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Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18

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An overview of graphene-based hydroxyapatite composites for

orthopedic applications
Ming Li a, b, c, Pan Xiong b, Feng Yan d, Sijie Li c, Changhong Ren c, Zhichen Yin a, c, Ang Li e,
Huafang Li b, f, Xunming Ji a, c, d, Yufeng Zheng b, Yan Cheng b, *
China-America Institute of Neuroscience, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053, China
Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Beijing Key Laboratory of Hypoxia Conditioning Translational Medicine, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053, China
Department of Neurosurgery, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053, China
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10032, USA
Musculoskeletal Research Laboratory, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Hydroxyapatite (HA) is an attractive bioceramic for hard tissue repair and regeneration due to its
Received 30 August 2017 physicochemical similarities to natural apatite. However, its low fracture toughness, poor tensile strength
Received in revised form and weak wear resistance become major obstacles for potential clinical applications. One promising
21 December 2017
method to tackle with these problems is exploiting graphene and its derivatives (graphene oxide and
Accepted 2 January 2018
reduced graphene oxide) as nanoscale reinforcement fillers to fabricate graphene-based hydroxyapatite
composites in the form of powders, coatings and scaffolds. The last few years witnessed increasing
numbers of studies on the preparation, mechanical and biological evaluations of these novel materials.
Herein, various preparation techniques, mechanical behaviors and toughen mechanism, the in vitro/
Hydroxyapatite in vivo biocompatible analysis, antibacterial properties of the graphene-based HA composites are pre-
Composites sented in this review.
Bone tissue © 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.
Biomedical devices This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction physiologic loading [1,4].

Hydroxyapatite (HA, Ca10(OH)2(PO4)6) possesses chemical and
Bone tissues consist of organic and inorganic components, with crystallographic similarities to inorganic components of the bone
self-healing ability and great capability to withstand mechanical matrix and the teeth [5] with excellent osteoconductivity and
loading. Fixation of bone fractures and non-unions, correction of osteoinductivity. It has been clinically used as bioactive coatings on
spinal deformities and replacement of arthritic joints [1] are major dental and orthopedic implants, enabling the adhesion and prolif-
unmet clinical needs. Traditionally, biological approaches for bone eration of osteoblast cells on the prosthetic surface, and resulting in
repair involve using autografts and allografts of cancellous bone [2]. biological fixation between bone tissues and the implant [6].
Nowadays, calcium phosphate ceramics and bioactive glasses are However, one primary limitation, when used under major load
introduced as promising osteoinductive and osteoconductive sub- bearing, is its poor mechanical properties, such as low fracture
stitutes for large orthopedic defect remolding or regeneration [3]. toughness and tensile strength [5]. To address this problem, specific
In addition, these bioceramics are also utilized as coating on reinforcing materials, such as carbon nanotubes [7], polyethylene
metallic implants to provide long-term performance of the devices [8], Al2O3 and TiO2 [9], are typically used to prepare HA composites
and to minimize micromotion between bones and implants during with increased mechanical properties, but these materials result in
significantly less bioactivity than that of pure HA.
Graphene is rapidly rising as a promising material for biomed-
ical applications [10,11], featuring two-dimensional nanosheet of
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y. Cheng).
hexagonally bonded carbon atoms, with large surface area, high
Peer review under responsibility of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. conductivity, strong mechanical properties and good
2452-199X/© 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
2 M. Li et al. / Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18

biocompatibility. The graphene-based composites have great ad- interesting composites, which is summarized in Fig. 2. In most
vantages when used in bone repair or regeneration, as it can induce cases, the composite prepared under high temperature or high
osteogenic [12e14] and chondrogenic [15] differentiation of stem pressures have high crystallinity and mechanical properties, such
cells. Compared with other reinforcement fillers, graphene can as hydrothermal synthesis, spark plasma sintering and hot isostatic
greatly increase the mechanical properties of the composite at low sintering. However, thermal spraying techniques usually lower the
content, and its high elasticity and flexibility (adaptability to flat or crystallinity of the HA coating. HA could be synthesized onto gra-
irregular surfaces) also renders graphene and its derivatives (gra- phene and its derivatives and be directly mixed with these nano-
phene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO)) as promising fillers by ultrasonic dispersion and ball milling.
mechanical fillers for biomaterials.
Recently, biomaterial scientists have explored the possibilities of 2.1. Graphene/HA composite powder
preparing graphene-based HA composite for orthopedic applica-
tions with increased bioactivities and mechanical properties. 2.1.1. In situ synthesis
Graphene-based HA composites can be prepared in the form of Nano HA particles are successfully fabricated on GO [30], chi-
powders, bulks, coatings and scaffolds. The powders or bulk com- tosan functionalized GO [30] and rGO [29] surfaces using in situ
posites can be used to repair the bone defects or small non-unions. synthesis methods. Usually, as shown in Fig. 3a, graphene-based
This novel material can also be coated onto orthopedics metallic powders are first dissolved and exfoliated in DI water by ultra-
implant to increase its bone-binding abilities. As for the large de- sonic dispersion to obtain a uniform solution; then Ca(NO3)2 is
fects or bone loss, three dimensional porous graphene-based HA added into the graphene-based solutions by stirring for a desired
composites can be incorporated into the damaged hard tissues to time; afterwards, the pH of the suspension is adjusted to 9e10
accelerate their regeneration. using ammonia water, and (NH4) 2HPO4 was added dropwise into
The related research has begun very recently in 2009 [16]. The the mixture [30]. The resulting composite solutions are recom-
chronological tendency of the research papers on graphene/HA mended to be aged for days to ensure the fully transformation of
system is shown in Fig. 1, showing an increasing interest in this apatite into hydroxyapatite with good phase purity and well crys-
area. A significant growth in the number of publications from 2013 tallinity. During the synthesis, the oxygen-containing functional
to 2016 highlights the novelty and importance of this topic in the groups on GO surfaces behave as receptor sites for Ca2þ through
up-to-date scientific community. Therefore, in the foreseeable electrostatic interactions; these anchored cations can in situ react
future, more and more related works will be undertaken, and it is with the phosphate ions to obtain apatite nanoparticles. The un-
the right time to present a comprehensive review of current derlying reaction mechanism has been proposed and discussed by
achievements and findings in this field, which may provide guid- Li et al. [30]; the distribution and the microstructures of HA on
ance and future directions for further study. graphene are mainly influenced by (1) the amounts and types of the
Herein, we present a comprehensive review on almost all of the oxygenous groups on the graphene-based templates and (2) the
available investigations on graphene/HA system. Articles were concentration of the reagents (Ca2þ and HPO24 ), solution pH values
identified via Web of Science and Google Scholar by searching and so on. Besides, Ca(OH)2 and H3PO4 are also utilized by Gururaj
“graphene” and “hydroxyapatite” which were published up to June et al. to in situ deposit HA on rGO nanosheets [29].
2017. This review paper includes the issues regarding the prepa- Composite, prepared in this method, is expected to increase the
ration methods, mechanical properties, in vitro and in vivo interfacial bonding strength between graphene and HA, facilitating
biocompatibility of graphene/HA composites, as well as the un- the stress transfer from the matrix to the graphene-based nano-
derlying challenges required to be coped with. fillers. This facile approach is economical and can be industrially
2. Preparation of composites
2.1.2. Biomimetic mineralization
Various preparation techniques could be exploited to make this Biomimetic mineralization is a facile and environmental
friendly method to synthesis bone-like apatite under ambient
conditions in aqueous environments. Usually graphene and its
derivatives are immersed in a supersaturated or unstable solution
with calcium ions and phosphate ions concentrations similar to
simulated physiological condition, and apatite will nucleate and
precipitate on the surface of those graphene-based materials.
During the mineralization process, GO greatly enhance the nucle-
ation and crystallization of HA, resulting in a hybrid homogeneous
GO/HA coatings with dense and fine flake-like HA nanocrystalline
[54]. Usually, graphene and its derivatives are surface-
functionalized by bioactive materials to endow the composite
with novel properties and facilitate the biomimetic deposition of
HA. The GO can be modified by gelatin to mimic the charged pro-
teins in extracellular matrix for regulating bone formation, and the
presence of gelatin improves the attraction of calcium ions and
promotes the nucleation of HA [37]. Besides GO can be also bio-
functionalized by polydopamine [24], casein phosphopeptide [26],
carrageenan [35], chitosan [104,131], fibrinogen [33] or peptide [78]
to improve the mineralization process.

Fig. 1. The number of publications on Graphene-based HA composites from year

2009e2016 (2009 [16], 2011 [17e19], 2012 [20e24], 2013 [25e32], 2014 [33e49], 2015
2.1.3. Hydrothermal synthesis
[50e82], 2016 [83e112]). This figure does not include the papers published in 2017 Hydrothermal synthesis of graphene/HA composite involves of
[113e130]. dispersing graphene or GO into aqueous solutions containing
M. Li et al. / Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18 3

Fig. 2. The summary of different preparation methods of the graphene-based composites.

4 M. Li et al. / Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18

Fig. 3. (a) The proposed in situ synthesis mechanism of HA on pristine GO sheets. The SEM and TEM images of GOeHA (bed) composites, the insets of insets (d) show the selected
area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns of the corresponding composites. The black arrows of (b) point to the wrinkles of the GO sheets. These figures were adapted from Ref. [30].

calcium and phosphate ions, and crystallizing HA nanoparticles at 2.2. Graphene/HA composite bulk
high reaction temperatures and vapor pressures. Rod-like HA, with
an average length of 55 nm and diameter of 13 nm, has been suc- 2.2.1. Spark plasma sintering
cessfully synthesized on both sides of graphene nanosheets by The applications of bulk HA for hard tissue implants are limited
using the convenient one-pot hydrothermal synthesis strategy [46]. by the low mechanical strength of consolidated HA [133]. During
This technique can improve the crystallinity of HA and partially the conventional sintering process, HA will dissociate into trical-
reduce GO to rGO [64]. By using a mixed solvent system of ethylene cium phosphate and tetracalcium phosphate at 1000  Ce1300  C,
glycol, N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and water, Baradaran et al. and usually the high temperatures and long sintering time can
[44] synthesized HA nanotubes on rGO without using reducing cause grain coarsening behavior, which may deteriorate the me-
agents. This technique is suitable for large-scale production of chanical properties of HA [133]. As an alternative method, spark
graphene/HA composites with good crystallinity and well- plasma sintering (SPS) is an effective approach for preparing novel
controlled stoichiometric composition, but possesses the disad- nanoceramics at low temperatures for short periods of time, with
vantages of using expensive autoclaves, and the inability to observe the advantages of retaining fine grain sizes. Graphene/HA com-
the crystal as it grows. posites are successfully fabricated by SPS. The starting powders
used for SPS can be (i) prepared by mixing HA powders/nano-
particles and graphene sheets together using mechanical milling
2.1.4. Chemical vapor deposition [79] and ultrasonic dispersion [19,25,59] and (ii) synthesized by a
Chemical vapor deposition is a low cost and scalable technique liquid precipitation method [32]. Graphene with diameters of
to prepare graphene films [132]. Novel multicomponent and several micrometers are uniformly dispersed and embedded within
biocompatible graphene/HA/Au nanocomposites are prepared by the HA marix and located between the HA crystal grain boundaries
using radio-frequency chemical vapor deposition (rf-CVD), with without agglomerations [19]. Typical SEM images of the SPS sam-
acetylene and methane as the carbon sources [18]. During the ples were shown in Fig. 4 [25].
deposition process, Au nanoclusters are uniformly dispersed over
HA particles with diameters of 2 nm ~ 7 nm and act as catalyst for
graphene synthesis [18]. This research indicates that longer rf-CVD 2.2.2. Hot isostatic pressing
time can result in few-layers graphene with larger dimensions Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) is a traditional technique to densify
[18,72]. presintered components, consolidate powders and increase
M. Li et al. / Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18 5

Fig. 4. SEM images of the surfaces of (a) HA, (b) 0.5 wt% graphene/HA composite and (c) 1.0 wt% graphene/HA composite [25].

interfacial bonding [134]. It can be exploited to make HA ceramics 2.3.2. Electrochemical deposition
with ultrafine microstructures and significantly improved me- Electrochemical deposition of HA involves dissolving calcium
chanical properties [135]. Recently, graphene is introduced into this and phosphate ions in a buffer solution with controlled pH values
system as an effective additive for toughening ceramics/compos- and temperature under varying electrical current [139]. When the
ites; novel graphene/biphasic calcium phosphate composite [31], voltage is applied, Ca2þ will migrate onto the cathode surface due to
graphene/nickel-doped biphasic calcium phosphate composite electrostatic attraction and react with the OH therein produced by
[56], and reduced graphene oxide/nanotube hydroxyapatite com- the electrolysis of water, resulting in the in situ nucleation and
posite [44] have been successfully fabricated by using HIP growth of HA on the cathode surface [140]. Zeng et al. [106]
technique. fabricate GO/HA coatings on Ti by using this technique; GO was
dispersed and mixed with electrolyte for deposition which consist
of Ca(NO3)2, NH4H2PO4, NaNO3 (to improve the ionic strength of
the solution) and H2O2 (to restrict the formation of hydrogen gas at
cathode). The resulting pure HA coating exhibits a rough
2.3. Graphene/HA composite coating morphology with shell-like flakes and the GO/HA composite
coating shows uniform and porous topography. The increase of GO
2.3.1. Electrophoretic deposition contents in the electrolyte can improve the HA crystallinity and
Electrophoretic deposition is a well-developed and aqueous- bonding strength of the coatings.
based colloidal process to deposit charged nano/micro particles
onto conductive substrates under DC electric field. It has been
2.3.3. Thermal spray
widely used to prepare functional bioactive coatings with advanced
Thermal sprayed HA and HA-based composite coatings have
nanostructures for biomedical applications, such as HA, bioglass
been successfully used on commercially available Ti-based ortho-
and other bioceramic coatings [136]. EPD also enables the fabrica-
pedic implants, having the advantage of high deposition rate, good
tion of graphene-based novel composite coatings [137]. In our
bonding strength and variable coating thickness [141]. This process
previous study, GO/HA was successfully prepared on Ti substrate
involves heating the HA powders to melting state at high temper-
using cathodic electrophoretic deposition [38], as shown in Fig. 5
ature, which may cause the decomposition of HA and exhibit
(a). During the coating process, GO can be considered as amphi-
detrimental effects on the coating biocompatibilities. Therefore, Liu
philic macromolecules with an edge-to-center distribution of hy-
et al. takes vacuum cold spraying as an alternative to prepare gra-
drophilic (oxygenated regions and sheet edges) and hydrophobic
phene/HA nanostructured coatings at room temperature [40]. The
(graphenic sp2 hybridized carbon plane) domains [138] to enhance
graphene/HA composite powder is prepared by wet chemical
the uniform distribution of HA in the deposition suspensions (Fig. 5
approach, and the sprayed coatings have tailorable thickness and
(b)). The 2D novel nanostructure of GO can increase the inter-
display competitive adhesive strength and fracture toughness, with
locking of HA nanoparticles and decrease the cracking and
graphene evenly embedded in HA matrix [40]. The FESEM images
delamination the coatings [38]. EPD of HA is usually followed by
of the coating were shown in Fig. 6 [40].
post-heating treatment to increase the coating/substrate bonding
strength and the addition of GO can effectively increase this
cohesive strength. The microstructure of the GO/HA composite 2.4. Graphene/HA composite scaffolds
coating is proposed to be combination of an inner compact layer
and outer relatively porous and unsealed layer [38]. Pure graphene 3D porous structures can be achieved by
6 M. Li et al. / Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18

Fig. 5. (a) Schematic illustration of the EPD process (b) The TEM images of the HA nanoparticles with 2 wt% GO sheets (c) The SEM images of composite coatings containing (c) 0 wt
%, (d) 2 wt% GO and (e) 5 wt% GO sheets, and corresponding optical photos. These figures were adapted from Ref. [38].

chemical vapor deposition method with Ni foam as template [142] collectors [144]. Liang et al. prepared a composite nanofiber scaf-
and hydrothermal approach [143] for tissue engineering applica- fold consisting of gelatin/chitosan/HA/GO by electrospinning [62]
tions. Moreover, graphene can be utilized as reinforcements for and the effects of the solution composition on fiber morphology
porous nanocomposites and this promising nanocomposite scaf- were investigated; the addition of GO can obtain nanofibers with
folds can be produced by using lyophilisation or electrospinning. uniform and smooth microstructures and endows the fibrous
scaffold with good antibacterial effect against both Staphylococcus
aureus and Escherichia coli. Ma et al. [23] prepared a porous poly-
2.4.1. Lyophilisation
lactic acid (PLA)/HA/GO scaffold using electrospinning method and
Lyophilisation is a frequently used technique to prepare porous
SEM images of the composite were shown in Fig. 8.
scaffolds by freezing the solution and then reducing the sur-
rounding pressure to enable the sublimation of frozen water. A
scaffold with desirable mechanical and biological properties is 2.4.3. 3D printing
obtained by lyophilizing the GO, HA and sodium alginate mixtures Three dimensional printing is a superior additive manufacturing
[76]. This novel nanocomposite scaffolds possess a porosity over technique to print scaffold with customized shape, controlled
85% and average pore size larger than 150 mm; compared with HA chemistry and porosities and shows great potential for its appli-
20 wt%- sodium alginate hybrid scaffolds, the addition of 1 wt% GO cation in bone tissue engineering [145]. Although bone has self-
can improve their compressive strength and modulus by 23.2% and healing abilities, the large bone loss or damage cannot be healed
28.3% respectively [76]. Nair et al. [68] incorporated the GO nano- completely and spontaneously. A scaffold or matrix materials
flakes into gelatin-HA matrix by using freeze drying method and its should be incorporated to assist this healing process. Wu et al. [69]
morphology was shown in Fig. 7. prepared GO surface modified b-tricalcium phosphate (b-TCP)
scaffolds by first using 3D printing method and then soaking the b-
TCP scaffold into GO/water suspension as shown in Fig. 9.
2.4.2. Electrospinning
Electrospinning employs an electrical field produced under high
voltage to force out the polymeric liquid from the spinneret, 2.4.4. Self-assembling
resulting in a polymeric fibrous and porous scaffolds on the Self-assembly of GO provides a facile and efficient method to
M. Li et al. / Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18 7

Fig. 6. FESEM views of the as-deposited nanostructured coatings, (a) the pure HA coating, (b) the HA-0.1 wt% graphene coating, and (c) the HA-1.0 wt% graphene coating. 1:
surface view, 2: magnified surface view, and 3: cross-sectional view. The white arrow head points to graphene located on the surfaces of the coatings, and magnified views of
typical areas from the cross-section of the HA-graphene coating showing clearly the presence of GN in the coating and at the coating/substrate interface (c-3). Graphene -induced
layered structure is clearly seen for the HA-graphene coatings.

Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrographs of the composite scaffolds. The inset demonstrates the photograph of the scaffolds. Note: GHA: gelatin-HA scaffold, GOGHA 0.5: gelatin-HA
scaffold with 0.5 wt% GO, GOGHA1.0: gelatin-HA scaffold with1 wt% GO [68].

produce graphene-based macrostructures. As shown in Fig. 10, GO 3. Mechanical properties of composites

and HA nanoparticles (nHA) were ultrasonically mixed in ice bath
resulting in a homogeneous suspension, and then the mixture were 3.1. Mechanical properties of graphene and hydroxyapatite
heated at 200  C for 3 h to induce self-assembly [122]. This tech-
nique reduced GO to rGO without using reductant and organic As a biologically active calcium phosphate ceramic, its poor
solvent, which could minimize cytotoxicity of the composite. mechanical properties, such as low fracture toughness and tensile
strength, limit its applications in major load-bearing scenario.
8 M. Li et al. / Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18

Fig. 8. SEM images of PLA/HA/GO nanofibers with high magnification (a) and low magnification (c), electrospun PLA with high magnification (b) and low magnification (d) [23].

Fig. 9. Scheme illustration for GO modification of b-TCP bioceramics stimulates the in vivo osteogenesis [69].

Therefore, the main goal to incorporate graphene and its de- their individual components. The addition of GO could efficiently
rivatives into HA is to improve the overall mechanical properties of increase the adhesion strength of the HA coatings. The binding
the composite, in order to better fulfill its biological functions. strength between the GO/HA coating and Ti substrate were evalu-
The atomically perfect monolayer graphene displayed a Young's ated according to ASTM F1044-99 in our previous research [30],
modulus of 1.0 TPa and a fracture strength of 130 GPa, which was and compared with pure HA coating, the adhesion strength of 5 wt
predicted to be stronger than any other materials [146]. The me- %GO/HA coating increased from 1.55 ± 0.39 MPa to 3.3 ± 0.25 MPa.
chanical properties of graphene are influenced by the structural The rGO/HA composites were prepared by hydrothermal
defects (monatomic vacancies and Stone-Wales dislocations) [147] approach and consolidated by hot isostatic pressing technique; and
and doping or functionalization defects [148]. As the oxygenated then their mechanical properties were assessed using the inden-
derivatives of graphene, graphene oxide contains reactive oxygenic tation method as shown in Fig. 11 [28]. According to the investi-
groups, rendering it higher chemical activities for surface modifi- gation of S. Baradaran et al., even low addition of rGO has a great
cation [149] but with lower effective Young's modulus effect on the bulk mechanical properties, and the composite con-
(207.6 ± 23.4 GPa) [150]. GO could be reduced to reduced graphene taining 1.5 wt% rGO displayed a maximum fracture toughness and
oxide (rGO) with higher Young's modulus of 0.25 TPa [151]. elastic modules, around 86% and 40% higher than that of the pure
Compared with pristine graphene, its oxygenated derivatives (GO HA [28].
and rGO) displayed higher stabilization behavior in aqueous media
and could be attractive and promising nanoscale reinforcement
fillers in biocomposites [38]. These nanofillers could enhance the 3.3. Toughening mechanism
interfacial bonding within the components, and facilitate stress
transfer in the composites [152]. The mechanical efficiency of the reinforcement fillers in the
composites were mainly determined by several factors:(1) the
intrinsic mechanical properties of the fillers, (2) the inherent me-
3.2. Mechanical properties of composites chanical behavior of the matrix, (3) the fillers volume fraction, (4)
the preparation method of the composites, (5) the interfacial
Composites are expected to exhibit improved properties than bonding strength between the filler and matrix, and (6) the
M. Li et al. / Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18 9

Fig. 10. (A) Schematic showing that the self-assembly of RGO and nHA to form a porous RGO scaffold for cranial bone defect reconstruction; (B) Tyndall effect of before and after
reaction [122].

distribution level of the fillers within the matrix [44,153]. (3) Graphene-based nanosheets have high specific surface area
The toughening mechanism for the graphene-based HA com- enabling increased contact area with the matrix [25]. And
posites, according to previous investigations [25,31,32,44], are due to its high Young's modulus and flexibility, graphene
crack branching, crack bridging, pull out, crack deflection and other may be located around the grain boundaries and aligned
reinforcing mechanisms. To be specific: with the grain shape [31], which is expected to enhance the
mechanical interlocking and adhesion strength within the
(1) The addition of the 2D fillers can result in the formation of matrix [30]. The graphene-based 2D reinforcement fillers
HA with smaller sizes [32,154];and the GO/rGO may func- can inhibit the propagation of the crack. Liu et al. [40] pre-
tionalized as nucleus for the crystallization of HA crystals pared graphene/HA coatings by vacuum cold spraying and
[30], which in turn may restrain the growth of HA nano- the authors incubated the samples in culture media for one
particles. It is reported that the fine grain strengthening month without cells, and the coating adhesion values
mechanism could be a possible cause for the improved me- showed no remarkable changes.
chanical properties of the HA composites [32]. This inhibitory
effect on grain growth was well studied by Liu et al. [90] and
4. Biocompatibility of the composites
illustrated in Fig. 12.
(2) Moreover, the calculated pullout energy of graphene from
4.1. In vitro biocompatibility
HA is around 3e40 J m2, which is much higher than the
fracture energy (1 J m2) of bulk HA [32]. Therefore, the
From a mechanical point of view, this graphene-based HA nano-
indentation-induced cracks, as shown in Fig. 11, preferably
structural composites have proven to be promising candidates for
propagate within the HA matrix, instead of along the HA-
hard tissue repairing or regeneration. Furthermore, these materials
graphene interface. The stress transfer characteristics in
should be biocompatible with high stability in biological environ-
graphene-based nanocomposites were evaluated from a
ment. Their toxicity was well analyzed and studied.
computational model using a multi-scale finite element
approach [102].
4.1.1. Cytocompatibility
Usually the graphene-based HA composites were co-cultured
10 M. Li et al. / Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18

Fig. 11. Characteristic toughening mechanisms at a striation line in the composites with 1.5 wt% rGO: Vicker's indentation craters (a) and radial cracks: crack branching (b), crack
bridging (c and f), pull out (d and f), crack deflection (e) [44].

Fig. 12. Restrained HA grain growth by graphene and abnormal growth of the grain along the direction parallel to graphene, (a) TEM image of the HA-graphene composites showing
that graphene is predominantly located at the HA grain boundaries, forming a serial wall zones isolating individual HA grains, and abnormal HA grain growth is seen along the
direction parallel to graphene, and (b) schematic depiction of the composites illustrating evolvement of the HA grains during the SPS processing and following heat treatment.

with (1) osteoblast-related cells: mouse pre-osteoblast cell line cell line (hFOB 1.19 cells) [39,40,44,56], human osteosarcoma cell
(MC3T3-E1) [17e19,23,25,35,37,46,71,74], human fetal osteoblastic line(MG63 cells) [30,34,38,155]; (2) fibroblast-related cells: mouse
M. Li et al. / Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18 11

embryonic fibroblast cell line (NIH 3T3 cells) [34], mouse fibroblast
cell line (L929 cells) [24,30,33,38], (3) stem cells: mesenchymal
stem cells (MSC) [28] and (4) other cells: PBMC (human peripheral
blood mononuclear cells) [53,67].
Fan et al. [46] seeded MC3T3-E1 cells onto graphene/HA com-
posites with various HA contents and the cells displayed flatter
morphology than on the GO and HA coating, and the composite
containing 40 wt% showed higher bone cellular activities. In order
to further increase the biocompatibility of the graphene/HA com-
posites, bioactive polymers were added into the system, such as
carrageenan [35], gelatin [37] and polydopamine [74]. Combined
with the graphene-based fillers, these polymers could facilitate the
HA mineralization process which promoted the osteogenic
differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells. Lee et al. [63] cultured the
MC3T3-E1 cells (2  105 cells/mL) with colloidal dispersion of HA
particles, rGO nanosheets and rGO/HA nanocomposites (10 mg/mL)
for 1e21days and the cells were analyzed by Alizarin red staining
(ARS). The results were shown in Fig. 13.
Oyefusi [39] investigated the hFOB 1.19 cell proliferation and
differentiation by using total protein assays and Western blot
analysis of osteocalcin expression with promising results. Liu et al.
[40] cultured the osteoblast cells on the composite coatings
showing higher proliferation rate and better stretching behavior on
the HA-based coatings than on bare Ti. The random curly incor-
porated graphene sheets possessed more active sites for cell
binding and could adsorb the key serum proteins (fibronectin) to
further enhance the cell attachment [40].
The graphene/HA composites also showed good cytocompati-
bility to MG63 cells. The HA coated GO exhibited comparable
biocompatibility to HA minerals [155]. However, high GO contents
in the composites might inhibit cell viabilities [38]. Compared with
the GO/HA composites, the addition of chitosan could increase its
bone-forming abilities [30]. Ramani et al. [34] prepared bacterial
cellulose/GO/HA composites with high osteoinductive and the
MG63 cells cultured with 50 mg/mL composites had higher ALP Fig. 13. The ARS stain and its corresponding extract in MC3T3-E1 cells incubated with
activities. a colloidal dispersion of HAp particles, rGO nanosheets or rGO/HAp nanocomposites in
Liu et al. [24] evaluated the cytotoxicity of rGO/HA on L929 cells basal media. (A) Increased calcium deposits by rGO/HAp nanocomposites were not
related to the cell number (scale bars ¼ 200 m m). There was a notable formation of
using MTT assay and the cell viability was more than 95% in com- calcium deposits by rGO/HAp nanocomposites from 14 d. (B) The dissolved ARS
parison with the control; moreover, the concentration of this extracted from the staining plates confirmed that the rGO/HAp nanocomposites
composite in the culture media (0, 1, 5, 10, and 20 mg/mL) had no significantly (p < .05) increased extracellular calcium deposition in the cells [63].
significant influences on the mitochondrial activities within the
L929 cells. Wang et al. [33] prepared a GO/fibrinogen nanofiber
scaffold by using layer-by-layer method and then incubated it in coatings were electrophoretic-deposited on Ti substrates and the
SBF for biomineralization resulting in 3D GO/HA scaffolds, which hemocompatibility of samples were evaluated according to ASTM
had no obvious inhibitory effects on the in vitro cell proliferation of F756-08 standard [156]. All the samples exhibited good hemo-
L929 cells. In our previous study [30,38], the in vitro cytotoxicity of compatibility with hemolysis rate lower than 5%, and platelet
the GO/HA and chitosan modified GO/HA did not exhibit obvious adhesion tests showed that only few platelets were observed on the
concentration-dependent characteristics but showed a clear posi- composite coatings at the inactivated stage with round shape
tive time dependence [30]; and the cells displayed a healthy round (Fig. 14). The GO and graphene nanosheets showed a dose-
shape with extended pseudopodium [38]. dependent hemolytic activity on red blood cells [157] and
Zanin et al. [28] prepared globular nano-HA onto rGO by elec- covering GO sheets with HA could alleviate their hemolytic activity.
trodeposition and evaluated the composite's biocompatibility by
culturing with MSC. The cells adhered well on the composites with 4.1.3. Mineralization abilities
a flat roughly circular morphology, presenting active formation of Simulated body fluid (SBF) contains ion concentrations almost
membrane projections. PBMC consists of lymphocytes and mono- equal to those of human blood plasma. Usually the bone-forming or
cytes, as the main representatives of human immune cells [53]. bone-bonding abilities of a material could be evaluated by
Compared with the control group, the cells viability rate on the immersing it into SBF to examine apatite formation abilities on its
composites showed mild decrease and the composite could be surface, which is a useful method to predict the in vivo osteogenic
considered non-toxic. activity of a material [158]. However, some researchers suggested
that this method needs further elaboration [159].
4.1.2. Hemocompatibility The addition of graphene-based nanofillers into HA matrix
Nair et al. [68] incorporated the GO nanoflakes into gelatin-HA could accelerate the formation of apatite on its surface
matrix by using a freeze drying method. None of the prepared [25,42,46,53,78]. Zhang et al. [25] prepared graphene/HA com-
scaffolds showed hemolysis with comparable activity to the saline posites using spark plasma sintering technique. The samples were
control groups [68]. In our previous study [88], silk fibroin/GO/HA immersed in SBF for 7 days, and, compared with the HA, the bone-
12 M. Li et al. / Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18

Fig. 14. SEM images of the adhered platelets on pristine (a) Ti, (b) SF, (c) SF/GO, (d) SF/HA and (e) SF/GO/HA coatings [88].

like apatite layer formed on 1.0 wt% graphene/HA was much thicker investigated. However, there were few in vivo animal studies using
than that on the pure HA substrate, probably suggesting a higher these novel material.
osteogenic activity of the graphene-reinforced HA [25]. The pro- Lee et al. [63] prepared the HA grafts and the rGO/HA grafts. The
posed mineralization process were depicted in Fig. 15. Compared grafts were filled into bone defects (6 mm in diameter and 2.5 mm
with pure HA, the graphene/HA composites exhibited lower sta- in depth) that were trephined in the parietal bone of 12e13 week-
bility. The incorporation of graphene into HA could result in smaller old male New Zealand rabbits [63]. Four weeks after the surgery,
grain size and more specific area, leading to fast dissolution of the non-treated control defects were filled with thin and loose
calcium and higher negative surface charge on the composites connective tissues without many new bones (Fig. 16A(a-c)), and
(Fig. 15 a). Therefore, more calcium could be attracted on its surface dense connective tissue and small particles were observed in the
(Fig. 15 b) and the Ca-rich layer could generate thicker bone-like one with HA grafts (Fig. 16 A(d-f)). For the groups implanted by
layer (Fig. 15 c) [25,53]. In order to further increase the bone- rGO/HA grafts (Fig. 16A(g-i)), several newly formed bone were
forming ability of the composites, the nanosheets could be coated detected, indicating the accelerated bone remodeling process. From
by bioactive polymers such as polyethylene glycol [42] and self- the Masson's trichrome staining analysis, the amount of the newly
assembled peptide nanofibers [78]. formed bone in the rGO/HA treated defects (Fig. 16 B(c,d)) were
substantially higher than that in the HA groups (Fig. 16 B(a,b)). The
histometric evaluations (Fig. 16 C) showed that the rGO/HA grafts
4.2. In vivo biocompatibility displayed significantly greater new bone density than the control/
HA groups.
Bioactivity of the graphene-based HA composites in the context Wu et al. [69] prepared GO modified b-tricalcium phosphate (b-
of osteogenesis by using in vitro cell models have been extensively

Fig. 15. Schematic illustration of the mineralization process for a GNS/HA composite immersed in SBF. (a) Dissolution controlled stage, in which calcium ions dissolution is pre-
dominant, leading to negatively charged surface. (b) Precipitation controlled stage, in which negatively charged surface together with more nucleation sites attract calcium ions
from SBF to form the Ca-rich layer. (c) Formation of bone-like apatite, in which Ca-rich layer attracts phosphate ions and form bone-like apatite [25].
M. Li et al. / Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18 13

in the GO-b-TCP group, which was both quantitatively and quali-

tatively better than that in the control group as it is shown in Fig. 17.
Both the in vitro and in vivo biocompatible analysis suggested
that the graphene-based HA composites showed great potential
applications for bone reconstruction, due to its beneficial effects on
the adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of osteoblast-related
cells, fibroblast-related cells or stem cells. Graphene and its de-
rivatives displayed strong non-covalent binding abilities on osteo-
genic inducers (dexamethasone and b-glycerolphosphate) [160]
which accelerated the osteogenic differentiation of stem cells.

4.3. Antibacterial property

The infections of the implantation site after surgery [67] and

biomedical devices associated infections (especially with the for-
mation of biofilm) [100,161] are the major cause for delayed heal-
ing, implant failure and repeated surgeries [161]. Therefore, it is
necessary to develop novel composite materials with combined
bioactivity and antibacterial properties.
In addition to the bone-forming ability, HA shows favorable
affinity for bacterial adhesion [100]. When HA was exploited as
coating materials on Ti implants, the increased HA contents therein
resulted in enhanced attachment of the bacteria, which could
deteriorate its osteointegration property and further weaken the
biological fixation ability of HA-coated implants in hard tissues
[162]. Accordingly, it is imperative to endow HA with antibacterial
or bacteriostatic effects by preparing HA composites. Graphene-
based nanomaterials exhibit excellent cytotoxicity to bacteria
[163]. Liu et al. [164] investigated the antibacterial activity of four
types of graphene-based materials (graphite, graphite oxide, GO
and rGO) toward an Escherichia coli and the GO dispersion dis-
played the highest antibacterial activity. The membrane stress
induced by the nanosheets warping [164], the cell membrane
damage [165] caused by direct contact with sharp edges of the
nanosheets and the oxidative stress generated by the reactive ox-
ygen species (ROS) production [164] were the major mechanisms in
the bacterial inactivation.
c et al. [53] investigated the antibacterial efficiency of the
electrophoretic graphene/HA coatings against the Gram-positive
pathogenic bacteria strain Staphylococcus aureus and the Gram-
negative bacteria strain Escherichia coli. However no antibacterial
effects were observed in that study [53] which might be ascribed to
the low contents of the incorporated graphene. As an alternative
method, Ag was introduced into the coatings, and the graphene/Ag/
HA coatings showed strong antibacterial activity only after 3 h co-
culturing with the S. aureus and E. coli, inhibiting harmful biofilm
formation [67]. In our previous research GO reinforced chitosan/HA
coatings were deposited onto Ti and the antibacterial adhesion
assay indicated that the amount of the adherent bacterial cells
decreased greatly on the composite coatings compared with pure
HA coatings [100]. As shown in Fig. 18 (a), compare with Ti and HA
Fig. 16. Histological observations. (A) Images from HE staining: non-treated control coating, the number of the adherent bacterial cells is significantly
(aec), the defects treated with the HAp grafts (def), the defect treated with rGO/HAp decreased on the chitosan/HA and GO/chitosan/HA coatings, with
grafts (gei) Original magnifications:  12.5 in (a,d,g) and  50 in the others. (B) Images the potential antibacterial mechanism displayed in Fig. 18 (b) [100].
from MT staining. (a,b) HAp grafts and (c,d) rGO/HAp grafts. Original
magnifications:  100. Symbols: nb, new bone; s, soft tissue; fv, fibrovascular tissue; *,
The novel graphene-based HA composites were competitive
graft materials. (C) New bone formation (%) [63]. candidates for hard tissue repairing or regeneration with increased
osteogenic activity, well hemocompatibility, and promising anti-
bacterial properties. However, in some cases the resulting com-
TCP) scaffolds by first using 3D printing and then soaking the b-TCP posites exhibited less bioactivity [24,38,53]. This discrepancy may
into GO/water suspension. The in vivo bone formation of the scaf- originated from the preparation techniques of graphene, the size
fold was evaluated by implanting it into critical-sized calvarial and distribution of this 2D nanoscale filler. In the scenario of gra-
defects in New Zealand white male rabbits. Compared with b-TCP phene oxide, the types of oxygen-containing functional groups and
scaffolds, the GO modified scaffolds had greater bone formation the oxygen content could also affect the bioactivity of the com-
abilities in the defects both at 4 and 8 weeks post implantation. And posites. Therefore, more researches should be conducted to shed
the new bone was visible in the periphery and center of the defect light on this issues.
14 M. Li et al. / Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18

Fig. 17. Micro-CT analysis of in vivo bone formation ability for b-TCP and b-TCP-GRA scaffolds after being implanted in the cranial bone defects of rabbits for 4 and 8 week-
s.*Significant difference between the b-TCP and b-TCP-GRA groups (p < .05). Note: b-TCP-GRA represents GO-modified b-tricalcium phosphate andb-TCP represents b-tricalcium
phosphate [69].

Fig. 18. SEM images (a) of the S. aureus after incubation 12 h with the pristine Ti (1) and different coating interfaces: HA (2), chitosan/HA (3), GO/chitosan/HA (4). The black arrows
in (3), (4) point to the adherent S. aureus. Scale bar 3 mm. Schematic illustration (b) of the speculated antibacterial adhesion mechanism of the GO/chitosan/HA nanocomposites.

5. Conclusions regeneration. The major problem in production of this novel com-

posite is the difficulty in homogeneous distribution of the 2D
This review of literature presented various preparation tech- reinforcement fillers within the matrix. Evaluation of the com-
niques, mechanical behaviors and toughen mechanism, in vitro/ posites mechanical properties has been the focus of the research.
in vivo biocompatible analysis, antibacterial properties of the Biocompatibility of graphene-based HA composites has been
graphene-based HA composites for orthopedic applications. By studied mostly in terms of in vitro cytocompatibility, and further
combining the superior mechanical properties of graphene (and its in vivo analysis should be conducted before being considered for
derivatives) and the high bioactivities of HA, the graphene-based clinical applications.
HA composites show great potentials in hard tissue repair and
M. Li et al. / Bioactive Materials 3 (2018) 1e18 15

Acknowledgement 10375e10382.
[27] M. Li, Q. Liu, Z. Jia, X. Xu, Y. Shi, Y. Cheng, Y. Zheng, T. Xi, S. Wei, Electro-
phoretic deposition and electrochemical behavior of novel graphene oxide-
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Foundation (2164073). [28] H. Zanin, E. Saito, F.R. Marciano, H.J. Ceragioli, A.E. Campos Granato,
M. Porcionatto, A.O. Lobo, Fast preparation of nano-hydroxyapatite/
superhydrophilic reduced graphene oxide composites for bioactive appli-
cations, J. Mater. Chem. B 1 (2013) 4947.
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