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Deep Convolutional Neural Network Framework With Multi-Modal Fusion For Alzheimer's Detection

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International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems (IJRES)

Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2024, pp. 179∼191

ISSN: 2089-4864, DOI: 10.11591/ijres.v13.i1.pp179-191 ❒ 179

Deep convolutional neural network framework with

multi-modal fusion for Alzheimer’s detection
Manoj Kumar Sharma1 , M. Shamim Kaiser2 , Kanad Ray3
1 Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University, Rajasthan, India
2 Institute
of Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
3 Amity School of Applied Sciences, Amity University, Rajasthan, India

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: The biomedical profession has gained importance due to the rapid and accu-
rate diagnosis of clinical patients using computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) tools.
Received Dec 21, 2022
The diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) using complemen-
Revised Apr 28, 2023 tary multimodalities can improve the quality of life and mental state of patients.
Accepted May 8, 2023 In this study, we integrated a lightweight custom convolutional neural network
(CNN) model and nature-inspired optimization techniques to enhance the per-
Keywords: formance, robustness, and stability of progress detection in AD. A multi-modal
fusion database approach was implemented, including positron emission tomog-
Alzheimer disease raphy (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets, to create a fused
Convolutional neural network database. We compared the performance of custom and pre-trained deep learn-
Magnetic resonance imaging ing models with and without optimization and found that employing nature-
Nature-inspired inspired algorithms like the particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) algo-
Particle swarm optimization rithm significantly improved system performance. The proposed methodology,
algorithm which includes a fused multimodality database and optimization strategy, im-
Positron emission tomography proved performance metrics such as training, validation, test accuracy, preci-
sion, and recall. Furthermore, PSO was found to improve the performance of
pre-trained models by 3-5% and custom models by up to 22%. Combining dif-
ferent medical imaging modalities improved the overall model performance by
2-5%. In conclusion, a customized lightweight CNN model and nature-inspired
optimization techniques can significantly enhance progress detection, leading to
better biomedical research and patient care.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Manoj Kumar Sharma
Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University
SP-1, Kant Kalwar, RIICO Industrial Area, NH-11C, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurological brain condition that permanently damages the brain cells
that are responsible for thinking and remembering. In the United States, AD affects around 5.7 million people,
making it the sixth biggest cause of mortality, according to facts and figures from 2018 [1]. The datasets
of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as modality-1 and positron emission tomography (PET) as modality-
2 are used to diagnose AD. These modalities are combined to produce a dataset that is significantly more
varied and trustworthy [2]. The data-fused dataset contributes to the robustness of the deep learning (DL)
models. Although there are several categorization algorithms in use today, DL has captured the attention of all
academics due to its adaptability and ability to generate the best results [3].

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180 ❒ ISSN: 2089-4864

The study also found that the DL network was able to detect early signs of Alzheimer’s in brain
images with high accuracy. These findings suggest that DL networks could be used to develop early detection
and prediction tools for AD [4]. Accuracy increased with a hybrid architecture built on transfer learning. High-
level features like edges, patterns, and other features are easily recognized by pre-trained models [5]. The deep
neural networks (DNN) based models’ performance is highly influenced by their hyper-parameters [6].
The performance of DNNs is heavily dependent on the hyper-parameters, which are values set be-
fore the training process, including the learning rate, batch size, and number of layers. The optimal hyper-
parameters can result in a more efficient and robust model, but it is much harder to identify the optimal values
for the hyper-parameters than it seems. With the advancements in the DNN’s architectures, the need for ef-
fective optimization algorithms to search for optimal values also increased and became more important than
ever. Recently, nature-inspired optimization algorithms are one such algorithm that has helped researchers
immensely in this regard [7]. Therefore, researchers dealing with extensive and intricate datasets in DL mod-
els have come to rely on nature-inspired optimization algorithms as a crucial tool. The rest of the paper is
structured as follows; section 2 includes a review of recent and highly relevant literature; section 3 explains
the suggested approach; section 4 lists the availability of the data and materials used; section 5 describes the
results and discussion; and sections 6 discuss the conclusion, limitations, and future scope of the current work

Islam and Zhang [8] created an extremely deep convolutional model and displayed the outcomes on
the open access series of imaging studies (OASIS) database. Brain MRI dataset is used to detect and classify
AD (critical neurological brain disorder) through the very deep convolutional network (DCN). The proposed
model is based on the pre-trained CNN model named Inception and the parameters i.e., weights were optimized
using a gradient-based optimization algorithm named root-mean-squared-propagation (RMSProp).
Ghoniem [9] proposed a DL approach to diagnosing liver cancer. These are two key contributions of
this method. Firstly, segNet is used to separate the liver from the abdominal scans, U-net model is used for
lesion extraction, and artificial bee colony (ABC) optimization named SegN et + U N et + ABC is used for the
proposed novel hybrid segmentation technique to extract liver lesions. Secondly, a hybrid technique proposed
named LeN et + 5 + ABC is used to extract features and classify the liver lesions. The final result shows
that the SegN et + U N et + ABC technique is better compared to other techniques regarding convergence
time, dice index, correlation coefficient, and jaccard index. The leNet-5/ABC model performs better regarding
computational time, F-1 score, accuracy, and specificity. Ismael et al. [10] proposed an enhanced approach
of residual networks to classify brain tumor types. The proposed model is evaluated on a benchmark dataset
having 3,064 MRI images of three brain tumor types (meningiomas, gliomas, and pituitary). On the same
dataset, the proposed model’s accuracy of 98% was the highest. Joo et al. [11] developed a DL method for
automatic detection and localization of intracranial aneurysms and evaluation of the performance. A three-
dimensional framework (ResNet) related to the DL algorithm is determined by the trained set. The results
gave positive predictive, sensitivity, and specificity of 91.5%, 85.7%, and 98.0% for the external testing set and
92.8%, 87.1%, and 92.0% for the internal testing set, respectively.
Kim et al. [12] developed a computer-assisted detection scheme with the help of a convolutional neu-
ral network (CNN)-based model on an image of 3D digital-subtraction angiography for smaller-size aneurysm
ruptures. A retrospective dataset comprising 368 subjects was utilized as a training cohort for CNNs with
the TensorFlow platform. Six-direction aneurysm image of each patient is attained and region-of-interest is
extracted from each image. Jnawali et al. [13] presented DNN-based to predict brain hemorrhage, based
on the CT imagery data. The presented architecture’s first three-dimensional CNN is used to extract fea-
tures and detect brain hemorrhage using logistic function as the last layer of the network. Finally, proposed
three different 3D CNN algorithms to improve the performance of machine learning (ML) algorithms. Shi
et al. [14] proposed a specific DL based method that has a good understanding of image quality and is vali-
dated with various architectures. Several experiments are conducted in cohorts, externally, and internally, in
which it achieves an improved lesion in terms of enhancement and sensitivity on the subject level. Chen et
al. [15] presented an artificial intelligence technology to improve the performance of the magnetic-induction-
tomography (MIT) inverse problem. Four DL methods, including stacked autoencoders (SAE), deep belief
networks (DBN), denoising autoencoders (DAE), and restricted boltzmann machines (RBM) are used to solve

Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2024: 179–191
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst ISSN: 2089-4864 ❒ 181

the nonlinear recreation problem of MIT, and then the results of the back-projection method and DL methods
are compared. Solorio-Ramı́rez et al. [16] presented a new pattern identification algorithm based on the im-
plementation of minimalist-machine-learning (MML) and a higher relevant attribute selection technique called
dMeans. Afterward, to conduct the identification through CT brain images the proposed algorithm performance
is examined and compared with k-nearest neighbors (KNN), multilayer perceptron (MLP), Naı̈ve Bayes (NB),
AdaBoost, random forests (RF), and support vector machine (SVM) classifiers. Phan et al. [17] presented a
new method based on the DL algorithm and hounsfield unit system. The proposed method not only describes
the level and duration of hemorrhage but also classifies the brain hemorrhagic region on the MRI image. To
select the most suitable method for classification three neural network systems are compared and evaluated.
Due to its importance in medical diagnostics, computer vision, and the internet of things, multimodal medical
imaging has become a hot research area in the scientific community in recent years [18]-[20]. In order to detect
AD progression based on the late fusion of MRI, demographics, neuropsychological, and apolipoprotein E4
(APOe4) genetic data, Spasov et al. [21] suggested a multimodal single-task classification model based on
a CNN. Kumar et al. [22] integration of anatomical and functional modalities for the early identification of
malignant tissue is one of the significant clinical applications of medical imaging fusion.

In this section, the proposed method framework for AD detection was provided by the author. The
multi-modal datasets were downloaded from the website and stored on the hard drive. These stored Alzheimer’s
databases were manually separated into two modalities MRI and PET scan on the basis of patients with and
without AD. Then these images are pre-processed with format changing, image registration, segmentation, and
resizing done through MATLAB code. After pre-processing, the fusion process was implemented and the fused
data were stored in a MATLAB drive. Using this augmented datastore of fused images, the DCNN custom and
pre-trained networks are trained, validated, and evaluated. To achieve the best outcomes, the nature-inspired
particle swarm optimization (PSO) and Bayesian algorithm are used with custom and pre-trained models for
hyper-parameter tuning. Results were eventually gathered and evaluated. The multi-modal data fusion process
and optimization workflow of the system is shown in Figure 1 and can be observed from top to bottom. In
this paper, the author has used two databases Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI) and Kaggle.
The pre-processing was done on MRI and PET.dicom images that were converted into the .jpg format using
the MATLAB program. Images that have been converted to JPEG format can be analyzed and stored more
effectively, which raises diagnostic accuracy [23]. Relying less on specialized DICOM image viewer tools to
see medical images [24]. The workflow of the suggested technique is briefly outlined. The MRI and PET
images were initially pre-processed and converted to JPEG format before being used in the multi-modal data
fusion technique. After that, nature-inspired optimization techniques and conventional optimization techniques
were utilized to optimize the hyper-parameters. After that, the custom and pre-trained models were trained
with and without optimized hyper-parameters on the fused datasets. Finally, these trained models were tested
and the outcomes of each model can be compared and evaluated to determine the most effective approach.
This workflow has the potential to improve the accuracy and reliability of ML models in medical imaging
applications, allowing for more precise diagnoses and treatment planning.
MRI scans provide a detailed description of the brain, including gray and white matter, and PET scans
measure levels of certain metabolites in the brain. Combining these two data sources provides a powerful tool
for accurately diagnosing and predicting AD [25]. Then these two multi-modal images were undergone through
the fusion process and the fused database was created. The use of multiple modalities in data collection helps
to mitigate the impact of any inherent biases that may exist in a single modality. By merging different sources
of data, a more holistic perspective of the subject matter can be attained, resulting in a more thorough compre-
hension of it. Figure 2 is a pictorial representation of the steps followed from data collection to categorizing
the fused datasets in train and test folders for both ADNI and Kaggle fused datasets. An interactive and simple
fusion process is implemented in MATLAB, as demonstrated in Figure 3. This graphical user interface (GUI)
in MATLAB, which was made using the MATLAB app designer named data fusion, is used to achieve the
fusion process. These fused datasets were utilized to train the pre-trained deep convolutional neural networks
(DCNN) like custom CNN, AlexNet, MobileNetV2, and GoogLeNet using a DL toolbox in MATLAB. Addi-
tionally, the use of a GUI for data fusion can help reduce the time and effort required for data preprocessing,
enabling more efficient experimentation and analysis of multi-modal data.

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Modality-1 Modality-2

and cleaning of
the data

Fusion Process
done by the Matlab App

Modal Data Fusion Process


Training and Validation

deep CNN
Hyper Parameters Tunning Process
Nature Inspired
Custom Model Optimization
Custom Model

Testing of the Training and Validation

trained Models
to Predict
Optimized Optimized Pre-
Alzheimer Custom Model trained Model

Vertical Container

Results of both optimized and Testing of the

without optimization optimized trained Models
of Custom CNN and Pretrained Models to Predict
were obtained Alzheimer

Figure 1. The multi-modal data fusion process and nature-inspired hyper-parameters optimization workflow
of our proposed framework for diagnosing AD

Train data
AD Fused
PET Test data
Image Fusion

Database Train Data
Data MRI set
Preparation NC
NC Fused
Test Data

Figure 2. Steps to achieve multi-modal fusion with ADNI and Kaggle databases

Figure 3. A fusion MATLAB app interface is shown to achieve multi-modal fusion with ADNI and Kaggle

Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2024: 179–191
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst ISSN: 2089-4864 ❒ 183

The procedures for training and testing the optimized pre-trained models are shown in Figure 4. Before
training the pre-trained CNN models, they are optimized using a nature-inspired algorithm. Then a test dataset
was used to test whether the trained model was performing well or not. If not, then further iterations were
required to optimize the hyper-parameters of the selected DCNN network.
The concept of the transfer learning approach is illustrated in Figure 5. In transfer learning, pre-
trained weights are transferred to predict a new, similar task with some changes in the last layers. This was
accomplished with MATLAB to speed up the training and testing process using transfer learning.

Fused Dataset

Test Dataset Train dataset

Hyper parameter Training With

pretrained Deep
Tuning {Nature Inspired Neural Networks

MobileNet-V2 AlexNet GoogleNet


Transfer Learning
Test the
selected Model

YES Results Stored

Best Model Selected

based onAccuracy,
Result display

Result Performance Matrix,

Model Recall
Performance &
Stored Precision

Figure 4. The transfer learning approach used on to the DCNN with hyper-parameter optimization techniques
with multi-modal fused datasets

Convolution Layers

Dense Layer

database Classify
>1 million Images
1000 classes

Trained Network

Transfer Learning

Edit final layers

Fused database

2 classes

Dense Layer

Convolution Layers

Figure 5. The transfer learning approach used to increase the performance of selected DCNN

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3.1. Pre-trained models architectures

3.1.1. AlexNet
AlexNet was the winner of ILSRVRC’2012 challenge [26]. It has an 8-layer deep architecture, which
consists of five convolutional layers and three max pooling layers after the first, second, and fifth layers respec-
tively, and ReLu is used as an activation function. The max pooling layers are overlapped with strides 2 and a
filter size of 3×3 to reduce the error. These layers are followed by two dense layers with softmax to perform
the predictions. The AlexNet architecture has been used for image classification, scene recognition, and object
detection [27]-[29].

3.1.2. GoogLeNet
ILSRVRC’2014 was won by Google architecture, which had fewer errors than the runner-up VGG,
and the previous winner AlexNet. The architecture of GoogLeNet consists of 22 layers [30]. The architecture is
a combination of 1×1 convolutional layers, an inception module, global average pooling layers, and auxiliary
classifiers. The concept of 1×1 was used to minimize the parameters, i.e., weights and biases, to lower the
computational cost with a much deeper network. The inception module consists of different sizes of CNN
layers, i.e., 1×1, 3×3, and 5×5, and a max pooling layer of size 3×3, working in parallel to extract deep
features from the objects of different sizes on a larger scale. The auxiliary classifiers are used by the inception
architecture to calculate the loss at different stages during the training and add them to the final loss with weights
valued at 0.3 to generate the overall loss. The auxiliary classifiers assist in overcoming the gradient vanishing
problem and in regularization. Google has been widely used in object detection and face recognition [31], [32].

3.1.3. MobileNetV2
MobileNetV2 is also known as the “lightweight” model, which has a comparatively much lower com-
plexity cost that makes it suitable for mobile devices. The architecture consists of depth-wise convolution
and point-wise convolution. In the depth-wise convolution, a single convolutional filter is applied to each in-
put signal to perform lightweight filtering, whereas, in the point-wise convolution, 1×1 convolution-based is
performed to extract deep features by computing linear combinations between the input channels. Table 1 sum-
marizes and the pre-trained CNN architectures are compared. That was already utilized for object detection
and recognition across vast numbers of classes [33].

Table 1. Comparison of the pre-trained CNN architectures

Pre-trained CNN models Depth Size (MB) Parameters (Million) Input size layers
AlexNet 8 227 61 227×227×3 25
GoogLeNet 22 27 7 224×224×3 144
ResNet-18 18 44 11.7 224×224×3 71
MobileNetV2 53 13 3.5 224×224×3 154

3.2. Custom convolutional neural network model

A traditional CNN model consists of convolutional layers followed by pooling layers to extract the
deep features. The multi-dimensional features are then flattened into 1-dimensional features, followed by fully
connected layers to perform classification. A block diagram for a typical CNN is shown in Figure 6. In this
paper, the customized CNN model consists of three convolutional layers, with a max-pooling layer coming
after each. The initial CNN layer contains 32 kernels of 5×5 size with an l2 regularizer; the subsequent layers
contain 8 filters of the same size. The sigmoid is used as an activation function in each layer.

Figure 6. CNN block diagram

Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2024: 179–191
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst ISSN: 2089-4864 ❒ 185

3.3. Optimization algorithms

Optimization algorithms are an essential component of DL model development. They help to search
for the optimal values for the hyper-parameters of the DNNs, such as l1 regularization, l2 regularization, learn-
ing rate, and the number of filters. The choice of the optimization algorithm can significantly impact the
model’s performance, and researchers have developed various algorithms to optimize the hyper-parameters. In
this study, we will focus on two popular optimization algorithms: PSO and the Bayesian optimization algo-
3.3.1. Particle swarm optimization
PSO is inspired by the movement of a flock of birds or a group of fish, where all of the individuals can
benefit from the discovery of one of the fish or birds. PSO doesn’t require a gradient, unlike other statistical
optimization algorithms, which means the differentials are also not needed, which makes it simple and compu-
tationally cheap. In the PSO algorithm, a position vector of a it h particle at iteration t i.e., X i (t)=(xi (t), y i (t)),
which has the coordinates and the velocity of each particle i.e., V i (t)=(vxi (t), vyi (t)) are used to locate and up-
date the position of particle after each iteration as shown in (1) and (2), until the optimal value, is not achieved
or the global minimum of some function f (x, y) is not found. The pseudocode for the algorithm is shown in
Figure 7.

X i (t + 1)=X i (t) + V i (t + 1) (1)

i i
V i (t + 1)=wV i (t) + c1 r1 (pbest − X i (t)) + c2 r2 (gbest − X i (t)) (2)
i i t
In 2, the pbest and gbest the ideal nearby location discovered by a i h particle and global best position by all
the particles in the swarm.

Figure 7. PSO pseudocode

3.3.2. Bayesian optimization

Bayesian optimization works on Bayes theorem as in (3) to direct search for the optimal solutions.
This algorithm uses the acquisition function, i.e., expected improvement, to select a sample from the space
and the objective function, i.e., Gaussian process regression, to compute the cost or root mean squared error
(RMSE). After the cost calculation, the data is updated, and the process is repeated until the global maximum
is not reached.
P (B/A) ∗ P (A)
P (A/B)= (3)
P (B)
After the simplification, by removing the normalizing factor i.e., P(B), to make it a proportional quantity, and
also the object is to optimize the quantity, not to calculate the individual probability, the (3) becomes (4).

P (A/B)=P (B/A) ∗ P (A) (4)

Deep convolutional neural network framework with multi-modal fusion for ... (Manoj Kumar Sharma)
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3.3.3. Hyper-parameters optimization

Hyper-parameters are essential factors that influence the performance of DL models. To achieve
optimal values for these hyper-parameters, optimization algorithms are applied. This study employs two opti-
mization algorithms, PSO, and Bayesian optimization algorithm, for the purpose. Two types of models, custom
models, and pre-trained models were tested and trained. For a CNN, the initial values, and acceptable range of
values for the hyper-parameters depend on the specific network architecture, data, and task.
The study conducted fine-tuning experiments on both custom models and pre-trained models, using
various hyper-parameters. For the custom models, the hyper-parameters included the number of convolutional
layers, the learning rate, the number of kernels or filters, and the L2 regularization parameter. The initial range
for these hyper-parameters was as follows: i) the number of convolutional layers ranged from 1 to 8, ii) the
learning rate ranged from 1e− 2 to 1, iii) the number of kernels or filters ranged from 1 to 32, and iv) the L2
regularization parameter ranged from 1e− 10 to 1e− 2.
On the other hand, for the pre-trained models (GoogLeNet, MobileNetV2, and AlexNet), the hyper-
parameters used for fine-tuning were the number of filters and convolutional layers, the learning rate, and
the L2 regularization parameter. Specifically, the number of filters and convolutional layers were determined
based on Table 1, while: i) the learning rate ranged from 1e− 2 to 1, and ii) the L2 regularization parameter
ranged from 1e− 10 to 1e− 2. After applying PSO optimization to the obtained optimal hyper-parameter values
with 0.922 initial learning rate, 1.0779 convolutional layers, and 0.0035 L2 regularisation, the model produced
the best results. In terms of computational time, the performance of PSO and Bayesian optimization was
compared on several test functions. While results varied across the experiments, it was generally observed that
PSO converged to the global optimum in an average of 10-20 iterations, while Bayesian optimization required
around 50-100 iterations.


Our study developed an optimized DCNN with a multi-modal fusion approach for detecting AD, using
two datasets: the ADNI dataset [34] and the Alzheimer’s dataset on Kaggle [35]. Figure 8 illustrates the age
distribution of participants based on gender and group. Specifically, Figure 8(a) shows the age distribution
of male and female participants with AD, while Figure 8(b) shows the age distribution of male and female
participants in the normal control (NC) group.
The Kaggle database is made up of training and testing folders with around 5,000+ photos each,
which are divided into four classes according to the severity of Alzheimer’s: i) MildDemented, ii) VeryMild-
Demented, iii) NonDemented, and iv) ModerateDemeneted. Except for NonDemented, which was maintained
in a different folder for NC categories, all the images were kept in one folder for AD categories. The PET scans
of ADNI AD and NC were then combined with these two distinct Kaggle datasets. These fused databases were
stored for later processing in the test and train folders. The ADNI dataset was split and processed into distinct
databases, and multi-modal fusion pre-processing was performed on the ADNI dataset to create fused databases
for AD and NC categories. Figure 9 shows montages of samples taken from these databases, with Figure 9(a)
displaying samples from the AD category and Figure 9(b) displaying samples from the NC category.

(a) (b)
Figure 8. Distribution of participants based on gender and age (a) with AD and (b) in the NC group

Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2024: 179–191
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst ISSN: 2089-4864 ❒ 187


Figure 9. Montages of MRI and PET fused images for both AD and NC categories sample of
(a) PET MRI AD FUSED IMG image and (b) PET MRI NC FUSED IMG image


In this section, the obtained results from numerous and divergent experimentation’s are discussed. As
the pre-trained models have large architectures and some layers need to be frozen down in order to have fast
and effective training. And, also the pre-trained weights to be loaded as the retraining of the model having
complicated architecture on larger datasets like ImageNet comprising millions of images with 1,000 different
classes, requires a lot of computation. Thus it is not suitable for smaller datasets to use larger architectures,
that’s why pre-trained weights are loaded, and then transfer learning is performed to make the architecture
suitable for a custom dataset. So, initially three famous pre-trained architectures i.e., AlexNet, GoogLeNet,
and MobileNetV2 are trained and tested on both ADNI and Kaggle datasets and results are reported. Secondly,
a custom model, with comparatively fewer complications, is also trained on a custom dataset and the obtained
results are documented. Thirdly, optimization algorithms i.e. Bayesian, PSO, and GA are applied to custom
models to optimize their hyper-parameters. In general, it is observed that the optimization algorithm results in
improvement from 2 to 7%. Secondly, in the case of the custom model, which is at least 4 to 6 times lighter
than pre-trained models, over 20% of improvement was observed i.e., test accuracy of 67% was improved to
91.02%, which was higher than AlexNet and MobileNetV2 by over 3 to 5%, as illustrated in Table 2. Table 3
is giving performance metrics results on ADNI fused dataset.
Similarly, considering the datasets, it is observed that the fused dataset of MRI and PET results in an
improvement of 2 to 5% as shown in Table 4. According to Shanmugam et al. [36], GoogLeNet, AlexNet,
and ResNet-18 have achieved 96.39%, 94.08%, and 97.51% accuracy in detecting AD using Uni-Modal (MRI)
images. The multi-modal fusion-based approach using GoogLeNet and AlexNet improves the results by 0.92%
and 5.6% respectively.
Stochastic gradient descent with momentum (SGDM) is more suitable for this problem than adaptive
moment estimation (Adam), as shown in Table 5. The ADNI fused dataset resulted in an average increase of
3% accuracy in all four pre-trained models. Using the PSO optimization algorithm with the ADNI and Kaggle
fused datasets improved results by over 23% and 16%, respectively Table 6. The GoogLeNet and AlexNet
multi-modal fusion approach improved results by 0.92% and 5.6%, respectively.

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The performance comparison of custom and pre-trained DL models on the ADNI fusion dataset
is shown in Figure 10. Figures 10(a) to 10(d) respectively depict the performance of the custom model,
GoogLeNet model, MobileNetV2 model, and AlexNet model. The use of the PSO optimization algorithm
improves the performance of all four models, as observed in the figures. Specifically, the PSO algorithm im-
proves the performance of the custom model in Figure 10(a), GoogLeNet model in Figure 10(b), MobileNetV2
model in Figure 10(c), and AlexNet model in Figure 10(d).

Table 2. Obtained results on ADNI fused dataset

Parameter Model name Training Validation Test Optimizer Optimization
accuracy (%) accuracy (%) accuracy (%) algorithm
Before optimization GoogLeNet 97.19 95.61 96.09 SGDM
96.33 95.6 92.96 Adam
AlexNet 92 90.12 90.23 Adam
99.87 97.56 97.26 SGDM -
MobileNetV2 62.64 60 62.89 Adam
Custom model 77.12 59 67 Adam
70 67 67.45 SGDM
After optimization GoogLeNet 97.77 97.98 96.88 Adam Bayesian
AlexNet 100 100 68.7912 Adam PSO
MobileNetV2 65.62 62 63.12 PSO
Custom model 93.28 89.76 91.02 Adam PSO
72 65.37 65.51 Adam Bayesian

Table 3. Performance metrics results on ADNI fused dataset

Parameter Model name Precision Recall Optimizer Optimization algorithm
Before optimization GoogLeNet 0.9775 0.9158 SGDM
1 0.8317 Adam
AlexNet 0.9325 0.9111 Adam
0.9213 1 SGDM -
MobileNetV2 0.0112 0.125 Adam
Custom model 0.55 0.62 Adam
0.64 0.66 SGDM
After optimization GoogLeNet - - - -
AlexNet - - Adam PSO
MobileNetV2 1 0.3435 PSO
Custom model 0.89 0.92 Adam PSO
0.71 0.73 Adam Bayesian

Table 4. Comparative results of using uni-modal and multi-modal datasets in diagnosing Alzheimer
DCNN models Uni-modal (MRI) Multi-modal fused (MRI+PET)
average accuracy (%) average accuracy (%)
GoogLeNet 96.3 97.19
AlexNet 94.39 99.98
ResNet-18 97.51 75.4
MobileNetV2 - 61.84
Custom model - 68.15

Table 5. Results on the basis of optimizer on multi-modal ADNI fused dataset

DCNN models SGDM Adam
average accuracy (%) average accuracy (%)
GoogLeNet 96.296 94.96
AlexNet 98.23 90.78
MobileNetV2 62.34 61.84
Custom model 68.15 67.706

Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2024: 179–191
Int J Reconfigurable & Embedded Syst ISSN: 2089-4864 ❒ 189

Table 6. PSO optimization on the custom model compared with ADNI and Kaggle fused datasets
Model name ADNI fused Kaggle fused Optimization
Average accuracy (%) Average accuracy (%) algorithm
Custom model 68.15 67.706 Without PSO
91.35 83.77 With PSO

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 10. A comparison of the performance of custom and pre-trained deep learning models on the ADNI
fusion dataset with and without the use of the optimization algorithm (a) the custom model,
(b) the GoogLeNet model, (c) the mobilenetv2 model, and (d) the AlexNet model

In this article, optimized DL models based on an automatic computer-aided AD detection approach
are proposed. The different pre-trained models, including AlexNet, GooLeNet, MobileNetV2, and a custom
model, are assessed using the ADNI and Kaggle datasets. Two optimization algorithms, Bayesian and PSO
are used to optimize the hyper-parameters of the models and the results before and after the optimization
are reported. The performance is evaluated in terms of training accuracy, testing accuracy, validation accuracy,
precision, and recall. It is found that the nature-inspired optimization algorithm i.e., PSO provides better results
on some of the pre-trained models. But when the PSO is applied to the very light custom model can outperform
in comparison to larger pre-trained architectures. This shows that for mobile application development, lighter
customized models should be utilized. The PSO and Bayesian are found to have improved the results by 15%
on average i.e., 2 to 5% in the case of pre-trained models and up to 22% for a custom model. Similarly, the
fused dataset of PET and MRI also contributed to the improvement of overall performance by up to 5%.

We also acknowledge the support of the ADNI data and other open-source databases for approving
the access request. We are assisted in our research effort by software and relevant MATLAB webinars. We are
grateful to MIT, a private research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for offering some of the research
linked to our work that is open-access.

Deep convolutional neural network framework with multi-modal fusion for ... (Manoj Kumar Sharma)
190 ❒ ISSN: 2089-4864

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Manoj Kumar Sharma is working as an assistant professor at the Vidya College of

Engineering, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India. After completion of the masters in VLSI engineering at
the Shobhit University, Meerut. He worked in industries for more than 2 years. In the year 2013,
he joined the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vidya College of Engi-
neering, Meerut. He has supervised various post-graduate theses. He is also mentoring a startup
embedded company named Inst!ller in Meerut with his student. In the year 2015 again, he started
a journey as a researcher in the field of neuroscience and try to build an AI-based disease diagno-
sis medical system to provide better living conditions for people. He can be contacted at email:

Dr. M. Shamim Kaiser is currently serving as a professor at the Institute of Infor-

mation Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. He obtained his bachelor’s and master’s
degrees in applied physics electronics and communication engineering from the University of Dhaka,
Bangladesh in 2002 and 2004 respectively, and completed his Ph.D. in telecommunication engineer-
ing from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Pathumthani, Thailand, in 2010. He has also worked
as a postdoc fellow at Anglia Ruskin University, UK in 2017-2018 and as a special research student at
Tohoku University, Japan in 2008. His interests include various areas such as data analytics, machine
learning, wireless networks and signal processing, cognitive radio networks, big IoT data, health-
care, neuroinformatics, and cyber security. He has published over 150 papers in different journals
and conferences. He is also actively involved in various professional organizations, including being
an academic editor of Plos One Journal and an associate editor of the IEEE Access and Cognitive
Computation Journal. He is a life member of the Bangladesh Electronic Society, the Bangladesh
Physical Society, and NOAMI, and a senior member of IEEE, USA, and IEICE, Japan. Additionally,
he volunteers for the IEEE Bangladesh Section and founded the IEEE Bangladesh Section Computer
Society Chapter. He can be contacted at email:

Dr. Kanad Ray is a professor and head of physics at the Amity School of Applied Sci-
ences Physics Amity University Rajasthan (AUR), Jaipur, India. He has obtained M.Sc. and Ph.D.
degrees in physics from Calcutta University and Jadavpur University, West Bengal, India. In an
academic career spanning over 22 years, he has published and presented research papers in several
national and international journals and conferences in India and abroad. He has authored a book
on the Electromagnetic Field Theory. He current research areas of interest include cognition, com-
munication, electromagnetic field theory, antenna and wave propagation, microwave, computational
biology, and applied physics. Presently he is guiding 8 Ph.D. scholars in various interdisciplinary
fields. He has served as editor of the Springer Book Series. Presently he is an associated editor of
the Journal of Integrative Neuroscience published by IOS Press, Netherlands. He has traveled to
more than a dozen countries on different academic missions. He has established an MOU between
his University and the University of Montreal, Canada for various joint research activities. He has
also established collaboration with National Institute for Materials Science(NIMS), Japan for joint
research activities and visits NIMS as a visiting scientist. He organizes international conference se-
ries such as SoCTA and ICOEVCI as general chair. He is currently an IEEE Executive Committee
member of the Rajasthan Subsection. He can be contacted at email:

Deep convolutional neural network framework with multi-modal fusion for ... (Manoj Kumar Sharma)

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