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ISLA Daily Day 2

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28th Annual Securities Finance and Collateral Management Conference Wednesday,

Wednesday, 19th
20th June

Pirum’s Simon Davies on

achieving efficiency and
regulatory compliance

GMSLA Pledge to reduce costs | SFTR backloading will introduce ‘practical

issues’ | SFTR outlook from Trax | Speaker’s corner | A major new route to market
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News Round-Up
Calypso teams up with IHS Markit
on SFTR reporting

Calypso Technology has signed an

agreement with IHS Markit to make the
Securities Financing Transaction Regulation
(SFTR) reporting process seamless for
common clients of both companies.

Calypso is already expanding its cross-

asset product suite and post-trade
processing, collateral and securities
finance platform to help clients meet SFTR
reporting requirements.

This strategic alliance with IHS Markit,

who partner with Pirum Systems for SFTR
delivery, further extends the support available
to clients.

The new interface is designed to offer

clients seamless connectivity for SFTR
reporting, from the booking of the trade
right through to the trade repository,
giving clients an end-to-end view of
the reporting.

It facilitates integration, significantly

reduces the time to market and amount
of work needed to be done by each
client and, will be supported by Calypso
moving forward.

Pierre Khemdoudi, managing director

and global co-head of equities, data and
analytics at IHS Markit, said: “We are
delighted to collaborate with Calypso
to make the SFTR reporting process
as seamless, efficient and simplistic as
possible for our clients.”

“This agreement moves us closer to that goal,

offering an integrated and comprehensive
approach to managing SFTR requirements
within the required timeframe.” Broadridge launches change management service
for SFTR compliance
Adds Mayank Shah, chief of staff and head
of strategic alliances at Calypso, added: Broadridge Financial Solutions has Patrick Collins, practice lead for
“Calypso is aware of the pressure on financial launched a management service to Broadridge Consulting Services in
institutions from the constantly changing help companies design their target Europe, the Middle East and Africa,
regulatory requirements.” operating models to be compliant with said: “At Broadridge, we leverage our
the Securities Financing Transactions deep knowledge of the securities finance
“We are already helping clients to prepare Regulation (SFTR). business, experts who have held senior
for SFTR, and this strategic alliance with IHS roles in banks, and lessons learned from
Markit will enable us to extend SFTR support The new service provides a practical The European Market Infrastructure
still further.” blueprint for front-to-back changes Regulation and Markets in Financial
to overall architecture, organisational Instruments Directive trade reporting to
“Common clients will benefit from a single structure, business processes and help clients solve issues related to SFTR
interface to the trade repositories of their choice, location strategy. implementation.”
with data validation, enrichment and pre-
reconciliation to ISO 20022 format performed Broadridge will also offer project He added: “We can specialise in helping
en-route in collaboration with IHS Markit.” management, business analysis and firms cut through the complexity of SFTR,
testing support to augment internal creating a long-term vision for their
“This partnership is a continuation of our project teams and help firms comply with SFTR operating model that will provide a
commitment to provide our clients with a SFTR in a timely manner. platform for future expansion.”

News Round-Up
cost-effective, timely and complete end-to-
end solution.”

GMSLA Pledge to help reduce

regulatory capital costs when
borrowing securities

The main motivation behind the

development of the Global Master
Securities Lending Agreement (GMSLA)
Pledge Master Agreement was to
help regulated borrowers reduce their
regulatory capital costs when borrowing
securities, according to Habib Motani of
Clifford Chance, who was a speaker at
this year’s International Securities Lending
Association conference in Madrid.

The current GMSLA that is being used is

called a title transfer structure.

Motani explained that the lender transfers

ownership of the borrowed securities to
the borrower and the borrower transfers
ownership of the collateral securities to
the lender.

Pirum and IHS Markit complete successful SFTR He explained that industry participants say
the fact that title to the collateral is transferred
testing with Rabobank means that the lender can readily realise on
a borrower default by immediately selling the
Pirum Systems and IHS Markit have environment can now be leveraged collateral securities.
successfully completed a full end-to- to submit trades for data validation,
end test with Rabobank in preparation enrichment, report creation, ISO Although Motani explained that is true, he said
for the upcoming Securities Financing transformation and TR submission.” it’s actually a “slight misunderstanding”.
Transactions Regulation (SFTR) through
DTCC’s Global Trade Repository “This will allow firms to onboard and Motani said: “It sees the collateral as
(GTR) service. integrate to our joint SFTR solution, while the collateral securities. Really the
running pre-production testing to identify ‘collateral’ is the lender’s obligation to
The test included ingestion, enrichment, and remediate issues, ahead of the return equivalent collateral securities on a
validation and submission of securities reporting start date in April 2020.” default, the value of that obligation being
financing transactions under SFTR. set off against the value of the obligation
Val Wotton, managing director, product of the borrower to return the equivalent of
The 48 firms committed to using the IHS development and strategy of repository the borrowed securities.”
Markit and Pirum Systems SFTR solution and derivatives services, DTCC, said:
can now benefit from the connectivity “This marks an important step in He added: “Because lenders require
through to TR submission to test the end- establishing end-to-end flows from borrowers to over collateralise, that set off
to-end service prior to pre-production clients through to our trade repository will generally result in an amount payable
testing in Q3 2019. and demonstrates the importance of the by the lender, resulting in the borrower
tools DTCC have created for the industry having an exposure on the lender and
Duncan Carpenter, head of SFTR, Pirum to facilitate early testing.” being required to hold regulatory capital
Systems, cited: “This is a breakthrough for against that exposure. This can be
us and our clients. We have demonstrated Wotton continued: “We are committed expensive. The GMSLA Pledge is designed
the seamless integration between our to working with our partners to help to enable collateralisation without creating
clients, Pirum Systems, IHS Markit and clients through the challenges posed by this exposure.”
relevant Trade Repository (TR).” SFTR and look forward to working with
our partners to deliver clients first in SFTR backloading will introduce
“This allows firms to generate and share class solutions.” ‘practical issues’
unique transaction identifiers (UTIs) with
their counterparts and pre-reconcile data Allan Bolk, head of securities finance at At the International Securities Lending
prior to submission to the TR.” Rabobank, commented: “This successful Association (ISLA) conference in Madrid, one
test result confirms we have made the right panellist noted that in relation to the Securities
Pierre Khemdoudi, managing director decision by entering in this partnership for Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR),
and global co-head of equities, data and the SFTR solution and we feel confident to backloading is a “tricky issue” and “will
analytics, IHS Markit, stated: “Our testing be fully prepared for SFTR go live.” introduce practical issues”.

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News Round-Up
The panellist said: “SFTR doesn’t only
require new trades to be reported but
also trades that are already open on the
go-live date.”

They explained: “There is a six months

“grace” period that the European
Securities Markets Association (ESMA)
has given for backloading.”

“Backloading only starts six months

after go-live, which radically reduces
the number of trades that need to be
backloaded. That is positive but it also
introduces some practical issues in
particular reporting on a net exposure of
a portfolio basis.”

In addition to SFTR, panellists also

discussed the other upcoming regulation
including the Central Securities
Depositories Regulation (CSDR).

The moderator discussed the CSDR

timeline and said that it has been
something of a lengthy process involving
lots of industry engagement.

It was indicated that there has been a

delay to the CSDR deadline, and that the
September 2020 deadline will be delayed
by a few months to a possible November
date—although this has not been officially
confirmed by regulators.

Another panellist said: “ESMA is taking a

three stage approach to CSDR. Following
the acceptance of Regulatory Technical
Standards for settlement discipline, we
shifted our priorities from advocacy to
practical implementation so from a cash
bond market perspective and also a repo
REGIS-TR and Comyno partner on SFTR solution market perspective.”

Comyno and REGIS-TR have teamed up to will leverage the REGIS-TR’s trade “We have mobiliesed a CSDR settlement
provide an integrated Securities Financing repository services and support for the discipline working group, which consists
Transactions Regulation (SFTR) solution. upcoming SFTR.” of traders—both cash bond and repo—and
also operational experts, as well as legal
The Comyno securities finance software “Comyno’s Securities Finance one-stop- and compliance representatives.”
extends its modular system with SFTR shop software solution and REGIS-TR’s
straight-through-processing. unique SFTR Reporting offering will “It is predominantly sell side but
support market participants through every increasingly we are seeing buy side
Comyno explained that this makes it the step of the SFTR journey.” members as well.”
“most complete securities finance one-
stop-shop software solution”. Markus Büttner, CEO of Comyno, added: “We are working on a number of
“We’re delighted to work with REGIS-TR things including designing a passport
Connectivity to REGIS-TR SFTR test- as a trade repository. After connecting mechanism and we are also looking to
environment via Comyno’s SFTR solution successfully our C-ONE SFTR solution to their update our buy in rules, which will be
has already been established, enabling test-environment and achieve submission impacted by CSDR.”
early validation and testing for their clients. readiness for SFTR reporting, the clients will
benefit from early validation and testing.” Meanwhile, another panellist said that
Katrin Grün, relationship manager at best practice is really important for
REGIS-TR, said: “REGIS-TR entered a “With this partnership, we will deliver SFTR driving CSDR forward and overcoming
partnership agreement with Comyno on time and help our customers to fulfil some of the settlement barriers will be
in order to support mutual clients who their SFTR reporting obligations.” a challenge.



Ask us about our SFTR solution.

Cover Story

Simon Davies
Business development manager
Pirum Systems

Cover Story

Achieving efficiency and regulatory compliance

As the industry tackles the biggest challenges to its ecosystem since
the financial crisis, Simon Davies of Pirum explains that new regulation,
reduced income and increased competition all present headwinds
The securities finance industry is currently grappling with what Additionally, in order to meet many of the regulatory
amounts to be the biggest challenge to its ecosystem since the requirements of the Securities Financing Transactions
financial crisis. New regulation, reduced income and increased Regulation (SFTR) and the Central Securities Depositories
competition all present headwinds, while complex and inflexible Regulation (CSDR), firms need to improve front to back
operating models create further challenges. processes, increase automation and introduce standardisation
in order to achieve efficiencies in their operating models—
At Pirum we’re increasingly being asked by our clients, how we particularly processes and controls. This will allow firms to
can help them meet these trials and here we explore some of the manage costs and increase business activity, which in turn will
key issues that our clients are facing and how they are dealing benefit profitability and competitiveness.
with them—including how to increase process efficiency and
straight-through processing (STP) rates close to 100 percent, As noted, change is never particularly easy to implement, and
better manage costs and improve data usage in pre and post- there needs to be a clear agenda and impetus. Regulation is
trade processing. setting this agenda today, and this is creating opportunities for
firms to improve how and what they do, but businesses need to
Firms will be successful in adapting to the new world of recognise this driver and embrace it.
regulatory transparency and efficiency if they maintain a high
degree of agility and flexibility. While enormous benefits can In order to remain competitive, firms need to develop capabilities
be accrued, they will only be achieved after a period of flux to help them improve data quality and processes, and there are
and adjustment. With increasing transparency, there will be some choices to be made—particularly around what firms should
a drive towards better quality data to meet the compliance be focusing on in the short and long term. When looking at the
requirements, however, this will benefit trading decisions solution to some of these problems, firms clearly need to consider
and post-trade processes from trade execution and collateral the functionality required but should also look at their connectivity
management through to settlement and reconciliation. within the ecosystem. It is around the interactions with the industry

Cover Story
where we believe most efficiencies can be driven, that will drive Many firms we’re talking to have designed and are actively
benefits now and in the long run, or in other words how your firm implementing their SFTR solutions and are now turning their
interacts with the securities financing ecosystem. attention to streamlining their operating model in order to support
their compliance go live, but increasingly to drive through cost
What is the ecosystem? efficiency. For example, we’ve been helping firms fully automate
real-time processing for their marks agreement, returns and recalls,
If we look at the number of market participant interactions that exposure management—including triparty required values (RQV)
a typical agent lender must deal with, we’ve calculated it’s processing and linking settlement to collateralisation, security
around 11,000 and increases to about 30,000 for borrowers/ payment orders (SPO) payment and corporate action management
brokers. These figures come from the interactions a firm has at along with providing services to optimise collateral management.
the beneficial owner level (the sub-funds on both demand and In turn, firms are building in data flows to their front office pre and
supply side), their asset managers, the treasury counterparts— post-trade decisions and we’re seeing increasing demand for new
both corporate and banking, other market counterparts and their industry links—whether additional CCPs or trading venues to help
entities, multilateral trading facility platforms, triparty agents, streamline the data flows and increase the value firms can extract
central counterparties (CCPs), data providers, global and local from the ecosystem.
custodians, trade repositories, vendors (such as ourselves), etc.
Each of these interactions creates a link, information exchange Firms are also looking at adopting new technology, such as
and latency as well as the need for data and processing. machine learning, robotics and there is often a focus on distributed
ledger technology (DLT). At this year’s conference, the concept
Clearly, firms look to dramatically reduce the level of interactions of a Common Domain Model (CDM) is being introduced. This will
and complexities in order to increase efficiency, through help support the adoption of some of this new technology and
standardised contracts, feeds and the creation of ‘hubs’. This is will certainly help with defining the model the industry can work
nothing new, markets have evolved in this way and our industry towards adopting, although the definition is the relatively easy
depends on this too, although it hasn’t taken full advantage part and while the adoption itself will be difficult and we’ve seen
of the opportunities that it could provide. Securities finance, with the ISDA CDM, firms have struggled to adapt to this model.
as a structured product, has numerous life-cycle events and As new technology develops—such as artificial intelligence and
dependent processes to manage exposure and profit and loss DLT firms will need to move towards a CDM in their operating
that rely heavily on these interactions, and it is here that we see model to leverage new technology, and move away from legacy
firms struggling to gain efficiency. technology. A defined CDM will help, but firms need to plan to
adopt it in the long term, and leveraging services such as ours
Despite efforts, getting connected to the various actors within the will certainly help, with the transformative potential that they can
industry can still be a hugely difficult task, and firms are looking provide by aligning the ecosystem.
for services that make this as seamless as possible and enable
a plug and play into this ecosystem in a quick and cost-effective So, firms should now be looking at the functionality that is
way. Once connectivity is established, firms can start to automate available to automate processes and enrich data, particularly
processes between them, and extend this to automate internal those that can be utilised to make changes that help achieve
processes, focusing on exception processing—whether based regulatory compliance and at the same time increase efficiency
on established bilaterally agreed rules or more sophisticated with the aim of improving both revenues and reducing costs.
machine learning or artificial intelligence.
How long do you have?
We see that 30 of the 35 industry lifecycle events can be
automated in this way, increasing STP up to nearly 100 percent SFTR will go live, for the first phase of reporting firms in April 2020
and reducing breaks by 98 percent compared to typical pre- with roll out into Q1 2021 (with phased-in reconciliation beyond),
automation processes. CSDR will go live in September 2020. Both regulations pressure
firms to improve their processes and here we have given a high-
Clearly, this will have enormous benefits when it comes to level overview of how we’re helping our clients to achieve that
achieving Securities Financing Transactions Regulation goal. This doesn’t give firms much time to deal with regulatory
(SFTR) and Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR) compliance, let alone manage changes to data and processes to
compliance, improving data quality, reducing overall processing help achieve this.
costs for firms from our calculation up to 30 percent and
significantly increasing collateral efficiency. Additionally, firms Clearly, some issues can be dealt with relatively effectively,
can better manage their counterparty risk, by managing exposure particularly if you can take advantage of existing services within
with existing counterparts, but also allowing further diversification the industry where they offer support to get connected in a quick
through increased capacity and enhanced controls. and efficient way. Other things like new technology adoption
will take longer, but decisions made now will undoubtedly have
What should you be doing? ramifications on how a future model operates, so shouldn’t be
taken lightly.
Since firms have been preparing for SFTR we’ve seen a large
increase in effort around pre-matching trades and automation— As part of the industry ecosystem, Pirum supports firms with
from additional counterparty reconciliation, new clients and their pre and post-trade services across the securities finance
cross product coverage—with securities-based lending (SBL) industry globally, including securities lending, repo and collateral
clients adding in repo reconciliation and vice versa, partly due management. We have developed our solutions by acting
to preparation for SFTR and more recently for CSDR, but also interoperably with the industry and allow firms to seamlessly
due to increasing complexity in their operating model from and effectively plug into the market with connectivity to trading
Brexit—where we’ve seen an increase in the number of entities venues, counterparts, CCPs, custodians, triparty agents and
firms have. trade repositories.

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Speaker’s Corner

Speaker’s Corner
Cover Story Speaker’s Corner

Harpreet Bains
Executive director, agent lending
global product head
J.P. Morgan

What role does securities lending play in the provision undergone significant securities reform resulting in changes
of market liquidity? to settlement processing and cycles and registration
management. That said, a key opportunity which the industry
Securities lending plays a vital role in the well-functioning of the watches closely is the relaxation of current restrictions that
secondary markets in more than one way. prevent local domiciled mutual funds from fully engaging in
securities lending and in turn, prevents this growing market
Firstly, it’s an important enabler for market making programmes from fully capitalising on trading opportunities such as high-
and covered short selling. The latter is considered a necessary quality liquid asset (HQLA) lending.
function by most market regulators for reasons relating to
price discovery and corrections in overvalued securities, If introduced, this change would be another step closer
but also to provide market liquidity, particularly in the case to achieving greater harmonisation across EU regulatory
of new issuance or illiquid assets. Therefore, it is no surprise frameworks that address securities lending for similar fund
that many frontiers and emerging markets that are looking to types in other domiciles. Importantly, it would be providing
improve the depth and liquidity of their capital markets and additional liquidity to the marketplace by making available
attract increased flows from global institutional investors will securities that are otherwise shut away in portfolios, as well as
focus on legal and regulatory reform to allow for securities generating additional income for fund investors, which can be
lending and short selling to be considered. significant in respect of comparable fund performance.

Secondly, market liquidity is reliant on the timely settlement of Considering this in the wider context, traditional securities
transactions. A failing transaction can create a chain of market lending can also be adapted to enable the buy-side community
fails, so the ability to borrow to make timely settlement is crucial to access collateral or liquidity in the market, alongside its
for an efficient securities settlement process. As the industry continuing role as an alpha-generating tool.
prepares for the tighter rules and sale fail penalties regime
introduced through Central Securities Depositories Regulation The relevance of this is increasingly significant given the manner
(CSDR), the role of securities lending in preventing fails and in which regulations have changed the way banks and broker-
improving overall market efficiency becomes even greater. dealers as liquidity providers interact with the market, which is
driving a client need for an alternative source of liquidity and
What opportunities are there in unlocking liquidity financing. Having a variety of liquidity avenues to tap into is
through securities lending in markets such as Spain? especially important in times of market stress when traditional
sources may dry up, but also very pertinent today as market
Securities lending in Spanish securities is common practice, participants strive to secure efficient access to collateral for
and as we have seen over recent years, this market has regulatory needs.


Xavier Bouthors
Senior portfolio manager securities lending
NN Investment Partners

Why is ESG investment becoming increasingly with our ambition to be a leader in responsible investing. We see this
important for investors? as a natural step in the evolution of the securities lending landscape.

We believe there is a strong link between the longer-term positive The first thing to highlight is that our Responsible Investing team
impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) integration cannot engage with companies if the voting rights have been
and improved risk-adjusted returns, in addition to its effects on the passed on to someone else. So, every security needs to be
well-being of both society and the environment. Aside from that, available for voting, which may sound simple and obvious, but it
we are convinced of the benefits of integrating ESG information requires a solid process of monitoring record dates and issuing
into the investment process for our equity, fixed income and multi recalls when necessary.
asset strategies.
Another area that we see impacted by ESG in recent times is the
ESG is relevant because it relates to both corporate competitiveness exclusion of securities that do not fit our ESG requirements for
and the strategic choices companies make. Focusing on ESG factors investment. These also need to apply to collateral received under
enables our analysts to unlock potential value by identifying the securities lending. These “exclusion lists” were once tricky to
associated opportunities and/or risks, which fund managers then incorporate but are now adopted by tri-party collateral agents as
use as the basis for their investment decisions. Focusing on ESG part of a push from beneficial owners.
also ensures that we live up to our values, and demonstrate good
corporate citizenship. It helps us better align our core business with Asset managers have also had to evaluate their approach to
the broader expectations of society. the potential issues arising from differences in fiscal status
between assets and fund domiciles. Asset managers should
conduct their securities lending activity in a way that complies
What impact is ESG having on securities lending? with local tax rules, and seek to avoid entering into securities
lending transactions for the purpose of improving their tax
The increased popularity of ESG investing is definitely raising the position. At NN IP we have measures in place to prevent
bar for asset managers. It is forcing more active ownership by fund facilitation of such trades.
managers and increasing the focus on engagement with companies.
There has also been some question among certain ESG fund Finally, a common perception of securities lending is that
managers of whether securities lending and ESG can be combined. it facilitates shorting, and that shorting is bad because it
The problem is, that there is a void in terms of authority on this topic, undermines the value of long-only portfolios. However, the notion
with no clear guidance for market participants. This triggered our that securities lending is incompatible with ESG because it
own assessment of the compatibility of the two. We analysed every facilitates short selling is a misconception. We believe in efficient
aspect of securities lending and ESG, and that way discovered the markets in which short selling plays a crucial role. This is well
areas that overlap. Then we adapted these areas to be compatible established and documented.

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EquiLend LLC, EquiLend Europe Limited, EquiLend Canada Corp. and EquiLend Clearing Services are subsidiaries of EquiLend Holdings LLC (collectively, “EquiLend”).
EquiLend LLC and EquiLend Clearing Services are members of FINRA and SIPC. EquiLend Clearing Services is registered with the SEC and FINRA as Automated Equi-
ty Finance Markets, Inc. EquiLend Europe Limited is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. EquiLend Canada Corp. is authorized and regulated
by IIROC. All services offered by EquiLend are offered through EquiLend LLC, EquiLend Europe Limited, EquiLend Canada Corp. and EquiLend Clearing Services.
EquiLend and the EquiLend mark are protected in the United States and in countries throughout the world. © 2001-2019 EquiLend Holdings LLC. All Rights Reserved.
SFTR Outlook

SFTR Outlook

We’re ready for SFTR. Are you?

Sunil Daswani of Trax talks through the key challenges and what to
remember in the lead up to the go-live date of SFTR reporting
In just under a year from now, the first phase of the Securities The ability to manage collateral allocation at beneficial owner/
Financing Transaction Regulation (SFTR) reporting obligations will counterparty level:
come into force. That may still seem a long way away, but as we know • Trades with known collateral will be reportable on a T+1 basis
from the second Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II), • Where collateral is not known at the point of trade, it is reportable
the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) and a host of on S+1
other regulatory regime change—and don’t even mention Brexit—it’s • Omnibus collateral structures are not conducive for automation
not. As most securities finance practitioners will appreciate, the clock and straight-through processing (STP)
is ticking and the race is on.
Careful management of lifecycle events for securities lending, repo
In 2017, early birds EquiLend and Trax, the post-trade services arm and margin lending transactions:
of MarketAxess, began working together on a joint SFTR solution • Unlike MiFID, all lifecycle events that impact any of the
designed to make client migration to the new regime as swift, reportable fields need to be reported through to termination
painless and advantageous as possible. This was launched to
market in late 2018, and several major clients from our industry- Dealing with the huge volume and complexity of data:
wide SFTR client working group are now proposing to adopt the • Difficulty sourcing up to 40 percent of the required reportable
solution. In addition, as I write this article in early 2019, we’re offering data. For example, governing agreements and versions are some
a live test environment for the SFTR Solution, for all firms to test their of the challenges
eligibility, data enrichment and business validations processes in a • Sources state that there may be in excess of 100 million
single place. transactions that are reportable daily

Having reached this point, what’s been clear to me during the solution The phased implementation with backloading of data will create
rollout is that there are still many questions surrounding the what and reconciliation issues industry-wide:
why of SFTR. This article, therefore, serves two purposes, to draw out • Reporting requirements are phased but UTIs will still need to
what we believe are the most important and pressing challenges and be generated and reportable by the in-scope party only
opportunities of the SFTR, and to describe in brief how the joint SFTR
Solution can help our clients to face them head-on. Two: A unique SFTR Solution from not one, but two
market leaders
One: the key challenges
The key benefits of the SFTR Solution can be summarised as
There is no doubt that SFTR will precipitate an extra reporting and follows:
control lift in securities finance functions across the industry. • A complete front-to-back solution from the point of trade to
That is evident when you outline, even in brief, the challenges and trade reporting
requirements of the new regime. • Access to the leading securities finance trading platform,
EquiLend’s Next Generation Trading
Setting up and on-boarding of underlying principals and their • Access to industry-wide UTI generation and sharing portal
respective legal entity identifiers (LEI’s): • The Trax GUI provides complete visibility and audit trail of
• LEIs are not stored in front-end systems today and will need to every step in the reporting lifecycle
be going forward • Supports lifecycle event management, loan and collateral
• Disclosure of their underlying principles (beneficial owners) will allocations and centralised post-trade services
create challenges for the borrowers of the data received from • A complete reporting solution including enrichment, eligibility
lenders and break management either via direct or delegated
• Out of scope entities still need to have an LEI, for example, reporting
third-party non-EU entities will still have work to do if they are
a counterparty Trax is ready for clients to undertake detailed user acceptance
testing (UAT) now, with a fully live test environment, so clients can
The need to have a unique trade identifier (UTI) generation, sharing and really accelerate their implementation projects.
management throughout all lifecycle events:
• All new transactions will be required to have an execution The SFTR solution has been built to be modular. This is of
timestamp importance to clients, as it means that clients can tailor their

SFTR Outlook

Trax is ready for clients to undertake detailed

user acceptance testing nowx

product by choosing either a complete end-to-end solution, a • Sharing of UTIs: The Trax UTI Portal can assist with addressing
single component to complement their existing framework or industry concerns
solution or something in between. That makes it potentially more • Early commencement of UAT Testing is critical to pick up
cost-effective. issues: At least six months is usually required once the
onboarding has been completed (if using the SFTR solution).
While we expect the regulation to increase the use of electronic This can take some time depending on the complexity of client
trading via EquiLend’s Next Generation Trading, or trades that are set ups
agreed bilaterally, the SFTR Solution can still offer the mechanism • Consolidation and minimising the number of vendors in the
to share and enrich data including the UTI. Clients can match process and also across different regulatory reporting regimes:
trades with any provider and use Trax Insight to validate and At Trax, all regulatory reporting can be completed on the Trax
enrich each transaction. To ensure flexibility, the fully enriched Insight dashboard including, EMIR, Authorised Publication
and validated data can be returned to your regulation operations Arrangement (APA), Approved Reporting Mechanism (ARM)
teams to report to your chosen trade repository utilising the and now SFTR
‘prepared reporting’ module. • Post implementation impact: It’s not all about day one. Consider
the nuances of different markets, lifecycle management, the
Furthermore, Trax Insight allows for careful exception volume of transactions and changes (not just to static data
management with detailed analytics and benchmarking but changes with any part of the transaction from regulation,
against your peer group. The dashboard also allows lenders, to counterparties to clients)
where they are acting as an agent, to provide access to the
underlying beneficial owners, whose responsibility it is to report Regulatory reporting is here to stay. Trax has more than 30
transactions. This can be on a read-only basis to satisfy their years with global regulators to provide seamless solutions to
clients that their reporting obligations are being dealt with in a clients, meeting the ever-increasing and complex regulatory
timely manner by their agent. reporting requirements. We strongly believe we offer clients the
ability to report transactions accurately, completely and in a timely
No matter how you choose to do your reporting or what part of manner to ensure minimal management of exceptions through a
the SFTR service you wish to take, we have created a community single platform connected to trade repositories, national competent
sharing portal to address the concerns we have heard from our authorities and our Trax UTI portal.
clients about ensuring UTI’s can be shared between counterparties
from a single hub. This is known as the Trax UTI Portal.

Finally, an additional important element of what we provide

is the expertise that clients can derive from a team of
practitioners, with client-side experience, from two securities
finance solution providers who can advise on providing a
solution which fits your company and needs. Whether it’s
agency, principal lending or margin lending, prime brokerage
and delta one, prop trading or treasury desks and repo or asset
management portfolio, managers. We can help all those who all
fall under the reporting requirements.

What to remember as we get closer to the go-live date

SFTR product management

So, to close, my pick of six key items to remember for SFTR is:
• Easter weekend: SFTR Phase 1 goes live on Easter weekend
Sunil Daswani

• Backloads mean everyone must have shops in order: Any

open loans after 180 days of your Phase go-live date need
to be backloaded, so this data will need to be recorded and
maintained to report in the SFTR standards

CCP Insight

CCP Insight

A major new route to market

BNY Mellon goes live with cleared securities lending for clients via Eurex
Clearing’s Lending CCP
BNY Mellon has become the first agent lender to centrally clear a technology, Slater said that central clearing is “a natural
securities lending transaction on behalf of a buy-side client through progression in the evolution and transformation of the
Eurex Clearing’s Lending central counterparty (CCP) platform securities lending market”

Eurex is the first CCP to develop a workable clearing model that Marcel Naas, managing director of Eurex Repo, noted that in
preserves the existing relationships of the bilateral agent lending recent years the margin and operational efficiencies offered by
market without imposing the traditional obligations of a clearing central clearing “have the potential to add huge value to the
member on buy-side participants. global securities finance landscape”.

Under the Eurex Clearing’s Lending CPP model, James Slater, Naas added: “That’s why we are so pleased that BNY Mellon
global head of securities finance, liquidity and segregation has completed their integration into Eurex Clearing’s Lending
at BNY Mellon explained that lending agents can negotiate CCP platform and we welcome their first clients into the
loans on behalf of their beneficial owner clients with traditional centrally cleared construct.”
borrowers and then both parties can novate the loan to
Eurex Clearing. “This is just the beginning, and we anticipate much greater
utilisation of our services going forward as the securities
The trade was matched and novated through Pirum’s CCP finance industry looks to realise the benefits of a CCP model.”
Gateway. Slater noted that upon novation, Eurex becomes the
counterparty to both the original lender and borrower. BNY Mellon being the first agent lender to centrally clear an
agent lending client’s transaction through the Eurex model is “a
He said: “There is no requirement for either the lender or its lending breakthrough” in terms of creating a new way to transact in this
agent to contribute to a default fund or post margin. In addition, marketplace, according to Slater.
neither the lender nor its agent is subject to loss mutualisation.”
He commented: “That breakthrough is the result of a huge team
Clients will now be able to capitalise on growing market demand effort involving many stakeholders across the securities finance
to undertake securities finance within a centrally-cleared value chain, and we’re thrilled that we’ve been able to develop an
environment, without the obligations and responsibilities of approach that we think will work for lenders, borrowers, lending
traditional clearinghouse membership. agents and CCPs alike.”

Slater explained that the new clearing model “yields a number of Slater also said he expects to see other agent lenders and clients
specific benefits for beneficial owners”. begin to participate in the growing distribution channel.

Lending clients that join the Eurex Clearing’s Lending CCP Eurex Clearing’s Lending CCP Strategic Committee group is
will be able to access a new source of borrower demand. made up of BNY Mellon, Morgan Stanley, Citi Investment Bank
According to Slater, Clearing can provide borrowers with and Agency, J.P. Morgan, BlackRock and Natixis.
certain capital benefits in comparison to traditional non-cleared
bilateral transactions. Commenting on the transaction, a strategic committee group
member said: “The [strategic committee] is one unique
Slater suggested that this is because the borrower is now gathering place for major securities borrowing and lending
facing a highly-rated clearinghouse on the trade rather than market operators to discuss face to face and on a regular
the original lender, who may carry a higher risk weighting. As basis on a range of items regarding clearing of securities
a result, borrower demand through this distribution channel borrowing and lending.Discussion can be either theoretic or
is increasing. very practical and knowledge and experience are shared in the
most efficient way to get everyone to reach base capitalising
He noted: “With this increased focus on the capital treatment of on the group’s experience.”
individual lending clients, clearing helps to maintain utilisation for
beneficial owners that are disadvantaged—especially clients that Jonathan Lombardo, fixed income funding and financing sales
reside in jurisdictions where it is difficult for borrowers to obtain at Eurex Clearing, added: “The recent formation of the strategic
necessary legal opinions. committee, has proven that a shared and transparent approach
from Eurex and each member firm of the committee has led to a
The transaction was described as a “major new route” to greater commitment to support and enhance the wider use of a
the market for its clients. With increased automation and CCP for this market.’’

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08:00 - 09:30 Beneficial Owners Breakfast Briefing (Closed door event for Beneficial Owners)

08:30 – 09:30 Breakfast & Registration

09:30 – 09:45 Welcome Remarks

Gilly Meth, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley
James Templeman, Managing Director, BlackRock

Keynote Speech
09:45 – 10:15

10:15 - 11:15 Unlocking Liquidity Through Securities Lending

Spain, Saudi & Beyond...

The support for new markets and the search to unlock new liquidity is at the heart of our markets. This session
will look at the role that securities lending plays in the provision of market liquidity and explore some of the
new and existing opportunities to do so . As we think about the broader CMU agenda, the panel will consider
the importance of allowing Spanish domiciled UCITS to fully engage in securities lending, whilst drawing
upon examples of markets and regions outside of Europe who are dealing with similar issues on the road to
development and expansion. In the context of liquidity management and optimisation, the panelists will also
consider the role of central clearing, pledge and other routes to market in the overall debate.
Ed Oliver, Managing Director, Product Development, eSecLending (Europe)

Harpreet Bains, Executive Director, Agent Lending Global Product Head, J.P. Morgan
Benoit Dethier, Director, Iberia Head of Business Development, Citi Securities Services
Mathew McDermott, Global Head of Cross Asset Financing, Goldman Sachs
Boaz Yaari, CEO, Sharegain

Complete front-to-back Best-in-class Trax GUI provides 30+ years of experience in
solution from point of trade complete visibility and audit trail of regulatory reporting over
to trade repository reporting. every step in the reporting lifecycle. multiple regulations.

Access to the leading Securities Supports lifecycle event Access to industry-wide UTI
Finance trading platform, management, loan and collateral generation and sharing portal.
EquiLend NGT. allocations and centralized
post-trade services.

©2019 MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (the “Company”). MarketAxess, the EquiLend LLC, EquiLend Europe Limited, EquiLend Limited, EquiLend
MarketAxess logo, Trax, Open Trading and “Now you’re in the market” Canada Corp. and EquiLend Clearing Services are subsidiaries of
are trademarks of the Company. MarketAxess Corporation is a member EquiLend Holdings LLC (collectively, “EquiLend”). EquiLend LLC and
of FINRA and SIPC. MarketAxess Europe Limited and MarketAxess Capital EquiLend Clearing Services are members of FINRA and SIPC. EquiLend
Limited are authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Clearing Services is registered with the SEC and FINRA as Automated
Authority. MarketAxess Singapore Pte. Limited is recognised by the Equity Finance Markets, Inc. EquiLend Europe Limited is authorized and
Monetary Authority of Singapore. This information is not intended to regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. EquiLend Canada Corp.
represent an offer or solicitation of any financial instrument. is authorized and regulated by IIROC. All services offered by EquiLend
are offered through EquiLend LLC, EquiLend Europe Limited, EquiLend
Limited, EquiLend Canada Corp. and EquiLend Clearing Services. EquiLend
and the EquiLend mark are protected in the United States and in
countries throughout the world. © 2001-2019 EquiLend Holdings LLC.
All Rights Reserved.
11:15 – 11:45 Networking Coffee Break

11:45 – 12:45 Navigating a ‘New Europe’

The uncertainty around the exact shape and form of the UK’s departure from the EU, has consumed considerable
time and effort over the past three years. However as we look past that and the known unknown, there is much to
debate and consider for the future landscape of Europe. This session will assess the key regulatory, economic and
business drivers that will shape decisions. The arrival of the new EU Commission and Parliament, the potential loss
of the UK’s voice from the European parliamentary arena, implications for data and cyber security, as well as the
changing demands of clients more broadly.

Andy Hill, Senior Director, Market Practice and Regulatory Policy, ICMA

Matthias Graulich, Global Head of Fixed Income, Funding and Financing Strategy and Development, Deutsche
Börse Group
Sven Kasper, Senior Vice President & International Head, Regulatory, Industry and Government Affairs, StateStreet
Bank and Trust Company
James Knightley, International Economist, ING
Graeme Perry, BNP Paribas

12:45 - 13:00 Presentation - ESG and Securities Lending

13:00 - 13:45 The Impacts of ESG on the Institutional Investor Landscape

Jane Gimber, Account Director, Financial Services Practice, FleishmanHillard

Xavier Bouthors, Senior Portfolio Manager, NN Investment Partners
Rene Nikolodi, Head of Equities & Themes, Swisscanto Invest by Zurcher Kantonalbank

4.30-6.30 Afternoon Drinks Reception

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