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Unit and Lesson Plan For Grade 7 (13 and 14 Years Old Students)

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Unit and Lesson Plan for Grade 7 (13 and 14 Years Old Students)

April 22-23, 2016

Unit and lesson plan developed by Akihiko Takahashi
The 3rd National Mathematics Conference: Maths Counts 2016 at University College Dublin

1. Title of the Unit: Ways of counting and mathematical expressions

2. Brief description of the Unit

This unit is designed for students to be able to represent, using mathematical expressions
various ways of counting; understand what each number in the mathematical expression
is representing; and use those mathematical expressions to solve problems

3. Goals of the Unit:

• Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. Identify apparent
features of the pattern that were not explicit in the rule itself.
• Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret
numerical expressions without evaluating them.

4. Students’ prior learning

• Natural numbers: factors, multiples, indices, primes, HCF, LCM, Number properties,
order of operations
• Integers: Number line, negatives, addition subtraction, division multiplication.
• Rational Numbers: Adding subtracting, Dividing, multiplying, fractions, ratio and
• Decimals and percentages, Fractions and rounding
• Number patterns: arranging objects, linear sequences, general term, non-linear
patterns, problems
• Algebra Introduction: Evaluating expressions, adding, subtracting multiplying terms,
multiplying expressions
• Algebra: Linear Equations: Solving Linear equations, equations with brackets

5. Background and Rationale

This unit is designed for the students to understand the usefulness of mathematical
expressions through solving a series of problems by themselves and comparing their
solutions with several different approaches by their peers.
Since early elementary grades, students have been using mathematical expressions to
express quantitative relationships in story problems with everyday contexts. From their
experience they began to understand the usefulness of mathematical expression for
determining what operation can be used to solve problems.
Building upon their prior learning, the students will experience communicating their
own reasoning to others by expressing their own ways of counting in mathematical
expressions. At the same time, other students will have opportunities to infer their peers’
ways of thinking by interpreting their mathematical expressions. Throughout, students
will be expected to justify the reasonableness of their own and others’ counting strategies
and mathematical expressions. These experiences are expected to foster their skill for
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United States License.
developing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others while the process of
writing and interpreting mathematical expressions helps students develop the ability to
reason quantitatively and abstractly.
Students will also experience the value of mathematical expressions for determining
the number of objects when counting one by one is too difficult, by recognizing the
generalizability of the mathematical expressions they write to express their way of
counting. Through these experience students are expected to find the usefulness of using
mathematical expressions as a model for expressing mathematical situations. As a result it
is expected that the students will grow in their ability to use mathematical expressions to
analyze relationships mathematically and draw conclusions. This creates the foundation
for student to eventually be able to represent, using variables, two quantities that change
in relationship to one another.

6. About the Unit and the Lesson

A mini unit is designed based on the problems from the Japanese curriculum,
Mathematics International published by Tokyo Shoseki.1
In the first lesson, the diagram shown as Figure 1 will be given for the students.
First, the students will work independently to come up a way of counting the total number
of dots. Then each student will express his/her own ways of counting in a mathematical
Second, through whole class discussion, the students will be given the
opportunity to share their own mathematical expression to the class, and
the class will given opportunities to infer the method of counting by
interpreting students’ mathematical expressions.
Third, the students will be asked how many dots there will be if the
dots in each arm of the star shape increases. This question is designed for Figure 1.
students to explore the generalizability of mathematical expressions.
The dots in the diagrams from this lesson can be easily counted one-by-
one, which makes it easy to verify the results obtained from mathematical
In the second lesson, based on what students learned from lessons 1
about how to express in a mathematical expression their ways of counting
dots, students are given opportunity to find the number of dots without Figure 2.
counting one-by-one. The diagram shown as Figure 2 will be given to the
students and they will be asked to find out the total number of dots. As an expanding learning
students will be asked to find out the total number of the dots when each side of the diagram
becomes 10 dots. Although students will be encouraged to find out the total number without
drawing the diagram, doing so is still possible for any
student who really needs it. This task provides a
transition for students to see the possibility of finding
the total number of dots in the absence of an actual
diagram by using mathematical expressions. The

1 Figure 3.
Reprint of Mathematics International
Grade 7 p. 50
students are expected to recognize on their own that the numbers in their mathematical
expressions may be generalized.
The third lesson is designed for students to apply all their learning from the previous
problem solving lessons to a different situation. The stick problem, as shown as Figure 3, will
be presented. The students will be asked to determine the number of sticks required to make a
row of 20 adjacent squares. Students will explore a task in which the actual counting may not
be easy so that they can utilize what they experienced in previous lessons about the
generalizability of mathematical expressions. Although the arrangement of sticks will be
shown as in Figure 3, the actual number of sticks will not be given to the students. Students
are expected to come up with their own mathematical expressions to find the total number of
sticks needed. In the whole class discussion, students will examine various mathematical
expressions to see if they are reasonable.
Each of the three problem solving lessons described above will foster students’ reasoning
by challenging them to come up ways to find the number of objects in patterns, to express
their ways of thinking in mathematical expressions, and to justify whether a mathematical
expression is reasonable. At the same time, students will have opportunities to discuss the
rules of arithmetic calculation (such as the use of parentheses and the order of operations).

7. Flow of the Unit

Lesson Learning objective(s)
1 Let's think about ways to show the number of dots. 40 min
Students will try to express their ways of counting dots in
mathematical expressions and also infer other students’ ways
of counting from their mathematical expressions.
2 Find the number of dots without counting one-by-one 60 min
Students will be able use mathematical expressions to
express the number of dots and use the expressions to find
the total number of dots without counting one-by-one.
3 How many sticks are there all together? 60 min
Students will express their ways of counting sticks in
mathematical expressions and use their mathematical
expressions to determine the number of sticks even when
they cannot actually count the number of sticks.
4 Becoming fluent for using mathematical expressions to solving 40 min
similar problems. (Exercise)

8. Demonstration Lesson Plans

Lesson 1 (40 minutes): Let's think about ways to show the number of dots.
(1) Objectives
• Students will express their ways of counting dots in mathematical expressions and infer other students'
ways of counting from their mathematical expressions.
(2) Flow of the lesson
Steps, Learning Activities Teacher’s Support Points of
Teacher’s Questions and Expected Student Reactions Evaluation
1. Introduction Students
Understand how to express ways of counting in understand what it
mathematical expression in simple cases. By briefly showing the means to show
diagrams one at a time, their way of
Using the two diagrams shown on the encourage students to share counting using a
right to help students see how their ways of counting the mathematical
mathematical expressions can be used number of dots in the expression and are
to show ways of counting the number diagrams. ready for solving
of dots. the problem
4+1=5 Remind multiplication is
2x4=8 (number of
4x2=8 group)x(number in each
Help students remind that 2x4 and 4x2 are different ways group)
to look at the diagram.
2. Posing the Problem
Show the diagram on the right and ask the following
If students seem to not Students
Think about a way to count the understand the task, share a understand that
number of dots in the picture shown few of the students’ the task is to
on the right. attempts at expressing their express ways of
Write a mathematical expression ways of counting in counting with
that describes your method of mathematical expressions mathematical
counting. as examples. expressions.

3. Anticipated Student Responses

1) Making groups of dots in the Let each student write Each student
diagram. his/her way of counting comes up with at
e.g. and mathematical least one
4+4+4+4+4+4=24 expression in his/her note. mathematical
expression to
Using a seating chart to express how to
2) Making equal groups to use multiplications note each student’s way of count the number
e.g. counting and mathematical of dots.
6x4=24 expressions to prepare for
organizing the whole class


3) Decompose 24 in arbitrary ways and show them in

mathematical expressions.
e.g. 10+10+4=24, 12x2=24
4. Comparing and Discussing By providing an
For each mathematical expression, opportunity to infer other Students can use
1) Ask one of the students who came up with a students’ way of counting, their prior learning
mathematical expression to show it to the class, help students see that a such as the
2) Let other students infer how the student counted the mathematical expression meanings of
dots by interpreting the mathematical expression, can communicate a way of operations and the
and thinking. order of
3) let the student who came up with the mathematical operations to
expression justify if the other student’s inference is Help them recall their prior express correctly
correct. learning, such as the their ways of
Repeat the above so students understand a variety of ways meanings of operations and counting.
to count the number of dots by making equal groups. the order of operations to
examine if they can express
their ways of counting
5. Expanding the learning
Using a mathematical expression developed when there Encourage students to find Students try to use
were 4 dots on each arm of the star shape, determine the the total number of the dots a mathematical
total numbers of dots when there without drawing all the expression to find
are 10 dots on each arm of the dots. the total number
shape. of the dots.

Ask a few students if they can use

their mathematical expressions Help student understand
and how. that arbitrary expressions
for 25 are not useful.

5. Summing up
Help each student identify the learning from the class and Each student
record it in their notes. summarizes their
• Mathematical expression can be used to show ways learning and
of counting the number of the dots. records it in their
• Mathematical expression may be used to find the notes.
number of dots even without seeing the actual
Lesson 2 (60 minutes): Find the number of dots without counting one-by-one
(1) Objectives
• Students will express their ways of counting dots in mathematical expressions and infer other students'
ways of counting from their mathematical expressions.
• Students will use the mathematical expressions they developed while counting the dots when there are
7 dots on each side of the square to determine the total number of dots when the number of dots on
each side is changed.

(2) Flow of the lesson

Steps, Learning Activities Teacher’s Support Points of
Teacher’s Questions and Expected Student Evaluation
1. Introduction
Let a few students read their journal reflections from Select a few exemplary Students are ready
the Day 1 and help the class to recall what they learned journal reflections from Day for the new
from Day 1. 1 note before the class. problem.

2. Posing the Problem

Showing the diagram on the right, ask the following Students
question. understand that the
Help students see the task is to express
Think about ways to count the characteristics of the shape. ways of counting in
number of dots in the picture There are 7 dots in each side mathematical
shown on the right. of the square. expression.
For each way of counting, write a
mathematical expression that Students
describes each of your methods of understand 4x7 is
counting. not correct.

3. Anticipated Student Responses

1) Making groups of dots in the diagram. Let each student write their Each student comes
e.g. ways of counting and up with at least one
7+5+7+5=24, 2x7+2x5=24, or mathematical expressions in mathematical
2x(7+5) their notes. expression to
express how to
Using a seating chart to note count the number
each student’s way of of dots.
counting and mathematical
2) Making equal groups to use expressions to prepare for
multiplications. organizing the whole class
e.g. discussion.

4x5+4=24 or 4x(7-2)+4=24

4x6=24 or 4x(7-1)=24

3) Apply the idea of finding the

area of a square.
4. Comparing and Discussing
For each mathematical expression, By providing opportunity to If students be able
1) Ask one of the students who come up the infer other students’ way of to use their prior
mathematical expression to show to the class, counting, help students see learning such as the
2) Let other students infer how the student count the that mathematical meanings of
number of dots by interpreting the mathematical expression can be a operations and the
expression, and communication tool for order of operations
3) let the student who come up the mathematical understand others’ thinking. and meanings to
expression to justify if the other students inference express their ways
is correct. Help them recall their prior of counting
Repeat the above to understand variety of ways to learning such as the correctly in
count the number of dots by making equal groups. meanings of operations and mathematical
the order of operations and expressions.
Discuss what each number in the mathematical meanings and examine if
expression is representing. they can express their ways
e.g.) of counting correctly.
• 4 in the mathematical expressions represent the
number of sides of the shape because it is a
• 6 is 1 take away from 7 and 5 is 2 take away from

5. Expanding the learning

Using a mathematical expression developed when there Encourage students to see Students try to use
were 7 dots on each side of the square, determine the which number or numbers in a mathematical
total number of dots when there are 10 dots on each the mathematical expression expression to find
would be different. the total number of
side of the square.
the dots.

Ask a few students if they can find the total number

without drawing the shape.

5. Summing up
Helping each student highlights the learning from the Each student
class and records them on their note. summarizes their
• Mathematical expressions for finding the number learning and
of dots for the first problem can be used to find records it in their
the number of dots in the second problem even notes.
without seeing the actual diagram.
Lesson 3 (60 minutes): How many sticks are there all together?
(1) Objectives
• Students will express their ways of counting sticks in mathematical expressions and infer other
students' ways of counting from their mathematical expressions.
• Students will determine the number of sticks when the number of squares is 20 using the mathematical
expressions they developed while counting cases of small number of squares.
• Students will confirm that they can use their mathematical expressions to determine the number of
sticks even when they cannot actually count the number of sticks because the expressions are based on
their ways of counting.
(2) Flow of the lesson
Steps, Learning Activities Teacher’s Support Points of
Teacher’s Questions and Expected Student Reactions Evaluation
1. Introduction
Let a few students read their journal reflections from the Select a few exemplary If students are
Day 1and help the class to recall what they learned from journal reflections from ready for the new
the Day 2. Day 1 note before the class. problem.

2. Posing the Problem

Show the diagram below and ask the following question. If students do not
understand the situation,
guide them to see how the Students
We are making squares by lining up matchsticks as
number of sticks increases understand the
shown below. When we make 20 squares, how
as the number of squares situation.
many matchsticks will we need?
increase. Using animation
to show how the number of
squares will increase.

3. Anticipated Student Responses

By arranging sticks or drawing a diagram, think about If students cannot think Each student comes
ways to count the sticks more easily. about ways of counting up with a
(a) Notices that the number of sticks increases by 3 without drawing, mathematical
encourage them to use an expression to
when 1 square is added and writes a
example case, such as the express how to
mathematical expression. count the number
case with 8 squares, to
• 4 + 19 × 3 = 61 come up with a way to of sticks.
• 4 + (20-1) × 3 = 61 count the total number of
(b) Each square has 4 sides, so calculate 20 × 4. sticks, and express it in a
Then, since the sides between two adjacent mathematical expression.
squares are double counted, subtract the Then use it to think about
which number in the
number of overlapping sides, 19 (or 20 − 1),
mathematical expression
from the product. will be different if the
• 20 × 4 − 19 = 61 number of squares is 20.
• 20 × 4 − (20 − 1) = 61
(c) Since there are 20 sticks at the top and 20 sticks Using seating chart to note
each student’s way of
at the bottom, 2 × 20. The number of vertical
counting and mathematical
sticks is 20 + 1. expressions to prepare for
• 2 × 20 + 21 = 61 organizing the whole class
• 2 × 20 + (20 + 1) = 61. discussion.
By using a drawing of a diagram as the number of
squares is increased, explore the number of sticks in
relationship to the number of squares.
(d) Notices that the number of sticks increases by 3
when 1 square is added and writes a
mathematical expression.
• 4 + 19 × 3 = 61
• 4 + (20-1) × 3 = 61
(b) Notices that the number of sticks is increasing by
3 but cannot write a mathematical expression.

Misconception e. g. 20x4=120

4. Comparing and Discussing

By using a drawing of the diagram as an example (e.g. For the students who do not Do students
diagram with 4 squares), ask students to share how to understand the way of understand ways of
count the number of sticks. counting of 20 squares, the counting the
• Tries to figure out ways of counting represented by whole class discussion number of stick
mathematical expressions. begins by letting them using the example.
represented by a
Let students share their idea for finding the number of mathematical expression
sticks when there are 20 squares. by looking at the case of 4
• Using the strategies discussed when there were 4 squares.
squares, students will examine how many sticks will
be used when there are 20 squares.

5. Expanding the learning

Using a mathematical expression developed when there Encourage students to see Students try to use
were when there are 20 squares, determine the total which number in the the mathematical
numbers of sticks when there are 70 squares. mathematical expression expression to find
would be different. the total number of

5. Summing up
Helping each student highlights the learning from the Each student
class and records them on their note. summarizes their
• The same mathematical expressions for finding the learning and
number of sticks may be used to find the number records it in their
of sticks for various numbers of squares even notes.
without seeing the actual diagram.

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