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Maximum Likelihood

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The key takeaways are that maximum likelihood estimation was developed by Fisher as a method of parameter estimation and involves finding the parameter values that make the observed data most probable. Several earlier estimation methods such as least squares, method of moments, and Bayesian estimation are also discussed.

Some of the earlier methods of estimation discussed are least squares, method of moments, and Bayesian estimation. Least squares finds the best fit model for the data but can be affected by outliers. The method of moments estimates parameters based on moments like the mean and variance.

Fisher developed maximum likelihood estimation over many years based on the work of others like Pearson. He published early ideas in 1912 and finally defined the distinction between probability and likelihood in 1922, arriving at his maximum likelihood method.

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

by Addie Andromeda Evans

San Francisco State University
BIO 710 Advanced Biometry Spring 2008

Estimation Methods Estimation of parameters is a fundamental problem in data analysis. This

paper is about maximum likelihood estimation, which is a method that finds the most likely value
for the parameter based on the data set collected. A handful of estimation methods existed before
maximum likelihood, such as least squares, method of moments and bayesian estimation. This
paper will discuss the development of maximum likelihood estimation, the mathematical theory
and application of the method, as well as its relationship to other methods of estimation. A basic
knowledge of statistics, probability theory and calculus is assumed.

Earlier Methods of Estimation Estimation is the process of determining approximate values

for parameters of different populations or events. How well the parameter is approximated can
depend on the method, the type of data and other factors.

Gauss was the first to document the method of least squares, around 1794. This method tests
different values of parameters in order to find the best fit model for the given data set. However,
least squares is only as robust as the data points are close to the model and thus outliers can cause
a least squares estimate to be outside the range of desired accuracy.

The method of moments is another way to estimate parameters. The 1st moment is defined to
be the mean, and the 2nd moment the variance. The 3rd moment is the skewness and the 4th mo-
ment is the kurtosis. In complex models, with more than one parameter, it can be difficult to solve
for these moments directly, and so moment generating functions were developed using sophisticated
analysis. These moment generating functions can also be used to estimate their respective moments.

Bayesian estimation is based on Bayes Theorem for conditional probability. Bayesian analysis
starts with little to no information about the parameter to be estimated. Any data collected can
be used to adjust the function of the parameter, thereby improving the estimation of the parameter.
This process of refinement can continue as new data is collected until a satisfactory estimate is found.

Evolution of Maximum Likelihood Estimation It was none other than R. A. Fisher who
developed maximum likelihood estimation. Fisher based his work on that of Karl Pearson, who
promoted several estimation methods, in particular the method of moments. While Fisher agreed
with Pearson that the method of moments is better than least squares, Fisher had an idea for an
even better method. It took many years for him to fully conceptualize his method, which ended
up with the name maximum likelihood estimation.

In 1912, when he was a third year undergraduate student, Fisher published a paper called Abso-
lute criterion for fitting frequency curves. The concepts in this paper were based on the principle
of inverse probability, which Fisher later discarded. (If any method can be considered compara-
ble to inverse probability it is Bayesian estimation.) Because Fisher was convinced that he had
an idea for the superior method of estimation, criticism of his idea only fueled his pursuit of the
precise definition. In the end, his debates with other statisticians resulted in the the creation of
many statistical terms we use today, including the word estimation itself and even statistics.
Finally, Fisher defined the difference between probability and likelihood and put his final touches
on maximum likelihood estimation in 1922.

The distinction between probability and likelihood is indeed subtle. As this paper continues, the
distinction will unfold and become clearer to the reader.

Mathematical Theory of Maximum Likelihood Estimation Suppose we have flipped a

coin three times and observed a sequence of events HHT. We know that flipping a coin is modeled
by the binomial probability density function,
n k
P (k; n, p) = p (1 p)nk ,
where we have k successes out of n Bernoulli trials and we define the random variable K as either
heads or not heads on each toss. The parameter of this model is p, the probability of flipping
a coin and getting heads. So we define

P (K = 1) = p

P (K = 0) = (1 p)

For our sequence HHT K1 = 1, K2 = 1, and K3 = 0, and since these trials are independent, we get

P (K1 = 1 K2 = 1 K3 = 0) = P (K1 = 1) P (K2 = 1) P (K3 = 0)

which means
P (K1 = 1 K2 = 1 K3 = 0) = p2 (1 p)

Based on this data set, a good estimate for the mean of the binomial model is 3 since
  k  nk
n 2 1
P (k) =
k 3 3
is much more likely to predict HHT than
  k  nk
n 1 1
P (k) =
k 2 2
which is what we might have expected since most coins have a probability of getting heads of one
half. But in this case, based on our known data, we expect to get heads two thirds of the time on
future tosses with the same coin.

Definition of a Likelihood Function We saw in the example above that we can construct
a function based on the probabilities of the independent observations. We used this function to
estimate the parameter. This function we created is called a likelihood function and the formal
defiition is:

Definition 1 If y1 , y2 , . . . , yn is a random sample of size n from a discrete or continuous pdf,

fY (yi ; ), where is an unknown parameter then the likelihood function is written
L() = fY (yi ; )

The Definition of Maximum Likelihood Estimation For a likelihood function L(), where
is an unknown parameter. Let e be a value of the parameter such that L(e ) L() for all
possible values of . Then e is called a maximum likelihood estimate for . [?]

In calculus, the extreme value theorem states that if a real-valued function f is continuous on
a closed, bounded interval [a,b], then f has a maximum and minimum value at some point on the
interval. [?] That is, there exist some numbers xm and xM such that:

f (xm ) f (x) f (xM ) for all x [a, b]

The extreme value theorem allows you to find the maximum and minimum by taking the derivative
of the function and setting it equal to zero. This is an optimization technique that makes use of
the fact that the slope of the tangent line of the maximum and minimum is 0. Since the function
decreases in value after the maximum, then the function will have an negative second derivative
at the maximum. Since the function increases after the minimum, then the function will have a
positive second derivative at the minimum. This fact is used to determine whether the estimates
obtained by setting the first derivate equal to 0 are maximums or minimums. Thus max must have
the properties such that L0 (max ) = 0 and L(max ) < 0.

Estimating Population Size of Seals This example is inspired by a study of the population size
of harbour seals in the Dutch Wadden Sea. [?] Suppose we want to estimate the size of a certain
population of seals. We design a mark-recapture experiment where we radio tag two seals so we
can detect them later. Then, one day we go out and count the number of seals on the haul-out.
Also, we determine how many of the tagged seals are on the haul-out.

The proportion p of the seal population on the haul out is the number of seals on the haul out
divided by the population size N . Suppose we counted 500 seals on the beach. Then p = 500 N . This
is the probability that any given seal will be on the haul-out, and the probability that any given
seal is not on the haul-out is 1 500
N .

Suppose we do not detect either tagged seal on the haul-out. Then the probability of these two
observations is the product of their individual probabilities. Thus the likelihood function for seeing
no tagged seals is    
500 500
L0 (N ) = 1 1

Suppose we detect the first tagged seal but not the second tagged seal or that we detect the second
and not the first. Since there are two possibilities for detecting one tagged seal, then we sum the
probabilities of each possibility. Thus the likelihood function for seeing one tagged seal is
500 500
L1 (N ) = 2 1

Now suppose we detect both tagged seals on the haul-out. Then the likelihhood function is
500 500
L2 (N ) =

To get an idea about how the likelihood functions are different, we need to look at the graph
of each.

blue=0 seals, red=1 seal, purple=2 seals

Notice that for the 0 seals, the likelihood function has a minimum at N = 500. Since we know
there are at least 500 seals on the beach, we consider values to the right of 500. We can not see
on the graph, but this function never decreases after N = 500 and so there is no maximum on the
interval [500, ). Thus we would interpret this as meaning that the number of seals is infinite. In
reality, a study like this accounts for radio tag failure and this scenario would be interpreted as
100% radio tag failure, with no determinate population size estimate. If we take the derivative of
the likelihood function

dL0 1000N 500, 000

= Ne = 500 seals
dN N3

we see that we get an estimated 500 seals. If we were to take the second derivative, we would get
a positive value at N = 500, since this is actually gives a minimum value of L(N ), as we saw on
the graph.

The likelihood function for 1 seal detected is quite nice since you can see that its maximum is
at n = 1000. Thus we determine this to be our maximum likelihood estimate. Setting the deriva-
tive of L(N ) equal to zero

dL1 1000N 2 + 1, 000, 000N

= Nmax = 1000 seals
dN N4

we also get a maximum likelihood estimate of 1000 seals.

Finally, the likelihood function for detecting 2 seals has its own interesting twist. The function
has a vertical asymptote at N = 0 and is strictly decreasing. Since N = 500 is our lower bound
of the population size, this is our maximum likelihood estimate on our interval of possible values.
Taking the derivative does not tell us any new information, but could be used without the graph
to determine the same result:

dL2 500, 000

= Nmax = 500 seals
dN N3

Since we have three different scenarios, let us take this opportunity to compare their likelihood
with their probability. Notice that the right most column is the sums of the probabilities of all the
different scenarios. These all equal 1 as they should. Notice that the bottom row is the sums of
the likelihood for a few example values of the parameter N . These do not add up to 1.

Likelihood versus Probability

N 0 tagged seals 1 tagged seal 2 tagged seals Probability
500 seals 0 0 1 1
750 seals 0.11 0.44 0.44 1
1000 seals 0.25 0.50 0.25 1
1250 seals 0.36 0.48 0.16 1
Likelihood 0.72 1.42 0.85

There are infinitely many estimates for any given parameter. The sum of the likelihood values for
all the possible estimates need not be equal to 1 since likelihood is not the same as probability.

Estimates and Estimators For a PDF in the geometric family, we have the likelihood function
L(p) = (1 p)k1 1 p

Suppose we have no data to input to find pe . We can still solve for pmax to use later, once we
collect some data, but until we collect some data, we call it pb and say that it is an estimator of the
parameter p.

Finding the Maximum Likelihood Estimator To find pb, we first must transform that product
Y Pn
L(p) = (1 p)ki 1 p = (1 p) i=1 n n

so it easier to take the derivative. And since most models are exponential, it is often easier to take
the natural log before differentiating.
lnL(p) = ki ln(1 p) + nlnp
Setting the derivative equal to 0 gives
p n ki + (1 p)n = 0

which tells us that

pmax = Pn
i=1 ki
This is technically still called an estimate, where the ki s are considered to be unknown constants.
However, we can then exchange the unknown constants for random variables K1 , K2 , ..., Kn and
then we have
pb = Pn
i=1 Ki
the distinction between unknown constants and random variables is small, yet it important to keep
track of what you are working with.

Properties of Estimators The maximum likelihood estimator is just one of an infinite number
of estimators. Perhaps, like Fisher we want to compare estimators to see if we can determine which
one is best. Since we have made sure to define an estimator as a random variable, then they each
have their own pdf, expected value, and variance which allow us to make comparisons.

While with a point estimate you have no way of knowing how precise it is, with estimators you
can specify a confidence interval. Of course, the larger the sample size, the greater the precision of
the estimator. The experimental design can incorporate the necessary sample size to provide the
desired amount of precision. Additional properties are briefly described as follows:

Unbiasedness If the distribution of the random variable is skewed by outliers, the estimates can
be biased. Thus some b will overestimate, and some will underestimate the true .

Efficiency The estimator with the lowest variance is the most precise. For two unbiased estimators,
the one with lower variance is preferable since it is the one that is more leptokurtic (peaked),

The Cramer-Rao Lower Bound For any two unbiased estimators, it is impossible to compare
their respective variance with the infinitely many other estimators. An important theorem
says that any estimator can only have a variance that is so small, and this variance is the
Cramer-Rao lower bound. If the variance for some e is equal to this lower bound, then there
is no estimator that is more precise.

Sufficiency Another triumph of Fisher, an estimator is determined to be sufficient if no other

information from the data can be used to improve the estimator.

Consistiency An estimator is said to be consistent when the value of b converges in probability

to as the sample size gets infinitely large.


Maximum Likelihood Estimation for More Than One Parameter For families of probabil-
ity models with more than one parameter, 1 , 2 , . . . , k , finding the maximum likelihood estimates
for the i s can become quite complicated. If a closed form solution is possible, then the estimation
requires solving a set of k simultaneous solutions. For k = 2 we have

lnL(1 , 2 )
lnL(1 , 2 )

We can take the partial derivative of function of two variables with respect to each variable individ-
ually, in order to solve for the variables. These kinds of partial differential equations can be difficult
to solve, however not impossible, with two variables and simple models. The more parameters, the
harder it is to solve.

Computational Applications of Maximum Likelihood Estimation Maximum likelihood

estimation is extremely useful with simple, normal data. But with more complicated models,
maximum likelihood alone may not result in a closed form solution. Newtons method can be used
to find solutions when no closed form exists and it can converge quickly, especially if the initial
value of the iteration is close to the actual solution. Here the importance of an efficient estimator
is reinforced since the platykurtic nature of an inefficient estimator diminishes the ability of the
algorithm to converge. However, with the rapid increase of computer speed, maximum likelihood
estimation has become easier and has increased in popularity.

The Different Methods of Estimation Since the method of moments uses a different function
to individually estimate a given parameter, it is often easier and faster to calculate a method of
moments estimate when more than one parameter is involved. These estimates can then be used
as the initial value for the iterative process of finding the maximum likelihood estimates. Least
squares corresponds to the maximum likelihood criterion if the experimental errors have a normal
distribution. Bayesian estimates can be the same as maximum likelihood estimates, if the sample
size is large enough. The different estimation methods seem to converge as the sample size increases,
but with small sample sizes the properties of estimators are extremely useful for determining the
best estimator.

Search for the Best Estimation Method Its very name seems to imply that maximum like-
lihood is the best estimation method. Indeed, the theory of maximum likelihood estimation has a
purity about it that is very appealing. Perhaps that is what made Fisher defend it so vehemently
against other methods. Although, like all mathematical theories, maximum likelihood estimation
is useful in some cases more than others. The fact that all methods of estimation are connected
to each other in some way may explain why other statisticians couldnt agree on the best method.
In the end, the search for the best method at least produced a tool box of estimation methods for
statisticians and other scientists to use as needed.

[1] Aldrich, John. 1997. R. A. Fisher and the Making of Maximum Likelihood 1912-1922. Statistical
Science. 12(3): 162-176.

[2] Kleinbaum, David G., Lawrence L. Kupper and Keith E. Muller. Applied Regression Analysis
and Other Multivariate Methods. Belmont, California: Duxbury Press, 1998.

[3] Larsen, Richard J., and Morris L. Marx. An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its
Applications. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.: 2006.

[4] Ries, Edith H., Lex R. Hiby, and Peter J.H. Reijnders. 1998. Maximum Likelihood Popula-
tion Size Estimation of Harbour Seals in the Dutch Wadden Sea Based on a Mark-Recapture
Experiment. Journal of Applied Ecology. 35: 332-229.

[5] Wade, William R. 2004. An Introduction to Analysis. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson
Education, Inc.


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