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3900 Series & 5900 Series Base ST V100R015C10SPC080 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference

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3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station


GBTSFunction Performance
Counter Reference

Issue Draft C
Date 2019-04-10


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Issue Draft C (2019-04-10) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i

3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference About This Document

About This Document

This section describes performance counters for 3900 and 5900 series base stations.

Document Structure
Figure 1 shows the document structure.

Figure 1 Document structure

Table 1 explains the terms shown in Figure 1.

Table 1 Terms

Term Explanation

Object type One object type contains one or more function subsets.

One function subset contains one or more counters but

Function Subset
belongs to only one object type.

Counters are the basic elements of performance

Counter measurement. One counter can belong to only one function

Counter Item Description

Table 2 lists the description of each counter item.

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3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference About This Document

Table 2 Description of each counter item

Item Description

Object Overview Definition and function of a object type.

Function SubSets Function subsets contained in a object type.

Functio FunctionSet Name of the function set.

n Set Name One function set contains one or more function subsets.

Functio Overview Definition of a function subset and the flowchart for

n measuring related counters.
Counters Counters contained in a function subset.

Counter A table that lists parent counters and their child counters in
Relationship a table. Note that the child counters listed in the table cover
only typical scenarios. That is, some scenarios are not
covered by any counter. Therefore, the value of a parent
counter is larger than or equal to the sum of the values of its
child counters. Some counters may not be involved in any
counter relationship.
If the value of the parent counter exceeds the sum of the values of
the child counters, the value difference is the items that are not

Counter Counter ID A string of digits that uniquely identifies a counter.

Counter Name Name of a counter. It is composed of a string of uppercase

letters, lowercase letters, and dots.

Counter A phrase that provides a simple description about a counter.


Description Detailed description about a counter.

Measurement Condition for triggering counter measurement.


Formula Relationship among counters.

Unit Unit of a counter.

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3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference About This Document

Item Description

Related Features Features related to a counter are listed in feature ID and

feature name. A counter is used to estimate related features.
Related features are listed as follows in different scenarios:
l If a counter has no related features, no features are
l A counter has related features,
– If this counter applies only to GSM, UMTS, LTE, or
SingleRAN, the features are related to such RAT.
– If this counter applies to multiple RATs in GSM,
UMTS, LTE, and SingleRAN, the features are a set
of features related to all associated RATs. Only the
feature IDs and feature names of the features for
related RATs are listed.

Original Release The version for which the counter was first available.

Network Element NE Type of a product displayed on the Network

Management. For a 3900 series base station (which is a
DBS3900, DBS3900 LampSite, BTS3900, BTS3900A,
BTS3900L, BTS3900AL, or BTS3900C), the value can be
BTS3900, BTS3900 WCDMA, BTS3900 LTE, and
BTS3900 5G. For a 5900 series base station (which is a
DBS5900, DBS5900 LampSite, BTS5900, BTS5900A,
BTS5900L or BTS5900AL), the value can be BTS5900,
BTS5900 WCDMA, BTS5900 LTE, and BTS5900 5G.
Among these values, BTS3900 or BTS5900 indicates a co-
MPT base station; BTS3900 WCDMA or BTS5900
WCDMA indicates a UMTS base station; BTS3900 LTE or
BTS5900 LTE indicates an LTE base station; BTS3900 5G
or BTS5900 5G indicates an 5G base station.

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3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii

1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement..............................................................1
1.1 Measurement of Power Sharing Group Performance (Power Sharing Group).............................................................. 1
1.1.1 Multimode Power Sharing Measurement (Multi-Mode Power Share.Power Share Group)....................................... 2 Total Time for GU or GL Power Sharing................................................................................................................. 2 Total Range for GU or GL Power Sharing............................................................................................................... 3 Average Range for GU or GL Power Sharing.......................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Measurement of eGBTS Performance (eGBTS)............................................................................................................ 6
1.2.1 Abis Interface Transport Performance Measurement (Traffic.TRPIP.eGBTS)...........................................................6 Number of Bytes Transmitted at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface.................................................................... 8 Number of Bytes Received at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface........................................................................ 9 Number of IP Packets Transmitted at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface.......................................................... 10 Number of IP Packets Received at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface...............................................................11 Maximum Transmit Rate at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface..........................................................................12 Average Transmit Rate at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface............................................................................. 13 Maximum Receive Rate at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface........................................................................... 14 Average Receive Rate at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface.............................................................................. 15

Issue Draft C (2019-04-10) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. v

3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement

1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter


About This Chapter

This section describes GBTSFunction performance counters.

1.1 Measurement of Power Sharing Group Performance (Power Sharing Group)

1.2 Measurement of eGBTS Performance (eGBTS)

1.1 Measurement of Power Sharing Group Performance

(Power Sharing Group)
This object type provides the measurements related to eGBTS multimode power sharing.

FunctionSubSet FunctionSubSet Name

Multi-Mode Power Share.Power Share Multimode Power Sharing Measurement


Issue Draft C (2019-04-10) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1

3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement

1.1.1 Multimode Power Sharing Measurement (Multi-Mode

Power Share.Power Share Group)

This function subset provides the measurements of total time, total range and average range of
GX dynamic power sharing. GX dynamic power sharing includes the GSM and UMTS
dynamic power sharing and the GSM and LTE dynamic power sharing.

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Introduced in
Description Version...

1577058308 VS.GXPowerShare Total Time for GU BTS3900:

.TotalShareTime or GL Power V100R008C00
Sharing BTS5900:

1577058309 VS.GXPowerShare Total Range for GU BTS3900:

.TotalShareRange or GL Power V100R008C00
Sharing BTS5900:

1577058310 VS.GXPowerShare Average Range for BTS3900:

.AverageShareRan GU or GL Power V100R008C00
ge Sharing BTS5900:

Counter Relationship
None Total Time for GU or GL Power Sharing

Counter ID Counter Counter Network Applicable
Name Description Element Mode

1577058308 VS.GXPowerS Total Time for BTS3900, G

hare.TotalShare GU or GL BTS5900
Time Power Sharing

This counter provides the total time during which the GSM network shares power with the
target network in a measurement period.

Issue Draft C (2019-04-10) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2

3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement

This counter corresponds to the Total duration of GX power sharing counter


Measurement Points
This counter is measured on the BTS side from when the GSM network sends a power
sharing message to the target network to when the GSM network takes back all the shared



Related Features
Counter Name Feature ID Feature Name

VS.GXPowerShare.TotalSh Multi-mode: MRFD-211801 Multi-mode Dynamic Power

areTime MRFD-221801 Sharing(GSM)
MRFD-211806 Multi-mode Dynamic Power
GSM and LTE Dynamic
GSM: None Power Sharing(GSM)
UMTS: None GSM and LTE Dynamic
LTE: None Power Sharing(LTE)
NR: None Total Range for GU or GL Power Sharing

Counter ID Counter Counter Network Applicable
Name Description Element Mode

1577058309 VS.GXPowerS Total Range for BTS3900, G

hare.TotalShare GU or GL BTS5900
Range Power Sharing

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3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement

This counter provides the total range of the GSM network in sharing power with the target
network in a measurement period. This counter corresponds to the Total shared power during
GX power sharing counter (TRX.GXPWRSHARE.SHARE.AMP) for BSCs.

Measurement Points
This counter is measured on the BTS side when the GSM network begins to share power with
the target network. The value of this counter is calculated using the following formula:
(x1) x (y1) + (x2) x (y2) + ... + (xN) x (yN)
x1, x2,..., and xN respectively represent the shared power during N time periods.
y1, y2,..., and yN represent N time periods during which the GSM network shares power with
the target network.



Related Features
Counter Name Feature ID Feature Name

VS.GXPowerShare.TotalSh Multi-mode: MRFD-211801 Multi-mode Dynamic Power

areRange MRFD-221801 Sharing(GSM)
MRFD-211806 Multi-mode Dynamic Power
GSM and LTE Dynamic
GSM: None Power Sharing(GSM)
UMTS: None GSM and LTE Dynamic
LTE: None Power Sharing(LTE)
NR: None

Issue Draft C (2019-04-10) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4

3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement Average Range for GU or GL Power Sharing

Counter ID Counter Counter Network Applicable
Name Description Element Mode

1577058310 VS.GXPowerS Average Range BTS3900, G

hare.AverageSh for GU or GL BTS5900
areRange Power Sharing

This counter provides the average range of the GSM network in sharing power with the target
network in a measurement period.
The greater the value of this counter, the greater the total range of the GSM network in
sharing power with the target network. The smaller the value of this counter, the smaller the
total range of the GSM network in sharing power with the target network.
In GSM and UMTS dynamic power sharing mode, the target network is UMTS network. In
GSM and LTE dynamic power sharing mode, the target network is LTE network.
This counter corresponds to the Average shared power during GX power sharing counter

Measurement Points
During a measurement period, the BTS regularly samples the value of the
VS.GXPowerShare.TotalShareRange counter. When the measurement period ends, the value
of this counter is calculated using the following formula:
VS.GXPowerShare.AverageShareRange = Accumulated value of sampled



Issue Draft C (2019-04-10) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5

3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement

Related Features
Counter Name Feature ID Feature Name

VS.GXPowerShare.Average Multi-mode: MRFD-211801 Multi-mode Dynamic Power

ShareRange MRFD-221801 Sharing(GSM)
MRFD-211806 Multi-mode Dynamic Power
GSM and LTE Dynamic
GSM: None Power Sharing(GSM)
UMTS: None GSM and LTE Dynamic
LTE: None Power Sharing(LTE)
NR: None

1.2 Measurement of eGBTS Performance (eGBTS)

This object type provides the measurements related to eGBTS performance, reflecting the
eGBTS working status.

FunctionSubSet FunctionSubSet Name

Traffic.TRPIP.eGBTS Abis Interface Transport Performance


1.2.1 Abis Interface Transport Performance Measurement

This function subset provides the measurements of total transport bandwidth and rate of the
user plane and signaling plane for the eGBTS.

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3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement

Counter ID Counter Name Counter Introduced in
Description Version...

1577058328 VS.AbisIP.TxBytes Number of Bytes BTS3900:

Transmitted at the IP V100R009C00
Layer over the Abis BTS5900:
Interface V100R013C00

1577058329 VS.AbisIP.RxBytes Number of Bytes BTS3900:

Received at the IP V100R009C00
Layer over the Abis BTS5900:
Interface V100R013C00

1577058330 VS.AbisIP.TxPacke Number of IP BTS3900:

ts Packets Transmitted V100R009C00
at the IP Layer over BTS5900:
the Abis Interface V100R013C00

1577058331 VS.AbisIP.RxPacke Number of IP BTS3900:

ts Packets Received at V100R009C00
the IP Layer over BTS5900:
the Abis Interface V100R013C00

1577058332 VS.AbisIP.TxMaxS Maximum Transmit BTS3900:

peed Rate at the IP Layer V100R009C00
over the Abis BTS5900:
Interface V100R013C00

1577058333 VS.AbisIP.TxMean Average Transmit BTS3900:

Speed Rate at the IP Layer V100R009C00
over the Abis BTS5900:
Interface V100R013C00

1577058334 VS.AbisIP.RxMaxS Maximum Receive BTS3900:

peed Rate at the IP Layer V100R009C00
over the Abis BTS5900:
Interface V100R013C00

1577058335 VS.AbisIP.RxMean Average Receive BTS3900:

Speed Rate at the IP Layer V100R009C00
over the Abis BTS5900:
Interface V100R013C00

Counter Relationship

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3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement Number of Bytes Transmitted at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface

Counter ID Counter Counter Network Applicable
Name Description Element Mode

1577058328 VS.AbisIP.TxB Number of BTS3900, G

ytes Bytes BTS5900
Transmitted at
the IP Layer
over the Abis

This counter provides the total number of bytes transmitted over the Abis interface on both
the user plane and control plane in a measurement period. On the user plane, the number of
bytes transmitted before the multiplexing, fragmentation, or IPsec encryption are measured.
On the control plane, the number of bytes transmitted before the fragmentation or IPsec
encryption are measured.

Measurement Points
The number of bytes transmitted at the IP layer over the Abis interface is sampled every 10
seconds. At the end of a measurement period, the sum of these sampling results is used as the
value of this counter.



Related Features
Counter Name Feature ID Feature Name

VS.AbisIP.TxBytes Multi-mode: None

GSM: GBFD-118611 Abis IP over E1/T1
GBFD-118601 IP Transmission
UMTS: None Introduction on Abis
LTE: None
NR: None

Issue Draft C (2019-04-10) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8

3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement Number of Bytes Received at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface

Counter ID Counter Counter Network Applicable
Name Description Element Mode

1577058329 VS.AbisIP.RxB Number of BTS3900, G

ytes Bytes Received BTS5900
at the IP Layer
over the Abis

This counter provides the total number of bytes received over the Abis interface on both the
user plane and control plane in a measurement period. On the user plane, the number of bytes
received after the demultiplexing, reassembly, or IPsec decryption are measured. On the
control plane, the number of bytes received after the reassembly or IPsec decryption are

Measurement Points
The number of bytes received at the IP layer over the Abis interface is sampled every 10
seconds. At the end of a measurement period, the sum of these sampling results is used as the
value of this counter.



Related Features
Counter Name Feature ID Feature Name

VS.AbisIP.RxBytes Multi-mode: None

GSM: GBFD-118611 Abis IP over E1/T1
GBFD-118601 IP Transmission
UMTS: None Introduction on Abis
LTE: None
NR: None

Issue Draft C (2019-04-10) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9

3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement Number of IP Packets Transmitted at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface

Counter ID Counter Counter Network Applicable
Name Description Element Mode

1577058330 VS.AbisIP.TxP Number of IP BTS3900, G

ackets Packets BTS5900
Transmitted at
the IP Layer
over the Abis

This counter provides the total number of packets transmitted over the Abis interface on both
the user plane and control plane in a measurement period. On the user plane, the number of
packets transmitted before the multiplexing, fragmentation, or IPsec encryption are measured.
On the control plane, the number of packets transmitted before the fragmentation or IPsec
encryption are measured.

Measurement Points
The number of packets transmitted at the IP layer over the Abis interface is sampled every 10
seconds. At the end of a measurement period, the sum of these sampling results is used as the
value of this counter.



Related Features
Counter Name Feature ID Feature Name

VS.AbisIP.TxPackets Multi-mode: None

GSM: GBFD-118611 Abis IP over E1/T1
GBFD-118601 IP Transmission
UMTS: None Introduction on Abis
LTE: None
NR: None

Issue Draft C (2019-04-10) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10

3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement Number of IP Packets Received at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface

Counter ID Counter Counter Network Applicable
Name Description Element Mode

1577058331 VS.AbisIP.RxP Number of IP BTS3900, G

ackets Packets BTS5900
Received at the
IP Layer over
the Abis

This counter provides the total number of packets received over the Abis interface on both the
user plane and control plane in a measurement period. On the user plane, the number of
packets received after the demultiplexing, reassembly, or IPsec decryption are measured. On
the control plane, the number of packets received after the reassembly or IPsec decryption are

Measurement Points
The number of packets received at the IP layer over the Abis interface is sampled every 10
seconds. At the end of a measurement period, the sum of these sampling results is used as the
value of this counter.



Related Features
Counter Name Feature ID Feature Name

VS.AbisIP.RxPackets Multi-mode: None

GSM: GBFD-118611 Abis IP over E1/T1
GBFD-118601 IP Transmission
UMTS: None Introduction on Abis
LTE: None
NR: None

Issue Draft C (2019-04-10) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11

3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement Maximum Transmit Rate at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface

Counter ID Counter Counter Network Applicable
Name Description Element Mode

1577058332 VS.AbisIP.TxM Maximum BTS3900, G

axSpeed Transmit Rate BTS5900
at the IP Layer
over the Abis

The transmit rate is sampled every 10 seconds (average transmit rate in the 10 seconds). This
counter provides the maximum value on both the user plane and control plane of these
sampling results in a measurement period. On the user plane, transmit rates before the
multiplexing, fragmentation, or IPsec encryption are measured. On the control plane, transmit
rates before the fragmentation or IPsec encryption are measured.

Measurement Points
The transmit rate over the Abis interface is sampled every 10 seconds. At the end of a
measurement period, the maximum value of these sampling results is used as the value of this



Related Features
Counter Name Feature ID Feature Name

VS.AbisIP.TxMaxSpeed Multi-mode: None

GSM: GBFD-118611 Abis IP over E1/T1
GBFD-118601 IP Transmission
UMTS: None Introduction on Abis
LTE: None
NR: None

Issue Draft C (2019-04-10) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 12

3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement Average Transmit Rate at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface

Counter ID Counter Counter Network Applicable
Name Description Element Mode

1577058333 VS.AbisIP.TxM Average BTS3900, G

eanSpeed Transmit Rate BTS5900
at the IP Layer
over the Abis

The transmit rate is sampled every 10 seconds (average transmit rate in the 10 seconds). This
counter provides the average value on both the user plane and control plane of these sampling
results in a measurement period. On the user plane, transmit rates before the multiplexing,
fragmentation, or IPsec encryption are measured. On the control plane, transmit rates before
the fragmentation or IPsec encryption are measured.

Measurement Points
The transmit rate over the Abis interface is sampled every 10 seconds. At the end of a
measurement period, the average value of these sampling results is used as the value of this



Related Features
Counter Name Feature ID Feature Name

VS.AbisIP.TxMeanSpeed Multi-mode: None

GSM: GBFD-118611 Abis IP over E1/T1
GBFD-118601 IP Transmission
UMTS: None Introduction on Abis
LTE: None
NR: None

Issue Draft C (2019-04-10) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13

3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement Maximum Receive Rate at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface

Counter ID Counter Counter Network Applicable
Name Description Element Mode

1577058334 VS.AbisIP.RxM Maximum BTS3900, G

axSpeed Receive Rate at BTS5900
the IP Layer
over the Abis

The receive rate is sampled every 10 seconds (average receive rate in the 10 seconds). This
counter provides the maximum value on both the user plane and control plane of these
sampling results in a measurement period. On the user plane, receive rates after the
demultiplexing, reassembly, or IPsec decryption are measured. On the control plane, receive
rates after the reassembly or IPsec decryption are measured.

Measurement Points
The receive rate over the Abis interface is sampled every 10 seconds. At the end of a
measurement period, the maximum value of these sampling results is used as the value of this



Related Features
Counter Name Feature ID Feature Name

VS.AbisIP.RxMaxSpeed Multi-mode: None

GSM: GBFD-118611 Abis IP over E1/T1
GBFD-118601 IP Transmission
UMTS: None Introduction on Abis
LTE: None
NR: None

Issue Draft C (2019-04-10) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 14

3900 Series & 5900 Series Base Station
GBTSFunction Performance Counter Reference 1 GBTSFunction Performance Counter Measurement Average Receive Rate at the IP Layer over the Abis Interface

Counter ID Counter Counter Network Applicable
Name Description Element Mode

1577058335 VS.AbisIP.RxM Average BTS3900, G

eanSpeed Receive Rate at BTS5900
the IP Layer
over the Abis

The receive rate is sampled every 10 seconds (average receive rate in the 10 seconds). This
counter provides the average value on both the user plane and control plane of these sampling
results in a measurement period. On the user plane, receive rates after the demultiplexing,
reassembly, or IPsec decryption are measured. On the control plane, receive rates after the
reassembly or IPsec decryption are measured.

Measurement Points
The receive rate over the Abis interface is sampled every 10 seconds. At the end of a
measurement period, the average value of these sampling results is used as the value of this



Related Features
Counter Name Feature ID Feature Name

VS.AbisIP.RxMeanSpeed Multi-mode: None

GSM: GBFD-118611 Abis IP over E1/T1
GBFD-118601 IP Transmission
UMTS: None Introduction on Abis
LTE: None
NR: None

Issue Draft C (2019-04-10) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 15

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