45
Course To give ideas about embedded systems and system development.
Objectives To impart knowledge about real time operating systems and microcontrollers
Module 1 Hours 10
Introduction to embedded systems: embedded system examples, parts of embedded system- processor,
power supply, clock, memory interface, interrupt, I/O ports, buffers, programmable devices, ASIC,etc.
interfacing with memory and I/O devices. memory technologies – EPROM, Flash, OTP, SRAM,DRAM,
SDRAM etc.
Module2 Hours 8
Embedded system design: embedded system product development life cycle (EDLC), hardware
development cycles, specifications, component selection, schematic design, PCB layout, fabrication and
assembly. Product enclosure design and development.
Embedded system Development Environment – IDE, cross compilation, simulators/emulators, hardware
debugging. hardware testing methods like boundary scan, In Circuit Testing (ICT) etc.
Bus architectures like I C, SPI, AMBA, CAN etc.
Module 3 Hours 12
Operating systems: concept of firmware, operating system basics, real time operating systems, tasks,
processes and threads, multiprocessing and multitasking, task scheduling, task communication and
synchronisation, device drivers.
Module 4 Hours 15
System design examples : system design using ARM/PSoC/MSP430 processor
1. J.W. Valvano, Embedded Microcomputer System: Real Time Interfacing,
Reference Brooks/Cole, 2000.
books 2. David Simon, An Embedded Software Primer, Addison Wesley, 2000.
3. Shibu K.V.: Introduction to Embedded Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, 200

High Voltage DC (HVDC) Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Subject Code
Total hours: 45
EE512 Transmission
The course aims at use of high voltages as the key to efficient transmission and
Course distribution of electrical power. To have an overview about different forms of
Objectives insulation and their behaviour, over voltage conditions and protection of
equipment’s. To analyse the malfunctioning of converters and protection.
Module 1 Hours : 8
Historical development of HVAC and HVDC links, comparison, economics of power transmission,
technical performance, reliability, limitations, application of dc transmission, description of DC
Transmission System, types of DC links and converter station, planning for HVDC transmission.
modern trends in DC transmission.
Module 2 Hours : 10
Thyristor valve: Introduction, thyristor devices, thyristor valve, valve test, recent trends.
analysis of HVDC converters; pulse number, choice of converter configuration, Simplified
analysis of Graetz circuit, convertor bridge characteristics, characteristics of a twelve pulse
converters, detailed analysis of converters.
Module 3 Hours : 8
Converter and HVDC system control: general, principles of dc link control, converter control
characteristics, system control hierarchy firing angle control, current and extinction angle
control, starting and stopping of dc link, power control, higher level controllers,
telecommunication requirements.
Module 4 Hours :9
Converter faults and protection: introduction, converter faults, protection against over currents
over voltages in a converter station, surge arrests, protection against over voltages. smoothing
reactor and dc line; introduction, smoothing reactors, dc line, transient over voltages in dc line,
protection of dc line, dc breakers, monopolar operation, effects of proximity of ac and dc
transmission lines.
Module 5 Hours : 10
Reactive power control; introduction, reactive power requirements in steady state, sources of
reactive power, static var systems, reactive power control during transients, harmonics and
filters; introduction, generation of harmonics, design of ac filters, dc filters, carrier frequency
and RI noise, multi terminal dc systems; introduction, potential applications of MTDC
systems, types of MTDC systems, control and protection of MTDC systems, control and
protection of MTDC Systems study of MTDC systems.
1) K. R. Padiyar, “HVDC Power transmission System,” New age International,
2) J. Arrillaga, “HVDC transmission,” IET, 1998.
3) E.X. Kimbark, “Direct Current Transmission,” Vol. I, Wiley Interscience,
Newyork, 1971.

Subject Code Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Flexible AC Transmission Systems Total hours: 56
To enhance the transmission capability of transmission system by shunt and series
compensation using static controllers. To understand the concept of flexible AC
transmission and the associated problems. To review the static devices for series and
shunt control. To study the operation of controllers for enhancing the transmission
Module 1 Hours : 10
FACTS concepts and general system consideration: Power flow in AC Systems. Definition of
FACTS, power flow control, constraints of maximum transmission line loading. Benefits of
FACTS transmission line compensation: uncompensated line, shunt compensation. series
compensation, phase angle control.
Module 2 Hours : 9
Static shunt compensators: SVC: Static Var Compensator, and STATCOM: static
synchronous compensator. operation and control of TSC:Thyristor Switched Capacitor, TSR:
Thyristor Switched Reactor, TCR: Thyristor Controlled Reactor, and STATCOM,
compensator control, comparisons between SVC and STATCOM.
Module 3 Hours : 9
Static series compensation: TSSC:Thyristor Switched Series Capacitor, SSSC: static
Synchronous Series Compensator, Static voltage and phase angle regulators TCBR: Thyristor
Controlled Braking Resistor, TCPAR: Thyristor Controlled Phase Angle Regulator. Operation
and control applications.
Module 4 Hours : 9
Unified Power Flow Controller: circuit arrangement, operation and control of UPFC, basic
principle of P and Q control, independent real and reactive power flow control, applications,
introduction to interline power flow controller.
Module 5 Hours : 8
Introduction to APF technology, solutions for mitigation of harmonics, classification of power
filters- passive filters, active filters, hybrid filters; active filters applications depending on
power quality issues; selection of power filters; categorization of active power filter, converter
based categorization, topology based categorization, supply system based categorization,
selection considerations of APFS; technical and economic considerations.
1) N.G Hingorani, L. Gyugyi,“Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology
of Flexible AC Transmission Systems”, IEEE Press Book, Standard Publishers
and Distributors, Delhi, 2001.
Reference 2) P.Kundur , “Power System Stability and Control”, McGraw-Hill EPRI Power
books System Engineering Series,
3) K. R. Padiyar, “Power System Dynamics, Stability and Control”, 2nd Edition,
B.S. Publishers. 1994.
4) T.J.E Miller, “Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems”, Wiley

Subject Code Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Soft Computing Techniques Total hours: 45
This course presents the basics of neural networks and essentials of artificial neural
Course networks with single layer and multilayer feed forward networks. Also deals with
Objectives fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic system components. The neural network and fuzzy
network system application to electrical engineering is also presented.
Module 1 Hours : 10
Introduction to biological and artificial neuron models, operations of artificial neuron, types of neuron
activation function, history of artificial neural systems development, Mcculloch-Pitts neuron model,
ANN architectures, neural dynamics (activation and synaptic), neural processing,, learning strategies,
learning rules.
Module 2 Hours : 10
Classification model, features, and decision regions, discriminant functions, models of Artificial
Neural Networks: feed forward network, feedback network, single and multilayer feed forward neural
networks- introduction, perceptron models: discrete, continuous and multi-category, training
algorithms: discrete and continuous perceptron networks, perceptron convergence theorem, limitations
of the single layer perceptron model (XOR Problem), Applications; credit assignment problem,
generalized delta rule, Back Propagation Algorithm (BPA), learning difficulties and improvements.
Module 3 Hours : 8
Associative memories: Hebbian learning, general concepts of associative memory (associative matrix,
association rules, hamming distance, Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) architecture,
architecture of Hopfield network: discrete and continuous versions, storage and recall algorithm.
Counter propagation networks, Full CPN, Forword only CPN, Training Phases, ADALINE and
MADALINE networks. Neural network applications: process identification, control, fault diagnosis
and load forecasting. Applications of neural networks.
Module 4 Hours : 12
Introduction to classical sets - properties, operations and relations; fuzzy sets, membership,
uncertainty, operations, properties, fuzzy relations, cardinalities, membership functions. Fuzzification,
membership value assignment, development of rule base and decision making system, fuzzy inference
systems: Mamdani max-min and max-product composition scheme, defuzzification to crisp sets,
defuzzificationmethods:centroid of area, bisector of area, mean, smallest, and largest of maximum.
Design of control rules: trapezoidal MF, triangular MF and Gaussian MF. Rule base fuzzy logic
applications: fuzzy logic control and fuzzy classification. Applications of fuzzy systems.
Module 5 Hours : 5
Introduction to Type-2 FLC: The structure of Type-2 FLC, Type-2 fuzzy inference system with
different fuzzy MFs (Trapezoidal membership function, Triangular MF and Gaussian MF).
1) J. M. Zurada, “Introduction to artificial neural networks,”Jaico publishing, 1997.
2) Simon Haykin, “Neural Networks A Comprehensive Foundation,” PHI, 1999.
Reference 3) J. S. R. Jang, C. T. Sun , E. Mizutani, “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing A
books Computational Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence,” PHI, 2002.
4) Timothy J Ross, “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications,” TMH, 2007.

Subject Code Renewable Energy Systems Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE515 Total hours:45
Course To explain concept of various forms of renewable energy and to outline the
Objectives utilization of renewable energy sources for both domestic and industrial
Module 1 Hours: 10
Introduction to renewable energy, various aspects of energy conversion, principle of renewable
energy systems, environment and social implications
Solar Energy: Solar radiation its measurements and prediction, solar thermal flat plate collectors,
concentrating collectors, applications, heating, cooling, desalination, power generation, drying,
cooking etc, principle of photovoltaic conversion of solar energy, types of solar cells and fabrication.
Photovoltaic applications: battery charger, domestic lighting, street lighting, and water pumping,
power generation schemes.
Module2 Hours: 9
Wind Energy: Atmospheric circulations, classification, factors influencing wind, wind shear,
turbulence, wind speed monitoring, Betz limit, aerodynamics of wind turbine rotor, site selection,
wind resource assessment, wind energy conversion devices: classification, characteristics, and
applications. Hybrid systems, safety and environmental aspects.

Module 3 Hours: 9
Bio-Energy: Biomass resources and their classification, chemical constituents and physicochemical
characteristics of biomass, biomass conversion processes, thermo chemical conversion: direct
combustion, gasification, pyrolysis and liquefaction. Biochemical conversion: anaerobic digestion,
alcohol production from biomass.Chemical conversion process: hydrolysis and hydrogenation.
Biogas: generation, types of Biogas Plants, applications
Module 4 Hours:9
Hydrogen And Fuel Cells: Thermodynamics and electrochemical principles, basic design, types, and
applications, production methods,Biophotolysis: Hydrogen generation from algae biological
pathways, storage gaseous, cryogenic and metal hydride and transportation. Fuel cell: principle of
working, various types, construction and applications.
Module 5 Hours: 8
Other Types Of Energy: ocean energy resources: principles of ocean thermal energy conversion
systems, ocean thermal power plants,and principles of ocean wave energy conversion and tidal
energy conversion, microhydelpower, site selection, construction, environmental issues.Geothermal
energy, types of geothermal energy sites, site selection and geothermal power plants. MHD Power
(1) G. D.Rai, “Non-conventional Energy Sources”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2007.
Reference (2) S.P.Sukhatme, “Solar Energy”, TMH, New Delhi, 2006.
books (3) Godfrey Boyle, “Renewable Energy: Power for a sustainable future”, Oxford
University press, Second edition.

Subject Code Static Relays Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 516 Total hours: 45
Course Objectives To understand the causes of abnormal operating conditions (faults, lightning and
switchingsurges) of the apparatus and system.To understand the characteristics
and functions of static relays and protection schemes and to give an insight on
Static Relay protection schemes.
Module 1 Hours 09
Power system protection and its requirements, conventional Vs static relays, steady state and transient
performance of signal deriving elements signal mixing techniques and measuring techniques,
construction and characteristics function of static relays, static relay components.
Module 2 Hours 12
Phase comparator directional units, amplitude comparator directional units, poly phase directional
relays, differential relays: operating characteristics, restraining characteristics, types of differential
relays, analysis of electromagnetic and static differential relays, static relay scheme.
Module 3 Hours 12
Principle and practical circuits of Instantaneous over current relays, time current relays, time over
current relays. Distance relays: standard three zone protection, characteristics and types, switched
distance scheme, poly phase distance relays, operating time characteristics, static distance relay
Module 4 Hours 12
Pilot wire and carrier current schemes, pilot relaying scheme, selection of suitable static relaying
scheme for transmission lines. Implementation of over current, directional, impedance and mho relays
using Microprocessor/Microcontroller.
1. MadhavaRao, T.S., “Power System Protection, Static Relays”, McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 1991.
Reference 2. Van.C.Warrington, “Protective Relays, Their Theory and Practice”, Vols. I &
books II, Chapman & Hall Ltd. London, 1994.
3. Ram.B., “Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcomputers”, M/s.
DhanpatRai& sons, New Delhi, 1992.

Subject Code Photovoltaic and its Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE517 Total hours: 45
Course 1. Learn the fundamentals of solar energy conversion systems, available solar
Objectives energy and the local and national needs, solar engineering applications,
emerging technologies,
2. Understand the interdisciplinary approach for designing stand-alone PV systems,
predicting performance with different systems, Implementing design with cost
Module 1 Hours: 5
Solar energy: solar insolation vs world energy demand, current energy consumption from different
sources, environmental and health effects.
Sustainable Energy: production and storage, resources and utilization.
Module2 Hours: 10
Solar thermal conversion: Low, medium and high temperature collectors, types of solar energy
collectors; heat storage, storage media, steam accumulator, other storage systems, heat exchangers and
applications of stored energy.
Thermoelectric systems: Thermoelectricity, Peltier effect, Seebeck effect; Thermoelectric materials,
Bismuth telluride, automotive thermoelectric generators, radioisotope thermoelectric generator;
thermoelectric power generators, thermoelectric refrigerators and heat pumps.
Module 3 Hours: 10
Photovoltaic (PV): Fundamentals of solar cells: types of solar cells, semiconducting materials, band
gap theory, absorption of photons, excitation and photoemission of electrons, band engineering, Solar
cell properties and design, p-n junction photodiodes, depletion region, electrostatic field across the
depletion layer, electron and holes transports, device physics, charge carrier generation, recombination
and other losses, I-V characteristics, output power, single junction and triple-junction solar panels,
metal-semiconductor heterojunctions and semiconducting materials for solar cells.
solar cell applications: pv cell interconnection, module structure and module fabrication, equivalent
circuits, load matching, efficiency, fill factor and optimization for maximum power; design of stand-
alone PV systems, system sizing, device structures, device construction, installation, measurements;
DC to AC conversion, inverters, on-site storage and grid connections; Solar cell manufacturing
processes: material resources, chemistry and environmental impacts; low cost manufacturing
Module 4 Hours: 10
Optical engineering: Optical design, anti-reflection coatings, beam splitters, surface structures for
maximum light absorption, operating temperature Vs. conversion efficiency, types of solar energy
concentrators, fresnel lenses and fresnel reflectors, operating solar cells at high incident energy for
maximum power output.Cost analysis and environmental issues: Cost analysis and pay back
calculations for different types of solar panels and collectors, installation and operating costs;

environmental and safety issues, protection systems, performance monitoring.
Module 5 Hours: 10
Thin film solar cells: Single crystal, polycrystalline and amorphous silicon solar cells, cadmium
telluride thin-film solar cells, conversion efficiency; current trends in photovoltaic research and
applications; nanotechnology applications, quantum dots, solution based processes solar cell
production.Photo electrochemical cells for hydrogen production: photo electrochemical electrolysis,
photoelectron chemical cells for hydrogen production, solar hydrogen efficiency, hydrogen storage,
hydrogen economy.
(1) Jasprit Singh, “Semiconductor Devices,Basic Principles” , Wiley,(2001)
Reference (2) Jenny Nelson “The Physics of Solar Cells” , Imperial College Press (2003)
books (3) Stephen J. Fonash “Solar Cell Device Physics”, 2nd edition ,Academic Press

Subject Code Power System Restructuring Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 518 Total hours: 45
Course To provide in-depth understanding of operation of deregulated electricity market
Objectives systems and examine topical issues in electricity markets and how these are handled
world-wide in various markets. To analyse various types of electricity market
operational and control issues using new mathematical models
Module 1 Hours 08
Introduction: Market models, entities , key issues in regulated and deregulated power markets,
electricity markets, California market, New England ISO, Midwest ISO, Nordic pool, power market in
China. components of restructured system
Module 2 Hours 10
Operational and planning activities of a generation company: electricity pricing and forecasting, price
based unit commitment design, security constrained unit commitment design. , ancillary services for
restructuring, Automatic Generation Control.
Module 3 Hours 10
Open access Transmission system: transmission pricing in open access system, open transmission
system operation, congestion management in open access transmission systems, FACTS in congestion
management, open access, coordination strategies, power wheeling transmission
Module 4 Hours 07
Cost allocation methods open access distribution, changes in distribution operations, the development
of competition, maintaining distribution planning
Module 5 Hours 10
Power Market Development: Electricity Act, 2003, key issues and solution, developing power
exchanges suited to the Indian market, challenges and synergies in the use of it in power, competition,
Indian power market, Indian energy exchange, Indian power exchange, infrastructure model for power
exchanges, congestion management, day ahead market, online power trading.
1. Loi Lei Lai, “Power System Restructuring and Deregulation”, John Wiley &
son LTD, New York, 2001.
Reference 2. Mohammad Shahidehpour, HatimYamin, “Market operations in Electric
books power systems”, John Wiley & son LTD, Publication, 2002.
3. LorrinPhilipson, H. Lee Willis, “Understanding Electric Utilities and
Deregulation” Taylor & Francis, New York 2006.
4. MohammadShahidehpour, MuwaffaqAlomoush, “Restructured Electrical
Power Systems”, Marcel Dekker, INC., New York, 2001.

Subject Code Distribution automation and Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 519 Total hours: 45
Smart Grid
Course To understanding the distribution automation and smart grid architecture, working.
Module 1 4 hours
Distribution system Planning and forecasting techniques, load characteristics, definitions, tariffs and
metering of energy, distribution transformers, types, distribution sub-stations and primary system.
Module2 12 hours
Voltage drop and power loss calculations, distribution feeder costs, capacitors in distribution systems,
justification for capacitors, distribution system automation, automation communication systems.
Module 3 12 hours
Introduction to smart grid, smart grid functions, advantages, Indian smart grid, key challenges for smart
grid, smart grid architecture, components, architecture of smart grid design - transmission &
Module 4 12 hours
Automation computational intelligence techniques, distribution generation technologies, introduction to
renewable energy technologies, Micro grids, storage technologies, Electric vehicles and plug in
hybrids, synchrophasor measurement Units (PMUs), Wide Area Measurement Systems (WAMS),
control of smart power grid system.
Module 5 5 hours
Renewable Integration, Electric Vehicles and plug - in hybrids, indian smart grid. Case studies

Reference 1. TuranGonen, “Electric Power Distribution Systems”, CRC Press, 2006.

books 2. Pabla, A. S, “Electric Power Distribution”, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill
Education, 2011.
3. M. V. Deshpande, “Electrical Power System Design”, Tata McGraw-Hill
Education, 2001.
4. Gil Masters, “Renewable and Efficient Electric Power System”, Wiley-IEEE
Press, 2004.
5. A.G. Phadke and J.S. Thorp, “Synchronized Phasor Measurements and their
Applications”, Springer Edition, 2010.

Subject Code Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
Power Quality Total hours: 45
Course To study the various issues affecting power quality, their production, monitoring and
Objectives suppression. To understand about the concepts of power quality problems and
mitigation techniques. To be familiarise with various control strategies and controllers.
Module 1 Hours : 12
Introduction to power quality: terms and definitions: overloading, under voltage, over voltage. Concepts of
transients: short duration variations such as interruption, long duration variation such as sustained
interruption. Voltage sag, voltage swell, voltage imbalance, voltage fluctuation, over voltages, under
voltages, power frequency variations. Harmonics: harmonic sources from commercial and industrial loads,
locating harmonic sources. Power system response characteristics: harmonics Vs transients. Effect of
harmonics, harmonic distortion, voltage and current distortion, harmonic indices, inter harmonics,
resonance. Harmonic distortion evaluation, devices for controlling harmonic distortion, passive and active
filters. IEEE and IEC standards of power quality,
Module 2 Hours : 10
Introduction to APF technology, solutions for mitigation of harmonics, classification of power
filters- passive filters, active filters, hybrid filters; active filters applications depending on power
quality issues; selection of power filters; categorization of active power filter: converter based
categorization, topology based categorization, supply system based categorization, selection
considerations of APFS; technical and economic considerations.
Module 3 Hours : 10
Introduction to active power filter control strategies. shunt active filter basic compensation
principle, Clark’s transformations, parks transformations, active power filter control strategies,
signal conditioning, current control techniques for derivation of gating signals, generation of
gating signals to the devices of the APF, hysteresis current control scheme and adaptive hysteresis
current control scheme, derivation of compensating signals, compensation in frequency domain,
compensation in time domain.
Module 4 Hours : 13
Control strategies Instantaneous active and reactive power (p-q) control strategy, Instantaneous active and
reactive current (Id-Iq) control strategy, and perfect harmonic cancellator.
Introduction to Dc link voltage regulation: Dc link voltage regulation with PI Controller, Type-1 fuzzy
logic controller, Type-2 fuzzy logic controller, and neural networks.
1) H. Akagi, “Instantaneous Power Theory and Applications to Power Conditioning,”
IEEE Press, 2007.
2) G.T. Heydt, “Electric Power Quality,” 2nd Edition, West Lafayette, IN, Stars in a
Reference Circle Publications, 1994.
books 3) M.H.J Bollen, “Understanding Power Quality Problems: Voltage Sags and
Interruptions,” NewYork: IEEE Press, 1999.

Subject Code Real Time Control of Power Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE521 Total hours: 45
Course Objectives To learn basics of SCADA and to develop skills to work on SCADA features.
Aims to build good understanding about the basics of industrial automation
using SCADA, PLC and HMI.
Module 1 Hours : 8
Introduction to Factory & Process Automation, PLC, Networking standards. Vertical Integration of
Industrial Automation, field bus and Ethernet. HMI Systems: Necessity and Role in Industrial
Automation, Text display, operator panels, Touch panels, Panel PCs, Integrated displayers (PLC & HMI).
Module 2 Hours : 14
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), introduction to SCADA: grid operation
and Control. remote terminal unit (RTU) and communication practices: Major Components. Sub-
load dispatch center (SUB-LDC): Work Stations, FEPS: Function of FEPS (Front End
Processors), Routers. Real time software: classification of programs. computer control of
electrical power systems. southern regional load dispatch center (SRLDC): functions and
responsibilities of SRLDC. Developer and runtime packages, architecture, tools, tag, internal &
external graphics, alarm logging, tag logging, structured tags, trends, history, report generation,
VB & C Scripts for SCADA application.
Module 3 Hours : 11
Distributed Control Systems (DCS), difference between SCADA system and DCS, architecture,
local control unit, Programming language, communication facilities, operator interface,
engineering interfaces.
Module 4 Hours : 12
Applications of SCADA & DCS, Case studies of process plants using SCADA & DCS, advanced features
/ options in SCADA & DCS, role of PLC in DCS and SCADA, comparison, field devices (Transducers,
drives etc.) in DCS/SCADA.
1) John W. Webb, Ronald A. Reis, “Programmable Logic Controllers,” Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi, 1995.
2) Michael P. Lukas, “Distributed Control Systems,” Van NostrandReinfold
Company, 1995.
Reference books
3) Hassan Bevrani, “Robust Power System Frequency Control Power Electronics
and Power Systems,” Springer, 2009.
4) T. Cegrell, “Power System Control - Technology,” Prentice Hall International
Ltd., 1986.

Subject Code Optimization Techniques Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 522 Total hours: 45
Course Students will be able to state the different types of optimization problems, their
Objectives formulation and solution techniques. Students will be able to understand the
mechanisms of various traditional and modern optimization techniques. Students
will be able to apply the optimization techniques for practical applications
Module 1 Linear models Hours 12
Introduction to optimisation ,classification of optimisation problems, linear programming, problem
formulation, maximization and minimization problems, graphical method, simplex method, Big M,
two phase method, duality in linear programming, dual simplex method, sensitivity analysis
Module 2 Network models and Dynamic programming Hours 09
Shortest path, maximum flow and minimum cost problems, dynamic programming: multistage
decision processes, linear programming as a case of dynamic programming, application of dynamic
programming in resource allocation, production scheduling.
Module 3 Nonlinear programming-Unconstrained Hours 12
Single variable optimization, region elimination methods, point estimation methods, gradient based
methods, multivariable optimization, direct search methods and gradient search methods
Module 4 Nonlinear programming-Constrained Hours 12
Constrained optimization, Kuhn Tucker conditions, transformation methods, Lagrangian multiplier
methods, penalty function methods, gradient projection method, Applications of non-linear
programming in Engineering design
1. S.S.Rao , “Engineering Optimization”, New Age International
Publishers,Third edition,2013
Reference 2. Fletcher, “Optimization techniques”, John Wiley and Sons.
books 3. K.V.Mittal, “Optimization Methods”, Wiley Eastern, 2003.
4. H.A.Taha, “Operations Research”, Pearson, 2007.
5. Kalyanmoy Deb, “Optimization for Engineering Design”,PHI

Subject Code Simulation and Modelling of Power Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 523 Total hours:45
Course To study the basics of static and dynamic models of power electronic switches.
Objectives And learn usage of the software tools like MATLAB, PSPICE & PSIM for various
power electronic devices. Understand the different types of power electronic
converters using the simulation tools.
Module 1 Hours 12
Computer simulation of continuous time dynamic systems using transfer function models:
electromechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Introduction to simulation tools.
Module 2 Hours 12
Solution of nonlinear equations, methods to the solution of electrical networks, general-purpose circuit
simulators, introduction to machine modelling : induction, DC, and synchronous machines
Module 3 Hours 12
Simulation and modelling of single phase and three-phase converters: rectifier, ac voltage controllers and
inverters. Power electronic converters in power distribution systems, simulation and modelling of dc to
dc converters
Module 4 Hours 9
Interaction between power electronic converters and rotating machines
1. N. Mohan, T.M. UdelandandP. Robbins, "Power Electronics: Converters,
Applications, and Design," J. Wiley, New York, 1994.
2. P.C. Krause, "Analysis of electric machinery", McGraw Hill, New York,
Reference 3. Louis G Birta and GilberArbez, “Modelling and Simulation(Exploring
books Dynamic System behavior)” Springer Verlag, 2007
4. M. B. Patil, V. Ramanarayanan, V. T. Ranganathan “Simulation of Power
Electronic Circuits”, Narosa publications
5. Muhammad H. Rashid, Hasan M. Rashid “Spice for Power Electronics and
Electric Power”, 2nd Edition, Taylor & Francis

Subject Code Poly-phase Systems and Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 524 Total hours: 45
component Transformation
Course An overview of poly-phase circuits combined fault analysis and system working
Objectives in unbalanced load conditions.
Module 1 Hours 10
Balanced poly phase circuits: generation of poly phase voltages, phase sequence, three phase 3 wire
and 4 wire systems, wye and delta connections, the n-phase star and mesh, power calculations in
balanced systems, general n-wire balanced systems, harmonics in wye and delta systems.
Module 2 Hours 10
Unbalanced poly phase circuits: unbalanced loads, wye-wye system with and without neutral
connections, neutral shift, the wye-delta system, phase sequence effects, methods of checking voltage
phase sequence, three wattmeter/two wattmeter methods of measuring three phase power, the use of
(n,1) watt meters for measuring n-wire power, power factor in unbalanced three phase systems,
extensions to non-sinusoidal behaviour.
Module 3 Hours 08
Introduction to symmetrical components: A brief historical review, fundamental principles,
symmetrical component systems, resolution of three vectors into symmetrical components,
independence of sequences in symmetrical systems, sequence impedances.
Module 4 Hours 10
Calculation of unbalanced faults: sequence networks, connection of networks to represent faults,
outline of short circuit calculations, analysis of transformer connections, measurement of sequence
voltages and currents,measurement of sequence power quantities, flow of power due to unbalance.
Module 5 Hours 07
Multiphase systems: resolution of multiphase systems into symmetrical components, 2-phase and 4-
phase systems, Irregular systems, analysis of poly phase circuits, Impedances of symmetrical poly
phase systems, Harmonics.
1. C.F. Wagner, R.D. Evans, “Symmetrical Components”, McGraw,Hill,
Reference 2. J.L. Blackburn, “Symmetrical Components for Power System
books Engineering”, Marcel,Dekker ,1993.
3. Edith Clarke, “Circuit Analysis of AC Power Systems – Volumes I and
II”, John Wiley and Sons, 1950.

Subject Code Power system Dynamics Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 525 Total hours: 45

Course To investigate and understand the stability of power system, with the main focus
Objectives on stability theories and power system modelling. To study the steady and
transient stability problems. To examine the power system modelling using
simulation tools.

Module 1 Hours 10
Modelling: Dynamic modelling requirements, angle stability, equal area criterion, critical fault
clearing time and angle, numerical integration techniques.

Module 2 Hours 10
Synchronous machines: Park’s transformation, flux linkage equations, formulation of normalized
equations, state space current model, simplified models of the synchronous machine ,turbine,
generator, steady state equations and phasor diagrams.
Module 3 Hours 10
Dynamics of Synchronous machines: Mechanical relationships and electrical transient
relationships, adjustment of machine models, Park’s equation in the operational form.

Module 4 Hours 08
Dynamics of Induction machines: Induction motor equivalent circuits and parameters, free
acceleration characteristics, dynamic performance, effect of three phase short circuit and
unbalanced faults.
Module 5 Hours 07
Stability: Transient and dynamic stability, linear model of unregulated synchronous machine and
its oscillation modes, distribution of power impacts, effects of excitation on stability,
supplementary stabilization signals.

1. Elgerd, O.I., “Electric Energy Systems Theory”, TMH, New Delhi, 2nd
edition ,1991 .
2. Anderson, P.M. and Fouad, A.A., “Power System Control and Stability”,
Reference Galgotia Publ., New Delhi, 2003.
books 3. Krause, P.C, “Analysis of Electric Machinery” McGraw,Hill International
Editions, 2000.
4. K.R. Padiyar, “Power System Stability and Control”, Interline, 1996.
5. PrabhaKundur, “Power System Stability and Control”, TMH, 1994.

Subject Code Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 526
Advanced Power Electronics Total hours: 45
Course Understand the concept of resonant switch converters, multilevel inverters, pulse
Objectives width modulation techniques and inductor design.

Module 1 Hours 15
DC-DC converters: Basic topologies of buck, boost, buck-boost converters, Cuk, flyback, forward, push-
pull, half bridge, full bridge & isolated Cuk converters, input & output filter design, zero voltage and
zero current switching, classification of resonant converters, basic resonant circuit concepts, types of
resonant converters, converter transfer functions, applications.
Module 2 Hours 10
Design concepts : Design of inductors, transformers, selection of core, core loss, copper loss, and skin
effect proximity effect, design of capacitors, selection of capacitors for different applications, power
semiconductor selection and its drive circuit design, controller design, stability considerations.
Module 3 Hours 12
Inverters: Single phase half and full bridge inverters, voltage control of single phase inverters using
various PWM techniques, three phase voltage source inverters, 1800 and 1200 mode of operation,
selective harmonic elimination, sinusoidal and space vector modulation PWM techniques, .
Module 4 Hours 08
Multilevel Inverters: Introduction, multilevel concept, diode clamped, flying capacitor, H-bridge,
cascaded multilevel inverters, applications.
1. Ned Mohan,, “Power Electronics converters, Applications and Design”,
Wiley India, New Delhi, 3rd, Edition 2003
2. M.H. Rashid, Power Electronics - Circuits, Devices and Applications, PHI, 2002.

Subject Code Credits: 3 (3-0-0)
EE 527
High Voltage Engineering Total hours: 45
Course Introducing the dynamics of HV generation, transmission and working, HV testing,
Objectives measurement.
Module 1 6 hours
Electro static fields: Electric field intensity, electric strength. generation of high dc and ac voltages,
cockcroftwalton voltage multiplier circuit, insulation protection, impulse and switching voltages,
generation of high impulse currents, applications.
Module2 10 hours
High voltage transmission, ratings, protection mechanism, cost advantage, measurement of high ac, dc,
impulse voltages, definitions, measurement accuracy, sphere gap method, peak voltmeters method,
potential divider method, rod gap method, high speed CRO, digital techniques measurement techniques
Module 3 10 hours
Measurement of high currents, impulse currents, dielectric breakdown in gases, liquids, solids,
dielectric strength, dielectric partial discharges, corona discharges.
Module 4 10 hours
high voltage testing of circuit breakers, insulators, bushings and surge diverters, standards and
specifications, high voltage testing of electrical equipment, non-destructive test techniques, high
voltage Schering bridge, breakdown mechanism of gaseous liquid and solid insulating materials,
introduction, Townsend's first ionization coefficient.
Module 5 09 hours
Causes of over voltage, types, over voltages effects on power system components, surge diverters, EMI
and EMC protection against over voltages, insulation coordination.
1. C.L. Wadhwa, “High voltage engineering”, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi,
2. M.S. Naidu, and V.Kamaraju,, “High Voltage Engineering” Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 1994.
3. E Kuffel, and W.S. Zaengl “High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals” Pergamon
press, Oxford, London, 1986.

Subject Credits: 4 (2-0-3)
Code: Total hours: 56
Professional Communication-II and
HU 501&
HU 502 Language Lab

Course Knowledge of English

Course This course aims at Personality Development
Course At the end, the students should possess a Saleable Image with employability skills

Module 1 Principles of Soft Skills and Practice 12 hours

Definition of Soft Skills and Personality, Attitude, Dress Code, Body Language, Individual and
Group Behaviour, Personality Test, C.V Writing and the difference between CV & Resume
Module 2 Group Discussion, Extempore, JAM and Survey 16 hours
Topics: Is Cloning Ethical, Shopping Mall vs Retailer, Should Animals be used for Drug-Test,
Effects of Advertisement on Youth, Google vs Social Networking Sites, Newspaper is the thing
of Past, Diversity in Indian Culture, Gender Discrimination, Who is Smarter: Human Beings or
Computer and so on
Module 3 Interview 14 hours
Types of Interview, Interview Ethics, Questions and Mock-Interview Sessions
Module 4 Business Presentation and Seminars 14 hours
Business Presentation and Students’ Seminar
Texts: 1.W.B. Martin, Ethics in Engineering Tata McGraw Hill, India
2. Patnaik,Priyadarshi, Group Discussion and Interview Skills, New Delhi: CUP,
(Video CD)
3..Downes, Colm, Cambridge English for Job Hunting,2009, New Delhi,CUP (2
Audio CDs)
TV News (Headlines Today, ND TV and BBC), Chat-Shows on TV, Magazines
Reference like India Today, Outlook, The Week and English Dailies. Reader’s Digest for
Expressive Skill, English Films & English Comics


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