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NeuroImage 195 (2019) 285–299

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Cross-scanner and cross-protocol diffusion MRI data harmonisation: A

benchmark database and evaluation of algorithms
Chantal MW. Tax a, *, Francesco Grussu b, c, Enrico Kaden c, Lipeng Ning d, Umesh Rudrapatna a,
C. John Evans a, Samuel St-Jean e, Alexander Leemans e, Simon Koppers f, g, Dorit Merhof g,
Aurobrata Ghosh c, Ryutaro Tanno c, h, Daniel C. Alexander c, Stefano Zappal a a, Cyril Charron a,
a a a, i j, k
Slawomir Kusmia , David EJ. Linden , Derek K. Jones , Jelle Veraart
Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Queen Square MS Centre, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, Faculty of Brain Sciences, University College London, London, United Kingdom
Centre for Medical Image Computing, Department of Computer Science, University College London, London, United Kingdom
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
Image Sciences Institute, Department of Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, United States
Institute of Imaging & Computer Vision, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Machine Intelligence and Perception Group, Microsoft Research Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Mary McKillop Institute for Health Research, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia
New York University, New York, NY, United States
imec-Vision Lab, Department of Physics, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium


Diffusion MRI is being used increasingly in studies of the brain and other parts of the body for its ability to provide quantitative measures that are sensitive to changes
in tissue microstructure. However, inter-scanner and inter-protocol differences are known to induce significant measurement variability, which in turn jeopardises the
ability to obtain ‘truly quantitative measures’ and challenges the reliable combination of different datasets. Combining datasets from different scanners and/or ac-
quired at different time points could dramatically increase the statistical power of clinical studies, and facilitate multi-centre research. Even though careful harmo-
nisation of acquisition parameters can reduce variability, inter-protocol differences become almost inevitable with improvements in hardware and sequence design
over time, even within a site. In this work, we present a benchmark diffusion MRI database of the same subjects acquired on three distinct scanners with different
maximum gradient strength (40, 80, and 300 mT/m), and with ‘standard’ and ‘state-of-the-art’ protocols, where the latter have higher spatial and angular resolution.
The dataset serves as a useful testbed for method development in cross-scanner/cross-protocol diffusion MRI harmonisation and quality enhancement. Using the
database, we compare the performance of five different methods for estimating mappings between the scanners and protocols. The results show that cross-scanner
harmonisation of single-shell diffusion data sets can reduce the variability between scanners, and highlight the promises and shortcomings of today's data harmo-
nisation techniques.

1. Introduction available gradient strength, reconstruction technique from k-space data,

positioning of the participant, imaging gradient non-linearities, number
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is being used and sensitivity of the receiver coils, software versions used, and changes
increasingly to characterise tissue microstructure in health and disease in the system calibration (Mirzaalian et al., 2016).
(Johansen-Berg and Behrens, 2009; Jones, 2010a). Despite the promise In addition to scanner-related variations, differences in acquisition
of dMRI providing quantitative measures related to tissue microstructure, protocol parameters introduce an extra source of variability in the
an inherent variability exists in the measurements when the same measurements (Jones, 2010b). For example, even though guidelines for
experiment is repeated on different scanners or at different time points. diffusion tensor MR imaging (DT-MRI) acquisitions have been proposed
This inter- and intra-scanner variability can be caused by various factors (e.g., Jones and Leemans, 2011), a standardised protocol is currently
including, but not limited to, differences in field strength, maximum missing, i.e. the number and distribution of diffusion gradient directions

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.MW. Tax).
Received 15 August 2018; Received in revised form 16 January 2019; Accepted 30 January 2019
Available online 1 February 2019
1053-8119/© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
C.MW. Tax et al. NeuroImage 195 (2019) 285–299

in clinical research protocols tend to vary across sites. Nevertheless, are evaluated based on their performance in two tasks: 1) matched res-
protocol differences in studies that involve multiple scanners and/or are olution scanner-to-scanner mapping between the standard acquisitions;
done over long periods of time are sometimes inevitable and not neces- and 2) spatial and angular resolution enhancement, finding a mapping
sarily a sign of suboptimal experiment design. For example, de- between the standard acquisition of the 40 mT/m system to the state-of-
velopments of biophysical models increased the adoption of multiple the-art acquisition of the other systems.
b-value diffusion acquisition protocols over time, which concomitantly
further increases the degrees of freedom in protocol design. Moreover, 2. Methods
with technical advances in scanner hardware and software,
protocol-updates during a study become desirable because they allow The database and acquisition parameters for the three different
investigators to exploit such technical improvements in data acquisition. scanners are described in detail in Section 2.1. Section 2.2 describes the
Notably, simultaneous multislice imaging (Feinberg et al., 2010; Lark- harmonisation tasks that were formulated for the open competition
man et al., 2001; Nunes et al., 2006) allows for the acquisition of more where entrants were invited to evaluate their algorithms on the database.
image volumes per unit time, and stronger-gradient systems (Jones et al., To minimise confounding effects of differences in preprocessing between
2018; Setsompop et al., 2013) facilitate the acquisition of higher SNR different harmonisation algorithms during evaluation, we provided a
data per unit time because of the reduced echo time (TE), where a minimally processed version of the database (described in Section 2.3).
trade-off can be made with smaller voxel-sizes and/or higher b-values. Section 2.4 describes the strategy used to evaluate algorithm outputs, and
Notwithstanding the challenges introduced by cross-scanner and Section 2.5 summarises the algorithms proposed for scanner-to-scanner
cross-protocol differences, in the current era of “big data” there is strong mapping and image quality enhancement to solve the proposed inter-
interest in reliable combination of data acquired on different MRI scan- scanner mapping tasks.
ners and/or with different protocols. Combining data from different
scanners could increase the statistical power and sensitivity of studies, 2.1. Data
with obvious benefits in trials and multi-centre research, particularly in
rare diseases or with difficult-to-recruit participants. Combining data 14 healthy volunteers were included in the study (10 females, average
from different protocols and quality could enable the transfer of rich age 25.7 years with range 21–41 years, Table 1), which was approved by
information content from state-of-the-art acquisitions (e.g. from Cardiff University School of Psychology ethics committee. Written
specialized systems as the 300 mT/m gradient Connectom system (Set- informed consent was obtained from all subjects. The same 14 subjects
sompop et al., 2013)), to lower quality data, e.g. to enhance spatial or were scanned on three different 3T scanners with different maximum
angular resolution, or to enhance features that are less pronounced in low gradient strengths: a) 3T GE Signa Excite HDx (40 mT/m), b) 3T Siemens
b-value measurements (Alexander et al., 2017; Jones et al., 2018). Prisma (80 mT/m), and c) 3T Siemens Connectom (300 mT/m). The
The process of finding a mapping between diffusion data sets ac- average time between acquisitions on scanners a) and b), and a) and c)
quired with different scanners or protocols and making them as compa- was 21 and 22 months, respectively. The scanners had no software up-
rable as possible has gained increased attention recently (Fortin et al., grades during the course of the study.
2017; Karayumak et al., 2018; Mirzaalian et al., 2017, 2016; Pohl et al., Spin-echo echo-planar dMRI images (SE-EPI) were acquired with a
2016). Often, these approaches are evaluated on databases from different ‘standard’ (ST) protocol on all three scanners, and a ‘state-of-the-art’ (SA)
scanners where the subjects are matched for age, gender, handedness, protocol on the 80 mT/m and 300 mT/m systems (Table 2, Fig. 1). For
and socio-economic status, such that no statistical differences are ex- the SA protocol, we exploited multiband-acquisition and the stronger
pected at the group level. Ideally, however, individual subjects would be gradients to shorten TE and improve the spatial- and angular resolution
rescanned on different systems in relatively quick succession, such that per unit time. Additional b ¼ 0 s/mm2 images were acquired with TE
measurement differences can be clearly attributed to inter-scanner and/or TR matching between protocols. Magnitude data was obtained for
and/or inter-protocol differences. Such databases have been acquired all scanners and protocols, and phase data was additionally saved for the
in the context of testing the reproducibility of DT-MRI metrics across 80 mT/m and 300 mT/m systems. Further information on the estimated
scanners with different field strengths (1.5T vs 3T), sites, software ver- SNR (Veraart et al., 2016b) is reported in Supplementary Table 1.
sions, and vendors (Grech-Sollars et al., 2015; Vollmar et al., 2010; Zhu Structural MPRAGEs (Magnetization Prepared RApid Gradient Echo) (de
et al., 2011), but are (to the best of our knowledge) not publicly available. Lange et al., 1991) were acquired for each scanner and subject. The data
Here, we present a benchmarking database of human brains that is available for researchers upon request (see Section 4.5).
provides a testbed for data harmonisation1 across 3 different scanners
and 5 different acquisition protocols, along with a comparison of 5 dMRI
harmonisation algorithms. The database consists of acquisitions of the
same 14 healthy participants scanned on MR systems with different
maximum gradient strength (40, 80, and 300 mT/m). On the 80 mT/m Table 1
and 300 mT/m systems, two types of protocols were acquired: 1) a Healthy volunteers included in the study.
‘standard’ protocol with acquisition parameters matched as closely as Subject Agea Gender Time gap scans a) and b) Time gap scans a) and c)
possible to those on the 40 mT/m system (i.e. a typical clinical protocol); [months] [months]
and 2) a ‘state-of-the-art’ protocol where the superior hardware and A 26 f 14 16
software specifications were utilised to increase the number of acquisi- B 21 m 23 24
tions and spatial resolution per unit time. In a recent open competition2, C 41 f 14 16
D 25 f 23 23
entrants were invited to implement and optimise algorithms that would E 21 f 21 21
harmonise data collected under these different scenarios. The algorithms F 25 f 28 30
G 25 f 28 28
H 28 f 20 20
I 21 m 21 21
Here we use the word ‘harmonisation’ in the context of finding a mapping J 22 f 23 23
between datasets, irrespective of their difference in quality. K 26 m 28 30
These data were collected for the 'Diffusion MRI Harmonisation Challenge', L 35 m 16 16
M 23 f 23 23
an initiative presented at the 2017 Computational Diffusion MRI Workshop of
N 21 f 20 20
the MICCAI conference in Quebec City, Canada
cdmri2017/home. Age at the time of the first scan.

C.MW. Tax et al. NeuroImage 195 (2019) 285–299

Table 2
Acquisition parameters for the different scanners and protocols.
Scanner GE 40 mT/m Siemens 80 mT/m Siemens 300 mT/m

Protocol Standard (ST) Standard (ST) State-of-the-art (SA) Standard (ST) State-of-the-art (SA)

Diffusion weighted images

b-values [s/mm2] 1200 1200, 3000 1200, 3000, 5000 1200, 3000 1200, 3000, 5000
# directions per b-value 30 30 60 30 60
TE [ms] 89 89 80 89 68
TR [ms] Cardiac gated 7200 4500 7200 5400
Δ =δ [ms] 41.4/26.0 38.3/19.5 41.8/28.5 31.1/8.5
δ1 ¼ δ4 /δ2 ¼ δ3 [ms] 11.23/17.84
Phase encoding direction AP AP AP AP AP
Acquired voxel size [mm3] 2.4  2.4  2.4 2.4  2.4  2.4 1.5  1.5  1.5 2.4  2.4  2.4 1.2  1.2  1.2
Reconstructed voxel size 1.8  1.8  2.4 1.8  1.8  2.4 1.5  1.5  1.5 1.8  1.8  2.4 1.2  1.2  1.2
Matrix size 96  96 96  96 154  154 96  96 180  180
# slices 60 60 84 60 90a
SMS factor 1 1 3 1 2
Parallel imaging ASSET 2 GRAPPA 2 GRAPPA 2 GRAPPA 2 GRAPPA 2
Bandwidth [Hz/Px] 3906 2004 1476 2004 1544
Partial Fourier 5/6 – 6/8 6/8 6/8
Coil combine Adaptive combine Sum of Squaresb Adaptive combine Adaptive combine
Head coil 8 channel 32 channel 32 channel 32 channel 32 channel
b0 images
TE [ms] 89 89, 80, 89 80, 80, 89 89, 68, 89 68, 68, 89
TR [ms] Cardiac gated 7200, 7200, 13000 4500, 7200, 7200 7200, 7200, 13000 5400, 7200, 7200
Phase encoding direction AP AP, PA AP, PA AP, PA AP, PA
A trade-off was made between number of slices and timing parameters, as a result the cerebellum was not always covered.
This was the only strategy possible with the settings used. TRSE ¼ twice-refocused spin-echo, PGSE ¼ pulsed-gradient spin-echo.

2.2. Harmonisation tasks Klein et al., 2010; Leemans et al., 2009) and b-matrix rotation (Leemans
and Jones, 2009).
The rich database, which includes images of the same subject ac- The 80 mT/m data were corrected for eddy current distortions, sub-
quired on different scanners with different b-values, angular resolutions, ject motion, and EPI distortions with FSL TOPUP (Andersson et al., 2003)
spatial resolutions, and timing parameters, allows for a wide variety of and EDDY. The corrected 80 mT/m SA mean DWI was affinely registered
aspects to be evaluated. In this work, we focus on evaluating the process to the 80 mT/m ST mean DWI with b-matrix rotation.
of finding a mapping between the lowest b-value shells across scanners The 300 mT/m data were corrected for eddy current distortions,
and protocols. The b ¼ 0 and 1200 s/mm2 data of all scanners and pro- subject motion, EPI distortions, and gradient-nonlinearity distortions
tocols from 10 randomly selected subjects (coined A-G, I-K in this study) (Glasser et al., 2013) with FSL TOPUP and EDDY and in-house software
were used as training dataset. Data from the remaining 4 subjects (H, L- kindly provided by Martinos Centre, Massachusetts General Hospital.
N) were used as a testing set; the 40 mT/m data were distributed to the The corrected 300 mT/m ST and SA mean DWI were affinely registered to
entrants of the challenge while the data of the other scanners were held the 80 mT/m ST mean DWI with b-matrix rotation.
back for further evaluation purposes. The MPRAGE of each scanner was affinely registered to the 80 mT/m
Two tasks were evaluated: ST mean DWI. Face removal was subsequently performed (Bischoff--
Grethe et al., 2007). Brain masks excluding the cerebellum were obtained
1) Scanner-to-scanner mapping at matched resolution acquisition pro- from the MNI atlas, by warping the mask in MNI space non-linearly to
tocol, predicting the 80 mT/m and 300 mT/m ST signals in the ce- each subject's DWI space with a repeated call of FSL FNIRT and affine
rebrum from the 40 mT/m ST signals; and registration from FSL FLIRT used for initialisation (Andersson et al.,
2) Spatial- and angular resolution enhancement, predicting the 80 mT/ 2007; Jenkinson et al., 2012).
m and 300 mT/m SA signals in the cerebrum from the 40 mT/m ST
2.4. Evaluation

2.3. Preprocessing Harmonisation algorithms had to predict the image matrix of the
preprocessed 80 mT/m and 300 mT/m datasets by using the b-matrix
All datasets were manually checked for artifacts such as slice outliers, files and the associated 40 mT/m image data of each of the four test
vibration artifacts, and interleave motion artifacts (Gallichan et al., 2009; subjects. From the predicted data of each test subject and each algorithm,
Tax et al., 2016; Tournier et al., 2011). One DWI volume was excluded the diffusion tensor was estimated using a weighted linear least squares
from one dataset (subject H of the test set). The data were subsequently estimator (Veraart et al., 2013) using the MRTrix software package, and
preprocessed for each subject and scanner as detailed in the next para- fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) were subsequently
graphs, where the steps were homogenised where possible and an computed in each voxel. In addition, rotationally invariant spherical
additional gradient-nonlinearity distortion correction step was added for harmonic (RISH) features R0 and R2 (Mirzaalian et al., 2015) were
the 300 mT/m system. All data was spatially registered for each subject computed after normalising the signal per voxel with the mean b ¼
across scanners (with the mean DWI of the 80 mT/m ST acquisition as 0 signal to measure the angular frequency of the diffusion signals.
template), and the result was inspected manually. These results were evaluated against the ground truth features
The 40 mT/m data were corrected for eddy current distortions and derived from the acquired data (Fig. 2). Different errors were computed to
subject motion with FSL EDDY (Andersson and Sotiropoulos, 2016) and enable the characterisation of accuracy and precision: mean-error (ME,
corrected for EPI distortions by nonlinear registration of the mean of the (predicted - acquired), measuring accuracy), mean-normalised error
DWIs to the 80 mT/m ST mean DWI with Elastix (Irfanoglu et al., 2015; (MNE, (predicted - acquired)/acquired, measuring relative accuracy),

C.MW. Tax et al. NeuroImage 195 (2019) 285–299

Fig. 1. Example diffusion images of the ST and SA protocols from one subject after preprocessing. b0 images with three different combinations of TE/TR for the
80 mT/m and 300 mT/m scanners. DWIs with b-values (from left to right) 1200, 3000, and 5000 s/mm2.

Fig. 2. Evaluation procedure: the error is computed as the difference between the ground truth and predicted image, and from this the squared- and normalised error
are computed.

and mean-squared error (MSE, (predicted - acquired)2, measuring accu- The algorithms developed by the entrants explored different deep
racy and precision). The accuracy characterised by ME and MNE can be learning architectures as well as dictionary learning techniques to solve
both positive and negative as this would indicate over/under-estimation the proposed tasks. They will be referred to as: spherical harmonic
of the metric, whereas MSE takes the absolute error into account. These network (SHNet); spherical harmonic residual network (SHResNet);
errors were computed globally (in a brain mask), regionally (Freesurfer spherical network (SphericalNet); sparse dictionary learning (SDL) and
regions (Fischl et al., 2002)) and locally (sliding 3  3  3 fully convolutional shuffling network (FCSNet). A summary of the algo-
voxels-neighbourhood). Voxels at the edge of the brain, the cerebellum, rithms is presented in Table 3, a detailed description of each algorithm is
and systematically poor performing regions (see Section 3.1.2) were provided in the subsections below.
excluded. Further information on the number of brain voxels excluding
the cerebellum is reported in Supplementary Table 2. 2.5.1. Spherical harmonic network (SHNet)
The SHNet algorithm is a deep learning network inspired by elements
of Golkov et al. (2015) and Koppers et al. (2017). In this algorithm, every
2.5. Algorithms signal was preprocessed by dividing by its baseline b ¼ 0 measurement,
followed by a conversion into the SH space (order four and
Entrants to the open competition developed 5 different algorithms to Laplace-Beltrami regularization of λ ¼ 0:006). The network consisted of
solve the inter-scanner mapping tasks described in section 2.2 (task 1: three fully connected layers with rectified linear units (ReLU) as activa-
scanner-to-scanner mapping of matched acquisition protocols; task 2: tion function, followed by a batch normalization layer to stabilise the
spatial/angular resolution enhancement). Additionally, a ‘reference’ training process. An overview is given in Table 4.
prediction of the 80 mT/m and 300 mT/m ST and SA data was created For training of the hyperparameters, 9 out of 10 subjects from the
from the 40 mT/m ST data using simple trilinear interpolation in the training set were used, with the remaining subject used for training
spatial domain, and spherical harmonics interpolation (order 6 for ST and validation before deployment on the test set of 4 additional subjects.
8 for SA) in the angular domain.

C.MW. Tax et al. NeuroImage 195 (2019) 285–299

Table 3 et al., 2016), which introduces a subtraction path from the input to the
Summary of harmonisation algorithms evaluated. network output, resulting in very robust performance. Furthermore, the
Algorithm Additional Training Core Algorithm details network focuses only on the difference between the input and its corre-
name preprocessing domain method sponding target signal. In addition, residual structures are efficiently
SHNet Brain SH Deep qDL inspired trainable, even for very deep networks.
extraction learning network, Data preprocessing utilised SH (order four and Laplace-Beltrami
anatomically regularization of λ ¼ 0:006), while each signal was divided by its
constrained b ¼ 0 measurement. In this network, three main 3D-convolutional layers
SHResNet Brain SH Deep Residual
(kernel size 3  3  3) processed the signal and predicted the difference
extraction learning structure for a specific harmonic order. The first two convolutional layers padded
network, the signal to keep the spatial dimensions, while the last convolutional
anatomically layer reduced the signal from a 3  3  3 voxel neighbourhood to a single
voxel. Since each SH order was predicted separately, three individual
SphericalNet Brain SH Deep Local Spherical networks were required for an SH order of four, which were combined
extraction learning Convolution with a fully connected layer. Afterwards, the resulting signal was sub-
Network, tracted from the corresponding input signal. A final fully connected layer
anatomically was utilised to smooth the signal and to generate the predicted SH co-
efficients. An overview is given in Fig. 3.
FCSNet Brain SH Deep Fully Similarly to SHNet, SHResNet relied on 9 out of 10 subjects from the
extraction learning convolutional training set for the actual training, with the remaining subject used for
network with training validation before deployment on the test set, while only voxel
within a brain mask based on FSL BET (Smith, 2002) are considered for
(L2 and L1) training. The network was initialised utilising the Adam optimiser
SDL Over- Adaptive Linear mapping (learning rate of 0.001; batch size 128) (Kingma and Ba, 2014), which is
complete dictionary between over- replaced by an SGD optimiser after the first five epochs. After this change,
data-driven learning complete the learning rate was decreased by ten percent if the performance did not
dictionaries dictionaries
improve for more than five epochs.
The SHResNet described above was employed for task 1 (matched
Table 4 resolution scanner-to-scanner mapping). For task 2 (spatial/angular
Topology of SHNet. resolution enhancement), standard cubic interpolation is also utilised, as
#Layer Type Parameters Activation
described for SHNet. The deep learning framework is based on PyTorch.
The runtime per voxel on a Nvidia GeForce 1080Ti with 11 GB RAM was
1 Batch – –
0.0014 s.
2 Fully-Connected From: #SH coefficients To: 150 ReLU
neurons 2.5.3. Spherical network (SphericalNet)
3 Batch – – The SphericalNet algorithm utilises a novel deep learning structure
Normalization based on spherical surface convolutions (Koppers and Merhof, 2018),
4 Fully-Connected From: 150 neurons To: 150 neurons ReLU
5 Batch – –
which were designed especially for spherical signals. These convolutions
Normalization utilise local gradient neighbourhood information to increase the accu-
6 Fully-Connected From: 150 neurons To: 150 neurons ReLU racy of reconstruction, while spatial neighbourhood information is
7 Batch – – passed layer by layer. In the end, spatial information is combined within
the last convolutional layer to project from a 3  3  3 voxel neigh-
8 Fully-Connected From: 150 neurons To: #SH –
coefficients bourhood onto a 1  1  1 target voxel.
As preprocessing, every signal was transformed into the SH space to
avoid a gradient-based mismatching, while the SphericalNet transformed
every signal back into a predefined signal space, consisting of 30 equi-
During training, parameters were initialised using the Adam optimiser
(learning rate of 0.001; batch size 128) (Kingma and Ba, 2014), which distantly sampled gradient directions over a hemisphere. Afterwards,
every voxel was processed by three spherical convolutions with a kernel
was replaced by the SGD optimiser (Robbins and Monro, 1951) after the π . The angular
first five epochs. Afterwards, the learning rate was decreased by ten size of one plus five and an angular distance of Θ ¼ 10
percent if the performance did not improve for more than five epochs distance defines the angle between the resulting (in this case five)
within the validation subject. The reduced learning rate leads to a better sampled gradient directions and their corresponding main gradient di-
fine tuning of the network. Furthermore, training was only performed on rection. After each spherical convolution, sigmoid functions were used as
voxels within a brain mask derived from FSL BET (Smith, 2002). activation functions to limit every signal's range between 0 and 1. Sub-
The SHNet described above was employed for task 1 (matched reso- sequently, every signal was converted back into SH space. A batch
lution scanner-to-scanner mapping). For task 2 (spatial/angular resolu- normalization layer normalised the resulting coefficients. In the end,
tion enhancement), standard cubic interpolation is also utilised to three 3-D convolutional layers exploited additional spatial neighbour-
increase the spatial resolution, while gradients are resampled utilising hood information with parametric rectified linear units (f ðxÞ ¼ k maxð0;
the predicted SH coefficients to deal with the increased higher angular xÞ, with k being a learnable parameter) (PReLU) as activation functions.
resolution. The deep learning framework is based on PyTorch. The run- A complete overview of the network's architecture is given in Table 5.
time per voxel on a Nvidia Geforce 1080Ti with 11 GB RAM was 6.4e- The SphericalNet is trained on brain voxels (derived with FSL BET
05 s. (Smith, 2002)) from 9 out of 10 training set subjects, with the remaining
subject used for training validation before deployment on the test set.
2.5.2. Spherical harmonic residual network (SHResNet) The network was initialised utilising the Adam optimiser (learning rate of
The SHResNet algorithm (Koppers et al., 2018) is a deep learning 0.001; batch size 128) (Kingma and Ba, 2014), which is replaced by an
network structure based on the novel concept of residual structure (He SGD optimiser after the first five epochs. After this change, the learning

C.MW. Tax et al. NeuroImage 195 (2019) 285–299

Fig. 3. Structure of the SHRestNet.

Table 5 network to efficiently compute a transpose-convolution as a final step

Architecture of the SphericalNet. (Shi et al., 2016). The FCSNet structure used here differed from the
#Layer Type Parameters Activation previous implementation in Tanno et al. (2017) as it contained four
hidden layers and a skip connection (Fig. 4). Also, it relied on a different
1 Conversion From SH to signal space (SH –
order 4; Laplace-Beltrami loss function (see below).
Regularization 0.006) FCSNet processed SH coefficients obtained from signals within a
2 Spherical Surface Input: 1 Shell; Output: 16 Sigmoid brain mask, which was derived from FSL BET (Smith, 2002) and eroded
Convolution (applied on π
Shells; kernel size: 5; Θ ¼ to exclude boundary voxels with noisy signal. SH coefficients were esti-
gradient signals) 10
3 Spherical Surface Input: 16 Shell; Output: 16 Sigmoid
mated using Dipy (Garyfallidis et al., 2014), up to order 6 for ST protocols
Convolution (applied on π and up to order 8 for the SA protocols. For the actual training, SH co-
Shells; kernel size: 5; Θ ¼
gradient signals) 10 efficients were clipped to the 98th percentile of function values on the
4 Spherical Surface Input: 16 Shell; Output: 16 Sigmoid sphere over the masked image, as this further reduced noise.
Convolution applied on π
Shells; kernel size: 5; Θ ¼
10 For the training processes, sizes of 11  11  11 and of 3  3  3 were
gradient signals)
5 Conversion From signal to SH space (SH used for input and output patches respectively, with the number of input
order 4; Laplace-Beltrami and output channels being 29 (input; SH order-6 plus b ¼ 0) and 29 or 46
Regularization 0.006) (output; SH order¼6 or 8 plus b ¼ 0). Each hidden layer consisted of a
6 Batch Normalization – – 3  3  3 convolution layer, a ReLu activation with varying filter lengths
7 3D Spatial Convolution Kernel size: 3  3  3, PReLU
padding: 1
and a dropout layer with 0.5 keep probability. The last hidden layer had a
8 3D Spatial Convolution Kernel size: 3  3  3, PReLU skip-connection to the input layer to “sharpen” the prediction. The output
padding: 1 layer was computed after a bottleneck convolution (see Fig. 4).
9 3D Spatial Convolution Kernel size: 3  3  3, The loss function was constituted of two parts: a channel-wise loss,
padding: 0
which gives equal weight to all channels and a loss on the function-value
on the sphere, which enforces signal fidelity along hundred uniformly
rate was decreased by ten percent if the performance did not improve chosen directions on a hemisphere, while also considering the RISH
over five epochs to ensure a good fine tuning of the network. constraints of order 0, 2, 4, 6 for the SA protocol (300 mT/m scanner).
The SphericalNet described above was employed for task 1 (scanner- At prediction time, the FCN was applied to juxtaposed input patches
to-scanner mapping). For task 2 (spatial/angular resolution enhance- to fully cover the subject brains.
ment), standard cubic interpolation is also utilised, as described for Hyperparameters (learning rate, number of layers and batch size)
SHNet. The deep learning framework is based on PyTorch. The runtime were selected based on the MSE on the validation set. The deep learning
per voxel on a Nvidia GeForce 1080Ti with 11 GB RAM was 0.0067 s. framework is based on TensorFlow. Training comprised of 200 epochs
consisting of 50000 3D patch-pairs (input size: 11  11  11  29)
2.5.4. Fully-convolutional shuffling network (FCSNet) selected randomly from the training images and evaluated using mini-
The FCSNet algorithm relies on a patch-based fully-convolutional batches of size 20 and a learning rate of 1e-4. Training time was in the
network (FCN) to solve matched resolution scanner-to-scanner harmo- order of ten hours, while inference time for a masked brain (HCP reso-
nisation and resolution enhancement tasks as presented in this paper. lution) is in the order of a minute. All training and testing were done on a
The FCSNet architecture was inspired by Tanno et al. (2017), and server with 112 GB RAM with an NVIDIA GTX Titan X GPU.
contained a “shuffle” operation in the last layer of a super-resolution

C.MW. Tax et al. NeuroImage 195 (2019) 285–299

Fig. 4. Architecture of the FCSNet with four hidden layers and a skip connection.

2.5.5. Sparse dictionary learning (SDL) 3  3  3  5. Images were mean-subtracted and standardised to account
The SDL algorithm relies on the methodology recently developed in for scaling, with the coefficients αn subsequently unscaled afterwards.
St-Jean et al. (2016, 2017), based on over-complete sparse dictionaries This idea assumes that there is a set of common features which can be
that are learned automatically from the data. mapped between acquisitions made on different scanners. The general
For harmonisation with SDL, N patches of small spatial and angular reconstruction process is shown in Fig. 5.
local neighbourhoods were extracted from all datasets and organised to For the reconstruction in task 2 (spatial and angular resolution
create a set of column arrays fX1 ; … ; XN g, with each Xn 2 Rm1 . enhancement), patches of different spatial sizes were extracted from the
Subsequently, sparse features were automatically created from the target images at lower resolution (ST protocol; patches of sizes 3  3  3) and
scanner datasets using dictionary learning (Mairal et al., 2010). A sparse from the images at higher resolution (SA protocol; patches of size
dictionary D 2 Rmp was found such that 5  5  5 and 6  6  6), under the hypothesis that such sizes would
yield a plausible representation between the lower resolution and higher
resolution scans. Reconstruction coefficients αn were computed on the
D ¼ argminD jjXn  Dαn jj22 þ λjjαn jj1 ; s:t:jjDjj22 ¼ 1; α  0; (1)
downsampled dictionary and the final reconstruction used the original
size dictionary (St-Jean et al., 2017). Finally, to match the gradient di-
with αn 2 Rp1 being an array of non-negative coefficients and D the rections, the truncated SH basis of order 6 (Descoteaux et al., 2007) was
dictionary initialised from patches randomly extracted from the datasets, used on each final dataset to predict the target images at the required
set to have twice as many columns as rows (i.e. p ¼ 2m). Iterative up- gradient directions.
dates alternating between refining D using eq. (1) (and holding α fixed) The training time for the matched resolution scanner-to-scanner
and updating α (with D held fixed) with a coordinate descent scheme mapping within a brain mask, 1000 epochs, was approximately 72 min
(Friedman et al., 2010) were carried for 1000 iterations using a batchsize on a quad cores Intel Xeon processor at 3.5 GHz with an average ram
of 128 patches randomly sampled for each iteration. An automatic search usage of around 600 MB. For predicting each dataset from the 40 mT/m
for the regularization parameter λ was employed (Friedman et al., 2010). scanner to the target scanner, it took approximately 4h30 min per dataset
The search selected the value of λ according to the Akaike Information with an approximate ram usage of 315 MB.
Criterion (AIC), where the number of non-zero elements in the dictionary
was used as the number of degrees of freedom for the model (Tibshirani 3. Results
and Taylor, 2012).
For the reconstruction in task 1 (matched resolution scanner-to- 3.1. Matched resolution scanner-to-scanner mapping
scanner mapping), the dictionary was created using patches of size
3.1.1. Global evaluation
Fig. 6 shows the global MSE of FA, MD, R0, and R2, respectively, i.e.
the mean taken over all voxels within the mask. Results are shown for the
4 different test subjects. There does not seem to be a systematic deviation
for one of the subjects, so all subjects were included for evaluation.
Global MSE are shown for the different harmonisation approaches
described in Section 2.5 (SHNet, SHResNet, SphericalNet, FCSNet, and
SDL) along with the ‘reference’ prediction obtained from trilinear
interpolation in the spatial domain and spherical harmonics interpolation
in the angular domain.
In most cases, the MSE for the harmonisation methods were lower
than the reference. For FA, MD, and R2, this was true both for the 80 mT/
m and 300 mT/m predictions. For R0, the MSE of the harmonisation
methods was higher than that of the reference for the 80 mT/m predic-
tion, except for subject H. For this subject, the SHNet 300 mT/m pre-
diction has a consistently higher MSE than the reference for FA, MD, and
Fig. 5. Reconstruction process for SDL. Local patches are decomposed into R2. Fig. 6, bottom also shows the MSE of the submissions compared to
vectors Xi to build the dictionary D. From there, the coefficients αi are computed scan-rescan differences, which provide the ultimate goal for data har-
from D for task no. 1 or using a downsampled version of D for task no. 2. The monisation. Scan-rescan data was only available for the 300 mT/m
final reconstruction for each patch Xi is obtained by multiplying D and αi .

C.MW. Tax et al. NeuroImage 195 (2019) 285–299

Fig. 6. Results of the matched resolution scanner-to-scanner mapping: Global MSE for FA, MD, R0, and R2 (columns); for the 4 different test subjects; for predictions
of the 80 mT/m data (top, open circles) and the 300 mT/m data (bottom, closed circles). The different methods are represented with different colours SHNet (blue),
SHResNet (red), SphericalNet (orange), FCSNet (purple), SDL (green), and reference (black). The reference results for different subjects are connected with lines as a
visual aid to compare with the performance of the proposed algorithms. The range of scan-rescan MSEs across three subjects is shown by the gray rectangle. The scan-
rescan result for the only overlapping subject “H” is indicated by the *.

gradient system and for three subjects, of which one subject overlapped the different harmonisation techniques varies widely (up to an order of
with the evaluated subjects, i.e. “H”. It can be observed that the best magnitude) across the metrics and scanners, without one technique
performing techniques approach the range of scan-rescan re- consistently outperforming all others. Indeed, 3 out of the 5 algorithms
producibilities for all metrics, with an overall lower performance in terms achieve the lowest median localised MNE error in at least one of the
of FA. metrics. SHResNet, SphericalNet and FCSNet outperformed the reference
for all metrics and both scanners, where FCSNet is the most consistent
3.1.2. Regional evaluation well-performing algorithm. Predictions for the 300 mT/m system are
Fig. 7 shows the mean-squared error for 143 different white and gray wider than for the 80 mT/m system (compare different bars in Fig. 8 top).
matter ROIs and all evaluated algorithms. The median MSE per ROI and Fig. 8 bottom shows distributions of localised MSE evaluating both
per evaluated algorithm across subject is shown. The Freesurfer ROIs are accuracy and precision, and most algorithms outperform the reference
labeled according to Supplementary Table 3. Some ROIs have a consis- for both scanners. For 80 mT/m predictions, FCSNet outperformed all
tently higher error, possibly due to residual image misalignment between algorithms; for 300 mT/m predictions, SHResNet and SDL both out-
different scanners. Indeed, the following ROIs scored in the WM/GM- performed the others in 2 of the 4 metrics.
specific 90th percentile for at least 3 algorithms, for at least one of the
evaluated metrics: banks of the superior temporal sulcus, fusiform gyrus, 3.2. Spatial- and angular resolution enhancement
temporal pole, transverse temporal gyrus, caudal anterior cingulate,
insula, entorhinal, orbital part of inferior frontal gyrus, and frontal pole. 3.2.1. Local evaluation
However, no systematic trends in the major white matter bundles or the Fig. 9 shows the median and width of the localised MNE and MSE
prefrontal cortex, where differences in susceptibility correction strategies distributions, and the medians are also reported in Table 7. The perfor-
could affect the result, were observed. Supplementary Table 3 marks mance for this task is poorer than the scanner-to-scanner mapping with
systematically poor performing regions. errors being larger. The harmonisation algorithms do not always
outperform the reference. For the 80 mT/m prediction, the reference
3.1.3. Local evaluation interpolation even outperforms the harmonisation approaches for two
Distributions of the localised MNE and MSE were computed across out of four diffusion metrics, specifically the metrics related to anisot-
subjects per evaluated algorithm, Fig. 8 shows the median and width ropy. For metrics MD and R0, SHResNet and SphericalNet consistently
(95th percentile) of the MNE (top) and MSE (bottom) for 80 mT/m and outperform the reference for both scanners. Overall, the 300 mT/m
300 mT/m. This analysis was restricted to the white matter, and all ROIs predictions have higher accuracy with a maximal median localised MNE
that scored systematically poor (cf. Fig. 7) were excluded. Table 6 sum- of 7%. Again, a wide variability of all methods across the different
marises the results. metrics and scanners could be observed without one method out-
The harmonisation algorithms generally have a median localised performing the others.
MNE closer to zero compared to the reference, and thus perform better
than simple interpolation (Fig. 8, top). For each metric, at least one al- 4. Discussion
gorithm has a median localised MNE lower than 5%, with minimal errors
less than 1% (Table 6). However, localised MNE of more than 15% are With the increasing prevalence of MRI research systems capable of
observed for all algorithms and evaluated metrics. The performance of collecting diffusion MRI data, comes the potential of combining data sets

C.MW. Tax et al. NeuroImage 195 (2019) 285–299

Fig. 7. Results of the scanner-to-scanner mapping: Regional MSE for FA, MD, R0, and R2 (rows); median MSE across subjects per ROI per algorithm; for predictions of
the 80 mT/m data (left, open circles) and the 300 mT/m data (right, closed circles). The different methods are represented with different colours SHNet (blue),
SHResNet (red), SphericalNet (orange), FCSNet (purple), SDL (green), reference (black). Regions 1 to 35 and 36 to 71 are left and right GM regions respectively,
regions 72 to 107 and 108 to 143 are left and right WM regions respectively (see Supplementary Table 3).

Fig. 8. Results of the scanner-to-scanner mapping: Local MSE and MNE for FA, MD, R0, and R2 (columns), across WM (excluding problematic ROIs) and all subjects.
The different methods are represented with different colours: SHNet (blue), SHResNet (red), SphericalNet (orange), FCSNet (purple), SDL (green), and reference
(black). (a) Local MNE distributions for the 80 mT/m predictions (top) and 300 mT/m predictions (bottom). (b) The bars show the 95th percentile of the MNE and MSE
distributions for the 80 mT/m predictions (median indicated by open circles) and the 300 mT/m predictions (median indicated by closed circles).

C.MW. Tax et al. NeuroImage 195 (2019) 285–299

Table 6
Results of the scanner-to-scanner mapping: median localised MNE and median localised
MSE for each algorithm and metric, across subjects. Algorithms performing better than
the reference (trilinear and SH interpolation) are highlighted in gray, the best performing
algorithm for each metric is highlighted in red.

Fig. 9. Results of the spatial and angular resolution enhancement: Local MSE and MNE for FA, MD, R0, and R2 (columns), across WM (excluding problematic ROIs)
and all subjects. The different methods are represented with different colours: SHNet (blue), SHResNet (red), SphericalNet (orange), FCSNet (purple), SDL (green), and
reference (black). The bars show the 95th percentile of the MNE and MSE distributions for the 80 mT/m predictions (median indicated by open circles) and the
300 mT/m predictions (median indicated by closed circles).

Table 7
Results of the spatial and angular resolution enhancement: median localised MNE and
median localised MSE for each algorithm and metric, across subjects. Algorithms per-
forming better than the reference are highlighted in gray, the best performing algorithm
for each metric is highlighted in red.

C.MW. Tax et al. NeuroImage 195 (2019) 285–299

of much larger size than could ever be collected at one centre alone. a travelling phantom would be an interesting alternative challenge, and
Several studies have reported a variability between diffusion measure- ideally both in-vivo travelling head- and physical phantom acquisitions
ments acquired at different scanners and sites (Chen et al., 2014; Mir- could be combined to assess variabilities and evaluate harmonisation
zaalian et al., 2017, 2016; Vollmar et al., 2010), even with comparable approaches.
protocols. When protocols differ substantially because of updated hard- The acquisition parameters of the matching resolution cross-scanner
ware and software, more ‘historical’ data can potentially be enhanced by (ST) protocols were harmonised as closely as possible in terms of b-
learning features from ‘state-of-the-art’ data (Alexander et al., 2017). value, TE, TR, spatial resolution, and angular resolution. However, slight
As a result, the interest in developing methods to establish a mapping variations between the ST protocols on different scanners and vendors
between different scanners and protocols is continuously growing remained. While this could introduce additional variability in the mea-
(Jahanshad et al., 2013; Kochunov et al., 2014; Venkatraman et al., 2015; surements, it also mimics common more subtle variabilities between
Jenkins et al., 2016; Pohl et al., 2016; Fortin et al., 2017; Mirzaalian scanner sites. This allows us to test whether harmonisation approaches
et al., 2016). Harmonisation on groups of different subjects scanned on are robust to such changes.
different scanners can be performed by finding spatial correspondence While the database was here used as a testbed for harmonisation al-
between subjects by registration to an atlas, and relies on the assumption gorithms, it could contribute to answering alternative questions as well.
that the diffusion measurements between matched groups (in age, Recently, part of the database has been utilised to investigate the de-
gender, etc.) are statistically different only due to scanner-differences. In pendency of Meyer's loop tractography on imaging protocol and hard-
a group of travelling subjects as presented here, the confounding factor of ware (Chamberland et al., 2018).
inter-subject differences is removed and spatial correspondence can be
obtained more directly. While a travelling control group does not pre- 4.2. Preprocessing
clude group-level harmonisation strategies, it should allow
scanner-specific effects to be captured with fewer subjects. In this work, Minimally preprocessed data were made available to the entrants of
we have presented a benchmarking database of acquisitions of the same the challenge, but the raw (unprocessed) data will be made available
healthy controls scanned on different scanners with different maximum upon request. The data preprocessing pipeline can have an effect on the
gradient strengths and protocols. degree to which the datasets are comparable prior to data harmonisation
(Jenkins et al., 2016), as differences in preprocessing can induce differ-
4.1. Data ences in data across acquisitions that are hard to harmonise a posteriori.
For example, different methods were used to correct for susceptibility
Scanning a ‘travelling head’ on different scanners should ideally be distortions between the 40 mT/m system and the other systems, because
performed in quick succession to avoid intermediate software updates a reversed phase encoding b0 image was not available for the former. In
and age-related effects. In this work, the average time between acquisi- the current study, we did not find that regions affected by susceptibility
tions on scanners a) and b), and a) and c) was 21 and 22 months, distortions (e.g. frontal regions) performed systematically poorer than
respectively. Whereas the time between scans b) and c) was very short, other regions, but such differences will likely have an effect when per-
the time difference with scan a) was longer. Age-related changes during forming multi-centre studies. Investigating this effect is subject to future
this period might be present but are assumed to be small compared to the work.
source of variance introduced by cross-scanner and cross-protocol dif- While the preprocessing pipeline included the most commonly per-
ferences. By including adult subjects with an average age of 25.7 years formed steps such as motion correction and eddy current- and suscepti-
we have strived to minimise such confounds; previous studies have bility distortion correction, the importance of correcting for other
shown that age-related FA and MD changes in several white matter artifacts has been stressed in various works; e.g. Gibbs ringing (Kellner
structures reach a plateau around the age of 25 (Lebel et al., 2008). et al., 2016; Perrone et al., 2015; Veraart et al., 2016a), signal drift (Vos
Similarly, variabilities that might occur when scanning subjects at et al., 2016), and others (Andersson, 2014; Le Bihan et al., 2006; Pier-
different time points during a day (Thomas et al., 2018) are assumed to paoli, 2010; Tax et al., 2016). Manual inspection of the data did not
be small compared to cross-scanner variability in this study. None of the reveal any gross artifacts such as slice intensity dropouts, but artifacts
scanners had software upgrades during the course of the study. could have a less visible impact on signal intensities and as such addi-
Scan-rescan experiments in quick succession can provide information tional preprocessing steps could be included in the preprocessing
on the inherent measurement variability of a particular scanner and pipeline.
sequence, and as such give an estimate of the lower bound of harmo- The use of different software tools for the different preprocessing
nisation performance. We performed a preliminary analysis on rescans of steps resulted in multiple re-samplings and interpolations of the data.
the b ¼ 1200 s/mm2 data for 3 subjects on the 300 mT/m system, of Ideally, the different warps (of motion/eddy current distortion correc-
which one subject overlapped with the evaluated subjects. The global tion, gradient nonlinearity distortion correction, and registration to a
MSE (Fig. 6, bottom) shows that the best performing techniques common space) should be concatenated and performed within a single
approach the range of scan-rescan reproducibilities for all metrics, with interpolation step. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is
an overall lower performance in terms of FA. Median localised MNE (not currently no consensus on the order of performing motion/eddy current
shown) varied from 2 to 5% for FA in agreement with the literature distortion correction and gradient nonlinearity distortion correction
(Kochunov et al., 2014). We have adopted the same normalization pro- (Rudrapatna et al., 2018), and the ‘best’ practice likely depends on the
cedure of registering the data to the 80 mT/m space (both the scan- and amount of subject motion.
rescan). Better overlap of inter-scanner data could be achieved than for Gradient nonlinearity in the 300 mT/m system not only causes
intra-scanner data, which might have partially contributed to lower geometrical image distortions, but also spatially varying b-vectors and b-
median MSE values. values (Bammer et al., 2003). To simplify the tasks, the variance in
In addition to travelling heads, physical phantoms can be used to diffusion weighting was not taken into account in the current compari-
detect scanner-specific variabilities and changes, and to correct for such son, and might be a possible explanation for the greater variance in the
variabilities with harmonisation approaches. While such phantoms do 300 mT/m predictions. This information could potentially improve har-
not suffer from age-related or time-of-day effects, they are incapable of monisation with the 300 mT/m system and will be made available.
fully capturing the complexity of biological tissue and regional differ- For the registration to a common space, we have qualitatively
ences associated with this complexity. Furthermore, it can be non-trivial compared different toolboxes, degrees of freedom (linear vs affine), and
to translate the differences observed in physical phantoms to in-vivo input images (FA, B0, mean of the DWI), and observed that the quality of
acquisitions. Nevertheless, learning a scanner-to-scanner mapping from registration varied with the input image and degrees of freedom. Here, we

C.MW. Tax et al. NeuroImage 195 (2019) 285–299

used the mean of the DWI images, but other choices are possible, such as values are compared across subjects. In this work, we evaluate pre-
b0 images, FA, or a multi-contrast approach. Rigid (translation and rota- dictions of the data at the reference site and compare to the acquired
tion) registration to a common space for each subject was generally not ground truth in native space. Evaluating algorithms by their ability to
sufficient to achieve good alignment. This indicates that residual distor- remove statistical group differences would be possible, but would likely
tions remain that were not corrected during preprocessing. Nonlinear benefit from larger cohorts. The challenge setup is therefore in part
registration was used for the 40 mT/m data to simultaneously correct for motivated by the sample size.
susceptibility distortions in the phase encoding direction, while affine MNE and MSE were computed to assess accuracy and precision. In
registration was used for all the other data. Full nonlinear registration is addition to comparing low-level error metrics and reduce this down to a
envisioned to give better overlap, but the interaction between local de- score for the overall performance of a harmonisation approach, an alter-
formations and the orientational information present in the DWIs adds a native evaluation can be targeted to a particular task; for example, the
layer of complexity. Therefore, for this work, we decided to stick to affine harmonisation of values along selected tracts reconstructed with trac-
transformations, but addressing the remaining distortions between scan- tography or the ability to discriminate patients and controls. While this
ners after preprocessing is an important issue general to harmonisation would give a clearer picture of harmonisation performance for the task at
that should be addressed in future work. In Supplementary Material 4, we hand, it remains unclear how these results extend among different tasks.
show a qualitative comparison of the registrations for one subject, and we Misalignments between scanners both in the training data and test
report the decrease of mean squared error that could be achieved with full data can influence the results. For this reason, a registration step was
nonlinear registration of the test subjects, compared to the registration included in the preprocessing pipeline so that misregistration would affect
performed in the current evaluation. The MSE were all lower than 0.016, all harmonisation algorithms to the same extent. While misalignments can
and the 300 mT/m ST registration showed the lowest improvement in vary in a non-systematic way owing to inter-individual differences, sys-
MSE with full nonlinear registration, followed by 80 mT/m SA, 300 mT/m tematically bad performing regions may have suffered from this to a larger
SA, and 40 mT/m ST. We also report the mean of the Jacobian determi- extent. None of the entrants reported additional registration steps, so it
nant, reflecting how much local deformation was necessary. can be expected that misregistration would affect all harmonisation al-
gorithms to a similar degree. It is envisioned that optimised registration
4.3. Evaluation procedure will not only improve the learned mapping between scanners, but may
also reduce the errors observed in the evaluation stage.
The evaluation in this study was performed on a global, regional, and
local level, and different diffusion metrics were derived. The results 4.4. Implications and recommendations
suggest that the relative performance of algorithms strongly depends on
the metric evaluated, and that the harmonisation can thus be tuned to- From the results, some broad trends become apparent. For the
wards the metric of interest. The current work focused on the presenta- scanner-to-scanner mapping, the best performing algorithms give a good
tion of the harmonisation-benchmark database and a first evaluation of consistency across subjects (in terms of global MSE, Fig. 6), but less
harmonisation algorithms on this database, where the evaluation was consistency across regions (Fig. 7). Fig. 7 shows differences in regional
specifically targeted at metrics that are most widely used in clinical error scores for all algorithms between WM and GM: metrics that
studies (e.g. DTI features from single-shell data). This can be extended in describe anisotropy (i.e. FA and R2) have larger MSE in WM, whereas MD
future work in multiple ways. Evaluation of higher-order metrics, e.g. and R0 have more comparable MSE in WM vs GM. For most metrics and
RISH metrics derived from the 4th and 6th spherical harmonic order, harmonisation algorithms, median localised MNE of <5% could be ob-
could provide further insight into the performance of the signal harmo- tained for both scanners (with values of <1% for the best performing
nisation, but the precision of their estimates can be lower. For higher algorithms), however, also localised MNE of >15% were observed.
order metrics, it would be interesting to investigate the impact of the For the angular- and spatial-resolution enhancement, median local-
number of gradient directions when the resolution is higher and the SNR ised MNE of <5% and <1% could be obtained for the 80 mT/m and
lower, as is the case in the resolution enhancement task. In addition, as 300 mT/m scanner respectively, but only for isotropic measures (MD and
multi-shell dMRI data is becoming more readily available, harmonisation R0). A possible explanation is that local variations in MD and R0 are
algorithms should be extended to accommodate data acquired with smaller (e.g. at WM/GM interfaces) such that spatial misalignment
multiple b-values. The presented database includes dMRI data with problems could be less pronounced. Machine learning techniques prob-
multiple b-values, and therefore allows an evaluation of such algorithms ably outperform linear interpolation because they are able to correct
in future work. Finally, the diffusion signals could be compared directly. global offsets. In contrast, FA and R2 are anisotropy measures that have
However, the actual diffusion measurements include B1 transmit-, clear ‘edges’ at WM/GM interfaces, hence co-registration issues can be
amplifier-, and receive effects, and their multiplicative scaling is arbi- amplified. FCSNet is most consistently well-performing, and its use of a
trary. An additional prediction of this scale for each scan would be larger local neighbourhood could be beneficial to ameliorate such issues.
necessary and therefore adds another layer of complexity. In this first The good performance of the reference interpolation compared to ma-
evaluation we have therefore opted for the evaluation of summary chine learning-based methods might indicate that some blurring might
metrics that are independent of this scale, but the evaluation of indi- improve the results, but too much blurring is detrimental in most cases
vidual predicted diffusion signals can be performed in future work. (Supplementary Fig. 1).
In this work, the aim was to harmonise the DWIs directly in native It is important to consider these numbers in the light of the magni-
space (as for example also done in Mirzaalian et al. (2016)), as opposed to tudes of the effects-of-interest in group studies, which are often smaller
harmonising feature maps such as DTI-derived metrics (Fortin et al., than the 15% mentioned above. While harmonisation approaches should
2017; Jahanshad et al., 2013; Kochunov et al., 2014; Pohl et al., 2016; remove differences across sites, inter-individual differences and differ-
Venkatraman et al., 2015). The direct harmonisation of DWIs is benefi- ences between the healthy control and disease population should be
cial in that any metric can later be compared between groups, and it preserved after harmonisation. We see our database as a first significant
potentially allows to better capture certain complex variations as step towards a general benchmarking of harmonisation methods in
opposed to harmonising particular features alone. Performing the map- healthy controls. A breadth of different microstructural architectural
ping in atlas space can be beneficial if the data is analysed in this common paradigms can already be seen across the young healthy brain; from
space to avoid the additional back-projection step to native space (e.g. in isotropic CSF, to isotropic gray matter, to white matter with multiple
voxel-based analysis), but harmonisation in native space allows the use of crossing fibres, to white matter with single fibres and different degrees of
approaches that analyse the data without registration to an atlas, e.g. anisotropy, as well as different degrees of partial voluming with isotropic
tract-based approaches where tractography is performed and mean-tract configurations. Depending on the degree of microstructural changes, this

C.MW. Tax et al. NeuroImage 195 (2019) 285–299

may or may not fall within the range of microstructural architectural gradient directions to improve outlier detection and reduce the effect
paradigms that can be predicted from healthy controls. Nevertheless, it of outlier rejection (Chang et al., 2005; Collier et al., 2015; Mangin
would be reasonable to expect that if harmonisation algorithms have et al., 2002; Sairanen et al., 2018; Tax et al., 2015). Not appropriately
been reported to work well for the dataset present here, that they will correcting for such artifacts can result in increased variability and can
likely work well on training databases that include a wider age range and impose extra challenges to harmonisation algorithms.
pathological cases. This could also potentially be assessed by synthetic 4) Likewise, differences in preprocessing and model estimation strate-
experiments and data augmentation, as e.g. in Mirzaalian et al. (2016). gies between different scanners can introduce additional variability,
To assess the impact on real-world analysis tasks, such as group- or and such pipelines should be matched whenever possible.
longitudinal studies where large samples are necessary to detect small 5) Point-to-point mapping between different subjects and different
effects, power analyses could be performed. For example, one could work scanners by means of a registration procedure deserves attention;
out the reduction in the total number of participants needed across the residual distortions after preprocessing can be observed.
scanners to see a given effect size. Alternatively, for a fixed number of 6) In the case of a clear hypothesis of the region or tract involved in the
participants, one could compute what effect size could be detected. The phenomenon under investigation one could perform a more in-depth
exact computation depends on the choice of effect size (Lakens, 2013). investigation of measurement variability than global error measures.
Scan-rescan errors can serve as a good estimate of the inherent variability
and lower bound performance of all harmonisation algorithms, and 4.5. Obtaining the data
therefore of the smallest changes that can realistically be observed. The
current results suggest that in scanner-to-scanner mapping, harmo- The database is available to the public, to encourage further devel-
nisation approaches can reduce the variability for the metrics investi- opment of harmonisation approaches and to further evaluate e.g. the use
gated, with the best performing algorithms approaching the range of of machine learning vs alternative methods, using spatial context vs not
scan-rescan reproducibilities. using spatial context, and employing data augmentation techniques. In-
Based on the exercise of data harmonisation as performed in this formation on how to obtain the data can be found on the following
study, we highlight a few recommendations for data harmonisation in webpage:
future multi-centre studies, covering different stages of the analysis aging-centre/research/projects/cross-scanner-and-cross-protocol-diffusi
pipeline: on-MRI-data-harmonisation.

1) Variability between acquisitions on different scanners should be 5. Conclusion

reduced by matching of protocols as much as possible. This can be a
challenge in itself as different platforms do not always allow perfect In conclusion, cross-scanner and cross-protocol measurement vari-
matching. One should consider main parameters such as spatial res- ability challenges multi-centre studies. In this study, we have presented a
olution, TE, number and distribution of gradient directions, and b- benchmarking database to test and evaluate harmonisation approaches
value; but also other parameters such as parallel imaging, multiband, for cross-scanner and cross-protocol mapping. The harmonisation ap-
partial Fourier, and reconstruction settings. It is envisioned that better proaches proposed significantly reduce variability in multi-vendor
matching will lead to better a priori harmonisation, but a reduction in diffusion scans with comparable protocols, but challenges in spatial-
measurement variability can still be achieved in the case of non- and angular resolution enhancement of features that characterise
perfect matching, as illustrated in this study. The question which anisotropy remain. Before widespread deployment of harmonisation
parameters have the largest effect is challenging to answer and can be schemes for large multi-site studies, it would be important to perform
the subject of future studies. more rigorous testing, e.g. in other training sets. In future work, the
2) Because of the effect sizes typically found in diffusion MRI studies, a benchmarking database will be utilised to evaluate harmonisation ap-
travelling head and/or travelling phantom study should ideally be proaches for multi-shell diffusion MRI data and the influence of pre-
performed on all the scanners involved in the study, as well as a processing on the performance of harmonisation.
characterisation of scan-rescan variability. This requires subjects to
be scanned and re-scanned across different sites and between pro- Acknowledgements
tocols, but potentially also before and after every software update.
Training datasets on the order of 10 subjects, as used in this work, CMWT is supported by a Rubicon grant (680-50-1527) from the
could be a logistic and financial burden on a study if the sample size is Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research and Wellcome Trust
small. However, it could be argued that if a research question requires grant (096646/Z/11/Z). This project has received funding under the
a seriously large sample size that demands a multi-site study, the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
proportional cost and administrative burden of scanning a few sub- under grant agreement No. 634541 and from Engineering and Physical
jects on both sites is manageable and could be justified by the Sciences Research Council (EPSRC EP/R006032/1, M020533/1), fund-
advantage of reliable harmonisation and increased statistical power. ing FG. SSJ is supported by the Fonds de Recherche du Quebec - Nature et
Unless the patient group is exceedingly rare and a multi-site study is Technologies (Dossier 192865). AL and SSJ are supported by VIDI Grant
required to achieve even a small sample size, studies with small 639.072.411 from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.
sample sizes may as well be performed at a single site. Future work RT acknowledges funding from Microsoft Research. DCA and AG
should assess this trade-off, and compare to a group-based approach acknowledge funding from EPSRC grants N018702 M020533 L022680.
where different subjects scanned on different scanners are matched DEJL and DKJ were supported by MRC grant MR/K004360/1. Scan costs
and used for harmonisation. were supported by the National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) with
3) Accurate characterisation and detection of artifacts on each scanner is funds from Health and Care Support Wales and by the Wellcome Trust.
important to improve a priori harmonisation (that is, prior to applying JV is a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO;
harmonisation algorithms as described in this study). To this end, grant number 12S1615N). LN is supported in part by NIH grants
acquiring additional data for improved artefact correction is recom- R21MH115280 and R21MH116352.
mended. One can think of acquiring reversed-phase encoding images
or field maps for the correction of susceptibility distortions (Ander- Appendix A. Supplementary data
sson et al., 2003; Irfanoglu et al., 2015), noise maps for the charac-
terisation of noise distributions (Froeling et al., 2016) and denoising Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
(e.g. (St-Jean et al., 2016; Veraart et al., 2016c)), and additional org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.01.077.

C.MW. Tax et al. NeuroImage 195 (2019) 285–299

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