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Study & Evaluation Scheme Three Year Diploma Course in Instrumentation and Control Engineering (2014 Scheme) Semester - V

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(2014 Scheme)


Co Subject Study Evaluation Scheme Total

de Scheme Mark
No. Period/Week s
L T P Internal Assessment External Assessment Exam
Theory Practical Written Practical
Max Max. Max. Hrs Max. Hrs
Marks Marks Mark . Marks .
1 Automation 4 - 3 50 50 100 3 100 3 300
2 Industrial Electronics 4 - 3 50 50 100 3 100 3 300
Process Control and
3 Instrumentation 4 - 3 50 50 100 3 100 3 300
*Electronics Devices
4 and Circuits-3 4 - 3 50 50 100 3 100 3 300
Principle of
5 Automatic Control 4 - 3 50 50 100 3 100 3 300
# Environmental
6 Studies 4 - - 50 - 100 3 - - 150
** Student Centered - - 1
24 - 6 1650

** Student centered activities will include: extension lectures, field visits, Soft Skills,
seminars, debates, hobby clubs, library studies, awareness regarding ecology and
environment, conservation of energy (Petroleum products, electricity etc), social service
camps and other co-curricular activities including games. Advanced planning for each semester
has got to be made

*Common with Digital/Medical Electronics

# Common with Mechanical Engg. & Civil Engg.
4 - 3
The students are required to know about the automation in the industry which is an
important factor of a plant. This subject enables students to understand the automation
process control concepts.
1. Introduction to Automation :- (8 Hrs.)
Need for automation, various automation strategies, concept of flexible manufacturing
systems (FMS), Components of FMS and its various layouts. Brief idea of Numerical
Control (NC & CNC).Introduction of CAD and interfacing technique (Synchronous,
Asynchronous, RS 232, RS 485 and line driver).
2. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) :- (8 Hrs.)
Development of ladder diagram and flow chart for simple processes, examples of
simple programming in PLC's using ladder logic, interfacing PLCs to PC, operation
of PLCs, Comparison of PLCs and PCs (Personal Computer).
3. Introduction to Robotics Technology:- (8 Hrs.)
Robot anatomy, classification of robots, various control loops, sensors used in
robotics, Introduction to intelligent robots and vision system, robot programming
methods. Simple exercise of OFF line programming in any high level language.
4. Introduction to Electrical Drives :- (10 Hrs.)
Concept of electrical drives, general classification of electrical drives, brief review of
characteristic of dc shunt, series, and 3-phase induction motors. Starting of electrical
motors; effect of starting on power supply, motor itself and load, methods of starting
electrical moors, methods to reduce energy loss during starting. Breaking of Electrical
Motors; types of braking, braking of d.c. shunt, series motors, regenerative braking of
3-phase induction motors. Speed Control; closed loop speed control of d.c. motor
5. Industrial Applications of electrical Drives in steel mills and cement kiln. (5Hrs.)
One typical application of electrical drives in each of the following industries is to be
(i) Steel Mills, (ii) Paper Mills, (iii) Cement, (iv) Petro-Chemical, (v) Machine tool.

1. Speed Control of DC Motor
a) Armature Voltage control
b) Field Weakening
2. Speed Control of 3-phase induction motor
a) Frequency Control
b) Rotor resistance Control
3. Speed Control of D.C. motor using Chopper Circuit.
4. Speed Control of D.C. motor using Single phase controlled interface.
5. Braking of D.C. motors.
6. D.C. dynamic braking of 3-phase induction motor.
7. Plug braking of 3-phase IM (Induction motor)
8. Exercise on CAD (Auto CAD)
9. Experiment on PLC.
10. Study of Robots.

1. Automation Production System and Computer - Integrated Manufacturing by M.P
Groover (PHI)
2. Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation By : S.R. Deb (PHI)
3. Process Control Instrumentation in Technology By: Curtis Johnson (PHI)
4. A First Course on Electrical Drives SK Pillai
5. Electrical Drives by U.K. Dubey (PHI)
6. Electric Drives by M. Chilkin (Mir Publisher)
4 - 3
Electronics adapted to industrial plant, in terms of timing action switching action or
parameter control, is called Industrial Electronics. Other common areas of application where
electronics is increasing its interface with other branches of engineering include temperature
control, welding control, speed regulation of motor and soldering. The student should study
this subject with a view to understand the use of electronics to bring about faster and more
accurate response in industrial plants.

Detailed Contents
1. Name symbol, characteristic and working principles of SCR Triac, Diac, SCS, SBS
and LASCAR. Mention of their applications.
2. Thyristor rating and gate ratings. Turn on methods - DC gate, AC Gate and Pulse
Gate Triggering and R-C trigger circuits. Turn off methods - Natural and Forced turn
off methods.
3. Internal power dissipation and need for heat Sinks in thyristors. Definition of
following terms and their relationship with the power dissipation of the device (no
a) Heat Sink efficiency
b) Heat sink transfer co -efficient
c) Heat dissipating area of a Heat Sink. Connect of Thermal resistance of Heat
sinks. Various types of Heat sinks and techniques of mounting devices on heat
4. Basic structure, principle of operating and V-I characteristic of UJT. Explanation of
working of UJT as relaxation oscillator and its use in thyristor triggering.
5. Principle of operation and working of the following switching circuits, using SCRs
and Triacs
a) Automation Battery Charger
b) Voltage regulator
c) Emergency light
d) Alarm circuit
e) Time delay relay circuit
f) Circuit for over voltage and over current

6. a) Explanation of the working of a 3 phase half wave and full wave bridge rectifier
with the help ofwave forms and appropriate mathematical derivations
b) Explanation of working of following controlled rectifier using SCRS and resistive
and inductive loads with the help of wave forms and appropriate mathematical
expression (no derivation)
- Single phase; half wave full wave and bridge rectifier
- Three phase; Half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier
7. Principle of working of AC phase control circuit using triac
8. Application of phase controlled rectifications and AC phase control circuits in:
a) Illuminating Control
b) Fan speed control
c) Temperature Control
d) Speed control of DC and small AC motors

9. Principles of operation of basic inverter circuits. Basic series and parallel commutated
10. Principles of induction and dielectric heating and their typical applications.

11. Introduction Basic Measurement System function of its elements namely the transducer,
signal conditioner, display or readout and power supply.
12. Digital system architecture
- Factory communication - LAN/WAN/INTERNET
- Network to Network Interconnection.

13. Signal Conditions

Characteristic of instrumentation amplifiers in respect of input impedance, output
impedance, drift, DC offset. noise gain, common mode rejection ratio, frequency
response etc. Relating the suitability of these characteristic amplifying signals from
various transducers. Difference between instrumentation Amplifier and OP-
AMPS.Need and working of a typical isolation amplifier.
14. Operational Amplifier

15. Linear Integrated Circuit

1. To identify various Thyristors family such as SCR, DIAC, TRIAC.
2. To study V-I characteristics of SCR.
3. To study V-I characteristics of TRIAC.
4. To study V-I characteristics of UJT.
5. To study UJT as a relaxation oscillator circuit.
6. To study light dimmer circuit with SCR and TRIAC.
7. To study SCR based single phase half wave controller rectifier circuit using UJT
relaxation oscillator.
8. To study SCR based single phase half wave full wave controller rectifier circuit using
resistive circuit.
9. To study single phase half wave full wave controlled rectifier circuit using gate
triggering circuit.
10. To study SCR based single phase controlled bridge rectifier.
11. To study SCR based fan control.
12. To study SCR based single phase full wave controlled rectifier circuit.
13. To study 6V emergency light using SCR.
4 - 3
Process control and instrumentation deals with temperature, pressure flow and level system.
It also covers on-ff, proportional modes. It helps students to develop skills in the multi-loop
control, alignment and timing which is commonly used in the Boil Plant control in an
1. Basic Control loops of
(a) Single capacity flow loop system.
(b) Single capacity temp loop system.
(c) Single capacity level loop system.
(d) Single capacity pressure loop system.
Dead - Time process lag-First order approx. of process system and transfer function of
simple process. Control valve definition, valve terminology, types (solenoid,
diaphragm, butterfly, ball, needle, sliding gate, etc.) Characteristic, Selection of valves
based on process dynamic, actuator and positioners, booster, plug types, other types,
other final control elements, specification of a control valve. Calibration procedure of
control valve, current to pneumatic converter, Delta Cell
Transmitter and Converters : Pneumatic to electrical, electrical to pneumatic,
Buoyancy Transmitters, Signal conditioning (V to I, I to V), 2-Wire and 4-Wire
Transmitter SMART Transmitters (introduction and their application), Standard
Signals used in instrumentation (such as 4 to 20mA, 3 to 15 psi etc.) Interlocking
(Boiler, Compressor, etc.), Intrinsic Safety, Symbols in process control, Piping and
instrument diagram, Annunciators (Types, sequence of operation) (12 Hrs.)
2. Controllers - Types of control actions (On-Off, single speed floating, Proportional,
Integral, derivatives, PI, PD, P I D) their selection and application. Electronic and
pneumatic controllers (Principle of working, Equations circuitry used) specifications
of a controller. Programmable logic controller, Tuning of controller, Process reaction
curve, Zieler - Nichol's Method with simple calculation problem. (10 Hrs.)
3. Multi - Loop System : Definition and application of feedback, Feedforward,
cascade, ratio control
4. Computer Control System (Process line diagram, function of different elements.)
5. Case study of Process Instrumentation for Distillation Column. (5 Hrs.)

Students are expected to perform minimum eight experiment based on the above topics on a
Process Trainer
1. Study of flow, temperature, pressure and level feedback control system with standard
signals in the loop.
2. Study of ON/OFF controller for level control/flow control.
3. Study of proportional or throttling controller for very low proportional band values
and the response of the system at load change.
4. Study of PI controller for temperature/level/flow control and observe the effect of
reducing integral time on the response of the process.
5. Study of PD controller for temperature/level/flow control by increasing the derivative
time gradually.
6. Study of PID controller for temperature/level/flow control.
7. Study of tuning of controller (open loop method) for level/flow control system. Plot
the graph of process value vs time from process reaction curve.
8. Study of flow characteristics of control valve and its calibration.
9. Study of cascade control system.

Reference Books:
1. Process Control Instrumentation Technology. By Curtis Johnson (PHI)
2. Process / Industrial Instrumentation Control Hand Book, By CONSIDINE
3. Instrument Engineering Handbook, By :Bela. G. Liptak
4. Applied Instrumentation in Process Industrial. By Andrews.
5. Process Control System By F.G. Shinskey
6. Chemical process control by Geogre Stephanopoulos (PHI)
4 - 3

Electronic devices and circuits –III deals with the concept of wave shaping circuits, timer,
multi-vibrator, thyristor and VCO, students can also learn the same using simulation software
such as orcad, electronic work bench. These will enhance the knowledge and the skill to
implement the applications in the industry.


1. Wave shaping Circuits (15%)

General idea about different wave shapes. Review of transient phenomena in R-C and
R-L Circuits. R-C and R-L differentiating and integrating Circuits.The applications
(physical explanation for square/ rectangular input wave shapes only). Diode
clippers, series and shunt biased type. Double clipper circuits.Zener diode clipper
circuits.Use of transistors for clipping. Diode clamping circuit for clamping to
negative peak, positive or any other level for different input waveforms (e.g. sine,
square, triangular), ideal transistor switch, explanation using C.E. output
2. Timer I.C. (10%)
Block diagram of I.C. timer (such as 555) and its working. Use of 555 timer as mono-
stable and astablemultivibrators.
3. Multivibrator Circuits (15%)
Concept of multivibrator :astable, monostable, bistable. 555 timer as mono and
astablemultivibrator. Op-amp as monostable, astablemultivibrator and schmitt trigger
4. Time Base Circuits (15%)
Need of time base (sweep) wave forms, special features of time base signals. Simple
method of generation of saw tooth wave using charging and discharging of a
capacitor. Constant current generation of linear sweep voltage circuit using op-amp.
5. Integrated Electronics (5%)
Fabrication of transistor by planner process, a typical fabrication process for ICS
(brief explanation).

6. Regulated Power Supply (15%)

Concept of regulation.Principles of series and shunt regulators.Three terminal voltage
regulator ICs (positive, negative and variable applications). Block diagram of a
regulated power supply. Concepts of cv,cc and foldback limiting, short circuit and
overload protection. Major specifications of a regulated power supply and their
significance (line and load regulation, output ripple and transients). Basic working
principles of a switched mode power supply (SMPS). Concept of floating and
grounded power supplies and their interconnections to obtain multiple output
supplies. Brief idea of CVT,UPS and dual tracking power supply.
7. VCO (IC565) and PLL(IC566) and their applications (10%)
8. Thysistors and UJT (15%)
Name,symbol,characteristics and working principles of SCR, Triac, diac, SCS,
SUS,SBS and LASCR. Mention of their applications. Basic structure, principle of
operation and VI characteristics of UJT.Explanation of working of UJT as relaxation
oscillator and its use in thyristor.

1. Observe and Plot the output Waveshapes of R-C differentiating circuits
2. Observe and Plot the output Waveshapes R-C integrating circuits for squarewave
input (observe the effect of the R-C time constant of the circuit on the output
waveshape for both the circuits)
3. Construct biased and unbiased series and shunt clipping circuits for positive and
negative peak clipping of a sine wave using switching diodes and d.c. sources.
4. Construct a double clipper circuit using diodes and sources and observe wave shapes.
5. Construct zener diode and transistor clipper circuits for positive peak, negative peak
and double clipping of sine (other wave shapes).
6. To clamp sine and square wave to their positive and negative peaks and to a specified
7. To plot input vs. output characteristics of schmitt trigger circuit and plot the input
output waveshapes with aine wave input.
8. To test mono and astablemultivibrator and to plot waveform.
9. To make and test the operations of monostable and astablemultivibrator circuits using
555 timer.
10. To determine and plot firing characteristics of SCR by varying anode to cathode
voltage and varying gate current.
11. To note the waveshapes and voltages at various points of a UJT relaxation oscillator
12. To plot the firing characteristics of a triac in different modes, namely, mode I+, mode
I-, mode III+ and mode III

Note : Use of simulation software such as OrCADPSpice MULTISIM, ELECTRONIC

WORK BENCH etc. for performing some of the above on the computer also, which
will enhance the understanding of the students beyond traditional laboratory
4 - 3
The students are required to know about the process system which is an important factor of a
plant.It is a prerequisite for understanding the total plant controls, In this subject introduction
to theory in control system has been given which will enable the student to understand the
process control concepts to be covered in the subsequent semesters. Faculty is advice to teach
the subject by citing the practical examples.

Detailed contents
1. Introduction to automatic control :
Basic elements of control system. Definition of terminology used in control system.
Definition terminology used in control system. Open loop and closed. loop system
concept of feedback. Functional block diagram of a control system. Time lag, dead
time, Hysterisis, linearity. Self regulating and non self regulating system. Practical
examples of the above
2. Block diagram and transfer Function
Review of Laplace transform. Transfer function of simple control components like
mass-spring damper, thermometer, single and multi-capacity processes Single
feedback configuration.
3. Time Response of System :
Order of systems Test inputs, step response of Ist and IInd Order system - overshoot
and under shoot, rise time damping ratio. Simple example of 1 order and II order
system. Steady state response and error.
4. Introduction to stability Analysis
characteristic equation, "Rouths" table, Nyquist criteria, relative stability, phase
margin and gain margin.
5. Routh - Hurwitz criterque
Root locus technique
Bode Plot Polar Plot. Gain margin and Phase margin


1. Study of closed loop control system for pressure control.
2. Study of closed loop control system for flow control in a pipe line.
3. Study of open loop control system for level control.
4. Study of closed loop control system for temperature control of water.
5. Study of pressure gauge used in closed loop control system with its calibration
6. Study of current to pressure converter used in the control loop system with its
calibration procedure.
7. Study of Pneumatic control valve and positioner used in the closed loop control
system with its calibration procedure.
8. Study of differential pressure transmitter used in control loop system with its
calibration procedure.
9. Study of response of flapper nozzle system and its application in Pneumatic

1. Auto. Control system by KuO.
2. Modern control engineering by Ogata.
4 - -

Unit 1: The Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies (5%)

Definition, scope and importance, Need for public awareness.
Unit 2: Natural Resources (15%)
Renewable and non renewable resources:
a) Natural resources and associated problems
 Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case
studies, Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and
tribal people.
 Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water,
floods, drought, conflicts over water, dam’s benefits and problems.
 Mineral Resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of
extracting and using mineral resources, case studies.
 Food Resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture
and over grazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizers- pesticides
problems, water logging, salinity, case studies.
 Energy Resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and
nonrenewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources, casestudies
 Land Resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induces
land slides, soil erosion, and desertification.
b) Role of individual in conservation of natural resources.
c) Equitable use of resources for sustainable life styles.
Unit 3: Eco Systems (15%)
 Concept of an eco system
 Structure and function of an eco system.
 Producers, consumers, decomposers.
 Energy flow in the eco systems.
 Ecological succession.
 Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.
 Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of
the following eco systems:
 Forest ecosystem
 Grass land ecosystem
 Desert ecosystem.
 Aquatic eco systems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)
Unit 4: Biodiversity and it’s Conservation (15%)
 Introduction-Definition: genetics, species and ecosystem diversity.
 Biogeographically classification of India.
 Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical,
aesthetic and option values
 Biodiversity at global, national and local level.
 India as a mega diversity nation.
 Hot-spots of biodiversity.
 Threats to biodiversity: habitats loss, poaching of wild life, man
wildlife conflicts.
 Endangered and endemic spaces of India.
 Conservation of biodiversity: in-situ and ex-situ conservation of
Unit 5: Environmental Pollution (15%)
Definition Causes, effects and control measures of:
a) Air pollution
b) Water pollution
c) Soil pollution
d) Marine pollution
e) Noise pollution
f) Thermal pollution
g) Nuclear hazards
Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and
industrial wastes
Role of an individual in prevention of pollution Pollution case studies Disaster
management: Floods, earth quake, cyclone and land slides
Unit 6: Social issues and the Environment (15%)
 Form unsustainable to sustainable development
 Urban problems related to energy
 Water conservation, rain water harvesting, water shed management
 Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns,
case studies
 Environmental ethics: issues and possible solutions
 Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion,
nuclear accidents and holocaust, case studies.
 Wasteland reclamation
 Consumerism and waste products
 Environment protection Act
 Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act
 Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act
 Wildlife protection act
 Forest conservation act
 Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislations
 Public awareness
Unit 7: Human population and the environment (10%)
 Population growth and variation among nations
 Population explosion- family welfare program
 Environment and human health
 Human rights
 Value education
 Women and child welfare
 Role of information technology in environment and human health
 Case studies
Unit 8: Field work (10%)
Visit to a local area to document environment assets river / forest / grassland / hill/
mountain. Visit to a local polluted site-urban/rural/industrial/agricultural. Study of
common plants, insects, birds. Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes,
etc (field work equal to 5 lecture works)

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