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Aula 1.3 - EPPLER 2006 Compara Mapa Mental Conceitual Metafora Visual

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Information Visualization (2006) 5, 202 -- 210

© 2006 Palgr ave Macmillan Ltd. All r ights r eser ved 1473-8716 $30.00

A comparison between concept maps, mind

maps, conceptual diagrams, and visual
metaphors as complementary tools for
knowledge construction and sharing

Martin J Eppler1 Abstract

In this article, Novak's concept mapping technique is compared to three other
Faculty of Communication Sciences, University types of visualization formats, namely mind maps, conceptual diagrams, and
of Lugano (USI), Lugano, Switzerland visual metaphors. The application parameters and the respective advantages
and disadvantages of each format for learning and knowledge sharing are re-
Correspondence: viewed and discussed. It is argued that the combination of these four visual-
Martin J. Eppler, Faculty of Communication ization types can play to the strength of each one. The article then provides
Sciences, University of Lugano (USI), real-life examples from such a use in undergraduate and graduate university
Lugano, Switzerland. teaching. The results provide first indications that the different visualization
Tel.: 058 666 45 12
formats can be used in complementary ways to enhance motivation, atten-
Fax: 058 666 46 47.
E-mail: tion, understanding and recall. The implications for a complementary use of
these visualization formats in class room and meeting contexts are discussed
and a future research agenda in this domain is articulated.
Information Visualization (2006) 5, 202 -- 210. doi:10.1057/palgrave.ivs.9500131

Keywords: Concept map; mind map; conceptual diagram; visual metaphor; concept
skeleton; complementary visualization

Introduction: concept mapping and the realm of qualitative

visualization methods
The extensive use of concept maps in class rooms and related learning
and knowledge sharing contexts (e.g. trainings, meetings, problem solving
discussions) has shown that numerous benefits can be achieved by apply-
ing visual mapping techniques that foster the graphic re-construction of
knowledge (see Novak1,2 ). Concept maps have demonstrated their posi-
tive effects on student learning for various topics and in various teaching
situations.3 Concept maps (for a definition see Table 1 ) are, however, not
without drawbacks 15–17 and they may not fit all types of target groups (such
as non-academics), learning tasks (i.e. developing procedural skills), appli-
cation situations (such as rapid note taking) or topics (such as processes or
developments over time). There are, in our view, several reasons for these
application restrictions: the relatively strict formal rules that need to be
adhered to when drawing a concept map and the emphasis on identifying
concepts (and their multiple relationships) do not make it a simple, seam-
less or very rapid visualization technique. In addition, the general top-down
(from concepts to examples) structure of concept maps may not be ade-
Received: 8 February 2006 quate to represent or structure sequential content such as processes, time-
Revised: 31 March 2006 lines, or developments. The boxes and arrows format may also make it dif-
Accepted: 13 April 2006 ficult to efficiently represent a great number of related items in an accessi-
Online publication date: 22 June 2006 ble format. Students or practitioners who are confronted with ready-made
A comparison between mapping methods Martin J. Eppler

Table 1 A comparison of concept maps, mind maps, conceptual diagrams, and visual metaphors

Format Parameters Concept map Mind map (T. Buzan) Conceptual diagram Visual metaphor
(J.D Novak)

Sample thumbnail

Definition A concept map is a A mind map is a multi- A conceptual diagram A visual metaphor is a
top-down diagram coloured and image- is a systematic graphic structure that uses
showing the relation- centred, radial diagram depiction of an abstract the shape and elements of
ships between con- that represents seman- concept in pre-defined a familiar natural or man-
cepts, including cross tic or other connec- category boxes with made artefact or of an
connections among tions between portions specified relationships, easily recognizable activity
concepts, and their of learned material typically based on a or story to organize con-
manifestations hierarchically theory or model tent meaningfully and use
(examples) the associations with the
metaphor to convey addi-
tional meaning about the
Main function or Shows systematic Show sub-topics of a Analyze a topic or situ- Organize content
benefit relationships among domain in a creative ation through a proven meaningfully and con-
sub-concepts relating and seamless manner analytic framework vey main message
to one main concept about it
Typical application Classroom teaching, Personal note taking Slide presentations, Text book illustration,
context self study and revision and reviewing text illustration, mana- summaries, presenta-
gement discussions tions to novices
Application Use it as a learning sup- Use it for pre-analytic Use it to structure a Use it to memorize
guidelines port tool for students, idea jostles or rapid complex topic with the the key elements of a
that is, to summarize note-taking, or to struc- help of pre-defined method or concept by
key course topics or ture the main contents categories placing them meaning-
clarify the elements and of a course or topic fully within a fitting
examples of an abstract hierarchically graphic metaphor that
concept shares one or more
properties with the
Employed graphic Boxes/bubbles with Central topic bubble Labelled boxes and Text within visual struc-
elements text and labelled and colored (sub-) arrows with embedded ture, sometimes connected
connector arrows branches with text text (if needed: icons) through arrows
above branches,
Reading direction Top-down Center-out Left to right or top to Bottom-up (e.g. lad-
bottom der), top-down (fun-
nel), in-out (wheel),
out-in (spiral)
Core design rules or Start with main Start with main topic Label all boxes. Fill all Employ a visual
guidelines concept (at the top), (center) and branch boxes with correspond- metaphor that has a
and end with exam- out to sub-topics, ing text. Larger boxes strong and clear main
ples (bottom, without employ pictograms and designate more association that is
circles); boxes/bubbles colors to add addi- important information related to the conceptual
designate concepts, tional meaning. Write domain that
arrows represent text above the branches is mapped. Use a
relationships; include metaphor with clearly
cross-links among detectable areas.

Information Visualization
A comparison between mapping methods Martin J. Eppler

Table 1 (Continued.)
Format Parameters Concept map Mind map (T. Buzan) Conceptual diagram Visual metaphor
(J.D. Novak)

Macro structure Flexible, but always Somewhat flexible, but al- Fixed diagram shape Fixed metaphor shape
adaptability branching out ways radial (variations regarding
Level of difficulty Medium to high Low Medium to high Low to medium
Extensibility Limited Open Limited Very Limited
Memorability Low Medium to high Low to Medium High
Understandability High Low Medium High
by others
Typical software
package support-
ing the visualization

complex concept maps may initially feel overwhelmed or Methods: systematic comparison along
de-motivated by the complex web of relations.16 application parameters and exploratory use cases
Concept mapping is also not the only available qual- The domain of visual methods for learning and knowledge
itative visualization technique that fosters learning or sharing is a broad one and the diverse learning needs and
knowledge sharing in a constructive and systematic man- styles of students may make it necessary to use concept
ner. There is a myriad of node-link mapping methods maps only as one type of learning support tool among
from such diverse areas as psychology, computer science, others. Hence, it seems worthwhile to review the appli-
requirements engineering, or business administration. cation parameters and the relative advantages and disad-
Examples of such systematic methods that employ geo- vantages of concept maps, as they have been discussed
metric figures for items, activities or concepts, and arrows in the existing literature, and compare them to the appli-
for relationships are: cognitive mapping, mind mapping, cation benefits and parameters of other mapping meth-
entity-relationship models, flow charts, Toulmin maps, ods. For this comparison, we have chosen one widely
IBIS argumentation maps, semantic networks, swim lane used method, mind mapping,6 and two less prominent
diagrams, clustering, UML diagrams, system dynamics, approaches, conceptual diagrams and visual or graphic
evocative knowledge maps, soft system modelling, or metaphors. Below, we briefly describe our understanding
process event chains.4–6,10–12,32 All of these methods re- of mapping approaches based on conceptual diagrams and
late (boxed, circled, or otherwise framed) items to others visual metaphors.
through (labelled or unlabelled) arrows based on explicit A conceptual diagram 28 employs a graphic conceptual
and sequential rules. Nevertheless, there are also mapping framework to visually structure information or learning
methods that do not make use of the node-link paradigm. content with the help of pre-defined categories. The cate-
Examples of such mapping methods are: Venn and Euler gories are usually derived from a (domain-specific) theory
diagrams, Robert Horn’s infomulas, radar charts, Zwicky’s or model. Examples of such conceptual diagrams are Aris-
morphological boxes, Vee diagrams, knowledge cartogra- totle’s square of oppositions (visualized first by Boethius),
phies, tree maps, 3D-cubes, S-curves, impact wheels, or Stephen Toulmin’s argumentation diagram,7 Michael
graphic facilitation.32,33 Rather than highlighting indi- Porter’s five forces diagram,8 Ishikawa’s 5M diagram,22 or
vidual items and their relationships, these visualization Kaplan and Norton’s strategy map.9 All of these concep-
methods focus on ‘the big picture’, that is, on an overall tual diagrams structure information visually with the help
structure to map or position information meaningfully. of pre-defined (often theory-derived) graphic ‘containers’.
In these methods, the overall graphic structure is usually Visual metaphors 21,27 are graphic structures that use
provided by a conceptual diagram, a visual metaphor or the shape and elements of a familiar natural or man-
a mix of the two. made artefact or of an easily recognizable activity or
Based on this premise, this paper examines the poten- story in order to use the typical associations to convey
tial of complementary visualization4 with regard to concept additional meaning about the content. Examples of such
maps, that is to say the combination of concept maps with visual metaphors are tree depictions of science domains
other visualization formats. This combined use of differ- (as in Diderot and D’Alembert’s famous Encyclopaedia),
ent visualization methods should compensate for the lim- iceberg depictions of explicit and implicit knowledge,
itations of different individual mapping methods and en- the visualization of a selection process by employing a
able a richer learning experience for students using the funnel picture, or the visualization of an IT architecture
methods either actively (in a drawing mode) or passively as a temple structure with four pillars. Visual metaphors
(in a viewing mode). can be powerful catalysts for knowledge transfer and

Information Visualization
A comparison between mapping methods Martin J. Eppler

learning as they support learners in connecting what completion and the rule-based approach), they never-
they already know (the properties of the metaphor do- theless differ with regard to their specific benefits and
main) with new material (the domain unto which the constraints. These differences are explored in Table 1.
metaphor is being applied). Lakoff and Johnson 13,14 have It summarizes the key features and main application
demonstrated that metaphors are at the core of our cogni- parameters of all four methods. The first row of the table
tive abilities and can thus be used explicitly as cognitive provides a thumbnail representation of each format to
tools in learning. This is especially true when the power of give an impression of the overall shape of the visualiza-
a metaphor is combined with the appeal and directness of tion method. The second row contains a short definition
visualization.21 Nevertheless, visual metaphors also have of the method. The three following rows position each
a number of potential disadvantages.23 Visual metaphors method in terms of its typical application (main benefit
can divert attention from their content,24 they can be or function, typical application context and application
unfitting for certain contexts (they can be seen as too guidelines). The next two rows specify the visual vocab-
playful), they can be manipulative and difficult to let go ulary of the method in terms of the graphic elements,
of or switch,25 they can loose their benefit once they their reading logic, and their use (guidelines). The rows
have been (over) used, and they may overemphasize com- from ’macro structure adaptability’ to ’understandabil-
monalities among things that are essentially different.26 ity’ qualify the methods in terms of their flexibility and
The graphic formats discussed above are obviously not complexity. These factors will be further discussed in a
the only visualization techniques that can be used to subsequent table that focuses on the advantages and dis-
foster learning, yet they provide a number of advantages advantages of each method. The final row indicates one
for knowledge construction that other, more complex possible software package for each format that can be
visualization methods – such as flow charts, cognitive used to draw or use an electronic version of the method.
maps,10,11 loop or system diagrams – may not be able to A first glance at the key features of the four visualiza-
provide (i.e., reducing complexity, providing mnemonics, tion methods reveals that their profiles are quite distinct:
and facilitating rapid group communication). whereas concept maps and mind maps are great per-
Besides the comparison of the application parameters sonal learning tools that result in individual solutions,
of concept maps, mind maps, conceptual diagrams and conceptual diagrams and visual metaphors are tools for
visual metaphors (in order to highlight potential comple- knowledge communication and joint knowledge con-
mentarities), another method that is employed in this pa- struction. While mind maps and visual metaphors result
per is the exploratory use of these methods in class room in attractive, colourful and memorable results, conceptual
teaching. Different real-life examples of such maps will diagrams and concept maps tend to be less memorable,
be shown to illustrate the benefits of combining various because most of them look very much alike – a collec-
mapping techniques sequentially during a course. The ex- tion of boxes and arrows (with occasional icons).These
amples can also illustrate the potential drawbacks when generalizations do not apply to each and everyone’s use
relying only on one mapping method. of these formats; they nevertheless tend to follow the
advantages and disadvantages of the four formats as they
are discussed in the literature. Four main advantages and
Results and discussion: a comparative view of disadvantages of each method are summarized in Table 2.
mapping methods From these profiles we can generate a first tentative
In this section we present the results of the comparison positioning that can help us in using the four visualiza-
among the four approaches and the exploratory use of tion techniques in complementary ways or even com-
complementary mapping in university teaching. In the bine them into new visualization formats (as discussed
next section a synthetic table is presented and discussed in the conclusion). One possible way of positioning the
which compares the application parameters of the four four methods is by their ability to support the remember-
methods. An overview of the main advantages and disad- ing of learned content and whether they are more geared
vantages and a relative positioning (with regard to their towards personal or group use. Following this reasoning,
use) is derived from this comparison. Based on these con- mind maps would be best used for in- class, personal note
siderations a possible application sequence for teaching taking, while concept maps should be used at home for re-
and learning purposes is suggested. In the succeeding sec- view purposes (also because they take longer to develop).
tion we present examples of the methods’ use in class- Conceptual diagrams can be used to develop concepts in
room teaching. class, while visual metaphors are a good way of summa-
rizing them at the end of the class jointly with a greater
level of detail.
A comparison between the four methods One important common feature that all four visualiza-
regarding their application parameters tion formats share (besides their common purpose of fa-
While Novak’s concept maps, Buzan’s mind maps, theory- cilitating understanding), is that their electronic use allows
driven conceptual diagrams, and visual metaphors with for the linking or embedding of related additional mate-
embedded text have a number of attributes in common rial, such as other maps or diagrams, internet hyperlinks,
(such as the integration of text and image, the stepwise documents or pictures.18–20 This opens the opportunity

Information Visualization
A comparison between mapping methods Martin J. Eppler

Table 2 Advantages and disadvantages of the four visualization formats

Format Concept map Mind maps Conceptual diagram Visual metaphor

Main advantages 1. Rapid information 1. Easy to learn and 1. Provides a concise 1. Serves as a mnemonic
provision15 apply6 overview24 aid (method loci)
2. Systematic, proven 2. Encourages creativity 2. Structures a topic 2. Draws attention and in
approach to provide and self-expression5 into systematic spires curiosity
overview15 building blocks
3. Emphasizes relation- 3. Provides a concise hi- 3. Assures that main 3. Activates prior knowl-
ships and connections erarchic overview6 aspects are con- edge about metaphor
among concepts17 sidered domain13,25--27
4. Ability to assess quality 4. Easy to extend and 4. Can be applied to 4. Facilitates understand-
of concept map through add further a variety of situa- ing by triggering func-
evaluation rules2 content6 tions in the same tional associations13
Main disadvantages 1. Not easy to apply by 1. Idiosyncratic, hard to 1. Can be difficult to 1. Cannot easily be
novices; requires exten- read for others understand with- extended or modified
sive training17 out knowledge of
category mean-
2. Concept maps tend to 2. Represents mostly 2. May not be appli- 2. May be misunderstood,
be idiosyncratic17 hierarchic relation- cable to the topic may trigger wrong asso-
ships6 at hand ciations
3. Time consuming evalu- 3. Can be inconsistent 3. Does not provide 3. Can be difficult to draw
ation through tutors17 mnemonic help (rapidly)
4. The overall pattern 4. Can become overly 4. Does not foster 4. Can be manipulative or
does not necessarily complex (loss of big creativity or self- misunderstood23
assist memorability picture) expression

to use such maps as navigational aids to electronic learn- boxes were interactively filled in with occasional contri-
ing content or simply annotate entries with additional butions from the students who had heard about the con-
personal comments. The electronic use of these methods cept previously. Figure 1 depicts the completed diagram
also makes it possible to use the methods as ad-hoc collec- after approximately 20 min of discussion.
tive maps in class rooms or meeting contexts via a laptop The picture depicted in Figure 1 is a specific type of
and beamer. The conceptual diagram and the two visual conceptual diagram (that we call concept skeleton) that
metaphors discussed in the next section have been used helps to explain the nature of an academic or abstract
in this way. concept. Its benefit can be described as follows: Whereas
Novak’s concept maps mainly serve the purpose of stu-
dent learning by having them list and connect various
Application examples and experiences concepts through explicit labels, the main function of a
As mentioned in the previous section, a complementary concept skeleton is one of summarization and elicitation,
way to use the four visualization methods uses concep- and these tasks only regarding one single concept at a
tual diagrams for in-class concept development, hand- time: concept skeletons of this type thus help to transform
written mind-mapping for in-class note taking, concept sketchy ideas into systematic thoughts. Consequently, we
mapping for personal student reviewing at home, and vi- define a concept skeleton as a one-page abstract diagram-
sual metaphors for joint in-class summaries. This didactic matic representation of an abstract concept, its label, def-
logic is consistent with the relative advantages and disad- inition, elements, examples and implications, as well as
vantages discussed in Table 2. Table 3 shows this didactic its kind. The depiction also includes pointers to related
approach which uses the four methods in a complemen- concepts. A concept according to Novak 2 is a mental im-
tary way and describes their application. age of a thing or object. Our understanding of a concept
This logic has been applied in two bachelor classes (on is a bit more focused: A concept in this context refers to
knowledge management) and in two Ph.D. courses (on an elaborate abstract idea that has implications for action.
research methods): The concept skeleton’s elements can be characterized as
First, a special type of conceptual diagram has been used follows:
to structure complex content during class presentations
(see Figure 1) and lectures. At the beginning of the session, • Concept name or label: A concise set of terms that gives
the diagram contained only the concept label, all other the concept a label by which it can be referred to.

Information Visualization
A comparison between mapping methods Martin J. Eppler

Table 3 A complementary use of the four methods based on their unique features

Didactic steps Applied visualization format Didactic application mode

1 Conceptual diagram A new concept is introduced step by step (or box by box) in the class room by filling
in an empty conceptual diagram that is completed iteratively and jointly.
2 Mind map During the subsequent explanations and further elaborations, the students take notes
by drawing personal mind maps.
3 Concept map To test their understanding and recall, the students are asked to develop a concept
map (at home) of the main contents and submit this map at the beginning of the next
lesson. They can use the introductory conceptual diagram and their own mind map
together a list of the key elements and then structure them using the rules of concept
4 Visual metaphor In order to summarize the discussion on a topic in a memorable and insightful way,
a rich visual metaphor is used that positions all discussed items within an appealing
and self-explanatory metaphoric structure. This empty visual metaphor is given as a
hand-out to students who can then add the jointly discussed items into their personal
copy of the metaphor image.

• Related concepts: This box lists similar, but nevertheless

different concept labels that are closely related to the
outlined concept.
• Concept definition: This box includes a few sentences
that define the key idea behind the concept. Typically
the definition also includes the key elements of the
concept that are then also isolated in the element boxes
below the definition box.
• Elements: This section lists the different subconstructs
or subconcepts of the main concept.
• The examples or manifestation boxes provide real-life
instances of the concept.
• Implications: This section summarizes the practical con-
sequences of the concept or in other words how it
should be applied and used.

The main benefit of such a concise depiction of a concept

Figure 1 A concept skeleton used to jointly develop the notion is that one can gain a systematic overview quickly and
of knowledge work in a bachelor class on knowledge manage- not only describe the concept but also analyze it in terms
ment (drawn with of its epistemic nature (i.e. its domain, goal, as well as the
strength of its claims).
• Concept type, area and modality: These three sections indi- After this initial discussion with the help of a concept
cate the nature of the concept that is described. In terms skeleton, detail content has been presented in a regular
of type we distinguish whether the concept is a scientific lecturing style. For this phase, Mind maps have been used
concept (such as a research construct) or a practical one for individual note taking during the class by the students
(such as an action principle) or both. The area describes (the mind maps have not been collected). Several studies
the topic domain to which the concept can be related to. have already highlighted the beneficial use of mind map-
If the concept type is scientific this domain can be any ping for the purpose of note taking 29–31 and Buzan devel-
scientific discipline, such as biology, physics, or geogra- oped the method with note taking in mind as an explicit
phy. If the concept type is practical, then domain may application area.5,6
refer to an operational area, such as project manage- In a third didactic step, Concept maps have been used as
ment, cooking, or architecture. The concept modality fi- take-home assignments, where 30 students needed to in-
nally describes the nature of the concept’s claim: is it de- dividually summarize a module of the class (on knowledge
scribing a goal one should strive for, then the label given work) with the help of concept mapping (see a sample
to the concept is normative, if it outlines the way some- concept map submitted by a student in Figure 2).
thing is actually done, it is descriptive, if it explains the In a fourth step, visual metaphors have been used to
way something works it is explanatory, and if it outlines structure in-class discussions with students systematically
a way to resolve a problem it is a prescriptive concept. and document a lesson in a memorable way (see Figure 3).

Information Visualization
A comparison between mapping methods Martin J. Eppler

Figure 2 A concept map drawn by a student as an assignment and review tool for a class module (from a bachelor class on
knowledge management, drawn with

Figure 3 Whiteboard screenshot from an in-class jostle session on conducting literature reviews (conducted in a Ph.D. level seminar
class, drawn with

At the beginning of each summary lesson the (beamed) review risks, etc.). Students were asked to propose goals
visual metaphors only contained the labels of their or problems which the tutor entered in the respective
different zones (such as review goals, review problems, area of the metaphor on the interactive whiteboard. The

Information Visualization
A comparison between mapping methods Martin J. Eppler

Figure 4 A mixed visual metaphor/conceptual diagram template to structure learning content in a narrative structure during a
class room discussion.

visual metaphor shows the status of the discussion after dia material because I did not discuss that material in de-
a 40-min debate. tail in class and I did not encourage them extensively to
The preliminary results from these tests have been pos- use that material. Two-thirds of the students chose to draw
itive in the sense that students responded very favourably the concept map with mapping software
to this mix of visual methods. After an initial distraction while one-third produced concept map posters or paper
due to the interactive whiteboard technology, the students versions. As a major benefit, the students mentioned that
remained focused and attentive, more than they would they were able to check their understanding and learning,
usually be in this type of discussion. The visual methods to see new connections, and to repeat the key contents. In
have kept them engaged and gave them ownership of the future studies, a questionnaire on what the students have
class content. In follow-up lessons, the discussed concepts specifically liked or disliked about all of the visualization
seemed to be remembered better than usual. The fact that sessions and exercises will be issued.
the students also asked for electronic copies of the jointly
devised visualizations is another sign of their interest. Fu-
ture follow-up studies should test these stipulated benefits Conclusion: towards a complementary use of
and they should show whether this assumed higher level mapping methods
of attention, engagement and recall also translates into The systematic comparison of the four methods in terms
better learning results (and this even after the ‘newness’ of their application parameters and their exploratory use
of the complementary visual approach has worn off). In in teaching has shown that the combined, sequenced use
the current study, the course evaluation form and the fi- of the four methods can provide a number of benefits
nal exam were used to assess the satisfaction and learning that go beyond the possibilities of each individual method
effects of the students, yielding positive results compared alone. In future research these exploratory findings should
to prior courses. In addition, an independent Ph.D. stu- be examined using an experimental design with follow-up
dent conducted half hour- to 1-h interviews with 14 stu- surveys among participating students in order to measure
dents of the class asking them about the experience with more accurately how the effects of the four methods differ.
the concept mapping assignment. The results of these in- Such experimental studies could also reveal differences
terviews showed that the students require a lot of time, in student learning styles and a more adequate matching
systematic assistance and feedback in order to devise high- with respective visualization methods. In this way, one
quality concept maps. They revealed that some students can analyze whether the additional cognitive load (and
had problems understanding the concept maps of others. additional time investment) resulting from teaching more
They also highlighted the fact that the students’ concept than one visualization technique has paid off in terms of
maps did not incorporate many of the provided multime- a sustainable learning effect.

Information Visualization
A comparison between mapping methods Martin J. Eppler

A different future research route is to develop mixed- 8 Porter M. Competitive Strategy. The Free Press: New York, 1998.
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