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KPMG Model-Risk-Management-Toolkit

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Model Risk

Management toolkit
Sound practice and current challenges
for financial institutions

KPMG International

December 2019
Model Risk Management toolkit 3

Contents Managing models in

1. Key challenges for banks 4
financial services
The global financial crisis showed us that model risk is real
2. Regulatory landscape 5 and that the consequences can be far reaching. In response,
regulators have increased scrutiny to ensure that financial
3. MRM Framework 6
institutions maintain effective and sustainable Model Risk
4. Model documentation and inventory 8 Management (MRM) programs.

5. Model Life-Cycle 9 Demonstrating not only the validity of individual models but also the
efficacy of the controls covering the design, development, revision,
6. Communication 10 and use of models is of paramount importance. Many organizations
are struggling to meet this mandate given the size and complexity
7. Technological environment 10 of the typical model portfolio, the increasing use of algorithms and
the sophistication of underlying technologies, and the diversity of
the environments in which they are used.

Model risk management toolkit

“This brochure focuses on KPMG member firms have developed an MRM toolkit which
MRM within the banking is designed to provide guidance on implementing an effective
sector, but KPMG Model Risk Management function and framework within a
professionals have financial entity. The guidance aims to help banks understand the
increasingly seen Insurance importance of model risk, how it may affect the P&L and capital
and Asset Management firms and the most important steps to develop a model risk
also considering this topic, in framework.
which a lot of the The MRM toolkit provides guidance which can be leveraged
components and lessons by financial institutions relying on the use of models, including
learned from the banking banks, insurance firms and asset management companies.
industry can be applied…”. This playbook is applicable to banks of all sizes. Given that the
level of maturity in institutions on this topic is different and
according to the proportionality principle, it is important to
tailor the application of this guidance to the nature and
“KPMG’s Model Risk circumstances of the entity in question, for example in
Management approach offers deciding whether to apply the full scope of the Toolkit or not.
a practical framework for
identifying, quantifying, and
mitigating model risk by
addressing the sources of risk Due to the intense demands of the last few years, some banks
head on”. have responded to model risk issues with limited stopgap
solutions, e.g. dedicating resources for a short period to quickly
fix issues. Many banks are now raising the bar in terms of
efficiency of their MRM systems and processes, while infusing
model risk considerations into their organizations from the board
of directors to the business units.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with
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01 Key challenges for banks
4 Model Risk Management toolkit

The global financial crisis showed that controls and governance frameworks associated with valuation,
risk and other model types can be fragmented, incomplete or unreliable. Focus has now shifted to the
ways in which banks can prevent or mitigate such instances, for example through an effective model
risk management program.

Given the background of the financial crisis and supervisory concerns regarding model risk, many financial
entities have decided to create a model risk governance function that is distinct from the existing areas of
internal validation and operational risk.

The main steps to create a MRM function include the following:

— Locate where the model risk function will sit within the wider organization (i.e. operational risk,
second line of defense (2nd LoD), internal validation, sole function, etc.).
— Develop a model risk framework. “Model risk culture is partially embedded in the
— Develop a model inventory & tiering. financial industry. However, there is often not a
— Develop standardized reporting. formal risk function which gathers all model
— Promote MRM culture across the entity.
relevant information in a comprehensive way.”
— Establish policies and documentation. “Model Risk Management is located in the 2nd
LoD complementary to Internal Validation
Key benefits of having function.” As banks address these issues, a
a Model Risk function include: Version 2.0 of MRM is starting to emerge. The
importance of managing model risk in programs
1 is becoming more effective and efficient and
Robust governance framework and a more widely understood throughout the
standardized process to be able to organization.
manage model risk.

Plausible risk Model risk

2 identification culture
Creation of an inventory which
includes all models, tools and even
one-off usages, taking into account
their materiality / tier.
Second layer of
3 control Risk appetite
Identify all risks associated to data,
methodology, implementation and use
of the models.
Reporting Inventory

Model risk assessment and quantify

its impact in terms of P&L, capital, etc. Valuation and

Standardized reporting system, Model

dashboards and controls which
mitigate risks. and monitoring governance

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with
KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other
member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
02Regulatory landscape
Model Risk Management toolkit 5

In recent times some banks have suffered significant financial losses due to inadequate models or wrong
model use. Additionally the importance of models for business decisions is growing. Consequently regulatory
requirements are set up to control model risk to ensure senior management relying on the use of these
model outputs to make informed decisions are aware of the limitations and assumptions of most material

Losses by models Use of models Supervisor requirements

In the recent history, several risks Technological innovation. Regulators are issuing guidelines and
events happened to banks due to recommendations to control model risk
Competitiveness in the financial industry.
ineffective model risk management that management in order to:
lead to big losses or bankruptcy. Inclusion of models in decision making
Define what is a model and model risk.
Spread model risk culture in the Entity.
Regulatory pressure.
Establish a common framework and
Demand of greater sophistication in
Senior Management and Board
risk management.

Background and current regulation

Canada UK
The Office of the — Bank of England/
US regulators were the first
Superintendent of Financial PRA – Supervisory
ones to adopt model risk
Institutions Canada letter on stress test Poland
guidelines. However, the ECB
model management
KNF - Recommendation W is also moving towards the
implementation of model risk

American Regulators (FED) were Europe
leaders issuing regulations about
Recent publication of the ECB’s Guide
model risk management:
on Internal Models (Mar 2018) suggests
— SR 11-7 (April 2011) the implementation of model risks
— SR 15-18 (Dec. 2015) standards. CRD & CRR.

In addition to the model-risk specific guidelines, there are a number of additional regulations which will have an impact on
model risk:

LIBOR Transition TRIM Basel IV

Libor Market Model Calibration. seeks to improve the supervision of Basel IV changes the approaches to the
A transition to a new reference rate may internal Models.. Future supervisory calculation of the RWA, regardless of
change the discount rates used in expectations could be higher and delays whether the standard or internal approach
models. in approving material model changes are is used and regardless of the type of risk
New Internal model approach. EBA IRRBB GL
Supervisors will review the use of internal In the new Guideline, the EBA recognizes
models at desk level. LIBOR the importance of models regarding
More rigorous model approval process. transition TRIM IRRBB. In particular, the required scope
of independent model validations has
SS3/18 been extended and specified. This
Firms should be able to verify that FRTB Basel includes initial validations before
activities conducted by external resources IV implementation of new models as well as
are in accordance with their MRM ongoing validations and benchmark
standards. assessments.
The PRA published a supervisory GL New Definition of Default
statement on Algorithmic Trading Model change for IRB Models.
outlining expectations on the risk Recalibration of PD, LGD and CCF.
Others New
management and governance of
Algorithmic trading models.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with
KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other
member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
03 MRM framework
6 Model Risk Management toolkit

MRM framework

Entities use models to support decision making, financial and regulatory reporting, and to
provide predictive information in a number of business functions, this is why they are
exposed to potential risks arising from the use of models and need to establish an
appropriate framework for managing it.
Establishing a Model Risk Management framework allows an entity to set out a
comprehensive approach to managing and controlling model risk:

Tiering & quantification Introduction

— Model risk tiering and its — Objective of the framework
relevance — Model’s definition
Tiering &
— Model risk assessment Quantification Introduction
— Model scope
— Model risk definition

Management & control Management Principles

& control MRM
— Documentation — Line of defense in model
framework risk management
— Model Inventory Principles
— Other model risk tools — Board and Senior
(Validation, development, etc.) Management involvement
in model risk
Governance Process &
Governance Responsibilities Process & responsibilites
— Committees & Responsibilities: — Model lifecycle definition
˗ Board at high level

˗ Global Risk Committee — Stakeholders involved and

their duties
˗ Model Risk Committee

The Key components of a preferred practice MRM framework include:

— Senior management oversight.

— Clear definition of roles and responsibilities.
1 Governance
— Escalation procedures.
— Independent model validation & Internal audit review.

Model risk — Embedded Model risk culture programme across the organization.
culture, — Model risk strategy.
strategy and — Risk Appetite Framework.
— Limits and early warnings to KRIs.

— Develop policies and processes to ensure consistency of standards across the

Policies &
Procedures — Review and update the internal documentation frequently.
— Provide employees the internal documentation for ongoing use to support
model risk management.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with
KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other
member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
03 MRM framework
Model Risk Management toolkit 7

To achieve an effective model risk management function it is essential to
have adequate number of resources, and qualified personnel, supported by
The framework and a management body and the senior management. See below for the main
policies established by questions that are integral to setting up the model risk function:
model risk governance
should include standards
Where will the model risk area be
for model development, 01 placed?
controls, implementation,
use, and validation.
02 Number of models in the entity?
The Board should approve
model risk management
policies and review them
annually to ensure How many resources does
03 the entity need?
relevance and

Bank’s board and senior 04 Is there a model committee?

management should
establish a strong model
risk framework.
05 Who are the main stakeholders

Are responsibilities correctly defined

06 among stakeholders?

The main components that are integral to a strong governance

framework for the model risk function include:
Function Organizational Roles and
Committees Resources
placement structure responsibilities

Model definition and taxonomy

Model Risk Function is responsible for the development of the models
taxonomy within the entity. Taxonomy should cover all the models that can
be included in the inventory and should be subject to regular review in order
to make any changes or modifications deemed necessary.
There is inherent subjectivity in deciding which calculation methods fit the
definition of a model. As such, firms regularly do not apply their chosen
definition consistently. To mitigate this there should be an auditable process
in place for the implementation of the adopted model definition, which
includes input from developers and the MRM group.
Firms are encouraged to clearly document the rationale and assumptions
behind a decision as to whether a particular calculation mechanism constitutes
a model, including how they are treated for validation and review purposes.
Some key risk initiatives are not necessarily considered as a model (i.e. RDA
Certification); but they should be reviewed and included in the Control Risk

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with
KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other
member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
04 Model documentation,
8 Model Risk Management toolkit

inventory and tiering

One of the key elements in effective model risk management is the development and maintenance of model
documentation. Without adequate documentation, model risk assessment and management will be

Documentation of model development and validation should be sufficiently detailed so that parties unfamiliar with
a model can understand how the model operates. Documentation can be a resource and time intensive exercise,
however we are observing the use of technology solutions to automate part of the process.
A model inventory should be a central repository of information on all models that are under development, in
production and recently retired. It provides senior management with a holistic view of all models used by a firm
and helps facilitate other processes in the MRM framework. The information presented for each model should be
consistent and broad-ranging enough to enable efficient reporting.

Model documentation Model inventory

Effective documentation includes a general The inventory needs to identify and facilitate the
description of the model. The general description tracking of a model’s status throughout its lifecycle.
should be of such a nature as to provide a high-level Details regarding recent validations, such as the date
understanding of how the model fits the business, of and outcome of the most recent validation and the
the risks inherent in the model, and of the controls date for the next review, should also be provided
implemented to address these risks. Some of the along with the model risk tier. We have included a
items useful in the model description include: model table containing a comprehensive list of the fields we
purpose inputs, outputs and intended users. would expect to see in a best-practice model
inventory. We note here that the level of detail
Model owners and developers are responsible for
provided for each model should be proportionate to
producing effective documentation.
the complexity and overall level of usage of the model
within a firm.

Model tiering Materiality

+ Relevance

Institutions apply an internally developed model Model Complexity

classification methodology to prioritize the nature and Reliance (impact of the decisions) Level 1
extent of model validation and/or review procedures.
Financial statement / external
Classifications are generally formulaic or scorecard- reporting /regulatory impact
based, with a risk ranking (e.g. High, Medium, or Low Uncertainty
risk types).
Operational Impact Level 2
Regulators expect transparency in the classification
Frequency of Use
methodology, the use of limited subjectivity, and clear
documentation of all assumptions and rationale for Level of manual intervention
conclusions. Level 3

- Relevance

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with
KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other
member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
Model Risk Management toolkit 99

life cycle Regulatory guidance is not prescriptive but principles based, with
organizations having the freedom to interpret and tailor roles and
responsibilities to suit the business. However, KPMG member
firms are seeing a consensus opinion emerge in best practice…

— Model Risk Appetite

Calculation of
Model lifecycle model risk — Stress Testing and other
reserves submissions

1 2 3 4 5
Model Submission Model Implementation Ongoing
development for validation validation in production monitoring

Model decommissioning
Insufficient Model
support Approval
Rejected Model Committee

Owner Developer Validator IT User/Owner

Communication & Reporting

Model Lifecycle

Internal Audit

— Develop and perform model testing

— Independent comprehensive validation to — Operationalize the model in its — Ensure that model use is
according to model development
ensure models are fit for purpose and production environment IT. consistent with scope of
compliant with regulation and policy. model approval.
— Performs model testing
— Submit the model for validation
— Compare model outcomes with actual according to model development — Sensitivity analysis and
— Establishes model documentation results. standards. controls should be carried
out periodically.
— Establishes ongoing performance — Assessment of estimates and forecast — Guarantees the implementation
monitoring approach accuracy. and an adequate monitoring. — Risk Model vs Risk Appetite.
— Key risks.

A proper management of the model lifecycle intends to ensure that appropriate

controls are in place to mitigate model risk.
The MRM Policy must
set out the activities All stakeholders need to be aware of model risk that may be generated in each
each stage of the of the model lifecycle phases, even when the model is in already in force.
model lifecycle,
governance and All models at all risk levels should initially be subject to full validation by the
accountability. model validator. Financial entities should validate models according to their
Tiering. It means we typically observe Tier 1 models are fully validated and
Tier 4 models are partially validated or validated on a lower frequency (lack of
resources, timing and model importance). Model validation practices vary
based on the classification.

Validation process

Model Action plan

Non model
Reception Phase
Model Model
documentation Model approval

Check data
integrity and
Documentation consistency
Non model
Fast validation

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with
KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other
member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
06 Communication
10 Model Risk Management toolkit

External communication with supervisors and regulators is one of the key challenges for Tier 1 banks in the
improvement of the current model risk management framework. It is also very important to embed the model risk
culture across the organization. For that reason, some banks are including in their MRM framework a specific
function to promote model risk culture and communication (external & internal).

Define and set out roles and responsibilities for a single function that coordinates and leads all
Model Risk Culture contacts with the regulator related to regulatory model management to promote an effective
programme communication with supervisory bodies and with all the stakeholders involved in MRM,
strengthening model risk management.

Potential benefits Challenges

— Broad ranging control of information to share with — Deep stakeholders involvement in the process.
regulators and other stakeholders (internal & external). — Adequacy of the necessary infrastructure and
— Consolidated view and global oversight. systems to support the communication process.
— Agile and effective response to new regulatory — Coordination between different functions and
requirements and ad-hoc requests: anticipation. units.
— Model risk culture promotion: consistent terminology. — Organizational changes.

Internal communication is also a key challenge for banks. In this sense, some key aspects arising in relation to model
risk management should be appropriately escalated in order to provide information to different stakeholders at the
appropriate time.

07 Technological environment
For an adequate Model Risk framework it is essential to have a centralized management system that provides an
holistic view of model risk across the organization. It is common for many banks to have some accelerators or
internal solutions implemented in their technological environment in order to manage model risk.

Need to access the inventory of all entity models on which risk is wanted to The model risk tool may be developed in a
be measured (can be in several different systems).
strategic environment (internally or with
Access to all operational information of these models, on which the KPIs, KRIs,
an external vendor) or considering a
2 and other indicators of interest will be measured. tactical solution which is more flexible and
Integrate all the information (which may come from different systems and
3 technologies) at a common point where the evaluation of indicators will be performed
to detect alarms.
KPMG member firms have developed an
Information to be integrated may be sensitive to the period that is collected, which
in-house solution which is designed to
4 adds more difficulty to this integration process. cover all the key components of the MRM
framework and can be easily tailored for
The evaluation and control system of Model Risk should be able to make decisions
5 and perform actions on the models which are affected by a particular alert. To do this different client needs.
it must be able to access and modify the Model inventory.

Availability and access to the complete Model Inventory, including relevant On the other hand, for more complex
6 information about each model (model owner, type of risk, materiality…). entities, KPMG firms have an alliance with
SAS. This MRM Solution provides value
Traceability of the entire life-cycle of the model (approval date, implementation date,
7 last validation date…).
through a central management and
control of model documentation,
Validation and internal audit recommendations and the status of its related action workflow, and related communications for
8 plans in order to carry out a proper monitoring. firm wide models, including SAS and non-
SAS models.
Integration of metrics to quantify model risk as well as a control and warnings
9 system that guarantees the completeness and adequacy of the information.

Reporting system that allows the different decision making bodies to escalate
10 the information in an appropriate time and manner.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with
KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other
member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
How can KPMG help?
Model Risk Management toolkit 11

KPMG firms have successful track record of providing a broad range of financial and strategic advisory services to
clients across a wide array of industries related to model Risk Management.
The MRM toolkit can be useful to link guidance with KPMG Model Risk Management services for potential clients.
KPMG’s Model Risk Management approach offers a practical framework for identifying, quantifying, and mitigating
model risk by addressing the sources of risk head on through:

Model Risk Assessment MRM framework - TOM

Model risk assessment including gap analysis and Target Operating Model (TOM) for a model risk
potential remediation actions: framework including core elements of:
— Assessment of both the level of compliance to — Model definition, classification, inventory and
applicable standards, and the “efficiency” of tiering.
Model Risk Management practices. — Model Development, Implementation and
— Regulatory & Best Practices check-list. validation.
— Master plan and remediation actions. — Model risk Control definition.
— Monitoring and reporting (KRIs, dashboards,
Risk Appetite Statement and Framework).

Governance enhancements Model lifecycle management support

Support on the definition and implementation of the MRM KPMG professionals can support the different
function considering the following elements: processes included in the Model lifecycle:
— Governance and model risk function definition. — Accountability for all the stakeholders through the
— Framework, policies and processes. lifecycle.

— Accountability. 3 LoD support. — Model development: extensive knowledge of all

kind of models and risk-types.
— Committees definition and top management
involvement. — Implementation & validation: automated validation.

Model risk quantification Technological support

Model risk quantification considering qualitative & Technological support in order to implement the MRM
quantitative approaches: in a bank. Depending on the size and complexity…
— Model risk quantification techniques. — Technological accelerators to manage MRM.
— Economic capital quantification. — Strategic MRM solution definition
and implementation: several partnership and
alliances with external providers (Appian, SAS,

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with
KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other
member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All rights reserved.
Contact us Why choose KPMG
Matthias Peter
Financial Services
KPMG in Germany
KPMG member firms have
developed strategic validation
Pablo Vañó Francés and model risk management
Financial Services Advisory initiatives at a global level
helping clients to be at the
forefront of change.
KPMG in Spain

Haie Wolfgang Lawrenz

Financial Services
KPMG in Germany
We understand the issues and
challenges involved in MRM
and KPMG professionals can
leverage their experience to
deliver tailored services to
potential clients.

KPMG member firms have a

strong track record in projects
related to Model Risk

KPMG professionals in 154

countries and territories
The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to
around the world.
address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we
endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no
guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or
that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such
information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough
examination of the particular situation.

© 2019 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss

entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated
with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No
member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any Global network with
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