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Sol Crmo15 3 PDF

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CRMO-2015 questions and solutions

1. Two circles Γ and Σ, with centres O and O0 , respectively, are such that O0 lies on Γ. Let A
be a point on Σ and M the midpoint of the segment AO0 . If B is a point on Σ different from
A such that AB is parallel to OM , show that the midpoint of AB lies on Γ.
Solution: Let C be the reflection of O0 with re-
spect to O. Then in triangle O0 AC, the midpoints
of the segments O0 A and O0 C are M and O, re-
spectively. This implies AC is parallel to OM ,
and hence B lies on AC. Let the line AC inter-
sect Γ again at N . Since O0 C is a diameter of Γ
it follows that ∠O0 N C = 90◦ . Since O0 A = O0 B,
we can now conclude that N is the midpoint of
the segment AB.
2. Let P (x) = x2 + ax + b be a quadratic polynomial where a and b are real numbers. Suppose
hP (−1)2 , P (0)2 , P (1)2 i is an arithmetic progression of integers. Prove that a and b are
Solution: Observe that

P (−1) = 1 − a + b, P (0) = b, P (1) = 1 + a + b.

The given condition gives

2b2 = (1 − a + b)2 + (1 + a + b)2 = 2(1 + b)2 + 2a2 = 2 + 4b + 2b2 + 2a2 .

Hence a2 + 2b + 1 = 0. Observe

1 + a2 + b2 + 2a + 2b + 2ab = (1 + a + b)2 ∈ Z.

But 1, b2 , 2a2 + 4b are all integers. Hence 4a + 4ab ∈ Z. This gives 16a2 (1 + b)2 is an integer.
But a2 = −(2b + 1). Hence 16(2b + 1)(1 + b)2 is an integer. But

16(2b + 1)(1 + b)2 = 16(1 + 4b + 5b2 + 2b3 ).

Hence 16b(4 + 2b2 ) is an integer. If b = 0, then b is an integer. Otherwise, this shows that b
is a rational number. Because b2 ∈ Z, it follows that b is an integer. Since a2 = −(2b + 1),
we get that a2 is an integer. Now 4a(1 + b) ∈ Z. If b 6= −1, then a is rational and hence a is
an integer. If b = −1, then we see that P (−1) = −a, P (0) = b = −1 and P (1) = a. Hence
a2 , 1, a2 is an AP. This implies that a2 = 1 and hence a = ±1.
3. Show that there are infinitely many triples (x, y, z) of integers such that x3 + y 4 = z 31 .

Solution: Choose x = 24r and y = 23r . Then the left side is 212r+1 . If we take z = 2k ,
then we get 212r+1 = 231k . Thus it is sufficient to prove that the equation 12r + 1 = 31k
has infinitely many solutions in integers. Observe that (12 × 18) + 1 = 31 × 7. If we choose
r = 31l + 18 and k = 12l + 7, we get

12(31l + 18) + 1 = 31(12l + 7),

for all l. Choosing l ∈ N, we get infinitely many r = 31l + 18 and k = 12l + 7 such that
12r + 1 = 31k. Going back we have infinitely many (x, y, z) of integers satisfying the given
4. Suppose 36 objects are placed along a circle at equal distances. In how many ways can 3
objects be chosen from among them so that no two of the three chosen objects are adjacent
nor diametrically opposite?

Solution: One can choose 3 objects out of 36 objects in 36

3 ways. Among these choices
all would be together in 36 cases; exactly two will be together in 36 × 32 cases. Thus three
objects can be chosen such that no two adjacent in 36 3 − 36 − (36 × 32) ways. Among these,
furthrer, two objects will be diametrically opposite in 18 ways and the third would be on
either semicircle in a non adjacent portion in 36 − 6 = 30 ways. Thus required number is
− 36 − (36 × 32) − (18 × 30) = 5412.

5. Let ABC be a triangle with circumcircle Γ and incentre I. Let the internal angle bisectors
of ∠A, ∠B and ∠C meet Γ in A0 , B 0 and C 0 respectively. Let B 0 C 0 intersect AA0 in P and
AC in Q, and let BB 0 intersect AC in R. Suppose the quadrilateral P IRQ is a kite; that is,
IP = IR and QP = QR. Prove that ABC is an equilateral triangle.
Solution: We first show that AA0 is perpendicular to B 0 C 0 . Observe ∠C 0 A0 A = ∠C 0 CA =
∠C/2; ∠A0 C 0 C = ∠A0 AC = ∠A/2; and ∠CC 0 B 0 = ∠CBB 0 = ∠B/2. Hence

∠C ∠A ∠B
∠C 0 AP + ∠AC 0 P = ∠C 0 AB + ∠BAP + ∠AC 0 P = + + = 90◦ .
2 2 2
It follows that ∠AP C 0 = ∠A0 P C 0 = 90◦ . Thus ∠IP Q = 90◦ . Since P IRQ is a kite, we
observe that ∠IP R = ∠IRP and ∠QP R = ∠QRP . This implies that ∠IRQ = 90◦ . Hence
the kite IRQP is also a cyclic quadrilateral. Since ∠IRQ = 90◦ , we see that BB 0 ⊥ AC.
Since BB 0 is the bisector of ∠B, we conclude that ∠A = ∠C.

We also observe that the triangles IRC and IP B 0 are congruent triangles: they are similar,
since ∠IRC = ∠IP B 0 = 90◦ and ∠ICR = ∠C/2 = ∠IB 0 P (= ∠BCC 0 ); besides IR = IP .
Therefore IC = IB 0 . But B 0 I = B 0 C. Thus IB 0 C is an equilateral triangle. This means
∠B 0 IC = 60◦ and hence ∠ICR = 30◦ . Therefore ∠C/2 = 30◦ . Hence ∠A = ∠C = 60◦ . It
follows that ABC is equilateral.
6. Show that there are infinitely many positive real numbers a which are not integers such that
a(a − 3{a}) is an integer. (Here {a} denotes the fractional part of a. For example {1.5} =
0.5; {−3.4} = 0.6.)

Solution: We show that for each integer n ≥ 0, the interval (n, n + 1) contains a such that
a(a − 3{a}) is an integer. Put a = n + f , where 0 < f < 1. Then (n + f )(n − 2f ) must
be an integer. This means 2f 2 + nf must be an integer. Since 0 < f < 1, we must have
0 < 2f 2 + nf < 2 + n. Hence 2f 2 + nf ∈ {1, 2, 3, . . . , n + 1}. Taking 2f 2 + nf = 1, we get a
quadratic equation:
2f 2 + nf − 1 = 0.
Hence √ √
−n + n2 + 8 −n + n2 + 8
f= , and a = n + .
4 4
Thus we see that each a in the set
( √ )
−n + n2 + 8
n+ : n∈N

is a real number, which is not an integer, such that a(a − 3{a}) is an integer.

Remark: Each interval (n, n + 1) contains n + 1 such numbers, for n ≥ 0, n an integer.


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