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Steps For Implementation of Pfms (For Non Plan Payments) in New Paos

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1. All the users viz PD, DDO, PAO, AAO and DH have to
get themselves registered on PFMS.
Go to the home page of PFMS i.e
On home page, open the form “Register Sanction ID Generation Users” (below the
button “Log In”). Select the type and fill the entire form and press “submit” button.
System will display message for successful registration of user.

AAO and DH users of PAO will be created and approved by Pay & Accounts Officer.

2. Get the user’s registration approved by respective

approving authority.
User Approving Authority

Pay & Accounts Officer Principal Accounts Office

Assistant Accounts Officer Pay & Accounts Officer
Dealing Hand Pay & Accounts Officer
Drawing & Disbursing Officer Pay & Accounts Officer
Program Division Drawing & Disbursing Officer

To approve a registered user, Approving Authority will use the option “USER

3. Steps to be undertaken at Pay & Accounts for

implementation of PFMS for Non-Plan Payments

a. First complete all the pre-requisite for PFMS and then run latest
upgrade of COMPACT available under downloads on the site


b. Registration of PAO user and approval by Principal Accounts

(As explained above)
c. Registration & Approval of AAO and DH users by Pay & Accounts
PAO user will first create the user AAO and DH through the option “Users” >
Ministry User Registration”, and thereafter approve the users through the
option “Users” > Manage”.

d. Approval of registration of DDO user:

PAO will approve the registration of DDO users through the option “Users” >

e. Bank Account Configuration of PAO and its CDDOs:

The Bank details of all PAOs being brought on board of PFMS have to be fed
in by the respective PAOs in the system. PAO user will go to “MASTERS” >
“ADD PAO/CDDO BANK ACCOUNT”. “Controller Name” and “PAO
Description” will appear automatically. Press “ADD NEW“ button. Select type
of “Account Holder”, “Account Type” and then fill Account Number and all
other information and press button “ADD ACCOUNT DETAILS”. Repeat the
process for next Account Type.

f. DDO wise allocation of Budget in Pay & Accounts Office:

DH will first enter the budget through the option “BUDGET > DDO WISE
ALLOCATION”. The record entered by DH will be approved by PAO user
through the option “BUDGET > BE > DDO WISE ALLOCATION”.
Note: PD will not be able to select Accounting Heads while creating a
Sanction, if the budget has not been entered in PAO.

g. Digital Signature Enrolment :

Users who need to use Digital Signature for payments, first need to enrol it
at the PFMS portal through DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) Enrolments

Prerequisite to enrol Digital Signature:

-Confirm that JAVA is installed on to your machine.

-Go to Java Control pane > Security Tab > Edit Site List enter
-Go to Java Control Panel > Advance Tab > Java Console option Enable
“Show - Console”
Close the Java and the Browser and login again to enrol DSC

Enrollment of Digital Signature:

-To request initiation for enrollment of DSC, user will go to “MASTERS” > DSC

-Insert Digital Signature certificate key on to your system.

- Click ‘DIGITAL CERTIFICATE ENROLLMENT’ button on the screen.

- If DSC driver is not already installed in the machine, then use the hyperlink
(in blue color) available on right hand side of the screen to download and
install the driver. Similarly if the appropriate JAVA version is not installed in
the machine as mentioned in the pre-requisites, then use the hyperlink
available on the screen to download and install it.

- a pop-up selection screen will appear containing the list of certificates

which are installed/connected with the computer. User shall select the
desired certificate from dropdown list and click ‘OK’.
-On appearance of first JAVA pop-up screen, user will select “CONTINUE”.
-On JAVA pop-up screen 2, user will select “RUN”.
-On JAVA pop-up screen 3, user will select “Don’t Block”.
-On JAVA pop-up screen 4, user will select “RUN”.
-User shall enter valid pin and press “OK”

-‘Enrolled Successfully’ message will be displayed for successful PIN


-User shall click ‘OK’ to proceed to enroll concerned digital certificate. After
clicking ‘OK’, user shall wait for 5 minutes.

-‘View Certificate Details and Proceed For Enrollment’ button will appear on
the screen. User will click this button to get the details of concerned

-At this screen, user shall select “SCHEME” and “Purpose” for which
payments are to be done.

-User will click the button “ENROLL” button at the bottom to enroll the
concerned certificate. A message will be displayed “Digital Signatures
enrolled successfully”.

Approval of Digital Signatures by Principal Accounts Office :

Once the digital certificate is enrolled successfully, it is then available to the

concerned approving authority for approval.

- After successful login at PFMS, PrAO user shall select ‘APPROVE DSC’ from
‘DSC MANAGEMENT’ under ‘MASTERS’ from main menu.

-Screen for “Digital Siganture Approval” will appear. select check box
available in the grid for the DSC to be approved. Now, click ‘APPROVE’ button
to approve selected DSC.
-In case the approving authority wants to view more details for concerned
DSC enrollment request before approval, user can click on Hyperlink shown in
Red font in ‘User Name’ column in the displayed grid. If required, Approving
authority may reject the DSC enrollment request by selecting the reason for
rejection from the available list and clicking on ‘Reject’ button.

-The concerned DSC would now be approved and can be used to sign
payment files.

Signatory Configuration:
Signatory Configuration at PFMS portal is required to authenticate payments
by configured signatories to ensure timely payments.

-This form can be operated at PAO user level only.


–A screen will appear showing the activated e-payment account of PAO.

- At this screen, click ‘+’ in the displayed grid to add signatory level for
concerned amount limit. On clicking ‘+’, a new row in the grid will appear
wherein user shall select signatory level 1 and enter signatory details viz.
“Designation”, “From Date” & “To Date”. Select the status “ACTIVATE” and
click the icon “SAVE” on right hand side in the grid to save and add the
concerned signatory.

-In a similar way, click ‘+’ in second row. Select and add details for signatory
1 and signatory 2. Save the record.

- Message shall be displayed on the screen once the signatory level is added
successfully. The added signatory level shall be reflected in the grid on the
same screen.

Sign Account Enrolment File:

-Once the signatory configuration is done, a sample account enrolment file is

to be signed by Signatory Level 1 and also by Signatory Level 2.

-Concerned Signatory Level 1 or 2user shall login at PFMS through their login
id and password, and select ‘ENROL ACCOUNT DSC’ under ‘BANK’ from main

-“Sign Account Enrolment File” screen will appear.

- At this screen, user will select the radio button available in the grid in first
column for the concerned file. Now, click ‘SIGN ENROLMENT FILE’ button in
last column of the grid to proceed and digitally sign the file.
-Similarly, all configured Signatory Level users have to sign the account
enrolment file.

h. Bill Passing in Pay & Accounts Office

-Bills as generated by DDO will be available at DH level for receiving.

-After receiving a bill, DH user will either “Pass” it or “Return” it and then
forward the record to AAO.

-AAO will either “Pass” the bill or “Return” it and then forward the record to

-PAO will either “Pass” the bill or “Return” it. In case PAO opts to return bill,
it will be available at DDO level under “SANCTIONS” > “MANAGE

-If PAO opts to pass a bill, it will be available further for e-payment or cheque
payment, as the case may be.

-In case bill pertains to cheque payment, after passing by PAO, it will be
available at DH level for printing of cheque. After that it will be available at
PAO for issue of cheque.

-In case, bill is for e-payment , after passing by PAO level it will be available at
Signatory 1 user level for generation of batch and digital signature thereafter
by Signatory 1 or both signatory 1 and 2, as the case may be.

4. Steps to be undertaken by PD User (Sanction Issuing

a. Registration of PD user and its approval by Drawing & Disbursing

b. Mapping of PAO and DDO:

-Newly created Program Division user will first map concerned DDO and PAO.
PD user will go to “USER MASTER” > “USER MAPPING”.
-Click the tab “PAO/DDO Details”.
-On clicking the button “EDIT MAPPING”, LOVs will appear for selection of
PAO and DDO. Select concerned PAO and DDO by checking the box given in
front of them, and then press “ADD & SAVE” button.
-A grid will appear showing the “MAPPED PAO/DDO DETAILS”

c. Creation of new vendors:

-Select the type of vendor, fill all the columns and save the record.
-In case of any amendment in vendor’s details, go to “MASTER DATA” >
save the record. Type of vendor cannot be edited.

d. Mapping of already existing vendors on PFMS:

-PD user will go to “USER MASTER” > “USER MAPPING”.
-Click the tab “Vendor Details”.
-A list of mapped vendors will appear.
--On clicking the button “EDIT MAPPING”, list of already existing vendors on
PFMS will appear. Search the desired vendor using search criteria given
above. Depending upon the search criteria, a list of records will appear.
Select the desired record by checking the box given in front of record and
press “ADD & SAVE” button.
-The desired vendor will be added in list of “Mapped Vendors.”

e. Creation of Sanction by PD user:

-To create a new sanction, PD user will go to “SANCTIONS” > “CREATE
-PD user will fill information in all columns of “Sanction Header”, “Account
Head Details”, ”Vendor Details”, “Payee Details” and save the sanction.

f. Approval of Sanction by PD User:

-All the created sanction will be available for approval. PD user will go to
-The desired sanction will be selected and approved by PD user.
If required sanction can be “EDITED”, “REJECTED” or “CANCELLED”
-Once a sanction has been approved by PD user, it will be available at DDO
level for generation of bill.

5. Steps to be undertaken by DDO user

a. Registration of DDO user and its approval by PAO user.

b. Approval of Registration of PD user:

through the option “User Master” > Manage User”.

c. Receive sanctions:
-DDO user will go to “SANCTIONS” > “RECEIVE SANCTIONs”.
-Option is also available for “Return to PD”
-Use search criteria to search desired sanction, select it by checking box given
in front of record and press button “RECEIVE SANCTION”

d. Generate Bills :
-DDO user will go to “SANCTIONS” > “GENERATE BILLs”.

-For bills to be generated without deduction click on check box and then on
“GENERATE BILLS”. A message “bill(s) has been generated successfully” will
appear. A bill number will be allotted automatically by system.
- For bills to be generated with deduction click on sanction number to open
the sanction and then on “GENERATE BILL” number to add deduction. Field
for adding deduction will appear. Some of the standard deduction codes have
been provided in drop down list. User may choose from them; other details
viz. grant number, function head, object head and category will automatically
appear in the respective box. In case user has to enter some deduction type
other than those available for selection in list, he will select the type “OTHER”
and will enter the accounting head details manually. Enter the amount to be
deducted from the bill in amount column. Select favouring given at left side
and click ‘ADD DEDUCTION’. The details of deduction added will appear in
grid below with a message ‘Deduction added successfully’.

- After adding all deductions click on “GENERATE BILLS” button given at

bottom. The bill will be generated with bill number and a message bill
generated with bill number will appear at top. User can print bill from the link
‘to print click here’ The generated bill will appear at DH level in Pay &
Accounts Office with status ‘generated bill’

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