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Estagios de Decomposição Saw Dust e PU

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Renewable Energy 196 (2022) 1218e1228

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Influence of plastic content on synergistic effect and bio-oil quality

from the co-pyrolysis of waste rigid polyurethane foam and sawdust
H. Stan  a
cin a, b, *, M. Saf r c, J. R
zi  c, H. Mikul
ckova ci  c, d, X. Wang e,
c e, a, H. Raclavska
N. Dui
c a

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Croatia
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, 2109, Australia
SB e Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
ENET CENTRE VSB-Technical University Ostrava, Czech Republic
Department of Thermal Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Current disposal of end-of-life plastics by landfilling or incineration raises serious environmental con-
Received 3 December 2021 cerns, simultaneously representing an irretrievable loss of valuable resources. Especially this is evident
Received in revised form for materials that have a complex structure, like polyurethane foams. In this work, co-pyrolysis with
23 June 2022
sawdust was carried out to analyze and evaluate the product quality for further utilization as alternative
Accepted 9 July 2022
fuels. The introduction of polyurethane increased the oil yield but in a limited range since no significant
Available online 14 July 2022
difference was observed between the mixture with 25 and 75% of polyurethane content. In addition, the
This work was presented at the 16th Con- chemical analysis showed that small addition of polyurethane is sufficient to eliminate most of the
ference on Sustainable Development of En- oxygenated compounds derived from sawdust. Nevertheless, the obtained liquid products are mostly
ergy, Water and Environment Systems e benzenamines that do not meet the criteria for fuel composition. Analysis of the synergistic effect shows
SDEWES, in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from 10th to
that the strongest impact is visible for a small branch of plastic content where liquid yield was promoted
15th October 2021.
at the expense of gas. With a further increment of plastic content, this effect fades away, except for the
solid residue where remains constant. Finally, a brief analysis of the gaseous fraction showed that ob-
tained products are preferred in syngas composition, with notable hydrogen yield as the most valuable
Sawdust © 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Product analysis
Chemical composition
Utilization possibility

1. Introduction problem, resulting in the inevitable loss of valuable resources and

raising environmental issues. Simon et al. [3] brought a detailed
Polyurethane foams (PU) are widely used polymers, with about review of potential methods for chemical recycling of waste poly-
18 million tons produced in 2016, utilized for various applications urethane foams, emphasizing that recycled materials have limited
in the automotive industry and as insulation or structural material application possibilities. Pyrolysis or gasification might be a
for different appliances [1]. They are made in rigid, flexible, and promising alternative since it can convert waste materials into
viscoelastic forms [2]; therefore, their properties might vary valuable fuels and chemicals, as mentioned in a review by Kemona
significantly, greatly influencing their end-of-life treatment. Land- and Piotrowska [4]. Nevertheless, while the rest of the polymers,
filling and incineration are the most used methods to deal with this such as polystyrene (PS) [5,6], polypropylene (PP) [7], or poly-
ethylene (PE) [8,9], were widely investigated for alternative fuel
production, the studies which are dealing with PU treatment by
* Corresponding author. University of Zagreb, Croatia. thermochemical conversion methods are seldom.
E-mail addresses: (H. Stan cin), Most of the studies in the literature deal with the investigation
 ar), (J. R u
(M. Saf a), of kinetics or thermal degradation mechanism rather than the
(H. Mikul
cic), (H. Raclavsk
a), (N. Dui
0960-1481/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Stancin, M.  r , J. R
Safa uzickova
 et al. Renewable Energy 196 (2022) 1218e1228

improve product properties. Biomass feedstock was widely inves-

Abbreviations tigated and, even more, used to produce high-quality bio-oils that
are currently blended with conventional gasoline. Even though the
GC Gas chromatography drawbacks mentioned above constrain wider biofuel deployment
HHV High heating value or its usage in the aviation sector. Arregi et al. [18] performed py-
MDA 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine rolysis of pine sawdust and high-density polyethylene for
PAHs Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons hydrogen-rich gas production. The results from the ultimate and
PE Polyethylene proximate analysis of pine sawdust are similar to the sawdust
PP Polypropylene mixture used in this study, even though the type of wood is entirely
PS Polystyrene different. Yet, the product distribution is completely different,
PU Polyurethane suggesting the importance of the structural composition of the
PUR Rigid polyurethane foam biomass sample. Ahmed et al. [19] pyrolyzed Acacia sawdust for
SD Sawdust bio-oil production at temperatures between 400 and 600  C. The
TGA Thermogravimetric analysis highest oil yield was noticed for 500  C, which dramatically
WSD/PUR Share of component decreased with the temperature increment to 600  C, mostly to
Ycal Calculated value yield a higher share of non-condensable gases. This observation
Yexp Experimental value suggests that at least 500  C is required to enhance bio-oil yield.
DY Synergy level Further temperature increment is beneficial to reduce solid residue,
but secondary cracking will occur and increase gaseous yield at the
expense of liquid fraction. Liu et al. [20] performed catalytic py-
rolysis over the pine sawdust with almost the same composition as
product compounds analysis. Garrido et al. [10] investigated the the one used in this study. They found that the addition of catalyst
pollutant emissions from the pyrolysis of flexible polyurethane has a limited impact on product distribution, while it might pro-
foam, focusing on the formation and yield of PAHs, furans, and mote the secondary reactions at higher temperatures to increase
chlorine-containing compounds. At 850  C, the formation of such the gas yield. Kai et al. [21] performed the co-pyrolysis of corn stalk
compounds was highest, implying potential constraints for the and high-density polyethylene. They concluded that the strongest
gasification as the recycling method. Garrido and Font [11] inves- synergy between biomass-plastic samples is achieved for small
tigated the thermal decomposition of flexible PU in nitrogen and air plastic content (<20%), and the blending ratio has a low impact on
atmosphere, finding that this parameter influences the number of the evolution of gaseous products. The strongest synergistic effect
steps in the decomposition mechanism. In the case of the inert for small plastic content is also detected in a study by Ephraim et al.
atmosphere, the process consists of two steps, while three steps are [22], where polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride were used.
observed for the oxidative environment. This observation is even Thermogravimetric, kinetic and thermodynamic analysis of PU
more valuable when put in the context that the rest of the polymers and sawdust (SD) mixture was carried out in our previous work as
have a single-step decomposition mechanism. Yao et al. [12] per- the first step to evaluating the potential of selected feedstock for
formed pyrolysis on rigid PU from waste refrigerators in an inert the co-pyrolysis [23]. The three-step decomposition mechanism is
atmosphere using nitrogen. They found that decomposition con- observed for PU, which also overlaps with the SD decomposition
sists of three stages: the initial stage from 38 to 400  C, the second area, suggesting that the feedstock might interact significantly
stage between 400 and 550  C, and the last stage between 550 and when decomposed. Since the chemical properties and thermal
1000  C. This shows that the thermal decomposition mechanism of decomposition of PUs are pronouncedly different from the rest of
PU strongly depends on its type (rigid or flexible), which is a direct typical polymers and more similar to biomass feedstock, it is
consequence of its chemical structure, usage of additives, and interesting to investigate how this interaction reflects on final
production process. Furthermore, the fact that PUs have a three- product distribution. Up to now, there have been no attempts to
step decomposition mechanism is important for co-pyrolysis utilize waste rigid polyurethane foam and biomass in the co-
since biomass and PU could directly interact when decomposed. pyrolysis to produce alternative fuels. Therefore, this works aims
Nishiyama et al. [13] analyzed the derived products from the to provide an in-depth analysis of the chemical composition of
pyrolysis and concluded that they are primarily linear hydrocar- obtained pyrolytic oil, which is not found in the literature. Besides,
bons or oxygenated, benzene-containing species. The nitrogen- a brief analysis of obtained syngas fraction will be given, even
containing products (4-amino-40 -isocyanate diphenyl methane - though the research focuses on maximizing liquid yield. Further-
MAI, 4,40 -Methylenedianiline -MDA) expressed the highest in- more, the influence of plastic content on product quantity and
tensity, which is expected since they are used during the synthesis. quality is evaluated by observing the synergistic effect between
The yield of linear hydrocarbons is favored for fuel purposes, but investigated feedstocks. Finally, the appropriate conclusions
the yield of nitrogen-containing species should be minimized. One regarding the PU potential for alternative fuel production are
of the possible solutions might be co-pyrolysis with biomass, where drawn.
feedstock interaction coupled with process parameters could
reduce the yield of potentially harmful compounds [14]. Another
benefit of such practice is resolving problems related to biomass-
derived fuels like poor thermal stability, lower heating value, high 2. Materials and methods
viscosity or acidity, and similar [15]. Moreover, due to the limited
biomass availability and geographical distribution, it is necessary to Under this section, the used materials are presented with their
find alternative exploitation routes to maximize its potential in origin, sample preparation procedure, and the preliminary results
future energy systems while simultaneously maintaining con- obtained from the ultimate and proximate analysis. This is followed
sumption within sustainable boundaries [16]. up by a detailed explanation of used experimental methods to
Hassan et al. [17] provided a comprehensive review of progress ensure the reproducibility of results. The experiments and liquid
in biomass pyrolysis. The study emphasized the importance of co- fraction sampling for chemical characterization have been dupli-
pyrolysis with hydrogen-rich feedstock such as waste plastics to cated to ensure the accuracy of the results.
H. Stancin, M.  r , J. R
Safa uzickova
 et al. Renewable Energy 196 (2022) 1218e1228

2.1. Material characterization The final temperature was maintained for about 30 min or until the
complete release of pyrolysis gases. The moderate heating rate of
Samples investigated in this study were waste rigid poly- 10  C/min was selected based on our previous kinetic analysis,
urethane foam (PUR) obtained from the discharged refrigerator and which showed no significant differences in the decomposition
used as an insulation material. Biomass feedstock was a sawdust mechanism for the applied heating rates [23]. Samples were
mixture of beech, oak, and fir wood with the unknown shares ob- examined individually and in mixtures with the shares as
tained from a local sawmill. Samples were prepared by shredding, mentioned above. The yield of the solid fraction was calculated by
grinding, and sieving into finer particles (0.125e0.25 mm) to weighing the sample mass before and the residual mass after the
ensure the mixture's homogeneity. Besides, in the previous work pyrolysis. The output of pyrolysis gas was calculated at N2 free-
where utilization properties of PUR were investigated, it was found vol.%, based on the volume fractions obtained from gas chroma-
that this particle size is the most promising for thermochemical tography (GC) and densities of individual gas components. Con-
processes since the lowest amounts of harmful compounds are densable gases were cooled down using an ice bath and collected in
detected in that range [24]. liquid form at the end of a reactor. The share of the liquid fraction
PUR was obtained with the known ultimate and proximate was calculated by the difference. A detailed description of the gas
analysis values. The sawdust properties are investigated according chromatography and mass spectrometry properties and conditions
to ISO 17225-1:2021 [25]. The heating values are measured using can be found in our previous work, where co-pyrolysis of poly-
the bomb calorimeter and following the procedure determined in styrene and biomass sawdust was investigated [6].
the standard ISO 18125:2017 [26]. As can be seen, the heating value
for PUR is pronouncedly higher than that of SD but still dramatically 2.4. Measurements uncertainties
lower compared to the heating values of the majority of other
plastics like PS, PP, or PE, which are above 40 MJ/kg [27]. Moreover, Measurements for the chemical characterization of the obtained
a high share of nitrogen (~7%) is detected in the PUR sample, which oils were repeated twice. The standard deviation for compounds
is not the case for other conventional polymers. Finally, from the detected in the PUR-derived oil ranges from 0.25% (1,3-benzene
proximate analysis of the PUR sample, a high share of volatile dicarboxylic acid bis (2-ethylhexyl) ester) to 5.59% (MDA). The
matter can be noticed, which is beneficial for the yield of liquid and standard deviation for oils from PUR/SD mixture analysis is be-
gaseous fractions. Nevertheless, almost 6% of ash in the composi- tween 0.54% (2-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one) and
tion suggests that a high yield of solid residue can be expected at 5.79% for MDA.
the end of the process. The results are summarised in Table 1. At the same time, the reproducibility was determined for the oil
obtained from individual PUR pyrolysis in the range of 1.25% for the
2.2. Thermal decomposition investigation MDA to 9.40% for the 3-methylbenzeneamine and the reproduc-
ibility for bio-oil from PUR/SD analysis was in the range of 2.15%
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was carried out using TGA/ (MDA) to 8.2% (3-methylbenzeneamine).
DSC 2 Thermoanalyzer Mettler Toledo. The TGA is an inevitable step
in the experimental investigation of the thermal decomposition 3. Results
mechanism, and it is often used to determine optimal process
conditions for pyrolysis [28]. Samples were investigated individu- In this section in-depth analysis of liquid fraction was carried
ally and in mixtures with different shares: PUR/SD 25e75%, PUR/SD out to determine feedstock potential for alternative fuel produc-
50-50%, PUR/SD 75-25%. Samples of about 10 mg were heated in tion. Besides, a preliminary examination is performed for gaseous
Al2O3 crucibles of 70 m1, from room temperature to 600  C, at a fraction, and the main observation from TGA are summarised at the
heating rate of 10  C/min. As a carrier, gas nitrogen was used with a beginning of the interpretation of the results. Finally, the syner-
flow rate of 20 ml/min. The final temperature is selected based on gistic effect that occurs during the feedstock interaction is evalu-
previous research presented in the Introduction section. While ated at the end of this section.
Ahmed et al. [19] pointed out that the highest liquid yield is ob-
tained at 500  C, the process was further extended to 600  C to 3.1. Thermogravimetric and derivative thermogravimetric analysis
minimize the final solid residue. This is because previous studies on
PU samples show that the significant mass loss is still evident after Another study presents a detailed thermogravimetric analysis of
500  C. individual samples and respective mixtures [23]. Nevertheless,
prepared samples were subjected to TGA before the pyrolysis to
2.3. Pyrolysis conditions and product analysis compare the accuracy between investigations (Fig. 1). As expected,
for the SD sample, moisture evaporation goes up to 110  C, ac-
The pyrolysis experiments were performed in a stainless-steel counting for 5% of mass loss. The primary decomposition step starts
fixed bed reactor. A detailed description of the experimental at ~240  C, peaks at 350  C, and ends immediately at 380  C. The
setup and reactor components used in this work has been last stage, where mostly lignin is decomposed, takes a linear
described by Hlavsova et al. [29] in their original research. The pathway until 600  C, and the final residue is approximately 20%.
experiments were conducted under a nitrogen atmosphere with an Most polymers like PS, PE, or PP have a single-stage decomposition
80 ml/min flow rate. Approximately 2 g of the sample was placed in mechanism [30], while in the case of PUR, three stages can be
the reactor and heated at 10  C/min to a final temperature of 600  C. observed. In the first drying stage, the mass loss is negligible. At

Table 1
Ultimate and proximate analysis of PUR and sawdust samples.

C (%) H (%) N (%) O (%) Ash (%) Volatile matter (%) Moisture (%) Fixed carbon (%) HHV (MJ/kg)

PUR 63.9 6.5 6.8 22.8 5.8 82.0 2.7 9.5 26.7
Sawdust 47.3 6.0 0.3 46.4 1.4 73.0 7.4 18.2 17.3

H. Stancin, M.  r , J. R
Safa uzickova
 et al. Renewable Energy 196 (2022) 1218e1228

Fig. 1. TG and DTG curves for individual samples a) and mixtures b) thermal decomposition.

~280  C, the primary decomposition stage begins, with the main

peak at 340  C, similar to SD. At this temperature, almost half of the PUR 61.2 16.7 22.1

sample is decomposed. The second slight peak can be observed at

450  C, indicating that PUR has a broader temperature range in 0.75 PUR 52.1 20.1 27.8
Plastic content

which decomposition occurs than SD. The last stage of decompo-

sition starts at 480  C, and until 600  C, about 10% of the sample is 0.5 PUR 50.0 22.7 27.3

decomposed, and the final mass is slightly below 30%. As can be

observed, the decomposition mechanism has three stages, also 0.25 PUR 48.4 24.2 27.4

found in the study by Jao et al. [12], even though the temperature
ranges slightly differ. SD 31.4 48.1 20.5
The thermal decomposition of investigated mixtures shows
20 40 60 80 100
similar behavior to the analysis of the individual samples. The
Share [%]
mixture, where the sawdust is a dominant compound, has a visible
mass loss due to evaporation and expresses a more intensified Liquid Gas Solid

curve breakdown at 360  C, observed for the biomass decomposi-

Fig. 2. Product yield from individual pyrolysis and PUR/SD blends co-pyrolysis.
tion as well. The second decomposition stage for all mixtures
happens in a broader temperature range, except for the sample
where SD is the main constituent. In that case, the second stage confirm this hypothesis, deconvolution of the TGA curve should be
ends slightly above 400  C, while for the rest of the mixtures goes carried out to determine the structural composition of the sawdust
up to 500  C. Similar behavior is also observed for PUR decompo- sample [31].
sition, probably due to the decomposition of halogenic compounds. For the mixtures pyrolysis, the yield of a solid fraction is slightly
The final mass is around 30%, similar to the PUR sample and other higher than individual samples (~27%) but more-less constant for
mixtures. These final masses are still considerably high, even all investigated mixtures. In general, the solid residue is a conse-
though the process was extended to 600  C. Nevertheless, a further quence of fixed carbon and ash content, and obtained values for
increment in temperature would initiate secondary crackings and individual samples are expected. Nevertheless, in the case of mix-
promote the yield of the gaseous fraction, which is not an objective tures, the share of solid residue is increased, probably due to the
of this study. feedstock interaction during the process and their mutual influence
that hinders complete decomposition and release of volatiles. The
3.2. Pyrolysis product analysis yield of liquid fraction is extensively promoted by introducing PUR
to the fuel mixture, from 31% for the SD sample to around 50% for all
Individual pyrolysis of investigated samples shows a similar investigated mixtures. This was achieved at the expense of the
share of solid residue in the range of 20e22%. Nevertheless, the gaseous fraction, which decreased to only 20% for the mixture with
distribution of volatiles, gas and liquid fractions express completely 75% PUR content. The introduction of only 25% of PUR halved the
different trends (Fig. 2). In the case of the SD sample, the dominant yield of gases compared to results from sawdust pyrolysis. Once
fraction is syngas with a share of 48%, followed by bio-oil yield with again, this confirms the hypothesis that waste plastics can signifi-
~31%. From PUR pyrolysis, the predominant product is an oil with a cantly enhance the liquid yield from co-pyrolysis [32]. Neverthe-
yield of 61%, even though a notable amount of gaseous fraction less, it is interesting to observe the potential for improving the oil
(17%) is also detected. The oil yield from PUR is pronouncedly lower yield by introducing PUR into the mixture. Even in the case of 75%
than conventional polymers like PS, where the yield of a liquid of PUR content, the oil yield barely surpasses 50%. In addition, the
fraction can go up to 96% [6]. A high share of syngas from SD py- difference in oil yield between the mixture with 25% and 75% of
rolysis may be attributed to cellulose decomposition, which is the PUR content is below 4%. Such observation indicates that the
main driver for yielding non-condensable volatiles with low carbon polyurethane potential for incrementing oil yield is greatly limited.
numbers (<C4). Such results might indicate that cellulose is the This can be confirmed by comparing previous work where PS was
principal constituent of the used biomass sample. Nevertheless, to investigated [6], since only 25% of PS in the mixture doubled the

H. Stancin, M.  r , J. R
Safa uzickova
 et al. Renewable Energy 196 (2022) 1218e1228

yield of liquid fraction, and further increment of PS content had a As can be seen, in the case of bio-oil from SD pyrolysis, the
visible impact on final product distribution, promoting the oil yield. dominant are oxygen-containing compounds like phenols (24%),
Even more, the share of the solid fraction was reduced with the ketones (22%), and aldehydes (12%), which is expected and already
increment of PS content. At the same time, this study found that reported in the literature [28,29]. Besides, a significant amount of
mixtures have an even higher share of a solid residue than indi- acids and PAHs are detected (~9% and ~10%, respectively), which is
vidual samples, and the mixing ratio does not play an important not beneficial for fuel purposes. The formation of PAHs from
role. Similar was also found for the co-pyrolysis of corn stover with biomass pyrolysis occasionally occurs through the acetylene addi-
PP [33]. The addition of PP has a visible effect on promoting the tion mechanism, where acetylene reacts with naphthalenes to
yield of the liquid fraction at the expense of others. Nevertheless, in promote the yield of PAHs [37]. Since the share of acetylene and
that case, the yield of a gaseous fraction remains relatively high naphthalene is relatively low in bio-oil, it can be presumed that the
(42e48%) since individual polypropylene pyrolysis yields about acetylene addition mechanism has occurred here. Liu et al. [38]
40% of gases. Finally, the selection of biomass feedstock also has an suggest torrefaction of biomass sample before the pyrolysis to
important role in product distribution. Zhang et al. [34] summar- reduce the yield of unwanted compounds like furans, aldehydes,
ised the results of microwave-assisted co-pyrolysis of various and acids. This technique improves the bio-oil quality, even though
biomass and plastics, where it was found that oil yield is mostly it reduces its quantity.
under 50%, even in the case of PS, PP, or PE. Such low oil yield from On the other hand, the benzenamines (~72%) are the dominant
co-pyrolysis occasionally occurs when the biomass sample has a compounds from PUR pyrolysis, followed by aromatic hydrocar-
high share of ash content in the structure, typical for straws or some bons (~8%). The high yield of benzenamines and low yield of hy-
other types of biomass residues [35]. drocarbons is comparably different from the pyrolysis product of
A detailed analysis of liquid and gaseous products is given in the biomass, or plastic materials, where mostly aliphatic or aromatic
following sections. Furthermore, the influence of PU content on hydrocarbons are obtained [39]. In addition, a significant amount
final product distribution will be discussed through the analysis of (~6% each) of phenols and alcohols is detected as well, most
the synergistic effect. The solid fraction is not further investigated probably as a consequence of PUR synthesis [2].
since the utilization possibilities are relatively low. A promising When it comes to mixtures, it can be seen that the share of PUR
solution for its utilization might be as an additive to enhance wood has a significant influence on liquid product distribution. Only a
pellets’ quality [36]. small introduction of PUR almost wholly removed the aldehydes
and sugars, while it significantly reduced the yield of ketones, acids,
3.3. Chemical characterization of the liquid fraction and most importantly, PAHs below 3%. It is especially interesting to
observe the creation of PAHs, which are only present in traces for
Analysis of liquid fraction composition showed that bio-oil from individual PUR pyrolysis. This is probably because the significant
SD pyrolysis consists of 90 compounds, while 94 are detected in the generation of PAHs from polyurethane starts at 700  C [24], with
liquid from PUR pyrolysis. In the case of mixtures, the number of the highest yield above 1000  C, where soot and char are formed
identified compounds with visible shares is 94. It should be [40]. Therefore, at 600  C, the generation of such compounds is
emphasized that some other compounds may be present in traces, hindered for a liquid fraction, while various benzeneamines (42%)
but their significance can be neglected in this case. Identified and aromatic hydrocarbons (13%) are promoted. In the case of
compounds belong to organic groups like aromatic amines (ben- phenols, the reduction was almost negligible for this mixture with
zenamines), aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, alcohols, PAHs, ke- 25% of PUR, which can be attributed to the fact that PUR oil also
tones, acids, and aldehydes. The share of organic groups in the yields these compounds; therefore, a complete removal is
obtained oils is given in Fig. 3. For better visibility in the given impossible.
figure, the term Rest encompasses toluene, indole, sugars, and fu- Further increment of PUR content almost completely removed
rans, which are present with a minor share. the ketones and acids, significantly influencing the yield of phenols.

Fig. 3. Identified organic groups in the obtained bio-oils.

H. Stancin, M.  r , J. R
Safa uzickova
 et al. Renewable Energy 196 (2022) 1218e1228

For the mixture with 50% PUR, the yield of phenols is halved, while bio-oil, they are furans, ketones, and PAHs.
further increment of PUR content to 75% reduced the yield to only Identified compounds in bio-oil are similar to those found in
3%. Removing phenols is strongly preferred since they can cause work by Yuan et al. [42]. Furfural, acetophenone, and 1,2,3,4-
jet-fuel surface deposits and corrosion [41]. tetrahydro-2-phenyl-naphthalene have the highest share (~6%),
Simultaneously, with the reduction of oxygen-containing while the yield of the other selected compounds (18 of them) is
organic groups, the formation of benzenamines was promoted, between 1.5 and 3%. For the PUR-derived oil, 4,40 -methylene bis-
and they are the dominant constituents of the mixture's oils. benzenamine, also known as 4,40 -Methylenedianiline (MDA), has
Nevertheless, benzenamines are not preferred in the fuel compo- the highest yield, accounting for almost 39% of oil composition. The
sition, and even more, by observing the organic groups of derived high share of MDA is also reported in the study by Nishiyama et al.
oils, it can be stated that their potential for further refinement to [13]. The MDA is a colorless or white solid with a low melting point,
fuel is minimal. They could be better utilized elsewhere in the used as a precursor for polyurethane synthesis; therefore, its higher
chemical industry. share is not unexpected [43]. Besides, it is classified as a potentially
Detailed compound analysis was conducted by setting the carcinogenic compound, and its presence in the fuel is not allowed.
threshold, which excluded those with a yield lower than 1.5% from Another compound with a significant share is 3-methyl-benzen-
further investigation. As shown in Fig. 4, most identified com- amine (m-toluidine), with a yield of 11.5%. It is a viscous liquid
pounds are found with the yield below this threshold, indicating classified as the aromatic amine used to produce dyes [44]. The 2,3-
that the obtained oils have a strongly heterogeneous composition. dimethyl-benzenamine and aniline also have a significant share of
For the bio-oil from SD, 69 such compounds account for 43.8% of almost 7%, and the rest of the selected compounds are in the range
the oil composition, and their number increases with the increment between 1.6 and 4.5%. A comparison between Table 2 and Table 3
of PUR content. For the PUR-derived oil, 86 compounds are present
in traces with a share below 1.5%, representing only 25.2% of all
identified compounds, and suggesting a more homogenous struc-
Table 2
ture than bio-oil. Liu et al. [38] suggests higher final temperatures Selected compounds from individual pyrolysis of SD.
to achieve a higher level of homogeneity in bio-oil composition.
Most compounds with a yield between 1.5 and 5% are found in Selected compounds detected in bio-oil Share [%]

bio-oil (18), following the decreasing trend with the increment of 1,2-cyclopentadiene 1.6
PUR content, and only 4 of them are detected in the oil from in- 1,6-Anhydro-b-D-glucopyranose (levoglucosan) 2.1
2,6-Dimethoxytoluene 2.1
dividual PUR pyrolysis. The same trends are noted for their share in
2-Methoxy-4-vinylphenol 1.9
the obtained oils. Compounds in that range represent more than 2-Methoxyphenol 2.7
37% of the bio-oil composition, but their yield is decreased to only 2-Pentanone 2.6
11% for individual PUR pyrolysis. In the case of bio-oil, phenols and 4-Methoxyphenol 2.4
ketones are the most prominent groups detected in that range, but Acetic acid 1.9
Acetophenone 5.9
there is also the presence of PAHs and acids, which should be Dodecanoic acid 2.2
carefully monitored. Furfural 5.8
Finally, the threshold for a significant share was set at 5%, and Naphthalene 1.9
almost all obtained oils have three compounds detected above this 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2-phenyl- naphthalene 6.8
2,6-dimethoxy-phenol 1.6
threshold, while only PUR-derived oil has four. Even though their
2,6-dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)- phenol 1.5
total number is pronouncedly lower, their shares in derived oils are Propanone 2.1
significant. For the bio-oil, they represent more than 18% of the Pyrocatechol 1.5
composition, rapidly increasing with PUR content increment to the Styrene 1.9
final value of almost 64% for individual PUR pyrolysis. As expected, Tetradecanoic acid 1.9
Toluene 2.9
all such compounds from PUR oil belong to benzenamines, while in Vanillin 2.9

Share of selected compounds 56.2

Fig. 4. Number of identified compounds (left) and their share in the derived oil (right).

H. Stancin, M.  r , J. R
Safa uzickova
 et al. Renewable Energy 196 (2022) 1218e1228

Table 3 bottom one may promote the formation of nitrogen oxides (NOX)
Selected compounds from individual pyrolysis of PUR. [46], and both dramatically lower the heating values [47]. Besides,
Selected compounds detected in PUR derived oil Share [%] several acidic chemicals suggest that such bio-oil has higher acidity,
1,10 -Biphenyl]-4,40 -diamine, 3,30 -dimethyl- 2.5
which could also cause corrosion.
1,1':30 ,1''-Terphenyl, 50 -phenyl- 4.5
1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester 1.6 3.4. Syngas composition
1-propoxy-2-Propanol 2.7
Aniline 6.8
In the following subsection, the evolution of gaseous com-
2,3-dimethyl-benzenamine 6.7
3-methyl-benzenamine 11.5 pounds: carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen
4,40 -methylene bis-benzenamine (MDA) 38.7 (H2), methane (CH4), and higher hydrocarbons (CxHy) from the co-
Share of selected compounds 74.9
pyrolysis of sawdust and waste rigid polyurethane foam is analyzed
(Fig. 5). The evolution of gases starts at 360  C, where primarily CO2
is identified, which remains the dominant product during the
whole process for all investigated samples. The volumetric share of
reveals that PUR yields more homogenous oil since eight selected
CO2 varies between 39% (mixture with 0.25 of PUR) to 46% for pure
compounds are responsible for almost 75% of oil composition. In
PUR pyrolysis (Fig. 5d). Removal of CO2 can be achieved by amine
contrast, in the case of bio-oil, 21 selected compounds account for
scrubbing, a standard biogas upgrading method [48]. Interestingly,
only 56% of the composition.
the residence time did not significantly impact the evolution of
When it comes to mixture analysis, it can be seen from Table 4
syngas species because the composition didn't change significantly
that most of the identified and selected compounds are these also
after reaching the final temperature. The same trend is noticed for
found from individual PUR pyrolysis (Table 3). This indicates that
the rest of the investigated non-condensable gases. The residence
the plastic fraction is the main driver for the liquid yield, but also it
time is represented in Fig. 5 by three repeating values of 600  C, the
directly influences the selectivity of the compounds inside the
final temperature at which samples were held for 30 min.
derived oil. The 4,40 -Methylenedianiline (MDA) is once again the
The syngas composition obtained from the pyrolysis of indi-
compound with the highest yield, and its share increases with the
vidual sawdust shows that around 61% vol. of identified gases are
increment of PUR content. Like in PUR-derived oil, 3-methyl-ben-
preferred in the syngas composition (H2, CH4, CO). The highest yield
zenamine and aniline are compounds with a significant share
(~40%) is noticed for CO, while the share of hydrogen and methane
among all investigated mixtures. The difference in their yield for
is around 8.4 and 11%, respectively. The share of higher hydrocar-
investigated mixtures is less pronounced than MDA. Like bio-oil
bons is almost negligible, with a yield below 2% vol. for all inves-
composition, the mix with 25% PUR content has a higher hetero-
tigated samples; therefore, it won't be discussed further. It can only
geneity level than others. The 18 selected compounds with a share
be stated that a low output of such gases can be expected since they
above 1.5% account for 62.3% of oil composition. At the same time,
are cracked at higher temperatures to methane and hydrogen [49].
nine selected compounds are responsible for almost 72% of oil
This is supported by Fig. 5 a) and b), where it can be seen that the
composition in a PUR-dominant mixture. In general, it can be stated
yield of these two compounds is increasing with the temperature
that compounds identified in the derived oil from the individual
increment. Besides, the secondary cracking of liquid fraction also
pyrolysis and mixture co-pyrolysis are predominantly valuable
occurs, resulting in the share increment of methane, but even more
chemicals rather than compounds preferred in the composition of
pronounced hydrogen. As the most valuable compound, the share
alternative liquid fuels [45]. This is because they have attached
of hydrogen (Fig. 5a) is the lowest for the sawdust sample, but it
oxygen or nitrogen atoms to their structure, limiting utilization
goes up to almost 25% for the pyrolysis of PUR. A high share of H2
possibilities. While the former often causes thermal instability, the
(>50%) is also found in the study [40] for the temperatures
1000e1300  C, where gasification was performed on the same
Table 4 sample to investigate the effect of temperature and residence time
List of selected compounds from mixture analysis. on gas yield. The H2 yield from the investigated mixtures is be-
tween values obtained from the individual samples and increases
Selected compounds from mixture analysis 0.25 PUR 0.5 PUR 0.75 PUR
with the increment of polyurethane content (Table 5). The methane
yield is similar for all investigated mixtures, between 8.8 and 10.6%,
Aniline 9.9 10.6 11.9 and decreases with the increment of PUR content (Fig. 5b). The
2,3-dimethyl-benzenamine 3.9 3.1 5.0 lowest CH4 yield is noticed for the individual pyrolysis of PUR, with
3-methyl-benzenamine 9.6 12.0 15.8
a value of 6.9% vol. The most significant difference is observed in
4,4-methylenebis-benzenamine (MDA) 7.5 20.7 29.5
1,1':30 ,1''-Terphenyl, 50 -phenyl- 3.6 1.7 1.7 carbon monoxide yield, as shown in Fig. 5c. For the fraction where
2-(2-hydroxypropoxy)-1-propanol 1.6 1.5 1.8 the dominant compound is sawdust, the outcome is almost the
2-(phenylmethyl)-benzenamine 3.0 4.1 2.7 same as for the individual pyrolysis of the sawdust sample. This is
1H-Indole, 2,6-dimethyl- 1.8 1.5
expected since the cellulose and hemicellulose are responsible for
3,4-dimethyl- benzenamine 2.2 2.0
4-ethyl-2-methoxy-phenol 2.7 1.9 the evolution of CO. With the further increment of polyurethane
Diphenylmethane 1.9 content, the share of CO is dramatically falling, and it is slightly
Catechol 1.6 above 20% for the pyrolysis of individual PUR.
2,3-Dimethyl-4-biphenylamine 1.5 The yield of syngas compounds is summarised in Table 5. The
1,10 -Biphenyl, 2-methyl- 2.4
presented volumetric share of observed gases is obtained at a final
1-(4-methylphenyl)-1H-Pyrrole 2.6
2-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-Cyclopenten-1-one 1.6 temperature of 600  C and after a residence time of 12 min. Since
methyl-cyclopentane 1.8 no significant change is noticed, this was selected as a represen-
2-methoxy-phenol 2.6 tative share of obtained syngas. The only interesting observation
trans-Isoeugenol 1.8
after 30 min of residence time is seen for the hydrogen yield, which
2,6-dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)-phenol 2.0
2,6-dimethoxy-phenol 1.7
share was increased by approximately 2% vol. in all investigated
mixtures, while the share of other compounds did not change
Share of selected compounds 62.3 60.5 71.9
significantly. The effect of residence time for PUR gasification is
H. Stancin, M.  r , J. R
Safa uzickova
 et al. Renewable Energy 196 (2022) 1218e1228

Fig. 5. Distribution of gaseous products for all investigated samples.

Table 5 reacts with char particles as an oxidant and promotes the formation
The syngas composition of investigated samples. of other compounds [49].
H2 CH4 CO CO2 CxHy

[% vol.] 3.5. Synergistic effect

Sawdust 8.4 10.9 40.3 38.9 1.6
0.25 PUR 11.0 10.6 39.2 37.8 1.5 The synergistic effect is the main driver for product distribution
0.5 PUR 14.1 9.8 34.1 40.5 1.5 from the co-pyrolysis of biomass and waste plastics. To determine
0.75 PUR 17.5 8.8 28.2 43.6 1.9
the level of synergy, experimental results are compared to the
PUR 24.6 6.9 20.6 46.0 1.8
theoretical values. Theoretical values (Ycal) are calculated using the
following Equation (1):

more pronounced at higher temperatures; since then, the sec-

ondary cracking of heavy hydrocarbons from the volatiles is pro-
moted over formed soot and char particles [40]. This study found
Where WSD/PUR stands for proportions of each component in
that the content of H2 increased with time due to breaking the
investigated mixtures, and YSD/PUR presents the values obtained
bonds between higher hydrocarbons to promote the formation of
from the individual pyrolysis [22]. The existence and level of syn-
lighter compounds or pure H2. Furthermore, the increase of CO
ergy are determined by the difference between experimentally
content and the decrease of CO2 is mainly because the bottom one
obtained values and calculated ones using Equation (2). According
H. Stancin, M.  r , J. R
Safa uzickova
 et al. Renewable Energy 196 (2022) 1218e1228

to [17], it can be stated that synergy exists when the difference

between the experimental and calculated values is positive.

DY ¼ Yexp-Ycal (2)

Table 6 summarizes the calculated synergy levels for the three

fractions considering the plastic content inside the mixture. The
obtained values show that the main trade-off occurs between the
volatiles fractions, liquid, and gas, while the synergy level is almost
constant in the case of solid fractions.
The trendlines illustrate this phenomenon even better, and they
are plotted in Fig. 6. As can be seen, the highest synergies are
achieved for the fraction with 25% of PUR content, and the level of
synergy decreases with the increment of plastic content. A decrease Fig. 6. Synergistic effect for investigated mixtures within the dependence of plastic
in the synergistic effect is evident in Fig. 6 since the values are content.
approaching the horizontal axis. Kai et al. have already reported
this phenomenon [21], where a mixture with 20% of high-density
PE expressed the highest synergy, and Ephraim et al. [22], where The mixture with higher plastic content expresses better
the highest synergy effect is observed for a mix where plastic agreement with theoretically calculated yield, implying that
content does not exceed 40%. These observations, confirmed on product yield prediction from the co-pyrolysis might be more
several cases and feedstocks, imply that the share of plastic fraction straightforward when the plastic material is the dominant com-
inside the mixture should be limited to some extent if the goal is to pound since its decomposition mechanism is much simpler than
promote a high-quality liquid yield. biomass. This assumption is in accordance with the results from
Interestingly, the co-pyrolysis shows a constant level of synergy mixture analysis, where biomass was the predominant compound
for the yield of solid residue, which is approximately 6% in all and where the highest synergy and discrepancies in calculated and
investigated mixtures. The yield of a solid fraction is around 27% experimentally obtained results are noticed.
from all investigated mixtures, slightly higher than individual
analysis (20e22%). Since the yield of solid fraction from individual
pyrolysis is relatively similar, and theoretical yield presumes the 4. Conclusion
same behavior (Table 6), the constant values obtained for synergy
level are not unexpected. In addition, since the solid yield mainly The co-pyrolysis of biomass sawdust and PUR showed that their
depends on the share of ash content and fixed carbon of initial thermal decomposition could yield valuable chemical products.
feedstock, the final mass is usually similar to the sum of these two Nevertheless, their utilization as alternative fuels in the future
indicators from the proximate analysis. Consequently, the same energy system does not look feasible due to the high share of
relations are valid for their mixtures when considering their nitrogen-containing compounds. Moreover, obtained products are
respective shares. Therefore, the solid fraction is less dependent on rather valuable chemicals than fuel constituents that could be used
chemical reactions that are taking place inside the reactor due to to synthesize new materials and chemicals. The main findings of
volatile fraction degradation, and it is more predictable. the work are summarised as follows:
Nevertheless, the trade-off between volatile fractions is the
most interesting to analyze since these two fractions have the best  The addition of PUR to the mixture can enhance the oil yield
utilization possibilities. The introduction of PUR increased the oil from the co-pyrolysis process. Nevertheless, its impact is limited
yield at the expense of the gaseous fraction. This can easily be since only a slight increment (<4%) in the yield is noticed be-
confirmed by summing up the synergy values from each fraction tween the mixture with 25 and 75% of PUR content. Even though
for a particular mixture and considering that solid residue is almost only small addition of PUR reduces the yield of a gaseous frac-
constant for investigated mixtures. Only a minor introduction of tion by 24% compared to individual SD pyrolysis. Simulta-
PUR reduced the gas yield by more than 16% and increased the neously, for all investigated mixtures, the increment of solid
liquid output by nearly 10%, compared to theoretically expected. As residue was noted compared to individual pyrolysis, accounting
the plastic content increases, the synergy level decreases, as for ~27% of the initial mass.
observed in previous work for polystyrene and the sawdust co-  The composition of bio-oil from sawdust pyrolysis expresses a
pyrolysis [6], but also in the studies mentioned above. For the strong heterogeneous structure with the highest share of
mixture where PUR is a dominant constituent, negative synergy is oxygenated compounds like phenols, ketones, aldehydes, and
noticed for the yield of volatile fractions, even though it should be acids. A significant share of PAHs is detected as well. Conversely,
emphasized that the obtained experimental values are close to the PUR-derived oil has a more homogenous structure since
theoretically expected (Table 6). more than 70% of identified compounds belong to the benzen-
amines group.
 With the increment of PUR content in the mixtures, the oil
composition becomes more homogenous with the highest yield
Table 6
Theoretical and experimental values for product yield and calculated level of of benzenamines, especially MDA, 3-methyl-benzenamine, and
synergy. aniline, which account for more than 55% of oil structure.
Furthermore, even the mixtures with an equal share of both
Liquid yield Gas yield Solid yield
feedstock yield chemical compounds found in PUR-derived oil
Cal. Exp. DY Cal. Exp. DY Cal. Exp. DY rather than bio-oil. Finally, the small addition of plastic content
0.25 PUR 38.85 48.41 9.56 40.26 24.17 16.09 20.89 27.43 6.53 to mixture composition could significantly enhance the liquid
0.5 PUR 46.30 49.98 3.68 32.41 22.67 9.74 21.28 27.35 6.07 yield and remove most unwanted oxygenated compounds
0.75 PUR 53.76 52.06 1.71 24.57 20.12 4.45 21.67 27.82 6.15
derived from sawdust pyrolysis.
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 et al. Renewable Energy 196 (2022) 1218e1228

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