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Micro-Hydro Power Systems - NEW

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Micro-Hydro Systems

Dr. Sumedha Rajakaruna

Senior Lecturer
Office: 204.208
Phone: 9266 7887

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Hydro resources
2.3 Types of turbines: impulse and reaction
2.4 Types of generators: synchronous and induction
2.5 Steady-state operation
2.6 Grid-connected systems: constant-frequency and
Variable-frequency operations
2.7 Stand-alone Systems: self-excited induction
generator and its control

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 3

Reference Books
Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems
Gilbert M. Masters, Wiley-Interscience, 2004. pp. 194- 206

Renewable Energy Systems, Design and Analysis with Induction

M. Godoy Simoes, Felix A. Farret,
CRC Press, 2004

Variable Speed Generators

by Ion Boldea, CRC Taylor & Francis, 2006

Micro Hydroelectric Power Stations

by L. Monition, M. Le Nir & J. Roux,
John Wiley & Sons, 1984

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 4

1. Introduction
Hydropower is a very significant renewable
source in generating electricity.
It accounts for 19% of the global production of
In some developing countries in Asia, Africa, it
accounts for more than 90%.
In USA, it accounts for 9% which is more than
ten times larger than all the other renewables

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 5

Hydro-Power Classification
There is no internationally agreed ranges for
different categories of hydro-power plants as
large, small, mini, micro and pico. The table
below gives the ranges accepted by most

Large > 30 MW; 2MW<Small<30MW

100kW<Mini<2MW; 10kW<Micro<100kW
Pico <10kW
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 6

Water Cycle

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Components of a Run-of-the-River
type Micro-Hydro Power System
Run-of-the River
type systems do
not have a dam
and a reservoir.
As such the
damage is
Water is simply
diverted by a
weir and intake
to the canal.

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2. Hydro Resources:
Energy in Water
At any point on the water flow, the total energy
contained is given by
Energy = Potential Energy + Pressure Energy +
Kinetic Energy

Potential Energy = m.g.z

where m is the mass of water (kg), g is

gravitational constant=9.81 m/s2, z is the height
above a reference level (m)

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 13

Kinetic Energy = . m. v2
where v= speed of water in m/s
Pressure Energy = m p /

Where p =pressure in N/m2 and

= density of water=1000 kg/m3

The ratio Energy/Weight is called Head

measured in meters (m).
E p v2
H= = z+ +
mg g 2g
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 14

= g

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 15

Power available from water at the hydro-
turbine is given by
Energy Energy Weight Volume
Power= =
Time Weight Volume Time

P=H gQ
P= g Q H
Where Q is the water flow rate passing through
the turbine (m3/s)

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 16

A 10 cm diameter penstock (i.e. pipe) delivers 0.01 m3/s
of water through an elevation change of 30 m. The
pressure in the pipe is 200 kN/m2 at the powerhouse.
What fraction of the available head is lost in the pipe?
What power is available for the turbine?
The reference elevation level is taken as that of the
power house.
At the Higher elevation, pressure and speed are zero.
Therefore head is only due to the elevation.
Total Available Head = 30m
At the power house, elevation is zero. Therefore, head
is only due to pressure and speed.

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 17

p 200*103
Pressure head = = = 20.39 m
g 1000 * 9.81
Q 4Q 4 * 0.01
Velocity of the water jet v= = = = 1.27 m / s
A D 2
* 0.12
v2 1.27 2
Velocity head = = = 0.083 m
2 g 2 * 9.81
The net head available at the power house= 20.39+0.083
=20.47 m

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 18

Head lost due to Pipes = 30 20.47 = 9.527 m

As a percentage of total head available(30 m), it
is 31.76%

Power available at the input of the turbine

P= g Q H=1000*9.81*0.01*20.47=2 kW
The pipe losses are a function of the pipe
diameter, the flow rate, the length of the pipe,
how smooth the internal surface of the pipe is,
how many bends, joints, valves etc. the water
has to pass through before reaching the turbine.
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 19
Pipe Losses
To reduce the pipe losses the pipe length should
be as short as possible with minimum bends,
joints etc. and with a smooth internal surface.

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Optimum Flow Rate of a Given Pipe

The head lost due to pipe is approximately
proportional to square of the flow rate.
If the flow rate is too high, most of the available
gross head will be lost in the pipe.
If the flow rate is too low, power that can be
generated is also low.
Therefore, it is important to know the optimum
flow rate possible with a given pipe.

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 21

The head lost in the pipe is given by
H = H G H N = kQ 2
where k is the proportionality constant depending on
the material and size of the pipe.

P = gQH N = gQ H G kQ 2 ( )
For maximum power at the turbine, dP/dQ=0
( )
= g H G 3kQ 2 = g ( H G 3 H ) = 0

1 HG
H = H G Q =
3 3k
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 22

That leads to the conclusion that the theoretical

maximum power delivered by a pipeline occurs
when pipe losses are one third of the gross head.

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3. Types of Turbines
There are two main types of turbines as
impulse and reaction.
Impulse turbines rotate in air, driven by jets of
water striking the blades of turbine.
Reaction turbines are fully immersed in water in
a pressure casing. The pressure difference is
the cause for the turbine runner to rotate.
In general, impulse turbines are easier to
manufacture and therefore less costly. They are
suitable for high heads.

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Relative Efficiencies

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Pelton Turbines

Impulse turbines are the most-commonly used

type for micro-hydro power generation due to
their lower cost. Multi-jet Pelton wheels and
cross-flow turbine are commonly used.
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Pelton Wheel
The flow rate Q of a Pelton wheel is controlled
by nozzles. When the water exits a nozzle, its
pressure head is converted to kinetic energy.
Therefore, velocity of the jet is given by,
HN = v = 2 gH N
If there are n number of jets each with diameter
d, the flow rate is given by

Q = v.A = v n d 2 = 2 gH N n d 2
4 4
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 32

Run-Away Speed
If the turbine is free to rotate (ie. under no-load),
it will finally operate at the no-load speed or the
run-away speed producing zero torque.
For this condition, the linear speed of the
buckets should be equal to the jet speed.
D 2
0 = 2 gH N 0 = 2 gH N
2 D
Where D is the diameter of the Pelton wheel
and 0 is the run-away speed. Note that run-
away speed is independent of Q.
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 33
Torque-Speed Characteristic of
Impulse Turbines


Approximate Torque and Power

Variations at a constant Q and
constant H with variable shaft speed.

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 34

Torque-Speed Characteristic under

Rated Flow
T = Trat mrat ( m rat )
where T is the shaft torque at any shaft speed m , m is
the slope of the linear torque-speed characteristics under
rated flow rate Qrat and Trat is the rated torque at the
rated speed rat . Since the torque is zero at run-away
Trat Prat
0 = Trat mrat (0 rat ) mrat = =
0 rat rat (0 rat )
Since the rated output power is the efficiency under
rated conditions times the input hydro
rat ( gQrat H N )
mrat =
rat (0 rat )
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 35
Torque-Speed Characteristic under
Partial Flow
Q1< Qrat
For flow rates below the
rated value Qrat, the
Trat run-away speed is still
mrat the same. But the input
TQ,rat m power level of the
rat 0
turbine is lower. Hence,
Speed the slope of torque-
speed characteristic will
Approximate Torque be lower.
variation with shaft
speed for different Q

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 36

Torque-Speed Characteristic under

Partial Flow
For the flow rate Q with a efficiency of at rated speed, the slope is
given by,
m Q Q
mrat rat Qrat Qrat
The torque-speed characteristic is then given by
gQH n
T = TQ , rat m ( m rat ) where TQ,rat =
is the torque at rated speed under flow rate Q.

T = Trat mrat ( m rat )
Thus, neglecting change in

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 37

A run-of-the river type micro-hydro station has a
forebay tank at 75m elevation. The head lost due to
pipes is 30% of the gross head. The 2-jet Pelton wheel
is having a diameter of 0.5 m. At rated water flow rate,
the diameter of each jet of water is 4 cm. The
efficiency of the turbine at the rated speed of 625 rpm
is 80%.
1. Speed of water jet
2. Rated water flow rate
3. Run-away speed of the turbine
4. Mechanical power output under rated condition
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 38

Example 2
5. The rated Torque of the turbine
6. Derive an equation for the torque-speed characteristic
of the turbine
7. If the water-flow rate is reduced to 70% of rated value,
derive the new torque-speed characteristic.

1 2 v2
mv = mgH N H N =
& & v = 2 gH N
2 2g
HN=Gross head Pipe losses = 75(1-0.3)= 52.5 m
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 39
v = 2* 9.81* 52.5 = 32.1m / s

2. Rated water flow rate Qrat

d2 * 0.042
Qrat = v A = v n = = 0.081 m3 / s
32. 1* 2 *

3. Run-away (i.e. no-load) speed of the turbine

D 2v 2* 32.1
v= 0 0 = = = 128.4 rad / s
2 D 0.5

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 40

4. Power of water Pw

Pw = gQH N = 1000 * 9.81* 0.081* 52.5 = 41.717 kW

Power output of turbine Pt

Pt ,rat = Pw = 0.8* 41717 = 33.374 kW

5. Rated Torque Tt ,rat = Pt ,rat / t ,rat
rat = 625* = 65.45 rad / s
Tt ,rat = 33374 / 65.45 = 510 Nm
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 41
6. Torque speed Characteristic
Tt = Tt , rat mt ,rat t t ,rat )
Since T=0 at run-away speed,
Tt ,rat
0 = Tt ,rat mt ,rat (0 t ,rat ) mt ,rat =
0 t ,rat
mt ,rat = = 8.1
(128.4 65.45 )
Tt = 510 8.1* ( t 65.45 )
Tt = 510 8.1* ( t 65.45 ) = 0.7 * 510 8.1* ( t 65.45 )
Tt = 357 5.67 ( t 65.45 )
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 42

4. Types of Generators

1. Synchronous Generators
2. Induction Generators

Synchronous Generator is the standard type

used in large scale power generation.

Induction Generator is popular at smaller power

levels below about 10 MW.

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Synchronous Generators

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Synchronous Generators
The speed of a synchronous generator is equal to
the synchronous speed (i.e. the speed of rotating
magnetic field).
N m = N s = 120 f / P
Nm is the shaft speed in rpm, f is the frequency of
stator winding electrical supply in Hz and P is the
number of poles of stator winding.
Because of the direct proportionality between
frequency and rotor speed, a synchronous
generator connected directly to the grid operates
at a constant speed.
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 49
To regulate the speed of a synchronous generator,
a speed regulator is required. Mechanical governor
based speed regulators are very expensive.
Synchronous generators are more expensive
compared to induction generators, needs dc
exciters, needs synchronization to connect to the
grid, needs more maintenance, not easily available
in the market at small power levels used in micro-
hydro power stations.
Due to these reasons, synchronous generators are
not normally used below mini hydro power range.
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 50

Operating speed of a synchronous generator can be controlled

over a large range by controlling the frequency (f) of the stator
supply. This can be achieved by using power electronic
f1 > f 2 > f3 > f 4 > f5


f3 f2 f1
f5 f4

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 51

Induction Generators
Commonly available 3-phase cage-type induction
motor can be used as a generator if reactive power
is supplied to it to produce the magnetic field.

The machine is cheaper than the synchronous

generator, needs almost no maintenance, available
in the market at low power levels, and can operate
at variable speeds with constant frequency.

Because of this reason, induction generators are

the preferred type of generator up to mini-hydro
power range.

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 52

Induction Machine Construction

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(a) Stator
(b) Wound-
(c) Squirrel-

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Equivalent Circuit

Rotor impedances have been referred to the stator. s is the operating slip.
R1, X1, R2, X2 are very much smaller than Rm and Xm. Under running
condition, operating slip is below about 0.05. Therefore R2/s is very large.

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 55

Thevenin Equivalent Circuit

Electromagnetic torque is given by,

3I 22
R2 3
Vth R2
Te = =
s s s R2
2 s
Rth + + ( X th + X 2 )

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 56

Torque-Speed Characteristics
Linear Region

Synch. speed

The above characteristics is for a constant stator voltage

and constant frequency.
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 57
Simplified Equivalent Circuit for Linear Region
For small slip values (i.e. speeds close to synchronous
speed), the linear torque-speed characteristic can be
obtained by following assumptions.

>> ( X th + X 2 )
R2 R2
>> Rth

s s

3 Vth2 R2 3Vth2
Te = = s
s R2 2 s s R2
Note: VthV1

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 58

5. Steady-State Operating Point

m, Tm, Pm
The hydro turbine
speed is typically a
few hundreds of
t, Tt, Pt Te rpm. But the
Generator synchronous speed
of the generator is
normally a few
Hydro thousands of rpm.
Therefore, gear or
m belt coupling is
Speed Ratio: a=
a is typically
t around 5 to 10.
normally used.
Pm Tmm Tm
= = = a Tm = Tt
Pt Ttt Tt a
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 59
Steady-State Operating Point
At steady-state operation, the speed is constant.
Therefore, net torque applied on the shaft is
Tm + Te = 0 Te = Tm
Where Tm is the torque applied by the turbine on
the shaft of the induction machine and Te is the
torque applied by the induction machine by
considering motoring torque as positive. If Te and
negative of Tm are drawn on the same diagram, the
crossing point of them gives the steady-state
operating point.
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 60

Steady-State Operating Point

Torque f1 > f 2 > f3 > f 4 > f5



f3 f2 f1
f5 f4

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 61

Controlling the Torque/Power
The turbine torque characteristic can shift with the
available water flow rate. The torque/power produced will
vary if the frequency remains constant. By adjusting the
frequency while keeping generator flux constant, the
torque/power produced can be maintained constant
under varying water flow rates. speed


Tt1 Q1 Te2
Torque Te1

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 62

6. Grid-Connected Systems
Both Synchronous generator and the induction
Generator can be operated either as grid-connected or
as isolated.

In grid-connected operation, the power from the hydro

turbine is fed to the grid. In mini-hydro level and above,
the generated voltage may be stepped-up by a
transformer before being connected to the grid at a
medium voltage level.

In grid-connected systems, the generator may be

operated at grid frequency or at a variable frequency.

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 63

Operation at Grid Frequency

Capacitor bank at the terminals of the induction (asynchronous) generator

provide the reactive power required by the generator. Transformer may or
may not be there. The turbine may be coupled to the generator shaft
directly, through gears or belts.
The generator normally operates at its rated voltage and rated
frequency.July 2007
S.Rajakaruna - Renewable Energy Systems 64

Operation at Variable-Frequency

The grid-side converter maintains the dc link voltage constant by controlling

the real power sent to the grid. It also controls the reactive power drawn from
the supply so that the converter operates at any desired power factor such as
unity. The IG side converter controls the real power drawn from the IG and
the reactive power supplied to the IG so that the machine operates under the
most efficient condition. Stator supply frequency is variable.

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 65

Constant V/f Control
By controlling stator frequency f1, the no-load
operating point can be controlled.
The induced emf in stator winding is given by
E1 = 4.44 K w,s N1 f1 m
Therefore, flux in the machine can be kept
constant by keeping E1/f1 at its rated value.
By assuming VthE1, it can be shown that the
slope of the torque-speed char. in the linear
region remains constant.
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 66

3Vth2 3Vth2 (s m )
Te = s
R s
s 2 s
3 Vth
Te = ( s m )
R2 s

For constant flux operation, the coefficient

of slip- speed (i.e. s-m) is constant.
Therefore, for constant V/f operation, the
linear region of torque-speed char. can be
drawn as below.

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 67

Constant Flux Frequency Control

Torque f1 > f 2 > f3 > f 4 > f5



f3 f2 f1
f5 f4

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Feedback Control System

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 70

Example 3
The micro-hydro turbine described in Example 2 is coupled through
a gear box of speed ratio 3 and power efficiency 80% to a cage
type induction generator with following rated data. 415V, 3-Phase,
50 Hz, 4-Pole, delta-connected. The rotor winding resistance
referred to the stator is 1.2 and all the other equivalent circuit
parameters can be ignored.

1. Determine the operating speed of the generator if it is connected to

the grid at rated voltage and rated frequency and the water flow
rate is at rated value.

2. The generator is now connected to the grid through a VSI. What

should be the voltage and frequency of the stator supply for the
turbine to operate under the rated condition and the generator to
have the same flux as under its rated operation?

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 71

4 f rat 4 * 50
1. The synchronous speed s,rat = = = 157.1 rad / s
P 4

Torque-speed characteristic of turbine:

Tt = 510 8.1* ( t 65.45 )

The generator shaft speed is 3 times higher than that of the turbine.
The torque at generator shaft is 1/3 times that of turbine shaft, if the
gearbox is ideal.

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 72

Torque-speed characteristic of turbine at the generator

shaft: 0.8
Tm = * 510 8.1* ( t 65.45 )
Tm = 0.267 * 510 8.1* 65.45
Torque-speed characteristic of generator:
3 Vrat 2
3 415
Te = ( s,rat
m) = (157.1 m )
R2 s,rat 1.2 157 .1

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 73

Te = 17.44 * (157.1 m )

At steady-state,

0.267 * 510 8.1* m 65.45 + 17.44 * (157.1 m ) = 0
m = 166.2 rad / s Tm = 158.77 Nm

Referred to turbine shaft,

3* Tm
t = m / 3 = 55.4 rad / s Tt = = 595.4 Nm
Note that the rated values at the turbine are,

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 74

t ,rat = 625* = 65.45 rad / s Tt ,rat = 510 Nm
55.4 t ,rat


Tt ,rat
-595.4 Turbine rated
Current operating

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 75

2. When the turbine is operating at rated point,

m = m,rat = 3* 65.45 = 196.35 rad / s

3 V
( s m )
0.8 Te =
Tm = Tm,rat = * Tt ,rat = 136 Nm
3 R2 s
At steady-state, Te +Tm=0
3 V
(s 196.35 ) + 136 = 0
1.2 s
Note that the voltage and frequency are unknown. However, if
the generator to have rated flux level,
V Vrat V V 415
= = rat =
f f rat s s,rat 157.1
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 76

3 415
(s 196.35 ) = 136
1.2 157.1
17.44 (s 196.35 ) = 136 s = 188.55 rad / s
P 4
f = s = * 188.55 = 60 Hz
4 4
V 415
V = rat f = * 60 = 498.1 V ( line )
rat 50
The rated operation results in V> Vrat, hence the operation is not
acceptable. Therefore, the gear ratio should be reduced below 3.

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 77


t ,rat = 625* = 65.45 rad / s Tt ,rat = 510 Nm
166.2 m,rat

Te at f=60Hz Generator
Te at f=50Hz speed


-158.77 Operating point corresponding to rated
operation of turbine

operating point with

rated voltage and
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 78

7. Stand-Alone (Isolated)
In the areas where grid is not available, both
synchronous and induction generators are capable of
acting as the stand-alone generator by supplying power
to an isolated rural community or a factory.
Most such power systems used for rural electrification in
developing countries are of micro-hydro power level and
use a cage-type induction machine as the generator.
No mechanical speed governor is used. Instead a low-
cost electrical load controller is used to control the
voltage and frequency.

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 79

Self-Excited Induction Generators

SEIGs are widely used in rural areas of

developing countries to provide electricity to
Since the induction generator consumes
reactive power to set up the magnetic field, it is
supplied by connecting static shunt capacitors at
generator terminals.

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 80

Hydro-turbine is the prime mover. The domestic load is

due to lights, tv, radio, ironing etc. of up to a few
hundreds of rural families. Not much motor loads are
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 81

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Voltage Build-Up -Simulation


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In order to initiate the voltage build-up, (a) a
residual magnetism in the rotor or (b) initial
charge in the capacitor bank is required.
The steady-state operation with self-excitation is
only possible due to the nonlinear shape of
magnetizing characteristic. (i.e. due to saturation
of the core.)
No-load voltage will increase with increased
shaft speed and increased capacitance.
As the generator is loaded, the terminal voltage
will drop.
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 84


Variations of Shaft torque

and output power with shaft
speed of an impulse type

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Steady-State Analysis

Parallel Equivalent Circuit

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Steady-State Performance

Terminal voltage drops with the increasing load and then the voltage
collapses to zero when the limit of self-excitation is reached.
Voltage drops faster with the increasing load power when the power
factor of load is lower.
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 87
The larger the capacitance at the terminals, the higher the output
voltage and the maximum power that can be drawn from the generator.

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 88

By connecting a
properly sized
capacitor bank in
series with the
load, the voltage
drop due to
loading can be

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 89

Power Electronic Control of SEIG
Since the cost of mechanical speed
governors are very high, micro-hydro
stations do not use them. Instead, the
gate valve of the turbine is set to have
a fixed flow rate. Thus the, power
available at the turbine is constant.
With this arrangement, if the electrical
load varies, the voltage and frequency
vary in a large range as seen in the
steady-state analysis.

IGC Induction Generator Controller

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 90

Constant Power Operation

In order to regulate the voltage and frequency, the
control concept used is to maintain a constant load as
seen by the generator. That means, the voltage-
frequency regulation is achieved by keeping the
electrical impedance constant.

Since the consumer power demand changes with time,

the load seen by the generator can only be kept constant
by drawing the redundant power by an electronically
controlled additional load. This load called ballast load
is simply a bank of resistors immersed in water, in most
cases. However, this extra power can also be used for
battery charging or any other useful purpose.

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 91

Current Control
Assuming that the load voltage is regulated by the controller, a
change in power can be represented by a change in current for
control purposes. This is because, measuring current in real-time is
much easier than measuring power. Thus, current control can be
used to control the generator.


iload iload iref


S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 92

Feedback Control

S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 93

Topologies for IGC

Allows independent control of real and reactive power.

Only thyristors are used. No self-commutation devices such as
IGBT. Therefore, less expensive.
Needs large number of components.
Harmonic distortion is higher because the thyristors switch at low
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 94

Diode Rectifier and Chopper

The diode rectifier and chopper
only allows real power control
since the rectifier does not draw
any reactive power. However,
this is the most commonly
used IGC in developing
countries due to simpler control
and lower cost.

Chopper duty ratio is controlled to keep the voltage

constant. The frequency may change in a small range
but it is acceptable for rural home supplies.
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 95
Thyristor Rectifier and Chopper
The thyristor rectifier
draws both real power and
reactive power depending
on the delay angle. Thus
the power factor can be
adjusted by the delay
angle. The actual amount
Independent control of real
of real and reactive power
and reactive power is can then be varied by
possible. controlling the duty ratio of
Less harmonics because the the chopper.
chopper is operating at high
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 96

Control using VSI

VSI can draw or supply both real power and reactive

power. Therefore, this is the most flexible in controlling real
and reactive power. However, due to six self-commutating
devices in the VSI, the IGC is expensive. It also needs a
S.Rajakaruna July 2007 - Renewable Energy Systems 97

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